HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-5, Page 5r• EXETER., BUSINESS MEN.. A, List of Some of Those W'hO Axe 1n It• wHB1iE To SSCQBEt}NeitRCEDL+'„'ITED BARGAINS --ANT OF THE; enesaexszue wore. PLANT THEIR AnvsunSEDIENTS IN TSIs PAPER Atte THOROVGHLY RELIABLE. In the present artibfe the aims to pre- sent to our readerss aketobes of some of our leading business firma ; the advanced come anion of our mercantile trade and the keen and healthy competition which prevaila 'in all branches affording to the buying pnkel°', great advantages, Every line of mercantile industry is represented by enterprising bloomed men and as a consequence of the indecements they offer to the people, a large volume of local trade has been devel- oped. The stability of our business men has made Exeter known as one of the roost preseeroua towns in the province. Few tos>i ars have undergone greater itnprovemet.t thatatas Exeter during the past few years. Situated in the midst of a rioh agricultural country its trade is permanent and silb- etantial, bat what gives to the town its chief advantage is lta redhead' connections and superior markets. The educational 'interests are representarl by a oom.lete system of Public schools. The number end character of the elonreh edifices indicate the religious zeal of the people. The town la well batilt, with vide streets and business Monaca of a. snhatantial ohasaefer; among witloh aro porno very h tndsome brick blocks. The town shelve a steady progress ot which r Bud. feel •every resident shouldee n J A STE,WART. R.. Pecoteure A business that will come in for promin- entmention here is the well known and, populargeueral store of Mr Richard Pickard. `.1'uis gentleman is successor to the firm of Samwell & Pickard and has been identified with our morehtit interests tor a number of years. The store is recognized as a leading one in this section,; and enjoys e trade extending over the county, and offere advantages equal to city houses. The cow - =tedious double store is filled with. a stook the Rick of the markets, and bought direct' 'from the mannfacturer'and leading whole- sales. The stook omnraces general dry goods, millinery carpets, hats & caps, boots & shoos, groceries ete. It pays to deal there. Dr. O. Lew:. This splendidly equipped store is recog- nized as one of the leading drug bnsiuesees el this section of too oouutry, The store is simply all that expelieneo stud eajrablr management can make it A. large au:l well st•lec,ed stock of pure drugs, drug:tiats' sundries, the leading patent medicines, books, stationary and sellout supplies are ou band. Mas. SPICER, It is now about a ye as ago eines Mrs Spicer established. She is mi accomplished milliner and has built up a splendid trade. The ladies find there the most stylish millinery. fancy goods etc. This gentleman icons of the moat enter. prising of onr merchants, and in hia buei- Peso the toe lots it Dry floods Stove which e fors abet ttal;es to the p cede. Established two years ago, tin+s ensieese is known f•.r the keen: eornpetitiou it has created and the cousequeut superior heroine it offers 111r Stewart is so expert buyer and to this does the store owe its sueeest. By keeping s'keeu watch upon the market. whenever a bargain is offered 10 the Caeli purchase of a bankrupt stock be gets it, and thus his pnstetuers profit. ;giro atoro is titled with dry goods, clouting, hats & oaps, gents' friruisiiiugs, bads d shoos, etc, It, N. Rowzt , The Exeter furniture wareroome Mr R. N. news), proprietor, are con over this sa etion of the country as one of the cheap- et,t and best places to hay furniture in thus or adjoining co^tutie.e. Mr Rowe has been establilehed a number of years. He is thoroughly practical and experienced in the furniture trade and in the beat position to meet ttne wants of the public. lie orrice a 1i/etches dealt bought from the best noaouftteturers stud whether it l� in the purebase of the finer Osseo or the more common grades of furniture, tine taste and means of any misnomer can be suited. The stook embraces all kinds for the parlor, dining roam, bed room and kitchen. Un- dertaking reerives oa-eful attention and a large patronage is enjoyed. fiehas on hand a find !testae, a full line of easkete, coffins, robes and all kinds of funeral supplies 3. P. Ross. This