The Exeter Times, 1891-3-5, Page 1ANHURON & MIDDLESEX GAZEJ4..uE
Li EGA),'.
II. t) LOESO V', Barrister, Soli•.
• citor or Supreme Cor *t, Notary
,oRveyPacer, Cotaamie• 'osier. tee
NT as Goan..
013. Faneon'gBlock, Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Ste,
ha'ETlvii... ONT.
'Office over the Post OIGce.
Solicitors, Notaries Public,
C011v@y&11C81't3 6cO, ttC,
tarli:oney to Loan at Lowest Ratan of
The Molsons Bank
St. Marys.
fllAfirllt$3)131 ]PAftLIA3iEi4T.r8551 j ti Bnliri:S„"Mesars Trow, Ballantyne, and
S. H. Blake, addressed the electors of
Caen , 4 r n' h Opera
a it i .. .. S . . `0 last Friday a nightie a
Paid + a South Perth a d i
u 1' Y
p p g
Rearmed ... 1.000.00
ilead Office, Montreal.
F. WOLFERSTillr T110A1AS.Reg .
20 bran eboiliccs9i tq,.Aruminion. Agenic
IR the Dominion.U.S-sand Europe.
Exeter Hranor ,
Open every lawful Jae, from 1ea.m.tea pail
SATIIRDS S.1a ado to 1 psis.
r t'i'e t e :nR w
4 o n r t. um rule colo wen
P i er en
Deposit Reeenpts
ssri'ioat,'P,a«roltz Tho following report
S. S. No 5 (Jaborne, for Feb 111, IR biased
on the ret*alerity of attendance, good
nduet and general work. Names ape.
ar in order of merit : 5th Masa—Gettig
Vord.-4th slats -.-Edith Weeteott Ida
esteott. Lyman McCord, WitlieRichar;I
11rd class-�Irauehe Westeett. Violet
usselh—Jr 3r+1 class. --•Lila McCord, Lily
oDonaltl- Jennie McDonald. Elijah
ir,gine.-- Sea 2nd class.-.tlarnet Ft one,
y :. Westeott. Nelaou Prout. Willie
rayue,—Jr 2nd class --Norman McDonald
DImilt' Wood, Violet S`l'i91is Eliza; Higgins.
2nd .-=-Violet Russell, Viueent Wood.
esteFieltserls—Part 1st --,.sortie West.
tt. Fred eorni8h Wilde Roweltffe. Lily
Rowelift'e, Bertha lessen, Tommy
iggius John Y.icltnral, Edith McVord,
McCord, 'r, to 14, - ra 1 liars °t-
1 Ct , 1
ur.dT.itl,. ,..
Successor toil. i,,llilliuge. p
limber of the Royal College of flental Ji
Inrca+erps.) Teeth inserted with or without W
Mato, in (fold or Rebter. A. safe Amesthetio Se
Oven forthe paiulesa extraction of tooth, p
Pieter ,seemed firmly iu the month by li
renews. � Patent valve. ,^� p Bank.
.1,i.A,l�nie 4 O,Fe., � Wellas Bank. L
�F� Li
Loom every Friday.p
.. r 5. lit
Fensers'S Melte Main -Ste Exeter, co
Olxtrscts Teeth without Al
polo. Away etHiensar,t.on lI
first Fri lay :,critic. eccau.l
n• fourth Tuesday; dual
and zr \
:i- - Q the last' Thur A.
?denten n
*laved' nnnbmonttt,
- o.
'' ' t, ,',UNU M. M. C I''
` tr • l�tli r a'f 174, / f
s) « P. 13 t.rAthente +fetoria Univeveit3. °
Office nod reaijieueo. Dom Dior Lahore. f
tory. k.xoten .
R. RYNDMANs coroner for tiro e
t'n t of Huron. Office, opposite osite ,
,.unt 1P r
Ceding Dm, atoro, Exeter. :
cR. 3. A. ROLLINS,M.O. t', K. r.
