The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-12-03, Page 1CHRISTMAS
FIeien :To .ouncii
, .
,i (By W. E. Elliott) greeting the mayor before and $31,000. 1 think we have a staff . ., . .
. . later on I will devote Ay bine the late theatre was made over, tenance of equipment had bees'
after his speech was eloquent!on the. force adequate to handle I to it. .I want to 'go into statistics. we $2.000 more than normal, owing
Unless early assuranCe of
testimony_to' his., worship's_poP- !affairs, here without . neglecting CITIZENS . NOMINATED • AND THE SPONSORS —
_ _ . , . . .... ... bought the theatre for $13,500. to conditions general through-
,i_ Some oldtimers can recall
given, the town council -will ularity. • • aehing-iiiif olice-blItIgiFt. -
y • MAYOR ' . • Nominated 1)3r, W. J. Taylor Robert Squire, welding foreman 1934,a5 wheli (he question of the
. nomination meetings ii7CI in
"CIL ofheC'agter11:1'aljb'o' uwt is3thuoothe it ou,t,ntehceaspetoovfintchee.
:1-a-t-espr-ing, .1"
go ahead on its, own with Frank Walkom; . this year's can be drastically cut in 1960
construction of an urgently finance chairman, steps up tol "If you electme for 1960 I (Acclamation) 1 and J. II. Aitken.,
---STominated by G: W. Foley roadivaY on the north • side of in as of the middle 'of Novem- Mr. Bisset said, "our roads were
'needed water system.
the reeveship whichiames Don-iprornise to serve you with the Ernie C. Fisher, -Nominated by, Hag,
Jevir'ell, assistant superin-
and W. Bradley. . the harbor was discussed, and bet% plus probably a few out- in a deplorable condition Asolll
Plans are afoot to provide nelly is vacating, and. Council- dignity, conscientiousness and J. E. Iluckins and Frank Wal -1 tendent-Nominated by Ernie; it took 20 years until we finally standing accounts. Looking over during the year we Used X9111•
sites at the harbor which the• lor James A. Bisset was unop- integrity that should go with the kom. . , FiSher and James 11. Johnston.! PUBLIC UTILITIES got possession by way of lease the situation. I believe we have ions of cold and hotmix, strap
town may offer to prospective posed for the other county coun- office- of mayor, and I know you REEVE , ; Mrs. F. May Mooney-Nominat-' W. 11 • automobile !from the depa,ilment and right- something of considerable vIllue., patched -many streets with 1?..,aos
industries. . cil seat' as deputy reeve. will elect councillors who have (Acclamation) i ed by Don Aberhart and II.' J, 11s, Frank
e dealer of -way from the C.N.R. -We "When we asked the town ap-, gallons of street primer, a
The new beach area may be H. Wilson McCreath joins the- the courage and vision and fore- Frank Walkom-Nominated by M. Shackleton,
,, , Nominated by Frank NS alkom never expected we would have praisers to value the present the warmer months pure
! and W. J. Taylor.
sight to handle a $500,000 busi- E. J. "Pridham. and John A. Joseph !Moody, millwright --+what-we-have out there today, post office they appraised the two cars .of asphalt • and We
converted into a summer play- public school board on, retire -
ground and trailer camp. " ment of Robert Rae, and Don: Pess-"• • e r ! Nominated by Ernie Fisher
. - George MacEwan, insurance • • •
- a mitt -million -dollar industry land at about $11,000. If you tank -loads of primer, put on the
The police budget is expect; Abeshart and (Harold Shore are Councillor Huckins, chairman Seaman.
! I "1 T 1 ! NominatedAy Thomas Taylor that in, all .,
• probabilfty-in -the-subtraet that from $37,000 -and streets at a cost of $8,000. Lire
ecl to show substaAtial reduc- re-eTected for a to -year term. of the water, light and harbor DEPUTY 1,REEVE.-
(Acelaination) •
i Francis M. Hall -Nominated by!years to come will be recog- I feel the theatre, lot is worth purchased 3,000 yards of graVell.
ted by 1 . St . Shore and Donald Mac-
! I W. Gerald Whaley, machinist - •
an Ernie Fisher.
. .
tion in 1960. . ...
In addition to utilities commis- committee,' mentioned that he -James A. Bisset -.Nominated nized a -g a turning point in 4e •
. Nominated by Jack Vulcan history of Goclerich.
was attending his 26th consecu- Kenneth Croft •and C. i,M-.1 `Kai%
Goderich provides a dollar , sioners Vt"J. iMills and George
and Harold.Sheardown. 's
in *very 10 .of Huron County MacEwan. -Gerald Whaley also five nomination !meeting. Speak- Robertson. W. J. Taylor, grocer-Norninat- The Water System -
taxes and might well seyk re- is a candidate. ing of the harbor as a valuable ed 'by H. Kuenzie and C. Ban.! "We have been talking about
on the county Several _nominees invited
•' asset, Mr. Muckins 'said: "I Charles 'M. Robertson, retired-. nister. •
the water system for at least
I • -
roads committee. quustiorls from the. audience, never prophesied that the Sea- Nomin'ated by Ernie Fisher John M. Graham, retired -Nom -II. Wilson 'NreCre'atti'--Nominat -three years and got to a point
The foregoing announcements, but none was forthcoming at way would have any spectacular and Frank Walkom. ! inated by Thoma's Taylor and ed by I)on. Aberhart and C. since promise of the ney. hos-
predictions and proposals came any stage of the proceedings: effect, but I believe over a period Kenneth Croft; Teal estate brok-, ' D. M. O'Brien. M. Rohertsorf. pijal, and waited and waited.
