HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-12-17, Page 44. r • • i-erf4f440 .%grtai-Star, Thursday,Dtsember 17th, 1939 Wg-WAVAtKitte4474e4MEMWt • • • • 1960FORD FINEST FORDS OF A LIFETIME, 1960 MONARCA 'MARK OF DIVINCTION ON THE CANADIAN ROAD • • .:••,".:::1:4*^"*.**:,&.:?..:•„.,. • .• • • • •—• ••• Int CL Re sp co D LIVELY90-HP COMPACT CAR, A JOY JO HANDLE s IMPORTANT elligent and responsible people know there is no such thing as SANTA AUS4when buxing merchandise of any kind. gardless of trick prices and advertisements, you get just what you. have ent GOOD DOLLARS for. • erefore, before you spend those GOO`b DOLLARS tha-t Were so hard to me by, ask yourself this question: 0 1 KNOW THE PERSON OR PERSONS THAT 1 AM DEALING WITH? •. — SEE — STAN PREVETT, BOB CHISHOLM', BILL WILSON, R. C. PROCTOR "REAIDY AND WILLING TO SERVE YOU." • ' • 105E THE WORLD'S MOST EXCITING LIGHT CAR, BUILT BY FORD , OF ENGLAND. •,•,‘ rok ) 4 x,•••.• • .`; • • , 44.44- ,.... • ..'• , Drive home one of th-eie to fiq a Family -sized Christmas Stocking ! imatctatmtetetwctiMeto.v.vatctztetztiztvztataspvatomtztelocbatztem-cPvcw•viztvcrztvetvg-takm.L.t.CratIkVetzteMtztatoCcwew-tctzte.."-s:VMTVV.i1M14 '74 ,,V . ME RYLCHR1SS from our staff 1 .All Models In Stock • 1. 1)Dgli V la . to our many cust en . 1 g , RE DT; ‘., leri o..',' Ors Lit 0 1 • ig Y 4. 1 FOR . DELIVERY..' •• FORD — MONARCH ,FALCON h•••• BRITISH -BUILT FORDS South St. r. .Didl JA 4-7308 • 70N -R;5-7:5-70 7§0---n-Vr70-NcrW-3% r -7a---"ii-N;Irf,,.--n-,--pssi_pilwr,,wkw,mr,•xt Ma ,J.W The Iehoir Distri , mod deIeg publi is .G Eart Mac supe tress In Mr. •few the dud ny Attend The, inwhator requiredtoineet afGod'sa •Cahprpisrtoivanai and to be worthy of receiving L UNION, (Goderich Townshlp), Convention ;hisreward serf- life in a;peff6'Cel , earth where" His will. is going to Dec.. 14.—The December meet- UNION- three day convention of be done." - ,- ing of Union W.M.S. was held at Saturday evening, 470. assem- the home of Mrs. Gerald Orr. ah's Witnesses at,Goderich,bled to see the color firm, show- -Mrs: 'Austin Fuller was leader' et Collegiate came to.a sur-' ing highlights of the .world's for the meeting using the ,wor-1 ul conclusion when . 631 largest Christian convention a.t ship service from the Mission- . 'New York City. ary Monthly. The leader read .a ates attended,: _the main i ' Saturday , afternoon,' 23 dele- Christmas story and Mrs. Gerald' c Bible discourse, "When gates were baptized -by complete Orr read- an•article on Steward- od's Will. to Be Done On water immersion. ship. An article- on 'Africa was h," delivered by Mr. A. W. Some 327 delegates attended also read. 'Mrs. Torn Sowerby amara, of. Torontodistrict!the opening Sessions Friday rvisor of JehoVah's Wit- evening. . -- es. , 1 To meet the rOguirements of discussing this Bible topic,, all the delegates assembled, .18 MacNamara stated "Very different departments - Weft in truly desire to put forth'operation. The cafeteria depart - time and effort 'to really,ment served over 1150 meals y God's word to find ot-ft;during the three day convention. .10 o make • work. easier. SAFETY P's and Q's By Goderich Jaycees and Town Police . ' Since the start of this column, conducted the business in the absence of the:'president. It was we, the members of your Police decided to give a life member- Department, have endeavored to point Out to, the citiz,ens of Gode- rich the hazards of driving, to advise of proven methods in' avoiding, these haiards. The citizens have responded admir- ably and, up to now in 1959, we have had only .one, serious accident involving a •pedestrian on the Square—and he was struck by an out-of-town driver. There was rib fatal accide.nt. However, there is „one situ- ation which, unless it is correct- edy4cauld lead to