The Exeter Times, 1891-3-12, Page 1art AND HURON & MIDDLESEX ETTE. "HEW TO THE .L1:NE, LET THE CHIPS PALL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XVIII. NO 20. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY LEGAL,.. 1 H, DICKSON,Btrriater, Soli - .4.. Coftz° of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Oemmiesioner, deo Moue -s to Go an. 0lace in. Fanson'alalook, Exeter, 4 11. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ete., Pat TER.. OST, ., Orrice over the Post Ofdce, t1LLIOT & EL1LIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, itotavies i'ublic, Conveyancers coo, coo, larATouey to Loan at Lowest Beteit of Interest, OFFIUE, . hi&1 T - STREET, FXETER, B. V, =lam a. ttrUr<roar. MITA R. Q. II, INGRAU. DI'1NTIS'T. Suocessor to Ht. 14., Os a. (Afeoaber of the Rapti. College of Dental Burgeoned Teeth tuserted with or without Plato, in Golder Rubber. A sate Ana+athetto giveafort1e painless extraction of teeth, Plates senure4 firmly in the mouth 1ry Temente Patent Valve. OFFICE : Over Q'Neirs Bank. Taman every ertday., KINSM.AN:DPNTI- ST,Li.D. H.5. l anson's Meeks Mnln•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain. .away at lixxaa,T.4 on t �► drat *Friday; Craig, mond and fourth Tuesday; rind i"... Zvntcu an the teat Thum - der of each month, samossme IIE DICAP. W. B11QWVNIN(I M. D., It. C . P, ti, Graduate Victoria University; Oftics and reeldeuce. Ddret pion Labor*. tory. Exeter. 1 vi, RYNDMAN, coroner tar bile County of Enron. Office, opposite Ceding farce.atora,Txater,, pp DR. J. A. ROLLINS, 14. O. P, S. riJ' 0. Office, Math St. Exeter, Ont. Residence, honest reaently occupied by P. MaPhrliips, Slid, r• F. CUTPEN, M. D., C. M., _L_4. Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto P141. Trfn, Med. sohool. Toronto ; Grad. AM Inst., Craniology ; Member N. y. Asad. Anthropology; lfawber Col, P. S., Ont. o fate, Dashwood, Ont, R. DAVID M. STA"EBLER, (UNIVERSITY or TORONTO) Physician, Surgeon. eto. Having spent the winter of 1886-877 in New York, and winter of 1887-83 in Vienna,Austria. O r1cx : CREDITOR, ONTARIO. DR- WOODRUF.fe Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye slassee and Spectacles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at home. except on Fridays. No. 18i✓i Queen's Avenue, ' London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. i Ac J. ROLLINS, LIt)ENSED • Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. Et BOSSENBI RRY, General Li- • oensod Auctioneer Sales conducted I in allparts. Satiafaotionguaranteed. Charges moderate. Hensall P 0, Ont. HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Sales conducted at mod- eratoeOats. Office, at Poet-offioe, Ored- t 1 H. PORTER, GENERAL D• Auctioneer and Land Valuator. Orders sent by mail i o my n dhress, Bayfield P.O., s will receive prompt attention. 'terms moder- ate. D. H, PORPEit, Auctioneer. o VETERINARY . 5 Tennent & Tennent s EXETER. ONT, t P c - i a Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. earan: One door South of Town Hall. t MONEY T N Y 0 LOAN. b 1 ()NEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best - gi Companies represented. p L. H DICKSON, w Barrister. Exeter, tt SURVEYING. t 0 FRED W,.FARNCOb1B, T Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- 4TNEER„ EPO., Office, Upstairs .Samwell'sBlock, Exeter.Ont ea Gi INSURANCE. on THE LONDON' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property andprivateresidences, .either on buildings or contents .the most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates. upon�such liberal. terms. that no other respect- ablccompanycanaffordtowrite. 42,375 poli: cies in forcelstJan ,5890. Assets .