HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-02-18, Page 1ro •nr, " 1 -13th Year -No, 4rYiarrz;agr..40.4 PLASTER QN P.O. WALLS PUT ON BY SPRAYER Wrk 4the-now,gederal, buildffig . here' is proceeding rapidly and it. is expected it wU be ready for occupancy, by June.- About 65 per cent, of the work on it is already com- pleted, ft is stated by the fore- man in ehare of constrtiction. Only nine hour's of lost time has been met with so far and this was due to inclement weather. On Wednesday, the plastering of the wails was being done, This was accomplished try a spraying machine, the only one of its kind in WeSteni Ontario. No hed carrying is done. The plaster is piped in -and -sprayed on the wallslike paint. LADY FROM INDIA AT BAPTIST CI4URCH Mrs. C. W. Den,gate, born -of missionlary parents in India, was the guest speaker at the Baptist Church Simdtay morning. Mrs. Dengate and her sister were educated in Toronto and return- ed to India where they taught school. Last year Mrs. Dengate, now executive secretary of the Bap- tist Women's Missionary Society with headquarters in Toronto, toured the Baptist mission sta- tlions In India, Angola, Afriti and Lishon....Spain-„,- She remarked thatlhe. Indian isnxioustorie- trasoligimor-emzszoilt She attended the Indian conven- tion af churches, where the sole language was Telegii, and stated that they -conducted their busi- ness in a very mature manner. Mrs. Dengate visited the var- ious Baptist ministers. And schools and observed 'that whirlei India has its own state institu- tions, he natives prefer to pat- ronize -Christian 'schools and hospitals. Canadian Baptists have been active in India for 85 years. Xrcfr:r. This super snowman on the lawn of Mr: and MF,S.,,Howard , Carroll, Elgin avenue west, recently attracted considerable attenlioThe frigid gent, complete with tin lid, was made by Paul and Brian Carroll and Jack Gemmill, assisted by others-- In the photo are: Baby Randy Carroll, held by Paul Carroll; Brian,Carroll (kneeling in front) and Janice Carroll. S -$ Photo by R.H. - MAY DECIDE TONIGHT Decision Reserved By -Court On e PPPA. *"?:•;. The court of revision last shall be assessed at their •actual Thursday reserved decision on value.") ' Sitting with chairinan Reg. Jewell last Thursday were coun- Cillors Huckins, Croft and Rob- ertson. Scott McKay, St. -Thom- as; ',town solicitor J. X. Hunter; assess& E. H. Jessap and county assessor Alexander were pre - sen . FLY TO FLORIDA •-Dr .J. W. Walalce and Mrs. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hopkinson left Saturday for a 'holiday, in Florida. 'They took off from Sky Harbor in a plane piloted by;Keith• Hopkinson and planited to -make Lexington, t -and used mainly for obtaining Kenucky, by night fall, then minerals from the ground, or go on to Florida the next day. storing same, and concentrators FLU IS "SPOTTY" and sampling plant, and subject . Referring to flu prevalent to subsection„7 the minerals in; on or under such land shall not in the Goderich area, Dr. R. -- M. Aldis, jVI.O.H., said, "It's be*assessable." _ , 0.11bseotion 2 provides' that spotty." Some communities, "Wherein any -rdeed---or convey- particularly in the Windsor ance of lands heretofore or area; have been hard hit but hereafter made the petroleutn the prevalence of flu at 'Gode- mineral rights in the lands have rich is abant normal, he said. been or are rescued to the School attendance here is just grantor, such mineral right S about normal; he added. an -appeal by Sift° Salt against assessment of certain buildings at the • mine here. A finding will be reached at a meeting • to be held after the council committees .this evening. &Abject of the '-appeal-are buiklings No. 7, bag atorage, and No. 9, bulk storage, assess- ed at $17,809 and ty43,920, rer spectively. The holding company, Dom- inion Tar & Chemicalfin a let- ter to council cited section 33(4) of the Assessment Act: "The " buildings, plant and machinery . _,on or under_mineral land APPOINTED C.A.S. DIRECTOR a' • GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 embers Meet • Here In June Twenty-one members of the