HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-01-14, Page 54r Terry Johnston Ses4GoaIs As FordsWin fin., -the" Pee, wee '• Hockey • Lea- gue a gue tr pie he dere at the. -arena Saturday, Fords tripped • $heaf- fers,5-2,B u es defeated d Dodges 44 and Rouse tied Studebakers .titr•1n 74•,x'-.: :e ' Terry Johnston` scored four , Wat erS .ntr b - „ I " - Watch goals for Fords, with Conrad Gordon Graham and Dennis er 80 Fa n Kelly .clicked for Seaf+ers• ' ` goals, anDennis Lassaiineac- Hobert Cadman, with three ors Do-wn�. counted for Blues' Scoring. or aaadges, John Gardiner and liar- vey Skinner scored one apiece. John Pirie led 5tudebahn" with two goals and Larry Pent- land notched the h eother. Walt 4r Kelly, Ed.. Curry 'and Brian Hoy each, aeQxed .,fpr Rouse. UNDAY SERVICE IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'$ CHURCH Jan. 17th—Second Sunday after Epiphany. a.m. Holy Communion. 10. a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. • 11' a.m. "1`loIy ` Cbrnmunwn and Sermon; Junior.. Congregation and Nursery.. 7 p.m. ;,,Evensong. REV, KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., LLD., Rector MR. J,•-!= STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURRCH Oi= CANftiDA•.•- North Street United Church 10 am. „SUNDAY SCHOOL—__. . 11 a.ni. FOR SALE = OUR CHURCH!`�-: Junior Congregation and Nursery, REV. A. E. EUSTACE; B.A., Minister. MR. GEO. INGHAM, A.R.C,T., Mus:wEac:.'- 1/ Music Director., GOD*ERICH BAPTIST,CHU-RCH 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL—ALL AGES., 11 a.m. .:"NEW CONFIDENCE." 7 p.m. ",AN IMPOTENT 'SINNER." REV. EGON VON KEITZ, B•A., Minister. MR. CHAS. MERRILL, 'Organist. FREE.. -METHODIST CHURCH. -WELCOMES YOU. 9,50 a.m. Family Sunday School. . .m. Subject: "Wien. Cod Rains Righteousness." 7 p.m. Subject: "R -ed Seas in our Pathway." : , d-' -Wed,,: 8 p.m, Prayer. and `Bible Study. REV, E. A. COOPER; Pastor - JA 4-9306 • THE SALVATION 'ARMY SUNDAY, JANUARY -17" CAPT. AN1D ,MRS. H. CROSSLAND 11 a.m. HOLI'NESS MEETING. , 3 p.m,•° SUNDAY SCHOOL_ .-- . 7 p.m. SALVATION MEETING. Week Night Meeting as usual. You are never a stranger, at the; Army. Victoria $treetTUnited Church ,'Fellowship . awaits whenever you, home." 10 'a.m. Church 'School and Adult Class. 11 a.m, CHRIST, THE FINAL HOPE FOR, EVERY MAN. -1 3fl`-p m BE�Ili11IL.LERNeand. 3.p ria..LkhllbN. HIl1t CJ1,��-- . ANNUAL MEETINGS , VICTORIA•—Tuesday, January 19, .,•6.30 p.m. BENMILLER--Wednesday, January 214 12 noon. UNION --Friday, January 22, 8 p l i. - a' REV. S. A. MOOTE,- B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. FRANK-BISSETT, • Organist. (By Eric 4. Smith) .Last-' Friday night, over 800 fans watched the Goderich Sail- ers trim the Sarnia Legionaires 50 t 3, bringing their total, wing up. to the—twejv mark,' ain- taining their second place stand- ing iii the league It was,, a fast and fairly evenly matched game with a minimum of 'pdnaltie$ for 'either . side,' l though near the end of the third period, Besse and ,Connellylock- ed horns and received miscon- ,duets for their little °exchange 4of greetings. . Both the fust and second per- iods, ended in a tie, 1 to • 1 and 2 to 2 which made for an abund- ance of fan excitement. Sarnia .drove ' in the first goal of the game midway in the first frame, but a few minutes later Carlo Rossi, assisted by Raul Hender- -son; Rut- in