$378,428.00 in dash in bank. Government deport; Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JANES , GRANT, President; D. 0. MoDONALD ,Manager. DA= JA4uss,Agent for Exeter andvieinitv,_ The Molsons Bank (C HARTEBI; A B X PA BLIAMEN T,r 855) Paid up Capital .. ... $Z,000,04 Rest Fund ],000,01 Fiend Office. Montreal. F. WOLFERSTANTHO,MAS,Eeq,. Gm stria Llifewedria 20 bran eboOleos intgonom inion . Agenoie in the Derninion,IU,S.A.and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10 a.m.to3 p.m SATIIRDAYC.10 a,m to 1 p.m. 4Per Pen t,perannum ellowedtsornaoney on Deposit Receipts N. DYER IIURDUN, Sub -Manager. Usborne. Senor. RErenr•-..'fhe following are the reports for S S No 1 1,.lsliorne, for the mouth of Febiuery, viz ; Fifth Glass--- Bonito Jeokell, Addie Jecken, James Hor- tou.,--Sau. IV -Caleb Cuiitttore, Robert Stewart, Peter Moir. --Jun IV-Tenio Swan. Maud Horton. 4lmena Keddy.-- Sen III -Edward McTaggart, Albert Me• Taggart. Allen Jeek.ell.•--Jun III--.bliunia Duan. Clarriesa Mitchell, Susie Casa,-- Jun fl --Ruby Horton, Nettie Reddy, Edith Lowe.--,.P,+rt Il: ---•Tames Stewart. Laura JeckeU, George Dunn. -Part I-.. Bert Kedely, Harry White, Herb 131eteh- ford. Average attendance f 3, 1)etslmocid. mono Blum -We lode little sleighing air lest week. --Mr W Litt. of Sebrlugville wan iu Daaliwood on Saturday and Sunday visiting hie elates.- Mr F. Lltt is home on a visit this week. -,.haat Saturday and. Sun. day there were quarterly meeting betakes in the Evangelioal church here. --Rev 9. N Moyer the presiding elder conducted the meetings and preached to a largo audience in the English language on Sunday toro- ncop,--Mr Salon ha, made en electric battery and oil, which in in good working order. The electrio shook produced there• irem Is quite strong, -Election matters have not yet cooled down. on the Stepheu. ride of Dashwood, as Air Hutchins majority as far as can be ascertained is only two. The Reformore err living in bopos.-Meagre Weeeloh and Pope, of Hensall, were in our Maga Int Thursday. Stara. r Beers -Mr Walter Shilfinalaw, our veterinary surgeon, intends laking a trip to Afanitaba in a week or two and intend" to remain some months. While he is is away Lis practice will be looked after by Mr John Ourry.-Little Franois Gallagher who has bean sink for aon'e days ie now fully rector Bred,-Mra J Vipond who has lend a severe attack of inflammation is now able to be around again. -Mr Thee Pinder is also well after being confined for some time with iu- fiammation.-Mr Samuel Chesney intends giving up business here in a ahort time, we Clare not heard who is to be hie saooessor. -About a dozen members have been added to tlto number of Foresters here this yenr. -Mr and Mrs Geo Hutchison, of this town, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at their home on Wednesday even - ng the 25th nit, A number of their relit. it and friends assembled to congratulate hem on the rare event and spent a pleas- ant evening. Mr Hutchinson is the oldest of a family of six sons and four daughters and is now in his sevonty.sixth year, and the youngest of the family Is now fifty. All are still living and in oomparatiyely good lealtb. Clinton. BRIEFS -Mr. S. Fitsimons died on the 8th inst., aged 39 years. He had been confined o the house for some months and he end was not unlooked tor -Rumor I it that Mr M. C. Cameron will erect a handsome mansion in Clinton and take up his residence here ! Also that he will in a bort time have a magnificent new post ffice erected in Clinton, even if the ex- pense comes out of his private funds! - Sunday the residence of Mr T. Farquhar th con. Hallett narrowly escaped destruc- ion by fire. Sparks from the chimney et the roof on fire and the first intimation be inmates had of the holocaust in pre oration for them was chunks of fire ropping below. The fire was, however, hacked after it had done only $50 damage -Mr W. Curry, who has been wintering n Goderich township. did so to good dvantage. Monday he was married to a Miss Aggie, daughter of Mr John Porter f same township, and in the afternoon he happy couple took train for Grandin, Dakota , where Mr Curryhas a farm. asides the one he owns here .