Gecterich Unit, F.W.T,.A.O. held a supper meeting at the Publie 'School on Tuesday, o last week. After the meal, s pd buffet style by the teachers, Mrs:, Margaret Shackleton conducted the business. This included ap-, pointing of committees te take, care of arrangements for the -association Meeting to be held in Gaderich in June. Plans were also made to send two or three' teaehers-t0 the -Reading Conference to he hekl in Tor- onto, June 30 to July „2rid. At the conclusion of the busi- ness, Mrs. Path showed color slides of an interesting tour. These pictures included shots of such places as Lake Louise, Mount Eisenhower, The Great Divide, Columbia Ice Fields, and the Chair Lift. Mrs. Poth's commentary was most intekest- ing and quite educational. ¥WA Speaker Artiutr „Circle 4r2ras, zelidairandijp4sitm,14 Synodical Secretary of Presby- terian Young Women's Auxil- iaries, was the special speaker, at the Arthur Circle "Fee" Sup- per on Monday evening. She stated the aim of the W.M.S. "To unite all women and child- ren for -prayer, study, and ser- viee" and recalled the W-.M:S. motto, "The world for Christ." Preparing training programs for leaders 'among. Church ws- men-is an essential functigh of Synodical Officers and 'Mrs. Johnston outlined her experi- ence at the Slimmer School at Belleville 'during the 1959 ses- sion. She urged her audience to send delega•tes or arrange to attend as a "holiday," be- cause of the inspiration and in- r12-grerOtfUttntrarti'M School. The highlight of her talk was the description of the Swedish method'of-Bllble study, illustrat- ed by charts and vvord-pieture examples. The Story of the wo- man of Samaria, found in the 4th chapter of johm_was Used -to show how a passage of -Scrip- ture • itispad_a nd evalii a te d. Tifbrditlogue of Philip ex- plaining to ;the Ethapian eunuch the passage of Isaiah, in Acts 8, was read. ay means'of a,large chart, Mrs. Johnston simplified the head, heart andshand course of study. . Dramatic interpretatibn can mike , a passage of Scripture more vivid, as- we's- shown by the choice of NicodemuS, as a per- son touched by Jesus. A -soli- loquy, prepared by Mrs. John- ston, and read by Mi. Clayton Edward, portrayed the charac- ter of NicOdemus in a realistic way. The various phases of the Swedish system brought into focus the meaning, the necessity Of study in present-day living lind the centinuing vallie of the Bible. • -- Mrs. Glenn Hays thanked the speaker for her educational and inspiring addresi:-Mrs. David Thorn presided for the worship service. Mrs. G. F. Mills was the pianist. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. J. R. Leitch. Mrs. G. Kaitting led In a prayer. A..beautiful solo sung by Mrs. James Bisset, was a feature on the program. - Mrs. J. Pirie, -the president, pl'esided for the business. per- iod. Mrs. J. Reis read the notes of January's meeting. Inform- ation was reported on finanees, flowers and visiting. 'Mrs. B. McCreath read a letter from Miss Ida White. Miss Willie ,thanked the Arthur Circle for a Christmas remembrance of $25 which she said, she had for- warded to her Mission Station in India, Proceeds from the suecessful Burns Night Supper was voted to the Presbytery treasurer arid $25 to the Prysbytery Supply Fund. t.r The subject of systematic giv- ing Was referred to, by a timely quotation from an 'historical column in a local newspaper - "In 1884, W.M.S. men'rbers gave 2c per week and a prayer' The question; For 1960 can Ar- thur Circle Members give 25c per week, and a praYer?" If was decided, after com- ments by varionst-aembers, that the fall bazaar be cancelled for this year. Members were re- minded of the World Day of Prayer, on March 4, with the Goderich service to be held in the Pentecostal Church: The president and her execu- tive arranged the dining -room decorations -Valentine motif - and planned the sumptuous smorgasboard array of hot cas- serole dishes, salads and rolls. On anther well -laden sideboard were desserts, displayed in fail fair -style. Prizes? empty dishes to take home - and a feeling of well-being, physical, mental and spiritual. It was good to have been there. Rev. R. G. MaelVtillan asked the blessing on the 'food, and on the group's work and ac; tivi ti es. VICTORIA FELLOWSHIP GROUP OFFICERS The Victoria Fellowship Group met at Victoria Street 0.4.311,0 ing of That week. A film bn the St. Lawrence Seaway Was s ,wn. •The Qlection bf officers re- sulted • as follows: Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hobbs; secre- WY-treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. George Currell; vice-preSident, Mr. Jim Reid; social committee, Mr., and Mre?