the- &T allier with a tricky' angle shot. Dave ,�II,,uke the Spook) Luciuk placed the Sailors in the lead at the 12 minute mark of the econd period when, unassisted; he weaved in and out of the Sarnia team, 'slapping_..the disc Sailors Hold Dawn Sec�ncLPa�- InTheirL�ag�e' „Into-a,•cornr'of .the net. Sarnia °'•tie4 the scdre a half a minute before the bell. Coach Ted pre149•by feds be y4 b _ys sonbe -o) his.. secro•�. formula for the third.pelriorf,;• far they carne •out• loaded for• bear and•'wit'hin six minutes' were in ogain. °wh•en D'Arcy Olivier, assisted by ,..tflender en° and Rossi, put, in -the -third goal, followed with ",the fourth by ifaye Luciuk from Jim Rankin. Sarnia slapped in a- third 'point which inspired the Tars to toss in their fifth and final goal, Jim Rankin, from Luciuk. It certainly makes 'a differ- ence iffer-ence having a -Complete crewon the ice and it appears_ now__th the team has settled down to the point where full_cotaentra- tion can. be put into the game The- next game here _will be Friday night with the Tillson- rburg Mavericks. II The results of last Friday night's draw "_are as follows: groceries, ,Frank MaeDo{lald; blanket, Dorothy Thompson: •Sarnia); ten gallons of gas, Lorne. Green. (Port. Albert). a, NAME BOARDS Rabies .Cases Are .r. , Lease a n-- FORASHFIELD .. The n`llrnber of (*aSes of rabies 'Seated, left to right: C.. Tessier; R. Forgues; right: C. Rossi; D., Oliver; O. Connelly; F. J. Geoffery; D. Luciuk;. Standing, Ieft to Dalton.- - in Canada Irom April 1 to the ' x, fi' ., fiddle'. cif D.e�ceer.• took SCHOOL lin LA per' - cent drop --from-•°rire7.sa°me Ashfield Township's complex I period a year ago. p� A spokesman for the` Health educational system has had three 'of Animals Divisi a eda De- ,,partmefi-of Agriculture said there were 479 -laboratory con- firmed cases,. compared . with M1u4•- 1,871 for the corresponding per=' iod in 1958. He termed the situation "not nearly as grave.'' - Ontario remained the center of infection, with '433 cases. Middlesex, Elgin and Huron . counties and "adjoining territory • in the southwestern part of the province appear to be the prin- cipally infected ,areas. Ontario last year reported 1,823 cases. • Most significant decline was inthe ntimber,;of foxes infected.' The- disease has nev,,r become Seated, left •to right: S. Belasky; B. Judge,, to right: establishedhiri ifhe dog "'l appe e1d,! I�,'""$edar,d;..,,H.,•,ArXnatrpng, Standing• ,,,le£t• , ,Je Jeffery tion �' f more_ individual trustee boards' established in the school sec- 0tions'""of Kirit.ail, 'Laurier and Hemlock City. This is the result, and seem- ingly not the intent, of a rate- payers' meeting held last April' to discuss the feasibility of these three sections and the•Lochalsh section; " withdrawing from the Ashfield School Area, to form a four section area. The •proposal was that a new two -room school -might be Built to -tserve .;these .foti'r sections, with an altern- ative suggestion of.- an addition to the Lochalsh School; . For • some time only two schools have been in operation in these four sections under jurisdiction of the Area Board. Kintail pupils have for 'several - years .been transported- to S.S. • tl would pose an even greater threat to humans. i. The rabies epidemic broke out Saiiors-..._ among the wildlife in. northerxi 1, • Down C• �� and gradually spread. -soul la-- Henderson; B• , Fritzley; D. .Thi:. -Sailors , registered twoscored one gbal' and •God'erich Otis `�nq the first five minutes -lone -also, the latter being credit - of play to move into the lead. ! ed t_o Dalton -__on, a pass froth • � i .