HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-2-19, Page 21/9,e.tesseansenattssesessronannerissom^: A STRANGE COURTSHIP, . KLVIIcome and dine with rie to -clay. 1 ow stay- 471-1APTElt I. I in elite Lasfikant.--Very • Welt, then, if Richard end Mabel were wedded at Wale yeeel tether.. be ae home, an alotie—for shot, and eeeded thee -a. If any remarke were see yeti hese not been married long enough made (as without doubt there were) 1aPoll 9,0 to. 12t` *bat dm remelt .041 site11negone4 of impropriety of a. Loudon att0131t.": treiticenig one alio-Bier—I'll cense and dine with yotti tato 'a eountry family,. they -tihreot eisturb s , Seven is tbehour, I suppose I'll say good- theiti enppeles.s ; and they were verv hippy. by.e now, bemuse I am ping, ta. hear mi.. The great bodes which itedin old days "s, Claude Sitneee, the greet preachet, et re& liable with its chilly vaetnese. wore 1 pleat:hes ia a heir -shirt, I -twee, though, of uow a very differeet air to itee—tleeLhteeeuree, he eee other teinge on. Very good bltessed look of home. Georges Whitt:role of him, no doubt, but 'Very uncomfortable, I deer to both of them, anti who, to eirs. inboied• zee*. Heaven bless yeti both r. Iderthetie exeeeditig ineeniele fae-elet •She came to dinuer aectireingly, and upon canine Riehard "Pap. ' has many A brollght. NI,itla her a marriage present. , "It little play eellow of his cvssi hie, to whose ien coseyony, dear, for the teapot. I dare - laughter the loeg corridors ezho ; to the pla- ter oi wheee merry wet the oat doors ring. Once a year. eliefiael Haire takes a journey eee hie old fevourite, eusi te help to kee Chrisenasaitle in- the holleeleeked hal„., There, Philip kis,ees Carry under the mistle- toe, past as though the eves net lus wife„ key the otherone is worn out; though deer, • dear, it seems but yesterday since I sent you. the last! I daresay you foaled it very useful duriegillness, Poet Mr. Winthrop'sbreak- up was a very sadden one. I heard. i never dropped be upon you, byithe- bye, at letiapshot in his tiram. There -and. t eI3u.se the expiavas) he has endi a was, sonsehone melt reeerve About him ; deal of lost time to peke up, whetehe but I certain' iv shalt tone—Mr. Oak - might bave i*eu. spent na that ameasement h.I know'you will be giacl to veers ego ;31lthOre, on oue mentettore M. -welcome an old frieud ; and then, 1 do eo ameelielmsee.contrtved thya enreat efferti long to see e -our boy : Bat there ; it Len't te pay the seme eampliment te Martha Been ismer tear, is it However, it's Iclabeln and at is not withoce reaeon, we zee; that 3,Ites nut here isyoura,so yea lawyers say. Jennings has bee° lie3rdte ea•Yel,l'en.",;Ime The idea of your being en attorney, and. me " Sh•At1.151g "r°11 V. a"PS"431 p* marrying ipte a entry fetteilv Whaelnek • tie Was fatter thee: ever it is—mul how well you hex Zieserved it I" et teat pereed, riedwoulduot rm.A. a ;" UP" In that tirst veer, the bappy peir paid a lest: Pinvieervie eew tt to den nirn ni vie -it to lirteekaere ago, and Were eutertaill- besieeel Paris Sabi& is far from; likely, for ed in Bellevue Creseut at a state 4ieuer (of what was there in Pelee to tura te man from three), for svidelt all the resoureea of tile OS, Braelonere?), where better an4 other snob hurtle' thiege are uepreettrable, be must be tabliehment Were put into renuisitieu. No awkward allusions to the pist, were mode by flus thee Enormous., by elartlea Derr, we mos be sure, who linew His eria, the divine.; en the ether innwi her fora geniene gentle;vonsan. Stills" when terse:es thinner end, thimiee -dady from Mabel and liereelf heti Withdrawn to the festive atid aseetietem, ireover 1W h little -room ebosieeitaire, will& had 'bete of !ate beee eereeeeted by the privy -denied idabepe ehembil„, but which was vow. once (on eecreint ef his biretnedi and. es an ae kmow:edged martyr. The proneution eael to be 1' produced " by Mrs. Bennetere ; but this is ae error, for prcenotioa of that eort (as ha the Beitielt army) eclat* a great deal of money. We are rather melined to