HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-5, Page 8Dn pm of et HEVP SPORE
E. J. sp4eKimAN & O. wish to inform the people of Exeter and
stir= oui*dingcountry that will open their new store,(gne door north
ot Farmers' Grocery), on
with an entire new stock .consisting of DRY GOODS, i 1ILLINERY,
Our Dry Goods stock has been bought within the past tso weeks
from the best houses in the Dominion, consisting of the newest and
latest: no':eities in the trade.
Having eng sed Miss L. Smith (late of Alliston) to manage the
'AltiltnEry Department, will take this oppnrtuni'y of informing the
Ladies that we have visited all the best millinery houses early, thus
enabling us to se••ure tate choicest novelties,
BOOTS &A mons—Remember this is the largest stock of Boots
anti r,ho•s in the county,
CLOTI3IN(-- Ve claim to carry" floe best Imes of Ready made
Clothing in Western Ontario,
GROCERIES--' 'e have just re sired the best brands in Groceries,
full and complete stock will always be sound at our store,
OUR MOTTO i "Good Goods and excellent values in all department,"
Siiuiwell's Block, Exeter.
I1w Sillt gNeic
!Si L`i+`a#'it.:14IQ1',AGENT FOR
t Toronto; also for the>;'>:ltEN;fi
NSL'?ASOF, COMP1Nk, of l,oudoo;
site latiraA,a,i.:3d.1)1A'S, of 3tott-
lroal.:STM d ttte 1'.t,R1O eR i ["AI. Taal,
Asil HA NCE,C) of tlaterlooetiadaished
,.ssera^.ep at.ir'n •ti;,:;;:.dv;d. uraunaes
ovcry year alter :irh year. .
p7 cam;,
gtl, 'a
1 , "•t hers
tine tial
motley here
e :m
to g,
d A
C g
WILT. lit' h,l' '"'et -
ll to males
its 1t:aIle,:.
nlu e d
An Attraoti.Vcx Stook
fit New Winter 'l.'weeds
Worsteds and Trans -
lugs. now being shown
Shoppers should never lose the
opportunity of selecting from our
new and unbroken line ot prints
and sateens. We have the most
charming array of new patterns in
these goods that have ever been
shown in Western Ontario, and
right now is the opportunity, and
right here is the place to secure the
veru best selections of the season
at fairest figures.
We will show you an end-
less variety of popular styles
just calculated to meet your
wants and please your taste.
No one will be alowed to
:offer better inducements in
price for anything like the
values we are now showing.
Come in and see for yourself
that we lead the trade in
prints andsateens s chi
Bankrupt Stock Dealer.' Exeter
gkei in ` illic to.
THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 189.1.
An experienced•achool teacher is quoted
by a contemporary to the effect that pupils
who have access to newspapers at home,
when compared with those who have not,
are better readers, better spellers, better
grammarians, better punctuators, read
more under atandingly, and obtain a practi-
cal knowledge of geography in almost half
the time it requires others This is true,
not only of school nupils,; but of grown up
people, As an educator the newspaper is
invaluable and can be had for almost
On Sunday last Mr Simon Joey, of the
dhaInes. Road 1'aborue, passed peacefully
away, After an itinesa of some yeara, Brough
lately his condition had keen growing
steaeiily and rapidly' orae, lie was the
victim of consurnptton, having aaine years
ago eortreeted a severe eold, whieh tai l
eavily upon him. Mr Joey's sutrerings
have peen Immense though at times it
seemed as if he might recover. The
Lest erelie a3 ecierice was exereisctia hut to
1}6 ue ail, the .leta•asetl was very mach
oe tit ted. and until recently was quite
ellen iu town, and Iiis many friends will
he pained to '`earn of his death. He leaves
tt lather, mother, wife scud daughter, as
silo several Mothers anal sisters, all of
ahem have the sympathy of tine commun-
ity. He was abed et year's. The funeral
took place on Tuesday, his remains beteg
interred in the Exeter cemetery; the
on; tetti3alarpa one.
orde NOta'u,
7.'ltia (Tlt ruin yl evg. the union prayer
meeting will be meld in the. Presbyterian
eliureh—Next Sunday (week) Rev'd W.
