HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-02-11, Page 7-
Tep CentrO Listed In
New -,B611 Directory
The MO telephone directory discard their olh books," he
fqi ifkocierich is new in design
fr�n toyer to cover. It is larger
in size and features a new cover
Distribution of the .new., boa
the Goderich aeea has in-
creased by 200 over last year,
ging the total to 2726.
ecause of the .many new and
enged listings .contained in
ethe01,960 edition, W. W, Hay,
nom, Bell Telephone manager
eshere, has suggested that tele -
Phone 'users diseard their old
, books as soon as the new ones
ere received. .
""ExPerience has 'shown that.
Wrong numbers and unnecese
aary calls to information oper-
_ •
'Hepointed out that one good
way to avoid .confusion was for
telephone users to bring up-to-
date, where neees.e.ary, their
personal telephone number
books and use them as a nktray
reference before placing oils.
To facilitate this practice, an
indexed Blue Book of TelePhono'
Numbers for the personal use 01
telephone , users, hereis' exail-e.
able free of charge from the
buslnss offices.
The TIM' direetory features a
skeboh of the Shakespearean
Festival Theatre at Stratford on
the front cover. e The Work of,
Cenadtian artist Lorne Beueh-
ard, it replaces the sketch of
on last year' e ver,
The dire ory else aerves At -r
wood, List wel, Mitchel!, St.,
Marys,- S atferd, Tavieteekal
Qlinton, -llensall and Seaforth,
1CF0700, Ferjb. IL - 3/t.
,gearY MaeKenge visited laet
week with his brother, Dr.
MacKenzie, in iMontreal.
Mrs. Ewart Jamieson, who
vent some weeks in Winghanrt
iospital with pneumonia, is
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madam -
Ian spent the week -end With
41letrd4titrL'*°(211' 41141
Mss Muriel- Yarrieh, of Tor-
eato,• was home for a few days
ast week.
'Mr.. John MacKenzie ,spentl
1st week with relatives in Tor,1
at,ors result if customers don't St. Mary's Town,, Hall carried
nto. •
Mrs. Ware Ma0donald Visited
eth her daughter, Miss Marg-
ret Macdonald, in 14ondon, last
Mr. Bob MacGregor is the
uest of his sister, Mrs. George
eadbetter, in Toronto.
The many friends of Mr. Rob -
rt Sperling wilrbe interested
know that he has improved
nough from his recent illness
3 return to hisjiome at Sarnia
n Saturday. Mr. .Ed. tbes
loved him by ambulancefrom t
rictoria Hospital, Londo n,
where he has been confined
3ince 'October. Mr. Sperling j
will be remembered as a former
!ental technician in Goderich,
roving from here to Kitchener
nd later to Sarnia. -
rs.., C. E ward Rege
f Maple Leaf 10
The annual 5'rneeting of the?
MAPIA-44,44c.h4;der4 .1.0a4,1
was held at the home of Mrs,
Glenn Hays on FebruarY 2n4
with, the regent, Mrs. George
Bilis, presiding. A short gen-
ergmeeting preceded the an-
nual meeting, and reports from
the various committees were re-
,-1111.rs: Harvey,. in the ..seo,
retary'e annual report, outlined
the work of the Chapt r for the
year 1960. The I1 number
of members 77,sevet new mein -
hers having joined the chapter.
Thereivere le regular ineetings
held; two of whicheeeere in a
special form, one a pot -luck
supper at a member's cottage
in Jane, and a, Christmas dinner
at the hotel, complete with a
"children's school concert" in
Two members attended the
annual meeting ,pf the Provinc-
ial•Chapter-in Hamiltrm as -dee,
gates. Four other members
were present. for one day's ses-
sions. Four members also, at-
tended the semi-annual meeting
n Kitchener for one day's ses-
The 7,0piportunity Shop con-,
inues to provide funds for the
greater part of the. spending
budget. The shop isllunder"the
urisdietion of a committee set'
up at the annual meeting. This
committee . consists of two Con-
veners, the, treasurer of the
chapter, the treasurer and sec-
retary of the shop, ways and
means convener, public rela-
tams convener and " einvent the work in India, eakistan,
Ghama and the West Indies, And, The treasurer of the post -graduate ..,courses at the
shop, Mrs. F. Curry, looks after
all 'finances and at various inter-
University -of Toronto. Mrs. R.