• yA ,r �* f .. o .�: 12 aura � e av e e'b n. �'. h e ,(� .Ace fl e o. � �� o��c t n • V f• S a din tO to ” i n el••-„ g a Eli a' e u transported to Lochalsh. ,School ward ,, w t __= stockTscored" Wend the" erred is as follows: g p it OC and • This -plan will -continue in op- _ i.tbe Sailorssdowne Wood- 2-1. for Goderich. &. eration under.the newly estab- `Between 1941 and 1.951, Vic='stock Warriors. -2 at Woodstock 'Goderich -again , opened the St. Marys':17 lished• trustee boards. Mrs. ,.. 'scoring, In the second companying Canada's- Brest in- Tuesday -evening, thus strength- - b .period at Goderich •-x..13: James Mae'] avish teaches at-dustrialization, the urban popul-! ening the Goderich tea'm's hold the 13.02 mark with Etossi= scor Sarnia ....10. Hemlock City an'd'`1Vtrs. Howard ation increased from 56.5 person second place in the 0.1I•A• ing on a pass from Oliver,. This, 'illson'burg.-9 Blake assumed permanent duties ,cent to 66,5 per-cent—of--the—,Junior "B" Western Division was the l•Q•n,e..gdal of the perioci„.4tWOOGIstogk 5 at Lochalsir with the start of the New Year: She succeeds Mrs. McCharles, who had. been supplying since Mrs. .'Donald Blue's resignation due to ,health reason• • - . The outcome of the April meeting"was to appoint canvas - total population. (loop. , •In the final period Woodstock liondon 0 following trustees were nam-ed:1 Hemlock City—Jack MacKen- zie, Gordon Robb, Warren W.'ylds with Roy MacKay appointed as secretary. - sers to-circulate"petitlore, seek° ' Laurier. Saln Gibsony-3 years; ing withdrawal from the Ash-fE1don -Bradley, 2 years; .-Ray field Area to forma new four -Collins, 1 year;-+Reulbe'ii Wilson; section area. sectetary. However, Ashfield Cor.inCil fL`1""K°ii°rtaril=Bsxl�n pson,.._:Doug their initial authority was limit-' Drennan, Alex FJrrish; Hughie__ ed to approval of withdrawal MacKenzie,^,seecretary. from `the. Ashfield Area, and it Phone service made was on that basis that the peti- •it impossible to learn the length tion :was sanctioned. of appointment of the Hemlock ai'he- withdrawal applied- to all City. and .Kintail.'trust_e s• ; but the .Lochalsl"i'"section,. which At fhe April meeting J. 11. is a union school• section-com- Kinkead's plea was, Whatever prising part of Huron• Township, .course you pursue, please don't' "amid"-°-hire—irecessary-•forrtrirl if • t[p ==into 14ur140e were n t-rarraed,•••out to release pieces." This is practically what this `s'e'ction, ' vvliidhf`'•i'dgiialiis'' l"has"happened by'the turn of part -of the Ashfield: School•Area 'events, and 'does not ti-.s.eem., to - which is new reduced •to • seine be . Chic desired objective genera ally. It can be .expected that the newly elected Boards will eventually confer on "where do we go from here." . — Lucknow Sentinel. L• T , • _ • 0 1142 60315; • '4 0- 99 71 26; • 8 2 99 '80=22; •� 10= --0402-103-18.' Tr-PIONE. JA 4-7432 P.O. BOX 922 14 -1 82 104 1111 • 119 0 52 158 1 AtRO$S i' Shoe, ,. Shop '. t1y s. -.0 w,. T d r The c •i 1. ,•.. �ro_..e� � S gni ►tar, r 60 PAIR RegUlar 8.95 to CLEARANCE SPECIAL 5.95n `o . 15 PAIR r • • _ HARTT FORD - _-• I End -of line„not all sizes.