identifv. the emuof " eteetnneliee from era ene?rty ef the false Chervil of litany,' wheel we Bed le the of eithereeptione applied to dee parpese by "the Bradtmere Tierces 7,;l2:Tiety„” with "elm lilanneeeeti own pecuniary cabildy,,, theenei her ended 4 port is di ttiatees sawn without dusts Mr. Merle is the etily erse . of the OM eereatote wba is uot reputed at Wepeliot disgeetel with this. .m- gretittele, he telt moreties.n ever 06.1281p:t- ons le-piors. until alt the fitie feetheree with which ee tele net emitted to Supply hue ;wee luta writ) thqt try, and he was left. without reedirces. Still eeeing fluid Navel, be hal thereupon milt:tete agein. ;WA oticc, 12ut halfeletezen times, in different regiments: AO ilifftEehi.goo4 influence as wele4y as poisible. Tee military .authorittes, however, refaishig to give eredie to hitn for this usetese, While aelinowledging. claims to their tette:Ulm, peononedel him a deserter ; on whieh charge, anet en the frivolous ground of maltiug away with hts more the drawang-room, and Richard was tolacing higiself for a few minutes with bis -lite below, Mertha whispered through her tease : " That's the old port he's go; Mabel.—tho hest /settle ot that your faelier Sent zee from Swallowdip. I pet the best face ea I could, you 'mow; but had not the heert to produce it epee the other oesasiou. Bet now, theuk flees en, all hail come right at l4St ficel ble.zi you. Mabel, my oast sweet pet, as von ticetn-e 'We trete; that the gentle reeler will say with u$, deaf THE CNA In Int erei; th ldi 'talent at e !Sables' Hose Stat. In one of the wards of the Babies' Haepit- m t New York, ababy, born preeturely, is thriving in au incubator. The expecte- tirn is that the &lid will emerge from the incubator in about two weeks about RS well equipped to Met' tl oU the etruggle for ex - stone as is the on. teary weakly infant. regmentele, he te now m Mills:ink Jr' -on. The inenintor is a box about $ feet kag In another part of that butldieg—whercht and IS incites wide. There is a shelf in the the ii`onsolatilm of the tar sex Is denied to box, which serves as the foundation for the the male inmates-eavselets the exeellent thiek bed of soft, cotton upon which too liadel. Her reiterated assertion, that "she elaild lies. Over the box is plated a lass knew her placei" was of tie avail with the ;cover, one end ore:Adel-I is slightly raised by hardiheartee judge as an exense for her pro, a bit of wood for the purpoio of giving ven- euving onebv means of a:forged "character," tilation. The heat is supplied. through & and for steilingspaons. tin tube about three inches= diameter, and Let us hep.e that, by some romance coin- is obtained from kerosene Imps, whieh are eitlenee, thew terms of punishment may ex- kept burning day and night, reguided as to pre on the same day, and that Mr, Murk the amount of dame by theremorneters in - and she may meet on the Thames Embeadts aide the ineuba.tor. The intention is to keep meat, and marry; for they are eminently the temperature inside the incubator at fitted forme another. shout 020. Mr. Preeeriek Pennant and his wife are Stretching, twisting, Tolling, and squirm - still Abroad, the former prospering as his ing. the infant whose life the hospital taleate, mid indeed las virtues (for he is a people have undertaken to save is passing capital fellow, entitle hire to do. The n'i` comfortably through the period of meek- feataon of Julia, now that her sister has re- tion, and. while at first sight of hiin one as married, has redoubled ; and she has even liontelthat I:hocked at his meagreness and Invite:I the Oakleighs to litondteng. This skinniness, he gradually gazes at him con - der was not emitted, but a most cordird tenteely, impressed and reassured by the one WAS despatched in return, asking the history of his ease as related by the hospital Pennants to Wapshot. It will be the first physician and his nurse. place they will come to when the return The little boy was born about two months to England; and then the dear obleseys will be revived, without