The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-02-25, Page 6The oderleh Signal-, Thursday, February 25seh,, %.„ ssistant leader, Mrs, Duii-
MIKYRIN, 'Feb. 22. Mc- � rounding district. For a wed -
Cl nclley'•=+-Mosa.- A pretty wed- ding trip to Victoria, B.C.tand
ding was, solemnized on Saturklealifornia, the gide donned a
ray,' Feb g20,, sat- he, United}Fa]e Zlme:1 "ocaded dress with
�burch manse, Auburn, when matching jacket, black Boat d
A. ' M. SvveeneY -united in
riage, Marion Ruth# elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Wil-
�lnazin ° Foss of •Aulburn, and
can 111 t<'Kay, discussed the pro-
per uniform for the girls and
it was decided to get the CGIIT
Middy an the near future. Next
meeting will follow kile printed
form of the worldprayer ser-
vice for' girls., The offering was
received by Banda Andrews and°
dedicated byGail Miller. The
story was given by iMrs. Wes.
Bradnock, Rev. D. _. '. Lane.
spoke a few . words to ,the girls
or their purpose. Prayer was
by' Marjorie Young'blut, follow-
ed by Taps. •The girls then
worked on their seywving .project.
Young 4 People's Society-- —
The Youn �'Peopie•'-Societ�*L
Knox Presbyterian Church net
black and white accessories..,
St. Mark's Guild.—The ladies
of Vit. Mark's'Guild held their
February meeti'tig at the home
David . `MeClinehey, son of Mr. of Mrs. Clifford Brown with 22
Intl 'Mrs, , Gorden . McClinchey, present. The hostess openned,,
of 11,:R,, 2, Auburn. The cere- the, meeting with the birthday
er ony" tao'k•place a 3 p.rrl. Tho hyrafmator Wire. ° fr McNtehot2;
!pride Was dressed an a ballerina- "From every stormy wind •that
length dress of Tale yellow silk ,blows" with Mrs. Gordon Taylor in the Sabbath School room
organza over taffeta, organza elf-, presiding at the piano. Prayers with Rey. D. J. Lane presiding.
pliqued dow'er's " around ,the' were said by Mrs. Thomas Hag- The Scripture was read respon-
Waistline tapering to a pint a't' eitt. The Scripture was read sively. The roll ;call was an-
swered by naming their favorite
hymn' and • saying why. The
offering was received by Murray
Youngblut an dedicated, The
minutes were read by the secre-
(base of. V-shaped neckline and
a fullskirt. She 'wore a small
pillbox that of yellow organza
trimmed with sequins which
,held the sheulder-length veil
and a corsage of yellow and
white carnations. She was at-
tended by 'Mrs. Alvin Plunkett
by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell.
The studybook :was taken byMrs. Clifford Brown. The topic
on prayer was given by Mrs.
Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. John
McNichol gave an interesting
account of her recent trip to
Florida. ' The president, Mrs:"
as matron, ofhonor, sister of Thomas Haggitt, took charge of
the groom, who wore a 'baller-
ina -length gown of pale blue
• crystal'lette styled with full
skirt • and V-shaped neckline,
white hat and wore a corsage of
blue and white •carnations. The
.;�,�elm. was attended hc,.hro
r, 10`r11an'"Mc+CIinchey, of
Mt. 2 Auburn, A family din -
the !business period. The .min-
utes of -the previus` „min-
were read' by the secretary, Mrs.
Ed. Davies., The : treasurer, Mrs,
Gordon Tylor, gave the finan-
cial statement. Mrs: Andrew
Kirkcon e was appou ted to
give the prayer's at £he 'r'orld
Day of Prayer on March 4th in
ner followed at the home of the the Knox Presbyterian Church.
bride, where the bride's mother The roll call was answe ed by
received wearing a dress of the paying of fees, . , nnies
.printed blue silk fashioned on amounting to the. size of their
princess lines and wore a cor- shoes, doubled, A vote of
sage of pink carnations. She , thanks was extended to Mrs.
