HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-5, Page 6RESTER BENFIELD
On the night before hie departure from
England, Asleigh wrote to his wife, and en-
closed an order for money, telling her, at
'just the same, Ile said he wished' me to be
better educated, aud left one all my studies
marked, and how hard I worked to please
him through many dreary months, although
each day my heart grew fainter and fainter.
the same. tune, where to apply for a yearlyBut I erasure, when lie left nee, he meant to
allowanee. He gave no reason for deserting I return, as he said in a few days. Oh II fear
her, but praying forher forgiveness, and ap-
piying to himself every epithet of op pro-
brium bade her farewell. The letter by some
-for theihock might have been fatal in the
delicate state of her health, while the "hope
deferred," even though it burned but faintly
within, atillsustained her, ina.meaaure, and
encouraged the attempt she had resolved to
make of following her husband to London,
on the ehancaof discovering him,
Late in the month of May, tootsore and
weary, Hester had arrived within a stage or
euro of the metropolis, She had walked the
last few miles, and now, with feeble limbs
and tottering steps, entered the yard of a
wayside inn, and sitting dove n in the porch
of the long low building, asked when the
next m it for London would pass.
The kindly landlady wan bustling outwith
some refreshment for the "poor dear" as
she called Hester, when a earrage drove up ;
and white fresh horses were prepared, au
old gentleman looking like an invalid,
alighted, and supported on the aria of ,lady
whoaccoaapauiad him, hype to dace slowly,
in the warm sunshine, in front of the dear
of the ion.
The lady was young, and Hester, wino
cast afurtive glance at her, when elle could
do so unperceived, thought she bad never
Been a face more beautiful,
On the either hand, Lady Pfelen---fer she
it wna-equally .struck. with Nester's
earsoca, had drawn Lord Re laudraaen-
skit to her, as, tired of ever iaing in the
yard, he passed through the porch to enter
the inn.
Little did these two women guess the
,aeeret sympathy which, perhaps, caused
thein time to be attracted; towards one an-
" Yes, my lady, abe only just arrived
before you and my lord ; she is a pretty
bear, my lady, but seem% poorly enough ;
she is going on to London by the next mail,
your ladyship,,'
" Thank you, landlady ; elm is very in-
teresting, poor thdcg ; I, wonder if I might
speak' to her.
Oh, I'm sure any lady she would be
very proud. I'll go and tell her your lady-
ship has something to ray to her,"
" no, not on any ae,out, Thank you,
that will do;"and as the hostess retired
curtsying. Lady Helen returned through the
tonin, in winch Rester atilt sat, Playin,g for
a minute with the flowers which clung
about the trellis, Lady Helen, addressing
Mester, said, "" What lovely and enjoyable
weather itis : will you have anoof these ?"
offering bee at the same time a sprig of jes-
" Thank you, .mine,"
" YOU are going to London, are you not?
You must bo sorry to leave the country
while everything is so beautiful; I am so
happy at funding myself in it again."
'fears tilled Hester's eyes, " No place
looks beautiful now to one, miss;" and then
she hesitated and stopped.
How so ? It is sad to hear one so young
as you are speak thus. I see by the ring you
wear that you are married : is your husband
in business in town?„
" I don't know, Huss ; 1 am going in
search of him ; be has left me these many
months past, and I do not know whether
he is dead or alive,"
Poor thing, poor thing !have you friends
in London?'
" None," she replied in a faint voice,
" Have you ever been there before?"
"No,"in a voice still fainter.
Helen paused, and then bending down,
said, " My poor girl; are you will provided
with money? I fear not ; do take this."
Hester's wan face flushed crimson as,
gently putting aside Lady Helen's band, she
she answered, " You mean kindly, miss, I
am sure, but I have never asked or received
charity' and cannot accept it now."
" I do not mean it as charity," persisted
Helen; ""you shall repay me when you can.
See," she said, taking a card from her reti
cute, " when you find your husband, which
God grant you may soon do, yon can remit
t ie little loan I have made to you ; the ad-
dress is written here. I wish I could assist
you further," and she placed a bank -note in
Hester's trembling hand.
The carriage was by this time ready, and
Lord Redland, seated in it, waiting for his
daughter. Hester had searcely recovered
sufficient composure to utter her thanks,
when her benefactress was gone.
