HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-12, Page 5'`wasu" • RT ars- 5°'�T. D►�4, . ...-,�••2222- • " OF A BURIED MU,ttOH AT -WtU E, BAR,RE,, PA, It May be a, Tract let.s!y •et Staaes Trema• sure, and #t iteay no only as Attempt to Oet as leew Donee* From taredulens. lk'aop1e--'flake Dux., Choice, il'i It srsBwia--, I.... March 9,• --Tire First. Fr*Uc t. Brow; nrriage feetery at 1'ictou wits burnedon Wednesday nights. Old vrsatber•prophetspredict that needga- Wsing over her leg broke it in. We tray tion irill be'opened. at Sault Ste. Matte early places. n sa4, Ministers, lawyers, tesobsrr, sad others Itt is understood, that the Dominion PerliaMinisters, moat *jibe ogled for the des etch of bassi- whose ocoupation gives but little execrate°, p nets on A ril 29 p should nae Carter's Little: Liver PiIIA for billiousneas. Es-d3d.I.aurentand 'S1r, Archibald Cas-'terpid liver arta One is a in Try them, >�. ENV S+.NOT Eti3 attoM Val)* A young daughter of Mr Kenneth 11foLeod; o! fasefortb, fell at a load of saw logs tile. other day, and the hind bob of the sleigh' National Bank of Pittston hasreceived a let- sits, a Pr'omiuent merchant, died suddenly m Mr Plenty Allan, of Hsrlook, in Hallett ter from Spain, signed by a priest, stating i Montreal on Friday, thetownship, had laic hand *.ached between t a vase sum 4f money is buried same During the past seven days there were 3o two care at the depot, necessitating the wil era in this wicinfty. The letter says that failures in Canada, against P,7 fug the Corte amputation of *owns' engem, one of the most favored of the courtiers of ; spondiilg week last year. Severe frosts and freezing bleats must e c Prof.K. J L, Jones, tah er of English lit - i tbe late Alphonso was given a large scan. of era re iu the Royal fluter College, Kings -'come, then come hook bites, with sweltio g. money, said -to be a inilliou francs, wane th° ton died on Wednesday. y ,Itching, burning, for which St, Jacobs Oil Eing was on his deathbed, in return for the • is the beat remedy, perfo .ranee of a dyiu„ wish, The Queeu The health of Sir John Macdonald is re - was jeatoas of the courtier, and at ' ported to be so well re-::,tablisbed that it eras Ur Joan. Dial{enzie, of the 4ib con of the kinees death instructed her ambassador expeeted be would attend?: Cabinet meeting o Curless, was attacked by a ivebalat a ere a m on 3to nday. one day last week and ren ivied severe iu - t`s arras: tore courtier for stealing a cash box juries beingtrampled under the feet of th e,j€"t.1IIr3IInT a .*..whey of jewels from this Probably the oldest man who voted in nfaraated rute, anaaivang a fracture of p C•at a•l : tart l;hurs aey was William Gunner Pakten Ile find to America and buried the of Hamilton. flit. Gunner tette years age. 'he ries and being otherwise injured• treasure, but returned to Spain and was air- fie is getting feeble new. Dyspepsia in its tweet forma will yield resterd and put in prison, avh°re he *sod. The IAmerican to rho use a[ (*.tar's Little Nerve Pale, is reported that English and plaus9f the Dina} where the treasure wae. capitalists have purcbased the Porcupine, ;aided by Carter's Little Liver Pini, They buried were in a satchel, which was taken? Badger and West End :aver .nines, near; not °Diy relieve present daatress but by the tribunal, wleo, root knowhig of the Port Arthur, for $10,Gtlil,Otl). strengthen the stomach and digestive cotaterrt . offer to discnfb1 the wit on pay Ain 1'. Benete;tn, of Globe Tab eceo re- apparatus. ttaent of coat . Tliepriest *alta tor money to'- Iiovrti, til fad or', i3 waning superhuman ; The :3rd $attalioaa (Karon) will go i to exertions toget the people interested in the camp %hie Pun:inter. It is thought tlw camp pad tdreCaste and obtain the satehol andOxus.