The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-01-21, Page 11113th 'Year -No. 3
. --- ' -
7.2 '
nemp1pyment Cheques
Men From TownI.Demolition Jo
-14olbody wants toe 'tender on A meeqng Will be held with meeting, -
the planning board and persons Coencillor Reg. Jewell, chair.
who appeared at the recent On man of the court of revision,
tario Municipal Board hearing, set February 12, at 11 a.m., as,
regard to the toning by-law. date of a hearing on the salt
The clerk reported 15..or 20 mine assessment appeal. "
letters from companies and pro- "If we in our local court con-
perby owners. Conncillor Rob- firm the assessment," he said,
ertsone chairman of the special "then the next move is up to
committee, is to arrange the Dominion Tar & Chenaidal Co."
,GODER1CH, 9NTAitio: VitiksciAv, ANUARY 21, 10po
- • •
. r
d• emolition of the former hos• -
pital building at -South street
and Britannia road, which the
council has been trying to get
rid of without cost.
Arthur Thomas, W i del es
street, appeared Friday to sug-
gest a daY labor proposition.
"There will be more stuff go
to the d'urep than anYking
stlitest:Zif there ere men on
relief we might get them winter
'Work tearing the old building
down. You could, advertise what
material there is for sare-two
by eights, two by tens, two by
twelves -and a lot of stuff In-
side no good at all. I don't
-think Yam will make anything
out of the deal, but you could
get it all cleared up."
urnm,.v awanos
Elected' Huninli Warden
The popular Reeve of Westiistered the oath. ;of office the
Wawanqsh Township for some 'Rev. Dr. K. Taylor e devotion
"We have no able-bodied men th
years, Jahn S. Durnin, was on al and Mayor E. C. Fisher de -
on relief," Coun. Huckins • ad- vised; "they re all getting Tuesday elected Warden of livered a civic welcome.
employment allowance," Hulireonpeeolluendty21) therivetesfiresetmbpaalrl oe ta tion, BeBecause etownoltsefr&I tdeerr Goderich
ti hadla.
- "You could take some off tpl!.,
unemployment list,/ 'said with nine for Reeve Harvey four votes for the first time in
Coleman, of Stanley Township, history, instead Of the usual two
Thomas. Answering -an enquiry
by deputyeeRisse.the.esti'and five for- Reeve Merritt, of.
. mated that a half-dozen men and Nth: urnin s the
eesee.„ .eaeleeleteweeeekdeeteee,„„joiren. tin third man froneXeeplfireele..awie
--weeks. eeeee.e.eMr. Thomas sereseeseereamegetakigkerrrArierei.
e other one holding office in
i•-•---;ersteitseerne-yore' -494-and &74. said nerteeint t d in
A prominent farmer and na-l'otifeleZeirdi et hu en t Jye n Cu ea ur yh e si el s swi oa ns
superVising but would "work
Reeve Walkonexast, both , el•this•
twovotes for -while De-
iteellarnin. and one'td-Morritt.
• with the rest of them.” Through-
-out the whole building, he said, Durnof the township, Warden
in is married to the former
"there might be enough good Violet Errington. They have
e three sons Kid one -daughter,
stuff to pay for telexing itelown.
After discussion laterecouricil all at home.
left the matter of dieposing, of Mr. Durnin is a menaber of
the building to Reeve
rrank the Dungannon_ LOL and Attb-
Walkom, with power.
-urn ;United Church. He is start-
„ - '
Deangeville council resol-
ing his 13th yeer in municipal'
'utirn advo.ceting _tweet/prey pub-, polities.
•-lie schools was -endorsed after Warden Durnin thankedmem-
• tiime dissent had been express -
bees of council for their support
• ed.........• •and urged committees to stay
"It isnot very longwithin their 1960 budgets. --ER-
1 Councillor Moody, "since it
Warden William Jewitt escorted
• . was
I definitely decided that
the newly -elected warden to the
i -
storey, schools were the prochar and presented himwith
Per ,
referred to as resulting in high-
- er cost. 1 know in the big cities Judge Feank Fingland adaiin-
' ,
" the main
esth IT'S C
LMaid Reeve Walkom, moving e
ridorserrient, ' "is that in Ore NIGHT AT LIONS CL*UB
riection .with.litrildinge- put Up
now, for evetry- hundred pupils The LibneClub's cpunty
'Council night will be held on
they have fro have So meal yard.
