The Exeter Times, 1891-3-12, Page 8IN SDRANOX
RNBafr 4141 IOT,ACE>3.TFon
PPIR ANY '1,'oron of a ao f the P11c,+NOE 0`I$
dJRE ENSiT1i,A>!10E COMPANY. of London,
Englend. the AOYALCASIA.DIAN, of Mons
excel. said the owraBtO MU I I, .111<R
AtitlURANCR, CO'Y of Waterloo established
Ib7+?. d,saurancesiuforceo$13,12,7.400„ Bonuses
every year after 3rd year.
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Xhere isk1
to make
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7,4 33
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� ii a
.n Attractive Stock
of NewWintel Tweeds
Worsteds au;ri il?rolas-
thus, now beth !-3
by GRIG!v TF±
vY . .L . G,
1.1xet t> '
Beautiful sunshine onee more_
The roads are in good shape.
House -keepers are beginning to talk of
house oleaniug time,.
Read Carling Bros' change A$ 'advt' in
this issue.
,See the New Drees Goods for 8* cents
at the Ng Bankrupt Store,
The Exeter roller mills are beingoperat-
1, double time,
Buy your boots and abase at the Big
Bankrupt Store,
Mr J. Gould, of flay tp, lost a valuable
mare this week ; cause of death, influenza,
New spring mantling in great variety at
the Big Bankrupt Store,
A full and complete stock of American
Wall Paper, just opened at the Big Bank-
rupt Store.
The Exeter Orchestra and Glee Club
visited iiei,aall on Taesdaseevg, and took
part iu the Foresters' concert there.
Thefuueralsertinon of the late Simon A.
Jolty was preached by Rev Jasper Wilson
of the Main-st Meth. ehureh on y
evg, last to a large congregation.
The Rev. Mr. Martin will eoinmenee
neirt Sunday evg. a Bourse of sermons on
popular subject, The subject next Sur,'
ay evg w1.1 he "'Mesta of extravagenee."
The localsports visited the Stephen and
Ray a►w•ampa on Monday and were quite
suceesaf,nl in bagging many hue specimen'
of rabbits and other emelt genie.
Prof, Wiggins stated Tuesday that the
Heavieststerm !mown, for some time is now
approaching the American coast from the
North .Atlantne, and will affect the .Do.
Mr A. Q. Dobler,,
butter and egg b,enterprising pur-
a snatched teaau cif bays from Mir
9lttehell, of Crediton, paying a good +turn
for tbetn.t
We regret to hear that Mr D. Grant. of
Seafortb, formerly of Exeter, has neer
laid up for over a week with lung trouble.
Wo hope he may be able to be around
before long.
Mr ,Tanta Ramsay has purehaaed
eel of land on the east side of main atreet,
near the Caven Presbyterian church, and
will have a residence erected thereon
during the conning summer.
Iso coins in at your earliest opportunity
and 4 (,us b=eantiful line of spring ()teas
u,<;, as of every l;rAile, fabric. color, pattern
and price. We have never before shown
sinal a uniformly handsome and desirable
colic tion of new styles. Every piece
E eft 9 particularly new and attractive.
The mann difficulty is to decide which of
the numerous designs shall be thefinal
choice. Our assortment is composed of
the very newest and most fashionable
shades, :materials and patterns for spring
and oommer wear. rhe assortment is
thoroughly complete and embraces goods
of everyeaneeivable grade and price. The
next few weeks will witness sales long to
he retnembered on account of the excell-
ence of the goods, and extensive liberal
figures we place upon this stock.
We have some very new
and special makes in Black
Dress Goods ; also a com-
plete assortment of b11 and
colored Silks and Mervs.
Buy your spring Dress
Goods from us and we will
save good money for you,
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter
MD Onto Tam
THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1891.
Thomas Shipley, who has been in the
business in tloderich, will Move shortly
to Exeter, where, with Mr Bawden, he
will engage is the cattle trade,--(loderieh
Mr Jahn T. Wein, of Stephen, sold a
load of wheat no the Exeter market on
`f nesday which tested 64 lira to the bushel.
The buyers claim it the beetload marketed.
for some time and gave. Mr. Wein $1 per
bushel far it,
At a meeting of the Boer11 of Trade held
Tuesday evg, it was decided to hold a
stock sale on Wednesday. March 18th.