0. Otliee Main St. Deeter, Out. w
Residence, loose eccontly oicupiod by P. •1
OloPhilifpe, Ms tj. u
1'. CUT'PEN, M. D. 0.:If.. Y
t Tor^
R.i4,�t F;1;n61u^ to Trinity t`n9vort?a v> h
onto t Vol 't'rtn Med. ieltool, Toronto t Grad, t,
Ant met.. t.ra iiology ; Member N. Y. cad.
Anthropology: nlembor tool. P. S., Ont— ri.
office, Uashwood.Ont. a
R. DA'i'll) M. STA ERIXlt,
it hysielan, 6ureenn.. etc. Iiavini; spent the
�e rater _of itsyti-8, in New York, and winter of p
, 7'' • 1 Vienna, Austria. 81
u t_ en : CIIEIiITON, ONTARIO. ,,,
Diseases of the ii
Eye glasses and Sport:mics furnished for Ir
both Near and Distant Vision. 1
Always at Memo. except on Fridays.
No. 18t Queen's Avenue, T
London, Ontario. F
AIM fioNEEns. i
.�1• Auctioneer for Counties Huron and 1
Middlesex. Itesidonce,1 mile south of Exeter. t
P. 0.. Exeter.
.1-1�'1 BOSSENI3ERItY, Geri eral Li- 1
. • oonsed Auctioneer Sales conducted e
in allparts. Satiefactiou guaranteed. Charges 1
moderato. Reclean 1' 0, Ont. i
• HENRY EILBL+'R Licensed Auc- ',
tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and ,1iodleaex . Sales conducted at mod-
erate rates. Office, at Poet"offiao, Mod -
ton Ont. '
D r Auctioneer and LandValuator. orders ;
sent by mail 7o myadiress, Bayfield P. O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. 1). II: POIRTE tt, Au,
Tennent & Tennent
"")111CL. '
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Ool-
OFFICE ; One iroor South of Town Hall.
percent, $26,000 Private Funds. Best
in g. Companies represented:
Barrister. Exeter;
RED ?. FARNCOb1B, . •
ad Surveyor and Civil En-
. Land y
G -]:NEER, ETC.,
'Office.Upstairs • Samwell's Block. Exeter,Ont
CAN ADA- Head Office. London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, atilt
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, Dither on buildings or
contents .the most favorable protection in case.
of loss or dam age by fireorlIiglrtning, at rates
upon snob liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
oles'inforce lstTan ,.800.' Assets $378,.42..00
iia OSA in` bank." Government depoat. Doben-
o tures and "Premium' Notes.. -_.JAMES GRANT,
President ;1) (.McfOolcnn,Afatnager• 'Devil)
,+/.�IiU I.4, (1.,1: e'714 +V r' L` LVLVL i+.aiu ,, u+u a,v.
(rnnnottitt: -•There flied in the towntship
f lliddatptt ton Sunday last, March 1st.
11z:a, wife of Mr John Manilla, sr.. weed
1 e•eate. Teat fatal affeetion, Bright's
ise.ute. wars the cane of death. Slowly
saunas. in heat"th for some scars, it wax
my for sir to tight welts that she was
itirely coniine.l to the house and her
one During the lis two weeks Life
netet* distressing that she longed for
e''case She was a woman who dill her
knee thtty in life need feared not death.
ntivrIy by herf wily aril respelled
tit apprt'omted by the community in
high she lived. her death will crane a
ot.l whish er.mmot he fi led. (1n Tneaday
f"r rent;ains were interred tat `$t ,tames
hatch, ('landehoy e, 1 r lag followed by a
arise cortege e'emp thy fur the family
nil relatives is ttnrvtrr'.l.
Stephen Connell.
