HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-2-19, Page 5, . •
For 30 Days
Come See Prices
We now otter Stock, Tinware
and Stoves Away Down.
No 9 Tin Boilers (made from best
Bradley tin). each, 1 75
10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each.. 20
10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each, rim 25
12 qt Tin Pails (do), 4 for 1 00
12 qt Tin Pails (do), rim, 4 for1 50
Steamers 30
Stove Boards all sizes 1 00
No, 9 Brilliant Penensular Cook
Stove.. - ....... ... 1t 00
Na 9 ceN",aod, Cook. 17 00
Fine lint Royal Coal Stove ell 00
Brilliant Novelty " 14 00
Second hand Radiant Home Coal8 00
One 5 Role Northwest Standard- 20 00
2 Extended Reserviors.. - ..... . . 20 00
4 Gallons Coal Oil, '70
Water White- 1 00
Chestnut Bloch -so -Mit Coal
Horse Nails. ,.. ......„ 2 60
Steel Nails, ......... ..... 2 00
Com Iron .. 2 60
No 3 Daisy Churn s 00
:Russian, London, Dig=
EGGS, POULTRY, us aatAim,
Exeter Roller Flour on hand at
$2.35 per Owl,.
Proprietor, Manager.
BLEGTioN FAOTS. selves, and our right to choose for our-
selves. Put I am opposed -teetotally
Sir Richard, in a Speeeh delivered in opposed -to giving the Canadians the
sentimental satisfaction of Waving the
the House of Commons on 14th March, British flee, paying British taxes., and the
1888, said ---•actual cash remuneration of American
"It has been made a greve ground -it markets, They cannot have both at the
has been attempted to set up as an insu-
perable ground --of ehjection, that wham
you propose to enter into a treaty for
unrestricted trade with the United States
satne time."
This 5Ir Blaine is the same Mi Blaine
whom Sir Richard Cartwright and Mr
you must theteby, of neeessity, discrimm,. John Charlton arid editor Ferrer have
ate against English mauufactures and the. frequently gone to Washington to see.
They boast of him, as their ally. Ile
voices the universal sentiment of Ameri-
cans on the matter of unre-strieted re-
ciprocity, and, let it never be forgotten,
the Unil-ed States is the major party to
this proposed bargein. We could go on
multiplying evidence ori this point; but
suffzeient has been said for present
purposes, All the advocates of the
manufactures of all other countries, except
the United Statei. Now, that is true. I
admit that."
Speaking at Pembroke on Oct 22nd
last, Sir Richard again said :-
"They argue, and argue with force, that
it will be necessary for us, if we enter into
such an arrangement, to admit the gods
of the Uoited States on more favorable
terms than those ot the Mother Couatry.
Nor did 1 deny that that is an objeetion,
and not a light one
Speaking in the House of Commons,1 Liberal party across the line are annex -
"Is there any reason why we should
longer pay heavy duties to our sugar re -
fin lies?, Have they ever helped us any
ICRedpatli can build a nianalon in the
Ohl Country out of the proceeds of hie
refinery, wo may be proud of him aanbecome
wealthy mwho has rich in
Canada, but is that any benefit to us."-
Brandon Sure
Will the Sun tell how we are to get
cheaper sugar by annexation to the
States, Sugar is vastly dearer there
than in Canada. ea
* * *
Toa Detroit Sun of Feb, 8, speaking
editorially of the condition of the United
States, says :-
"There have been 2,050 foroolosures ot
farm elortgages in Naneas during the pest
aix roolfithe. In the City of New York
there, are over 140,000 people who earn
leas than 60 cents a day. Thousauda of
this number are poor girls who work from
11 to 16 hours a day. Last year there
were over 23,000 families forcibly evicted
iu that city owing to their inability to pay
rent. One person in every ten who died N
in ew York in 1880 was buried in the
Patter i Field."
It my bo added, that in the State of
Kansas there are over 20,000 Canadians
and how glad would they be, if able, to
return to their own land. And still the
Liberals seek to annex us to that coun-
4 4. 4.
