HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-2-19, Page 7parieseesmossemeammasosmacomommoroszomatm.momt INSURANCE PRNEST fit LLIOT.ACTENT F01/ -144 WSTX1t1,14tEIST,JR411.0 COM. PANT' of Toronto; also for the PIREKIIE I1R1ENSURAVROBI 003.11Alcr, of faondoci; kingland. the It02.4.14 tIANe.DIAN. of Mon- treal. and the oNTAIII0 utt roAn rims 41;r 014 CDT of Waterloo established 1,s7e. Assurancosinforee,$13027.40. llonuses every year after ard year. •••••••••9111•11111•0011111 THE MART, EXETER0 CV, CA , 'So) CS 1%i So 1222 0 , .„ a, 4 .zi i 42 "4, ';•-t 1:44 ".....,..a. r?. co . CA 1 0 43 CS 1 Zi :-3 MI .P. g's , A, cei .....-•• P... = .,,.. 1a :4. 1 !'s• wa. - i ' E-1 i t . re. to feet it a pieasne TO smile s time and lames, hese ; WILL MI- tr al° r. t to make its name value d vor one. ; as„.° Ala Attract iv( Stook of New Wintoi Tweeds Worsteds Intd Trous- ngs. now beiav showu by GRIO (It • Ex et tit. BIG BANIMUFT EXETER. Au irximense stock of new Carpets just opened at the BIG BANKRUPT STORE. Remember the choicest pat- terns go first ; also the best values. No better place to buy CARPETS, CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS AND OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES. ZuetTr3r. J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter. euttv Wow. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1891. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. The Census. The census will be taken this year, and there aro two points in connection with which we wish to emphasise. The firat is the secrecy of the census ; and the second, the fact that it will not in any way affect taxes. We wish the people everywhere to understand that the enumerator who col- lects the information is sworn to secrecy, and the information given by one person is never seen by anyone except the enum- erator and the Government statistical officers. Ladies often do not give right answers, or they suppress information be- cause they are afraid the next door neigh- bor will see it. They need not be, Then again people will not give information about their property or belongings because they are afraid their taxes will be increased The census has nothing to do with the taxes, and municipal or other tax officers are not allowed to see the census returns. Epw0rEb League A meeting of the young folks of the Mein-st Methodist church took place on Friday evening last to consider the advisebility of organizmg an E:pworth League society- There :was a large attendance. Zonsider . *dace, which vees' • referred on rE CAN'T UNDO THE LOCK, SIRJOFIN IS ON GUARD. „gt Jaar;\--M r 71,,= ? _ .. . .. . Itrevities, t Exeter Diviston Court If you want boots and shoes repaifed.s— ,' • call en MABot CLAnii. 11, His ifonor Jai Doyle presided at the Mr John Haositsiraw has purchased a ; sittings of tbe Division Court here on new driver.. . ii Monday last. The fol/owing Ca3i$ were Nev hooks lave hesor ral.led to tilejl "i3P9''-e'l 6f" . Mei/Irani& InstittateLiloary. r QVAI= lia 114Nr.t —an iseta7for isslam- ageo against a bailiff for refureal to assign The Petrone of Indestry are ming ine i lleplevia Intel to the plalotift. Deferree 1 earls bars the townehip of Hay. ": tender ot umends iiefore oetion ta re In reasta Mr I. Boast wee oldie bursting in tire , also ; failure of plaiotiffto brims his artion istepeen ;Ironies,- strangle inst week hat a - within tbe prnper time and to tive notie valuable houtra. . - of action Judgment reserve+ liaio for plaintiff Collins for defeurlatt. . . Division ("mitt WAR Wal in Exeter on ,' GREAT REDUCTIONS of ii u. II 0012 It 11:11 WU 'fill 111111111, it D. WA 1111111:11all nit 1111 OA 111113 AU Winter 4;-cuolis be alaingUiererao • We have just finished taking stock and find that we have about $7,990.00 wor too much ou hand. In order to reduce this amount w will clear all winter goods at and below cost for thirty (30) days. Note