was assisted by the groom's Gordon Taylor for typing 1950
mother wearing a dress of print -programs, and to Mrs. Brown
ed naw blue silk with matching for her hospitality. - A card was
'�y • 1
actively decorated with pink recovery.- The -hostess assisted
and white streamers and white by her sister, Mrs, Thomas Hag -
wedding bells, and the .pride's gitt, and Mrs. Stan. Polish, serv-
table was centred .with a three- ed a delicious luricih,.
tiered 'wedding cake topped • The C.G,.I.T. met in the Saba
'with .white bells and flowers.b=ath. School room of Knox.pres-
The •cake was flanked by lighted byterian Church with a good
pink tapers and bouquets of attendance. The president,
pink and white snapdragons. Barbara Sanderson, opened the
Miniature wedding cakes were meeting. Barhara MacKay was
' the place cards. The dinner :;t the piano. The roll call was
• was_, served by Mrs. Arnold answered by repeating debeati-
'Craig; "•Mrs. Russel King, Mrs. tude. The Scripture was read
William Dodd and Mrs. Clifton by Laura .:Doer, followed by
Md onald. The dinner was fol- prayer •hy Judy Arthur. The
lowed . by a reception, for .150-.minrxtes of the preaous trneetieg
,gdests in ,the Blyth Memorial were approved as read by the
Hall. Guests from a distance secretary, _Margaret Haines. The
were . present from •Plattsville, financial statement was given' by
London, Goderich..and the sur- the treasurer, Carole Brown.
•i*Oa •
''''''''-'4 'e .' ;: ,t" rayl .. . best interests of the - producer
The mark ung of farm pro-, any padking planet can take over
ducts is, a popular topic for the right to allocate the desired
!discussion and it. is important number Of hogs to itself simply
that farmers know not only the by bidding the higher price.
facts but also .the implications. It is only ii 'the cases -of identical
I was very ' interested in.... a , bid that the board has any
quotation given from one of our power .01 f a11ocat'ion•In 'this
curren'tancient history ' books case, the/ and is obligated to
r Jn nes Ho erty'7 tatsthe� °El'ma ,:sell.. e., g, ' on,,, m'e u-�r e
Agri,. Federation at A �considera ion in the -'best inter -
culture meeting February .f8th ests of the producer.' The pack -
"It is only when forces are er who can process quickest,,
equal that ,the question of rights who is "closest to the pd'int of
arises; When forces are unequal assembly, or who, consistently
the strong does what he can returns favorably dressing per -
and the weak suffers what he centage, or who will sell' rm-
must." rncd'iately.into the trade rather
Could this apply to Hog Mark- than the ' one , who is storing
eting'i In former years, the pork will get the ,hogs.
tary, Helen Youngiblut. A visit- strong packing ,corporation did The fact that the matter of
ation team from the Pres'byterYtwhat-- it could, namely gained right has cornie up would seem
control of the hogs by bonusing, to prove that farmers now have
the weaker trucker and the equal strength in the market
tucker, stronger than the in- place as far as hogs are con-
dividual and protected by P.V.C. teen -led. • '
licensing, gathered up the hogs Marketing of beefwas also
from _ the weaker individual discussed and 'While the past
farmer who suffered what he doesn't seem too bad there was
definite fear expressed for the
tau e,:_ t4" is „ ono al tly,30, ,or e
of the wea'lithiest• fin_ anciers in
Canada is about to set pupa
5,000 head cattle feeding station
Y.P.S. representataires will be
had at the next meeting on
March lst. A Bible quiz follow-
ed by •a discussion period on
the answers was held."
Walkerburn Club.—The Wal-
kerburn •Club met at the home
of Mrs. Henry Hunking with
ladies D 1.4 chi-1dren..p
sent. .The president,.
George Schneider, was in charge
of the meeting. The minutes
were read by Mrs. Lorne Hunk -bargaining force in the sale of in Huron Cpunty. He has re-
ing. The roll call was answered hogs, the question of rights be- fuse from another, enterprise
ey a New Year's Resolution they comes a vital issue. In this that will supply him with cheap
case, the point of contention is fattening Fallen; he has shares
who shall have the right to in the packing industry, and
allocate the .supply of hogs. controls a large retail chain.,
The opposition has been im- With a good market for the re -
1 in _ that the Hog Producers fuse and a good profit on pro-
h t�.•�ktte`tiNsta�
at.e• _
various packers. This is not his feeding. The 'only answer
true. Since . the Marketing for the farmer is.Co-Op Market-
ing, processing,and retailing.
must. There was no question
x�gh{. ,.ts 'Myst accept.-,
ed assthe way things were done.