Die enormous increase in the con-
!' -, Ante wealth of the people of Canada
as reported in Hansard, Sir
Richara ationists, and all the annexationists on
Cartwright said
, this side of the line are in the Liberal
"I do not deny that when you introduee camp. There are tens of thousands of
any great measure into this country there Liberals in Western Ontario wbo would
will be considerable economic disturbance, forsake their party without4 moment's
and that some industries may be injured
. ,
that we would. like to preserve. That fact k11010.0011 if annexation were the de -
I do eot tleny." / Oared issue in this eampeign. Let there
Mr John Charlton, speaking recently li prob below the surface and see that the
to the farmers of Heldimand, was or.- ) polies of their leaders paves the way to
tainly quite candid updn this matter of that end.
diecrimination, Ile rather gloried in it
since 1878 is a nut which the Liberals
cannot crack. It would be infinitely
more patriotic if they candidly confessed
that this increase implies all that Con-
servatives elaim ; which is that our
people our steadily growing better off
under present conditions. Look at the
facts again. The money to the credit
of depositors in 1878 and 1889 was as
follows :
1878. 1889.
P.O. Saving B'k 2,654,484 $ 23,011,422
Building Lk Loan
Companies. .. 8,269,290 17,307,033
Government Sav-
ing Bank .... 6,102,493 19.02] .821
Chartered Banks 66,503,757 133,933,528
being a clearly defined part of the liberal
policy. He said .:- In South Huron in 1887, Mr
"It may he disloyal t Manehester end
Birmingham, but is it disloyal to Canada ?
We are, not charged with the guardianship
of the interests of Manchester, of Birmiug
$83,630,029 $193,273,795
Here is an increase of $109,743,766
since 1878. It is inconsistent with the
reasoning of every.day life to say that
men are starving when every year finds
them with more money in the savings
(Lilt) majority was only 621. over Doctor
Oampbell, of Sealortle
Mr I Coughlin's majority at the last
election was 269. Cannot Nit- Hutchins'
ham or England. We are charged with majority be greatly increased at the ap-
the gnardiauship of the interests of Can- plumbing election ?
Mr demes Trow is a resident of Stmt.
Then tho Globe, in its leading editoral ford and is consequently not a citizen ot
of Feb 4th, said :- South Perth. MrSherp is a resident of
"II free trade with the American nation the riding an I is entitled to your suffrages
will he good for us, let tut vote for it, Mr Robert Porter has again been select.
theueli it ahoulti involve discrimination , ed as Conservative 8h:414rd-bearer for
against Great Britain twiee over." 1 West Heron, and Mr M. C. Cameros' will
oppose him, Mr Porter's majority in 1887
Everyone, in feet, knows that the sole was 24 over Mr Cameron.
argument in the United States in favor ' The Reformera feel pesilive that the
of commercial union is that Canada Conservatives will lost Kingston, Loudon
and West Heron. Yes 3 'e het about
South Perth, though? Mr Sherpa' election
is assured.
TheGoderich Signal has its natty rooster
ready to announce the defeat of the
4' We want an additional market for our Macdonald Government. Take good care
manufactures Macdonald sneers at the of the bird Dan, lest it be laid up with the
proposal to surround his country wi
th the roup ae it was in 1887.
McKinley tariff. That or nothing is what 1r James Trow's majority in 1883 was
commeroialunion with this country means." 178 ; 18,97, the last election, Mr Sharp re -
Chicago Times, which has been Mr, tlueed it to 93. On tie fith'of March Mr.
Sharp will have a majority of 35. Melte
Wilmot's peculiar organ in explaining e note of tide,
commercial union, recently said :- Hon, Wilfred Laurier, of Quebec!, leader
"It most not be forgotten that this pro. of the Reform party. has published his
would at once become a large and pro-
fitable field for American inenufactures.
