HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-12-17, Page 617, r, Signal -Star, •ThursaY, Detember nth, 1959' For Sale 3. Real Estate 'For Sale t buy in used ap- Ifee Shore Appliances, tlare. Your Frigidaire ranch agent for CNR '01r orders. -ntf • NEW and used refrigerators, ;loges, washing machines, dry- esea,,home air-conditioning Best 'OJOS, low terms, good trade allOyiances. See Lumbys, 39 St. Davidstreet, ciaderich. -191f c1a1iz and cagy com- ck r all sigrt TV's, tubes'and mdt parts for ake Of TV. B. R. xtui- „ Radio and $Qin, Ser - ice. Phone JA 4-7961. 127 Wid- sier St. -27t1 HYGIENIC supplies (r ubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, Sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples VIM. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. ss.E,R, cAmpekt.vs I.D.k.” Drug ;1Store E:or: Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics Laura Secord Candies I.D.A. Household ,Drugs Veterinary •Supplies Graduate Druggist in charge - JA 4-7532 Free Delivery. -8tf SCOURS? MAS IS? Many ! diseases can be controlled safe1y4 and economically with„,yeterin.: ary health products' from RIECKj PHARMACY, Square near Col- borne St. Phone JA 4-7241, Goderich. -281! QUANTITY of cooking apples, McIntosh and Spys. Please bring your own container, Harry Mit- chell, phone JA 4-7619. -39tf YOU can Purchase a new N.H.A. home fel- $50.00 down and $50.00 per month for next spring. For, further information contact your Colonial Homes Ltd. agent, Larry, Genius, 184 Huron St, Clinton, Ont. HU 2-9600, -40tf APPLE butter, sweet eider, eat- ing and cookieg apples, all var- ieties. Bell View Fruit Farms, R.2, Goderich, phone JA 4-8011. -42-43 FILTER Queen Sales and Ser- vice. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Phone Gode- rich JA 48523. 46-51xtf CHRISTMAS articles and "hand- knit .barby articles are for sale in the Women's Hospital Aux- iliary gift Shon +at 'the hospital. " 47 German Shepherd -yuppies.,Phone 1966. 48- , RADIO, Phillips,- hardly tiSed, short wave, broadcast wave, tone , control, guaranteed. Crnly $19.95. KN CROFT Real Estate enikBusiness Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. Phone JA 4-7253 . $3,000 -On Picton St., building lots and buildings included. - $4,000 -Cement block building, 2 lots and all equipped, air compressor, welder, cutting torch, numerous other equip - ;dent. $4,500 Near Carnivi, 'small home with one acre of land. $5,500 At Nile, house, good size barn, 2 acres of land, All Western -conveniences. $6,700 -Small 'bungalow on Nel- son, extra 14Ct and small barn. Easy terms arranged. $8,500 - On Horton St., brick. home, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment. Terms can be arranged. - $10,000 -In a choice location on Elgin Ave., 4-bedroorn, large living room, excellent large lot with trees. This is an excellent buy, Business Opportunity $18,000 -Trucking business PCV class (F) licence in the vicin- ity of Goderich, old establish- ed firm -three trucks, all A-1 condition. Wonderful returns on investment. -- I alsohave some good invest- ment properties and business opportunities. Farms 300.,Acres south of Goderich with 60 rods _pf undeveloped lake frontage, good sahdy beach. One of the best farms in Huron County. Easy terms arranged. 134 Acres south of Goderich with 40 rods of undeveloped lake frontage. Modern home with all conveniences, large barn. Easy terms arranged. Orland Johnston - Salesman Phone Goderich JA 4-9492 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED ' HAROLD W. 'SHORE REAL ,ESTATE BROKER Phone JA 47272 38 Hamilton St. Your agent in the..