•.Regul'a . to 27,00. CLEARANCE SPECIAL 16 95 . 15 PAIR ,.. : • Scott & McHale OXEORDS • • (End of line,:, not all sizes. Regular"'1"0 19.95 CLEARANCE • SPECIAL• : /5 • •• 60 PAIR •�-M_- • • 30 PAIR -- GROWING GIRLS' • f LOXFORDST and BAL-ERINAS.� Regular 3.99 to 6.99. - • CLEARANCE PECIAL2.69to x'.45 MPSX10-7-.0' ^.-!?•'1,• • 0 30 PAIR — CHILD1 tA,Nfl'< MISSES' �w,.,. ..,.,w.»,, .. f „ : - _STRAP _.�SL1PPER$ .µ • m•• • 0 • Regular 3.99 to 4.99.° , '�''"�.. r': c • CLEARANCE SPECIAL_.-�, •�?• , SID 45. • co ' MANY OTHER • ITEMS • • =-wT.Q; K NUMEROUS TO MENTION AT,,-.QRASTICA4LY -, • • REQtE� t D PRICES: COME 'IN AND" LOOK AROUND! • QUALITY FOOTWEAR • •`'•{.f¢'+•;•%�:�t7.a?o,,r•'•'$if1•.;::{J;r•..�ry.,.r.;•.�..•,.r,...+'... .`k:y�•• :'>r,yay$._• ' . a.... - �%:SGla.JS(.'\`t����::D:!I �.�} >S.ti +vJi: }.:i,•..: i ::i't: $• �: : �+S':123�• � 1:: h�' rWa hy deo some people 'have whereas curly hair as an' ov q. r , �, p • ' ��» tv .lily? channel. The flatter : the shaft, S rouhd . shaft running, through -it,.' hair has the flattest s a t; o , a'a1 four schools, with three in the therly part of she Township. Ratepayers' meetings were held in the three withdrawing sections last week. when the xL,.-•� .,• .4fi. on our entire stock of ferrous ,:, ATCHES •....,.•., : .. _..., ,, - , ,,..., RHI• ESTONE AND -� �- GOLD 'JEWELLERY 255 OF 'JEWELLY C H • 1 N A ROYALDOUTONO- .• AINSLEY ... ALL, BALLAD and PATTERNS OFF EVENING 50% OFF , SILVERWARE'025 ' r STAR , ALL OTHER MERCHANDISE-. A REDUCED FROM 20%_ _to 5Q% ... . Budget BUY NOW 1 , ' . ferr-that Birthday, ,• - T.erms Valentine, Anniversary, —Wedding eding or Graduation`'Usual nt ei7E in the future. :.: .� 'j: a '�' E . , ,. • it`. • prese 4_ A party of officials from. the Federal Republic. _. tan.t..deputy -minister (Research.).. at—the- Cen. of West Germany recently completed an east tral E perimental Farm, Ottawa, shown -- to west todr of Canadian agriculture. It ''seated at- extreme left. ,• included a call On Dr. C. H. Goulden, oasis= • • I'NVI•TATIONS---, a • ANNOUNCEMENTS 'RECEPTION CARDS o )HANK YOU CARDS .StycEA 6y JNT[E-MATIOA[-AT(ArTS LET US ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR rl?DING PLANS You may select your Wedding lnvitatIons, AnInouncements and Acknowledgments with tomplete confiden-ce as to quality era correctness Of form. WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZE!) WEDDING: NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE 86KGS 1960 License _ Plates en- =you -buy your tar ' • 1 �` - .fri DtRiCHMOTpS±f. LOOK 'EM OVER --r '58 &'. Volkswagen , 16,000 miles, custom radio, whitewall tires, windshield washer's. Just like view. $1395 sa EDS -EL Sedan, 11,000 •miler, like new. _ This was a $4500 car when new. • $2-495 i'58 (ONSUL Sedan, one . owner, very • low mileage.' $1200 .,,, ' '58 FORD Sedan, Tots of miles but In good condition and worth the money. $1495 'S7 FORD 6 -cylinder Sedan; -38,000 milers, new paint, one owner. $1395 "56 FORD Country Sedan • ,• (Ran iwagon), one owner, very, clean. $1550 56 FORD Fairlane Sedan, automatic .fratrotrts-stcm, radio (two speakers), whitewall tires, tinted glass, back-up lights, windshield washers. This car has never been driven on salfed toads (British Colunibia car). $1450 iOTS MORE, cars to choose from, with some PRICES LOWERED AS MUCH AS $300 • qoderith ...Motors, ;,FORD PAitt4N4 tqUtfl 443001