Now, that the ' Ontario Hog
Producers have become a strong
Gain The Prestige -.That Comes With�
.tad° made. Program committee
:or the next meeting .is Mrs.
red Hunking and Mrs. Herbert
Juizer. The lunch committee
•'4-4 e Mrs: Guy Cunningham,
rhe lucky kiraw was y
ars. George Schneider. The
Wf rr..3
;et -.' se
rr agram was in oharge of Mrs. Board must -always sell in the
.thwart Ament and Mrs. Garth
eClinchey. .An 'interesting dis-
mad, Haines, Mr's. `Wes, Bradnock and ' HOLMESVILLE
from • oarn rubber. Attractive' Mrs's4sAndrew Kirkconnell were
..z.ble• centres, dolls, doilies,I asked to bring in a slate of -1960. HOLMESVILLE, Feb. 22:
officers at the March meeting.
With Mrs. Steward Faequhar's1
g,roup in churge.of the program,
and 'Mrs. Ninian Heard, in the
chair,, the February meeting of
the W.M.S. of Holmesville Unit-
ed Church, opened with the call
to wOrship given by Mrs. Heard.
Mrs. Wm. Bendier read the
Scripture -lesson.. The devotion-
al period was based on The
Lord's Prayeer with Mrs. J. Yeo,
Norinan ,end 'Mrs. N. Heard tak-
ing the lead. The president,
Mrs. 'J. Yeo, took the business.
Plans Wen made for the Spring
Thankoffeling, when the' socie-
ties from 'Porter's Hill, Union,
Taylor's Corner and IVIiddleton.
will be guests. The Vice-presi-
1-Grigg were named a com-
mittee to -get a speaker and
make further.plans. It was de-
cided to- join An. the Worrien's
World Day,of PraYer in Clinton.
Mrs. J. A. 'McKim took the tem-
perance period, and spokb about
a few points in connection with
the coming vote in Clinton on
the -liquor question. Mrs. B...
Walter read a letter from Mrs.
Moote, naming Miss Dukie
Cdoke as 'missionary for prayer.
Mrs. Wm. Norman reviewed a
chapt6r in the study book,
"Africa Distiarbed." The Meet-
ing closed with prayer by Mrs.
N. Heard.
The W.A, meeting followed;
with the president, Mrs. Reg.
Miller,In the chair. Xfs. Miller
read the Scripture lesson and
Mrs. N. Heard gave the cam-
- Mrs. Keith IVIachan -and.Mrs, ments on it, Mrs, Frank Me -
post, was held wi .
Ed. Davies attended the 4-H- Cullough gave the 'treasurer's
Davies in charge. A letter was
Club Leadership Training report. 'Plans are going ahead
School at Wingharn for the pro., sent to theohall committee re
be for a ,crokinole party and aim -
on questing. that some adtion
fect "Meat, in the Menu" tion sale to be held lin the
'taken .soon in regards to the
Miss Mary Clark, nurse -in-, erection Of the proposed new school in March -The meeting
closed with prayer by Mrs.
Monday and TuesdaY.
training At Stratford Generallcommunity 'memorial hall. A -
Miller. Hostesses for the day
!lunch Was served by Mrs. Sam
were Mrs„, X. Harris; Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe,
Carol and Cathie, spent the
week -end, in,. ,WoodstOck„ the
Mr, and Mrs. McGee.
Mr. Jack NoFmaiit student 'at
the Uhiversity of Toronto, spent
the week -end at the home of his
Npaolnatsn,. Mr. snd Mrs. Wm.
