HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-12-31, Page 4•
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4-11!* 4111gsku,3 _Obiktia Doetlals41C/ 41.1C, 1 Wig '
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G▪ tIirnc
Phone JA 4727241 Hamilton St.
Your agent in the Goderich
District for ii.ernohai1 liemes
,lealy in,- used -1w
'1114Sre Appliances,
Dookss.agent for CNR
-MOW Orders. '-12t1
.`iW- -and- tiskl'efrIgerators,
14001.11, *Waft 'machines, dry -
1112, bolus sir conditioning BesL
rieto, low terms, good trade
sikrevances. Soo Lumbys, 39 St.
pavic1 street, Goderich. • -19tf
• • .
'OM specialize and carry a coin-
idele stock for all Sparton TV's,
sod all 'tubes.and most parts for
other makes of TV. B. R. Mun-
stay,. TV, Radio and Sown! Ser-
ene. 'Phone JA 4-7961. 127 Wid-
der ke. . -27tf
Ten Room Home, Close to
1ENIC supplies (r u b b e r
. i
• Sctuar•
goods) mailed postpaidinp
In an excellent location, this
ten room home would make an
.sealed envelope 'with price list.
excellent. duplex or rooming
Six samples 25c; 24 samples
11.00. Mail Order Dept, T-53. house. Price reasonahy, bawl
down payment.
Compliments of the Season to
our many friends and clients.
• 1
. • .— , •
Six -Room Storey and One-half
_This renovated home, has; up-
td•date kitchen, large living
rows), thrgg:ledrooms and four -
piece bathroom. Situated only
two blocks from the S are, it
has been' drastically red ced fora
immediate sale. •
Nov -Rubber Co., .Box 91, Ham-
ilton, Out.
.'—.--- •
•68 Acres - Good. Buildings
SEE CAMPBELL'S Only six•miles from town, just
I.D.A. Drug 'Store ' of a main. highway, this farm
For: Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics has a seven -room stucco. hou.sgLi
Laura Secord.Candies . medium size. bank barn, gaea-7
• I D.A. Household Drugs - and colonyhouse. An excellent
'Veterinary Supplies property for the person who
Graduate Druggist in charge ; wants to farm and work in town
Phclne JA 4-7532 Free Delivery., ai• well.
• -8tf ' — •
diseaaea' ean be ::..ia,4;..liad•aTe-ly
and eeonomicallr with veterinary health oroducts
PHARMACY, Square near Col-
'borge St. Iftl I7e JA 4.7241,
Goderiub. -28tf
; • \.
QUANTITY of cooking apples,
.McIntosh. and •Sp!':'s::.Ple,l'e bring
..your own container. ITIrTY-Mit-
hell, phone JA4-7619. -39tf
YOU can purchaFe a new N.H.A.
one for $50.00 down and 550.00
or month for next sprip.g. For
urther information contact your
trolonial ,Honies,Ltd, agent,
Larry Genius, 184 Huron St.,
Clinton, Ont. HU 2-9600_
Real Estate broker
Fully equipped barber shop
and beauty parlor with six -room
insul brick home, three bed-
rooms and bath, located in Dun-
gannon:- All this for $3,800.
Mortgage can be arranged; an
exceptional good buy and has
many possibilities.
Four-becleeom 'instil brick
home, living room, dining room,
•bathroom, basereent, garage,
size of lot ••135 x 135. Price
$7,000. Mortgage available.
Near •the Square, remodelled
four -room home, bathroom, new
oil furnace, lots of fruit, with
an extra valuable lot. All this
for only $5,000.
50 Acres level clay loam farm
with four bedroeim brick house
and small barn. Full price
Choice kits fCr sale.
We have a large listing, of;
farms- irk Huron County.
; • I
Also many Sther good- farris
ranging irons 65 acres to
250 acrvs and priced from 56,00.
$25,0,00. Phone, .for an ap..
tInun, to i s pect • these 'Pro-
perties today.