+sill be located at Wtadeor, Lieut Colette' crcetiou of a beet sugar factory, THEY IGNORED HIM. c Hon. GalC ]f'rkeu died I ed suddenly Setae- Coleman, of Seeforab, on account of con, day waraini; 1% wasono of ds'iraix'p aimed ill health has been eompele 1 e Iranar Got '.tad and sire Institutionzens and stips:udaary egn. nmor A J R no • moat re omen cition r 1 oaeed him Inst 525,000 is t: ,nec.tuoncn. ',, magistrate of Manitoba aurin;, the Feuiau As Neil :delver, second eon of Neil McIver Batman°, *Marcel 9, --Tile will of do assn ; Laid, sr of G�odericb, wee coming home front Scoville, ex -mayor at tine city, was eamiteed Gen. Goodwin, who leas twee �santed by ,,school the other day be had his foot run to probate to -day. It alevieu necharities, di Hitt lice sin e µu4 ti n witlr [lav teenier of .g y over by a wagon and ball broken, whale million of dollar:[ to ; u 1r, Ont„ sumo time endeavorin to piek un a tiller, clounlies, eaucetional luetrtutiene and in ago, one arrested on Friday °lett near . :1tr .lnens Overholt and Mr George Goble, private bequests. Amongst the church be Uttin-a. ;of Zurich, sawed, split and piled lire and questa es ,:;:lee to' the Roman Catholic Church James- N. Tienry, the defaulting Ero luso three-quarter cords of maple 'rood in tee lyvelety of Laenyille, Canada. A 625,000 rnerehaut, of l'bn'batn, Ont„ ba, been ar short spnce of Uiree hour.) aaa eight nth - gift to the Gulfalo line Arta Academy was ° rested in the city Of llexice by an0 of Pink- utee, They are a pair of smart toy's. What revolted a few days before elle Scoville'* ertou's detectives, at tiro iustruce of the 'el Paabwoad now ? death. The history of the revocation is a 13an4 of 3.1untreal, Now, siva ereeer'4on-To the purifier;ion ,curious one. About a, ruontlt ago Mr. A \ le sur, Kite., +iesnetelr say. John of your blood, for cit no sea'en is the body feeoville sent seine statuary to the 1'[µe Serneut tla„t and fatally wounded (;zpt. ate eeseep.trble to tine benedte to be derived Arte 4t.cedean , but no ac3:nowledg.aeut of Theaxdw'e 11°illianras on the straaatbeat lliber- from a good medieine. as in :tierce. herd the ;He was made; then be eutforLialauc'yer nraonSunelayerearnn• Capt. Witiian was and ;stay. 11ood'a Savaparilla is the a //MVC of Canada. People'* favorite aprin& medicine, It stenee tied had tbe coaled peoplframed. The dilators They 3000 whn was killed neer Yarun%ntth unequalled for purifying the laved, curiuli net,* of rhe Academy a people lai$.2.740). tbe iu- atitntion out of a clean air.' theotlr+ r inortnin„ ou the L. al P. S. branch Foroftal9 salt .belays, rte re utatiug the 1 •ti 1 Peter 'kidney* Arad liver repairing nerve seance, eaking the nroAresa o it.+ rutnomc a F diaesse said restoring The Atha tbe div[• ions of the township at Caister :bas.the .afflicted 'nuts to a naEnral, healthy deny truteoe give as an excuse that the i Seuvllle is raid to have said, '"U these people of the G,1, R, bas .fit!' dianed!Ke,..nattl00py It brllio*s lttate- of, *he lrstan est thea **red by nsitig Carter'i ktat reLiyer Pa11a; No pain, griping or div• le4Rlprt atten!iieg their use, Try then. - DARK AND: seneo;AH--Dark and sluggisb 4eseribes the •condition of bad blood. Health) blood its ruddy and. bright. To ear* bad blood end oonsegnenoea, and to secure good blood and ire benefits in the safest, surest and best way nae Burdock Blood Bitters, strongly reoommended by All who lase it as this beat blood purifier, been Ie error ar , i a , 3draiitlau, by his nephew, air. Deegan ale- ,,strengthening and invigorating the whole don't think etouirh of a gift T *and them to (;ill. jr., of(#lanaroralt, ,body, as well as oh f .Cknowiedge it, why they need net have guy 1 that a ballot box of ane of ecnte and chronic , more" Babe changed the will. T been stolen. If this is true it will make it aooudrtton• 700 hale neTer tried Hood's. aS it fo our "e .snit medicine," do statuary Caine just after the regular nioutbly meeting and tboy were waiting for the next meeting to make the otlleial acknowledg= snout. Ata lupe Old Age„ CAl xno;a, Starch McKinuou, mother of Chief d1eKiuuoa of Hamilton, h teres ed 6S years. Mfrs, ditlleult to ascertain whether Carpenter or y araapart a r y p a1s!elleton was elected. leo this season. airs. Philip Horning of Brenta got up ap- parently as well as usual and atteuded to her household patties until 10 o'clock, on Satur- All Men young, old, or middle.aged, who find them day when sho took a bad bendache and four selves ner,oue, weak and exhausted, who hours later she died of cerebral apoplexy. are broken down from excess or overwork, A very fine specimen of the tiger Cat VAS restating in many of the followingsymptoms For 30 Days FOR CASH. Come See Prices We now otter Stook, Tinware rand Stoves Away Down. eta No 9 Tin Boile.a (made from best Bradley tin) each,..... , .... , . , 1 5 1� qt Tin Pails, (do), each '20 10 qt Tin PAN,. (4101, each, rim,,,, 25 12 qt Tin Pails (do). 