It had not been Hester's intention, to
take an insidelace but the , beauty of the
we tther having tempted most of the pas-
sengers to travel outside, she found herself,
as the mail drove up, compelled, against
her will, to incur an expense too great for
her scanty means ; but a kind Providence
was again watching over her, and providing
another friend for the lonely girl.
An old lady, the only occupant of the
coach with Hester, interested in her ap-
pearance, entered into conversation with
her, and listened with the deepest cum-
miseration to the story she presently un-
A very discerning old lady she was, or
one very unsuspicious, for neither doubt,
nor fear of imposition, seemed to enter her
mind to deter her from her charitable pur-
pose, when, having reached London, she
bade Hester enter the hackney -coach she
had provided, and getting in beside her,
took tl..e poor wanderer to her own comfor,
table home.
".1. shall call you "Hester at once ; and
remember, you pass for my cousin, and then
the servants and neighbors need have noth-
ing to gossip about : and by the by, my
name is Morris -Mies Morris : thznk good-
ness I never had a husband to control me.
We must look into this business of yours,
my, poor child. It was providential that I
met you in the coach to -day; London is a
dangerous place foryoung and beau—I
mean unprotected women. We shall End
this husband of ,yours at last, .Ihave no
doubt -never feat,"
Poor Hester's heart swelled with grati-
tude ; and the cheerful kindness of her new
friend imparted more of hopefulness totter
drooping spirits than she had known for
many erecters, The next day seated at her
side, and listened to with close attention,
Hester entered minutely into the incidents
of her past life ; with tears she recalled the
days of her happy childhood, and spoke of
the soother who had been taken from her
when most she needed her protection; of
her'ateeting with George Asleigh and of all
that had subsequently occurred..
" He is aentleman, you say, Hester?"
"Yes, I believe so ; et least'I always con.
sidered himto be one; nut indeed I did. not
think much about that at the time -neo d
him "-she -covered her face ,= with her
bands and wept afresh-" and trusted him
God :knows how tritely; and it little matter-
sd tome w' -et he was, it would have been
he must be dead, and I shall never see him
again :" and the tears . fell thickly through
her fingers.
"Were you married in the village where
you met him first?
"No ;he did not wishanyonethere tokuow
of our intention, and he went several days
before our marriage, that no suspicions
might be created, toT-----. It was arranged
that I should follow afterwards. We were
married on the day I joined him, and im-
mediately set oat for the pretty smut where,
for a €ortuight, we lived so happily."
Miss Morris shook her head, unperceived
by Hester, as she muttered the word
" bad." " gave you, the certificate of your
marriage Hester ?"
" No, my husband has it. I remember
seeing him place it in hie desk."
Another shake of the head, and a recep-
tion of the little word twice over.
"Were there any witnesses to your mar-
riage !"
" I think not, but I really do not now ;
I waren frightened, aud it was all so null!€e
the merry weddings li lied seen at home,
that ---that •-"
" Alt, I fear so, indeed --God help you,
m poor it
poo h d.
Old Miss Morris was untiring in her efforts
to discover Hester'a husband, An advertise.
meat addressed to "G. M. A„” entreating
him to return to hiesorrowing wife, was in-
serted to several at the newspapers, but to
Bo effect, More for the satisfaction of a
friend whom she had nsulted than her
; g<p lean
own, she wrote private!y to the various
places at which Heater bad lived, aud found
ber statements all corroborated. Her anx-
iety was much increased by an ,newer she
received to a note she bad written to the
clergyman. of the pariah in which Hester
last resided, Re said he had made inquiries
about the persona mentioned by Mies Mora
ria, and found that a gentleman, of the mune
of Asleiggb, had lived in the town for some
weeks, taxing as his companion a yam
woman who passed his wife, and who bad
subsequently disappeared, Miss Monis no
longer doubted that Hester had been the
victim of a false marriage, but so confident
did the poor girl eoutinue of the truth aud
honour of the mac she loved, that her kind.
friend ahrmk from expreesiag tido enuvic-
tion to her. She saw that Hester, in her
feeble state of health, amid better bear to
hear ofhis death than ofhis living and having
deceived her,
The time at length came when Mra
Morris felt she dared °peak on the subject
of Hester, It was after her child's birth,
when, in recovered atrength, she was about
to take him to the church to be christen-
" Hester, my dear, what was your father's
name ?" inquired her friend.