Connell met Mandl 2nd. All members
resent. Minutes of last meetingrend and
nc.l. Next meeting of cninat1thN coon
iI will diaouse the advisability of allowing
Ir I)eehereli both lots to belong to et 8 No
I. Ttiir tree i overs themselves aeeord-
lgly. Mr Mess to look after the needy
Either-tiher;itt •,-that a by lawful ease
d to issue debentures t•7 raise by way of
um $12,009 p'tyat•le in 0 years at S4000
House,—T4ie notniu tion of candidates to
contest the south riding, was held in the
Firemen's Hall on Thursday last. 11. L
Davis, of Mitchell, being returning officer
acted as chairmen. After the nomination
the respective candidates Mr Trow and aur
Sharp addressed the elgetore ie the Opera
Ranee. Lenten service;* are being held
every everters' in St James church.—Mr-
Wesley Jamieson, of Toronto, came home
thin week to put in another '•Sharper,"--.
r. favorr b
St liar}sites, age in oto oteetion y
aauexation.---►\piss Qo'emen, youngest
daughter of Mr C&"enian formerly manager
of the Windsor hotel was united iu wed.
lock \Vcdueaday last to Mr lieseey, one of
Brampton'a enterprising merchants, Rec-
tor Taylor, of St Jaynes church Tieing the
otliciating elergyman.--•lir Ben Bennett
Ieft last week on a trip through the weld's
province.—Mr Trott' he could eat
as man3' eggs in a year as were shipped to
Great Britain. Possibly his capacity iR
equally properttonate to hie imagination.
er yertr.
Slier ritt--•Eilber--that as certain private
menus have decided. to construct a tele -
bone from Park Hill to Gomel Bend, this
nitwit grant porn to enngtruet such
the along the ro:.1 allowance necessary in
itepheu. ,
After passing the following orders the
otmeil adjourned to meet again on lit
slouchy in April at 10 o'clock when path
Wasters will be appointed:
h' Heitzman. house for election, $3 ; G
Keys, 1) R 0, $3 ; V Retter, work C R,
1 ; W Brunner, gravel.$6 70 ; I henuey,
i labor +ef, $3 ; L McDonald error m
assessment. $1 ; Charity, $20 ; Municipal
miscellany, $1 : G Brown,. salary,. $85 ;
G Brown, sundries, $4. 4
Senoov Rrroue—The following are the
lames of ,the pupi's of the senior division
vho received 50 per cent or oyer on writt-
in work during the month of February.
.Anderson -
Millis,, -..Mr Curtis% Strafford, who has
been visiting friends in this neighborhood
rsterued home fast week.—Mise Fletcher
of loneknnw, et the guest of Miss Rosa
Bards.—Ur Join Brown conducted the
Bible Class Last Tuesday evening. --Miss
h e11ie t4 liitc, of btoutl'vifle is visiting
friends andrelatxtes in this vicinity.—
Mre,iamea ifighet who has been very i11
of tato is coavaPesring —The :Meets Ker.
visitingd 41 eie
'aka arefriends oc tock. -•-
Mr and Ata Nolte Johnston agent last
week with their daughter Mrs Ralston, of
Niesouri.--Ittonne enterprising fellow were
to commenee buying up ";;r.enbacks" at
about 10 per cent below par, he world
make his little pile in a short time. We
presume that Unrestricted Reciprocity has
been the cause.
Ilinnspi®Mian, Ann liestlo has returned
to Detroit.• --Mr Frail$ Brolumsfaire has
rtturned from tit Thomas --Mr Thos Amy,
sr., has allured of a valuable mare to 3fr
Jan Leubn flit a good sum. Mr Lewis in-
tends taking her to :1f.auitoba.—Mr Will
Balkwill, of Londou, Imo us a Gall an Sun-
day last.
PATPONS OF I11'rs'snv—A nest order ltna
lately been organized in Sharon called the
Patrons of Leinstry but as yet they have+
not made tmteh beads -my. They propose to
Join tog, then mid bey from tho shorn lel
wito will let thein hav, their goods at 10
and 12 per cent over cost valve. We think
that if they wonlai let reifies drop out of
the question altogether they would saeenod
an an order but as long as they tamper with
politics they will have dirptttes in their
etder inid wilt riot he able to atzien.