Uolwes will pra:aeeh a missionary sermon
in tori Main at aleth church. ahoy of Mr
iI'1mee old friends will be pleased to have
another opportunity of hearing his praeti-
etas discourses. —Rev. Jasper Wilson on
Sunday eosin last preached a powerful sor-
mon on "Uanllelint; a.nd (tames of chance,'
to a very large congregation. The rev
gentleman thoroughly exhausted the sub.
sect, and showed how inaonent commence
nteuts lead to sad conclusions. He cited
scverelweli-known cases whet a poverty had
trent into a rich man's shoes in one night
He urged ution all the net:casite of leaving
card playing sorely alone In the morning
he preached a sermon commemorative of
the Methodist Centennial,—At the last
meeting of the a. , P. 0. E. Society of the
James at Methodist church it was decided
to give a social in that cburch on Good
Mr E. J Spackman moves into his new
store this week.
Mt T. Berry, of liensali, purchased a
numdo r of horses in Exeter this week.
Mr Wm. Sweet was: entertained, to. so
oyster supper, prior to his leaving town.
For the largest seleetior and beet values
in Prints in town call at RichardPickard's
The Couueil will meet on ltionday evg
next instead of Friday, as previously an
A telephone is to be constructed fres,
Grand Bend to Parkhill, by private enter-
Last week Mr D. Johns received a pail
of Beagle puppies front a gentleman in
cA butterfly circling around the lamps in
the stain-st Methodist chard) Sunday evg,
would indicate en early spring,
The Toms is published a little later this
week, owing to a desire to give our readers
a full report of the election.
ails Brownlee has given -up house keep-
ing in Exeter and baa gone to Centralia.
where she is residiug with Mr Richard
The Hornell property was pub ,up at
auction on Saturday last. butwaa not sold,
the reserve bid being considerably higher
then the highest, offer.
dlessra, Verity have been ma' lug large
shipments of plows to Manitoba title week
Their trade in the Northwest seems to Ile
ateality increasing,
The Provineiat sprint; etallton show will
he held in Toronto on March lith. and 12th.
A meeting of the agricultural and arta
assueiatien will be held ;it the same time,
"Nester Beneeld" is the title of a new
story, commenced in last week'a issue, It
will becomparatively short,hnt it is highly
interesting and instructive,
4r David Miller and lankily moved from
Henson to Exeter on Monday- We wet -
mime them amougat ue, Mr Sweet whose
praetiee Mr :Uilltr purehasout left en Totes -
day for a, trip through the States.
air John Sweitzer Imo purchased the
residence of Mr James Relosay. Exeter
North, paying therefor the sum of eft,
4r R. t5'ill purchase a house nearer his
walk, helloing an employee at the foundry,
-rhoconatatee bans a boarder aver Settle.
thy night; he snid he came from Ottawa
and that he was a friend of Sir John's.
Wonder was he one of the hoodlemea of
whom our opponeutt so freely apeak.
Richard Fiekari has just opened up the'.
prettiest lot of black tend colored dress
gotois ever brought into this town, These
geode were imported by himself direct
Irom the mannfactnrera in the old country
The wife of Mr Joseph Langford, Lucan,
a respeetatrre retired farmer, living in the
village, known to olany in this locality,
dropped dead at the tea table oil the evg.
of allareh .Ito The doctor pronounced it a
ease of heart disease.
Mr Allan \tci)one11 &tiptped from Exeter
Wednesday a ear load of brow mares.
The eniptnent was ono of the finest that
Inas left this station for some time, and .1r
\lcDonell paid gond prices for the enhnals.
They go to Portage la Prairie, Men..
Our" Jlielern Pulpit" this week Rives
a deep and inaitrucetivo diseoureo by Rev
Wm E. Bryce, (Presbyterian,) on "Christ-
ian Aleutian." Our sermonic department
is a specie' feature and it i9 very much
appreci:ateri by unr readers in geuerat.
(loud sleighing on Thursday, and as a
consequence election work was made easy
and pleasant As it was the first good fall
of snow we tiara had this winter, Provident.°
must have favored the election, especially
the Conservatives, they winning the day.
Mr Robert E. Pickard and .\ Thai Darling,
(milliner), of the firm of Richard Pickard,
have just returned from the wholesale
millinery openings hold this week in
Toronto. and have availed themselves of
this opportunity of aelectiug all the leading'
novelties both in millinery and dry goods,
Mr Pickard reports the millinery as being
exceptionally pretty this seasou.
Mr. Will Folland has returned after a
two weeks' visit to friends iu Toronto
and Richmond Hili.—Mr E. J. Spack-
man on Saturday returned from Toronto
and Montreal.—Mr, Samuel Poplestone
arrived in Exeter on Monday erg ; he
will engage as clerk with Mr. E. J.
Spackman.—Mrs Biggs, sister of Mrs I.
Bowerman, left for Brandon, Manitoba
this week.—Mr Edw. Gill. is visiting
friends in Detroit.—Mr. ,7., A. Stewart
went to Toronto this week. Mrs.