carefully the following reductions : Ladies' "Ghters, regular price l.2.4.0 for $9 00. Ladies' Erlsters, regular price $12.75 for $9.25. Insters, regular price G.O0 for $12.25. Ladies' Dolmans, regular pr:ce i,-;;14.00 for S13 00. Ladies' Dolmans, regular price $10.00 for $10.00. Men's Overcoats. regular price S13.00 for $10.75. Men's Overcoats, regular price $5.50 for $4.00. fJ te above reductions are only afew samples of what we are doing, and all other winter a goods will be sold in same way. Monday. There wee a large annotative of ' SANI'1•1;''. Vs 1:"W*4"1"'„ 4" 111',""17- 14rmers. , was Ern season on a pronossory MOW. MI defence by defendant Edworthy ; kfend 1 Sinai Fliipmento from Exeter ha. ainereaemg, ltev J. W, Holmes will preach miasion- floaTansaa vs 114NZa—aelion for an ac'^ , for plaintiff, CollinS for lletenikint. i Orocory re /ntl Liotlor ca ifell aut. Bassett :Jet up statute a linaitatirms a nunicrous during' the week. TIM price3 dercuce. judgment reeervell. Lllio ary sermonsth in the Main at Methodist count for work done; defendaot set up in II • rgICrittArtil? CUAlti)* 777 church early in March. enswer to plaiutiirs Maims that plaintiff Repairing in all its branehes promptly hod agracd to occePt a watch in part Pay' ttended to and satigfaetion guaranteed. menet. PcienvO adewt•41 and pigment Gave .time a sesta :Slam; (Ism, Given for defendant with cods suittefincot Mr dames Dawn, aeseseor for the village , to Payment into court. Dale sage (replant loekres marsh on Morales Amiss him in • the mice wive Of geatailisd- havieg as correct on assesanent as passible. r watches Pleksou for pl;kitaiiii, for DAY %V.v.:amigo-With fair eitrestien to ') efs°,11'"3"' s a learn printiwa aptly enee to Tito "114.41-'" "T".V"(letli'm fmr "43elain° repairs ; 441efence: payraen and the f..5t VOW of limitations. Jii/ignaerrt for ritinalara. Tire WeailILT timing the poet week. fer istekisu Oalins for ih fi ea. the roost I/arab:el ken plea,:ant. like unto eat that of June, , 11 -eta -7 N.: C rear—aotiort for Five Remnant the ourolvoreaty tervisoo of of fence It ire. ilefencr: wire never TeeviV. Caveii Prt slaterian church next tarrolay. ed by defendant. Judgment Inc defendant See rnt, re 14.1' particulate. 1 dIrettil9f011g oetia with cote. Elliot for asa Adak ir.,” „limn a ta„1aris,e3malina ' plaintiff, Collins for deferralent, areparatieas for the erection of a splendidKLA" USVS :qeLP4S—"eli"1111: 00 Fr"' kink horn during the coming shimmer. allegory note. No defence STORE. Tito undersigned has open- ed a stock of Fresh Groceries and Liquors, in the store re- cently occupied by S. C. ITersey, opposite Town Hall. Sulck is complete and Goons wil le Fold at a small margin over cost. .NOIN" (>1-114N. _, Krause Rowvs MeLnate—action on a pro. dr H. Johns has sold a valuanle henna misaary was,. sso slefeme. to Mr D. Sternbach, of Zurich. Mr dans • A Call Solicited• intends pun:lasing a pair el Beadles. This closed the proceedings'. As th re was nothing of any encu lance The public school teachers of South • to do in Crediton His limp adjourned Huron will 1101 a conveution in Exeter the sittings of Hutt court erne die. f", J. KNIGHT today and toonorrow, (Thursday and Friday). Exeter Municipal Council. A general meeting of the Conservatives will la held in the committee rooms, one The council met purenant to adjourn - door north of town nail on Tuesday eve'. ; area at the town hall Exeter, 13th Felt next; organization. 