Ourrietne.—Thi"• week it is our painful
duty to t:lt•,oniole the death of one of our
oldest settlers in the person of Mr. Moses
Amy, who departed this life ou Wed., the
.'..7th of l?ebrnary, and is Bono where it is
frar better, Mr. Arty had reached the good
i ipe age of 87 years, being a native of Corn.
tcafl, Eng., having emigra'ed to this conn.
try in the year 1844 and settled on a farm
in the vicinity of Toronto, where he resided
for six years. From there he removed to
his farm on the 9th eon. of Stephen, where
he resided when he died At that time the
vicinity on which hie home stands was a
comparative wilderness and together with
big son Thos had to endure all the hard
ships of a backwoods life Mr Amy had
lived to see four generatioua and he wan.
always pleased to have his grand children
around him. His family consisted of two
sous and five daughters all of whom survive
him hat one,his eldest son Moses, who went
before him. The family now consists of Mr
Thos Amy who is on the homestead, Mrs
Jos Bustle, of Sharon, Mrs - Chas' Beetle
and Mrs Thos Shapton of Exeter, all of
whom have our hearlful sympathy in this
their bereavetnent. The. funeral which took
placeFriday afternoon was largely attended,
deapite the severe cold, which speaks for
itself of the esteem in whish the family aro
presenting his political views in the sim-
plest and moetstraightforwar4 manner pox
Bible. The meeting closed with three
ehecrs for the Queen, Mr J McMillan and
Mr. • Weiamiller.
Raletrs—Mgrs Sam J' Latta is at present
in Toronto where an operation is being
perforated on her little daughter Stella.
4. piece of nut shell has been taken from
her throat and the report is that she is
defog as well a5 can be expected ander the
circumstances —The frieuda and aequain
twee of Ur Eli iienhetfer called ou that
worthy ono evening last week and treated
him to a bengalet. ttir Uenheffer welcom-
ed his viaitons in a neat little speech. made
u .o theo: All otiose
g n tt spur of them hent.
ed themselves immensely. The party
broke up at a decent hour when ail return-
ed to their homes pleased with the even.
ing'seojoemeat.— 4t' Hilburn, of Preston,
was in town on Friday looking after the
furnace in the church. ---Some of our boys
were at the tea meeting in the church at
Blake. they report having had a gond
time Why not bavo one In Zurich? --Rev
Mr Hoist had the miare-tune of losing his
horse last week.—Gabe has a smile on bit
face ; it is a boy.--t1,ys s Lizzie Trnemner
left for Detroit 5aturtT4y morning to visit
some friends. --The Rev Ur Hoist preaeh-
ed the eermon in German and Rev. Ur.
Stabler, of Crediton, preaohed in English,
on the death of Mr; Hauch.—Mr R Wil=
son, of Seaforth, had the axle of !datum
break het week when about a mile out of
town which might of resulted in a bad
Fifth class—M Cook, 72.—Sr Forth—J.
Hoffman, S1.—Jr Fourth—Wm Bean, 64 ;
G Snider, 52.—Sr Third—D Bearer. 53,
Jr Third—Ed Miller. 72 ; Oscar Snell, 57;
Laura Liudenfeld, 56; Ed Thou, 52. --Sr
Second—Wm Kleinstiver, 58 ; Jacob
(3ossman. 52 • Wm Eckstein, 51 ; M,
Rader, 50. Tile average attendance for
the month was 77- -
• SAnt M. HAIIMH, Teacher.
BRIEas—The assessor has been visiting
the farmers of this vicinity this week.--
eek.—Mr Wm Kaercher and Miss J Kaercher.of
Sebringville, visitedtheir brother Mr G
Kaercher.--Messrs T Snell and S Rauch,
attended the teachers' institute in Exeter.
—Miss Cook, of Sebringa;ille, has been the
guest of Miss 1 Cook.—Mr. Noll and son,
of Milverton, aro visiting friends in Dash-
wood. ---A large number from here attend-
ed the funeral of. Mrs F Hauch, at Zurich
on Friday last.—Mr Jacob Hauch, former-
ly of Dashwood, -- but now teaching in
Illinois paid his friends here a short visit.
on Sunday. -Mr H Ruby has .bought out
Mr F Holtzman who has been carrying on
a tailoring business here for the past year ,
and a half—On Monday afternoon last Mr
D Weismiller,.of Zippen held a` political
meeting in Mr ,W illert s hall. After Mr
Weismiller explained his platform he was
succeeded by his opponent Mr McMillan.
There was a good attendance and a lively,
meeting throughout.