Thursday evening at the Bed-.
A buildingelike our collegiate
ford Hotel vvhen the 'guest
takestso much you have to buy
speaker will' be Charles Mac-
- playground space. In places like
Reeve Lloyd O'Brien, represent-
ing the recently incorporated'
village of Zurich. It was the
first time for Zurich to have a
representative on County Coun-
cil. •
Boys Warntcl--
Re- Trespassmg
• Goderich Police staged a
week -end _le elc-eu Lae() ue de -thee
preiailieS Onderich Eleeetor
and Transit Corfipany Limited -
New officers of Canadian Legion Branch 109 row: Robert. Squire, executive committee;
were inOtalled Friday night. Front row, Ralph Clark, treasurer; D. 1VIcArthur, aesis-
eleft to right, are: Harvey Pfaff, zone , com- tent •treasurer; J. N. 'MacDonald, executive
mender, of Exeter; W. A. Skinner, past . cernmittee; J. K. Hunter, service -Officer;
presiderit; Frank Reid, fast vice-president; ''''Howard Carroll and Vern Smith, of the ex -
Neil Shaw, president; J. Adam, second vice- ecutive committee. Some mexnbers of the
president; M. Sheardown and George Cham- executive were absent when this picture was
ers, of the executive committee. Back . taken.
-1).1.a'n 'BM 'Skinner Night'
, ote
• SS Photo by 11; H. •
• re,ziadgroCre01117"-t'L
egion n uxviry
By Nei i Shaw, Haiold Young
To the „skirling of bagpipes, 'She and Mae our ...good care : Chambers; president, Mrs. Har-
Neil • Shaw ahd •Mrs. Harold takerss„ They do a''trernendoustold Yon,.
t P�r
Town Clerk S. H. Blake registry for titles to land beak Bacleet document of theta
brought to 'eaturcill on Friday lel the'rPIt'and the new beaeh
a bale of correspondence re -tread. r• '
ferred, by the 1959 brethren.' "1 think this is essential," he
It proved largely indigestible,said. "Back ofethe waterworks,
after council had put in twoland so On, is just a •matter of a
hours of work, and much of it survey, I think, and possibly a
was given a further heist. Coun- quit-clairn deed. frern .the -Gov-
eillor Robertson reminded- his ernment, or if necessary a
colleagues tirat theemeeting did lease. I think there should be a
testa -it- one -timer,
Councillor J. E. Huckins got
Ietion on development of beech
-hreeeyear or -lour -year program
of- developmeht to nuke ' that
area availabse'to the public.
and harbor areas, deferred last Then there is the question of.
year because too late for the the bank -how much we own.”
budget. He asked authority to l The matter was sent to the
consult with the engineer' on water, light and harbor cern-
fiecessary procedure and aseer- mittee, of .which Councillor
tain the cost of eearching the Huckins is chairman.
Boys Break:
70' Windows
A Goderich boy has -been
in connection With broken
windows at the bateC-and
..ellicken hut of John Rimmer,
weal* trip t� Europe:
Police say the damege
amounts to $30 and that other t
'boys may also have been im-
plicated in the damage. Some
. 70 • windows in all were
broken, police said, by small
Stones Or by a .22 rifle ore
bee bee gun.
Young were ' escorted to the job' in. keeping our -Leg -ken liall1 The first vice-president, Mrs.
He added: "It is with M DC ed lAlbert,Kneeehiw, was unable to
front af the Canadian Legiw the best I've seen:"
Hall Friday night and installed bee absent forethe •installe time
feelings that I leavet Goderich ., . In Good Shape"
as presidents -of Branch 109 and
the Ladies' Auxiliary. ' tomerrow to aSsume my duties Thanks chiefly to the men
who ha-ve headed Branch 109 in
They and the other ,e,xecutive at Woodstock. ' My aeteociation
the past, the branch is in good
members of the Legion and Aux- here with Branch 109 has been
'Will-bellie Successful Sixties,"
she/se .,
Mr:--Tiek-Wiriac-gr, of Lon
iliary for 1960 took their oaths a very happy exeerienee, jesd,„.1,, r 4 '... §,taa....3that...Ne.--hope-r-
litnre-appteddit'd 'Alia- enjoyed'
president:. s •
den, England, who,is a staff' cor-
respondent in the United Star&
the comradeship 'shown to me. said Neil Shaw, the incoming .