Farm and Rural Salesmen:
• Harqter-Lassaline,
R.R. 2, Goderich •i. • ,
C. E. taithwait.e.,,.R. 1,..Ooderich
Roy Lamont, Zurich
For buying anti selling, contact
• Real Estate Broker
40 Wellesley Sr., Goderich
Phone JA 4-8762
Joseph McConnell, Seaforth
Angela Bosveld, Godericla
C. Buruma, Clinton.
KITCHEN helper wanted. Applyp.
Bedfordanotel, Coderich. ;-52
WAITRESS wanted. Apply Bed-
ford Hotel, Goderich. -52
9; Agents Vanted
WANTE'Di;• Re lia b4e man as.Deal-
er in townships Stanley, (lode -
rich, Colborne and Ashfield. Ex-
perience not necessary. A fine
oppportunity to step into old
prefitablebusiness tvhere Raw-
leigh products have been sold
for years. Big profits. Products •
furnished ;en credit. Write Raw-
leigh's; Dept. L-216-19,-4005
rRiehblieu, • Montreal-. a • -52
• A 'NEW YEAR - '
and a
If you are not satisfied with
your present income and would
like to earn inure in 190, why
not -investigate our new sales
plan. Well above average week-
ly earnings assured from the
start ....with a real chancguAr,,,
advancement. . For full particu-
lars and interviews phone
° 4771, StN,tfard
or '.'rite' .
. ,
117 Woods St., Stratford, •
• • • -52-1
10. Wanted ((eneral)
-OLD- horses wanted at 31c Ib.,
and dead- cattle at value. If
dead, phone at once.-Gilbccrt
Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect
3A4-7092 or 7022. -ltf
Frank MacKenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley
George Ashton, Fordwich •1. Real Estate Wanted
:I.I,k-siriN"Gs WFar:
— Fars,
INVITED. • Summer Cottages and Town Pro-,
perty. Alexander and Chapman,
;•Realtors. Bank of Commerce 1
, la u i I I i Phone JA 4-9662. -18.
Real Esfate and Business Broker
K N CROFTn g,Goderich
,.. •
APPLE bntter; swee, cider, eat-
ing and coking apPles, all var-
Bell Vi? iv Fruit Farms,
R. 2, Goderichhone JA 4•8011.1
FILTER Queen Sales and Ser-
vice. Repairs to all makes oft
vacuum cleaners. Phone Gode- ment.
rich JA 4-8523. 46-51xtf
83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont.
Phone JA 4.7253
$3,000—On Picton St., building
lots and buildings included.
$4,000—Cement block building,I
• 2 lots and an equipped, air
compressor, welder, 'cutting'
torch, numerous other equip-
threespeed, long playing
54,500 -- Near Carlow, • small
•home with one acre of land.
$5,500 — At Nile, house, good
size -barn, 2 acres of Jand, all
record player, like new, half modern conveniences.
price. Phone 3594. • 52x $6,700—Small bungalow on Nel-
•. , ason, extra lot and small barn.
•-•.• ......
-STORE clock, electric, Neon lit. Easy terms arranged.
Phone JA 4-9301.. . .. - . -52 ,S8,50brick
On Horton St.,
home, 3 bedrooms, full base-
• PARTY dress, new, blue taffeta,
size 16. Reasonable. Phone
JA 4-9208. -52
. • QUANTITY of elm stove wood,
$3.50 cord in bush, $4.50 cord
delivered. Arthur-Ha:lam; phone -
Auburn 33 -16:. , -52
ment. Terms can be arranged.
510400—In a choice -location on
Elgip Ave., 4 -bedroom, large
living room, excellent large
lot With, trees. This is an
I , excellent buy.
Business Opportunity
$18,000 -Trucking business PCV
class (F) licence in the vicin-
ity of Croderich, old establish-
bd firm—three trucks, all A-1
condition. Wonderfql returns
on investment.
I also have some good invest-
ment properties and business
• opportunities.
100 Acres south of.*Goderich
'with 60 rods of undeveloped
lake frontage, good sandy
• beach. One of the hest farms
in Huron County:. Easy terms
134 Acres south of Goderich
with. 40aPielsa.ef uedeveloped
lake frontage. -11d4trn home
* With all convenience's,' large
barn. Easy terms arranged.