"Frank, Mise Morris,"
"A good honest name, and one that,.Iam
euro, belonged to an honest man. I hope
you will gamthat name to your boy."
Hester hums; her head.
"Rester -a pause. "Hester, my dear,
I must say something to you; you will try
to bear it bravely, Hester, I much fear
your sou cannot honestly bear the name of
Asleigh. I have thought it all over again
and again, and have spoken to one I can
trust on the subject. I fear, my poor child,
your marriage was not a real one ; I cannot
doubt but that you were deceived. God only
knows whether be is alive or dead. You
are not the first victim thia wicked world
has seen, Hester, nor will you bo the last ;
your case is one that is but too com-
mon, I grieve to say. Oh, if women.
were not so ready to fall in love and
marry, and—that sort of thing,how much
.,etter off world they be. Look at nie, Hes-
ter; I do not believe there is faith or truth
in any man living -but one ; well, I must
except flim ;1 do think Doctor Thornton a
true -hearted man. I had once other notions,
but, thank heaven, I have outlived them.
"Hester, Rester Benfield," with a stress
on the surname, "resume the name under
which you were happiest -the honest
which never called a blush to
t your cheek -
and let your son be called by it likewise.
Now weep here, my poor one, but let us not
speak more on this sad subject;" and Hes
ter's arms were thrown around the old lady's
neck, and her sobs hushed on the sympath-
ising bosom.
Frank Benfield was a fine boy of seven
years of age,when one day a quiet party,de-
corated with a few white favours, set out
from Miss Morris's house. As they step-
ped into the carriage which had been
hired for the occasion, you might
have recognised in the bride -elect no
other than our old. friend Hester, still hand
some, but very different from the Hester of
earlier days. A look of decision and self-re-
liance had replaced the expression of trusting
timidity which had been the characteristic
of her youthful beauty, and a serious earn-
estness pervaded her countenance. She was
about to give her hand -her heart had been
his for many a day -to the one honourable
man the world contained, according to the
idea of her benefactress, Miss Morris -
Dr.Thornton. He was indeed veryestim-
able, and this marriage delighted te heart
of the old lady. Frank, too, she prophesied,
was to grow up another " only man to be
trusted ; " so that though his predecessor
might be disposed of, the world was not to
be left without some one in whom to put
faith, when all others were proved unstable.
And where, meanwhile, was the Lady
Helen ? By a strange coincidence, her mar-
riage was solemnised on the same day as
Hester's though in a far a ore splendid
manner. Hester read of the festivities which
had attended the celebration of the
nuptials of the lovely Lady Helen Maldon,
and prayed fervently for her happiness.
she told her husband tearfully, of
the kindness.' she had received at the
hands of Lady • Helen, when, friend-
lestand .poor, she . was making her weary
way towards Loudon. " The debt in money
had been long repaid, she said; but the debt
of gratitude she owed could never be obliter-
George Asleigh, still a wanderer on the
face of the earth, hadhurried from place to
place, seeking the repose of mind which no
change of scene could bring, till, having
travelled through ' Greece and Egypt, he
journeyed on to India. He had expected
upbraidings from his wife, in answer to the
letter he had sent her on leaving England,
or, at any rate, that she would have drawn
the allowance placed at her disposal. Find -
neither to be the case, he wrote, at the end of
twelve months, to his man of business, re-
questing that inquiries might be made about
a lady with whom he ]tad resided • in --
shire. The answer he received to this
letter was to the effect that she had disap
peared, no one knew whither. The writer
stated that her health had, prior to her dis-
appearance, been much impaired, and that
in all probability she was sincedead, espe
dally asno inquiry had ever been made at the
banker's with whom the money lett for her
maintenance bad been placed.