STAND YOUR GROUND—When you 'make
up your mind to take Hood,s Sarsaparilla,
do not be induced to buy some other pre.
paratton•instead. ,'Clerks may claim that:
" ours is as good as Hood's" and all that.
but the peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsapar-
illa canuot be equalled. Therefore have
nothing to do with substancesand insist
upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best
blood purifier and builder up medicine
;Children Cry for .Pitches s Castoria
ACCIDENT—Mr John J. Lewis, who lives
a short dfatanco 'south of here,
with a
mishap on Sunday night. Mr Powis ant
ft,lnily had attended church, and when
getting into the tier, iT the sadden start of
the horse and tweaking or the apringe, the
wheels were lifted from under the body.
The Horse ran away. but as the occupants
were leftbnitind. No injury resulted, ex-
cept that the gearing was n as' 'ked.
131t1Er•;a—Another gone ; the great twine'
of $taniey bachelors has lost one of its
members Mr Wm dates Wcia united in
the holy bonds o' matrimony to Miss
R ut limn of tate 2tt.l eon. We wt;,h them
a pleasant voyage through life--F.ttiaer
(,I'auigny delivered a pttldic lecture in
Varna on Thursday eventug, 24th of Felt.
Ile eloqucnt.y desetilrod the existing dun
ger from Rnmaudsm to our l'rotestunt
institutions. The old gentleman, though
in his 82o11 year, scams still to have the
'reebnera and vigor or youth.
. Zurich.
Deem—We have this week to report
the death of one of the oldest and most
respected citizens ofeour little village. \Ve
refer to biro. Philip Ranch who died of
fever at her residence on Wednesday last.
Mrs Hauch was a thorough christian and
a. very zealous worker in the Evangelical
ohurch of which she was a member. Fier
remains were interred in the Bronaou Line
cemetery on Friday last, which were foll-
owed by a large concourse of relatives and
friends. Her husband and friends have
theprofound sympathy of the villagers in
this their time of. trouble.
PoIITIOAL ItieeeINcis—A political meet-
ing in the interest of the Reform party
was held in Zurich on Tuesdayevening of
last week. The meeting was addressed
by Ales rs McMillan, Jr., Garrow and
Catneren, jr. • The meeting was orderly
throughout and broke up with three cheers
for the Queen and the Reform capdidate.
No opposition were present. There was
also a meeting in the iuterest of Mr Weis-
miller the independent candidate on .on-
dayeveningof this week. `Mi:J Mc tllan
having accepted an invitation
ed the meeting. loth candidates made
creditable 'speeches, speeches that we do
not hear at -every political meeting. ,•A
remarkable feature being thegentlemanly
conduct of the speakers towards each other.
No ridiculing of private characteror per-
sonal slurs being at all tolerated. ,Exch
Kincaid St„Brockville,Ont,, Jan.11, 1881):
°"I was confined to --my bed by a severe
attack` of lumbago. A lady friend of mine
sent me a part of a bottle of St: Jacobs Oil,
which 1 applied. The effect was simply
magical: In a day I was able to go about
my household duties. 1. h,.vo used it with
splendid suecoasfor' neuralgic toothache.
I would' not be without it,"
. - Mics J. 1lI\GLAND;
West lEfuron `.Teachers''Inettitute.
The West Hawn Teachers held their
seuti-anunal meeting in the publto school,
e 0th
Exeter, on 38th and 2 . ult.
Mr. G. U. ICilty, President of the am -
elation. presided at alt the sessions and dais -
charged his duties very e6leieutty.
The following committees were sppoiated
at the brat session, viz: —Revel oaten -Mows
JAL Grant, 5 J. Latta. Il.. R. Ross, susses
I'riugle and Gregory.
Qneation Drawer—Inspector Tom Mors
11 4 I oriauco and T. A. Brown.
Subsequently after giving dee notice, a
special committee composed of Inepeetor
Tom. Meseta 8 J Latta,J Balfour
R h Boss were appointed to ingnire into the
subject of school graute and thew di•tribat
ion, on motion of W. 11. Johnson sec's
by Jas. Grant.