Akt-g Wee -
When you . write a letter, does the letterhead show you are a man of
goon"iai�te, someone wh d t akes a-ap.rid;his yw.o..�rk_ ' and 'bu.
siness? Per=
haps you don't use printed stationery or you have neglected ordering
printed envelopes recently. • Jut remember that in many instances
the firm or individual to whom you write may not know you personally,
but" might form the wrong opinion if your letterhead is unattractive or
-- you, use4nn-.printed material at all.--• Put yout best foot forward --in' good - `'''':,
,. Y ,;.,,,,..,--.. �•, �, ...,� : ., .. -.. `M. �'' .v..'r'r-�.e.<R:-a{ «.. -.. •-
is a.
q • .rc `-....•..,,,..-. +.-'. 3ia`:"�S.rX! �`•Y,�'�?...m....�'a.�C:,'`i�.4�A;zuen '�4.. •a�,...=v`%i�'.7`:n7
cushions, etc., 'were shown. A
delleious lunch was- served by
Mrs: Worthy Young, Mrs. Ledn-
ard Arehamhault, Mrs. Stewart
Mrs. Harry Watson, eoriv.ener of
the Sunshine Sisters banquet in
April, discussed the place to
hold this event. It was decided
Little Miss ,Cyhthia CaMpbe100 have the Presbyterian ladies
returned to her honae last week cater to ,,thear this year. A dis,
after . spending a couple of play of lamlimThadeS and lamps
weekg with, her grandmother, which had been made in the
Mrs. Stanley,Johnstori. -. classes condueted 'by Mrs:
Mr. and ,Mrs. HarrY Stufdy Thomas LaWlor and Mrs. Gar -
and Ross, and Mrs.' Georgerlon Debie, The :motto, 'Wake
Sturdy, of Clinton; visited .in good use of today, tomorrow
• will be liistory," was very cap-
ably given by Mrs. Ed. Davies.
A duet was sung by Mrs. An-
ical Researeh, ,Mrs. Gordon R.
Taylor, gave s report of the
Tweedsmuir Book committee,
ciety for the year's activities.
Mrs. R. .1, Phillips read the 4-H
.Women,'s Pumps
-'45 PAT—Woman's
45 PAIR—Growing Girls'
Suede Oxfords
30 PAIR—ChildKen's-
Stimps and Oxfords.
Auburn last Thursday evening
I with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur
I and family. Mrs. G. Sturdy
ialso visited with Mr. and •Mrs.
r Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Tay-
_ Catharines with their daughter,
lor spent the week -end at St.
well, Michael and Janice. Mrs,
Taylor remained for a - week's
visit. Club reports and the lea ers
Mr. Murray Rollinson, , of, since .1935 and the various clubs
Goderich, spent _last' week -end that, the \Auburn Institute has
with his parents, Mr: and ,Mrs..sponsored. Mrs. W. Bradnock
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hembly and and schools and Mrs. Taylor
Mr. Ted Hembly, of Palmerston, concluded by • telling about the
spent Sunday with tItelr par- stores aml the hotel which was
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hem- pulled down to make room for
' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh have this past summer:' This 'sum -
moved to Auburn and will make InarY 'prepare& by ,the commit-,
their home 'With ber parents, tee, Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. W..
Mr and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge, Sttaughan, -MTS. C. Straughan„
Cosy Slippers
60 PAIR—Wome!l's
Cosy Slippers
30 PA1R—Small and Large
Plastic Rain Shoei
10 PA1R—Miscellaneous
Goloshes and
Pr. 95c
Men's Oxfoicis
Wome:, Pumps
30 PAIR—Growing Girls'
ROSS Shoe Shop
. Mrs. GladYs 'Hull, of Brussels,
who has been assisting at the
Mogridge home since the first
of the year, left for her home,
last week. We welcome Mr.
and 'Mrs. Marsh bach to the
Aullpurn community.
E. Lawson will' be plaeed in the
Tweedsmuih Book which is a
history of the district. A- Val-
entine reading was given by
Mrs. Prank Raithby. The col-
lection was taken and a parcel
with her parents, Mr. and rs.
Fordyce 'Clark.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tliomas-Jirdin
and 'family, of Wingham, spent
Sunday wit. her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William •Straughan.