that little shadow, mi in advance of the proper time, and his mother died just as he ca e nto the world. llad he which, to our eyes (but then weave a inane at once been placed in an incubator there should never ha.ve darkened them. In the would have been no doubt that he would do meantime, the childreh were sent ovcr, four in the first batch, and then (with the well. But zi friend of the boy's mother under- took to brig weeks. When he turnee him nhini tip and kept, him in her utmost regularity) one per anmtun, to swell care for four the merry musie that makes the great house s over to the Bebies' Hospital he weighed but np in the Pelisse elad. Mable end her hus- three pounds anti was terribly emaciated. It bani do not oxen leave it; but Widow 's cottage et Hillsborough has been en- was decided at once that there was but one Droop larged and beautified for their reception, and Ica'Y to awe the little fellow's life. and tbat was to put him into an incubator. thither every suinmer they repair with such a band of children, that it might The boy has steadily improved, He takes his milk twelve times a day, part of it from supposedwell be athey kept an ul- the bottle and part of it from thebreast, and fant school. Unhappily, however, this idea is not seriously entertained by the public, he enjoys every mouthful, When he came to The information that" Mr. and IVIrs. Oak- the hospital he had practically but one keg, leigh have left, Wapshot Hall for their ' the other had collapsed. To -day the collapsed : ma -lung has become serviceable again. 1s rine residence at Hillsborough, " duly chron- 1 It seems almost too much to believe, but heed in the -.torning Post, haborne evil there is a probability that the helpless., piti- fruit, in making the place fashionable ;and 1 able atom w in the box may develope ee a there is a plan extant on paper of a Project- strong, handsome man. ed Esplanade, with dotted lines far out to sea, suggestive, it is feared, of a pier. Mr. $emcoe, on behalf of Braelunere, denounces this as ridiculous ; but there is more than a suspicion in Richard's mind that the old gentleman has himself a share in the specu- lation. It will not be for ever that Mabel The Sedet.of Living, "And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tempted Him, saying, 1Vlester what -shall I do to to inherit eternal We 1 He said and her hustaud will be able to walk out to unto him, what is written in the law ? Row Anemone Bay together, uninterrupted and readest thou? And he answering said, Thou alone, to watch thenntiring waves surround shall love the Lord: the Gocl with all thy. that rock which had °nee so nearly been her heart; and. with 'all thy soul, and with all grave -stone. thy strength, and with all thy mind; and tlil' Occasionally, in the spring, they visit Lon. 1 neighbor as thyself.' And he said unto hint, don : and the first time they did so, , who 1 thon hast answered right; this do ime thoe sinned they meet—it was on a Sunday, and i shall live. —Luke ze 25-28. ; - a - • the episcopal Melconabe was following her 1 One very remarkable. .thieg about the with her devotional implements—but the "'Words of Jetius is this; . they were net for abicieitoes Mrs. Marshall I Her joy . was the most part the result of twig, . patient greatend genuine. . study and deliberation. Very „frequently I "So you've got young Red -shirt at last," 1 they seem .tO have been .entirely spentan.-, cried she with enthusiasm. "I WM so glad' eons. . In She course of seism .ordinary day's. whet) I heard it, you can't think. Oecourse ; experience eome nape in the crowd would ask • Mt Winthrop was a great catch, and nobody , a . question, and, : withone a moment's: can ever blame you for that, my deer. But : hesitation Jesus would,: give , An ,. : aii.., this one is More suitable, isn't he ?" sever. An .; answer , that ;always; was It Was iinpossible to be angry with Mrs: ail answer and never an evasion : or-,eora-i Marshall ; and thongh her remarks were a promise. Sometimes Etn.auswerwould,stand little awkward, ' the