"I speak -for' both •myself. and , . , for the Daily Sketch, of London
family when I say we will miss Mrs. Young, new president of England, was a visitor in Gode:
' .- "ffit. •
Goderieh ad o r trice ses•eep e the AuxilThrY, ecininiented: "The •• voe
County Honk
Auxiliary Meets
brought forward fram• last year
was the Cowen insurance Mort
It will ceme before a special
couneil meeting, at call of the
Merchants. on Decembee 10
_Omitted a beief askingLive=
hour parking on the Square.
On reappearance ef -this matter'
it -*as sent to committee of the -
whole "tonight." It did. not em-
erge agaitie Arid the traffic bylaw
was seer to committee of the
whole for some other night. The
bylaw is complete, the clerk
Dominion Road Machinery
Company's coniplaiet abut rats
and odor from the dump, veas--
filed. Mrs. Parsons' suggestion,
about a Refugee Week awaits
further information. Radio com-
munication for works, fire and
police vehicles was seet to com-
mittee of the whore at next-
eXtesig.tkest4e 'ts.314.w's"rariathe• meetIngee=elilitrekteorrimiltibiee''''
ladies from Blyth 'At -ended. the list of things „that ought. to be
monthly meeting, of the County dene electrically at MacKay
Home Auxilieteekeeet Clinton' • n eta,.
-41,12ndeY...afternolarteerittleseer:; eo ere
p,t -office, in,aecolor,fulecererrionee
conducted by an installation
tearri' Eket
in response to complaints that "We will sadly•miss our very
re . rse - TIT
pulling the tripe -in -the. elevator X. A.....Skinner,, who has-been
and causing grain to spill on transferred to Woodstock. e
thebelts used to move the grainl Mr. Skinner, Canadian Natien-
from one spot to another. _ 1 al • Express agent • at Goderich
for the • past eight • years, has
• On Sunday afternoon, two
boys were spotted attempting to been prOmoted to express ageet
gain entrance into he elevators at Woodsteck. He reported for
by a window. -.A.'s a reedit, some• duty there on Saturday --e the
nine •beys were rounded up end day after the installation of the
energetic ast pr ,
one a very wonderful job, and
' .Mrs. Hill Speaks
Mrs. Paid Hill, Tearing after I hope I can maintain the stand -
two years as president of the ards. set before me."
Ladies' • Auxiliary, thanked the "Comrade has done_
members for their loyal support, an excellent job," observed Mr.
and arse praised the Legion Shaw in reference to the ,depar- the „inteeest of the British public ANNUAL „VESTRY MEETING
Members for their co-opereeisin. ture Iron) Poderich of theepast in the Truscott case; Mr: Wino -1
, Through the h ed work of -president of Branch- 199. • Mr,
cour said it was due to the age; .
Shaw there_announced that next
the ladies it had een possible of the convicted bo PI 'di t
charge. • Mid -West Development Aseoci-
Minutes of last- meeting were atioree second week of Febfuaty, '
read by Nirs. M. AreAdarn and was referred to the inthigtrial
treasurers, report by Mrs. Vi commission •
Habgood. Mrs. Johnston's ,re -
A public school board request
port was encouraging. The nese
for an advance of '$15,000 to
dents enjoyed the best Christ -
meet outstanding accounts and •
mas yet; the 'staff entertained
general payroll by January 2.7
them to their regular Christmas
was sent to the finance COM,
party. The residents, who were
able, put on the program. They mittee with
eon_ taken ti'p in committee of the
have a -Dutch griliequilt ready The utilities commiesigres _
and more being prepared. Mrs. ter about leaking mains will be'
whole at next meeting.
vener, arranged for three ehter-
tairiers in the near future. Acton • council's resolution'
_eleegieneeAneiliarieseed„--tiii beut,•eemploymenteeliscritninae-'—'
Zane, have bought a screen' fel- tion by industries against work-,
the Home for showing slides. ers over 40 years wasendorsed.