vats in the year transfers profits W. Hughes was membership
to the general treasurer of the convener. Mrs. Wm. lliaoLaren
flower convener and sent
chapter, Mrs...GPrdori 1Cezr. The...awas
secretary, Mrs. E. Jessop, sends ' or
rrbdse rs
out notices to members notify -
Mrs. J. W. Coates was „stance.
ing them of duty days.' The
shop is open three hall days a ard bearer and the chapter's
week, Tuesday, Thursday
mings where ceiling height per
and standard was present at meet -
Saturday. The
erchandise is
all donated. mi ed. It was carried at the
New Canadian coffee party, at
Our annual Fall Fashion Show
was held In September at Har- the Memerial Day church par-
ad,e, and was present at the
bourliee Inn and was a sell-out.
cenotaph on Memorial Day, the
Clothes and . accessories were
provided by local merchants.
The ways and means conveners,
Mrs. A. Allen and Mrs, F.
Lodge, were in 'charge With sub,
New Canadians after' they re-
ceived their citizenship certific-
ates at'the Court House cere-
mony .in the spring. Members
also greeted New Canadians at
another presentation ceremony
in the fall, and presented greet-
ing cards. avirs". B. Breeken.
ridge was in charge of this
The .ettch Signal -Star, l'hursdaY �b
District W.I. Head, Mrs.
Tells What Makes ideal Member
The February meeting of Ihei,ed. Mrs. W., Doak and Ws. F.
Ferlented ,.„
product the Nid4le
MOO by eintrOuling *Pedal
organisms or cultures, into /**,,
so that its courPosit100. 13 1
what, hanged. It Is knowfl
Work. Goderich Women'S Institute was Hawkins lvvre conveners for
LevuemraissI otkh4rhirname, miattzloolleinti
The, chapter' is a member of the games which followed.
the National Film BPard, and heldin2440aY ThursdarY ilearty, eaks, Y*g kut
s . is pas
year,, as well as one of the Can-
cer Society.
Miss Josie Saunders, Empire
and World, Affairs onvener,
used sketches on the lives of
commonwealth ?rime Ministers,
extracts' from 'Foreign Pelley.
wiettn and Alert; She ha4
guest speaker, who spoke on
evening 'When VQZIJViafl more 'than7'1'00
meMbeis and. friends sat down 'Pressed to the conunittee in,
charge a the eventog S, eater -
to a pot luck supper. This was
arranged' and served by thej 4loment.
branch directors of the Institute
with Mrs. L. Bannister, conven-
er, assisted by Mesdames A.
Alexander, G. Inglis, J. Ryan,
R. Good, C. Holland and J.
Wilkinson. .
Aftersinging the Institute
Mrs. N Claitinont, pre
N. -
necessary contributions to
tMrS, A. M. HarPer, guest speaker,' Mrs, 0. Popp, of
Mrs- G. G'ard111" nlade t"'grace
ident,.weleonied the' gathering,
special greetings going the
Conmapnvvealth Relations con-
vener, brought to the chapter's Dungannon, who is district noWest Huron Women:s
pre -
attention interesting details of institute branches. • '
After enjoying a' -splendid
meal, win& included Scotch
shortbread which had been
made and donated by a_ valued
member, Mrs. J. H. Johnstone,
two vocal solos were sung by
Kee., MainieSaitcliffe,-accompan-
ied by Mrs. Grace Watson.
Mrs. N. Clairmont introduced
the guest speaker whose sub-
ject was !The Qualities of an
Ideal Women's Institute Mem-
ber." She should be: loyal, gen-
erous in criticism, energetic,
sacrifice other pleasures to at-
tend a W.I. meeting, depend-
able, enthusiastie and honest in
effort. Havin,g tkese qualities
and faith'in the Institute motto,
`Tor Home and Country" a
member would do a grand job
of citizenship.