--Goderich District for Kernohan Homes Six -Room Storey and One-half This renovated home, has up- to-date kitchen, large living rooni, three bedrooms and four - piece bathroom. Situated only two -blocks from the Square, it has been drastically reduded for immediate sale. Ten Roprn,;-,-Home, Close to '' -Square - In: an excellent location, this ten rm.' home would make an excellent , duplex or rooming house: Price. reasonabiAt down payment. 68 Acres GoisitBui Only six miles from town, just off a main highway, this farin 4-11301. -49 has a seven -room stucco house, medium size bank barn, garage ' • and colony house An .excellent Cilift&S'INIAS sale of German Shepherds from $19.95 up. Also black '49 Meteor two -door, body rebuilt,new paint job, custom radio, excellent conditio Phone 58 r 41, Bayfield. 49-50 NJEIVV 8 'ft. toboggan; hockey skates, size 8; • worn once; youth's beige wool sport coat, 1103 years. Phone 7739. ' -50 MARY Maxim sweater, size 38, ntique auto design, $25. Phone 778. 50-51x IrOUGEri Hereford bulls, six to eight months; also some young Acttle. John Wain; R. 1, Bay - fled. Phone JA 4-7065. .50x COI' your Christmas trees at Little Bros., Kingston St., form- erly Overholt's Taxi -Open after- noons and evenings, ,free de - liven', Phone 7481. 4 -50 tIvIEW't shipment of ,boots, ox- Shearling lined flight and High -cut boots, jackets, galoshes, raitts, shirts, ete. Special Christ- mas, nine -piece new carving set, oo. Coffee tables, banjos, rea- stumble. Mrs. G. Brindley, two ,Miles east, half mile north of Ptinlop. • , -50 GENERAL- Electric Hotpoint • heavy duty range, in excellent condition. Phone Auburn 69.1. 50x MAR, Christmas trees, $1.25- $4.50. 120 Britannia Rd. or phone JA 441604. -50 SMALL dog, black and white, thildren's pett also electro mas- sage cushien. Mrs. Walter Tares, phone 8594. 50-x CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine, spruce, after December 8, ^149 East, George Picot and Bros. phone JA 49529. Free 'delivery. 50x ONE BRONCO tractor complete with disc harrows and plow, snow + blade with hydraulic lilt, an ideal outfit for garden or small aereage and keeping lane ; 1 No. 44 MAI. -tractor; Ford tractors; McCormick M. -M, combine with power fake -off; new Holland forage hatvester; Massey -Ferguson ma- ehinery and parts; New Idea sffejiders; Purina chows. George Wraith, Montreal St., Getle"rich -50tf TABLE turnips, 75c bushel. Martin Hendricks, Shoppardton. 50c le eie, heavy duty; bed', g end mattress, like new; way bed. Phone 7616, 50x air or six-foot ski's; Mary sweater, size '44, arid has his office located at est& on eftwn 'back- f50 Elgin Ave., East, Phone 1110rie 0%8 50k ',TA 4-95211. OUND • SER VI CE E N./1 L.-. `YMA N T • ‘=' E RSO ALSXANDWR AND 'CHAPMAN • itEALTORS Bank ef Commit:14e Building Pie JA 4-9662 Goderich, Ontario :HOMES $3,500" dowtri-Veys exceptional weltbuilt 3-bedroa;in new riaod, ern home, automatic heat, many desirable lea, , good location. • Solid brick two-storey, (-bed- room, corner location, new furnace and new roof, Excepr tionally clean. Price $12,500. TWO apt., solid brick, oil heated, good income, near Square. BUILDING LOTS ' 4 We have several good loca- tions. ReserVe your choice now for spring building. " A z FARMS Now is the time to arrangements to look at Be ready for spring. Elmer E. Cranston - Sa make MODERN self-contained un- furnished, onebedroont, heated' apartment, newlx deeorated,, laundry facilities. provided. PhonataA-44k5. -44tf APARTMENT, tWo rooms; part- ly furnished, 3-pieee bath, pri-1 vate entrance, available inirtiedi- ately; also five nom hoese, serni-detached, unfurhitthed,' •Deceniber 1. ...Mary: H. 10 St. Vincent strAet, phen'e 8642. 45tI " , ONE -ROOM cottages with TV, Winterized, forced air furnace., heating, withprivate shower' and bath facilities. Will rent by day or weeki ideal for working man, breakfast available. Phone JA 4-0,54, 2. -48t1 TWO-BEDROOM apartment, self contained, newly decorated, cen- tral. Phone 7540. 