Special digits are being male to make this
sale a auceeaa, and farmers having stock
for sale will do well to note the date.
The anniversary missionary sermons will
be preached in Main at church next Sun-
day, morning and evening, by Rev. J, W.
Holmes. The annual :report, with inter..
eating matter relative to mission work will
be read.
A meeting of the South Huron Farmers'
Institute will be held at Brncefield on the
17th inst. Prof. Dean, of the Ontario AOCollege. will be one of the speakers, of
whish there will be several.
Row does this catch the sporting .fra-
ternity of Huron? This is a copy from an
English paper "A few days since a party
of six gentlemen shot over Sir Henry's
preserve at Thorn's for the second time
this season, and bagged 85 pheasants, 80
rabbits, 4 hares and 1 partridge."
The Women's Missionary Society of the
Methodist churches gave a social in the
James-st church on Wednesday eve+., llth
inst. The evening was favorable and there
was a large attendance, the programbeing
of a hieh order. The social was gotten up
in first class style, characteristic of the
ladies connected with the affair.
Exeter Muaioipal Couuaib
The eonnoil met pursuant to adjournment
at the town hall Pieter March 4th 1891.
All present. The minutes of the previous'
meeting were read and confirmed.
lktr D Johns and Dr Lutz called at-
tention to the defective drain on William,
street, and requested them to repair the
same as soon as possible,
Christie—.Ross--tbat the drain be at-
tended to as soon as practicable. -Carried.
The chief engiueer reported the engines
and apparatus in •s good order as they bad
been for five years, but were not as good
as they might be.
Carling .Christie—that the chief engin-
eer be authorized to secure such help as
may be required to put the engines in the
heat possible repair.—Carried.
Carling—Christie—that Mr \Vii Treble
be re appointed chief engineer, at a salary
of $25 per annum.—Carried.
The auditors' report was received and
the abstract ordered to he published as
formerly on motion of W lz Bissett second-
ed by D A. Roes
A communication aeeompanied with an
aocount of $52 40 for building shed ete on
the market at the town hall, from the
Beard of Trade, waslaidbeforethecouncil
At this juncture the fire alarm Rounded
and the ec uueil repaired to the place indi-
Bated which brought the proceedings to an
abrupt couoiitsion.
M vaeitis rr. Clerk.
Wheat 'Wanted,
We have made a big sale of flour and
want wheat to fill it. We always pay
outside prices at the mill. We still have
some Manitoba wheat chop for sale but
as this wheat is all picked up it will not
Odd fellowship in Ontario.
The record of the work of the Inde-
pendent Order of Oddfellows in Ontario
for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1390, has
been issued from the office of the grand
secretary. Following are some of the
statistics contained in the report : There
are in Ontario 232 lodges, seven having
been instituted and one reinstated dur-
ing the year. The average lodge mem-
bership is seventy-six and a quarter.
The total membership is 17,693, a net
increase of 753 during the year. The
total amount expended in relief was
$71,063.40, an increase of $24.92 per
day over the previous year. The total
assets of the lodges are $633,539.04,and
the lodge funds amount to $686,633.82.
Board of Tiade.;
A meeting of the Board of Trade was
held in the town hall on March 9th,with
the President in the chair, Members
present : J. Farmer, 3, Wood, J. G.
Emery, B. S. O'Neil, L Armstrong.
items passed. Minutes of previous meet-
ing ; Proposition for membership of
Arthur Rollins, per J. Wood ; N. D.
kl urdon and W. Folland to be members;
Stook sale to be held on the town hall
market March 18th, with L. Hardy as
auctioneer. ; per B. S. O'Neil and J.
Wood, J White & Son's acet to be paid;
per B. S. O'Neil and J. Wood, the fol-
lowing sale rates to be asked from the
hotels : Central, $1.50 ; Commercial,
$1; ; Mansion House, $1; Metropolitan,
$1; Per J. Fernier and J. Wood, notice
of stock sale to be inserted in both
papers ;, Per B. S. O'Neil, adjournment
to call ot the chair.