4 for..:.. ,., 1 00 12 qt Tin Pails (ala), rim, 4 for..., 1 50 Steamers 30 Stove hoards all sizes, 1 00 No, 9 ilrtllient Peneneular Cook Stove ................ 14 00 No9lVood,Cook. , ..,...,1i 00 Fine Art Royal Coal Stove 00 l;ritliant Noyelt) " . 14 00 Second hand 1Zadiant tIotne Coal, 8 00 One 5 dole Northwest;ltaudard- 20 (10 2 J•+xteudedReserviors 20 00 4 Gallons Coal Oil, , , . .. , 70 " Water White100 Chestnut 133aeicsmtt11 Coal diem ere yesterday, aged. y ,Mental depression, premature old age. loss 2&cKinuota came to (:*nada is 1$19 and shot TownsCeaatl near the Black e the iu the settled with her husband in Vaughan town- Township of li int.) r, It is the largest of Tnenay, loan of tnemory, bad dreams, animal of t'ne kind. that Iran over leen seen dimness of sigst,.palpitation of the heart,: ship, York county. The 1dcKinuon houao- stead was one of tiro rallying points for the sfmpatblzers of William Lyon Mackenzie during the troublesome time of 1837, and d as subsequently the farm was claimeroc- tori' lands by the Church of England, and foo relay years the case was before parlia- ruent, but finally the title was made good. Only two of airs. McKi non's family of nine in that section, and weighed over forty emisaiona, lack of energy, pain in the kid - pounds, net's, beadaohe, pimplier on the face or The Contents of Cbrevier's clothing store body, itobing or peoular sensation about the of Winnipeg, were burned on Sunday night, scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzineer, Loss, seven or eight thousand. Benneltct's speaks before the eyes, twitching of the photograph gallery overhead was damaged enuselea, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful - about $5W. MacFarlano's store was also lie's.depoeits in the urine,loss of will power damaged, tenderness of tbe scalp and spine, weak and Fire brokeout in Thos. Fenby'agreenhouse, flabby musolos, desire to sleep, failure to bo survive leer -Chief McKinnon and his sister. Alvinston, on Friday morning totally de- rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of David McKinnon, one of the sons, was at stroying it, also burning the frame kitcben, hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, which n as torn down. while burning in order excitability of teaepor,aunken eyes surround - to save a fine brick residence. Loss, a500; ed with leaden circle, oily looking skin, etc., small insurance. are all symptoms of nervous debility that (en, Benjamin P. Butler, iu an interview lead to insanity and death unless cured. rhe spring or vital force having lost its the other day, assumed a warlike tone to- tendon every function wanes in coneequeneo wards Canada. Ile says as this Dominion .hecto who through nbuao committed in 4 I"laIti.0r1ELll, D., Mareb $.-Delicate little cp-llnotbu aegnit'ndaa a gift nor bg purebnso, ignorance may be permanently cured. lllary'1'hurnton, a blonde without a drop of it hos to be conquered,annd that it is a itch Send your address for book on all diseases prize worth a war to obtain, peculiar to man, Address M. V. Lebo)), 50 At an early hour on Sunday morning the Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent premises of Hess Bros,, in • Listowel, were free pealed, Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numb• nets, palpitation, skin beats, bot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the bead with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., eau posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book, Address M. V. Lenox, 50 Front Street East. Toronto, Ont. one time a prominent lawyer, and Alexander McKinnon was editor of The Hamilton Banner and was elected V.P. for West Elgin stile early age of 28. Wedded to a ituvly Negro. negro blood in her veins, to -day married black Austin Thornton in this city. The groom, though of the same nacre, is not hot relative, end is unlike her in every way. Ye , entered bymaskedmen, who tied and. gagged IS it