-Tuesday in Railway Hotel near the old Grand Trunk station, was' burned to the round, most of the inmates escaping only. PI clad, and some narrowly escaped ith tseir lives. The bar, stock and fix - res were the property of Mr O'Hara, and he furniture was Mrs Kelley's. The loss n these is about $800; no insurance, he building, frame, was owned by Mr Wm. Butler, and valued at $1,200; partly overed by insurance, Nasal Balm has cured the worst cases of tarrh afterall other remedies have failed. ve it a trial and be convinced that it will re you. Sold by all dealers. The commercial hotel, Clinton, changes hands this week, Mr Watson having dispos- ed of the same to Mr Shaffer, of Kitpen. THE SPRING MED/Cl-NE-The popularity. which Hood's Sarsaparilla has gained arra` spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses jest those elements of healtbgiving, blood purifying and appetite restoring which everybody seems to need at this season, Do not continue in a dull, tired nnsatiefac tory condition «ben you may bo eo -muoh benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purifies d the blood and makes the weak storing. I t MORNING, MARCH 12, 1891 ,ztz$a 4F1Zi sozz >?nbaicer afrtd �b,p.r#nt4r Stanley. Haiere•.-Mr Thomas Robinson ]las sold his farm on the Babylon Line, Stanley; to Air Amca Keye, for $3,500. The farm con- tains 100 acres,- ltir John Butehard has now all the brick for bis new house drawn. -Mr Joe McCully is making preparations ror building an implement and carriage abed. --Mr John Ross, of the second, has been Indisposed for a few days, but is now better., -31r Donald Bona has been confined to the house for the last two weeks and le not yet able to leave it,-Numbera are now getting ready for the Northwest, Among others we may mention Air Duncan Walksr and Ur Jlauiet Walker.•-.•Auother worthy pioneer and esteemed reaident of Stanley, hat passel to hie lung come, 'Jir James Mcqueen, sr., died en Monday at his resi- dence, on the i+ondoe Road, He was 78 years of age, and was touch and deservedly eeteenied by all who. knew Lite. The re- mains were interred iu Baird's cemetery on Wednesday, and the funeral was very large- ly attended, Tha whole army of Heron's pioneers is being depleted very rapidly, and the great reaper has made many breaks iu the raitke during the past year. Gads ertcll BererS--Annivereary Missionary sermons were preached last Sunday m the blor.h Street Methodist eboats by the Bev J 13 Batten.- Mr d Billet, et Exeter, wM in the cheesier town last Saturday. -Over two thoa.and terse of ice has bean stored in the tea houeee at the deck -flee Ur Ballantyne, at Kincardine, preached in Knox eharch on Sunday evening, --Miss Wilson, of 8eeforth wee vleitiug her cousin; the Misses Comm - bell, the past week.--Tbe i'tret nava on the 5th was received at 7.40 per the CP RT Plowing that Halifax and, St John N 13 had gone Conservative, -Mks Graham, It daughter of the lits Samuel P1ott died last Friday, after an illneae of two weeks' dere- tion, In her 28th year. --Air Robert Porter left for his home, Elmvale, en Friday; - The Reformer" celebrated the return of Mr M C Cameron br It bon fire on Thursday evening, The Conservatives! had ", large ban fire on Friday stoning to celebrate the return of Sir John Macdonald, and the con. servatives to power,-Maseri A, til Pally and Thou McLean loft last weeklriett a car load of horses for British Columbie. This is the second shipment made by the sumo gentleman since the McKinley bill came into force.. Sodom. D1tnATa--The attendanee at the literary entertainment on Friday evening wan largo, The leader of the affirmative (Mr Sweet) was not prevent ; his place was well filled by Mr Harris who spoke for both himself and Mr Sweet and handled hie side in a masterly way. Sia speech was not only lengthy but good and forcible, Mr Samuel Stanlake assisted him in a very appropriate speech. C Prouty, John Carrick and Sties Stanlake supported the negative. The judges were Sam'l Stanlake, Wm Ford and SVm Dearing. After considerable consider- ation, the deoiaed, that a spendthrift was the greater evil, Singing by the Misses and the Mesera Isaacs, also some deorepit old man eyidently about 80 years old, sang "over the hills to the poor house." Mr Sanders sang and acted the German in splendid style. Mr J Carrick gave a read• ing. All the parts were listened to attent- ively