•Plans are not comPrereirier Reeve Walkom expressed the
•a spring bazaar and bake sale. view that "a ,person of 40 can
The_A,ustiliary appreciates all • Q a job Possibly better Than a
-deur Wake his 'temporary home era e ome trend is an , co -hate----,
and wi• ll will accept clean old nylons, they will choose the young fel-
in USA., at New York City:
jig:saws and serapbtioks. • The low in preference. I know the
,His purpose was to round -up.
rffeeting closed.with a half hour olderepeople find it hard to get- •
a story •and pictures •in con -
rection With Steven Truscott: social a job,' -
cup of „tea,
Asked by the Signal -Star Why •
• been terriffic, and the reeling Chairman of the meeting will ing on the elevator., ,property; president of Branch 109 for the television set to the hosiiitallSk. inner Night" as' well as "Rob- delinquency in England of late, e' George's' Lauded fort
there was a wave Yoi juevesnaille •
he tounty„plgineer James Brit- and doing damage._ Catching past two years, and was trees- and aid other worthy causes, bac Burns Night."
in some centres is that acquir-
eell. A pre warning has been pigeons and playing eareund the urer for four years_ before that. she noted. \ in 'what a country of the Com- AA
ing extra land is high and a day's installation program, danc-
Mr. Shaw said that, originally 1 M. E. Bierling was 'chairman
at the elub's_ eersatile insideeOft the elevators are said
Searbore--the cost of land has '
Saturday night evill be "Bill •
aug on, . .P., for Huron. given a lecture „about Legion officers. He was for the Auxiliary' to dona•te a
Following the close' .of Fri -•44,0 the people were interested
tywriffetivetta • •
1 think 20%." ...
plans to raffle "A really, really, pose ler the. boys trespassing
"Fire safety was a principal
factor in favor of one -storey 'big. one at this meetini., _ Ion the propereee-, . . .
— -.beiiidinge-remarked-Confaqllor
- Moody, "but that. is riot, v_eriy
serious any more." BRIGADIER t - Al. ROSS HEADS
. • m• %G.;
( .. . 1'16
• . The annual meeting' of the tai -y, Miss D. Westbrook; press
Unique, -Masonic _tcsieirzlii F=,.11..itr. VieeI,Ys
Meet At Carlow
, CARLOW, Jen. 18. -.-For the
. first time in more than half a
cepturyeof Masonry in the Hunan
district, The .ruling District De-
puty Grand•Mastier enjoyed the
distinction of initiating his -son
into Masonry. This occnrred at
Morning Star Lodge, Carlow;em
Wednesday evening of last
we . -The officiating MGM was
Wi iam Treble and thessonewho-
reeeived his first • degree in
Masonry was Doneld Treble.
• The chairs were all occupied
by DbGals and they included:
Robin Thompson, Andy Scott,
GeOrge Jefferson, -Normeejohn-
stone RalPh Munro-, David White
and 411:lac" Norris. Also taking
'part thee eremony were Hugh*
1E11, Free& • Weight and He-rb
Raring the evening the annual
oyster supper was enjoyed with
• some 150e Masons present for
the occasion.
Brigadier Ross, in the presi-
dent's report, paid tribute to
various member -a' of the society
for their-coatribUtions in mak-
ing 1957 a successful year. In
the absence ,of the treasurer,
Mrs.. W._ Moorhead read the fin-
ancial report. A considerable
portion of the. society's money
was spent an the special pro-
ject of landscaping the hospital
grounds.. '
This year the town has beee
orgehizedeinte- 2,4 zones to.....aid
in the drive for membership.
Miss Frances Armstrong .is in
charge of this work.
Mrs. E. Jesiop presented the
fepert of the nominating com-
mittee and the following are the
officers for 1960: Fast president,
J. P. Warren; presidenkeBrig-
'all'er"G: M. Easel' 1.1StViCe pre-
sident, Don McKee; 2nd vice-
president, Mirs. S. Argyle; 3rd
vice-president, ° Lewis Taylor;
treasurer,, Wm. Moorhead; re-
cording secretarY, Miss , Mary
Campion; corresponding seere-
'Change -Recommended
For Senior Public School
J. C. Marriott is chairman for ehange in administration' of the
1960 of the public school board, "senior school' (in the former
and Mrs. J. W. Wallace vice- , collegiate.)
chairman,. At the inaugural I "In previous years," he wrote,
meeting on Monday evening"the vice-principal assumed all
standing committeesewere nam- the duties necessary to. the ad -
ed as follow: Ministration. Apparently Miss
Property, E. F. Sale, Wilson
McCreath; school management,
Mrs. Wallace, E. F. Sales -supply,
Donald Aberhart, Wilson Mc-
Creath; finance, Harold ShOre
Mrs. Wallace. The trustee firstischool assume all duties of
named in each case is chairman. organization, time -tables, man -
Representative on the public agement and discipline."