The grstaabjeet on the program, phontca
WAR taken up by lnsoeetor Tam.
The Inspector stated teat the phepie
method of teaching reading could not be
carried out eucoesefutly bet a combination
of the look and say and the phonic methods
would produce aatiafactory results. & glass
of smell pupils was then put through Teri.
ona ezerciees in word building, makmg the
subject very interesting and instrnoiive.
This subject was turther discussed by
Morava J Grant, J W Hogarth. and J T
0 W Holman who was on the prngrarn
for Teaches' Unions excused himself, and
asked to be relieved for the present.
It wan mored by J I3 Dollop' and mole.
ed that the anbject of Teachers' Lemons be
lard over for the present with the ruder-
etanding that is betaken uo at the next
as80eiaiion meeting.
the H , t8 -
I r to;Rion t i I A ec
In answer a ns' n f
gin 1
L a he falling off f f the
explained the cause of t i n
government grant to the pahlie nehnala in
tide diettlet. As tife diet Pinion is male
upon the population of the mnni.ipalities
it was niged that Assessors a•houid be more
pat Gelder in this part of their work.
In response to a motion of Inspector
Tow, 'iced by R. it ,toes. Mr 3. J' Tilly
Model Seitoal •Inspeetar aeldreised the Agee-
ciation fora short time. Ur Tilly poiuttd
out that the present velem of ,drool Ae-
eeaemeuts wits faulty and that far better
result,' we'd! below were the Municipal
Commits to levy a balk sum by it unite; in
rano an'l distribute tisk en the following
hast:: first, months; to eatery paid teacher;
weenie, :wording t.t certificate held by
teseber entployvd;third according to ager•
age attendance. the balaneu rtgniren by
each aetioo: section to be raised as at pro.
The Association then adjourned to meet
at 1.30 p.m.
AFrE1;NOZ,N 61,45I41N.
The Association Biot persuaut to adjauru-
meet. Mr J W Harrison took np-"time
tables for an ungraded school" aed iiluetrat
ed his plan of carrying ont the same
Messrs Rose, Latta, Wren, Brown, Grant
and the lr
osideut discussed this subject.
Mr Tilly then proceeded with ...analysis sis
of mental lotion"dealing principally with
the question. "How does the mind act
in learning "
The subject worked a good deal of discus -
'don and much interest was manifested in
it by the teachers
11r Jas Grant then showed his plan of
taking up Canadian History witn beginners.
The address was interesting and instruc-
tive, and was dieouesed by Inspector Tom,
Messrs Balfour. Dorranoe, boas and Latta.
The association then adjourned.
Bevies --The Orange concert held hero
on Feb lSth, was ,suite successful, Con-
ifelt on
disappointment tntlllellt was
s'tleralito i sa o
account of 'absence of Harmonica band
which was expected from Exeter; but
their lack of serrate was largely and well
supported by the presence of their towns -
nein and popular reader, Mr McCallum,
who greatly amused and pleased the audi-
enco with his readings. The services -of
the mnsh:inns and singers from St. Marys
were highly appreciated —Scarlet fever
has invaded several .More homes in this
section lately, and in : onsequencs the
trustees have e'osed the schools for two
weeks. --Considerable excitement and fear
have been caused about here by the dopre
dations of road dogs.
,BRIEvv—Election excitement was high
this week —Mr. Frank Fitzgerald and
Misses Aggie and Phoebe Ven Horne, of
Chiselhurst, left here on Tuesday evg for
Dakota, -Mr David Miller, V. S., and
family left for Exeter on Monday to reside
Mr Miller having bought a veterinary
practice there. Mr Miller was an old
resident of Hensall, and himself and family
are held in the highest esteem by all,
Everybody was sorry to see thein leave •
the young ladies will be missed in social
circles: What will be Hensall's loss will
certainly be Exeter's gain, and a good gain
it is. We wish ,Ir Miller every success
and hope to see him with us often.; -Mr R.
McIntyre will take possession of his hotel
1st of April. We have not learned of Mr.
Bossenherry's future movements.—A new
merchant was added to the ranks this
week. The enterprising people of Heneall
are makingpreparattons for -the holding of
a fall fear here sometime during Sept.