A vote of thanks by Mrs. W.
Kingswell was oonveyed by the
president to Mrs. Popp.
A short business session was
conducted by the president. She
e.ii.getrthe4aclies -to - attend -the
annual -Achievement Day for
ary 13. At this time the girls!
4-11. Club, which -is sponsored
by the iGoderich W.I., displayed
part of the project which they
.,..have completed.
The girls, Misses.G. Campbell,.
P. McIlwain, B. Alton, (S. ofiStew-
, show-
localnt, proficiency prizes at theinal-Star. The convener, art unableto be present),
er, Mrs, different ways to care foi
_Public and Separate 'Bryan Ainslie, sent in accounts and Store shoes. The spring
sch'dols; complirnentarST student lof our meetings and these -have project is to 'be "Meat on the
committees a pointed
p _ .
bers of the chapter modelled
and daughters and sons also
appeared, in the junior fashions.
The Fashion Show is the only
ii5ecial. 'project of the year giv-
;ing-rnembers an opportunity to
'There's one °Nile
smallest gals
in 4own 1"
She's stretching her home
improvemnt dollaA-by call-
ing us in the winter when
we're not too busy -when
..we're glad to get interior
renovation jobs.
Next summer we may not
lave time for a job like this.
getting a better and -a faster
job because skilled Workers
are more productive. '
Somewhere around your
home or place of business
there's a job to be done. It
will pay you to do it now.
Who spent 12 Years -
in a Monastery.
(Former Fr. Hilarian
of Basilian Order),
Oirector of the
Evangelical -Mission
• of Converted
Monks and Priests.
Editor, 'Converted
Priests'. Evangel.
▪ Js ti by authority of Ow. tiiiNicT of. '7na
0., 5
8 P.M.
Roman Cittiolic Students, Prieffis, Nuns are especially
interview Expriest Adams each afternOon ,in the
Pastor's Study.
Tuesday, Feb. 9 -"Personal Protestantism."
Wednesday, Feb. 10 -7 -"Practical Personal Protestantism."
Thursday, Feb. 11 -"Putting Personal Protestantism Into
,Praslitse4 (Part 1). -
Friday, Feb. 12--(Pdir2).
Saturday, Feb. 13-The.,Evangelical Missicm' 'Of Converted
Monks and Priests presents Kodachroma Pictures,
"Our Mission to Rorpan Catholics."
Sunday, Feb. 14-11 a.m.: (Part 3).
Sunday, Feb. 14-7.30 p.m.: "The Message, The Monastery
• And The Monk."
REV. H."C. eRACKNELL Phone JA 44sor6
e ore e ic.
portion of the proceeds was
used for a donation to the new
wing of the local hospital, and
the donation to the. 'Canadian
_Eskimo Fund came from • this
'moneY also. •-
'In education, a 'butsary was
provided fora high school stud -
Fashion Show and the annual
meeting in Hamilton.
'Donation's were made to the
following:,National and Provin-
cial funds; National Employee's
Pension Fund; Commonwealth
Relations; Overseas 'Relief; Film
Fund; Peace Garden; National
Shipping Fund; Korean Pro-
-httex, Morrison Memorial
or Education; Bursaries and
aelal Re,present •
"Canactian Scene," a newspaper
for New Canadians; Eskimo
Fund; St. John Ambulance; the
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital;Jhe Children's Aid.