J. Soma, See'y.
On. Friday last Mr Louis Kirk, Kirkton,
while returning home from an auction sale
in 33iohert, and when within a few rods of
his own gate fell over in his cutter and
expired, His two sons were, with him,
Heart disease and a chilling of the blood
the cause of death. Aged 73 years. '
Suits to order very cheap at the Big
Bari erupt Store. Just try.
Easter Sunday falls on March 29th,
The sleighing has again disappeared.
The correct snot for Carpets, Curtains,
and Opaque Blinds, at the Rig ,Bankrupt
Mr, George tlodgine, 08. years of age,
living on the 3r(1 won. of Blddusph, polled
his vote on Thursday. Since coming to
the township over sixty years ago he has
never failed easting a Conservative vote.
On Friday eveuing last, the Dominion
Jubilee singers gave an entertainment in
the Janes-st Meth- church. There were
seven independent soloists all of whom
are descendants of Africa. The eutertain-
taiu(nent was of a high elms and was
thoroughly appreciated by the large assema
Mrs. Richard Seldon, of Ingersoll, is
visiting friends in town.—Mr McTavish,
late of Loth & Co's., St. Marys, par, -
a 4 opening a store in the st1nd re-
tly vacated. by Brumpton Bros.—
J. White has returned from a
visit with friends in London, --111r. W.
J. Verity, is, we are pleased to any, con
valeseing.--The several milliners have
returned from the openings in the cities.
—Mr S. B. Gldloy, of Blyth, was in
town on Monday. ---Miss E. McLachlin,
of Brandon, Manitoba, is visiting friends
in town. --Mr. Geo. Simpson, of Bruce -
orient Monday iu town.—in the
absence of the pastor, Rev A.L. Russell,
the pulpit of the James -at. church will
next Sunday be occupied by Rev Mr
Allan, Centralia, in the morning ; in the
evg. by Rev. Jasper Wilson,—
Mr Bert Knight has returned home from
the Cleveland Cutting School. —Mr. A.
Hastings left on Tuesday morning to
visit his .friends in Port Hope. -Dara.
George Bawden, of Lucan, was visiting
friends in town this week.—Mr. George
Smallacornbe and family left this week
for Dundas where he intenda opening
out a tailor shop,—Mr. Alex. Forsyth
spent Sunday and Monday with his par-
ents in Teeawator.—Miss Nellie Darling
arrived home on Tuesday evening after
spending a few days visiting friends up
north.—Rev. Mr. Russell, of James -at.
Meth. church, attends the anniversary
services at Wardaville next Sunday and
Monday. He will also visit his father
and mother before his retur<i nex tweak.
Mrs. Russell accompanies him.
Mr Wm Bawden. who recently pur-
chased of the Pickard estate, the farm
north of the river. is making preparations
to move his family from Goderich to
Exeter. Mr B will go quite extensively
into stock farming. We welcome himself
and family back 'to Exeter, they having
been former residents of this town.
Mr Alex Colquhoun this week shipped
from the Exeter station a car load of young
mares and hordes to Manitoba, their desti-
nation beide Douglas. They were among
the finest animals that have left the Exeter
station for some time. With many
such shipments, the farmers of Manitoba
will have taken away the beat of Ontario
On Tuesday morning Mr James Strang
and bride left the Exeter station for
Glenboro, Man., wherethey willieside, Jr
Strang owning considerable, land in that
country. A large number of friends were
at the depot to see them off, and we join
them all in wishing the newly wedded
couple e. full measure of prosperity and
happiness. Mr S took considerable stock
with him.
On the first day of January lasc,the new
law respecting dogs came into force. Un-
der this late there is an annual tax of one
dollar on each dog, and two on each bitch
in a municipality, but the law in Ontario
provides that should twenty-five rate
payers petition, the council may pass a
bylaw that the said tax or part of it shall
not be levied iu said municipality. Should
such bylaw not be passed then the collec-
tion of the tax is compulsory on the
Our old friend, Mr James Gordon, of
Lucknow, was in town on Monday, and as
usual, gave the Trees a call. Mr Gordon
has many friends in Exeter, having some
years ago resided here. He was shown
through the Trivitt Memorial church, and
the chimes were rung that he might pass
his opinion upon their tone. Several tunes
were played. Mr. Gordon, who was
familiar with belle, in the Old Country,
was not slow tost
the Trivitt
ate that
Memorial chimes are among the best he
has ever heard.