burly, repulsive negro. Squire J, J. the watchman and set the factory on fire. Miller married the pair. Then they walked Before the watchman succeeded in freeing arm -in -arm up the street before thousands himself and giving the alarm the entire; of citizens, establishment was destroyed. A Vitriol Thrower Arrested. The Newfoundland Legislature's address J:a:snit'J , L.1„ March 0. -Thirty Polish in reply to the Governor's speech spol,e some- cI+}akural.c;rs from East NewYork, raided a what warmly in regard to the stoppage of the negotiations for a reciprocity treaty a ty with nen-union shop here to -day. They 8111118—.. -thee > tatand to the matins vivc to +x Frortx in the doors and proceeded to destroy the the Governor's later statement it *papa eyed stook. The proprietor, who tried to restrain that there was misapprehension on the for - them, was assaulted, and one of tho party subject,tc ask a Luttle of vitriol from his pocket anti Frederick ;Squires of Dread Cove and his threw some of it on the storeke•ep it's little servant, Lizzie tiosoworthy, were frozen to date:alter, burning her in a terrible manner. deadh near their home at Broad Cove, N. S. The fiend. was arrested. Ile gave his nacre They were driving to a neighbor's when as Frank tango, they missed their way in a storm and drove No Joking :t Prayers.into a g.tlly and were unable to extricate themselves. Tho horse was also frozen to Ruche., Company A, United States Engineer NEw Yon!:, March 9. -Privates Meyer and death. The girl was 24 and the man 67 years of ane STANLEY nooks -Stanley hooks are now Battalion, stationed. at Wiliet's Point, are suffering respectively with a fractured skull and a half severed tongue. A week ago they attempted to interfere jokingly with a comrade, Private O'Rourke, • who was praying at his bedside, when O'Rourke seized a poker and struck Meyer on the head. Ile dealtKucher a blow with his fist under the chin and Kucher's tongue being apparently between his teeth, that menrver was nearly cut orf. O'Rourke will be court mnrtialled. The men will recover. florae Nails Steel Nails (.'ora Iron No 3 Daisy Churn ...... . 2 60 2 00 2 00 500 GROCERIES, SUGARS, ErgAs. TolizT SOAPS -full Hae --Electric, :11,11544U, Loudon, Diguau, Stu 5r SitINS, If WES, \Voab Pze1uio, 3TC, 1EGGS, at'0tOLTRX, sir YRADR, Exeter Roller Flour on hand at $2.35 per cwt. JAS. H. HOWARD, W. H, MINOR, Proprietor. Manager. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When sheaves a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she ening to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. "Our Mary" luakes a Stir. L0NO0N, March 9, -Miss Mary Anderson (Mrs: Navarro) has created some stir in theatrical circles here by advertising the sale of sell her stage dresses, theatrical scenery ii" and stage properties, thus confirming the announcement that it is her intention to a° retire definitely from the stage. A fire broke out ou Sunday in the station- as common as couehs and colds. To ge ery department of Mr. Lotus Fortier, St, rid if the latter use Hagyard's Pectoral James -street, Montreal, and spread to the iBalsam, the best Canadian Dough cure for adjoining premises, doing damage amount- hildren or adults. It cares by its soothing ing to over $40,000. Mr. Fortier's loss is $32,000; R. J. Wilson, tailor, $5,000; James Baylis & Co., $0,000. Mr. Fortier has $24,- 000 insuraUCe and the losses of the other firms are all covered. Thursday afternoon George Prentice, a well-to-do farmer near Brownsville, wont out to his barn and deliberately shot him- self through the heart with a revolver. Prentice went out and voted in the morxiing, and was not thought to be any way derang- ed. He recently rented his farm and pur- chased a residence in Brownsville intending to take things easy for the future. The "midnight mechanic" got in some of his work at Granton the other night. Ber- f nerd & Clark's blacksmith shop was entered by the window, where the necessary tools were secured, together with a revolver and Two Met Death. a few other articios. Mr. J. E. kurray's MONTItEaL, March 0.