‘4, The work of the chapter ,has
een before the publiedn inany
acCasions in the Goderich
Sig -
memberships to the Community
Concert, Empire Day programs
in local schools, and -there was
-nairitained the chapter/s adopt-
ed school near Lion's Head. This
work was -under the direction" of
Mrs, K. Hopkinson. '
, Mrs .3. Hindmarsh was con -
been g-iven gooa display. The-genu,o and the leaders would
chapter gratefully ackowledges 1 welcome any girls or young
the fine co-operation receive women who` would be inter -i
from the editor and: the news- ested.
paper staff. Two hobo teat were reported{
Each secretary and Convener for the month and these will,
has done her work well. Under continue till the end of the
the "capable lead•ership of the Institute year.
vener for services at home and regent, Mrs. G. L. Ellis, the year Mrs. H. Tichborne *as ap-
broad Thp chuLes,,,- AAA 45_11959 has been a successful onetplaintesLa
• pita' .patients at 'Christmas. The '
'order. ting
asked to bring donations
x---9P.F. entatim,.
othliNP446iMti!erstaft ilim:ARTIMeAeOrrttirrTOT -',.,-.."1'• .--T. ter':Setere't --ItitNir''
provided gifts for chronic hos- the • the March 'fleeting members
chapter Also assisted the Girl ports, the eew executive-. for
.After the reading of the re- were
the cancer -cupboard. '-
Guides, and made it possible for 1960 was presented by th-e nom-
, Two :vocal solos by Mrs. Ft,
a Guide to attend camp. A inations convener, Mass G. --ss • Lt. Walter A.,.1Gryflaa (nee Mar
wreath was presented at the Gracey. Mrs. Clayton Edward il3I•n Butler) and piano solos by
cenotaph on Memorial Day. • is the new regent. After she Mrs. J. Snider were well receiv-
The St. John's Ambulance Sof to9k office, several recommend-
ciety was assisted financiallv. ations. made 'at the executive
Members conducted, the Red meeting, Were dealt with. The
Cross canvass, and -assisted in meeting closed with tea being
the Cancer Society canvass, and served by the tea committee.
at the blood donor clinic. A Mrs, J. Wallace, chairman of
generous shower of gifts was this group, thanked the h,ostess
presented to the Cancer SocietY for the use of her home.
-Mrs..A, M. Hamer.
for their gift cupboard. The . f" -
chapter ' adopted a Greek child
rough ' the Yoster' Parent's
Ian, and donated to the Can-
lanwEskinio rad. MR. JAMES MIDDLE
A coffee party was held
Here's Economy and MagnificenceAction!
A Six that acts
Dolige engineers have decreloi?ed a
super economy six cylinder engine that
outclasses any, .other six! It's an engine
that's slanted at an angle to give ybu --
Up to 60 extra Milei driving on 'every' \
k. tankful of gas. Just one of the features
makes Dodge the best buy in
the low price field.
-• eeleeT.F.•
Ak., • .
• A.
• .
/ IRON 1/
": ''' •.•
for, kr. and MO. Verne Gledhill,
IMiss Marion liaadKay and Mr.
Jas. Anstay attended the funeral
of 'Mr. James Heddle at Ann
tAebor, Michigan, on Wednesday
ilast. He had been in "failing
l health since last September, and
died' on 46 ti ri da Si; Jalfy -31'. '
Mr. Heddle was 75 years of age
-and Ws" ban at Bermiller tut
had lived for. some years at
Ann 'Artier.
He is survived by his Wife,
the 'former Myrtle Nivins,' of
Goderich, and one son, Fred-
rick, of Ann Arbor:. A sister,
Mrs. J. W. White and two 'bro-
thers, Richard and Andrew all
reside in the States and an-
-other ,brother, John, lives in'the
West. Mrs. A. C.:;Roes, Mrs.
Fredrick Stokes and Mr. Samuel
Heddle, all of ..oderich pre-
geceased him.
..,...0 * ,
A. long resident of Goderich,
William '3. A. Beek died at Vic-
toria Hospital, London, on Tues-
day in his 56th ye(. He was a
son of the late Mr. Chas. Edward
Beck and Mrs. Beck, formerly
Jane Collinson. Mr. Beck at-
tended Central Ptiblic ,School
and the Collegiate Ingitute.