_ D,ave Vail; Mr. and Mrs... Harry Westlake; de- votional leaders,..(, and Mrs. Vernon Smith; press, Frank •Bissett.c, 81st BIRTHDAY Mr. C. C. McNeil celebrated his '81st birthday on Monday last quietly at his home. Many friends and relatives called and he received :number of con- ratulatory messages as well as flowers and gifts. - Mr. McNeiiis a native of -Col- borne Township but • went _ to Toronto in 1926 where he was employedin the treasury de- _partment of the government. Latecr, he ahd his -wife retired to Goderich where, they took up residence on St. Vincent street. His 'Wife, the former ' Alice Marie Haughton, passed away in 1956. Rev. R. G. MacMillan Resigns As The Minister Of Knox Effective Sept. * • - Popular minister of -Knox >, 0 did not do samethin,g, for I Presbyterian Church for 'the . have been happy._ amahg , you. past 12 years, ReV. R. G. Mac- You have tried so graciously to Milian resigned from that pas- understand. " torate last week and'Ilas accept- ed the position of 'Director- of , the Children's Aid, Society for Huron--Gounty with headquar- ters at Goderich. His resigna- tion from Knox,Church does not become effective until Septem-, ben In October, he takes aver., - the C.A.S. POsit, 'having- president, of the Huron bra,ncli for the past eight years. • ' A congregational meeting of Knox Church • on January 7, 1048, voted to extend a un- -animous call to Rev. Mr. Mac- Millan, then stationed at Athel- Stan, Quebee:-‘ On Friday, April 8, 1048, Rev. Mr. MacMilla-n was officially inducted as minister ' of Knox here before a large congregation. A native of Pais- ley, Scotland, he served in a ' balk before entering the min- _ _Wry and graduating from Pres- byterian College, Montreal. At the Sunday morning ger- ' vice of 'Knox ',Piesbyteriari Church, Rev. Mr.. M•acMillan told his congregation -of his decis.on and niy constant prayer has in the f al levying words: .always been that I shall always tthe church to a very high de "1 tried to prepare -a state- be used to the best of my abil-I gree. Following the destruction ment," he said, at elose of his ity. It will be a little hard for by fire Of old Knox Church, sermon, "but it seems as though'you to understand if you are 'Rev. Mr. Maellgillan gave the I cannot pnt it into .written 'not aware of the type of Work congregation inspired . leader - words. I am sure now that I will be doling, and it is dif-Iship resulting in the raising of many of yoti were shoeked and flcult to tell you of the work Ifunds to build- a pew chiirch a little soFry that I. have made that har to be done in this area. whose ardtitecture- is-outstand REV. R. G. MacMILLAN 'After all the anguish through which I went, the "last little while, when the de-cision was actually made, a great calm came over me. The Church must always be •the centre, as I have often said, for the groat working of Christ through our Uves-in .the world. lt-miist go beyond church walls. This iS important as we carhe together Sunday by Sunday and pray together for the strength to 'carry on our affairs another week. "I did not make the ehange without a great deal of thought and a good deal of sorrow,- I pray far -your Support and help, because what I am to do is part bf the chureh's task, part a our community task,. tp o hel people who cannot help them- sel v Rev. Mr. MacMillan has done' an anusually fine job of -leader- ship in Knox Presbyterian Church here and has developed organization activities within a decisiori-a hard decision -to 1 can say this: I will be direct - make a change. It seems as ing many young lives as to their though this I must