young ceeple only foe much mere, thee themseistion pie eree eons, laughed et them. She Was a' peiyileged temelate4; ; When. the ,young, man; winiae person, and will temain so to herdyiegeley, brother, wee' wrongieg. Iiinkon.:theira4ter, of. Which Seem& as far off as ever. some property, came, to .01,44 to have "Ye; my diets, I keep rny health, theide things seteright„ he reeeivese a nisi& larger, Heaven," said she, in anewer to their in- answer than he expected. * Beware 2; ,ef; quirieee " and Margaret—and Meicombe covetctimnernei Get .that out , of all , your here—are all that I eau desire:" hearts iitp,d there will be eietle need efeetwe • It is probable that.they Will continue to yersee diyide the .inheritance. Ett esserebe. be so, mile* the feet slasule ever,tiewe,upen weed: in the case eow, beferte ue, thee ;the thee; eketalllier trieeey, has been .invested .Cillefitioner in ;this ease WaSin a :somewhat in :teats annuity—whioli; ise.perliape, the ' fliement MOO, ;;Thie pie ,geneleaelfrosiethisi expleeatiole Of her tenicienSVAtalitY, , ; , significant pleraseee" 4. eee,etein, lawyer etoode ' W., hat: etmey encl.," coati:ewe. She, tuber , up and tempted ,. nienseeseYilige , ," Mader sprightly:. mitainere "though, of coarse,. .a, ' what, shall, 4 .do to inherit etermil, life r very sad.' op e' , that.pb0 Mr. IIofrn Virinthtob: Thkire, was ere ale . oe;eeepesineerityin, this: came. t0; :Mycleat! Ntteri by, ' yonr lapdog, ! freporeaet geneitiese. i And where this spirit, was he 1.not?.,1 . tlfeeleed My etera when I is atmeet, geestioeieg" is, reeinliefelly. ., The • heare ef en ethat I eiever iteet suole a thing 1 • a,nseeeei Jesus ; Oyes, to this, young , Arian. is There wesipeeee .eheekeig sieeire too : ebotie ter Y , el136citieee ; Pfew doe ,you , reed.? leis inegieireaciye eye. othsVVapsh�t lenesee .:Wh4 ,de lion IKI1Oie. eabolit. life ? Thenthe - , , , „ was he .1- .fit 1 -tut there ; perhaps young .man goes qa with , an , ex.osition of : Jesus says; Tiede% all right ; 4o this and thou, shalt live," This whole episode helps to confirm this conchn sum that the diffieulty in the way of noble lives is not kuowieg what to debut not doing what we ktIONS. No wonder it we should grow weary of the empty talk so often iu- dulged in about the mystery of life, and, about the vast unknowable, and about chil- dren" crying in the night," and " with net language but a cry." This at least should be clear, that we have to do with the hoows able and the ktiown. The vast unknow- able does not, eau not concern as. The true seeret of living is not troubling about the mysteries and the hidden things.. The ewer of ;keels to this frivelonsi greeted lawyer isan answer for us and for all time; "This do and you shell live." We haveonly to act with reason and with common sense. The bread and meat upon the table this even. tog were full of mysteq, but we ate it, be- cause we know that we must eat to live. We know jest as well as we know anything that love and charity, that truth andbonesty, that iedustry and patience are the elements of riglin wise, true livieg ;that theee eonstii tete righteomeness, godliness. If we do these we shall live. Here se the grand secret of JOHN LABATT'S Mini)* Ale ad XXX Brown Stout. Highest awaras ana atetlale for Perityand Exce - /knee at Centeenial Exhibition, Philadelphia 1876; Canada, 1870; Australia, 1877; and Paris, France:, 1878. TESTIMONIALS SELECTED: Prol,R 11 Croft, Pnbliaanalyst, Toronto, says:—"t find it to ho perfeett,y sound containing 110 impurities or adultat atim s, ard ran stronglyreeonamend 15 as perfeetly oda and uvery superior malt liquor," John 13 Edwaree, Professor of Chemistry, Montreal, says: findtliena to be remarkably sound ales, brewed from puremalt andhops. Bel% Pr. J. Ed.Page,Professor of Chemistry, Laval liolgor- sity, Quebec.. SOTS have analyzed the Lichen Pale ale manufactured bv John Labatt, London, Ontario, and have found it a 1ialite/0, containing but little aloohol of a deli - Mona flavor, and of a ver agreeable taste and superior quality, aud