HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-5, Page 74 i witcbzt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost mates, Sprains, Bruises, Barns, Etc. Bolsi by 'Druggists and Dealers everywhere, Flits" Cents abottle. Directions is a3, Language& "OttEOSAELES A. VOGELER CO„Baltimore, Md. ciairladian Spot Toronto, Ont. SHILOH'S CONN M PTION CURE. The tttecess of this Great Cough Clue is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it en a pos- itive guarantees a test that no otbet cure can sne- cessfully stand. That it .may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are sing a Sample Bottle Free into every home the 1Tnited States and Canada, If you have Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron Lis, use it, for It will curt you. If your child has the Croup, or"Whooping Cougbe use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious draeas: Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist f;): SIIII.OII'S CURB, 1 rice xo ets., co cis. anti fi.eo. If your I.ua p,s are sore or Back lame, ase Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. 8nee Stile r; nnrobareternr..d * ,1t rC:r n, by AMAAc,t1a, Ts 1,0e sad ,,SPO. Men, Tach (0h, raeat. (IMeuarad wen. Why rat you? iteme ram over ii ILO* ,cath, Tau tonna Maw* aid Ike rt Mame, whrnerrycu art. Trip bt- FEWont aro ea,Siy earning to in 8f Ia Ufaday,Alaasra, wool iia;oMew and out yea, t an wcr,r Oa ;taro tlma trall Gmlaw, nlgreapeykrnot- arc }silts unkna,vn Arr,,C tart:. NEW andwoaarrfar, r•arr._ncanese. al ettaCCo, Itox#te!Ororttaaed,Alatno a i Emulsion of GodLiverOil AND TOL Bypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does1 not separate nor 1 spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrofulous and Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for "the D. & L.” Emulsion, and refuse all others. BOTTLE. rLAXSEED EMULSION COMPOUND BRONCHITIS 186 Lexington Ave. New York City, Sept. 19,1 ::, I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several cases of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages of Phthisis, and have been well pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK, M.D. CONSUMPTION Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 14th 1889, 1 have used your Emulsion in a case of Phthisis ' (consum t* a) with beneficial results, where patient could nc - se Cod Liver Oil in any form. ., , J. H. DROGE, M. D. NEMOUSPROSTRATION OA, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2Oth. 1888. e recommend Flax Seed Emulsion aS ,e relief and possibly the cure of all Lung,' 1 , and Nervous Affections, and a good gen- ,: .n physical debility, JOHN F. TALMAGE, M. D. )RAL DEBILITY Brooklyn N. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888. egard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior t0. _a Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use. D. A. -GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St. New York,.Aug� 6,1888. I;have used your Flax -Seed E.mulslon Compound in a severe case. of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than &aaad for—it was marvelous, and con- tinuous, I recnratnend it cheerfully to the profession and humaaiey at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATIS I Sold Dy Druggists, Price $ 1.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION Co. 0.3 % Libe oty St., New York. WENT UP TO HEAVEN. And is Sorry She Carle Baok to Earth. :diary amities Remarkable Story—Saw Angels and Saintsitionuted on golden &tenants--Aoetors Divided to Opin. ion, The dootors of Hempstead, have been puzzling. their brains for the past week with It most remarkable conundrum, which has not yet been solved. The eonuitdrum is this: Etas Mary Smith been in a trance or has she i+een visited by the Angel of Death? Most of na are firm in the belief that she has been in a trance, while two physicians from an adjoining town are of the opinion that she has been LddBRACED BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH, Diary Smith is a sixteen -year-old colored girl, who has resided here in Hempstead all 'ner life. She is very religious and has for some time been attending revival services at Hempstead. On Sunday last she attended a morning service and when etre got home ehe picked alp the Bible and proceeded to read it. Half an hour later MPS, Diexon, who was in the house, went into the front room tad found Mary Smith stretched out in an t.rmchair stff f as a corpse. The Bible la) ;pop the floor 'where it had fallen, Mrs Riel sen tried to rousts the girl, but could Pat. "he then tried to lift the prostrate bed , but the girl was too heav for the -old tasty and fell upon the Hoer. Her body was cold the pupils of her eyee were set and nvSltvrusan i'OIsaale TO MATH'. Dr, Kessel was 041101 in and prououued her dead, I made a elose eiraminatioii and at first eoneluded that she had CR05.8r,D THE 1M1ra?