Stewart is visiting friends in London.—
Mr. A. Bennett visited his parents in
Orangeville on Tuesday. —Mr Larke
one of the many popular exponents of
Conservative principles, was in town on
Monday.—Several persons from a dis-
tance were in town this week for the
purpose of exercising the franchise given
them by this Dominion.—We are sorry
to report the serious illness of Mr W.
J. Verity, wbo was taken suddenly ill
on Monday. He is confined to his bed.
—Miss Mollis, of Kippen, has been en-
gaged as clerk in the store of Mr. J. P.
Ross.—Mrs. Harry Jones, of Usborne,
is at present seriously ill.—Mr. J. H.
Northcott and family left for London on
Monday.—Mr. Thos. Hamlin, of Owen
Sound, is spending a few days in town.
—Miss Susie Tait is visiting her brother
at Tilsonburg.=Mies Susie Weekes left
for Norwich this week, and Miss Gestate
Holland left for Watford. --Miss Allie
McTavish of• •North-east Hope,is visiting
friends in town.—Miss Nellie Darling
and Mr. Robert Pickard are attending
the millinery openingsat'Toronto.-Miss'
Horne is attending the millinery open-
ings in
o en-
ingsin the cities.—Miss Spicer is sup-
plying for the Principal of . the P>lblic
Schools this week in his absence • at
Orono to exercise his franchise.
The political meeting in the interest of
the Reform party on Tuesday evg was
quite largely attended, but owing to one
side only having the say, little interest
was manifested, unless by the more en-
thusiastic Reformers.., No new arguments
were advanced:
There is a peculiar society in the county
of Wentworth among the farmers known
as the Society for the Recovery of Stolen
Horses.: The initiation fee is one $1, and
25 cents a year is collected afterwards.
When the horses of any of the members of
the society are,etolen the society' pays for
the recovery, and it recovery is impossible
two thirds the value of the animal is paid
fro,n the general fund to the loser. The
p"esident is Henry Anderson of East
Flamboro' and the secretary -treasurer is
John Stock.
Referring to the Conservative conven-
tion at Ailsa Craig taut month the Parkhill
Gazette says it was the only paper which
gave a correct report of the proceedinvs.
We are pleased to learn that the Gazette,
according to its announnornent, is infusing
a little spirit into its columns, as we most
say it has been the tamest on our list.
Congratulations may not be out of place.
The Conservatives held a mass .meeting
on Wednesday evg. The hall was packed,
notwithstanding that the notice given of
the meeting was but a few hours in ad-
vance A very large attendance of coup-
'Ty people were present, and the meeting
throughout was enthusiastic in the Con-
servative interest. The speakers we; e
Wiri, Johnston, of Blanshard, and Dr
Rollins, both of whom gave ' telling.
At a meeting of the young people in the
,Main-st Meth. church on'Tuesday evening
the orgat,ization of the Fpworth League
was completed The officers are : Pres,
J W Hogarth ; Vice•Pres., W J Bissett.
W. E Gundy, and E A Follick of the
Christian Endeavor, literary and social
departments respectively. Sec'y, C. F.
Verity; Tress, Miss.Sweet. A committee
o constitutions and by-laws was ap-
On Friday evg . Gth inst., the Dominion
Jubilee singers will give an entertainment'
in the Janes-st Methodist church. • There
are seven independent soloists all of whom
are descendants of Africa. The entertain-
ment will be of a high class, jui ing from
what the press and clergy say of them in
other places. According to the program
the selections are all new which in itselt
will grealty add to the interest ot t - e
affair. See programmes fpr further par.
tictilars. .
We havejust ened a ,la? ..e consignment
� . up lg g �a��t
or imported Prints among whioh Will be found alb. - -
the correct things fox this season's wear. We have
them at all prices, but would call special attention
to our extra 'wide, cloths at 12.ic. They are beautiful
At the last regular meeting of the Sons
of England Society the following teaolu-
tfona were passed,—one of condolence to
Mr John Cudmore. whose wife recently
passed to the better land, the other testify
log to the lose sustained to the Society in
the departure front town of air. Win.
Sweet. Below are copies of the resold
To Bro. Toon Cudntore,
Dees Bao.—Wo, the members of Plymouth
Lodge No. ,63. Sons of England Benevolent
oetety. beg to tender our sincere and heartfelt
sympathy ler you le same recent atiliction by
the loss you bare sustained in the death of
your belovedwife. We know there lsnomea-
ly loss so keen. no trial in life so hard to be
borne, no lass of friends or relative+ So severe
as the loss of the partner of our lite. ate
crust that veer loss Is her heavenly gain. and
that; she bas gone to her heavenle home
awaiting the grand reunion of earthly friends
here below. and that lie who tempers the Mud
to the shorn lamb may colorist t your otherless
eh'ldren and give you grace to bow utin humble
submission to /lift Divine will.
it-eartiot:uats, N.at-lir Coax,
Diet net Deputy. fres.