and well rendered. All the speakers seemed anxious to have the entertainment as amusing as possible, many complained of being tired laughiug. The audience re- quested another evening's entertainment. The subject will be "married or single life." Captains are Wm Carrick supported by J Carrick, J Sweet, Samuel Stanlake and Wm Ford. The affirmative re led by J Ford, supported by C Prouty, W Harris, S Stan - lake and J Penhale, The entertainment will be held on Friday Alaroh 20111. Ureci ton. BRisrs-Mr Christian Fahner who lives one mile north of Crediton, informs us that during the last fall a young pig strayed on his farm. The animal was very small and besides was crippled, he did not adver tise it. not knowing it was the law in such cases, but he used his best endeavors to find an owner, having asked all his neigh- bors, and everyone who he thought would have lost it. Not finding au owner he killed it with the rest of his hogs and the animal dressed about 50 or 601be, he has as yet found no owner for the pig, and will gladly pay the owner for it, by proving his claim. He wishes it to be understood that be was always anxious to find an owner for the animal, a •d did not wish to act dishon- estly. -Mr Eli Link has left again for the Northwest Territories. -Mr James Lewis left on Tuesday for his home in Manitoba. He took some horses and a quantity of provisions with him, which are a great deal dearer there than here and will pay to takehem t with him. -Mr Chr Krause and family and Mr Louis Stable and family left on Wednesday last for Michigan where they have taken up farms. -The Post Master General has selected Crediton' P 0 as a place to open a post office savings bank and the P. M. has commenced business. De- positors may deposit any number of dollars from ono to a thousand in one year, and may have a total credit of $3000 in the bank, Interest at 4 per cent .per annum will be allowed on deposits. This will be, a great convenience to the public as it will give them advantages in banking line which we- have not haretofore pose:•ssed.-The Postmaster will cheerfully give any inform- ation en the system. --The school entertain- ment proved a great success in every par. tionlar. the children got along admirably and not a hitch was made in the program. The kindergarden songs were as usaal. greatly appreciated,: and the teachers deserve credit for their trouble in rehearsing the little ones. We think the trustees should encourage the teachers in establiehiog a kindergarten and a few dollars expended ou material would greatly improve the sten- ard of tbe school, and world also attract he little ouelt and be thb means of a good • steady attendance% UBITLARY--That grim monster, death, has again vieitod orlr midst and claimed for his victim a bright young lady who Jeanie to mourn her departure a eorrowing hus- band and two infant children, The subject referral to is bars Lizzie Winer, wife of Wm, Winer. About two weeks ago she gave birth to a child and had been progress - ng nicely when alio contracted a cold ohich resulted fatally. Her married life had lasted only about two 'eve, and it seems strange that death should snatch her from the bosom of her family, when she was so sorely needed. The twrrowing husband as well as the parents end friend's of the de - 'seemed have the heartfelt sympathy of the community at large in their bereavement. The funeral was largely attended. St. ,M,arys.. Baum --Henry Gibson. Stratford, met with a misfortune at tat Marys on today wbile coupling Dare on a wiry freight, Bus right band got caught In the coupling and sustained a severe awash. -Jobe W Purdy, formerly with A S Rupertetsid'Bt:Mares" hsa passed his axaminetion at the College of Deotiatry. Philadelphian -Wm Turnbull, con 12. E1ma, while working in. the bush fell from a tree, dislocating his atioulder.