',Mr. Gordon Daer is. a patient
•Goderich hospital 4here he
lis Suffering from a sliver in his
Daer and Mrs. Frank Raithby.
ruary r,n,eeting of 'the Auburn
Women'S Institute. was held in
the Orange Hall with a large
attendance. , The president, Mrs.
1 Thomas 1-laggitt, was in charge.
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips preside&stuck in the snowbank with the
, at the piano. 'The ‘minutes of ,cat
;the January meeting were read I The March 'meeting of the
I by the secretary, Mrs. ° BdrtlAuburn Horticulture Society
vener of the card committee,lwill be held in March in the
!9range Hall. The main part
Craig, IVIrs. 'Crifford Brown, con -
gave an encouraging report. Of the program will be the
IVIrs. Robert Phillips reported shming of local views as taken
by some of our ardent camera-
men in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur,
Judith, Mark and Gregory at-
tended the funeral of Mrs.
Arthlir'S grandmother, Mrs.
'Mills, at Woodstock, last Sat -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack 14aldane,
Miss Ruth Anne ,Haldane, of
Hamilton; Mr. Leslie Fenty, of
Trinidad, West Indies, and Mr.,
Neville Nunes, - of Kingston,
Jamaca, spent last week -end as
-guests of Mr. and Mrs. William,
Goddard and family_ Mr. Fenty
and Mr. Nunes ere students at-
tending McMaster University in
,ffamilton. it *as an exciting
week -end as these boys had
never been accUstomed to snow
and ice, and'a great thrill to go
tobogganing along with getting
on her work on the Tweedsmuir
competition. Mrs. Thomas Hag-
gitt was appointed to attend the
Cancer Society meeting at Blyth
as the Institute's representativ.e.
tMrs. Thomas Lawlor was. named
, rs delegate to the Guelph Con-
ference for Public Relations
iiiimommimmemmeimiammummumosammummummomminommiwasia.L ,Conveners in May. The nomin-
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Our aiitotriatic. pi? printing presses. and
wiclg selection of the most modernA.ype
guarantee you a pleasing job And dr prices-)
are ,s reaonable:
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Witmer and
family attended the funeral of
Mr. ,Witmer's mother, at Znrich;
on Monday afternoon. Deceas-
ed WO the former Marilin Mil-
ler, a native of Stephen Town-
ship', where she and het ',hus-
band, the latelAr.:Witmer farm-
ed for a number of Years. Mr.
Witmer predecease -d her about
one and a-hdlf'years ago. Mrs.
Witmer died on February 19 at
her home in Zurich following
an illness of some 'Months.
She is survived by three sons,
Zurich,. and Neil, of Goderiehi--
four daughters, NI& Wilfred
.Adella) JerVis, .4.1,Clinton, Mrs.
NILE, Feb, 22.—Miss 'Marian Edward (teller Wells, of Pres-
lrser, oi Victoria Hospital, Lon- ',on, 'formerly of Goderich, Mrs.
don, was aeseek-end visitor With
her mother, Mrs. Wm. WIggins„ ;Ruth) ,G.P.Ilhons, of Woodbridge,
11r. Wiggins and Eric. •a sister,•Miss Matilda Mil -
Mr. Stephen Stothers and ler, of Woodbridge. There are
Mrs. Henry Horton, of Lucknow, ilso 13 grandchildren apd four
were Sunday visitors with' Mr. zreat-gramichildren.
lnd Mrs. Orland Bere and 'fam- The • service on (Monday was
tall in today at —
Mrs. Yerl Me'Nee, of Bellmore,
e-nt Thursday and Friday with
I•or sister.
Mr3. Hugh IVIcWhinney and
Mrs. Graham MoNee are attend-
inq, the 4T -I Homemaking Train-
ing School ,.at -Wingham this
I William Wiggins is the new
' director for West Wawanosh
.Fire Insurance. He rill well
ahead of his two etatrielitors.
11rethren 'Church, Zurich, witt
burial in the" Evangelical ceMe
In describin* how to make
ene-stringed violin from •a cigar
hox, the nook of Knowledge
z,ays that by means of Von.9tant
practice, it is possible to pro-
duce a surprising numillor of
melodies on this simple instru-
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