gentleman is cue of 1'lxetor's most enterlrrlring merohante, and the steady grown( and progress of his business is an indication of genuine, mercantile eutorprise, He occupies one of the finest brick stores M the town. his own property, and is in com- mand of a targe trade. The continued grow- ing popularity and increasing trade of the business is evidence of its Indite. An energretio merchant and capable buyer, Mr. Ross is in the boat position to meet the wants 4f the publio. His fine oommodioas stere is filled with an excellent stook, the pick of the markets, embracing staple and fanny dry -Goads of all kinds, hats & caps, gentsfurnishings, clothing, gt ocerios, boots & shoes, etc. The store is city -like in ap• pearanne and is constructed in the most modern style, largo plate front, etc. It is in every way creditable to the town and enter- prise of its proprietor, EXETER ROLLER BOLLS. Exeter possesses the advantages of one of the beet equipped and best eonduoted roller flour mills in the • province. The mid is owned by ;Messrs Brown & Emery and la under the personal ma=agement of Ur. Emery, Purchasing it about. a year ago the firm bave made a new mill of it, • having refilled it throughout and added a new set of machinery of the lateat improved full roller process, with 125 barrel capacity. Noted tor the superior quality of flour large shipments sere made to the old country and maritime markets. Farmers come bora for. utiles around for gristing, and the" mill has also created an eeoenent grain market, 8 hands are employed. . J.P. CLABRE. This splendidly equipped store is well at the front in the mercantile interests of Exeter. Notwithstanding the keen competi- tion of the dry goods trade be has steadily gone forward, and enjoys to a large degree the confidence end patronage of the people. The store is .well known for haridltng a superior Klock. llbr Clarke being a careful buyer and in deasiug there a customer ire always certain of receiving the best- value. The store is 0.114 with dry goods, clothing, hem & cape, boots a eltoes, groceries, wall papers, etc. WALL Fos a t\n CARLING BRoe. Beeler is favorably known to the outside world far the stability of the majority of aur leading' busnwse institutions, The estiet•listannent which is the snbjeet of tide sketch well hears ont this sl Moment The ' Wetness is one of the pioneerpioneer=stit=ttons of the town and far upwards of a cone ter of a Dentary has speedily supplied a large portion of the community with their neer- eentlle warts, and the reputation of The HOMO has al vasa been synouyntoue with fair and upright dealing, The Hanle Carling is a familiar ono to Canadians and the interprasiug gentlemen composing this fir n aro nopitnwa of the all Jahn Cariiug of London. The establlahtnent occupied b the firm 'is a eommodiun' double store. city, like in appearance, coutrally located. and we have no hesitation an saving title mammoth institution is not surpassed by any estab' ish meat excepting in IInndou in Western Ontario. Here the people fled all the ad- vantages to be load iu the cities. The firm bite to au advantage for caslt direct from the manufacturer and leading wholesale bo=ws. and the large stook of general reerehaadiso which fills their store is all of fineet quality and no trash, One side is devoted to etude and fancy dry geode of all kinds, millinery, ladle,' and gents' fnrnishinga of all kinds, hats & asps, boots & shoes, carpets etc., and the other side to groceries, hardware, crockery, trunks, valisee, leather eta. Dress ;taking is done on the premises which department is under competent management, and very popular with the ladies. FRAYtE. Mr P. Frayne who 18 Ono of our old es- tablished harness manufacturers, has always enjoyed the confidence and patronage of the public, from the foot that his shop has always been noted for taming ont a super- iorctaasof harness, enjoying the advent ages of long oxnerienco. lie is an AI work. man. Ev rytbing to bo found in a Seat Blass harness sleep is eu hand. 3. SENIOR. Wo have no hesitation In Raying that this is ono of the best equipped and best conducted plotograpbie studios in Western Ontario. Established over a quarter of a century. Mr > e for has kept the etudio to a uniform high standard, and i$ a photngraeh. or of more than ordinary ability. All