Orland Johnston — Salesman
Phone Goderich JA 4-9492
MR coat, size 40, In good eon-
' . dition, $15-. 162 Newgate St.,
phone 8420. •52x
CUL furnace used for display in
showroom, , price reduced for
• clearance; used hot water tank,
oornplete with electric ' heater.1
Phone JA 4-7450. 52x
sr. a.
1 -ONLY *iiiibi)e .-Daveno bed,
• style sectional. Beg.a,,$249,50,
January spectal-$189.50. Black-
stone Furniture West St:-' -52
1 'ONLY Skiar 3 -piece sectional
•chesterfield,. in _hard wearing
brown Acetate cover Reg.
$499.00, January special $389.00.
Blackstone Furniture, West St.
• SPACE heater with pipes; aso
200 gallon tank with •* capper
pave. Phone
LADY'S Harris Tweed coat, size
IS. at $12; serni4ormal.lown,
she 11,
$15. Phone 71189. -52
Cars, Trucks For Sale
One of the best new houses in
- a new area. One storey brick,
' 11 AUSTIN A40, motor good 1, _rg _I
living room and dining
condition, new haftery, pricecii:,"",,,a .iar
ge, kitchen, 3 bedrooms.
• reasonabiy. -142 McDonald Sir, `` ull basement, gas heating and
-- Goderich, phone JA 4-7400.• other features in a. ntodern
• -52 home.
al Estate For Sale
Ionic of COMITtehiBuIdIng
Photo JA 4-9662
• Goderich, Ontario
0,500 down •.buys exceptional
well -bunt 3 -bedroom new In0d-
•home,. automatic heat,
• vany desirable features, good
Solid brick twd-storey, 4 bed-
room, corner logatien, new
• • ftirnace and new roof. Excep-
•• tionally clean. Price $12,500.
• TWO a pt„ eel id brick, oil heated,
gOtOd tneeme, near Square.
• W. hikes mesterei good loca•
ns. Reservg•youtChoice now
4:0101afir .
tie'!stine to .make
'rite to, loek st ,sfarnol.
issiook; aidisnion
•.; .
Plieee.Ooderich A
. ma•
• •
A tw4a-storerlar4Inae house
in a affrst-class area near the
schools. Three rootn'saantl hath
on main floor," two rooms on
eeeartd- flooraaaftarrnediateavos-
• A very -good, 1 floor u-Itejans_
house and garage on a niceTOT
in a new area..
very good mercantile build-
ing nn -the Square, Goderich—
the former Bell Telephone Co.
manual exchange building. This
is a brick building, of 2 storeys
and basement, hot water heated,
in good condition, with rear
entrance and parking space.
Three good building. lots, (1
on Plake.St., 2 on Gibbons St.)
near schools. •
A modern, long, white frame
eaech-style dwelling on a large
Wilson St. lot. Many up-to-date
features, 3 bedrooms. Suhstan
UM mortgage arranged. Im-
mediate posseSsion.
•A god building. lot, 52' x
104', serviced, in..a central loca-
tion.. ..
• .
46 West St. Phone JA 44442
BOARDERS in rivate home. all
facilities. 21 fiff Palmerston St.
Phone 7696. 52-1x
5, To Rent
TYPEWRITERS— Portable • and
standards. Skeorh Office Sup.
plies, phoneJA 4-86.52, Goderich.
• - --36tf ;
— • .
MAKE your housework easier 1
by renting a floor polisher and
vacuum cleaner from Shore Ap-
pliances, on the Square, • -ltf
"THE KENT HOUSE" -a -W a r m
comfortable rooms with home
privileges. Apply 155 Quebec
St. Dial 8433.• =44
OFFICE, heated, bright, good
location in business section. A.