48tf APARTMENT $70, four rooms and bath, heated, hot' water, self- contained. 46 Nelson street. Phone 7109, -481! COMFORTABLE, f.urnished! apartment, modern kitchen' with I frig. and stove, laundry facil- farms. ' Ales, utilities paid, no children. Available January 18. Apply 92i Cambria _Rd., phone JA 4-9437.; leSman 48tf Phone Goderich JA 4-8801 .-.FOUR-ROOM apartment, share ' bath, Wellington St., reasonable. ALEXANDER AND CHAPMA,N Phone 7539. -49 MALCOLM MATHERS I NS U RANC E AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE A very good mercantile build - ng on 'the Square, Goderich- the former Bell Telephone Co. manual exchange building. This is a brick building, of 2 storeys and basement, ho6t water heated, in good ,,eondition, with rear entrance and parking space. `..- ' good building lots, (1 on -Blake St., 2 on Gibbons St.) near sehools. •° Asmodern, long, white frame ranch -style dwelling on a large Wilson St. rot. Many -up-to-date features, 3 bedrooms. Strbstair tial mortgage arranged. Im- mediate possession. A good building lot, 52' x 104', serviced, in a central loca- tion. An excellent building lot at the north-east corner of Warren and Cayley Sts. M-A-LCOLIvt- MATHERS 46 West St. Phone JA 4-9442 •-Real 'ilMmIronker` property for the person who wants to farm and work in town as well. Also many other good rarins !listed, ranging from 65 acres to ,250 acres and priced from $6,00Q to $25,000. Phone for an ap- ipointment to inspect thesepro- ! perties today. -Farm and Rural Salesmen: Harvey Lassaline, R.R. 2, Goderich C. E. Laithwaite, R. 1, Goderich Roy Lamont, Zurich Frank MacKerikie, R.R. 1, Ripley George Ashton, Ferdwich LISTINGS AND INQUIRES4 INVITED., WARREN L. STEVENSON Real Estate, Business Brokers Six -room fr e one and a -half storey house, ¶iew 3 -piece, bath- room, two .choice extra lots. Substantial down. payment re- quired. Two-bedroom house, • living room, kitchen, 3 -piece tiled bathroom,. all on one floor. Ideal for widow or retired couple. Aluminum storms throughout including_porch Goad basement, 29 Acres on Huron Rd., inside toren limits, modernized house, hydro, bath and furnace, steel barn, smaller buildings. Could be subdivided profitably. Four-bedraom brick house, four -piece bath, .heavy duty wir- ing, new gas furnace. Eleven -room, 2-§torey, red brick, upper flat rented. Grocery business with com- fortable six -room house, full basement arid new gas furnace, Three-bedroore stucco house near R.C. -school. Reasonably priced. I, Two 50 -acre farms, good land, fine home on each; also a num- ber of larger farms. Phone - John Hall, Lucknow JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker Fully equipped barber shop and beauty parlor with six -room insul brick ,home, three bed- rooms and bath, located in Dun- gannon. AU, this for $3,800. Mortgage Cavi be arranged; an exceptional good buy and has many possibilities. Four-bedroiim insul brick home, living room, dining room, !bathroom,- basement, garage, size of lot 135 ,x 136., ,Price $7,000. Mortgage available. • - Near the Square, remodelled four -room home, bathrbom, new oil.' furnace, lots of ,fruit, with an extra valuable, lot All thiS for only $5,00,0. - 50 Acres level' clay loam farm with four bedroom brick -house and small barn. Full price* $4,600. Choice lots jet. sale. We, have a large listing of farms in,,Huron County. , For buying and selling, contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate.Broker 40 Wellesley St., Gode'rich Phone JA 4-8762 Salesmen: Joseph McConnell, Seaforth Angela Boiveld, Goderich c. Buruma, Clinton;' -1(itf 4. Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS WANTED Parms, Summer Cottages and Town Pro- pertyc, Alexander and Chapman, Realtors,. Bank of Commerce buildin g, Goderich. Phone ,TA 4-966.2. -18 HOUSEKEEPER for family of two adults (Men), home with all conveniences„Live in pre, ferred,Pholie SA 47223: 50x se•••••••mmoss, I 1 LARGE front bed -sitting room, !heated, hot and cold water, fur- nished-, hot plate...IVIrs. Ken Allin, 54 Victoria St. 49tf MODERN, self-contained , house- keeping units, cabins, rooms. Special off-season, rates. Mr§ Ken Allin, Maple Leaf Motor Court, Victoria St., Goderich. -49tf 1GROUND floor apartment, large living room, bedroom, • kitchen and bath, $60.00 per month, heated, Phone JA 4-8344, after 5 p.m. JA 4-8170. 491! THREDREMOOM house, living roornr4dining room, bathroom, basement, gara ge Immediate poesession. Rent $50. John Bos veld, 40 Wellesley St. , -50 TVVO-BEDROOM apartment, sec- ond floor, three:piece bath, heavy wired, electric water tank. Miss A. Moser, 68 'Hamilton St. 50x THREE BEDROOM house, on Albert St., oil heated. Imrriedi- ate possession, Phone 9496. c50x '-'11IREE-B ROOM cottage, sun porch, all. 'fatilittee; available January 1. Apply -at 174 Regent St. - "50-51x' 4 7,Teachers Wanted QUALIFIED Protestant teacher required for Lochalsh School, U.S.S. 4, Ashfield Township School Area. Duties to com- mence January 4, 1960. Applic- ations to be in by December 19, 1959. , R. T. Kilpatrick, 49-5r 4111. 7, Lucknow. 8. Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER, typist, for pro- fessional office, must be accur- ate and dependable. Please stat ek .age,, experience, refer- ences and" salary expected. Write Box 82, Signal -Star. -49 • CAIPABLE woman wanted to baby sit with one child, Monday to Friday, 9-4.30, light house- keeping. Phone 7539. ° -49 CLERK wanted for local bank. Apply in wring to Box 84, Sig- nal -Star. -49 LARGEST Company of its kind requires man or woman to handle distribution of nationally advertised products in Goderich. Must be ambitious and 'possess leadership qualities. Excellent promotional opportunities. Pro- ducts guaranteed to sell. Re- muneration outstanding from the start. Write promptly for free details to: Mr. Black, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal,, P.Q. 48 and 50 BOOKKEEPER Experienced and fully'qualified, able to handle full set of books., full time work. Permanent posi- tion if satisfactory. Apply in writing, with refer- ences before January 1, 4960, stating salary, expected to: " MR,. ,FORINCE CLARK, RR 5, Godecich, Ontario, President, ifuron Co-op Medial Services. -50-51 -44 HUGH McKERVELL Realtor - London One story twO-,bedroom ,home on Wilson St., nice rot and Oatseffeesseeeeki.,,Assesseee-SeseeeA Duplex, both apartments self, contained, good location. W. J. Hughes, phone JA 4-8526, Coderieh. Mr., Hughes' has now -obtained his General Insurance license ;). To Rent — • • TYPEWRITERS -Portable and standards, Skeoch Office Sop, plies, phone JA 4-8652, Goderich, -36ti - • Classified Ad "Rates REGULAR CLASSIFIEDS 4- 50c .per issue'for 20 w6r9.* or less (extra words and figures .02 cents each per insertion). ''''Payable in ad - Vence or no later than Wednesday noon of week fiillqwing Publication of 'after afore- ,mentibnid Hale, 255 ;extra - for bookkeeping expenses. 25c • extra„ for erns* .1,11t. number. COMMERCIAL CL ASSIFIED RATES - (for bLisiness firms,l. trades- men, etc.). 75c Per issue -15 words , or less (extra words and figures -.03 each). Classified display $1.40 per Inch. NOTICE RS SIGNAL -STAR BOX .NUMBERS When an advertisement car- ries a box number, inform- ation concerning the identity of the advertiser cannot be divulged to 'anyone. Wednesday noon is deadline for receipt of classified ads. Display advertising rates on request. Deadline for dis- play is 5 pm. Mol?diy of week of publication. 