HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-01-21, Page 3• PIan A New Road For own. sSouth, ,rection Some month..s..ago; the 1969'pay for the road," Mrs. Lorne council, promised a delegationtThurlow told` the new council; from the !southern outskirts that "and we strongly recommended a road would .be built from Ben- it,, but 1 And it has not been _nett street to the trunk sewer, settled that you will. ,.do that. along the .!hitherto- unopened 1 would like to have a specified Gibbons street- extension known date- When • the road will ,be as.Java street. A sewer iS going finished otherwise it might be in, anyway,, to serve the pro- years, 'because: we., cannot go .posed, separate school, and:c'oun- ahead with subdividing u i•1 ell undertook to provide a road the- road is in." - , "as soon ' as sufficient 'land is ' available for a 06 -foot road al-„, 1Qwance. " South of `..Bennett street, the road allowance is. only half that. Property owners ,were , willing to donate the necessary .land: . " - "We had a written agreement -.to do this if the town would ,-as thediscussion .got i<arther clerk was instructed to notify Mrs. Thurlow that we will put in a serviceable road as soon as' weather permits." NORTH ST., ANNUAL. MOinnUal. meeting elf North Street United Church. will: be 114 axe lotn!rday'::eve0ix)g;- Feb-, ruary 2Q. Last year the annual meeting was -held, during the first week in February. afield -the measure of control over water distribution which the Ontario Water Resources Commission 'Tay ,e=creise. .: Representing the separate, school board, J. E. Baechier and Dr. T. R. Melady appeared a little later the, same evening, The town'sgrowing pains to and express'ed belief . hat all the sewer petition required was the the south present, council with Thurlows' signatures. They a• problem of same, kind at al- learned that, 'ether lots non the most every .:sleeting, This ,one ,route acre Owned , by John Bos- invol'ed private property on the veld, who has not :signed the route of .the sewer; the matter., petition. W. of water service and the cost On motion ""ISf° .Councillors bo SabsegfuVrit hhilteltol'debs, and ,Robertson and- Huckins, the ycr�.ao 0vi B1NGQ_atLEGIQNJI SATURDAY, JANUAR-Y 2 AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GAMES -- $1;00. 4 SPECIALS. 4 SHARE -THE -WEALTH. JACKPOT OF $65 IN 53 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 109. A•MyT•�.: PHONE ONE A Kt ''1V. �.-�Ti. R.-l..�ir•_�.. Now. Playing—FABIAN and Carol Lynley,'in-1140U.ND Mon., Tues. and Wed.—Jan. 25, 26, 27 , Alec Guinness, Bette Davis and Nicole Maurey Daphne DuMaurier's suspenseful "novel adapted to the screen by Gore Vidal and directed by -Michael Balcon. - -4DEQG .. V1AN"—In Color_ "The SCAPEGOAT" Thurs., Fri. and Sat —Jan '28, 29, 30. -- Jeff Chandler, 'Orson Welles and Colleen Miller A small town sheriffa wealthy and ruthless ranclier— plus a ,murder mystery, that resolves itself. •��/AI Iw isl ■�1 �i..lt ��`,1�.A^'■ \.I �•\1/77. — In Cinemascope — C Oorning—A British Double Bill—"Blittkreig" i and "Sea otSand'" 1 10 " Burial's Apnually. 1 S�oc It will soon b9'a century since Q. the first, interment .in' Maitland Cemetery, and 4the years have. seen many ' changes ' in the grounds and in administration, none mom, extens_ive4and 'bene- ficial than during the`past$ew years durinrig which it has been governed by Maitland Cemetery Commission, rather than a com- mittee of town council. • Today the burial -ground is one of the most beautiful and well eared for anywhere in Canada. . No man-made beauty can ,equal the: white shroud with which Nature enfolds the rows of graves at -this time of year. It is unmarked.1b vehicle tracks, ��.nnets.