J. Curry, Quebec St., phone
JA 4-8734. •-42tf
MODERN self-contained • n•
furnished, one -bedroom, heat d
apartment, newly 'decorate
laundry facilities provided,
Phone JA 4-9645. • 44tf
ONE -RC) cettages with TV,
winterize ced air • furnace
heating, with private shower
and bath facilities. Will rent by
day or week; ideal for working
man, breakfast available. Phone
JA 4-8542. 48tf
TWO-BEDROOM apartment, self
contained, newly -decorated, cen-
t rat Plipne 7540. • -48tf
11. Employment -Wanted
GENERAL handy man desires
.work, odd jobs, furnaces„ etc.
Phone ;JA 4-7560. - 52x
BABY -sitting, days or evenings
by reliable woman. Phone 9277.
12. Tenders Wanted
MARKED sealed tenders wilrbe
received by the undersigned
until January 9, 1960, for care-
takers for U.S.S. 4, Lochalsh,
U.S.S. 8, Dungannon, S.S. 1 Port
Albert,. in Ashfield'reratnthip
School. Area. Duties to com-
mence February, 1960. .1/owest
or any tender not necessarily
R. T. Kilpatriek,,Secretary,
-52- RR. '77 Lucknow.
APARTMENT $70, four rooms
and bath, heated, hot wAter, self-
contained. 46 'Nelson street.!
Phone 7109. ' • -48tf I
CONLFORTABV, f u r n is h e d
apartment, modern kitchen with
frig. and stove, laundry facil-
ities, utilities paid, no children.
Available January 18. Apply 92
Cambria Rd., phone '.JA 4-9137.,
48tf I
LARGE heated downstairsapart-
ment, newly decorated, partly
Inenished, Pheine JA 4-7556.
LARGE front bed -sitting room,
heated, hot and cold -water, fur-
nished, hot plate. Mrs. Ken
Allin, 54 Victoria St. -49tf
MODERN, self-contained house-
keeping units, cabins, rooms.
Special offseason rates. Mrs
Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motor
Court, Victoria St., Goderich.
SIX rooms, furnished, bath,
laundry, utilities paid: Immedi-
te possession, good .lecatimi,
$90.00 per month. Write Box
88, Signal -Star. 51-52x
—_— -
APARTMENT, two rooms, parte
rhyd7311lee e --b a th;-tirt71-
vate entrance, available immedi-
ately. Mary B., Howell, 10 St,
Vincent St., phone 8642. ,451if
14. qervices Available •
VISIT or •hone Reid's newUp-
holsteting Shop, 48 -.East St.
Phone JA 4-: 22 'til ff-pTifMr an
estimate. -We have the covecings
and the know-how. Pick up and
REPAIRS to furniture and re-
finishing. Phone JA 4-9649. 132
Trafalgar Sf., Goderich. ^-40tf
Classified Ad Rates
50c per issue for 20 words
.or less (extra words and
figyre4 .7,02 cents each per
insertion) Payable in ad-
v-ance o ncr later than
Wednesday noon of week
following publication of
Advt. If bilied after afore-
mentioned firno, 25c extra
for bookkeeping expenses.
25c extra for office box
commf Ret4t,et ASSIFIED
(for business- firms, trades-
men, etc.)
75c per issue -15 words or
less (extra stord:, and figures
each). Classified display
31.40 per inch.
BOX NUMEtettew
When an advertisement car-
rjes a box number, intsorm•
ation concerning-fizefaentity
of the adverfiser cannot be
divulged to anyone.
Wednesday noon is deadline
for receipt of classified ads.
Display advertising rates on
request. Deadline for dis-
play is 5 p m. Monday of
week of publication.
rich, in the County of Huron,
this 29th day of December, 1959.
'Barrister's, etc.,
Solicitors for the Estate.
•, • • • • • • • • • ;-52-2
• -
Abh. persons • having claims
against the estate of Phoebe
Adeline Fulford, late of the
TownAip of Colborne, in the
County of Huron, Married Wo-
man, who died, on or about the
29th'day of November, 1159, are
required to' file the -same with.
full particulars with the undo -
signed by the 23rd day of
.January, 1960, as after that date
the assets of the estate will be
• Dated at the ,Town of Gode-
rich, in ,the CountS, of Huron,
this 29th day of December, 1959.