compares with the best imported ales. I awe also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the eaMe brewery. which is of excellent quality; its flavor is very agreeable; it is a tonic more energetic than tile above ale, for it is a it tle richer be alcohol, and 084 b oompared advantage - Ova} with any Imported article. ASK YOUlt GROUUR.VOR IT. Tioxs ER)si TIM TELEGRali. THE OR TIM Kfild4OTIlir,, There is a serious strike at the Albere dock& in London. e Ineeneattonet Execution of Teree Criminate. . Abram Wieht is deed at Stockbridge, Masa.. aged 109. He wits born its the East A speeld telegram dated ..elgiere, leaes- dey, ears ;—The execution of three eatitee; toak place yestertley Isserville under p.1.1.-1 Gen: Shelentio, IL S. A., has been eritr tieularly timer:Ale tmetances. The, eelly ill ircen erysipeirts, but le now eenaider- ITI:se: 41.°11°tabct C:T41111:''*41.4.°11rnel 1144111'44 1)7rjuaknel etillatol,itlraeraildaeigilepri.Oye 3 in the Westere States into 8, leeen eeenPlea .1), a cool& nAmeit are orgaeizing agauist the gatugere, who, it Dithenis, dischargell. their gone oe the nue, is olaimell, sire wovking :spied the interests hi a wife, midthe mau servant, ried -then: et reieroalere Bieling their Vietiftla to he still stale bed them to death with their knives. In, ,Xeitrly all the shop and yard employes of spite of now and void the whole populatioa the Pittsburg and Western railroad at Pitts. of the dietriet assembled troand the piece of burg have struck because they have not been exeention the ereuint; al the day before that, paul for two or tliree menthe appointed for the death. At eleven o'clock James Redpath, the Irish leTatiou'alist jour - at night the erectiou of the see -fide woe:coon uidiet and lecturer, who was run down, bv a meneed: no4 although "°n* WaS then falling horse or in New York last week, hoe died heevily, the crowd followed the :Tern free, teo effects of hie injuries. Co of the vilrklileuwith the 'lewd t teution. At elle o'clock in the morning, The r uited Statea gevernment preposes the temiemnel awe arrive in the goyim to enlist young bucks her eervice in the icom Aigiere, anti were con1ucte:1 to the Rimy. Re a intone of aseistancein ettiteg fate' pot. With the exception of leelfottei, the Leliantilleatioll. Alen. Thies is said to who AIOWeil a certain degree of fortitude, aPnroee ei the plan. e in°" PIM° °I great Aethig Seeretery of the rnited, u."1'11'4°14' Wh° 'Ian inatienilaiwe, Statee treasury lea eent to the Senate re - wee chanting a prayer, Kalfouni and Aissa votts woo/ agente. etatireg that the Allan& made bOld b" v414 ettemPt to seal rookerws are loadlo depleted and the bred-. their hemis and eeeepe. litunett Zinn .uative3 on tho scia isianihs are destitute. s the first to appeAr MI the scaffold, and W41 se ovvreome as to be unable to walk. At 'Donald, B. C., on .lifondax night two Ile was cerried by the asaidants, and wein totonaue came together, Iteelly injuring five thrown Ort the block like se bele of goad. persoxis. Miss Lawrence ha4 a. leg broken in Aissa settee& was terribly pale, and had to two places and her bead bruised ; Mies be supported till he remixed the gdillatine. May Evans was hurt internally end her Kalfouniniainteclued his firm hearing, and head cut ; Thornas Taylor, leg broken „- himself placed his heed on the block ; but, Charles Crandon and S. Heneerson, heaths here his reeignetiou gave way, and it was injured. found necessary to bold him in the required position. Just as the body was falling intoi Sensational Oriliie in Ireland. the basket it suddenly eprang up with a. A greet, eeneation has hem -caused in th convulsive movement that, was horrible to townland of .11lagherally, near itibridge. behold. The scene was11gbaStly 01101 the A 111511 named Midi ei'Laughlin„ aged ab011 snow all around the guillotine being hloOa. 