&oads�.-,are�lnsed,�.,.;�.n�, and all winter interments made -•- Liunr-fW4tren^.dri JANUARY D1ISCbUNT 1• SALE of new, high quality Men's and Children's Winter Boots_..._ inpopular Flight and Polar styles. • HEP are •snow-covered;• cars damage lawns and markers.) But the coming Spring, as never before, will reveal the handiwork of caretaker J. N. MacDonald and staff, not only in the neatness of plots but the laying out and seeding of new areas. When • thecemetery was in charge of a council committee, the_ chairman was, changed year- ly, and there was little continu- ity in administration. Now the chairman and his colleagues carry on continuously 'the pol- , icier experience has shown.. adwa abed ts. • ,-,,--- W - {-"We-put in so muclrfence and 0171nyll ewers. ea 'sr '-s id =..�Q.t".G34:W �ael&rcati;�.�22.�rn�ta:, for some years past. "When we took over, there were trees with branches close to the ground. Now everything is trimmed up MEMBER N S 9 MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY F YOUR AGENT d PERSONAL- - A s S O • SERVICE 44 North St. Phone JA 4-9531 ANIN,DEPENDE INS 1„,, C:• e ,ENT., \\\\\ \\s‘\ w ► t h - � Gi'r'ls and ladies w�Jth' cot% quilted lining. Reg. Stun: x36 s - 18 ors "�- 6:98.. � a1 end col • ra�19. ttegth SALE ',STALE SPECIAL \ \\ Cb�r�=e:Ata p Pa d fbric PO o 411. b' \� coon 42_ \ SACS Rem 5=98 E Ca ei le ih ova aoailab oe- I... ort S10 aot yer p1F1 ps 001St aha mo'a'n ,3� of ve° • Act . ar hnti� pipids I 9tdai rre ke° Ladies', • itiOttel'S meteOyu- r +.oakopati Ladies . '$` o a na` I. 9 43hte s, x REGULAR 696 F u .1 1 fashioned 'nylons, 45 - 51 and ;60 gauge. First flu ality. Sale Special says. Sport Shirts - Sleeve un rayon long Bois spun style Pespot shirts. As-. sorted bx Sizcoloe to 12 feet, alid you can see the whole cemetery wheel looking aeross- the grounds. Last year" and the )j''all before, we cleaned up and seeded down the whole ! 'si de a year- • we -also cleaned up the west side. and completed it reader •for burials. A year and a half ago wehad til -.wl t4 ,t iely- in behind seeded with rye and oats, then cut the crop and now it is seed- ed for sod." Trees -Planted Reforestation work includes the _planting Of X7,000 trees be- tween the burial ground proper, and the natural woods. at the, ravine, Members of the 1960 commis. si=on, • hi' "addition to -Mr. :'dac- F•"wan, _.are 4,,.Seaman, Floyd Lodge, R. G. . Sanderspnr_ and George) Filsinger. •- Secretary- treasurer is S. -:H Blakre Original 'land purcliase,..1858, comprised 30 acres ,from John ,Meponald's farm: and it was not GEORGE- Mac�WAN, until 19!3Y`1g:'yeat�S�l-a`tef•—that'„,,,,,,,,,..........,,,,......-z,....,,,....,,,,,,,..“,.: 66 acres,was bought from the Chairman of Maitland McLean state. A small- section Cemetery Commission. on the west has been aAlien'ated -to the concrete supply company, 44 a1'� z e.nt- e"tte ”'i�0�41Ce. At vile time" of the first pur- chase, there was an Anglican eerhetery on St, George's cres- cent, and possibly also one on ring , rib rig pool. at Nelson and Vic- toria streets. 'Both were of lim= ited area, and the town fathers of 1,8x13 exercised•-eomniendable' able' equipment, and its. care is foresig 'l"'1n-•- hr r-i•nvestinent of a "must" with the commission. i i'1'$00 'Alley. E. L. Elwood rbring ' , (�c � "Every fall the men it kir .of -St.. George's, 1849.1887) -lin '-Air.