« RIVER. tint T noticed something that eeemesi strong and made a seeoand examination, I was ppm - then that the heart was still beating, but very feebly, so I took off any coat and proceeded to work with a will. Just the I another physieian earne in, not knowingg we were there, We told him all weknewsllaut the case and asked him to make an examin- ation. Ile prononueed her dead, I trie 1 another test and eom,luded TilAT sus WAS STILI. ILI\ E,. l)r, Kessel thought as I did, but the third pia, sieien who had called did not coincide with se. On the contrary, he argued that there Was not a spark of Wein the body and. remarked that it was a Coroner's case. But we would not give up hope and had the girl hid upon .abed. We remained at the house for three hours and finally went away, being positivo that she was dead, At six o clock old Hiram Dixon rushed into my olliee and exclaimed; e( MAST' S;ulTH IS STILL ALIVE I saw her move : " Again 1 harried to the house and found symptoms of life. Dr Kessel sung scant for, as were two other prey si mans. AR arrived at the same conclusion that the girl was in a trance. We used ever effort fT t to revive her e o but could not At eleven o'clock that night she a ain, showed symptoms of life, but half an tour later, to all appearances, was tleatl. These `.lis of life and death continued until Tuesday night, when every sign of life disappeared. 3 was DECIDED TO HAVE AN arge SY performed at three o'clock on Wednesda afternoon, but Dr. Kessel and Iprotested declaring that the girl was still alive. At nine o'elock on Wednesday morning the girl showed every symptom of life and her pulse be , n to beat better every minute. At ton o'clock, after we had adniimisteredstimulants the girl showed great improvement. Rais ing herself in the bed she turned completely over ou her side. At ten minutes to twelve she opened her oyes, turned on her back stretched her hands above her bead and stared about hor as if she were frightened " How do you feel?" inquired Dr. Kessel. "I don't, hear what you say," she answered The doctor leaned over and repeated the question. IN A LOUDER TONE OF VOICE. r' I feel tired," answered the girl. We gave her more brandy and then she became more talkative, but her words were not con nested. She talked in a rambling sort of a way and finally dropped off in a quiet sleep. Her pulse was irregular andher respiration was 104. Finally the fever left her entirely and at half -past one o'clock she woke up and asked for something to eat. We gave her brandy and milk, and at three o'clock, the time for the autopsy, she was feeling in first-class condition. She continued to im- prove with proper treatment and on Thurs- day morning felt as well as ever she did. She was able to be up and around and told us that she had been ON A VISIT TO THE CELESTIAL CITY. Here is her story in her own language : " I had been reading the Bible in the parlor and was thinking what a grand thing it would be to go to heaven. Suddenly I felt myself getting weak and the good book fell out of my hand. I had been seated in an easy chair near the table, and as I felt the book slip from my hands I grasped hold of the table. I was awful drowsy and tried to rouse tnyself but couldn't . My breath was leaving tie and I felt as if I was being suffocated. Fin- ally everything changed and I found my- self standing in front of a monster arch. A tall man was there bobbing his head up and down. He had a long beard and when I came towards him he turned his head on the side, as if he wanted to listen to something that I was going to say to him. I was DAZZLED BY THE GLORIOUS SIGHT that I had witnessed inside the arch and was so frightened that I was afraid to speak. The tall man with the beard kept bobbing his head up and down and motioned for me to come closer. I did so and he took my hand gently and motioned for me to pass in. He was the keeper, I guess, for he seemed to give a signal that a stranger was entering the big arch. The main street was awful