11111111111111111111111•11110,, WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in' townships Stanley, Goderich, Colborne and Ashfield. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable kustler, considered Write wleigh'S, Dept. L -2W- 131, 4 Richelieu, Montrea1.1 -50 10. Wanted (General) OLD horses w'anted at 31,“ lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect JA 4-7092 or 7022. -ftf ATTENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. All dead stock picked up free of eharge. Call collect Ed. Andrews, -851 r 11, Seaforth, Assodiated' With Dark ing and Co. of Canada Ltd. 37-51x COMBINATION radio - record player, , or a portable record player wanted in good condi- tion.. Phone 8702. , • -50 11. Employment Wanted HOUSE'VVORK by the day. Phone -8E48, , 50x PART-TLVIE work, housework or baby sitting de'sired by High School girl prior to or during C lrr iStmas holidays. Dial JA 4-9367. - • -50 + 14. Services Available VISIT or phone Reid's new Up- holstering Shop, 48 East St. Phone JA 4-8422 stil 9 p.m. for an estimate. We have the coverings and the know -now. Pik up and delivery. -9tf REPAIRS to furniture and re- finishing. Phone. JA 4-9649. 132 Trafalgar St., Goderich. -40tf SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. custom made; also kitchen cupboards and furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St., phone JA 4-9631. ' -19tf CARPENTRY, building, remod- elling, 'dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, 'bathroom fix- tures, plumbing ' of all kinds, steel and asphalt roofing. F McMichael, phone Carlo 10 . 23-30x . , FOR piano tuning; new‘ond used musical instruments; accessories and repairs, at lowest prices. Write or call Ross, Mann, Wing- heritrphone 735 J4. 44t1 Experienced, Licensed AUCTIONEER ALLAN MacINTYRE Lucknow " Phone 10-r-24 Ripley, Collect (Can be contacted each Wednes- day at Lucknow Sale) -9tf SHARPENING -Saws: hand and electric; , cutlery. skates; part- time farm vvprk. Call evenings. C. H. Hamar, Huron Rd., oppo- site Undercoating Shop. 42tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION "Where Better BUlls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Oatfle Farmer owned aid controlred. Call us between: 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. week days and 6:00 an., • 15.m. Sat, s a evenings at HU 2-3441, ton, or, for long distance, Zenith 9-45650, Clinton. 461! MAKE yohr housework easier by renting a; floor polisher and 'vacuum cleaner from Shore Ap- pliances on the Square. -ltf "THE KENT HOUSE" -W a r ris comfortable ,robitns With home privileges. Apply' 155 Quebec St. Dial 8433. 44 1 OFFICE, heated, bright, "pod location in business section. A. J. Curry, Quebec St., phone JA 48734, •4211 9. Agents Wanted „ EASY to make more money in quicker time -that's what Fain - ex offers you. Products of lhe ttrTiff"VT , • , metics, household - necessities, tonics, vitamins, extracts, etc.! (commission and ',bonus, trial period). You dOn't need selling experience. Free catalogue on requestPamilexDepartment' 'r -c, 1600 Delorimier,, Montreal, . l.,' -so 1 15. Notice To Creditors ALL persons having' claims against the estate of William John Morley, late -of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron_A -NM Or a ou teer who of September, 1959, are req.*, ed to file -the smile withefull p.articulare with the- undersign- ed by the 26th day of Deeember, 1959,, as after that date the assets of the estate will be die., tributed. Dated at the TQ,*II Or Gode- • rich,Thi7the County of Huron, this 7th day of December, 1959. - HAYS and -PREST, • Barristers & Soliciters, Goderieh, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 48-51 In the Estate of HAROLD NEW- COMBE, late of the Tewn of Goderiph, 4'1 the Cotuity of attron&Retired, Deceased. Alt perSons claiming against -:thgbeve estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by the 3rd day of January, 1960, after which date ,.he assets will be distributed. Messrs. Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy; 18; The Squire, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. -49-51 ALL persons having claims against the estate -of- Annie L. Brown; late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 5th day of December, 1959, are required to file the same with full particulars With the undersigned by the 31st day of December, 1959, as after th date the assets of the estate wil be distributed. - Dated at the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, this-.9tkelay of Deemer, 1959. HAYS and PREST, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, , Solicitors for the:Estate. .49-51 17. Business Notice POTATOES listed in Ivan Lou- zon's ad on page 10 should read $2.99 per 75 lb.. bag. Phone JA4-7171 for delivery until 11 o'clock each morning. -50 A. Births Victoria !Hospital, London, on December 8, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kirk (nee 'Reid), London, a • son, Terence 'William. LITILECTIIHAD.---At Alexandra Hospital, Goderieh, on Decein- ber 10, 1959, to Mr. and 'Mrs. William Littlechild, eoderieh, a SOIL • _ , C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil 'from Edward Fuels, Oil Co. ,,,. products. Phone JA 4-7281. -39t1 There's a large stock of lamp shades to suit your every need at Shore Appliances. Come in and look over the interesting variety. -10tf Switch to Champion Fuel Oil. Cleaner, more heat per gallon: Automatic delivery. Life insur- ed budget:' Phone JA 4-7162 for prompt and coat-V.6(ms service. D. J. Allan, Goderich area dis- tributor. • -39tf ' REMEMBER' -- for building and repairs, dall Ideal Construlc; tion Co. Goderich. P ho n'e JA 4-8221. -491I E. Cards of Thanks ADAMS. -41 would, like to thalik 'all those who sent cards, flow- ers and treats to me while I was 4ir1 the. hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. N": Watte,rs, the 4-urses anti staff. Charlie Adams, 50x ALLISON. -Mrs. Ches. AllisOn and family :are deeply grate- ful for the many expressions of sympathy andfor the thoughtfulness of t h e ir friends; they would like to thank .those who sent floral tributes or cards of sympathy. .50 GINN.-The fainily of the late Oswald Ginn take this means to show their appreciation ,for the kindnessextended+ them in their -bereavement; for the flower, messages of sym- pathy and for the other many. thoughtful acts. -50 JOHNSTON.--Sincere thanks to my many 'friends who sent flowers, gifts and 'cards and visited me While I was -in the hospital. SpeciaL,, thanks to Dr. W. N. Waders and the nurses and s•affat the hos- pital. Vera Johnston. 50x KITTON.-To my friends and neighbors Who have so kindly enquired about my health for so long and to all who have sent cards, etc., the staff of the Goderieh hospital, and to Doctor H. Taylor, I wish to express my sincere thanks and to .wish all a ..vpry Merry ' Christmas and a" Haepy. New Year, Kindnessleaves such • ,.• -pleasant memories. Mrs. Albert Kitton. 50x VICKEit.-1 am deeply grate- fui the floyerS, gifts and I cards sent to me while I was a patient in Goderich and ! Victoria hospitals; and would like to thank those who visit- , ed me while I was ill. Mrs. John Vickers. .50 F. Engagements 741,r- and Mrs. R, H. Goodwin announce the marriage of their daughter, Sylvia, to Robert ,Lounsbury, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. , E. Lotsnsbury, of La Farge, Wriconsin. The ceremony took place Decemiber 10 at 8 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Chapel with Rev. R. G. MacMillan officiating. Wendy Barrett and Bob Good- win. D. In Memoriam FISHER. -In loving memory of Aaron C. Fisher who died December, 1954; Mr, Ezra Fisher, who died in August, 1957, and Mrs. Martha Henry who died in. July, 1954. These days we do remember, A loving thought we g,ive To those nolonger with us, But in our hearts still live. -Ever remembered by Mrs. Aaron C. Fisher and family. 