-M-aoEwan said, :`and it •bought"in• the new .cemetery In!is overhauled and painted be - 1870 five lots for family use. At fore it is ready to go out "in' - ' ime the mayor was P. A. the spring. Any equipraze.nt 'we McDougall, while°.tl`re reeve was buy we. -•+•oak' a-fe r`f";Aa'n Zt-ira .i Robt: Gibbons. and the deputy got to be in good shape:" ` YeT V?etlor. The commission has a_budget I 100 •Buitials A Year. of a . little over $14,000. .Mr. Burials ,number about 100 an- ;MacDonald is a permanent em- nually. In 19115, perpetual care ployee, and the others are not of graves was provided---- for on the payroll in winter. At the! those wishing t•0 ppl�ay, for -i t, -but . preseri:t time, a mini'mum°.--d-l- this voluntary plafi had the' dis- $8,000 is required from the town' advantage: that plots owned by toward expenditure, the re!' lly. non-residents or neglectful toward -coming from interest, kinfolk could be seen covered sale•, 01, l .,ts,, ld,...11l ,e.pPning tV11-`-turtl, ""gl'a'ss`" -r glit"be ire—of graves. ploiscanefult:yt,,..ma i n to i n Pd�a .-he..•la,a�ez---=matrsodez in 1949 all plots were brought built in 1952, is indirectly due under perpetual care and pro -1 to Chairman`MacEwan, who sug- vided for in sale price of hots. gested it as a philanthropic ob- This, of course, meant mainten ject to Mrs, McPhail, th•e former i ance of hundreds of lots for Marion' Ingles, school teacher. which care had ndtt been pur- It lus erected iri the same 'year chased, but that financial handl and by the same contractors as cap is slowly being overtaken. the new Knox Church. Inciden- In town and board perpetuity' tally, stones from the old church accounts, a backlog is being form the steps of the "baby plot" to right of the cemetery drive. They are not, conspicu- ous, and many persons who fre- quently visit the cemetery have never noticed the beautiful little plot for infants. 1 • 'Many visitors to the cemetery seem unaware of certain rules: "Visitors • shal r atw;.,uv.aak. or. drive over the burial lots lr of'• others.- "Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult who a i in.g sun en graves. shall -maintain close contact with Years' go, when the average them. , family was much larger than "No dog or other animal shall now, the head of -the household be permitted to run at large in often bought eight, ten or even the cemetery. •„ 'HISTORY OF 3 i ra '4 firs used;— It turned out, • in rlfaii,y cables,, that lots w_ ere never r used or paid for-, and had to be transferred; but that system "no Perpetual Care A "Must” • Perpetual care. of so large a cemetery requires a lot of suit - Thursday, January 2�Ist; 1964 Thursday, Jan. 24St 1960 uYanre� In- TAppeal.. ° Jutda neat wasthe statement in this. lease" the.. day o? last week in the. appe ll;justrce sato, ."The tria.1•,Iud against the �;ort!victiQn of Stev n ruled 4 nadmissxble,, so it Xnust Truscott, 14, of' Clinton. ,have, been, at least in part, arna- w Truscottwas•1'4und guilty in ,.e'ritninatory.'�"" September and _sentenced' tQI • hang for the'naurder_of 12-y+ old»Lynn Mauer; Execution date is Febrtiary 16. It Wes set- back, from December' MERCHANTS. MEET Goder3ell merehan:ts, me•etirtg "'last Thursday night whie • was' a pre'llrninaxy' tQ- 8' to allow for the appeal, - a wards an over-all' oxgataizatibn4' Dinging on,the decisioit of the' meeting to be';pi.anned for a.,. - five -mann appeal court is a. fur- later date. ther appeal announced. by pe- - ---- .- fence Counsel John O'►Dr'iscolt. Mr. Walter Westbrook, recent Mr. °':Driscoll said he has, filed ly of Comber,_Qrn,tario, hatt.forn% an appeal against the decision erly of Goderich, will manage of Mr.