beautiful. It was paved with big squares of gold and there were pictures on each square, made out of glittering stones. As I walked up the street I heard music. Some one was playing the harp up in the air. The air was all red and had streaks of blue, green and yellow. through it. Then there were BIG COLORED RIBBONS HANGING DOWN and beautiful flowers and evergreens all around. The perfume from the air was warm and sweet. Then there were carousals of fruit turning around and around and scores of little angels were dodging in and out playfully between big golden banners that. floated up and down like waves. Up and down the sides of the reet there were gold- en animals walking et as -et- le and pretty men and handsome teetnen !L vr•ngs were leaning in the air over the animals. ABOUT A HUNDRED ITARP3,, WIT:I were floating around in the balmy air among the flowers and they were playing nice music. Whenever any of the little angels laughed it seemed as if they lead music inside of them. Everybody and everything I passed kept bowing to me as I hurried along the mom street. Then I passed through five little gates thatplayed tunes when 'opened them, , Next I entered a large building with- out a roof. Two angels at the door said to me ; 'Welcome to the hall of purity ±! I entered and a whole (look of angels gather- ed about me and lifted me clean up above the roof, where it seemed as if it were rain - ng perfume, Higher and higher I went and then I heard beautiful music front a tiny little organ. It played a little song I used TPaling every night before goizag to bed. WE CAM$ DOWN INTO TILE HALL and a group of big angels up in the gallery, begin singing, " Honor, honor, honor to God on high i I Was so happy that I didn't know what to do, but while I was thinking about it two angels dressed in blue grasped hold of me and flew with tie out of the rear entrance of the palace. Then I passed through a little grove where there was moss. growing so evenly thatit looked like carpet, and on the other side of the grove I found myself on another gorgeous street, Here there were golden chariots going up and. down. and it seemed asif all the engelawere out for a drive. Sows were drawn by gold- en ostriches, some by golden lions and somo by golden horses. Passing along these chariots I saw a NUMBER OirPEOPLE r 5N$W IN LIFE, ° People who died in l`l'empstead during the past three years. There were Mrs. Allen yrs, E. Mayhew, Mrs, Mattie Brown, nee Wilson ; the Rev. Silas Mitchell and George• Evans. The Rev, Dr. Mitchell was seated upon the baek of a golden elephant and a whole erowd of little angels were Hying around him, throwing roses playfully at his head. Music was everywhere, Eventhelarge platform that I was atanding on wise playing music. (' On eroasing this street I was glancing,. from side to side so that I would not get run over. The golden horses and animals saw I was afraid and they all stopped and bowed when I went past. ,lust then a trumpet was blown and the elephants and horses and angels all crowded toward the side of the street. I turned arr.u*ul to are what it all meant andrsww million angels coming along binwiu; trumpets, Behind them came another big crowd, all with golden harps, Thi other angels who had been out driving got (town and sang in the street. They didn't have any feet, but they scone( to stand in the air. They were rejoicing over the approach of some one. WALLY A ikIONST5ar COAL= CARR ALONG and every one sang a song in which were the words, ' All hail to Catharine.' The oeeu- pane of the chariot bowed to me and seemed to recognize me as a newcomer. .An angel at my aide arid it was 5t. Catharine who was 1n the monster chariot. When she had p seed the driveway was again as lively as over and every one had a smile of satisfae• tion as features. I went was directed by the two ;Angela who were with. me and we entered another hall. This 1 was told was tho Hall of .truth. t,e Baro I wagbathcd in a bath of perfume and felt so happy that 1 cried out with joy, "Praised be the Lord." The angels around the hall took up the ery. Then there was more singing, more sweet music, and when 1 looked up there WAS GRAND TRANSFORMATION Se.ENZ. Another sainthedappeared and it seemed as if the hall was built of mirrors. As the saint approachedtneIsawthatIwas turning white anI could not help laughing. Then I was picked upagain by two angels and carried into the Hall of Darkness. Here I became afraid, but 1 