Barristers, etc,,
Goderich, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Estate.
16. Public Notice
Need local money for several
first mortgages in Goderieh and
dfitriet, fitt; year mortgage
behring interest at 870' per an-
num best of .security. If . you
have $1,000 to $10,000 write
Epworth Realty Co. Ltd. for con-
fidential information at Owen
Sound, Ont. • • 52-3x
19; Lost And Found
,PEARL necklace lost on Square
Ilast week, valued as keepsake.
'Fipder please phone Carlow
1304. Reward., - -52
STRAYED from McDonald St.,
black and gr O striped kitten,
red rollar, answ•rs .to "Junior."
Finder please dial JA 4-7400.
, -52
MOTHERS of boys who were
skating on Sunday afternoon,
please look at your son's skates -
and see if he has taken by mi -
take one brand new skate, size
2 boot, size 9 skate. If so, phone
JA 4-8656 and we will return
mate to his skate. • -52
SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop,
chesas, desks, etc. custom made;
also kitchen cupboards and
furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons
St., -"phone JA 4-9631. -19tf
CARPENTRY, building, remod-
elling, dealer in Epps pumps,
water softeners; .bathroorn -fix-
tures; plumbing of all kinds,
steel and asphalt roofing. Frank
McMichael,phone Carlow 1108.
' .....
FOR piano tuning; new and used
musical instruments; •accessories
arid repairs, at lowest, prices.
Write or call.Ross Mann, Wing -
ham, phone 735 1 4. -44t1
Experienced, Licens1 -
• Lucknow
Phone 10-r-24 Ripley, Collect
(Can be contacted each Wed/les-
day at Lucknow Sajo).
AT ONCE — Four -room apart-
ment and storeroom over store,
private bath, redecorated. Phone
.1A 4-9404. 452tf
'MODERN two-bedroom one.
storey home, sun poroh, large
living room, cupboards and fur-
nace, available January 1. Phone
JA 4 8776a -52
_ .
FOUR -ROOM furnished apart-
ment for rent* TWO oil.-herrte.rs
for sale. Dial 9525. -52
APARTIMFaN, T to rent, newly
decorated, hot water, close to
Square. Phone 8205., -52tf
• •
8. Help Wanted
THE ,Belf Teliphoee Compiny
of Canada requires a young lady
immediately at their business
office, 33 West St:, Goderich.
Typing esseptial—Junior matr
Wation preferred. Benefit -plan
available. Telephone JA 4-1,301'
tor a utinent,TW w?4te -P,C).
0,;(koderieh.; -02
SIIARPENING—Saws: hand and
electric; cutlery. skates; part-
time fth-m work. Call evenings.
C. H.--Iforiar, Huron Rd., oppo-
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
Artificial b'semination Service
for all Breeds of Cattle
Farmer owned and ,controlled.
Call us between:
7:30 wad 10:60 a.m.
week days and y
- -6:00 and 8:00 p.nf.' •
Saturday eveniffgrat
1!U2:3441, Clinton, or, for -long
distance, Zenith 9-5650, Clihtdn
15. Notice To Creditors
A. Births
MATTHEWS. — A,t Alexandra
Hospital, Goderi , on Decem-
ber 28, 1959,*to/Mr.• and Mrs.
.Atos,Iney Matthews, Goderich,
.a". son.
McLEAN.—At Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderieh, on December
23, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
George McLean, Goderichp .a
daughter. ,
OKE.—At lexandra Hospital,
Goderich, • on December, 23,
'1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Oke, Goderich, a daughter.
PETRIE.—At Alexandra Hospit:
al, Goderich, on December 23,
1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
• Petrie, Goderich,daughter.
SALLOWS.—At Alexandra Hos-
, pital, Goderich, on December
27 1959, to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Sallows, Goderich,
W11SON—At Scarboro General
-Hospital, on 'December 28,
1969, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Wilson (nee Edna Rivett), 3
Stonehenge Cres., Scarboro, a
son, Stephen Thoma& -
C. Briefs
4. Order Shell firnace oil and
stove oil from Edward Fuels.
tank tuck dealer for all Shell
Oil Co. products. Phone
.1A 4-7281. -39t1
There's a large stock of lamp
shahs to suit your every need
at Shore Appliances. Come in
and iook over the interesting
variety. ,-10tf
Swi to Champion -Fuel Oil.