Just as it wai prior to 1879. A leading
Congressmen recently said
. * *
To say that the National Policy has,
done nothing for Canada but injure her
trade and general condition is to utter
an untruth. To cite a local instance as
to its having been a boon to this country
we refer our readers to the establish-
ment of Messrs Verity & Sons of Exeter.
ditip1878 the average number of hands
s hayed was ten, aver acre -wages paid
$1,t1 per week, or a totalof $5928 per
year ; wood consumed 1878 $400 worth.
In 1890 the number of hands employed
was 30, wages paid $24,695; wood con-
sumed $5050 worth. Under unrestrict-
ed reciprocity, Mr Verity says that ONE
QUARTER the employees would suffice
to carry on his business, for instead of as
now shipping implements to the North-
west, they would only have a contracted
local trade, and even not that, for the
erge American manufacturers would
wd us out, not only killing oue home
series but causing a great, lowering
ages. The Yankees would make a
liter market Of Canada. The Verity
,eie. !SOU as cheaply as any American
, a
ow in its own territory, but the Yan
kees to get their 'make into Canecla re-
duce it the am ou nt oircl4y and sell it here
though not lower: than the Canadian
made article. When the Arnericans are
so unscrupulous as to do this, would
they not, wider unrestricted reciprecity,
seek to obliterate our comparatively
weak institutions 7
Rea who.t ... ... ...
Spring INtreat.,
Ozts ... ••• ..•
Clover S Ied ... .... .01
Timothy " ... .., ...
Corp ...
Butter .P.
Ffourperbbl ,.. MIA P.•
Potatoes,per bushel .e• ee
Apples.per Dag ...t **41
DriedApplespr b
°eerie per lb. -, ,.
Turkey ver lb .., ....
Duette ne r 11,t
Elogeolressedperl CO ,... -.Beef ....
ccideerougb, ...
5' dressed ... ... ....
Sheepskins each ... ...
°oilskins ... .,
Wool pert b .. ... ,..
/Tay perton ...
Mr Whiteley of the Clinton New -Record
has been appointed Returning Officer for
Vest Huron .
41 YAM" I/461212S
position implies surrewler
the Dominion Parliament to the American
Congress of all control over the principal
source of the Dominion's revenue, the
tariff. Whatever it may please the Amer i-
con Congress to do regarding the tariff,
that the Dominion Government must forth-
with accept."
Mr Wiman, the father of the policy,
gave sworn testimony before a Commit-
tee of Congress, in which he declared
emphatically that the policy of the Lib-
erals in Canada was the best road to
annexation. More than that, he said
his allies in Canada understood that,
but dare not openly declare themselves,
In an interview which appeared in the
Chicago Times of September 8th last,
Mr Wiman said :-
"With a verdict in favor of Sir John,
Canada would practically turn her back
upon the United States While if
the Liberal party could be successful, it in the dust, by according to the United
Canada, with a smiling face, would turn States commercial privileges that must be
towards the United States, ready to be denied to Britain.
wed ancl won when the proper time I The North Middlesex Reform convention
was held in Ailsa Craig on Monday last
comes." with a large attendance of delegates, some
93 to 0040
93o 00 95
40 GP 90 45
49 to 42
425 to 4ee
1 25 Po 1 30
• dOtu C4
0 40 to 51
19 to 10
14 to 0 14
00 to 5xti
40 to 0 40
1 CO to 300
0 4too50
o to to 0 06
o7 to CS
0 00 to 0 07
0 25 to c go
0 00 t 0 2.5
400 to 020
2 00 to 2 59
350 to 090
0 6t1 to 2.1
0 50 to 0 5G
0 la te0 21
5 CO tor, 01
.,. E0 to SO
manifesto. Dispassionately speaking it is
the weakest address to the electors we
have ever read. An ardent Reformer,
though not altogether an admirer of Mr.
Laurier. said to us last week that he was
ashamed of the weakness of the manifesto.
Dr Holmes, of Goderich. was unanimous-
ly nominated Tuesday as the Conserva-
tive candidate in East Huron . He will
give his brother Doctor an allopathic dose
that will forever cure him of any desire to
again enter the field as an annexationist.