heard so much sweet music and so tush sweat singing that in a minute I had gotten over the scare, I could soon see in the dark as wall' as in tho light, and up on a throne setback in an arch I saw a monster angel with a drooping head. This was the Angel of Darkness, who, 1 was told, bad sinned after entering the Eternal City and whose duty it was to instruct new comers bow to act. After I had received instructions hero 1 disobeyed one rule—failed to salute St. Agnes when she passed me. I was then. sent back to life and will have to stay hero for a few years more until I learn to obey properly. I wish I had not been sent back, for I never will rest until I return to the Eternal City," THIS STATEMENT made by Miss Smith has been repeated over and over again in he villages of Foster's Meadow, Massapequa and Rockville Centre and now the colored folks of Hempstead and the adjoining towns firmly believe that Miss Smith's soul has had a three day's tour in the Celestial City. HOW AN EARTHQUAKE FEELS, It Makes One Deadly Sick and Causes Ab Sect Terror. To the average resident of the temperate zones an earthquake is a rare and terrible event, creating more consternation than any other visitation of nature. In the tropics, however, particularly irveentral America, it is wonderful how easily the residents be- come accustomed to these shocks, which do not come, however, wholly withoutwarning. You are sitting on the piazza, a hot afternoon, chatting with your friends when suddenly the sky seems to grow hazy, the crows stop cawing and the buzzards quit fighting in the street. There is a general rush and, though you may not know what is the matter, you cannot help feeling un- easy. The old natives say, we are going to have a little shake, and then the house begins to rock, the tumblers fall off the table, you feel deadly sick at the stomach and the thing is all over. The sky clears, the crows begin. their noisy screams and the buzzards resume their quarrel over the street offal. . There is somethiug inexpressibly terrify- ing, errifying, however, about the trembling of the earth, The slightest oscillation will awaken the population of the whole town, but un. less some considerable damage is done, every- body goes to sleep again as smatter of course - They Both Had Colds. Wile (who has a severe cold to husband about to start for his place of business)— " Plebe stob at the beat barket, Charles; and order sub beat for didder." Husband (who also has a cold)—" What kide of beat do you wad. Bary ?" Wife—" Any kide of button will do." — Verifying a Statement. „ Pa—" Blanche.1 I wish to caution you against giving that young Twaddle any en- couragement ; he's not the style of man 1 fancy." Blanche-" Don't worry, pa, about my cultivating any fondness fur hon. ll:e makes me tired." Bub—" That's so, pa G He made sis so tired, last night that she bad to set on his a p' to rest." QVC 100 REBELS EXECUTED' And Their Wives and Ohildren l' Ittto Jeath,, The British Forces Capture the. Stockades of a Burmese Chiertatn—Burning and LObilgitft51Pa1ace—sitanyoftae Defend ers killed—The Imperial 3'arllament Appoint a Labor Commission. MAI1$5,ILL146, March 5. ---The captain of a steamship which has arrived here from Mada- gasear reports that as a result of a revolt upon the part of the natives, the Governor of Nossi-lie, an island and French, colony off the northwest coast of Mada escar, has caused the ereuction of eoverahundredrebels and killed their wives and children. CALeL rrA, March 5. ---The British forces under Major Smythe have captured the stockades of the Tsawbwa of Wuntho in Upper Burnish, killing 27 of the defenders. The Tsawb ea palace was set on fire, looted and finally destroyed. The British logs was 13 killed or wounded. The Tsawbsva es- caped. Inoculation for Ihptheria.. The success that has attended the efforts of Prof, Koch to diseover a remedy for con- sumption inspires the hope that the iuYes- tigationa now being made by that distin- gaushed bacteriologist and those astsoeiated with him in his studies aaa well as by emin- ent specialists in Parisi and Washington, will result in the discovery of a means of rendering the diphtheria bseilluatanocuous. It is safe to say that of all the diseases to whish childhood is liable none is so dreaded by parents as diphtheria, or ill so danger- ous awl anger.aus.awl ineidiaus. It is generally edmftted. that the disease isiroduced by germs fleet- ing in the air and