—An uul;:uown.xnan number of silk handkerchiefs and other small healing and expectorant properties, every form of throat and lung trouble, pulmonary complaints. etc. Wm, PEMBERTON, Editor Delhi Reporter. A NATUaAL ['menu—The liver ants as a filter to remove impurities from the blood. To kegsit in perfect working order use B. 13 B., the great liver regulator. I need two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for liver complaint, and caa clearly say 1 am a well women today. Mrs. 0. P. Wiley, Upper Otnabog, N.R. Feeler Roller Mills. .11.PININIS.L., —FDA CdS� D01 We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods at Great Reduction in price for CASH ONLY --- X-CUT SAWS, AXES, LAMPS, AMPS, %ll[JtT ilGOODS, COOK and PARLOR STOVES, TINWARE of every DESCRIPTION SLEIGU BELLS, SKATES, STONL,' BOARDS, ET(z.. BISSETT BROS. 1\T B -we must ask those having accounts to settle to do SO at once -B B MARKET IMPORTS. Wheat , • 98e. to $L01 per bush OUSELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers'. $2 75 per 100 do Beat Family 2 50 ,. do Low Grade 1 75 Bum, ,.. 80c. Middlings .. . • . , 90c. . Screening ,. 1 00o. Chop .. ,.• $115 to 1 25 English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes rom horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz; Druggist. store was the next place of operation. A was killed to -day at Dorval by hying rut over by a freight train on the Canadian goods weretaken and the loose change in the Faci&c Railway. - till, a little over a dollar, Joseph I'auport, to Grand. Trunk Railway Aboutthree weeks ago Mr. John W. Chap - brakeman, was hapbrailIeman,:was run over lay tho cars at Hew- man, sen of [sir. Ephraim Chapman of; Cain;S- iniugfor d. , ILe was taken to rho Notre Dante bellville; lefthOme via 0. P. H. for California. Ilcisiaital to--cliiy, w•hero he lies in a critical On the way he was taken ill with inflain- at u .t tt tt WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY T Chop steno running every day. "TE1UXS CASH. TIM EXETER MILLING Coy. MARKET REPORTS. ExETEa B0dWheat Spring "genet... Barley ... Oats Clover Ssed Timothy • Poas Corn !eggs Butte) Planrp a rb b 1 .. Potatoes,por bushel Apples,per Dag DriedAppioepr b tieose per ill. Turkey per lb Ducks pet Ib Ohickonsporpr Hogs,dreesettper100 Beef Hiriesraugh, ... dressed .. Sheepskins oriel Calfskin}, Woolperlb l3ayperton (inion anerbur(1• Woode ercord NAPOLEON'S a[mAD—Napoleon's head was of peculiar shape, hut that did not protect him against headache, Sick headache it, a common and wily dist-towable affection n'hiolx may be quickly removed, .together with its cause, by the use of Burdock Blood 13itterp, the nevor•friiling medicine for all suds of headaches. EDITORIAL EVIDENCE.— Gentleman,- sour'lagyard's Yellow Oil is worth its ieeight in gold for both iuternai and exter- nal use. During the tato La. Grippe epid- emic we found it a ;most excellent prevtive, and for sprained limbs, ctc,, there is noth ng to equal it Klit01ITe Or LABOR, -The Enigllts of Labor nim' to protect their members against &nen-: cial difficulties, etc., Hagyard's Yellow Oil protects all who use it from, the effects of gold and exposure, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat and all ieflsmmatory pain. Nothing ,compares with it ae.a handy pain cure for man and• beast. eoxidittnn. motion of the bowels and had to stop at Van— - Death of a• Nowsp:tp coils or, 13.0., where he died. ilo was about or. in tin,. 2;a years of age and unmarried and for some QUEBEC,. ani:Mauch J.-- tips. Jernes Carrel, years was.engaged in' Halton as a public and ro proprietor of '1 'ho Dar Tele- scChex in which profession ho was editorp 1 school tea.. graph, died suddenly The'de- ceased, - He was also anon -commissioned last bight. ceased. was well and widely known as a.. officer in 20th Batt. Government Detective Murray has been at. Milton for a few days, having been instruct- ed by the Ontario Government to enquire into the circumstances of the Brothers alleg- ed forgery case near+there about a year ago, with a view to commencing extradition pro- ceedings. He is satisfied that the charge against Joseph Brothers is fully justified. The case will be pushed, and Brothers will probably -be on his way back to Canada very 8000. He is now living in Califor•raia, newspaper man and had been president of both the press gallery of the Legislature and the Associated Press of the province. To Be Liberated. H.tsrtLTON, March 9.