.Ashleigh's sufferings and remorse were in-
creased. fourfold after this, Oh, if the past
could be but his once more ! but there was
now no remedy zea -none. He could not
present himself before his cousin, the woman
still sodearly loved. for a dark mystery
hung over his wife's fate, and all his efforts
to clear it away were baffled, With anxious
eye did he search, the newspapers, dreading
to see the announcement of Lady Helen's
marriage, but for very long he was spared
tide additional pang. At length, when seven
years, had passed over tete head of the self -
exiled man, he learned that she had pledged
her faith to another.
He could remember her husband, one
worthier than he bad himself ever been to
possese the treasure he had lost.
Atter passing two years longer in India,
the climate began to tell seriously on As-
leigh's health, and, little caring where lie.
went, he retraced his steps through Egypt,
and over the well-known beaten track
through the Continent, until he .reached
Paris. While idling in that capital daring
the tenth year of his banishment, tidings
reached him of his uncle's death ; and Wet-
ness rendering it necessary that he should
now return to England, the new earl once
more set foot on his native land,
Helen could not avoid an involuntary
start as she read "that the Earl of Redland
afterabsence of some ears arv..
ed in an aha g
Londau;" but she had tutored herself
perfectly, Had she not tont his uttworth
image front her heart, with a. merciless hand
t b wounded de She could
madesron wund d rn
long aiuee have met him anywhere, without
her colour deepening a shade or the quicken.
hag of a pulse. And now, as a wife and
mother, ehe would indeed !rave =rued her-
°elf had it been otherwise,
"1 see my cousin Redland leas returned,"
elle said, in her coldest accents, when ehe
met her husband, • Colonel Allenby, at
Oh, indeed 1I wonder he has not come
to see you, I must call ou him to.
orrow.""No, if you please, do not ; we quarrell.
ed many years ago, and rI should not wish
my husband toseek him•
Surely it is time now, dearest, to for.
give and forget," Colonel Allenby. remota,
strated, half laughing, but the way in which
Ids wit° uttered the word "ztever," eaded
the conversation.
Helen piqqued herself an bein a goad wife,
and berltusbaud's devotion to ser admitted
of no question. If her exhausted, heart had
been incapable of loving again, still her ad-
miration and respect for the partner she had
chosen were most genuine, and enabled her
to do her duty towards him eheerfully and
well. Allenby roniemberpd---though he
he bad never exchanged a word with
his wife on the subject - that the
world had once given Lady Helen to
her cousin, Lord Redland, aud he
refrained frau; any further remark
about him, believing he fullyunderstood her
reasons for speaking as she had just done.
It was fated that Lord Bedlam" should
Soon go through the ordeal he moat dreaded
and which he bad yet, in a manner, sought
--a meeting with his cousin Helen. It was
only when her black eyes rested on his care-
worn face for an instant, and were with.
drawn with an expression on them of cold
unforgiving disdaht, that he felt how much
he :had miscalculated the effect of the inilu-
once of old recollections,
He had suffered so much -such dreary
years of remorsohad been his, that it seemed
to him as if she and all the world should
have been aware of this, and, instead of
stabbing still more deeply, have placed the
finger of love and pity on the yet open
wounds, and bid them close, and throb no
more. He left the ball -room in which they
had met, too unnerved to bear society,
and wandered through the streets to his
lonely home.
How changed was the aspect of all things
to the child whose birth Fortune had rung in
with golden bells.
He tried first opo thing, and then another
still the old failing of instability seemed to
haunt hint, but now it was not front fickle-
ness of purpose. Want of heart m every
pursuit rendered him incapable ofperforming
as he ought, the duties required of him, and
a sense of right, in many instances, made
George Asleigh
give upwhat hefe
It he could
do with so little earnestness, Thus the two
first years, after bis return to England, were
devoted to politics. On entering the arena,
cheered by his friends, and excited for a
while by questions which were at that time
the interesting topics of the day, he seemed
to have cast aside for ever the apathy they
had so deplored, and his talents, varied and
brilliant, shone forth and causedthe country
to reckon him amongst her rising statesmen.