do, and I future; 1 shall be dealing with hoped you would understand people who are iregreat turmoil. folly -though I think I do not "It has been -very difficult to quite understand myself, yet. give up my work here, but it "I only know this: a hang wag not because I was untha,ppy time ago.1 gave mytheart to God or because you did something or resititrin-Goderich. ing on this continent. In com- munity affairs in various ways, he has been adistinct asset and Godeeich citizens are glad to know that even thOugh he is entering another field of ser- vice, he will be continuing, to • 90th Birthday john- ":31,61Vililanf "ltravid's street, oit Tuesday 'celebrated his 90th birtlitraY• - Born at Port Albert, he is the Jest surviving member of a family of 13. children. He spent 50- years at Alifin and MacGregor, Manitoba, sinee 1946 .has re -sided in 1Gorderich. He was a -carpen- ter by trade. Charges Govt., Re Promises -About - Hospital Here A pot shot at the Frost govern- ment's unfulfilled promises re, garding construction of Ontario government hospitals Was taken in the Legislature last Friday by James Trotter, Liberal, oi Parkdale. In a Canadian Press d'espatch opt of Toronto, Mr. Trotter is credited with saying that Health Minister Dymond in a speech a year ago promiSed Ontario hospitals would be built at. Owen, Sound, Goderich and Palmerston. But, Mr. Trotter added, "I don't believe one ihov- of-earth_ has...been turned:07- tottemsmaminattletlithitigh'in g -was-doneaast.,summer-an-d- a 511 more will be done this summer) at the site of the proposed On- tario government hospital south of Goderich, it is understood. However, it is unlikely that any. thing of a -serious nature in the hospital construction at Gode- rich- will get under Way ,before 1961, the Signal -Star now under- stands from a high government source bf information. In , Crown Attorney here for eleven and a half years, H. Glenn Hays, QC., 45, was sworn in on Monday as a provincial magistrate _to succeed Dudley Holmes, who. died last Decem- ber. He followed Mr. Holmes as Crown Attorney in 1948, at an unusually early age.. - -The' annnintitrent7anitbunted in Toronto by Charles Mac - Naughton, M.L.A. for Huron, became' effective Vebruary 10, date of the magistrate's courts in Clinton and Seafarth. Ap- pointment as jud.ge of the juvenile and familY court •will be effective next Monday. On grounds both of personal popularity and his qualifications for the judicial office, Mr: Hays' selection...by the Attorney Gen- eral is warmly approved by the public. Mayor Ernie Fisher said: "We welcome the appoint- ment -and :feel that the right man has been chosen." Goderich police commission has been short one member since the death of Magistrate Holmes._ A meeting of the two Judge Frank 2Piiikiranktr:- wa held recently to pass 'accounts, but appointment a Magistrate Hays will be recommended at next council meeting. Appointment of a new Crown Attorney had not been announc- gd when Magistrate Hays at- tended court at Clinton on Tues- day, nor- was anyone agtin-g---but a number of cases were dis- poSed of by the new -magistrate'. Monday's court at Wingham was taken by Magistrate 0. Mc- Clevis, elf Walkertorpf,_,„„ Opening Address The "paramount importance" of matters 'affecting child wel- Bursary Fund Voted, $50 A donation of $50 Was voted to the Legion Auxi iary bufsary . . , iary of Canadian Legibn Branch 109 held its regular meeting. Mrs. Harold Yaing',*president, was in the 'chair. Mrg. Isaac Gauley was welcomed as a mem- ber on a transfer from Fergus. The. monthly draw of two dol- lars was won by Mrs. Ab.