someone be- coming involved IT-4serious ac- cident; perhaps losing his driv- er's license for 4, spell. And ship. It was announced that the allocation had been met with a small surplus which makes the missionary giving Tor the year' $100.00. The hostess served a seasonal lunch. A classified ad in the Signal - Star brings quick results. tc-togrvetlectztortetwatetvg-tctetctc ry farmer own a W•a. Prt/ DINADID031 Goderich Shoe Repair • it • 1Pweagsg,renringyBitilrl7r,es y. LheecoswtoarnyHChur9h basement. The meeting IMen s Club. Holds Ladies Night PORTER'S HILL I was charge of Janet Harris, Each .clan .with their teacher' missionary convener.' A hymn their .we forwardgif ts.ancAl 'spiliriaerste n at pd was sgglalfatreararweh. ichcfirrtaeyreroN: M. Bell' -Is 'CI P e .cle t . u ,e crowd attended the an- TER'S HILL, Dec. 14.- 1K, led r si n • A PlaOrita was then -given by Rev. Mr.:Scriptu•re was read by Gail nual Christmas 'conCert Friday Patrick. ' - ockhart. A story was read by evening in the'Sunday School:: ' The children and teacher of Shirley McCowan. A.' quiz was Carolsrecitations. and musical Porter:'s ,Hill .-, school are . bugyge-nrayed by all -Ted -Dunn-then , numbers were enjoyed- -after preparing- for their Christmas+spake tO-.the young people. Everyoneconcertto wt. eel el rodittm eito e c e mb e r 27. ,,, . food and care for them. Air i which Ted Dunn, Bayfield, shOw-: tehne byNartirvaintyk. The Y.P.U. of Porters Hill, speaker and, on behalf af-• ther Vice Marshal Sully thanked the 1 Nediimpb_a_.sictur wesereofgiV Bayfield and Taylor's ' Corner persons and a passenger tar for club, presented her -with, a Patrick on the 4 bagpipes and met Sunday evening in Graee every 4.8 'persons. were much enjoyed by all. Santa . blanket. A sing -song of Christ- mas carols was led . by L. R. Claus arrived with treats for all. tetcroveloctetztetelmetc-tomtztomgretomtztgtcOmMtMetetetzletocti Last SunclaY''a combined ser-. vice with the Sunday School W Asher, introduced 'the 1960 of - Melville Bell; vice-president, ficers • of the -club:- president, The retiring president, Mr. 5 Was held in the church with a Scripture was read by Dennis Recial White Gift service. The Garlands, of Goderich. Harris. .A. reading was given by Ross; treasurer, Robert Kelly; Brute 'Ryan; secretary,' William HAVE AN EXCELLENT OHOICE OF GIFTS FOR dirnectors, Ogle Miller, Earl El -I liott, Frank McIlwain, Harold ME-M-cilg ,40, . • BOYS AND GIRLS UP T0,14 YEARS, Calvert, William Clancy. About 300 people enjoyed .the ions countries 'She has visited. She stressed the great need of banquet meeting of Knox getting the children out of Con - Church Men's.' Club on Wednes- e.ntr lion cam s and ravidint, day eveninc, of last. week on the occasion o? the annual ladies' night Christmas party. The church -auditorium was decorat- ed ina manner befitting the Yuletide season. The, turkey dinner was prepared . by the Ladies' Aid. Seated at the head .table were 'Mrs. Kate Aitken, the guest speaker; .Rev. and Mil.' R. G. .MadMillay; William Asher, club president, and the executive of the OA. Rev. 'Mr. MacMillan, in wel- coming Mrs. Aitken, reviewed her career as a radio and tele- vision commentator, one a the board of directors of CRC, and a Canadian delegate to Unesco. On behalf of the .Men's Club, a cheque for $50 was presented to her for the refugee, camp in which she is interested., In her address,Mrs. Aitken told of her experfences.in var- that is obedience to stop signs. WILL BE IMotorists have acquired a habit of driving well into an inter - CLOSED, section before coming to a- stop. 0. This is in contravention to the Highway Traffic. Act. Rules of the road distinctly say: The driver or operator of a vehicle, upon approaching a ,..S.to.p:_sign. _at the entrante through highway, shall br,ing