Hon. Edward Blake has retired from
politics. He has become disgusted with
the tactics of his party. Re told his
audience in his Malvern speeeh of 1887 in
effect, that the vested interests of this
country would be brought to ruin if the N.
P. were to be suddenly reversed. He is
too loyal to Canada to be willing that her
industrial works should be paralyzed by a
radical, revolutionary stroke of policy ;
and he is too loyal to the old flag (though
those who were last year his followers
have come to sneer at it), we say he is still
too loyal to theBritish Rag to help trample
all Wheat C93 0 et
Spring weeet ...... ... . ........... ... 0 fla 0 91
Barmy t 0 40 0 co
Oats 0 39 41
Clover Seed 2 71 4 2
Timothy . . .... .... 1 25 1 k
Peas . 0 01 2 63
Zees . 18 0 10
Bettor ....... ..,... ....... „.. 1? 0 13
yotettoet per bag 70 91
Ambles per busb., .... ......... ...„,„. 000
wool per lb 2f 020
Hoy Parton i Ail 0 90
Bran per ran * .................4 00 14 60
Shorts " " . ..... • .. ...,20 00 20 00
oatIncelpor bid.- .. . .. •••••• C 60 7 05
riogs,dressed per 100 - " .....,., 5 CO to 6 9,5
At page 36 of the Liberal campaign
pamphlet, entitled "Facts and Figures
for Farmers," appears the following :-
"Annexation is a bugbear, which a weak there being a formidable facti n recently
Wheat. 930 to 931 Per lins, Oats, 42e to
43e Der Ws, Peaa.63e to 06e per bus. Bars
59.1 to 57e Per hes. Berles Peed,
410 to 4% par bus Corn. 013o to 07e per,
ninety in number from all parts of the
Riding. Several candidates were spoken
of but none possessed aufficient self con-
fidence to und rtake the fight, besides
sentimentality has clothed with features
that are repulsive, but which, upon exam-
ination. might be found- to be the most
attractive and most winning of events."
It may be all very well to say in a
campaign pamphlet that it is only a
"weak sentimentality" which bindsus
to the niother country. Mr James G.
Blaine, Secretary of State, declared :-1
"So far as I can help it, I do not mean , The Couservative convention for the
North Riding of Middlesex was held at
that they shall be Canadians and Atneri• Ailsa Craig on Thursday last. There was
cans at the same time." a large delegation present and much in -
Tho Washington post, a representative terest was manifested in the cause of Con -
American journal, an ardent supporter servativeistn. Mr. Coughlin was first
offered the convention, but, declining,some
of the Liberal cause, says :- ten or twelve other good men were nomin-
"It should be understoo 1. however, once ated. ..All resigned with the exception of
for all, that the only reciprocity which Dr. Rollins, Exeter, and W. H. Hutchins,
would be deemed desirable or satisfactory of Parkhill. whose names went. to ballot,
on this side is a full commercial union be- M r Hutchins securing a majority. On
tween the two cauntries, which would motion of Dr. Rollins and H. Eilber, Mr.
inevitably pave, the way for a political Hutchins was made the unanimous choice
n . . amid loud applause, all present being en -
In 1888 MrBlaine d"scuseed the mat. thusiastic as to his election. Mr Hutchins
developed which offers strong interference
with the Liberal programme, and whose
actions if persisted in would destroy their
now meagre chances 4 election. We reter
to the Patrons of Industry which are
v,ry strong in Middlesex. The Liberals
have ander consideration the propriety of
adopting the local platform as laid down
by this new organization, and it is expect-
ed that they will jointly take the field.
Toronto. Feb.17 --Wheat Spring -No, 2. 92c
to 91r per bus: red winter,No.2.1 00 to 10111er
bus Nlet.nitoba No 2 hard,1420 to 1 61. No. 3,91c
to 92c t PE tS 70c to 72o per bus. OATti 45c
1rie per bus. FLOUR. extra. 811 90 to '43.90
per bbl; straight roller. •?,4.20 to 44O;$
Prong haltars,•F4.09 to $4.10. BARIZY, No 1,
me to C'je ; No .3 extra Ole to 53p; No 2, Pri
to 04e.
zotor Rollo MIL
Wheat 90c, to 92e, per bush.