classes of work from a cabinet to the most elegant life size portrait is done, enlarging, eto, To see the work is to appreciate it. B. A.. Pomace. This gentleman has been establiebed about 3 yesra,and has met the wants of the people in a manner wbioh has won the confidence and popularity ot the public. He thorough- ly understands the business and conducts it in an enterprising manner: Tho bakery is' noted for turning out a superior quality of breed, pastry, end a speoi•tlty is made of Supplying weddidga, etc., in the oateiing line. A. ohoioe stook of confeotionery,fraite etc., always on hand. CAPT. KEMP. Oar review would be incomplete without reference to the popular business of Capt Kemp one of the town's old end esteemed citizens. This gentleman has for a num- ber of years done a large part of the' insur once bnainess of the community and is an agent with whom it is a pleasure to deal, and is prompt in all transactions. He repre- sents the leading Insurance Oos. S. S. lines, town G. T. R. ticket agent and Librarian of the Meohanict' Institute. WEEEEs Baas. This enterprising firm is - recognized among the leading granite and marble ntannfaaturers,in this or adjoining counties. Messrs Weekes Bros, are skilled ani praoti cal workmen and by turning out a superiov elate of work have acquired for their buss. nese a deserved popularity. They " manu- facture all kinds of monuments, headstones eto.,'and import tnuoh of their stook, u.ing the famous Sooteh Granite. T. Weems Is one of our long established, substantial busieesa men whose business will come in for Tominent mention in our review, Mr. irii n established in the jewetery business her' about 25 years ago, since which time his business has been uninterruptedly be- fore the puolio," doing a large trade, and its deserved popularity attests .'itt,. merits. He is thoroughly conversant with the jewellery *trade aided by long experielioe.' His well appointed store contains an emit - ant stook, the fine oases being'filled with the best watches ',clocks, jewellery, spectac- les, silverware ete. The stock is bought. for cash; and 'customers may rely upon the best value, spectacles are fitted to the eye free of oherge. Mus, Gnomes% Thin well conducted Fancy Goods Store is very popular with the ladies, and doing a good trade. The stole is filled with all kinds of fancy goods,'eationseitaples, ladies and ohildrens' furnishings. J. H. Gnsivs. 9.a the days grow longer the sun grows stronger, and the wet and Blush, that follows are the sure forerunner of cold in the head. Nasal Balm instantly relieves and perman- ently ouree. DARK Atm sauualsrr.--Dark and sluggish desoribes the condition of bad blood. klealthe blood is ruddy and bright. To Isere bad blood and •oonsegnencee, and to seonre good blood and its benefits ba the eafest, surest and best way use 13.urdoett Blood Bitters, strougly recommended by all who use it as the best blood purifier, For 30 Days FOR CASH. Come See Prices' We now offer Stock, Tinware and Stoves Away Down, S els No 9 Tin Bnilets (made from beat Brailey tin) eaeb, 1 75 10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each 20 10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each, rim.. , 25 :2 qt Tin Pails (do). 4 for 1 00 12 qt Tin Pails (do), riga, 4 for1 50 Steamers.-- ....... . 30 Stove Poerds all sizes 1 00 No 9 Brilliant 1'enenattlar Cook Stove . , 1.4 ((0 No 9 % ona, Cook . ... .... . 17 00 Pine Art Royal CoalStove...... 20 00 l;rillittntNovelty " . . 1 4 00 . Seeond hand Radiant -Home Coal.. 8 00 One 5 hole 'Northwest Standard.. 20 PO 2 Extended Reserviora...,..,...,. 20 00 4 Gallons Coal Oil..... , ... 70 ii 41 Water White,. 1 00 Chestnut Blacksmith Coal S? =.!'.1sT2:'?. li;arse ;voila.... ...... 2 GO Steel Nails .. 2 ell Com Iron. 2 60 n 2 U0 No 3 Daisy Churn........ , . This sketch re,ere to one of Exeter's young business men. He carries a flue stock of slaves, tinware, dairy supplies,ete„ and is i'+a command of a large trade. The besmess has rapidly grown awl is eutitted to ptotninent mention It is a little over a rear ago since Mr Folioed joined the ranks n o tm f nrmea ns hat andl'fi b� is el ua t old 1 q 1 experience and ability to make a success of the bnsi'esx, which he ltas done, and built up a good trade The atom has acquired the reputation of being one of the best and cheap( et places to buy anything in the line carried in the comity. , well seleatod stook of stoves is always on handl also all kinds house fu' nishtnes, titoware and copporwarc, ruannfaotered ou the promisee, also dairy supplies, brooms, brushes, wringers, astern pumps. etc. ,11r Fotlarel is an Al workman and ewes special attention to all ki=ds of job work as roofing, eavetroughing, eto. A. flesiasos, Our popular tonsorial artist has bears established a nnuahor of years having aiwaya eonducted lila business in a first class man - oar ande' artist being an Dxpurienned a fret hon en,: joys n good trade, no sue ever left this shop without being satisfied, 3. Timm The firat-elass harness and boot & shoe busiooas carried on by the above hawed gentleman is at the frout doing a good trade and deservedly premier with the people. Mt Treble is ante. pr sine and keeps hie business up with the theme and turns out a superior claw 01 wont, be hue always on hand a fire' elm stook of harness and boot & shoes and is now offering special bargains to make roam for spring mock. SeRLr. linos. & Co.. We aro pleased to note the suooeas of this auterprisiug firm in the recent important industry they started last summer viz : Pork parking business. They have already built up a good trade and provided every facility for properly carrying on the business. lu the work of curing and packing pork they lave the servioes of Mr Day, practical pock pucker. They slaughtered about 1000 bags p too commencing, and intend putting a traveller on the road to work up their whole. sale trade. VERITY8' PLOW WORRa. In referring to the manufacturing inter. isle of the town, we will first refer to the above named., well known, institution, the Verity Plow Works which is recognized as ono of the leading industries for the mann- facture of plows in Ontario. The firm established 85 years ago, have made a su000ss .ofthe business and have year by year steadily carried IK forward and built a trade which extends from one end of the Dominion to the other, being the largest shippers of plows to the North-west. The reputation of the Verity plow is a guarantee of superior excellence. The firm is a pro- gressive one and their efforts have always been in the direction of extension of thei' works and improvement of their produce Their premises are extensive, consisting of large works embracing all the different de- partments of work, show room oto. all of which are lighted by electricity manufactur ed on the premises, and in which some 30 hands are employed. Recently this firm, with characteristic enterprise; purollased the patent right for the manufacture of the justly celebrated Thom's Sulky.Plow admir. ably suited to their Ontario trad t, also two new patterns of American Sulky Plows, just out. aro being manufactured 'by the above firm. In a two Farrow Gang Plow the firm are getting up for the spring trade some valuable improvements which farmers should see before purchasing elsewhere. F. J. KNIGHT. It is now about a year ago since Mr Greive established, .and to joining the ranks of our merchants he was welt qualifi- ed by experience and ability to make a sticoess of Ms business, which is altisted hie growing popularity "anal ncreaeingtrade. lle is an excellent cutter and keepsfa good stoe'r, embracing foreign and domestio tweeds, fine French worsteds, etc,. Also genta' furnishings. JAS. N. EDWARD. In reviewing the business interests of Exeter Tam TI.IIES is pieaeed to note the success attending the trade and growing popularity of this general hardware, stoves, tinware and grocery institution. It is now about a year since Mr Howard established He has made a success 01 the bueinese, has a large and satistaotory trade. The sterols under the management of 1Er W Ei Monour. The stook le an excellent one, large and well selected. The shelves are filled with all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, builders tents and materials of every description, the best makes of stoves and all kinds of house fnruishinga in tin, iron. and copperware mattufaotured on the premises. The grocery dept is stocked with a complete line of all kinds of choice family groceries, provisions, fruits. eto One of our most successful business places is this well known and popular general grocery and liquor store. Mr Knight estab