-Knee- shaw. A rummage sale was planned for the latter ,part pf March. Arrangements were made to cater to two banquets -the Boy Scsatit$ under the leadership of Les. Riley, and a father -and -son banquet. Members of the local Auxil- iary attended a district card tournanient in Hensall. Mrs. Dave MtMihlan wan the prii for 500, while,rs. Bert Squire received the prize for low bridge. Next tournament will be held in Blyth. A. BOUTILIER RESIGNS . . FROM BOARD Mr_ A. P-Boutilier has_sub- mitted, ",with regret", his resig- nation as 'a member of the Goderich District Collegiate In- stitute Board. As a town repre- sentative on the board, Mr. Boutilier's resignation will be dealt with at Town Gouncil meeting on Friday evening. Rea- son given for resignation was pressure of bushiess duties. New Magistrate 0 lel qualities and predicted Stic- cess for him on the bench, his wership said: "1 hare said to friends in the past few, days particularly, and for some time back, 'that anything touching the welfare a children and the youth of our district, and in- :eeci, the whole country, is of ' a particular responsibility in asstuning whatever my duties will be in that field, for I have the increasing feeling that When You get down to real values and importance, the'question of care and guidance of children prob- ably transcends the allotting of thousands_ of dollars in other types of caths in court." On this theme, Judge Fing- land added a few words: "Generally speaking, I am not one to think young people are worse than previous generations -1 think they are a lot better - but some of us older 'people cannot always conform to the law, and why we expect our young people to do so I do not slagN4QAPRifta-12.1, ea -on, am siire that par.tofithe duties will require great seNrching. Perhaps, it would not be face- tious or deeeitful on my part to make one suggestion: that in administeiqng juStice it be temPered with mercy." — An hour earlier, Mr. Hays had Performed his final,official ac-t-as---Crowii :tato-mei, by in- forming' Mr.'' Justice R. vv. Tre- leaven that no "criminal mat- ters",, were scheduled for the Supreme Court. -Sheriff Nelson Hill having prsented the cus- tomary...white _gloves, his 'lord- ship expressed his thanks. He Congratulated the county, and —acLaretys_Studio. fare was stressed by Magistrite Glenn Hays in his first publie statement alter being sworn. His -worship had just taken the oaths of allegiance and office, at the hands of Judge Frank -Fingland;---and-heard-eangratul- ations fromspokesmen for the Bar Assdciation, county officials, provincial and town. Police, -the town council and ,Children's Aid. Acknowledging the .kindly sentiments of those whb had ex- pressed confidence in his judic- •- - REV. COOPER...HOME - BETWEEN 1RIPS lrer- A": -"Mb -PW -71§1"51 -Et the Free Methodist Church has just returned from a threeH weeks' absence and will be speaking at both seririees Sun- day. Rev. Mr. Cooper was in Fred- ericton, N.B., from January' 26 to February 7 Where he was the speaker at an evangelistic preaching mission at the Re- formed Baptist Church. The last week of his absence was spent at the headquarters of the Free Methodist Church, Winona -1.114igna, Mr. Cooper leaVeS this coming Monday for ,a two -weeks' mis- sion in Charlotte, Michigan, dur- ing which - time his pulpit will be filledDby Rev. Lorne Sparks, of Bayfield. 111 CAPT. H. CROSSLAND - TALKS TO W.C.T.U. Members af the W.C.T.U. met at thg home of 'Ars. J. H. Jahn - Stone on Fe.bruary 16, with Mrs. J. E. Cranston presiding. A duet was s g by Mrs, E. A. Cooper and rs. Jo'hnstene in memory of a 4teceased member, the late Mrs T.. Graham. Capt. IL Qtossland presented the ladies with a fine talk on "Submission, Commission and Ambition." The clip sheet was taken by Mrs. W. E. Elliott. A letter pertaining to the youth temperance movement was read by Mrs. cooper. W er ys em '-"filifef61. a Jona wa er sys- tem for town and ,Ontario Hospital will advance a fur- ther step on Monday when J. F. MaiLaren, • of the Tor, onto firm of consulting engin- • eers which prepared estint- ates will be here •• to confer with the Public Utilities Com- mission. Atter any revisions then decided upon, -,,the • plans will be passed to council for study. MISSION CIRCLE OF BAPTIST CHURCH.,MEETS The Florence Mama.' Mission Circle Of the Baptist Ohurcir met on- February Illth at the home of IVIrs. George Griffiths' with the president, *Mrs. Alf. Hutchinson, in _charge. Mrs. S. Winter read d poem. Mrs. Geo. Chrysler read "The Faithful Love of God," Mrs: C. Hugill and Mrs: C. Love sang a • duet, The minutes Were 'read by Mrs., C. Love. The financial statement Was given 'bY the treasurer, Mrs. A. Johnston. . Mrs. Wm. Laughlan gave an ifiterestin g. topic, "Angola Awakes."