Two new classrooms have
been opened, and classroom ac-
cormnodation is godd, the
speetor seid. A music room has
been provided over the gym-
General attendance has been
good, but "some classes have an
unusually low enrolment, result
of a number of pupils transfer-
ing to other areas in the pro -
McDowell as senior teacher has
been essigned only specific
tasks. It is recenimended that
the senior teacher or vice-prin-
cipal in charge of the senior
Alibrary bpard,, II. Stephens.
Principal Shackleton reported
December _enrolment as 932,
with average attehdance, of
• 844.56, a percentages of 92.51.
Average attendance for the
calendar year 1950, at 815.44,
was up about 100 from that Of
19517, which Was 716.37. For
1958 it was 773.69.
Inspector GIen Gardiner in
his report reeommended a vince."
,? es e:e„ . ee-'•. ee..
ob erve of the Exeter inst.-erratum was
. j y y members. o
c tidg-
infiimseif arid t3:ft‘f8t1**.o Ytiltma'al"411
---ii-.6,-i., ; the vilitoi-s from Exeter. .
The 1960 Legion offiacers. (in! ,.Music for •-dancing was sup -
order of installation) are: seegeplied by e trio composed of
- - arms, ta and Paul Krivroy. .NI-rs. William to TruscottHe waned to know Tuesday eveninghad before it
Davis; secretary,' Eric Smith; asejohnston was piaeist for the in- and Goderich thoUght the- sent-
sistant•secretary, B. Cummings; stallation .program. • ence would do any good or
treasurer, Ralph Clark; assistant," ' whether a program of rehabili-
treasurer,, D.,.McArthur• service' ' • •
tatio.n of th.esboy while in peni-
tentiary -would be better in the
end. e .
urdeeeeeTanteary. -23.
"In mYeca•pacitY'as president,"
stated Mr. Shaw, "I also declare
ne)t • Saturday night 'Bill Skin-
ner Night'." The departing pre-
sident •and his family Will be
honored at that time.
•As `the installation meeting
opened Friday night, the color
party advanced to the front -of offi'cer, J. K. Hunter; , executive
secretary, Mrs. A. M. Harper; •the hall. Following the,singing 1 committee - G. Chambers, H.
rnonvvealth did in such a case •
as the Trueeettee
ting the reaction of the people
of the community in the sent-
The annual *vestry meeting, of ing committee headed by Harold
eant-at-armsLeroy TayloraGerry DenomyJim McArthur
ence that had been -meted out George's Anelican Church, Shore
sistant sergeant at .
Peeple's_warden, E. F. Saie;
whether the people af Clinton , . s_ ,
,treasurer, H. M. Ford (re-elect-
. t,
ed); -envelope Secretary, L. B.
Graham (re-elected); chief sides -
man, W. Bradley; vestry clerk,'
W. E. Elliatt; board of .manage-
ment, W. Rrest, Sam Anderson, -
L. Rieek. J. Seaman, D. Madge
and H. Stetwerteeelitt4es, ..naeneelt.---ee-
y the rector. .
a letter from Ven. Carman" J.
Queen, diocesan commiesionee,
congratulating the tongregation
upon "a magnificent response
on behalf of the 1959' diecesan
appartionmeht, nerrittly, 'a con-
tribution of 118% of your suib-,
-sistance--budget." -Tire ,
statement „showeepayments of Lay delegates to the Synod
$3,698 on diocesan account. •
For of Huron are James J. Morris,
the ,curreet year the target is D. E. O. Slemin, D, J. Allan, ,
$6,100. 'Confidence that this will with G. N. Dowker, Harold
plata and putchaee._ secretaryeeepf. Vecaeadeelerilinteeeeaeep: • CarenWee-MaaDonalcie.