30, has been martitel some six or eight week stained. The execution produced h great. o (1 neighbour's :laughter. It is said the sensation on the Arab iwetatom. !he merriag o 'was forced ,upon erLaughlin ir1 . land since the union he and his wife had not EXETER TIMES. Is [midi wed every 'r lieralay Mara ogiat TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE eleuereeemearty opposite ktttouN LTewolerT Store, Aroter,Crit.,by John White eons,ero arietors, ItkTile ADVERTCSINO First i us ertion. per Ilue .10 cents eabseene4ttusertlen ,per line Scents. 'Po loaure tuaertiou, advertisements should b sent notlater than Wednesday morning ng PRINTING DEP U1=1E:NT is oae U! e berg?St 13,114 bpgiaatoogeurisp: we4 in, the County - Decisions iteigarding NowSe Huron, Ail work, entrnsted to at reoeiv o r etemeteetentiom Any person botaitess. paperreentarlyrrom thepost,oftice, whether ,iirected in his name or inor whether he bee subscribed or not a respeasible for papne at. I 11 11 person orders paper discontinued Immo at pay au arrears or the publisher may SOUtinue to send thm it until e payment is made, o, then collect the allele amount. 'whether tbe wiper le taltea troot the ranee 05 1101. 4 In KIM yor Elaisoriptioes the snit ran be ustAtatediu the place where t o paper is pub. lobed, although, the huhaeribev way reside tinndreds of mile* away. 4 Tim courts have 4ecitled that refusing to *ate newspapere or petiodicalsfrom the post- ai-nether removing and leaving theta uncalled ir fa prima facie ortience of intentional fraud PUREST, STRONCEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO ALUM. AMMONIA. LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious matc,rista, vv. GILLETT, Tw3g1V2*orrio. &tern oit,12043124174TSDUITALITIASVATIL REATilEME6Y 11 RHEURIATISIV15 - Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, 1, Headaches; Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bates, Sprains, Bruises Burns, Etc. 9 Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Piny Cents a battle, Directions In 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A.,VOGELER CO., Baltimore, PAL CfVaadaan TICT1^+.1 Toronto„,Ont, 2g*C0.1-4, , lived on the beat of terms—he residing \yid The lava raith. his father and she with her father. 011 Sat "We believe that the inepirtition of hope unlay it. eeetni'll'Laughlin wrote to his wife and love is far more efecamous to Promote to meet him at ; a particular place on the fighteouuess than the deterrentpower of evening of the -following, dray. 'Accordingly law and penalty. 'We believe that the world the unfortunate woman, wondering who, is to be sieved by hope, not by fear; that change had come over her husband, and love is the only true obedience, 404 that love with the hope that Matters wow in set" begets love. We carry .this faith out con- aright, tem:plied with the ,request. Quite ststently in the family and the Stated well close to the place of meeting is a large fiax as in, our theology. We believe the best dam, which with the teeent frost bed be - place for the rod is in the trainee on the mane come frezeii, and ; epicto the centre, it is, tel; and that in the hoine where boT -broods, . , alleoed the lemband broke the ice milli time- . 4:4 4 purity , . ly to aliow a person to foll through. On his ell prisons should be penitentiaries, all limn .wife's arrival. be skink, her between the 'aliments reformateq ; and thee to every she:Were, dragged ber to- the dam, and criminal entering a prison, hopeehould show pitched her into it head foreniest: Her feet an open door to liberty through >rept:name° reenaieed above the lee, and in this position and reformation. Our penology and the- she was mily 'able to give a, few struggles, °logy are in spirit identical. We believe which, fortunately, were seise by two ferm- i sum of all his morel attributes; that justme that God. is love e that love cePeesees the ers • named Mooney and Kearney. Curios- . ity took them to the edge oftlieden, and, to is love working out the good of the alt; that theirereat astoniehinent, they $8,15; the feet of mercy is love working out the good of the 3/t.s. ,I,i,Lai3olitu. - .After -some iiiilleuity ono; that, however these seem to conflietin they wer&able, to bring her to the bank, human governments, they ere consistent and then hadher conveyed tcrefr. .M'Elay's and co-operative in God' government; that. house ii an .tmconseioti4 state. . Dr Alex - His merey emiureth forever ; that His gov- ander was fetched, add all - hisintslical ernment is a government of mercy; that all skill was required to restore ;animation, His laws are framed and administered for which he queeeedetlin doing. One, search of healing and redemptioneee-Chris(ian Union ici . trs, erLatiglilithes clothes, it Was discove Cermet/eel). 