Later he went to Vancouver
where he lived for some time.
lie was a member of St.
georgp's Anglican Church. '
'BesideS hie -wife, the former
PaulinQSwan, he is survived by
L'-• three iiters, Mrs. F. D. (Eva)
Shaver, of Brantford, Mr. J. H.
'Jean) McNee arid Miss Eliza-
beth Beck, both of Goderich,
ind one brother, Joseph, of
Waterloo. e
Funeral services ,,weredon-
emoted at St. George's Anglican
*,t hurch on - Friday afternoon
with burial in Maitland °erne,
tery. Rev. C. %tinder, of Clin-
ten, officiated. The pallbearers
were Messrs, Maurice °McKee,
Alvin McGee,' Ronald McGee,
Bert Alexander, Clifford Hoy
and Carlton Worsell.
Get Magnificnee in Aetion
There's a heady feeling, of success in com-
ding ft, '60 De Soto. This ismagnificence
ction and, with De Soto's 'unique Uni-
bo y construction, thi§ is silence in action, too.
Rattles j;ind squeaks are .a thing of the p'ast. Be
De Soto Man and lexperience the feeling
of command and succe$ss-.-
. •
Dodge -Dart 4 -door Phoenix hardtop ... a iluality product of Chrysler engineering:
C- • a •
-:00 DE S ()TO
For 1960 Dodge has the complete line from
Y2 ton to 76,800 lbs. OCW job rated Giants.
litEM-AiicGEE -it SONS
DeSoto Adgerrttirer. . a quality product of Chryaler engineering.
May be Warning
Backache i* often caused by laiy
kidney action. When kidneys get out of
order, excess acids and wastes remain
in the System. 'rhea backache, dis.
turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy.
headed feeling may soon follow. That's
the (hoe to take Dodd's Kidney PM&
Dodd's stimulate the kidney* to normal
action. Then you feel better -sleep
better -,-work better. Get Dodd's
Kidney Pills now. so
• Many of ants Sett
. . - • ,
scurrying around on tb,.eir var.
bus duties have very poor
fon- or none at aU. 'WQrkers
Wtson: 4'So you work in a sOnl,e sPeeles who '40 not me;
ary-cleaning establishment. • Is have eyes: They 'use their ask,..
the work hard?.::,.. • itennae to smell, taste and too*
Tilsom 'PO/ In- spots." • -everything„abont. them.
Belton() Hearing
I516 Aid Consultation
Friday, February12
from 1.30 to 4 p.m,
Service, to all makes a hearing aids.
Hearing Tests and Consultation at no obligation.
E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Service, 88 Queen St., South,
Kitchener. ,
-OMNI 411111.111•111111111111,
the supplying of
600 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder
300 lbs. to -be in 1 lb. bags,'
300 lbsto be. in 15 bags,
-Tender price to include delivery. All tender's tO
be in the Clerk's hands )3y March lst. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted. -
INSPECTOR --Applications are hereby- called for
the position of WAR.BLE FLY INSPECI1OR for-
Mileage rate has been set at 8c per mile. Alf ap-
plicants to state hourly wage expected, and all
'applications to be in the Clerk's hands by March
lst. Lowest or any application not necessarily
for any reasonable purpose
available at any branch of
When You Borrow
From the -Royal Bank , For
Each Month The Loan
You Repay Costs You
6 -Months $20.00_ $ 2.07
12 Months $10.00 $ 3.78
'240 12 Months $2Q
O0, 16 Months • 05.00 $0.,79
. po„ '8 7.56
24 'Months $10.00 $14.13
12 Months
16 Months
20 Months
24 Months
36 MonOs
12 Months $50.00
15 Months $40.00
20 Months $30.00
24 Months $25.00
36 Months $1567
no bank shall in respect of any loan or advance payable in Canada
stipulate for, charge, take, reserve or exact any rate of interest or any rale
of discount exceeding six per cent per Ormuz and no higher rate of interest
or rote of discount is recoverable by the bank."-ection 91 of The Bank Ad.
Goderich Branch -H. G. Spring, Manager.
" 7.7
•t'' •