To Biro, William Swett.
Dunn ,tee-1Ce,the member of Plymouth
Lodge 1o, 63, cone of Engtnnd Benevolent 1
$eeiety,destre to express to you our sincere
regret at your departure from our Midst.steins one of the oldest members et our /,edge
and brYour energe and res eetelellty atetahied
the Mho you now lwld,mid during,theahjTerent
alms of yourufueoin this ledge. nailer your
supervision. we have increased not only largely
in membership but finaneieely. We regret
that now you aro about to remove from our
midst,and are verY sorry that .sour removal has
been caused by 111 health, but we fru.t that
wherever you me • reside, that, by the rocrifieca
a }}
you aro now making 1 n leaving. 7t e
u l i ak t Ic in your home
y g g 3
your friends and brethren, You will be reoont-
booed by tate restoration or your health and
prosperity in your earthly pursuits and al-
though we may not have the opportunity of
meeting 'vou herr again we lope when wo have
completed our duties here below to meet you
In the 6rtnd Le:lge above.
Signed -n behalf of the members,
if., rect:uart N. V. Urnnn .
District Deputy,
a Pa T greatest GREAT SPELLING MA nN The at0 spell-
ing matob on record is that offered by pOur
Remus- Publishing Co;•; in which they will'
award the following magpifioent CASH Paves:
One prize of $300: ono prize of $200 ; two prizes
of roe ; four prise. of $50 ;eight prizes of $25;
twenty prizes of $10 ; forty prizes of $5 ; ono'
hundred prizesof $2 ; and two hundred of, 81.
There prizes will be awarded to the persons
sending in the largest • number of oorreotly
spelled words found in the advertising pages Of
the February number of Our Hotnes.m which
DO letters beour but those found the sentence..
:'Our Homes is, Unrivalled .aa a Home Maga-
zine." Special dash prizes will be givenaway
each day and each week dams competition,
which oloses:Anril25th, 1891. Send le cents in
stamps, or silver. for a sample copy . of the
Februarynumber,with ruled and regulations
governing the competition. Address, OUR
Hoass Pun. Co., Brookville, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is on the flood tide
of popularity, which position it has reached
by its own intrinsic, undoubted merit.
Itch cured in 30 minutes
by We
lf rd's
Sanitary Lotion Sold by C.
Children Cry for Pitcher q_ castor►.
Public School Board Minutes.
The Bawd met is the town hall Marsh
lsb at S p.m, absent W Treble and A. G
Dyer. Items passed : Minutes of previ-
ous meeting; per Dr Lutz anal 1'i liueston, '
non resident rates for current year to be
500 eacb per month when two or less are
attending iron one family, end 25e each
for all additional members ; Report from
Iusurauce ()tattooing effected a reinsurance
in as good company for $3400 for a tenon of
three years for the sum of $30 50 net
Report of Secretary, that a Ilictionary had
been purchased as desired. On motion of
Dr Lutz, that the meinters present be a
committee to define limits of section and
prepare map for the use of the board ; per
H liueston and W Hoskin, 1500 monthly
reports to be ordered by the sec'y; per H
Huestou and iV Hoskin, Treasurer's Benda
to he for the sum of four thousand dollars;
per Dr Lutz and Uneaten, to gtant absence
desired by the Principal ; per Dr Lutz and
W Hoskin. aci'ount for insurance 5'30 50 ;
per W Hoskin, adjournment to last Mon-
day in March.
.1. Gunu7, Sou'y.
Ministerial Association.
This• association met iu afain•st Meth.
church Exeter on Monday, 2nd Inst , with
the Rev J Wilson president in the chair.
After the usual devotional exercises the
election of offlcera for the coming year
took place which resulted as follows :—
President, Rev W M Martin; vice presid-
ent, Rev A L Russell ; Secy Treasurer,
Rev R Redmond,,, Papers were arranged
for the next two meetings after which Rev
3 Wilson read a historical paper giving the
history of the doctrine of the person of
Christ for the first three centuries. This
paper was well received and gave rise to a
fruitful discussion, many of the heresies
touched upon being of Practical value as
theowing light on the gospels and epistles
of the New Testament. Rey W M Martin
then read a sermon based on Prov. 11, 4 ;
"Riches profit not in the day of wroth.
but righteousness delivereth from death.".