But the highest offers were made to him in
vain. Sick of public life, where all was
empty as the void within his own yearning
heart, he determined on burying himself in
the country, and seeking there the peace
of mind which had hitherto been denied
Worn in mind and body, bis health hod
also given way,and before leaving town, he,
at the solicitations of some of his oldest
friends, agreed to ask the advice of one of
the great medical authorities -none other
than Doctor Thornton, now an established
Hester's husband had mounted step
, by
step,the ladder of eminence,and,respected
by l who knew him, poss
possessed of a store
of this world's goods, and of better hopes
beyond, her lot with him was indeed an en-
viable one. Their union was blessed with
three children, of which number one, a little
girl alone survived ; and how Hester loved
this dear one, many mothers may tell.
Her son, Frank Benfield, now a fine pro-
mising lad of twelve years, was, through the
good Doctor's liberality, pursuing his educa-
tion under a clergyman in the country prior
to entering the army, the profession he h:td
chosen, and for which Miss Morris had ex-
pressed her intention of fitting him out ; for,
still as kindly interested in Netter and her
sou as of yore, their good old friend
had settled her little fortune on Frank-
" her little boy," as she called him ; and
thus • all was bright and prosperous in, and
about the house of the once friendless and
deserted girl.
Hester. was in her dining -room, her child
by her side dressed for her morning s walk.
"There, darling, go to Nurse,' said the.
fond mother, pressing a kiss on the lips of
the little upturned face. "Shall mamma
take you to her ?";and catching up the child
in her arms, she carried her from the room,
calling as she went, "Here, Nurse, take
your charge."
The nurse was standing without at " the
hall door, through' which, at the moment,
the man -servant was admitting a gentleman,
by whom,. ere Hester could escape, she found
herself accosted.
In some little confusion, she begged hi m
to walk in, adding that Doctor Thornton,
whom she presumed he came to see, would
be disengaged directly ; and was in the act
of leaving the room, when, with an agitated,
gesture, he detained her and in trembling
accents, a voice which she, now recognised.
one she had believed to be long silenced in.
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ASK YQU1 Gra.° OEM von IT.
the grave --called her by name, "Hester,
Hester ! don't you know me 2 -am I so
°banged ?" She staggered back, and nearly
"George Asleigh, do I see you again?
After these many years, why have you.
seught me ? Ie it to bring mare shame on
the head of one who never wronged you?"
You mistake my purpose in coming to
this house, Rester, though seeing you.. Ma
relieved me front a load of misery and re.
mom, I came to visit Doctor Thorson,
How is it that I find you here ?"
"I em -1 am -hie wife V' she almost
shrieked ; and then, dropping on her knees,
s voice swarm
a her ds and aidina
clasped ne hands ,
of heaven, tell
a�td ble Qlt , for'tbe love
me, Geor eAsleigh, Chet 1 wa%never yurs
tell me 3. was wroged, deceived -anything,
but not;that I am yourwife. MINI- lid, my
little Mary, think of her,"
"The infant I saw in your arms but
"Yes, yes ; she is dearer to me thau my
life, Oh, Asleigh, in mercy tell me it was
all as they sand, false, and that you deceived
" I did not deceiveyon, llester,asregard-
ed our marriage, nor did 1 with to de somata.
sequently. A letter from nee, did it net
reach you?"
"None -oh, none; and tied knows how
long I nought for and trusted you."
" And now you hate me,-isit mot so? I
an; detestable in your eyes. Listen, Heater,
while I explain the peat. Accident threw
us in each other's way; at the time I met
you I was smarting from what I believed to
be my rejection by the woman I loved be-
and all else on earth. You were
b antiful, and the thought seized upon
my mind of malting you my wife, iia the
hope of wounding thepride of one who
had so lacerated mina. I meant to
do my duty by you. 1 sate yeti were
not indifferent to me, and it was in
my power to raise yon to a Sphere much
above that in whichyou then were, This,
perhap e 1 looked upon as sufficient compen-
satioo for everything else. We were scarco.
l y married when nemreached mo of the
dangerous illness of a near relative. I hur-
ried to what I believed to bo his deathbed
--the deathbed of her father. There it was
my miserable fate to learn that she loved
me, aud had over done so ; and like a cow-
ard, unab'o to faro the eoinsequences of my
own actions, I fled -fled fromEngland ; but
ere I left, T wrote to you. When, after
waiting many months, no answer came to
my letter, I wrote to England, aud directed
that inquiry should bemade about you*
From what I learnt, I had reason to be-
lieve you were deed. What I suffered from
remorse, God alone knows; I thank Him
now, that at least I did not cause your
" And, George Asleigh, you never loved
me, and yet I am your wife. Oh 1 great
heavens, be merciful ; it cannot be that I
am bound to this man."