„ Mrs. Allf. Hutchinson and Mrs. Wm._ Ferguson assisted the hostess serving lunch. •added that he particularly w ed to conrgratUlate the Crown Attorney upon his prcmintion. Those Present Among those present for the swearing-in, which took ,plaee in Judge Fingland's chambers, Were Mrs. Hays; C. V. Laughton, of Exeter; With -am Prest? Japes Goderich barristers; represent- ing the county staff were Sheriff 'who came down front Supreme Court, J. G. Berry, clerk -treasurer; J. W. Brandi, county engineer; Dr. R. IL Aldis, M.O.H.; W. Craven, pro- bation officer; Brill Hazily, assists ant clerk -treasurer; from the provincial police Corp. IL M. Sayeau and Constables Marl Groves, Ross Ball and Do Trumbley; Chief Fred Min5heit of Goderich; Chief Russell Thompson and Tom Steep; J.P., Clinton; Mayor 'Fisher, Gode- rich; Mrs. M. Gardner, secretary' of the Crown Attorney; Miss Evelyn Cooper, eounty judge's secretary; Rev. R. G. MacMillan, :!t!--ttRiA.3,44ktekigoitlAnit.g.. and Mrs. Lauder, Mrs. Ross, Miss Wilkes, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Whetstone. "Usually in Court proceed- ings," remarked Judge Fin' g- land, after Mr :Nays hat TOO; pted his credentials, "some- body is verp unhappy before, during or after the :occasion. We hope this tithe will be one of the exceptions to the general rule. "Mr. Hhys, we are very happy to have the -privilege and honor of finishing off that which t1e. did in Toronto, whereby -they* appointed you Magistrate. You know as well -as Ithere requires still to be clone the matter of BELL ' PLANS NEW taking the ,oath .of office • an Miss 8thirley Love, nurse -in - training at Hamilton General Hospital, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leve. NUMBERING SYSTEM .w-telephope nirm ,system which Will, eventually eliminate exchangd names is to be introduced gradually in the Ontario and Quebec exchanges operated by The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada W. W. Haysom, Bell maffigeliere, announced this meek. Tlfe new plan -known as All Nuipfber Calling (ANC) will elfrriinate the exchange names' from telephone numbers and substitute figureslor the letters now used to designate ex- changes. For example,'a num- ber such as UNiversity 6 -3911 - dialed UN 6-3911 - woitld be- come 886-3911. , Initially the new plan ,will •not- affect -existing -two-letter- five-figure telephone numbers, which will be changed to ANC only gradually over a period of years as Changing conditions offer favorable opportunities. ' ONCE FREE METHODIST PASTOR' COMING- HERE the oath of allegiance."' For the benefit' of the ,,11011-' explained briefly the signifie- ance of these, He then called upon Mr. ,Laughton, Who hal ' cOrre gowned from the court sitting. "It gives me pleasure oh -be: half- of the County , Bar," Mr. Laughton said, "to extend lint best wishes to Mr, Hays on his appointment. Weare sure he Will fulfil -the, office 4n the same way in which: he . fulfilled Ithe other office so eloquently and justly. We Will co-oPerate, and hope to get along with hini as magistrate as we did with him as Crown Attorney." ,"It„. is a pleasure for me,” said Rev. Mr. MacMillan, "as your minister and PerhaVS. _ little later a co-worker, to cow-, gratulate You on this- elevatio% and I feel, like all the rest here, happy that'a man of your ability- and capalbility has bee ilk - chosen for this office. Our best - wishes go -with you." "It is with a great deal Ot leasure ..1 ,g(a.gt,e, 'to. see, yon , sworn into your office," said - Chief _ Minshall, "Though it have not known you too long. I have found' you a great coun- selor and advocate for • our ,police department. Our associ- ations with y,ou.have been very fine, andI hope they will con- tinue so. I want to wish you' plenty of luck and success in your position." Tribute Paid , "From time to time," said Mayor Ernie Fisher, 'the duties of mayor are numerous and (Confirmed on page_10) Rev. R. C. 11/1cCal1um,_ formeri pastor of the Free Methodistj Church, Goderich, and now, serving as Director