H. Clem' Gret-ege-firer-SreaT-or to fallen comrades.. • SheardownV. Smith and R.
new directors, •Miss K. Curson, I Welcoming all, Mr. Skinner Squire: '
A. R. Scott, 'Miss Frances Arm- introduced Zone Commander First vice-president,_ ,Frank The annual meeting of North
stronge.-Mrs: Edgar iWatson; Harvey Pfaff, of:Exeter, Reid; secora-vice-president,
_ e. Street United Church
second year directors, Mrs. E.1 Evening
Steady Progress • Adam; -president, Neil Shaw. Auxiliary Was held in the church
Fr-Tal-arn- , Mrs. :D. Challenger, I eThrough the co-operation of 'Erie Johnstone wasepeoey for, in the form of a Pot. luck supper
Mr. and Mrs A. F. Mehl, G.1-ernt my executive and meriebers, our the Legion ' chaplain, Col. the
. f Ion Tuesday evening
Hays, MYS..D. McKee, Miss E. branch has ,made steady Aro- Rev. K. E. Taelor, who was un -1 The worship service was telt:
Hume; membership conisener,legress," noted Mr. Skinner, look- able to be present. ,
. ien"by Mrs. A. E. Eustace. Mrs.
Miss Frances Armstrong; aude ing back over the two years Ladies' Auxiliary officer forlWalls then presided for the re -
tors, Clem GraceyeA. B. Corless; during vehich be served as pre -160 were. installed as feillews: pier meeting. The annual re-
program convener, Mrs. b. Me. sident. ' ,, - sergeant -at -arms, _•Mrs. Charles ports kleetre given.
Kee; tea convener, Mrs. A. F. "I would like at this time to Anstay; assistant sergeant at A ",thank you letter was read
Riehl. • ' ' therik one and all for work well arms, Mrs. William -1Yloore; re- by Mrs. George Parsons from
Mrs. D. 'McKee 'introduced done, and to thank our Auxil- cording secretary, Mrs. James the Auxiliary's Korean orphan
Miss Eva Somerville, the guest iary under the guidance of com- Shereatt; corespondifig -seem- Or their thristmas gift sent to
speaker, who showed a collec- rade president Rbse Hill for tary, Mrs. Robert Rush; trees- him. •
tion of garden slides, from heretheir assistance. We have a urer, Mrs. Ralph ,Kingswell;' ex, Arrangements were made for
trips. Mr. D. Challenger thank- Ledies' Auxiliary to be very ecutive committee -Mrs. A. Me- the Valentine Tea. Mrs. I. paper-
ed the speaker. Mrs. Mehl and proud of. ,
, - Aulay; Mrs. Howard Carroll, nick was appointed AS repre-
her cenimittee served tea andee.---"One young couple I would Mrs. Charles Cadman; second sentative to the Huron County
this concluded the -meeting. like to single-eet-eand they are vice president • -Mrs. GeOrge Canrer Society.
vg., uxuary
....... ,
rere are the members of the Goderich Volunteer Vire De-
partment seen beside the pumper in the new fire hall on
Waterloo Street. Standing, from left to tight: Fire Chief
• S. Ifoggarth, Austin Purdi, Bruce Sowerbyt.11arold Duck.
• worth, Tom /Weide, Percy I/arrison, Jaek Meriam, ' 13111
Beacom, Asst. Fire Chief Ted Biss,ett. Kneeling, from left
to right: Gordon Walters, Ross' Sparks Jr., LeroY Taylor,
Ralph Kingswell, Ilarry Westbrook, Gordon BannisterAb-
sent when picture was taken was Archie Johnston.
S -S Photo by it. 11.
Bar Re-elected
Officers of the Huron Bar As-
sociation were re-elected when°
a banquet meeting of the group mortgage'was reduced by $2,000. ual and material."' He .thanked
was held at Exeter. recently. The rector, 13•'v. "Dr. --K. E. James Morris, retiring people's
The banquet was provided by Taylor,. announced establish- warden -for loyal and efficient
,the president, Elmer D. Bell, ment of a new endowment fund work through three years, else
QC, of Exeter. Guests of honor as a result -of a bequest from] the rector's warden, L. Riley
were M. Justice Frank Don- ithe late Mrs. Annie L. Biowneene
nelly and Judge Frank Fingland. in memory of her husband, Ed-1Dowker felt he had to give tie`
expressed regret that Mr.:
Tribute was paid to, ,each of 'win Douglas Brawn. The budget tthe apointment
these men by the gathering." for 1960, including diocesan, is
- The other officers are: J. W. $21,000, which apart from new
Bushfield, QC.,' Wingherre vice- income will require an estimat:
president; Crown Attorney 1. 'ed $1,800 from the parish.