" Hester, hush 1 There is but little time
to spare ; we may be interrupted. Listen
yet again. I can make you this sole repara-
tion ; no one knows of our marriage -no one
need know, if you can keep your own secret,
of myexistence ;
8myname even has been
changed since we last met. Hear me : I
solemnly swear, by all 1 hold most sacred
never to molest yon more by my presence
nor to reveal anything that may throw light
on the past. Let us make this compact ;
swear with one tbat the events of our earlier
days shall be buried in oblivion -swear 1"
and their hands were joined once more to
register a vow, bow different from the first,
And now, Hester, farewellfor ever ; be
enient to my memory ; pity me while you
condemn, for I am a wanderer on the face of
the earth," -and, turning from her, he left
the room, the sounclof the closing of the.hall
door telling her the next moment that he
was gone.
t'he Happy Effect of the Old Hat.
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A man has anew -lent • he looks upon it
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le publisged every Thursday morn ng,as
sham-stroet,nearlyopposite Fitton'a aewe1ery
tore,Ezotor,Qnt„by Jahn `Vtute'5 Seue,Pro•
masa QV *mise zs ()
BirirtInsertion ,Per liue.. ... , ...1000nta
a n 0 . 4
4h aubaequealti • cession ,p
To tnsnro tnaertion, advertisements should
be sontin uotlaterthan Wednesday meriting
gram largest end 1zestequippedin the 0minty
of prompt wgrtlgntrustelt to ea will receive
;Dec Mons Regarding News-
1Anypersonwbo takes a paperregularly, from
thet-ofUce, whether directed in his name or
snot er's, or whether he nes subeerlbed or not
irresponsible for payment.
2 If a person orders hie paper discontinued
ne nutst pay all arrears or the publisher may
continue to send it until the payment is made,
and then collect the wbole amount, wbether
the paper is tenon from the office or not,
3 in suite for subscriptions, the suit may ha
instituted in the place where the paper is pub-
iisbed, although the subscriber may ieeide
hundreds of mtilee away.
4 The courts have decided tbat refusing to
take nowspepereorperiodicais front tine "poet.
office, or removing and. leaving them uncalled
for is prima, facie evidence of intentional fraud
IF CR anon BY All OEM 'iRSi
or any inluriour monition.
E. W. GII.LETT, 'rtia ferthfrrts.
CniICaoo, Ir,L,
User albs Cninin enEn.CTainn7401n4>
Are pleasant to taus Contain thoir own
Pnrgatiee. Is a auto, sero, and effectual
'tratroour' o1 wormy in Children or .A dolt^
Sick ieadach.udrell c
e oa the etraublesinel•
dent to a bilious *,ate of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after
eating Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmost
remarkable success has been show.t in curing
headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Plus
are equally valuable in Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways that
they will not he willing to do without them.
But after all sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills euro it
whileothers sdono
Curran's LITTLE LIVEit PILis are very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, hut by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents;
five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
hag regi Sall Rosa. Shall Prim
People Killed, Houses, Fences, Trees, Ect.
Levelled to the Ground.
Neurotic, Pa., March 5. -The people of
Sunbury, Gates county, N. C., were startled
Saturday night by a clap of thunder and a
vivid flash of lightning. A few minutes later
a tornr do,, the like of, which, that county
never before felt, was sweeping over it. Mr,
Chas, Gurley says that within sight of his,
house seven buildings were torn down and
fences, trees, waggons and carts were swept
away. The storm swept a space of half as
mile wide and carried everything with it.
Two children were killed near Sunbury, and
it is reported that a number of people were
killed further east. The immense dry kilns
at osney, N. C., were also blown down, as
well as other building in that. vicinity. ' The
wires are all down and sno information can
be had. The tornado lasted about seven or
eight minutes,
Sets up nights -a compositor on a morn-
ing journal.
Old S tiritualist-” That coat you sold
me is all going to pieces." Dealer -" Mein
frient, you go to doe many off close seances.