Cleaner, more heat per gallon.
Automatic delivery. ' TAO insur-
ed budget. Phone JA 4-7162 for
prompt and courteous service.
D. J. Allan, Goderich area dis-
tributor. -3Qtf
REMEMBER 4 -for building
and re airs,.call al Constrqq-
on • .;„Qoder . • Pho
ALL persons having claims
against the estate of James
Willis Fraser, late of the
Town of Goderich, in the
C'ountY of Huroni. 'Salesmen,
who died on or about the 20th
of December, 1959, are required.
the, same with hill'
part -161131.s NV101 the undersign
eChr. the 23rd day of January,
1, Is after that date the
assets Of the' estate will be
rioted -.14 „the Tewsk
a:.• •
D. In Memoriam L A talk by Dr. J. C. Ross on
JOIINSTON.—In loving,memory
of my dear •father, James G.
Johnston, who passed away
4enuary 2nd, 1942.
—.Ever remembered by his
daughter, Mrs. Robert Hoy and
family. -62
KERR.—In loving memory o
Mrs. Eva Kerr,. who died
January 1, 1959.
No one knows how much we
- miss you,
None knows the bitter pain
We havaaesnffered. Since we lost
Life has never been 'the same.
In sur • hearts your-- memory
Sweetly. tender, fond and true,
There is not a day, dear mother
That we do not think of you.
—Lovingly remembered ' by
her husband and the Kerr fam-
ily. 52x
KERR.—In loving memory of
Mrs. -Rea- Kerr, who passed
away January 1, 1959.
Oft and oft our thoughts do
To the grave not far away„...,.
Where we laid our dear mother
Just one year ago
—Lovingly remembered • by
daughter, Ililda and the Cook
family. •
loving memory Of a
.• dear %vile. and mother, -Mrs.
Ifoy', tee, who passed away
December' 31; 1958..
In sorrow we waited day- by day
And ‘t-atched her'suffering there,1
Slowly, but surely, passing away
From the _pain she scarce could• :
lind..thpp God called from His
throne. above,
Her suffering and pain is past;
We know she has gone to realms
of love,
And in 'Heaven has peace at last.
—Ever 'remembered by' her
family. 52x
RE141.0•4•41-"1ing memory of
our h:rothur, Robert K 1t6
who passed away December
28, 1957.
Sunshine fades' and' shadows
• fall,
But sweet remembrance outlasts
—Ever remembered by his
brothers and sisters. • -52
— •
E. Cards of Thanks
DO1K1N,—We wish to tike this
'opportunity to express sincere
thanks to our relatives, friends
and' neighbors for their cards
and floral tributes and acts of
• kindness shown us in our re-
cent bereavement; also D. N.
C. Jackson, nurses 'and staff
of the hospital, Rev. R. G.
MacMillan Rev. K. E. Taylor,
W.I.' St. George's Church, and
Stilesaftineral home, and to
our village neighbors who
were soekind-during
, our try-
ing time.
John Dodkin and -family:
'Retarded Children's School and
Hospital" at the Women's Insti-
ttite, January 7, at (MacKay Hail
at 2.30 p.m. -52
Harbourlite Inn, Goderich. No
•dancing Jantiary 2 and 9. CKNX
Barn Dance, January 16.
Goderich Jaycettes N e w
Year's Eve dance, at Memorial
Arena, $4 per couple. launch.
Grant Ferrier's orchestra.
• -52
Liquor Causes
Court Cases
"Liquor his problem,"
Crown Attorney nn . ys
said of one defendant 1 is-
tiate's court on Tuesday, and
the same background turned upaa,
in three or four other cases.