'from diet eine had the letter of envitation from her husbaud, itt her pocket.. As soon :as she:was able Le .sieeak she informed her Spellimima. ., ,fete' edit , *ho 'eominitted the crime, and .1PLaughlin was-'pladed :ander arrest. He denies , all -knowledge ot the affair. Mrs. 3I'Le.righlin. has since given birth to a still- barn:child,' and; het condition is so very critical that her lifeisdespaired of. "Begone 1" seid Pat, • With an emphasis that 1 ' Left no doubt of his heingelaled-, ,.., "It's Kitty ()Take Has 'the charrums to make Any man in the wurruld frushtrated. m delicate ground. You palest - the ret Itneg the reoral Taw. Sich'shpell she invokes— Sure Oiiiditelline no jokes— An' so quick put, yer San es hi a tatter, That the first toime I set tlyti eyes on, the pet Be the posters 1 Oi niver looked at her. • "An faix it's as thrue AsAhe wurruld thro' an' thro A reaa's father's daughter's lessister. So great was me daze At her illigant ways • That the first tame Ois kissed 'er Oimiseed "en" • • , Winter's " Secret, I am waitiegfor`the flowers, I're listhung for the song Of the sweet birde in the boWers ; Winter;;Wintero don,tstay lona% For thepther day a maiden took from ane1 a precious ring, • g. , • . t • And she said would exchange iefortmotlie • inthe SPrinr , • - a\Vrag,08411,rngratladk44°PliziethshdPrwoseerfs3 grow' , Speed; olz, eipeedixthe la ging hours, io he ers- tocirii,Yoaniatirod'actah", (010 22,0 • ,seoretthen Can tell. „ h The Valentine:- . The piindess on Saint V'alentine's : 3, rose 'foiind ahlicr.door.' To .whic)*. were pinned somo.levinglines " Veineheone attectiOn bore. isbet thought the; prince, for whom she oared Hn[sont titetoken tweet; She never dreamed the jester dared' - TO. bd,ao indiackeet, • ", ,So all that der upon tier breast , The yelloty reSebud • And he,*thikhowri,- Wholoved 'her best . Was iumpe•tall the day. ,^ , READ -MAKER'S 0 Ir331.42,.EVW NEVER CARS TO CITE SATISFACTION Ft SALE BY Mi. 0EALSRSI WORM P OW2) ERSZ • • Are plaunist to take.", Contain their OVA Purgative. Is a 2sele; Mire; and effectual 142aatrozer of warms in Children or A Mate 3 • • t C kilathillea410240atiarkkbitnitin latilg?12 %qt., incdtuorhet:Ft,eizert,l,'„,- ;eoteeTeireter-enneeitase ° tlie,sn°Nr , ,,44a S 93:,51 ace4ye,teldng for the aai *lietr;th)elitingonsases' gdnetal feel g of,.de bigt t b ; Ceti' thei.giiitee'eeVe" "" 1 ,W,henthe,earth forgets its sadness!, 4.tliaJerstbat Eatcwill bring ;Then a, maiden's eyes,wili,sliatl,1re, -"fgetl gloW', ' • ffkY Ariclt*olheartwItill ;JourtieY: ' ..;:.itYfeotetatflawersgrowyr,,,!'; What Shall it Profit 111 lay waste andwitherup witIrtloubt The liessed fields ,of ..heav en -wh.eire once my :Possessed ;itself serenely Safe2tronVd,eath;;; 11 I.40nY.theAbjAgedlaStilludiug,P0i itrzlam (I .1 tituteriake toam;)2:, ,04,it X orphan ewe:ea:ante/4e ; , , toe, any, fair17.1ntelligen nersen p.teithor. 'That ", see/tied ePfatlier, • anot "•Veid tee, 'WrIte;'and' *no,' -1,,,f; ]it7 7 after instruetlel, will work inaustrlipV11174' >Within., me ;whore Me ,dtveit „,iniipower,'„and Yenr in their owo '-NiV4Ettgef 2i4iriber, ato;ms. ng overladen nYeateto IVA . skeep in the warmest weather. , natemg.alieelayaliegee ;on a fish se: ;sone:teener eistrieseePetm)es ds4r6Bi- t once, C, no.x.;,:ifkl4i.04tes€5111114.. Matiltik 1 any 'Of these 4.3to 11 kkarerPitinlitllpd ilite 11, 1 i t&oota - X., 413 1, 1 11 Ip) r d i ,f 4 C : t I ' Li 4t, • : Ili :itg;t:toCI:t. 7 Tp .iie 1 21 : iBiktietegareeljrned.in finiti naighiatikil • tth z lo re; vb ,.. r,' II isslantioi ) I Op: 0 111 outsoe 4 I 01 ue coatanagl i ,,00)1liddresd14 or will be sent, postman1,04rimpirtr price yF_OLF..B00RoDnitviiCieetktti.)Yo'i::;•,; . Siek Headache and relieve all the tioublesinel,, , dent tea bMOus tato of the system, such as ; Diagnose:Nausea,- DrOWliriegs, Distress after, , satingi,Pain inthe Bide; &c. WIfile,theirmost, , ,VrnaVrtahle.alluoatla has ; beenshown in curing f + 0+,0' ,•! ,Ileadache, let CARTER'11112.1tE, re ,ertua11y2yalnable,in. ConstipatioM cluing , and preVenting this annoying complaint, While 'they altoceoireet all diderders Of the stomach, stimulate the liver and '' Even If they only cured,,, i ,,A(>1/0 theY, wotild he almost pricelessi to, these, • . who suffer from, ;this „diatressing*Aomplainti; = , but •fortunately their. go:els-ass .dos not erid.; there; and thooe.who once try 'them will 'find `. sts thoit huetseittloittele4p4ii4liisoyal4luciaable in,S,orhanyi,YeL.Y, they will, not die willing to do. withent,therow ; ; 2 ; Is theliane.ef immany Eyes that. lore es,wherie wo niak6.`onr* great. beast; Our pills, cure it, arliile.othersdomOW:•7. „," • __,. .,6„5Axnerilae'atsLymtno ta4LrElt.: c;n.iNte pr,..7tawrosii,v4,73:.sita: dose. • • They aresteletly vegetable and do ow Lost, Row Restored ;bat pehlhihed, new *ago ot Dr* Chav.er° °Ps vele.brAtett EaSnY on. .14 radical aura •VERMATORRIOXA Or Ineapaeity mewed ey OX0008 Or ,arly indiscretion. The celebrated author, 111 this adaffrable essay, qoarly demonstrates from a thirty rartice that the *ler ing eatew4;nces ot self - %base In'as be radically cured pOintIng out rEkada f cure at once simple, rennin and effectual, bY amnia of which every stmerer, no matter what hi .ondition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pre :goy and radically. tee Thiele:tete should he in the handsel avary youth and every man in the land Sent under seat, In A plain envelope, to any ad lress, post•paid, op receipt ot tour cents, or tiv postage stamps ,arotuee ot ,tolne treo. Addres THE CULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO 41 4atit Street 'Fork Post Office le ix 45() 4688 ly — BUR;DQCK ' eg414q.es ,the totrach, Liver enritiowels;I:itilocks theSecretIonssrurlflesttiO Blood and rernoires,all kn.! . tee: ritle0 from, Al, :1:qmpl.,t,t? thevioi-ii„SarofulouellOri.. , ..__ •-?* CURM.S: 4,- IDYiPEP S IX' :BILIOUSNESS; ODINSTIPATION, HEADACH :'$A44- RHEUM; 'ISCROWLA: .. HEART BURN. 'SOURSTOMACH DIZZINES S. : ._,-, DROPSY”' RHEUMATI 5M.-$F9N DISEASES BITTERS Tit077,.„„.,.,..7.,11,_"1,,,,...70.,,,,.,:",„127,,,..:77„ti,,,p7t9iid., fladvv9x14102 Ylgor:0-2,Body,„ Mind, Atha - ,IFIentwocfroftunFlor exhill4.04:tivc47.4#1P-T;110z the rouinalkie Lpf., 4,110., Hiandebhe, 9Itaomkeraaooryno, a Bparaatihaitiiii tionteettsT;;LDW!saakonleeg ?1,nplegi open tha le aceeseideelleeisEffetete Wing ,.p.to,larlyelDeogly, consuplpition tgliettav12,1,I. ,. /l'illilrfe,14..; Fiti'14:-fra7ouktiarto*Pell*IPtt-t' lul. ' tepee eteeinalaelie tied inTig5W090 the .13rair Igor .teitores. :toe 'vital power in old Ind . -ktakd erNoiti*seseefi ti$151111:1214,4frlith',.(4'thvtilleitPht3raear611 onorgyof, the. human.traule.,r9„With,,Onr, epeciat :. et. io..2-gral., fili51-fit ttitittrtalVtginst.i no. 23 the roost? obstinate, ease- can be ererOd le: three menthe, and r 'COMA Ondri in Wei thatitliirtY.. deo*. Eat& package contains .ttro. woo*, tetiat, i egot,$:,*ogruo..F.42,i1109,vo00.:.i9:19tront:,14,4tR4041 'pleleasemectpA4149r,gtilovv-Ipng 4tert is Co.; TOiron . FRENCH IiMintiniesTIONointislett,e • Auxzwl....ADIE8 OINLY."401‘.-, i Par sullertorettenrenti Tansy,l.Peneyriottrer I 0$14e-, grOOPOO11.11y,the thousandt.iitladic- „Uillonse tpir SIONTHLY,i ;NOVerlibiljelleve soma, - IN RS )140,11LA0ITI% /Pleas tattfl 1-10Po:tO. Pr, .. ; ; ; ,t •,„ , , not grIpEver purge, hut'bY-their gentle' action ' .please,au who usa:them. yiaLs+ at 25 \teritaf , thre.fOr:$1. Seidev,e7where,, or,setihynntil;; SEDICIIIE CO, New york. t iteresete.$2.-Toronto],lyediditt!-CO, StiallNI lazt Doge • ..• AilyEXETER --; Teat:lee