- Miss Maggie Wilson, of St Marge, bee left on an extended visit to b'anecaver, 1ritiah Colombia and San Francisco, Covent -Division coua was held iu the hall, Lucan, the other day, Judge Mallen. ie presiding. Six eaaee were nettled out of and, and two caeca disposed of on the day of sitting, the principal one being the apple cue, Morgan Ta Patterson Brett. It appears that last fall the defendants, Patterson tbraa., of 31cQilltvray, bargained with Mr Morgan, of Atlas Craig, for the purchase of a quantity of apples, Morgan to have the barrels thrown in, at so muck a barrel when pecked. Prior to the apples being packed it was proved that Mr B 8 Hedging', of Xenon, some along and offered a higher price for the fruit and he procured the apples, therefore snit war brought against them by Mr Aforgan. Judgment war given in favor of the plajntiff. 1)e- teotires Graham and Ward, of Loudon, arrested George Oliver. of Diddulph, last Tuesday night on the obarse of obtaining goods ander islets preteneea. Squire 3 B Smith remanded him for a week. Listowel. Gestate, Fuirn,-,&bent two o'clock Sunday esorniag two masked mon 'seized the night watehmen at Hers Bro., factory Listowel, tied his bands behind bis back, filled bin month with cotton, and tied * wooden gag in bis month, threw him to the ground and one held him there while the ether proceeded to fire the premiees several places. The watchman made his way to the nearest dwelling, and by Woking at the door aroused the inmates, when he was freed and the alarm was given, It was found the whole promises wore beyond control, also the pampa in connection with the water -works had been tampered with and were useless; also the wire in oonneotion with the alarm bad boon out. Oils used in the factory hal been turned on the floor, and everything done to make the work of deetr+action complete. The whole premises are in ruins, with several dwellings and other places damaged. There is about 31000 insurance eurance on the building and machinery, besides large amounts on the content,. Mr John. Hannah, the well known cream- ery representative, says the prospects for this season's business is good. At Blyth, on Tuesday last, David, *young son of Richard Sellers, while jumping off a sleigh was kicked on the abdomen by a passing horse, and very seriously injured. That tired feeling and doll, oppressive headache that so frequently accompany catarrh can be instantly removed by the rise of Nasal Balm. Sold by all dealers. Mr S S Cooper has been awarded the contract for building the new agricultural hall, Clinton. Out of the four tenders re- ceived, there was only $16 difference. Afr Ed Shoults, of Parkhill, has been ap- pointed to the responsible and lucrative position of private secretary is the man- ager of the Richmond and Danville Railroad with headquarters at Charlotteyille, Va Mr. Robt Orr, merchant of Wingham, will leave for New Alexioo, to try and benefit his health. Mr Orr has been in poor health for some years, and has been advised by New York doatore to seek a change of climate. At the re idence of Mr McQuarrie, Blyth, on Wednesday, 4th inst., Miss Janet Mc- Qnarrie Qattic was united to Mr Robert D Dunbar, of South Pittsburg, Tennessee, United States, by the Rev A McLean. Miss Me- Qwry 1s well known in Exeter. On Friday last, as Mr Alex Brotherstou, of the 13th con McKillop, was assisting to out wood ou the farm of Mr Jos Stenzel, 14th oon., the for which was being sawed started to roll, and Mr Brotherstan put his leg against it to hold it until it was out. As soon as the log was out, it rolled on Mr. Brotherston's leg and unfortunately broke it. Stratford Herald :-Since the election several Conservatives have been dismisaed from the G T R shops at Stratford. Among them are some prominent workers in the party. There are many who do not hesit- ate to say the dismissals are the result of work done during the election. There is at least reasonable ground for suoh suspio, ion. A painfully sudden death 000urred - in. MoGilliviay on Monday of last week' The wife of Mr John Morgan Young was taken suddenly :ll Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, with a kind of appopietio fit and 10 spite of the best medical assistance, ; died Monday at 10 a. m Hood's ,S:ir=;iparilla is on the flood tide of popularit,f, which positiou it has