gaining access to the body chiefly through inhalation, and that the germs settling upon the mucous mem. braise of the throat set up a local inflame- tion and send their poison through the blood to all parts of the organism. Thus far the experimenters appear to be moving along the line of preventive inuoeulation, as in vaccinating for email pox. But here the ideltity of their ex erimeute ceases, the subataiaees employed being very dissimilar, Thus it is stated that Babtsehinski, having observed that erysipelas :levelopin; in pa. tieutsalready quiteillwithdiphtheriaseenied to cam teraet the poison in the letter disease anti to lead to recovery, experinaeuted upon fourteen diphtheritic cases by inoculatang there with erysipelas, XIse result was the saving of twelve lives. for all of the other mcmbere of the Same families who also had diphtheria, but were not inoculated, died. Fraenkel hag discovered an alhnminoue stab- stance which, introduced into guinea pigs iaifeeted with diphtheria by hypodermic inje,;titlal, renders them immune, although it fails to produce that effect when the animals receive the infectioninthe °•din- ary way the c mucous membranes. Ilehring is the discoverer of n method of making the serum of the blood of infected animals bactericidal by the introduction of lnorgauio chemical snbetaanees, and has proven not only that these lower animals may bo made germ -proof as regrrds diph- theria, but that the injection of some of this antibacterial blood serum from one j animal into the system of a 9usceptihle animal confers a similar immunity upon the latter. Foss Schweinitz and (::ray in this country, working in the same direction, have just announced that by means of a chemical substance they have also been en- abled to render guinea pigs proof against diphtheria ; and they further express their belief that their method will soon be made applicable to man. Many will unite in the wish that this expectation may bo fully and speedily realized. A Fatal Rattlesnake Bite, Mr. Edward Bosanquet, .son of the well- known English banker, was bitten on Saturday by a rattlesnake while he was out shooting near Dayton, Florida. The snake struck him on the inside of the leg above the ankle. Mr. Evelyn 'Walker, who was with Mr Bosanquet, immediately applied his mouth to the wound, and endeavoured to suck out the poison. Then, having tightly bandaged the wounded leg, Mr. Walker rais- ed his friend upon his shoulders and carried him to Dayton. It is feared, however, that all his gallant exertions to save the life of Mr. Bosauquet have proved of no avail. He is reported to be in a hopeless condition. Mr. Walker himself is also seriously ill. It seems that he had a slight sore on his lip, and absorbed some of the poison into his system. On his arrival at Dayton, broken down with fatigue, he was seized with an attack which resembled partial paralysis. On Sunday evening, however, he wasrather better, and it was believed he was out of danger. Mr. Bosanquet and Mr. Walker were spending the autumn and winter at St. Augustine, Mr. Walker having his family with him. Mrs. Walker only sailed for England on Thursday. Mr. Bosanquet died at Dayton shortly after midnight in great agony. Mr. Walker, however, is now considered out of danger. Tippu Tib Bring no Ivory. Tippu Tib reached Zanzipar the other day with no ivory, and only a few raw porters in his caravan. He brought an immense quantity„ of ivory as far as Unyamdcmbe, dirtrict where porters are recruited for the journer to and from the coast. It happened to be in the Neigh of the harvesting season, and Tippu Tip could not get any porters. Au explorer, who happened to be at Tabora when Tippu Tib passsd through there three years ago on his way to the coast wrote home that the great trader secured 2,000 portars there to carry his ivory to the coast, is not being the habit of Arab ivory and slave dealers in these days, when the owners of slave caravans hot for them by civilized govern- ments' to take to the coast the large slave caravans with which they start from Cen- tral .Africa. en-tral.Africa. Midway in their journey they hire porters. At the Art Exhibition. Lady—All your marine pictures represent the sea as being calrn. Why don't you paint a storm once in a while? Artist -We painters in oil can't paint a storm. I have often outlinc,1 a storm on the canvas, but as soon as 1 Begin to spread on the oil colors, the waves sul,si,le and the sen hecomesas