The subscription taste are being liberally
signed, and it is thought that very soon a
sufficient sum will have been raised.—Oar
worthy townsman, Mr Geo McEwen, was
called to Goderich on Saturday last to
attend the tuneral of • his sister, Mrs
Towers, who died there last week.—The
concert to -be held oa Tuesday evg , 10th
Inst., under the auspices of the _ O. 0: F.
will lie one of the best ever given in,Efen•
gall. - Excellent local and foreign talent
has been procured. Everybody come.
Smart Weed and Belladonna, •combined
with.tfhe other ingredients used in the best
Porous Plasters, -.make- Carter's S.W. & B
Backache kinglets the best :in.the market.
Price 25 'cents.
For suppressions,,,fetnale' weakness, : ner-
vousness etc., Dr:Williams' Pink Pills never
fail. They have no equal as a blood tonin
and nerve builder. • Equally good for men
and women.
Were ret to have "to chronicle the and
den 'death of -James ' Hill Hunter, MP P
for South Grey, which sad event occurred
on Sunday last from an attack ` of inflam-r
motion of the bowels, at the age, of 51 years
If you bad taken two of Carter's Little
Liver Pills ,before retiring you - would not
have had that coated tongue or bad: taste
in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial
with you for occasional nee.
Petrolea, Ont, Feb 2S—This ' afternoon
about three o'clock a fearful accident occur
red Some men were erecting -a three
pole derrick in the Western of Canada
property,' and by some means the poles be
came loose., and in falling struck Mr Jack
eon Str others on tho head, killing him
instant ly.
4olafil W1tll[EE" ilk SON
IP Mistier and e"troprietor
Which you need and on which: you
can save money. -
Just received a shipment of
NEW .-i;l'1'I:NGS,
A special line tu new Tweeds. We
invite every'bodyr to see this
lot at bargains.
In the evening a free Lecture and Concert
was given in the Town. Hall, to a very large
audi nee. The President occupied the
chair. Mr Tilly delivered an admirable
address on "Success in life with special
reference to young men." The address,
which oeoupied about an hour in delivery,
was very instructive and inspiring, and ,vas
listened to stub much interest. After the
lecture a short musical program, taken
part in by the Glee Club and the Gidley
Orchestra• was carried out.
On motion of 1) 0 Dort anne seconded by
G W Holman, a beatty vote of thanks
was tendered Mr Tilly, the Town Council,
for the use of the Hall, and ell those who
had assisted in carrying out the program.
Gori save the Queen brought tho proceed-
ings to a close.
The association met at 9,15 s m. The
minutos of the previous sessions were . read
and approved. The President then deliver
ed a very pointed and instructing address
on ''The difficulties in the teaoher's path."
the address, which was . very practical. of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
showed that Mr Kilty had given careful dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart,.
attention to its preparation. Inspector emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid -
Tom complimented Mr Kilty and spoke neys, headache, pimples on - the face or
with reference to that part of the address body, itching or premier aensation about the -
dealing with Public school examinations. Soro:um, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
The diseustion was further carried on by speaks before the eyes, twitching of the
Groceries always new and fresh
to prceeede l tat solve proUezus in carpet,
gaper, +Ic. ns' &riling to the method adopted
in the Pnl,lie salami Arithuteiie. This
proved very interesting. and a geed deal of
di*euaatoxt tett place as to the advisability
of following ant the method hail down, in
the preserit.t d text bees
lite nen tea the progrovi was *methods
of inspection" by L J tiial+-Mad. Ur Odle-
landl vQ krl 1 `ratheraalf tn di on s-
of "Mitts for teachers." This paler
bhowed that the ratter had devoted tuaich
tame oral e:ate to the eubjren and many good
practical hints were ?m.o. Maebine teselt.
ing was drnntiucetl dual toh3sical culture
cotnmen•kd. ,itis subje.:t was further
tl:sse stet by Jos Chant, who ethoaved that
be also had ghee the aabject careful and
thoughtful ettrr,tion. On ,notion of t3 W
Holman s:'euntled by J W Hogarth, (.Ir AI
Bitty wee wuwim.ntsly sleeted as delegate
sir tilt. l'r''vineiol Tutrl.ers' Association for
the patwait seta. Mt Kiky briefly that.lte;i
thin fnSsireiatinii for lite honor.