�Justice Schatz, who ord-''one of the new stores -and -busk, ered the boy tried in an adult nesses being located at Exeter court. Throughout the three-day ap- peal, 'the •youth's father, W/O Daniel - Truseo'tt, of RCAF Sta- tion, Clinten, sat in. a rear seat of the court, _ calm, but intent : ► _. --j- iseoll •antl� and Grand -Bend, by the 'Conklin Lumber ` Co., Ltd. ' Walter is al Gederich boy, being a son. of Mr. George Westbrook, who has long been acquainted with the lumber business. Bowman, director of public pro- ecutions, reviewed the evidence; b u g h t forth during the September trial. Mr. ,Bowman refuted -a claim made yesterday by defence,coun- sel that the trial jury may have been prejudiced because Huron Crown Attorney Glenn Hays mentioned a signed statement during his address to the jury. ' Mr. Bowman added 'that it was crown counsel's_ duty to point! o'ut to the jury what he intends] Prov p it dtir-�rrg tie lira}. edeiits�, ., Ming per- mitted mention ,.of a1�1,.ements,^t but nod, their contents. , Mr. Justice Lebel pointed out that the ..previous judgments "lay down rules. applicaiale only to those cases." St. �-,Gee g '�� S1vening Gtt7'i met on January 13th with Mrs. W. Bradley presiding. The meeting opened with a Scripture readI ig„,by. Mrs. D. Walteilbeek. The reports of the I secretary and treasurer were' to ' e and.the evidence he laps to-subin' adopted and a ways and means committee was appointed for the year. - _ - Mrs. R. Needham was con- gratulated oh -her choice of poin- settias for. the Christmas decor ation of the church. Mrs. G. Harrison was presenTed With a gift' as a token of thanks from! the menibers of the Guild, for the way 'in which.she carried out the ---duties of president for the preceding year. Mrs. W. Bradley arid Mrs. .W.' and interesting talk on the his- tory and development of the Evening Guild since its incep- tion in January,- 1953.. an unch was served by Mrs. W. Taylor, -Mrs. R. Nicholson and Mrs. M. Simpson. - the pulpwood harvest annual- ly. built up;---'a•nd with current in- terest rates on bonds the corn - Mission can look forward to the cenietery becoming`self-sustain- ing in slue course. What a plotholder buys is the right of. burying human remains and erecting suitable memorials subject'to the regulations.'Lots "`may not be- resold whereby a profit accrues td the owner." Perpetual care iecludes mowing, clipping, seeding- as necessary, ander 1U ' k 80151 „ eA , cord �'�t�� tr'ibin c�A and ,de u.11 �� i' b eaher3, ock• b Oyer. •Z. SIi G,; els` B•1.6, {L ,Seamless - M e s n Nylons 400 needle. Fine q,iali- I ty. Poly packag- ed. Sale Special JUNIOR CHILDS Training Panties Childs ,balbrigan plain and printed training panties. Sizes 2-4-6 for - REG. 25c Bf . E W.J. Denomme FLOWER si4op "We don't know the nature of j Phone JA 4 8142 NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING 52Tr GRAND TO GIVE, But Best Of All To Get y Q Ty. „Tt iOR MOVE .ALL VALENTINES IT SAYS -MOST GRACIOUSLY, -MOST 'PERSONALLY; _ } MacLAREN'S STUDIO GODERTCH m Comes -- 4 ,eriv M 1 1-, ~ , O R —HON TO - ;PE VOTED '"MAN OF THE YEAR", BY MOM AND THE FAMILY, REMODEL YOUF-NOME for a bright new Iookthafwjll -bring .cheer the year 'round.! LONDON DIAMONDS vs. GODERICH SAILORS Friday, January 22 at 8.30 p.m Goderich Memorial Arena ADULTS 50c STUDENTS AND CWIxDRE'N 25c SUPPORT THE Built-in Cupboards -are guaranteed to please. See us. We are ready, with many useful ideas (and illustrations) t� help you' in planning. Convert that waste space into a Recreation,, Room, Sewing Roopi, Den, Woirk- R shop -or Play Room. ry 9 VISIT OUR •SF,I•OWROOM t • the plant and select the finest at 'prices to fit your budget. GODERICH MANUFACTLJ Co. Limited Anglesea — Ba4-8382-3-4 Telephone Lines