Charles W., Rivett pleaded
guilty to disorderly conduct at
the Crystal Club, Dunlop, where
was said to have shouted
and sworn, kicked the stovo-and,
wantedto fight. •
"-hist drunken exhibition of
bad manners," the Crown At-
torney concluded from *ice
information before him. —
"Ten dollars and costs.orlive
days in- jail," said • Mastrate
W. J. Rutledge, Goderich, ad -
!limed removing $20 from the!
cash register. of the Shell ser-
vice station, Kingston' street,
December,•27, while an attend• -
was looking ,after his car.
So •
rct Harold Calvert was called.
' "Ltquor is the root of this
problem," said the. Croivn At-
torney. "Ile has come close to
qualifying hitaiself as an habit-
ual criminal. There must be
some form of treatment to help
"If he makes up his mind,
he can help himself," advised
the magistrate. "Two months in
Ross G. Rutledge, Goderich,
pleaded gpilty to drunk driving.
"I have heard..him spoken of
as a man who turns in a good
day's work," said the Crown
Attorney,: "He has a liquor
problem, but in extenuation he
,did not get into any accident
in this instance."
"Seven days in jail," pro-
nounced the magistrate.
"I have already done nine;"
protested Rutledge: • "can that
not be considered?"
"There is no provision for
that," he was told.
' Al a morning sitting, 41a1 to
accrnmodate • defence cofinsel
Kenneth Hunter, who had to be
away in the afternoon, a Gode-
rich resident was convioted' of
keeping liquor for sale at his
place of business on NOvember
26. Evidence was given by Chief
Minshall. Accused was fined
$100 and costs.
At the same sitting,--eharles
F. Canaan, convicted of impair-
ed driving, was fined $50 and
II0Y.—I would like to thank all costs.
those who sent flowers, cards,
At an ' orphanage in Korea, children utter prayers of
thanks for the food sent to them by Canadians through
• CARE. Goal of the holiday -season CARE Food Crusade cam-
paign- is to send 4 pillion packages of farm foods and other
staples, at $1 per package, to orphans, refugees and other
needy people in 15 countries Contributions may be sent
-to:. CARE Food Crusade, CA*E of Canada, Ottawa.
Since 1950 the primary s.keell To please sightseers the day -
mills at Hamilton and Sault-Sfe., time flow of -water over Niagara
Marie, Ont., and Sydney,. N.S„ Falls isdosbled*from• April to
have spent half a billion dollars October by reduction of water
on expansion programs.. , diversion above the Falls.'
Arthritis Meets Its Mutch In NewkDrui .
iiefore long-arthritisd,rnay relinquish its title as the nation's nunta
r. ,
1,e,n• •
learn thelate,e of this mysterious and terrilde (Ewalt
I hundred thousand Canadians of • Thom mors
‘ithitaliNttl'ae.IN'T'fitcio.ati:iY1:1111:1•'..;:eer's.;(:.(1.;:rc:)ver a cure
than half 'aro women. The disease in vaVous forms strikes indi.
for it, but the conquest of ar-
thritis is coming aboutthrough
its control by medication.
Just as insulin has given new
life to those stricken with dia-
betes — formerly a fatal disease
— scientists are• now certain'a
drug will be found -that will al-
/eviate.the pain and suffering of
ar Innunit-that Wilt let a pel
son live -comfortably.'
Long strides in this direction
have already been made. Salicy-
lates, as in aspirin, have again
become the mainstay of arthritis
therapy, but aspirin causes gas-
tric distress and may, result in .
gastric ulcers and even serious
gastric bleeding.
A new form of salicylate,
without • these side effects, ,.'as*
therefore necessary and a new
(kite, A rthropan, was hare-
duced last Spring to -overcome
this problem. This sweet tastin'ff,
cherry flavored liquid was. de,..
scribed as "the most potent stilisylate found so far for the rapid,.
reliefag pain invarivja.,taLites of
111.'T'ihreitits'es"t's' with the, new drag
were carried out at medical in-
stitutions by groups of special-
ists in the, field of arthriti,s and
related disorders. .