of Public; Rejations for Lorne Park Col-; lege, Port Credit, Ontario, will, be guest speaker at the Free; Methodist here 'Sunday evening.1 He will Ire accempanied by his; daughter, Betty, who will Sing.; Rev. Mr. McCalhun is re -I membered by a wide circle of friends, Oracularly as a result of his building of the parsonage mostly by his own labor. MR. -JUSTICE TRELEAVEN Judge_ Had _Don4onnon.D..ay11/11sha Presiding at the Supreme Court of - Ontario siading here this week. is a Judge' who.car- , ries a lifelong memento of a anishap as a boy on a Dungan- nondistrict farm: He is INtr Jusitice R. W. Tre- leaven, ,of tor -Onto and Hamil- ton. His father, the late Rev. J. Treleaven, D.D.was born 'at Dungannon and served, in 'United Church charges through- out Ontario, including Wesley. Unites'i _Church, -London. ,His grandfather, ,the late, -Richard Treleaven, lived at Dungannon in pioneer days. Most of FM grandfather's family of eleven boys and, two girls eventually 'heeded the call of Western Can- ada and moved to Saskatchewan. As a boy, Mr. Justice Tre- leaven told The SignaiStar, he spent many h -appy summer holi- days At Uncle Sam Treleaven's farm at Dungannon. Seated in his room in the Bedford Hotel Monday evening, Mr. JuStice Treleaven's.eyes twinkled as he fondly reminisced Ant joyouS boyhood holidays spent at Dun- gannon.'k However, there was one unfortunale .reitkhaP ip Which he was almost fatally iti- 1urod in a, fall from a hay moW on hisuncle's farm. To this clay, on of his arms is almost CANADIA- HARDWAP SPOW Carlton Worsell seems to be showing no fear 'whatsoever as his wife contemplates the purchase of a new rolling pin at the 55th Canadian IlardWare'Show at Torontia last week. More than 15,000 hardware merehants and their *Iva from many parts of Canada attended the lame convention. paralyzed as a ,result of the accident and; ha 'stated, he is lockY not to have had -to have the arm taken off -after, the accident. , Rut the accident failed to prevent Mr. Justice Treleaven from going on to, a life of con- proved _ long and unsuccessfut 'Jrsiderable\ distinction in - his and finally- the caretaker, after chosen field. He graduated from spitting a large wad of chewing Osgoode Hall in 1913 -in the tobacco out of his Mouth in, - same class as the late Judge i apparent dumbfoundness, ex - Costello, of Goderich-and prae- claimed, "Well, Ill he d „ 4 tised law in Hamiltbn for 33 r know that woman is here and years. In 1946, he was appoint -1 wonder where she went to? ed to -the Supre.meCourt ' of -'Phe caretaker eventually gave. Ontario. THe . frequently sees -tip "The search and Mr. Justice Mr. Justice Frank Donnelly, ofITreleaven carried on alone. He Goderich, in Toronto and says eventually found the grave he that Mr. Justice Donnelly is a was looking for and wont away pope -Par figure among the On-'hap,py.tlitit he had located it. tario Supreme Court judges. Had a re -trial been necessary Now District Grand Master; of the St yen Murray Truseoft Mr. Justice Treleaven ; is due to case, it ould have fallen te become in 1961 Grand Master of the lot ofMr. Justice 'Preleaven the Grand Masonic Lodge of to have presided at the ease at Canada in the Province of On- the Huron County COurt House. tario. In his time he has h'ad Mr. justice Treleaven said canferred upon him an, honor- his forefather came out to Can- ary degree by Vietoria College, ada in a sailing ship from Corn - Toronto. wall, Vngland, tile added that Whenever he comes to Gode- he visited 'Cornwall mune yeare rich, he mikes a sentimental ago in an tifOrt to traee back journey -to thocemetery at DIMhis ancestral histor3r. minion where some of his fore- 'Rut 'Dungannon' 4a411 Away* fathers are buried. Sane year remain dear in the heart of Mt ago he Visited the Dungannon Justice Treleaven for it is there cemetery in the hope of loot- that his ancestral Mine in Calle ing- _The grave of his gnat- tda Is located'. grandmother who is buried *there and who was 100 yeam. old when she died. While searching for. the grave, the caretaker of the 'cemetery came along aff a'ssisted him in the search, he said. The search