calm as a frock panel. Lady—Yes, 1 have read about the wonee tul effect oil has in calming the waves, hull had no idea it was so effective as all that. Ironclad, Boarder (vainly struggling to carve a chick- en)—This bird appears to have been inocu- lated by Professor Koch. Mrs.. Hashleigh—Pray what do you mean?" Boarder—It seems to be tolerably secure against consumption N(RTS R c ► MA 'S 7 Blood Aw Grew. -0. Purifier • ,- A •.a Sure Cure for Dspesia•- A Medical Triumph I HOW THE HEALTH OF ONE OF BEI.i„EVILLE'S CITIZENS WAS RESTORED. Remarkable Cure of Dropsy and. Dyspepsia. S•uuai, T, Caszx, Belleville, wlltea; 'a?;r the spring of 1684 I began to be troubled with Dyapepaia, whieh gradually became more and more distressing, 1 used various domestic remedies, and applied to my pby eldest, but received nobenel t, Bp this time my trouble assumed the toric of Dropsy. 1 was enable to use an food whatever, except boiled milk and bread; my limbs were 'mei, lento twice their natural size; all hopes of my recovery were given up, and 1 quite ex, Feted des, thwithin efewweeks. Noxtrnaoxa axle LY1zats'B VEo£Tastas Dlsmvxa.Y,having been recommended to me, I tried a bottle with but little hope oaf relief ; and now, after using eightbottlee, tnyDyspepsia and Dropsy are cured. Although now ireventy-nineyears oage, E oat enjoy my stents ars, well as ever, and ally general health is good. I ant well known is this section of Canada, having lived here fifty.seven years; and, yon have liberty to use my name in recommendation of your V aQzraura; Dlsoovza;, which has done such. wanders in my cage.,' A ' Very Bad Case I DYSPEPSIA VANQUISHED.. MIL avow Jonysi'oN, 4th icon., 7th loft' Amaranth, write*: "Two bottles of No* Timor rh LvmA se's vsowArms D4seourisit cured me of Dyspepsia. Mine wars* bad cassi and I had tried a number of other prepayar tions withoutgetting any benefit Prone theme', Dyspepsia Had to +o MR.S r . 3 DeviZLL, Winghaam, carpent and builder, writes: •"Three years ago Iwaa greatly troubled with Dyspepsia ; a para tae* twoearszanyshoulderswas aoleadtbatlthough * 1 would have to quit work altogether. ;l'I0 modicum gave nteease until 1got a bottle of Nosannorit TAWAS;S V8O&TADT.14 Diseov atrw,which gave me relief. I continued using the medicine until 1 had taken three bottles,, when I was perfectly well, 1 consider it in. valuable as a cure for Dyspepsia.I know of i several persons who have used t with 40 same benefit. _T O. Noy �a r 84 LDIAN Co TORONTO, PROPRIETORS. DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE ? ALLEN'S LUNGLS M BALSA rte, NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. E ETER LUMBER YARD v 'er Theutd r sI„neal wishes to inform the Public in general that he keeps constantly in stock all hinds of BUILDING' MATERIAL 3�res4sd or V'xl.dros seas PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY 600,000 XX and XXX Pine and Cedar Shingles now in stock. A. call -solicited and satisfaction guarauted. JAMES WILLIO PAI N,KI LER» STRIKES THE R5t)T OF THE n1st,sE Is used both internally and externally. It,act. gniokly, affording almost instant relief from the elovereat pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. IfiSTAUTArIEOIiS Ili ITS ACTIOj'1. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHtA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. in Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect Is magical. It cures In avery short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 250. A 60T7i.X, £ Beware of Counterfeits and Imitationa- Farmers and Threshers —SHOULD USE McCall Brost,' Lardine Oil, CYLINDER, WOOL, BOILER, AND PURGER OILS SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED MCOALL BROS. T.iARDINE - TORONTO.. FOB SALE BY BISSETT BROS., EXETER.. Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S 3 Z+.STaBLI61i2I ENT, '78, NSW OXFORD STIR, ICT, LON3..ON. �sg°sa°� ,�yco, 96w waw,°o0' l y g� Q� Go 1Se � sec �'� web e e� weeg�° . ° '4> '3>° ce Qty° o „ .4we °9 eOw°t ,r �° � lea w �e who `a1� ywa e� 4b i6 e3 6 .04 19 .�bie b> ae a�` 3 „sae - se wpb eq;1Q's o G w e` �a3' d,°o9G'eet �o�e' b, „tiN e9a °s a � eo y1, $ Qb9 SLw.� Qtr. ,pC��' o b e• � . 1e S0cJ�4e. otaet{°��t�j wve• w9 .9,rg4 b a oS e `tv. eQ owe sed oawt 9•,,t' yam' ,bo c,w so. L� �°ie� 04 9� s' • •'0' Imo' Purebaaers should look to the Label on the Boxes anti Pots. I1' the a.1 less is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they ere spurious.,