-A meeting of the creditors of Rich & Robinson, the Bradford bankrupts, was held atthe Royal Hotel " to- day to settle • at 40 cents on the dollar, cash. Rich' & Robinson will be liberated as soon as tie funds arefortheoming. : The Most Economical Stove, The Rest Heater. - Perfect Baker tor Pastry or The Best Parmets" Stove and Squally Bread, Good for a Person in Town. ,g • 97 to 100 -» 95 to 0 08 - 40 to 0045 »• 45 to 46 ▪ 425to465 ••• 1 25 to 1 30 »• 65 to 70 •» 0 40 to (,1 • 1410 )4 so 14 •▪ •• 09to5 16 • 4010 040 ▪ 1COtolu0 -, o Oto 0 50 .,. 005to0u6 -. 07 to 08 -.. 0 06 to 0 07 ... 025to030 ,•. 6 00 to 62.5 .., 400 to •u 21 200to250 • 350to390 ▪ 060 to 21 ▪ 050t005G 118 to 021 ,,, 6 G0to6 00 • o50to005 250to300 ST: MARTO e PallWheat .................................... 006 0 99 Spring Wheat ............................ 0 03 0 96 Panay ' 040045 Oats 042x44 Clover Seed ............... 3 75 4 25 Timothy .., 125100 Peas 0 2 r - Call and see this and other first-class stoves from. B. & C. Gurney Company for sale only by OLLAND Eggs...., ,. 0 60 0 63 18010 Butter 12 0 13 Potatoes per bag •••.•• •••-•••••••• ••• ••••75 95 Apples per bush 0 50 Wool per lb 20 020 Ray porton Bran per ton Shorts " Oatmealperbbl Hogs, dressed per 100• 5 00 to 525 CENTRAL Drug Store 5 50 6 00 ..14 00 14 00 ....20 00 20 00 600700 LONDON. Wheat.1.00 to 1.00 per bus. Oats, 460 to 46e per bus. Peas • 63c to 660 per bus. Bar- ley,alting. 50} to 57c per bus. Barley Feed, 49e to 480 per bus Corn, 6ife to 670 per. bushel. A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition Powd- er› the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at CentralDrug Store Exeter. TORONTO. Toronto. Mar11 -Wheat Spring -Iso. 2, 87o to 88c per bus; red winter, No .2, 990 to 100 per bus Manitoba No 2 hard,102 to 1 03, No. 3, 050 to 96c ; PEAS 70c to 720 per bus• OATS 52c to 53cor bus. FLOUR, extra, 83 90 to '13.90 per bol; straight roller. 64.20 to 84.40 sarongbakers, 24,00to 64.10. BARLEY, No 1, 430 10 490 ; :N o 3 extra 510 to 53c; No 2, 589 to 59c. For Over Fifty Years. Mils• 1Yr stow'sSeorriton SYRUP has boon used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at nigbt and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at onoo and get abottle of "Mrs, Winslow Ts Soothing Syrup" for children teething. will relieve the poor little sufferer irnmediatel y, Depend upon. it, mothers, thorn is no mtstoke os regulates the rP abouttt: It cures Dtarho , g Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic. softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, 'Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is the presorib- tion of one of the ieidest and beet female physicians andnurses in the United States Prroo.2.5 eeute a bottle, Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mas WTzoo.ov : Se0taiNG SYRUP." Children Cry Crfor Pitcher's Castoria' . ILOUPTZ. COO. ; -a One Door South of Post °face —HE RAS— A NEW AND COMPLETE —STOCK OF— Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality, Repairing promptlyattended to. GEO. MANSON, N ()TIC H, . _Fresh and ,A' -u' STOOK OF GROCERIES \ND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the lentils- Grocery. Also rStPure Extracts and Spices. a:Alonglo i�N11: A beautiful piece of •lass- p g ware given away with one Ib. 1Vlayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before per: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN, 0 z t"1 H o DO YOU WANT TU BUY ro TEM BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST ST YET Overooatings at any price ;, Suit - ins at anyrice ; Pantings �' P , at any price. Ordered Clothing Best Orde g produced in Exeter FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAA SHAM GOODS —ARE USUALLY ,501,1)--- —THEN CALL Ali`-- DLY'. --ONLY FIRST-GLASS- 1G-ooc At Prices Lower that so-Oas, led Cheap Houses can give Gentlemen ! leave your a.days early, for6nde�� Undertaking in all if with the best •staff of Tailors ; the beat 1 stook of Fine Trimmings, and the' best B h Cutting in Town. you are sure of satiate"). tion S. GIDLEY, rand es. • J SELL. (Suooassor to C, t S..Gidley) ODI)FELLOWS' BLOOM