reached byite own intrinsic), undoubted merit. _ r Presbytery of I:uxoa. Q The Presbytery met in Seafortll art the Presbyterian church on 'Tuesdaya /0th knit., Rev J. Anderson moderator. After the usual opening exercises an business, elders' comutissione were called for. The report on Temperance was read by Rev. A. McMillan. Its roeoln mendations were : (1) That the Preaby tery urge attention to morel suasion bd' way of educating the people. (2) Urge all office bearers in the church to set good example. (3) Urge attention to th teaching of Temperance in the Pali Schools. The report on Sabbath ob eervauce was delayed owing to the being no questions sent out to Sasai.ona The report on tate state +•f religion wa read by Rev. Mr Anderson. The Pres byterydevnted an hour tna, conference on this report, many questions of practical 1p iuortanee being discussed. Rev. G. Needham and Mr. Milne ware elected lilelObara of the Synod's committee ou bills and overtures. Rev A. D. McDonald reported for the com- mittee appointed to prepare a reeolutian on Dr. I3re'a retirement. This resolut ion set. forth that Dr., a're had conte fr thStreetaville to Goderich in 1802.2. e eleven theca in charge of congre aatione Goderich district were the late Rev'da J. Logie, J. Duncan, W. Inglia and J. Rona ; the others have all retired from the active work of the ministry. except the present pastor of Seaforth Ur. McDonald.) It further expressed regret at the retirement of Dr. - re and followed him with the prayers of this ew Goods! d Whieh you need and on winch you Can save money. a e 0 re s ( Presbytery. This was unanimously ad- opted. Delegates to the General Aa- Rembly were elected as fullawa:-•- Minisrers-Anderaan, Barr, Ramsay, Fletcher, and McDonald. Eiders --From the congregations of Exeter,Grand Bend Egmondville, Thames Road and Goder- ich. Thera was put infrom the Goder- ich congregation a petition asking for separation from Jieeburn and -Union church. Messrs. Strang ani Saund- ers appeared for Goderioh and blears. Cumming and Mc3Math for the country churches, As there was no upppoeition. to the propoaed separation, the Presby - tory agreed to it and appointed a com- mittee to attend to the supply of Lee - burn and Union ()buret'. Mr. D. John- aton Tae examined and certified as a student for the Ministrx. The aid -re- ceiving congregation* werg recommend- ed as untitled to the same amount as drawn last year. Tho Presbytery adjourned to meet in Caven church, Exeter, on the 12th May. Mier Sproat, daughter of Mr Geo Sproat, ofTuokersmittt, Left on Tuesday bast for Milton, Dakota, -Mie. Brotberson, of Loadbury, left on Tuesday for Maniton, Manitoba. Rov T. M. Campbell, of St Marys, has been invited ,to become pastor of the Cam- bridge Methodist church in Lindsay. and has accepted, subject to the action of the transfer committee. Mounted Pcliceman Herron left Kipp, Alberta, about a week ago for St Marys, and not yet turned up. and is supposed to have bean frozen to death. Hie dogs have returned frost bitten. BURN. Hownnn-In Exeter, on the 8th inst., wife of Edward Howard, a son, MARR U. Eoaroxx-YEo-In Mitcbell,oa tate 5th inst at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev F. E. Nugent, Mr. Matthew Elliott, of Logan, to Miss Jennie Yeo. DAwSoN-BATxIN-At the residence of the bride's father, 14th oon.,Logan, on Feb, 25th, by Rev A. Henderson M. A., of Atwood, Albert R. Dawson, son of Rev A Dawson, Toronto, to 1Sary Jane, daughter of John Battin. HESsnx-CotantAN-On Wednesday, Fob. 25th, at tbe residence of the bride's par- ents, by the Rev W. J Taylor, James K. Hussey, of Chicago, to Emily P Coleman of Sc Marys. DUNnAR-MCQUAERIE-E;t the residence of the bride's father, by Rev A. McLean, on Wednesday 4th inst., R. D. Dunbar of South Pittsburg, Tenn., to Miss Janet, • eldest daughter of Mr H, MoQua rie, Dinsley street, Blvth. RonERTSox-:7ALZER -At the residence of 14Ir D. Cook, on the evening of Feb. 26, by the Eev W, Craig, Mr Time Robertson of Clinton, to Mise Mary Walker, of Clinton, MCLINC.HEY-WATTS-At London, on the 25th f eb,, by the Rev