In the entire g1•04,,„p of patients
treated with Arthropan the doc-
tors reported that
to ally othersalicylate,
• 'it was absorbed 5 times fast -
treats and visited me while I
was, In the hospital; also for
eatti4 a phone calls. Special
thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson,
the nurses and staff.
Beverley Hoy.
JOHNSTON.—We wish to con-
vey our thanks to those wile
; sent flowers, cards of sym-
pathy. or offered their cars
and those who assisted 'us in
so many ways during our re•
,cent .bereavement; we are
specially grateful to'Rey. S. A.
Moot e for his.thoughtfulness
SCRIMGEOUR. — The ;datives
of the late Mrs. Sarah Scrim-
geour would like express
- their appreciation to %lose
who have been so thoughtful
• to Axe. Scrimgeour during
• her illn6si and to those who
have been so kind to -them in
their -bereavement. They are
especially grateful for the
cards of sympathy and the
floral tributes, -52
wiah to thank my,
'neighbors wad friends for all
their kindnesses to- me while
at home and while I was in
Victoria Hospital. Their cards
and gifts were much appreci-
ated. With Special thanks to
Dr. McGeough.
Amos Stoll.
(. Coming ,Events
The Maple Leaf 'Chapter,
1.0.1).E., will meet on Tuesday,
January 5, at 8.15 p.m., at the
home of Mrs. 1). D. Mooney,
North street. -52
"8/Cots Wha Me" will resound
through the Knox Church hall
on January 20, at a Burns' Sup-
her- sponaored• by the Arthur
Circle. -52
January 12 and 13 when The
Goderich Little Theatre presents
for your entertainment, two
plays each evening. Plan now
to attend for an enjoy -able even-
ing and visit with your friends,
THEY will he there! ' 52x
—goderich Little Theatre has
cora-Felled to do a.series of com-
mercials 'for Encyclopedia Bri-
tannica on CKNX TV beginning
January 6'and every two weeks
on the 7-7.30 p.m. program a
family group of mother4
. •
son ,and daughter w411 be .repro.
er than aspirin and reached
its peak blood level 12 times
faster than pirin,
• it, was well tolerated with no.
side reactions,
e S. most consistent. in the
redid of stiffness and joint
pain, which allowed si!„ni-
-----irtint increase in comfort-
able' physical activity,
• it could be used by patients
with active peptic ukerz.
'It is far too -soon to call Ar-
ihropan the long' %aught drier
that -Vill----c-.6ntrol-aftheitil;',D1.'t
dramatic 'Feports to date whir:t
cover groups of patients on t'-,3
drug continuously for so 1t'y:r .....
as 6 months, point out fhat•r,a;
drug has ore advantars
the Conibmatiott. of sterol S
pirni t
suppressing the Lymptairs
arthritis. •
* Low Initial Coat
* Ninb1e In
*. Low Operating Coit
Traffic.*` Volkswagen Means
Andrew's St.
Lo Depreciation,
Blackstone Furniture -
— • ,
Chrome and Dinette Suites
Reg$69.50, January Special
9 -pc. Bedroom Group
Double Dresser .6.st — Bookcase Bed
High Riser Slat Spring — Spring -filled Mattress
2 Boudoir Lamps 2 Pillows
Fti;gular $229.45
Kroehler 2 -pc. Hard -Wearing, Nyloh-Covered
Regular $345.00. '
8-p. by' ing Room.Group
2 -piece Davenport Suite — 2 .St•p Iables
I Coffee Table with Arbori• Top
2 Table Lat — 1 Tri -Lit. Lamp
• Rigular $259.50
Complete with ribbon springs and
spring -filled mattresses.
Can be used as Twin Beds.
• Bedroom Sulles
$159.50 to 07.00,
$11000 $269.5C
Chesterfield Suites
Reg. ;229.50 to $m.so
$199.00 — -$29.9.00
Draw Wiriner
Congratutations 6 Mrs. A. D.
Profit, sr., Bruce Street, who
won the $7950 Seat* Posture-
pedk Mattress in the draw made
at twor store on De. 24.
44 wEsT, $TREIT,. • • •