Flour, 'Strong Baker's, $2 75 per 100
do Best Family 2 50
do Low Grade .. 3. 75 "
Nan 80c.
Atiddlinga We.
Screening ... 1 00c.
Chop el 15 to 1 25
u . . is %hearty at work effecting a thorough
ter ofCommercialmon wit ris con- - r
organizamee, and will be in Exeter this
stibueuts in Itaine, and in the course ef week. Let every !assistance be given Mr
rerneeks he said • ' Hutchins throughout 'Ulla compaign, so
• . will be 409 where Mr Coughlin's wats g69. ,Childr Cr •P't '
Chop atone running every day.
When Baby was stele, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Costoria.
When she beeamelifIss, she clung to Case:nee
When she bad Children, she gave there Castor's.
If you will send us your address, wo will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Cel brated Bleetro-Volt ale
Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects
upon tho nervous debilitated system. and how
they will quickly restore you to vigor and man-
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted,
we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a
VOLTAIC BSI& CO.. Marshall, Miah.
, 411,'
For Over Fifty Years.
Masi. WINSLOW'S SO0TIIING Silli/P has been
used by mill iona of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child Buffering
and crying with pain of outting teeth send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It
will relieve th e poor Mlle sufferer immediately,
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It ;Imes Diarhoea, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, aures Wind Colic. softens
the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system. • 4rs.
Winslow's Soothing -Syrup" for children teeth-
ing is pleasant to the taste and is thepreserip-
tion of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United States
Priee,25 cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists.
throughout the world. Be sure and ask for
"Mils WisrsLow's Soorrnae
All Men
We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods
at Great Reduction in price for CA.Sil ONLY --
must ask thew having accounts to settle to do so at ores -B
The Moot Economical Stove, The Best 1feater.4
A, Perfect Baker for Pastry or The Best Farroets'isteve anti qua y
E 11
Bread, Good for a Person in Town.
young, old, or middle-aged, who liud them
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symptoms
Mental depression, premature old age, loss
of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams,
dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart,
emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid-
neys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or pecular sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
bpeoks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful-
ness. deposits in the urine, loss of will power
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and
flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, lose of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of ternper,sunken eyes surround-
ed with leaden circle, oily looking skin, etc.,
are all symptoms of nervous debility that
lead to insanity and death unless cured.
The spring or vital force having lost its
tension every function wanes in consequence
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lubon, 50
Front St. E„ Toronto, Ont. Books sent
free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms
of which are faint spells, purple lips, numb-
ness. palpitation, skin beats, hot flashes,
'rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the
heart with beats strong, tepid and irregular,
the second heart beat quicker than the first,
pain about the breast bone, ate., can posi-
tively be cured. No euro, no pay. Send
for book. Address M. V. LusoN, 50 Frout
Street East, Toronto, Ont.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes
from horses, 13lood. Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring 13bne, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort
and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save
$5Q by use of one bottle. Warrantee the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
lection his insority .
"It is their fight to choose for VI, at t avg. e
e r or
Call and see this and other first-class stoves:from E.
&C. Gurney Company for sale only by
Drug Store
A full stook' of all kinds 01
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exetei.
raiionglo Silks I
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit -
ings at any price ; Pantings
at any price
Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen! leave your orders early, for
with the beat staff of Tailors ; the best
stook of Pine Trimmings, an a the best
Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfac-
Coos Vilazoint
One Door South
of Post Office
Boots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptly attendod to.
_Fresh and New
just arrived at the family Grocery. Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
A beautiful piece of glass—
ware given away with one ib.
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before purr.
chasing elsewhere.
Reliable Good
At Prices Lower thatso-o..
led Cheap Houses can give
TInclertalting in all if
.4... a. tiouziAL. (succ"8°r0(131F:r,7:0(34,d?Yit,f)oit