50X HA,MilLTON.-In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. DaVid (Hamilton, who passed away December 11, 1957. God knows howmuch we miss you,. As it dawns twb years today. Your life was full. of kindly deeds A helping hand to all in need. A pleasant smile, a heart of gold No finer mother the world could hold, If we could have our wish today, It would not be for gold, But just to have you back again, As in the days of old. -Ever remembered by the family. -50 • MacPHEE.-In loving memory of our darling baby, John, who passed away December 20, 1958. The memory . of , his dear wee / ways Will' linger with us all our days. Sweetest NW -6r, too sweet, to 4. stay, • God took him away. • -Sadly missed by Mum and Daddy.' 5fix WEBSTER. - In memorsefrof Joseph Webster who +Asked away December 16, 1956, and a dear ' 0.4 : ebster February 27. 108‘;, Time takes away Vie edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf -.Ever remembered by Eliza- beth and Percy Riley and fam- ily, -50 MONElfts teat, ...Here are three 13 of M ways to say "Merry Christmas" Sometimes a gift of money is the only realistic answer to a Christmas shopping problem. If money is the answer to some names on your list -see .the Bpf M. "My Bank" can provide you with a way to give that takes the chill off cold cash and trims your gift of money with festimdecorations. 1. STUDENT.S' AND BABIES' PASSBOOKS make a delightful extra for some youngsters on your list. Your gift of money is entetett in a special passbook and enclosed in a Chrixtmas _cover guaranteed to make young eyes pop with glee. 2. MONEY ORDERS purchased for Chrisunas- giving „come in gaily - decorated envelopes or folders that clearly spell out your Yuletide wish. Ideal for those "hard -to - buy -for" people on your out-of-town gift list. 3. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CHEQUES are , able in tWo colourful holiday designs - one for pusuiral and it -for business giving. Theyar in "gift -wrapped" n S. brigbt cover that glows. wip the spirit of the se-ason.., G. Coming Events HAR'BOURIETE INN -SORRY no public dancing until Christ - inn -night, Friday, December 25, Teen -20 record dance with John- ny Brent.,,- Saturday, December 26, dancing to Joe Gaffney and his orchestra. New ,Year's Eve tickets on sale at box offfee. For reservations, phone JA 4-9371 or 0264. -48tf Set aside' January' 12 and 13 for an evening With the Gode- rich Little Theatre. Two de- lightful presentatiens are in store for you.. 50i The Goderich Horticultural Society will meet at ,MacKay Hall on Friday, Decemiber 18, at 8 pm. -Conservation in Pinery district is to 'be. discussed. Everyone -Welcome. See these • special Christmas features at your neighbourhood ltranch of the B of M today (don't forget to bring your ' Christmas shopping list). BANK OF MONTREAL e4tdoe4:4 ?OW Vaa4 - Goderich Branch: BEN CORLESS, Manager. :VI/EKING W1111 CANADIANS IN EVERY WALE OF LIFE SIIICE'1117 D -305S! • ies at mcArttfur & Reilly Ltd.- • • • • 41! • • .0 • • • 4.•• I • • RILAN* co. `.1"reebark The Most Perfect "DUTY -PLUS -BEAUTY" '1 • • Carefree Carpet In The World! - • • • • • • • '41 1 ktooromyr A, cARTHUR & REILLY LTD. 36 WEST ST.: 11111111111111114 COMPUTE HOME' DECORATJNG CENTRE JA 4-8532 *risassa•••••ziptiasiam, iNs••••••••••aNat;ma' 10,140T