Government Detective Rogers arrived in
Toronto on Saturday with a prisoner whom
he had brought from Germany on a change.
of forgery. His name is Chester Wilmot
Xourex, who engaged in the seed grain
business rather extensively. and is accused
of forging several bills of exchange on a
private bank in Lucan owned by R. & J.
Fox. The amount involved reaches $4000.
Yourex was arrested a month ago in
Bremen, and held until Detective ' Ro,,ers
arrived to bring him back. ;Chis will be.
gratifying news to many farmers in this.
section, It is expected that he will make
a confession.
We have just opened up a large consignment
of imported Prints among which will be found all
the correct things for this season's wear. We have
tall .rices but would call special attention
them a prices, sp n
to our extra wide cloths at 122c. They are beautiful
ALL! SEE 'I `i.
0—roorry;wtigvo�jSP�lll'G, hEITLE SNlil�li !
The undersigned has open-
ed a stock of Fresh Groceries
and Liquors, in the stare re-
cently occupied by S. C.
Hersey, opposite Town Hall,
Stock is complete and Goods wil
be sold at a small margin
over cost,
On Monday evg, about 9.30 o'clock,
the fire alarm announced what might
have been_ one of the most serious fires
that has ever visited Exeter. A couple
of young men in passing Mr. Folland's
tin and stove depot noticed a light be
tween two buildings, and upon investi-
gation found that the interior of Mr.
Folland's work shop was ablaze. • The
alarm was given and very soon a large
crowd of citizens were at hand, who
with pails in a short time had the fire
under control, the fire department fin-
ishing the work. As ib was the building
and stock were very much damaged, the
total loss being estimated at between
$500 and $600. Mr. Folland had left
the building but shortly before, and the
only reason he can give as to the cause
of the fire is that during the evening the
door of the stove flew open, allowing
coals to fall on the floor, some of which
must have escaped his notice. This
statement is borne out by the fact that
the floor for some distance around the
stove was burned through, many of the
shop tools being found in the basement.
Had not the fire been noticed and
checked when it was, the east side of
Main-st. from James to John streets,
would have fared badly, as, in the ma-
jority of cases, the buildings are pioneer
frame structures and would have been
as susceptible as paper to fiery element,
and besides a high wind was prevailing
at the time. Much praise is due those
citizens who so quickly formed a bucket
brigade, as also the fire department for
their prompt action.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Sold by C. LUTZ.
You can save from 25 to 40 per cent by
buying your hard or soft hats at the Big
Bankrupt Store
A Call Solicited,
li ?
Established in 1803,
Tiltscomeanv has been over0fghteen
years in su000asfcl operation in Western
Onario, and continues to ineure against
lose or fiamageby, Tiro Buildings Morahan -
dist), tianufaetoraes, and all other doaorip.
tions of insurable property intending
insurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note orCash System .
Turing t'ae oast ten years this Com-
pany haa
om-panyhaa issued 57,096 Policies. oovering
property to the amount of 340,812,039; and
paid n losses alone 3709,752,60,
Assets, $1.70,100,00, oonaistini of Cash
'iBauk GovcrnmontDerositand the nn-
assesasd Premium Notes on Gana and in
.orce. . W tVLLns,xlli. D ,Pren.der t .
nt, ea vent Secretary. J.B. Holmes, in-
spector, MIAS. SNELL, Agent for Fleeter
and vicinity.
GREAT SPELLING MATON—The greatestspell-
ing match on record is that offered by Our.
Homes Publishing Co., in which they will
award the following magnificent CASE PRIZES:
One prize of 61,300; one prize of $200 ;.two prizes
of $100 ; four prises of £50 ; eight prizes of $21,
twenty prizes of $10 •fortyprizes of $5 one
hundred prizes of $2 ; and two hundred of 11.
These prizes will be awarded tothe persons
sending in the largest number of correctly
spelled words found in the advertising pages of
the February number of Our alomes,in which
no letters occur but those found in the sentence
"Our Homes is Unrivalled, as a Home Maga-
Special cob prizes will be given away
each day each week during competition,
which closes April 25th, 1391. bend' 10 cents in
stamps or silver, for a sample copy of the
February'number,wiih rules and regulations
governing the competition, Address, OUR
Herres Pus. Co., Brookville, Ont.