Relied here a few months ago and aided by his long and practical experience he has been very succesnfui in building up a large trade, the results of handling good goods and fair dealing. The grocery departmen is stocked with a full line of choice family groceries Theliqunr dep't contains the best brands of till kinds of liquors. O'NEIL's BeexiNG HOu9E. We wish to devote space in our review to the popular.bank above named, which is recognized as one of the solid financial in- stitutions of the province, Mr O'Neil estab- lished in 1877. ' A general banking bn4i nese iu all its branches is done as the sale and exchengeof foreign and domestic drafts mony loaned,' interest on time deposits, etc. W. E. CoonENouit. One of the latest acquisitions to our town is this splendidly equipped drug store, es- tablished by Mr Ooohenour 4 months ago. A. thorough goiug young business man a skilled chemist and druggist he is ws1 able to keep his business abreast of the times. Ho has secured an excellent stook of everything to be found. in a first-class drug store: The store is neatly arranged and attractive. Blsszee ends, Dutiug the many years this business has been before tho public it has always done'a large share of the hardware trade of the town. It has been under its present man- agement 7 years. Thofirm boy to an advantage direct from the manufacturer and wholesale houses and handle alarge and well selected stock emb:'aoing'•all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, blaoiismiths' and carriage makers' supplies, stoves, tinware, eto ; also paints, • oils, 'glass, halls, wire, cutlery, eto, When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cbfldren, she gave them Castoria. STANLEY noois—�Sta^nley books are now as common as coughs and °olds. To get rid of the latter use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best Canadian cough cure for children or adults, It cures by its soothing healing and expectorant properties, every form of throat and lung trouble, pulmonary complaints. eta. Wm. PEEBtraTON, Editor Delhi Reporter. A. NATURAL FILTER—The liver acts as a filter to remove impurities from the blood. To kerp it in perfect working order use B. li B., the great liver regulator. I need two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for liver complaint, and can clearly say I am a well woman 'to -day. ' Mrs. C. P. Wiley, Upper Otnabog, N.B. GROCERIES, SUGARS, rTIlaAlS. TOILET SOAPS --full line—Eleetrie, ;Russian, London, Dignan. Slaege Slues, Frees, Wool. Prooem°, Rye. EGOS, POULTRY, IN Teem. Exeter Roller Flour on hand at $2.35 per cwt. JAS. R. HOWARD, W. H. MCNCHR, Proprietor. Manager. KARIM REPORTS. EXETER ltod Wheat »•i Spring Velma t,- earmy ... Otte Olovor Bled Timothy ' •.• Peas Dorn eggs Butte* .. Flourperbbl ., Potato eleper bushel 3ppies,per oag OriodApplespr b (loeee Porth. Turkey por lb Ducks per lb (hickensperpr Roga,dresaedper100 Reef »• Ridesrongh, ... dressed , iheopskins each Oalfakina Wool perlb t*ayporton •lnloneverbneh Wo0dperoord English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes from horses. Blood Spavin; Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cougqs, etc.' Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. NAPoLEoE's nsen—Napoleon's head was of peculiar shape, hntthat did,' not protect him against headache. Sick headaobe ie a common and very disagreeable'' affection which may be quickly •removed., together witb its cause, by the' use of Burdook Blood Bitten., the never.failing medicine for all rode of Beadnohes. EDITORIAL EVIDENCE.—.Gee tlemen,—. ;Your ' Uagyerd's Yellow nil is worth its weight in cold for hoth internal and exter• nal use. During the late La Gripne epid- eniowe found it a'tnoet excellent prevtive, mil for sprained Iimbs, etc., there is uoth- 2n ; to equal it Kisumu o' esmon-The Knights of Kisumuer aim to protect their members against Satin. oial difficulties, etc., Hagyard's Yellow Oil p"otects all who use it from the effects of oold and exposure, such 'se rheumatism, nenrnigia, lumbago, sore throat and all itlflamma ore pain. Netbing compares with it as a handy pain cure for man and beast. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria 404 IMO NO 404 044 440 00▪ 4 000 O 00 sT:MARYa ft!AT REDUCTIONS .:r • --FOR CAI!