I Dose spirits dako a fancy to dot fine 'coat
and day dematerialize it so as to haf it for
How Lost, How Re Cored
Just published, a new rattle of Dr. nativero
well's Celebrated Essay on he radical aura of
SPARMATORRnota or incapacity induced by excess or
early indiscretion.
The celebrated author, In this admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succeestuS
practice, that the aura Ing aon.equenees ei self-
abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode
of mire at oneo simple, certain and effectual, by
means et wblch every sufferer, uo ma .or what hi
condition mar he, may oure Itimeelt cheaply, pro
vatoly and radically,
CS' This lecture should be in the bends of every
youth and every man In the land
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, post-paid, on receipt of t•'ur cents, or tw
postage stamps. Samples of Me !eine free. Addres
41 Anu Street New York
Post Office Bos 4 i0 4E85 ly
SAI Y IMANcommak
Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated,
ohoinhIa Folly and Ignorance has Trl•
fled away his Vigor el Body, tilllnd rad
Manhood, caing o ;&seting dr u
t�e. Fo"t dance of Life. H �Achpon
'laokaohe, DreadfulusDrarme, Vi�t�tlkaneeee,
1 memory, Bashfulness in Society,
Pimples upon the Face and all the fiffeote
lading. to Early Decoy, Consumption
t Insanity, will And ort our specific No`11)
►ositive Cure. at imparts Youthful
Igor. restores the'littal PoWBri old and
pug, strengthens .Teal invigorates. t]�iio Braain
Iyid Nail/00,buildshp:the muspniar'glstem
nd amuses ito, motion the whole phydeai
energy of the human frame.". With our,speaide
We.SS the most obstinate case ;oak be -cured in
three months, and recent ones in lees than thirt r
days.' Bach package contella two weeks treat.
meat. Prloe 5 Cu Guaranteed. Out epee
iflo No. 4.4 is an infallible Cures or all ppivatc
Diseases no matter of how long alto nd-
i fi, gold under our, written Cuarentor tc.
were a Curse. Pries tilt: Toronto -Medicine
Co.. Toronto. Ont.
'ar superior to Ergot.Tense', P. nnyroyai or
?ride. Endorsed by She thousands of i*die<-
rite use th m iliOnnEELY. Never" fall, Relieve
>> in. - XNSU1 E REGULARITY, Pirasmtit ani
:r:eetuah PYiep, B2, Toronto Medlelne:Go,
E •C 1'•`1 B
'Regulates th8' tQtT*ach,
Liver and Bowels, unlocks
'Blood and removes all im-
purities from a "Pimple to
theworst Scrofulous Sore.
SAI Y IMANcommak
Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated,
ohoinhIa Folly and Ignorance has Trl•
fled away his Vigor el Body, tilllnd rad
Manhood, caing o ;&seting dr u
t�e. Fo"t dance of Life. H �Achpon
'laokaohe, DreadfulusDrarme, Vi�t�tlkaneeee,
1 memory, Bashfulness in Society,
Pimples upon the Face and all the fiffeote
lading. to Early Decoy, Consumption
t Insanity, will And ort our specific No`11)
►ositive Cure. at imparts Youthful
Igor. restores the'littal PoWBri old and
pug, strengthens .Teal invigorates. t]�iio Braain
Iyid Nail/00,buildshp:the muspniar'glstem
nd amuses ito, motion the whole phydeai
energy of the human frame.". With our,speaide
We.SS the most obstinate case ;oak be -cured in
three months, and recent ones in lees than thirt r
days.' Bach package contella two weeks treat.
meat. Prloe 5 Cu Guaranteed. Out epee
iflo No. 4.4 is an infallible Cures or all ppivatc
Diseases no matter of how long alto nd-
i fi, gold under our, written Cuarentor tc.
were a Curse. Pries tilt: Toronto -Medicine
Co.. Toronto. Ont.
'ar superior to Ergot.Tense', P. nnyroyai or
?ride. Endorsed by She thousands of i*die<-
rite use th m iliOnnEELY. Never" fall, Relieve
>> in. - XNSU1 E REGULARITY, Pirasmtit ani
:r:eetuah PYiep, B2, Toronto Medlelne:Go,
E •C 1'•`1 B