Mr Boyd, Mr. James McLinchey, of the Goshen Line Stanley, to Miss Mary Ann Watts of the London Road, BATES-PmcrouND-On Feb., 25th, by the Rev Jas. Walker, at the residetlpe of the bride's father, Mr, William `Bates, to Mise Clara Penfound, both of Stanley, to wnship. DIED, MEIxoa-In Mo(illivray, 7th con on the 3rd inst., Mrs Barbara Meikle, relict of the late John Meikle, aged 89 years. YOUNG -On March end, 1891, Elizabeth, - wife of Mr Jno Young, 11111 con Mc- Gillivray, aged 23 years 10 montns. Townes -In Goderioh, on the 28111 Feb.,' 1891, Margaret Towers, baster of Mr Geo MoEwen, Hensel', aged 65 years and 11 months: SALE REGISTER. Thursday March 24th -Farm stock, implements, ote., the property of Mrs Mary Ramseyer, lot 27, con 14, Hay township. Sale at ono o'clock. En. Bossaxnnnns,. Austionear '; Just received a shipment of W DRESS GOODS, NEW Cc}TTQ\Al 5 3 NI:SV CUBTAI1i, .. NSW f*U'1 NEW" PRtN,T,5, NEW ts0sTTONS, A special Slue Irl taew Twieds. We invite everybody fca see this lot of bargaing, Groceries always new and t'resh t). P. ROSS, ua vrtlut�vezrr t iaie, Ilet.nlet'ech 0Relngntf4UFchr naleliaof count o the votes in the South Wen worth curtest to -day. The result of the count gives Mr Carpenter (Conservative) a majority of 72 vote*. The totals are:--•(Tarpenier, 1;606: 141iddleton, 1,734 This ea the constituency in which both parties claimed victory. The Count in North Perth. Stratford, March l0—The official eount of the returns in North. Perth toots place to -day. In thirteen pile the deputy re turning olllcers had neglected to make any certificate as to the numi;erof votes polled. In one poll there was no cortineate of the number of votes polled, and the figures were written over twice, thus making it. difficult to say what they meant. The returning officer rofusea to make a declara- tion, and adjourned the proceedings for one week, although the discrepauciee were largely in Mr Hessen's favor. North Perthwill go Conservative. How To rave 100 IMAM -Health with. many years may entity be attained. Tem- perance, Abetiuenoe and oars in food eaten are the main ounditiuns. Always use Im- perial Cream Tartar Baking Powder in. biscuit, cakes &a and that part of food will be all right. Sold by all Grocers.. Friday a sawing match took place at Mr J D MoColl'e Lucca, about 400 people being present. The contest was over an 18 inch log, Iwo outs to be made by each party. Messrs Gilmore and Frafer, of Moorevilbo, won in 75e seconds. 2ud Messrs Wm Sprol and Wm Carroll, of Teeswater, In 86 eeeonda ; 3rd Mesara Gilmore and Setup. Fon, 3.tooreville, in 861 seconds. At the oloee of the Match Meseta B Currie and D McColl, of Parkhill, took off one cut in 30. seconds, with their overcoats on, and while smoking cigars. Btu:maw BILL COMING. with his Wijd West Show causes immence excitement, nearly equal to that caused by the introduc- lion of that wholesome and pure artiole known as the Imperial Cream Tartar Bak ing Powder. Sold byall provers - Children Cry for Pitcher'R Castor SEALED TENDERS marked "For • Mounted to theelice Honorab a the Minister ofRailw ys and Canals. will bo received up to neon at Monday, 9th Slarch.1891. Printed forms of tender captaining full in- formation as to the artieles and quantities re- quired, d, ma y be had ou application to the un- dersigned. No tender will be received unless made on such printed terms. Patterns of articles may be seen at the office of the undersigned. Each tender must be aeoompauied by an ac- cepted Canadian bank cheque for an amount equal to ton per cent, of the total value tender- ed for. which will be fortcited if the party decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if be fail to supply the arti- cles eontraeted for: If the tender be not ae- eep ed th n cheque will be returned. No payment will be ma 'o to newspapers in- serting tboon first his advertisnentobtainedm. without authority having PRED. WHITII, Ottawa, Feb'y9th ,189]I trollorN.tiy,bf.1ence. USE q RAN FRESH AL/1 EE Ask 'YOUR tROCFR rag THEM R¢ THEY ARE u PEERLESS. IN NAME QUALITY AND FLAVOR., C. i APSON 1.V