Tut! euretaliele of sehn, l and hail wam
grunted 81 its each for their se'rvien n. 'tr-
iturator Tom, chairman of the opecial com
mace, rt totted to above, then brought in
the folhnelan;t rayon, which en motion f\f
\V fi Johnston seconded by Simnel Bauch
was adopted, vi ::.-.
Mitt ti,e pr. •out s}a'rm of distribut-
ing the t ratte e',pur paddle schonls is not
satisfactory, n:i it +foeis not in any way tenni
to improve the standtug of the schools, and
should he changed.
2. That in the distribtit;on of the public::
school grates, the teacher's certificate, the
teacher's salary, any the equipment of the
school should be considered,
3. That the grants to public schools
should be inoreased.
4. That tapirs of this repott be sent to
the liiuister of Education and to the East
Huron teachers` Association.
Tne following report of the Resolution.
Committee was .hen submitted by the
chairman James Grant, and on motion of
G W Holman seconded by S J Latta was
adopted :-
1. That in view of the fact that the law
respecting Public Sohool examination is not
adhered to by the majority of sections, and
because of the dlveiaity of opinioii'as to the
benefits to be derived from them, we would
recommend that the law be amended so as
to make the holding of such examinations
2. That we reaffirm our previous reso
lotion in regard to the Public School
History. -
3. That a copy of the above be sent to
the Minister of Education.
4. That the mensurance of the 5th Form
Examination is too indefinitely statad.
Mr T A Brown then answered several of
the questions deposited in the Question
Drawer, after which the Assooiatton ad-
journed to meet at the call of the Execu-
G W Homos,
See. Treas.,
All Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symptoms
Mental depreaeicn, premature old age, lose
Messrs B R hoes, G W Holman, W H
Johnston and G Baird, dealing principally
with the usefulness of Public sohooi exam
Mations, upon which a diversity of opinion
existed. Mr Dorranoe then addressed the
association on "How to make school attrac
live," dealing with the subject in _a very
practical manner, Mr Dorranoe held that
teachers as a rule are two reserved and
should make themselves more familiar with
their pupils; this :would add to, not take
from, his .influence. More attention should
be z aid to ached decorations. -
Mr Tilley then illustrated hia method of
introducing grammar to a elass of leginners.
This proved a very interesting and profitable
part of the pro ram. A. class of small boys
and girls from the Exeter Public ;Sohool
afforded Mr Tilley a good opportunity of
showing the practicability of hismethod of
instruction. In dealing with senteneea at
first the teacher should conduct his work
in two stages : 1st, the teacher naming
the Use of the words and the pupil naming
the words ; 2nd, the teacher naming the
words and the pupil their uses; continuing
the first stage some time before introducing
the second. The association then adjourn-
ed to 13C P, &f.
association metpursuant to adjourn-
sass 7
ment, T ,e,minutes of the morning Session
was read and adopted. Mr J 11. Balfour
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful.;
nese. deposits in the thine, loss of will power
tenderness of the scalp andspine, weak and
flabby muscles, desire to Bleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper, sunken' eyes surround-
ed with leaden circle, oily looking akin, etc.,
are all symptoms of nervous 'debility' that
•lead to insanity and death , unless cured.
The spring or vital (ores having lost its
tension every function wanes, inconsequence
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be , permanently cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lubon, 50
Front St. E„ 'Toronto, Ont. Books- sent:
free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms
of which aro faint spells, purple lips„'numb-
nese. palpitation; skim beater ' loot flashes,
rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the
heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular,
the second heart beat quicker than the first,
pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi-
tively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send
for book. Address M V. Lunorl, 50 Front
Street East, Toronto, Ont.
Are free from all crude and irritating
matter Concentrated Medicine only
Carter's LittleLiver Palls, Very small;
vary' easy to take'; nopaiu no griping ; 0t
pur1iue, Try thew.