Glenn Hays, QC, • seeretary-I Dr e Taylor reappointed Leslie
treasurer; Dan Murphy (replac- Riley as reetar's warden, and
ing Frank Callaghan), librarian; 'named to the board Of manage -
E. B. Menzie•s and J. K. Hunter, Iment J. K. Sully, John Holmes,
auditors; Judge Frank Fingland, i C. F. Chapman, R. C. Hays, Stan.
Crown Attorney II. Glenn Hays Prevett and Malcolm Ma•thers.
and. Dan Murphy-, library com- For other officee, the vestry. ac-
mittee. cepted the report •nomitiat-
be reached was expressed by
the rector, finance chairman C.
F. Chapman and -ether- offieers.
. The parish 'account showed
expenditure of $13,557. The
Shore and W. E...Elliatt as sub-
stitutes. s .
Dr. laylor rePorted "a truly
happy and succ_essful year, en-
couraging in matters both 'spirit -
!Sees Goderich Expanding
Lrge,Limber -Chip
'Firm -TO Locate Here
Confidence in the impending
expansion of Goderich was ee.
fleeted this week with the an-
nouticement that a large Ontario
lumber and builders' supplies
firm is to locate her, Conklin
r.fimber Co. Ltd., located in
mord. fhah a dozen towns end
whose headquarters is Kings-
ville, Ontario, has purchased
more than three acres of land
just south of the G. F. Whaley
property on the Bayfield road
and wrii start building show,
,-ooms there within the next two
"We have the ntm-bst confid.
imee the.future expansion. of
the Goderich area, particularly
reference to development'
in connection with the vvater-
trent and we look for steady
growth here," William D. Conk-
lin, head. of the firinctold the
The location here will be part
of a half million dollar'rnerch
-andising program in Huron
,County which Includes -new lum-
ber stores at Exeter. and at
Gram-11MM. The chain of Conk-
lin yards includes some nine
;outlets now operating in Essex
Goderich -Exeter - Grand
Bend set up is eipected to pro-
vide a shuttle service between
the three yards for maximum
service to the district. •
„ The area supervisor is Hole-
ard KitiMpp, of Dashwood. A
former Goderiele boy new with
Conklin Lumber, Wa.lter West-
bronk, will be appointed man-
ager of. one of the three differ-
ent yards, either Mzeter, Grand
l3end or Gederich. The firth Will
also take over the retail .division
Of `Dashwood Planning Mills Ltd;
The Dashwood firm Will be as-
soeiated 'With the fieW ()aids
but it VIII corifinelt§ aetiVitres,
principally to the manufacture
of pre -lit Window unit
vestryas cic
On the financial side, Dr.
Tayloc.,,seld 'teVe aught„arid
most certainly can press -for-
ward to -'greater achievements."
Pirieh statistics for the year,:
26 baptisms,. (20e. confirmation
three marriagbd, eight burials- -
The congregation stood as the
rector read the flames. of few
Members who died ,during the, le
year: Mrs. Mary "'Murdock, Har-
old Newcombe, Mrs.' Annie L.
Brown and Magistrate _ Dudley.
On motion o Mr. Slernen, the
-vestry commended to the board
of management, quit consider-
ationbe giVen• to an every-
, member canvass this ryear.
Sans _Anderson reported for •roperty committee and in-
dieated a 'need for action 'sobn
.to improve parish hall heating;
Mrs.'Gladys Nicholson presented
the Et/ening Guild report, and
Mrs. Fred Hunt that of the WI),
man's Auxiliary. Mr. Morris re-
ported additional Sunday School
teachers. J. F. Stephens, organ-
ist and choirmaster, extended an
invitation to additional adult
Mr. Chapman cited a few
items from a financial statement
01 1899, ivhich by contrast were •
amusing: rector's s't ipen d,
$1,000; organist, $300; sexton,
$100, organ blower, $20; Synod
assessment, $1,5; music for
$1.25; .1n§iirance, $52.45,
1VIOre than 100 persens en-
joytd; a turkey dinner before
Ilre,Ax-estry meeting, anent the
dose the rectal Warderli. Mr.
Riley; thanked the -Church Wo-
man's Guild and AvenitigCuild,
for catering. '
Veit. Arehtleacon j048, War.
don of , Stager Hall, London„,
wifl take the, services for the
next four Sundays, vhile-titio.
rector is on vaeation..