1 MD. presert. The minutes of the Messrs Snell Bros at Co. of the Exeter previous meeting 'were read and conirmed. Packing House have put a traveller on tho I Bissett—Christie—that orders he grant - road to sell their cured meats, pronounced ed for the following sums viz :—Ilissett Bros, aG air fee one banal of coal oil ; Hart rt Co, $1 78 blank forms r Sanders printing Co 13.7 75, hal for printing ; Jno Grigg. $P2 60, stationary from ISSS ; Jas ah$s ; do eepa , nd that it IS a hound and owned Creech,1. chanty to MrMcIntosh in Border, Teo dog whish escaped is Aiss $2 F Griffin ; do SO Mrs MoIntyreaCarried. known. so that lame 0110 is in for damages. s. 20 cords of eerier Hocks for water table he procured and Yesterday afternoon a dog with its put in on Main street, (Mr Christie voted caudal appendage loaded (loan by meansbagainst the motion) Carried. of an om tin ran, caused quite a sensation Bissett — Ross hat PA D tender for among the heroes as well as pedestrians on cedar plank and posts balsccepted posts to M.in-st. and was almost the cause of be delivered by 1st 4.1.pril, alter cedar as tempi runaways. required. —Can led. Our sermonic department this week con The Say tif IP re Dep and chlif,engineer tains a lengthy discourse by that worthy to be notified to meet the council at the divine, Rev. W. II, H. Murray, an the next meeting. future business relations of this country. Rev Mr Robinson applied on behalf of The sermon is highly practical And inter- the alechanics' Institute for a gr, irt of eating throughout. $35.stating that the Institute had 'made a large addition to the Malay etc , and required that amount to carr them through. and promised if that amount were given the Institute would mat ask more than the usual grant ($25) nexttyear. Carling—Christie—that $25 be granted Moved in amendment by D Ross second- ed by W G Bissett that $35 be gra ed on condition of promise of Mr Robins, n not to ask more than $25 next yeat. The amendment was declared carried. 13y -law No 7 to appoint a ro corn- mismoner was duly read and pa ed on motion of D A Ross secondedby E Christie. Basett—Ross—that this conn and the clerk he a committee to meet t repro sentative from Usborne with a iew to final settlement of agreement bet en the village and the township of U rne.— Carried. Bissett—Carling—that this counc 4- journ until Friday the 6th March at 7. p. M. EACRETT, Clerk. BORN". Rzseral--At Sharon, Stephen township, lath inst., wife of Nelson Kestle, of daughter. by all who have used them, to be superior Articles. We "learn that Mr James 3foir has cap- tured one of the dogs which worried Ida We splash and skip, we elute and slip. we grumble, growl and jaw, through slush and slop, we wade and flop, oh February thaw ! With soaking feet we walk the street, the worst we ever saw; it is no joke to be in soak, thou February thaw. Rev Mr Laucley, of London, has accept- ed tho call extended by the Main -at Meth odist officials to become pastor of the chum's. wholly subject however to the stationing committee of the conference, he being averse to the "call" system. A meeting of the Reformers of Exeter was held in the town hall on Thursday last. There was a large attendance, an indication that the Liberal ranks are swell - Ng in Exeter, Mr. R. H. Collins was elected President; Mr. W. E. Gundy, Secretary. Saturday was St: Valentine's day. Local dealers in the old time valentine report sales of them to have been rather slow compared with former times, the practise of surprising friends and enemies with prettsaand the opposite kind of valentines having apparently fallen into disfavor. We invite the special attention of all in arrea s the Trams to the fact that we need money just now to meet obligations. Delinquents will 'please call or remit at once. The amounts in each case are small, but in the aggregate make a good sum, which we could profitably use. We don't like dunning, and hope our friends will not compel us to resort to it again for some time, but will respond liberally to this request. • Feby lath dogs visited Mr James remises Usborne, and worried a ber of sheep, and of 26 only two escaped -injury. The sheet) barn where the dogs attacked were several young lambs -then Mr Moir sorne time 'Alen o4 the reeve of LoinuAri—In Usborne, on the 17th 'At" wife of John Loadman, a daughter Seorots—In Detroit, on the 12th ialto the wife of Mr Geo Stokes, a son. uhen Wzrawioi8tro—On ayt,hae swfasif.eef Mr It, MAIIBIB D. Bntrrow---Couner ••• rersonals. 