- ON&' We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods at Great Reduction in price for CASA ONLY ---• -OUT SAWS, AXES, LAMPS, and LAMP GOODS, COOK and PARLOR STOVES; TINWARE ofeve1'y DESCRIPTION SLEIGH BELLS, SKATES, STOVE BOARDS; BISSETT BROS. S N B—We must ask- those having accounts to settle to do eo at once --B B ••• 93to00'l5 o (t ; ••• 40 to 0045 »• 42 to 43 • 425t0441. ••• 1 25 to 1 30 » 4 U 403to t0 41 ▪ 14 to 14 .,, 14so014 • OotoA'0 »• 40 10 0 40 •» 1COto1110 ... 0 410050 ..• OO5to006 •- 07 to 08 ... 0 00 to 0 07 ... 025to080 ». 600 to625 ». 400 to52.5 -, 20010250 • 350to390 », 060 to 2n ▪ 060to056 018to02n ,.. $ 00 t o 6 On • o so to 0 05 • 250t0302 to g Fall Wheat 093 0 94 Spring Wheat............ ...... ., ....... 0 M3 0 94 Barmy i'0 46 0 50 Oats ......... ................................ 039'41 Moyer Seed ...... 3 75 4 25 Timothy ........................... 1 251 a0 Peas 060063 Rees.. .................:........................ 18 0 15 Rutter 12 0 13 Potatoes per bag 75 95 Apples per bush ........ 0 50 Wool per lb 20 0 20 Flayperton5 50 6 00 Bran per ton ▪ 14 00 14 00 Shorts '• " 20 00 20 00 oatmeal per hbl.... 6 00 7 00 Hogs, dressed p or 100. 5 0010 5 25 • LONDON. Wheat. 95o to 97e per bus. Oats, 42e to 43e per bus. Peas ,63e to 66a per bus. Bar- iey,81 tlting. 501 to 67e per bus. Barley Feed, 48o to 48o per bus Corn, 611c to 67c per. bushel. _ TORONTO. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY T • Toronto, Feb.24 —Wheat Spring—No. 2, 95e to 95c per bus; red winter.No,2.1 OD to 101per bus Manitoba No 2bard,102 to 1 03, No. 3,95e to 960: PEAS 70c to 72c per bus. OATS 45e to 46c per bus.. FLOUR, extra, $3 90 to 53.90 per bel; straight roller. 114.20 to 54,40; strong bakers, e4,00 to $4.10. BARLEY, No 1, 510 to 63e ; No 3 extra 510 to 530: No 2, 580 to 580. Easter Roller Mills The Most Economical Stove. The Best Heater. APerfect Baker for Paetry or The Best Iraets' Ste and EquallyallY Bread. Good for a Person Town. 1IARKET REPORTS. Wheat .. 95c. to 96c. per bush. OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 por 100 do Best Family ' 2 50 do. Low Grade .. 1 75 Bran .. ,,, 80e. Middlings .. .. 90c. Screening .. ... 1 OOc. Chop ... el 15 to 1 25 • Chop stone running every day. ,TERMS CASH. THE EXETER MILLING Coy. U at tt 4 Isof 0 0 Call and see this and other first-class stoves from. E. & 0. Gurney Company for sale only by WILL FOLLAND CENTRAL Drug Store For Over Fifty Years, MRS. WINSLOW's SO6TIOtNG SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed'iat night and broken of your rest by a siok child suffering and crying with pain of nutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teothieg. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake aboutit. It sures Diarhoea,'regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives es tone and energy to the whole system. vire Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip- tion of rescrip-tion.of one of theeldest and •best female pbysiciaus and nurses in the United States. Price, 25 gents abottle, Sold by all druggists throw bout the world. Be sure and asit for "Mita INaLOt' ..SOOTuING SYRUP." A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er, the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store, Exeter. C LUTZ. 1 CIO (Chio MIAS SU One Door South of Post Offico ----HE HAS ---- A NEW AND COMPLETE —STOCK OF -- Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality, Repairing promptlys;ttendea to. GEO. MANSON, NOTICE. .6 l7r'esh and .New STOCK OF GROCERIES .AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also 1 Pure Extracts and Spines. A' beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYND MAN. W IrWYilIIM 1; DO YOU RANT TU BTJY AT LOWER RATES H T HA iV SHAM GIOC.O S —THEN GALL AT— GIDLEY'S THE BEST YET ONLY FIRST -CLASS - THEE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Reiiable GoOdf Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ins at anyprice Paiatin p gs At Prices Lower • _ r` that SO Ceti- at any price led Cheap Houses can give Best Ordered Clothing Pr educed in Exeter ' undertaking in �69 ifGentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best e Trim ''n En sleek of Fine mt a and thebest g, .. Branches. 4 Cnttingin Town. yea are sure of subsist. S. CSI DLEY, '(Suocessorto C. & S. 014114) 0DI:FELLO7VS' BLOCS Ai.. J. 'i74,A, i 1