This sermon was ably criticiser. and no
doubt much chaff wtinld be blown from all
sermons if they couldpass through the
fanning mill of the association. • The next
meeting was appointed for James-st church
Exeter, on the first Monday of April, and
the association adjourned.
will yon heed the warning.- The signal
perhaps of the sure••a'pproach• df that more
terrible disease Consumption, Ask your-
selves if you an afford for the sake of,
saving 50c , to, run the risk and, do nothing
for it We know 1• om experience that
Shiloh's Curewill uu, o' your cough . It
never fails:
,An old physician retired from practice ,hav
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of asimple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent euro for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, As tome and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and all
nervous complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands, of
oases, has felt it his duty to make it knownto
his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive,
and a desire to releive human suffering.I will
send free of Charge, to all who desire it, the
recipe in German, French or English, with
full directions f, r preparing and using. Sent
by ,nail by addressing with stamp, naming
his peper. 'W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers' Block
Iiochester,N'. Y.
Though our winter's trade has been exceptionally good, and
we are not to be found among the mourners, yet we have a few
goods we want to sell, and the sooner they are sold the better we
shall feel.
\Ve must begin to plats for our
nd want room and money to carry out the plaus we formulate.
To secure these two essentials we shall
the juices on our entire winter stock of
They must make way for our spring purchases, and now is the
tint; to buy these cold winter goods.
Goldsmith Hall!
GO cepqu
a ----neotVAan ios CLOCKS, -_JEWELRY, -
t1e"Personalattontion given to repairing of
The undersigned has open-
ed a stock of Fresh Groceries
and Liquors, in the store re-
cently occupied by S. C.
Hersey, opposite Town Hall,
Stock is complete and Goods wil
. be sold at a small margin
over cost.
A Cal! Solicited.
Opposite Post Office ' .PARKHILL
%elft] INS BANOEa0.
Established in 1868.
Thiseomr.anv has been over :eighteen
years in suoceeefcl operation in Western
Onario, and continues to insure against
Joss orilamageb1, Fire Build ngs Mere ban-
d ise, Manuractories, and all other de scrip.
tions of insurable property. Intending
insurers have the option of insurimt` on
the Premium Note or cash System.
During t;ie• oast ten years this Gera -
pally Pas issued 57,096 Policies. covering,
Taid a losses alone 5.709,752,00.
. pproperty to the awou'ntof 340,872,085; and
Assets, 8176,100.00„conaistan1 of Cash
-Monk Government Depesit•and the un -
sweet d Premium Notes en taan. and in
:arot. : W WArmrersM. D .Prestdet t 0 .
4. f.st,bn Secretary J.I3 : Hoe In-
speotor. ORA 5. SNELL, 9Pont fes eter
and vicinity. -
tIBALED TENDERS marked 'Tor Mounted
'•' Police Clothing Supplies,” and ad:+reseed'
to the Honorable the Minister of Railways and
Canals, will be received up to noon on Monday,
9th' tf atch.1891,
Printed forms of tender containing full in-
formation as to the.artioles.and quantities re-
quired, maybe had on application to the un-
No tender will be ;received' unless made on
such printed terms Patterns of artioles may
be seen at the oihoe of, the undersigned,
Each tender must bo accompanied by an ae
copted Canadian bank cheque fppr an amount
equal to ten per cent, of the total value tender
ed .for. 'which rill be forfeited if the party
decline to enter into a oontraot` when galled
upon to do so, or if he fail to supply the arti-
cles contracted for. If the tender be not`ao-
cepr ed th a cheque will bo returned•
paymentwill be ma o to newspapers No in-
serting this advertisement without_tuthority
having boon first obtained.
ComptrollorN.W •M.Police.
Ottawa,-Feb'y Oth, 1891
Bugs'ALo BILL COAXING, with hie ' wild
West Show causes immense excitement,
nearly equsl to that nutted by the introduc-
tion of that wholesome and pure article.
known as the Imperial Cream Tartar Balt.
ing Powder. Sols byall grocers.
A. Hastings, Prop
,Shaving. and" Haircutting in the latest:
style of the art. •
Every attention paid to gutting
If you will send us your address, we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Col bratod' Bleotro-Voltale
Belt and Appliarcea, and their charming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
Pamphlet free. Ifyou are thus afflicted,
hood- pp nffi ,
e will send you a^ elt and A lianees on a
w y �+' PP
VOLTAIC Btua Co:. Marshall. Mich.