Every tisane of the body, . every bone
muscle and organ, is made stronger and
more healthful by tho use. of Hood's Santa
Thedirectroute betweenthe West and all
pointe on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
des Chalenr,Province of Quebec; also for
New 13rnnswick ,Nova Scotia,Prinoo Edward
Capeu r eto nlslan ds , an d Newf oundlan dared
St. Pierre,
Express trains leave MontrealandHalifax
daily Overlays exoepted) and run through
without changebetween these pointsin 28
hours and 55 minutes.
The through express train cars of theIn-
tcreolonial Railway are brilliantlyl.ghted
by electricity and heated by steam from the
locomotive, thus greatly increasing the com-
fort and safety ot travellers,
New and elegant buffetsleeping and day
cars arerun onthrough expresstrains.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passenger Route.
PAssengersforGreat .8ritainnr the oonti-
nont by leaving Monti ea] on ieridaymorning
will join outward mail steamer at Halifax
on Saturday.
The attention of shippers is directed totho
sup erior facilities offered by this route for
the transport of flour and generol merchan-
dise intended fortho Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland ; also for shipments of grain
andproduce intendedfor the European mar-
Tioketa maybe obtained and information
about the route; also freight and passenger
rates on application to
Weetera'reight &PassengerAgent
93RoeainHousel3look;York et Toronto
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Office, Moncton, N,B,
T an lot 91
But don't spring too far.
'5 no reason for it when you have CARLING
BROS. right at your door.'.
But what we were going to say is that spring,
gentle spring, will soon be knocking at our door, and
we are
Will you heed the warning. Tho signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves if you can afford for the sake of
saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing
for it We know from experience that
Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It
never fails:
An old physician retired from pro etico,hav
ing had plaoed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and perms nent care for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure for e,•rvous debility and all
nervous complaints, af, t•r haying tested its
wonderful curative in thousands of
oases, hat felt it his duty , make it known to
his suffering fellows. Ari naied by this motive,
and a desire -to releive human suffering .I will
send free of charge, to all who desire it, the
recipe in German. French or English, with
full directions for preparing and using. Sent
by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper. W. A. NOYES,820. Powers' Block
Rochester,N• Y.
If you will send us your address, we will
ail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Celt brated Eleotro-Voliaio
Belt and Appliances. and theireharming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted,
we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a
Voi.TAie BELT Co., Marshall, Mich.
the tender maiden,
Our store is filled with seasonable goods at prices
so low they will surprise you.
PRINS a,xs.d SATEENS, the prettiest we
have ever hown. CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES,
and CURTAIN POLES, the newest, Al value.
Wall paper, fine display.
Dress Goods of every description.
Staple department, full range, —
I+'or a fancy Tie, we have them.
Try our 25c. Tea ; it has no equAl.
Greed Cpcnin_:o! TURE
E. J SPACEMAN & CO. wish to inform the people of Exeter and
surrounding country that they will open their new store,(one door north
of Farmers' Grocery), on
with an entire new stock'consisting of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY,
Our Dry Goods stock has been bought within the' past two weeks
from the best houses in the Dominion, consisting of the newest and
latest novelties in the trade.
Having engaged Miss L. Smith (late of Alliston) to manage the
Millinery Department, will take this opportunity of informing the
Ladies that we have visited all the best millinery houses early, thus
enabling us to secure the choicest novelties.
SOOTS & SHOES—Remember this is the largest stock of Boots
and Shoes in the county.
CLO T HIlt!G—We claim to carry the best lines of Ready-made
Clothing in Western Ontario.
GROCERIES—We have just received the best brands in Gr ies.
A full and complete stock will always be found at our store,
OUR MOTTO : "Good Goods and excellent values in all departm3nt."
Samwell's Block, Exeter:
Q O mo—
Goldsmith 4. Hall!
on. given to repairing .of
watches,oloeks andiowelry:
Opposite Post Office ,PARKHILL
b rS
A. Hastings?
Shaving. and Hair nutting in the latest
style of the art.
Every attentionpaidto nutting
Laaies' anaChrldYens ar.