3Ir and Mrs Richard Piper and Master George Weekes, of Lambeth, spent a few days with friends in town. --Mr tieo Davis is improving in health rapidly.—Mr E J. Spackman left on Monday for 'Toronto and Montreal, in which cities he will spend a couple weeks purchasing new goods.—Mr W. IL Hutchins, of Parkhill, the Conserve,. tive standard bearer for North Middlesex will visit his constituents here in a few days. Mr Hutchins is making a vigoreus eauvass,..and if work counts for anything, Ida election is assured.—A number of dele- gates of the local Reform Association attended a convention at Ailsa Craig on Mondaya—al iss Maggie White has retailed from a visit to friends in St Marys. —Mr. Case, of Toronto, is the guest of lits father, Mr Wm. Case.—air Wm. Morrison, of Goderieh, formerly of Exeter, Was in town last week —Mr John Spackman has ea- ficiently recovered from his late illness to • al le to attend to duties in connection t Par the Canada Co.—Mr 3. E. Tom, 1 P , Goderich, was in town on Wednesday on official business.—Mr Ed. Neil, of De- troit is visiting friends in town. Death of :lames Hawkins, Esq. A Port Albert correspondent refers to a brother of Mrs W Case, Exeter, whow as known to many in this neighborhood :— "James Hawkins, who has been suffering with that dreadful disease, cancer, during the past year. died Sunday evg, the Sth inst, at the good old age of seventy-five years and ten months, leaving a widow, three sons and two daughters to mourn his departure from this life. He was a native of the eounty of Efldare, Ireland, and emigrated to Canada when he was but a boy, and located at London. Being of a rambling disposition, when not out of his teens he struck for New Orleans, where be shipped on one of the fur trading steamers and put in a lively season trading amongst tbe savages up the Missouri, up as far as Yellowstone. After two years of life in the wild west he returned to London and joined the Middlesex Cavalry, he being one of the best riders in the ranks (with the exception of his brother, "Tony,' who was an invincible in riding or managine• horse.) When the rebellion was rooted out by the "bould soger boys" he purchas- ed a farm of 200 acres, which now joins r,ondon West, where he lived and kept Itch" for a number of years. Finally sold out and moved up to Ashfield. and .ated at the corners now known as fteppardebn, where his residence was a dreamy/light" to the weary traveller who ly too glad to accept the hospitality Dandy Jim." Thia name he was nown by 25 years ago, He sold ont at Sheppardton and moved to this village where he owned at the time of his death a neat and romantic residence over. the harbor and. Lake Huron. y, the deceased never had a +11 h was afflicted with The deceatied was 0 A CUTTING TIME! Though our winter's trade has been exceptionally good. and we are not to be itma: ainonfr„ the mourners, yet we have a few goNla we want to sell, and the sooner they are scald the better we shall feel. We must begin to plan for our SPRING CAMPAIGN arid want room and money to carry out the plans we formulate. To secure these two essentials we shall CUT THE HEADS OFF the prices on our entire -winter stock of FURS, OVERCOATS, OAPS,. GLOVES, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, •OV.Elt SHOE S,I FELT BOOTS, ETC. They must make way for our spring purchases, and now is the time to buy these cold winter goods. CARLING BROS. IMIIIIIMOMMMEMINOINft REMOVAL ---ON OR ABOUT -- MARCH 1ST. Dont Forget This E. J. SPACKMAN will remove to SAITWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, (one door north of Fanner Bros.' Grocery,) where he will open A NEW & COMPLETE STOOK DRY-G-OODS, CLOTHING, • BOOT'S& SHOES, Efro. GROCERIES, °ROOKERY, ETo. a" a` Fanson's Block, Exeter. " rn'rs 22