the vehicle or .carto a full stop at a clearly marked stop line or. if none, then Immediately before entering the nearest cross -walk, or, if none, then im- mediately before ENTERING Ithe intersection." On behalf of___the. Goderich Police Department, 'I take this opportunity to thank the citi- zens of Goderich far their fine eo-operation with their Police MILK DISCOVERY' Department and wish them and, theirs ,a Safe Merry Christmas' MULTI -MILK and Happy New Year. FRED MINSHALL, Chief Constable, the first, all-purpose • congentrate that gives you fresh milk, and cereal and coffee cream, all from one carton. Makes Approximately 21/Q, quarts of whole ' milk at approximately 18%c a quart. DEC. 25 to JAN. 4 inclusive I would like .to thank everyone for their pat- ronage and wish all a Merry Christmas and. Happy New-Yeax. FABULOUS 400 Pioneer 400 sabre grip control , A mond provides safety. copuenience. ' Here's the easiest saw in theavorld to handle: Come in for callelitenstration. You'll see how it can , save you haurs-mf hard work -from far cutting firewood to making corrals.' 'ttl'A4444*,-moo.44wRompoomvnwotoomtAnitooron. PIONEER 'SOLD BV - 1, l• Sales & Service id's Striet-Gederieh, Phone JA 4-7922 - • - .„.,. „ . A GREAT NEW There is 11'.61v-a-racrtcrr-velitere- —111) in use in Canada for every 3.7 About 20 North American trees are noted for their beauty and the fragrance of their flow- ers, but only six. are valued -for their timber as well. The latter are — Ash, Linden, Mountain Ash, Locust, . Catalpa, Yellow Polar and the Tulip Tree. 5 TO 7 FEET MULTI -SKIM also' available. Purchased ONLY at your local grocer. Distributed by ea ciwatge--;.. •,,Pefth Cheese • Foods Ltd. STRATFORD -49-50 • TOWN COUNCILS ACT REGARDING OUTLETS -Seatorth Town Couneil has 'cleared the way for the estab- lishment oNLC3B0 retail outlets in Seaforth. At a town council !meetiz.g, Se.a,forth council pre - 'pared li resolution requesting the Liquor Control 'Board of Ontario to establiSh a govern- Trient liquor store and brewers' retail store at Seaforth. At Wingham, the town coun• there has received a letter from the Wingham Business As., sociation requesting the formItto to apply immediately fort, the establishment of authorized out -0 lets, 'wifely a retail liquor sitore and hrewers' retail store, at e s, 141.41m45'iostemktlitmit dealt with by the Goderich' Town' Council at its next meet- ing. Spain is noted for olives and vIne, but it is also one M the greatest sources of cork in the world.- Spain and Portugal to- gether prpduce three-fourths of the world's cork supply, • n 1 — 6 DR. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATOR, 1 — GIBSO'N COMPRESSOR, 1 — DRESSglt, 2 — BEDS AND 1V1ATTRESSES. 1 HOT PLATE 5 —LAMPS - 1— BATHROOM V'ANITit AND SINK (new). 74 HEAVY DUTY CHROME CHAIRS and - *,221TEVER141149110014944133I/Efkg'"""ssia This equipment must be sold immediately. No reasonable offer refused. See these now at 111 ANGLESEA ST. PRONE YA 4-9983 — GODERICV • - • ' -48t1 Some One You Know would appreciate receiving from you as a ChriStmas gift a year's subscription to THE SIGNAL -STAR, A lovely gift card goes for- ward in your name. • rakretlrok-rorr.;41-Wit-N,-!N • AS WELL AS INFANTS. — COME IN AND LOOK AROUND — Balance of Toys • Up To 1/3 Off. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS wat,IA-2040**M414-242/242-D7raill'ai-ZiWkaDaiMablittaltrylb2***4112420011 HOLIDAY BLUES? IF MONEY'S THE REASON A T.C.C.ILOAN CAN BRINaJOY TO THE 8-EASON! CHRISTMAS EXPENSES / 4.,'66194**orer"'+"'"'""''''''''''""'"*"bt"*""****!"*°***44‘' 7ft'o1Trript, dignified service. aaoiknE;. . up to 30 rnontht to repay on a wide seleaion plans. p - Open Friday EVeffing ''Til 9 p.m, 148- Square WINTER HOLIDAYS FUEL • 4 • 4 •- • Closed AH Day ''turdy Phone JA 4-8349,,