before the nomination meeting Chairman's Remarks .-- ". of years it will have an effect er-Nominated by J. E. !lucks! James Chisholm. rctired-Non. Donald C. Aberhart-Nominated Our provincial member ,Mr.
last Friday as 19 persons pro- The chairman expressed hint- to the extent that your harbor ' Ms and James A. Bisset. - i inated by D. M. O'Brien and by G. J. Bannister and John MacNaughton, has done a.„.mag-
posed .for various offices ad- self as unhappy as' he looked will play probably the most im- John E. Iluckins, retired -Nom- 0. Cook. A. Seaman. nificent job in trying to help
dressed a fair-sized audience in over the attendance. ' :portant part in the. town. We Plated by G. J. Bannister and Harold Montgomery, farmer - Ilarold c• W. Shore --Nominated us and get this question moving,
MacKay 'Hall, - • - "In a municipality with a are having -%quite- a nunther of J. II. Aitken. ... i Nominated by J. II. Aitken ! by W. A. Skinner and Murray but approaching tho end of the
Speakers put a finger on var- population of 6,000," Mr. Hill enquiries from people interest • Brentwood Nelson. dairyman- and James A. Bisset: 1 sneardown. year we are no farther on than
ious provincial bodies, and not said, "this hall should be more 2 d, as to facilities. We have two years 40. 1 am informed
in a commendatory way, in re.- than full if the ratepayers were some decrepit buildings down ,,-, by one of the members of the
' t
• ,
porting oti the water and sew- taking'the interest they 'should; there, not -worth" repairing, and public utilities commission that
is it.' If they are not going to
age situations, hoipital fees and but probably it argue.s well for no 'one is using the larger part .
i., ;!!!! a. the. old main is starting to give
!!, -a.-_-
--itemse-ditseresiss--eisityges-a-the-- old - --s--;--tristri7+1----iir-1-tre•-area- Irtirre-nire'
Several,,speakers, in particular of affairs." has passed. on to the 1960 coun---,........«...,.. -‘
. feared it would happen. The
former councillor C. M. Robert- Mayor Fisher drew attention cil that it be demolished, with ,--ii- ,-
,::., time has come when council and
Walkom, defended the ost stateinent, copies of which were. 0
exception of parts now rented
ayacDonald Marine Services. - ,„
• ,.-1;
!••••v, utilities have got to say 'This
. son and depute, reeve Frank td -some features of the financial ,_
office -town hall transaction.
We intend,to clean up that area,
he Aistributed. • It showed estinl-
latter gave figures of the outlay rtes for the year totalling and there is an area on the far
on the former theatre, and con- S601,806 and actual expenditure side that the towo is asking the
chided that 'as far as I can see, to October 31 as $546,391, Rev- Department of Transport to
we made a (good -investment." come was estimated at $601,808, lease to us so the town • will
` Statistics of the deal were and to end of October amount- have accommodatioff to offer,
also set forth in the financial ed to $481,137. Capital expendi- "If I am elected tor 1960 I
stateThent. tures totalled $63,782, and com• would like to lay down a pit).
With the mayor, reeve•-smtl-sosssiaity services, including the gram for theltew beach area,
deputy reeve, as wells utilities arena, $47,543. which could he converted into
commissioners and p u1 11 c "Provided operations run nor- a summer playground; plant
school trustees elected by ac- mally to end of the year," the, some willows in a semi -circle
omin ' 1 1 and create a trailer came to
CIVIC o ce resu • a con es comms ee c airmen ave s aye
only for six council seats. For well w 'n their budget. Capital
these, 13 were, proposed, and rixpcn e appears excessive,
Only two had not quAlified when but changes came up that had
We cannot cin it all at once, but
we' will have to have a budget.
"There are area right where
the time limit expired on Satur- to be made. The police commis- the waterworks is that will re -
day evening. These are James ;inn is up $5,000 over estimates vert to the town. The Depart -
Chisholm and John Graham. ,because we added a sergeant ment of Transport promised -if
Mayor Ernie .C, Fisher was and had to set ,aside a sum $or we survey that area and present
unopposed for a third term, legal fees. I am Igoing to sug- a report and ask the Govern -
though Coun. J. E. Huckins ac- gest at next meeting that we ment fpr a quit -claim deed' for
cepted a. nomination in orcier purchase a new cruiser, and this these pieces, council will be able
to have his say early and get deal will take our balance of to offer sites. 1 have been re -
away to Ml,a speaking appoint- $1,1100,.but the !1 budget will cent appointed .thsirman
aladrobora2. Phi MIIIIIIM11111 baLlaaal_
as much as the post -office land
--we endqp !with $26,000. De-
dtict also $3,000 which has been
spent in eqpipping the town
hall. clerks and assessor's quar-
ters, aryl you come up with
$23,000.• and that is not too
much for a property of that
va:ue when you consider that
the Frank Cowan insurance
agency valued that at $115,000.
Supposing he 'was out $20,000;
there is still $80,000 .value he
2,000 yards of chips and several
hundred yards of sand. At the
end of October our maintenance
on streets for materials ,&k*
run, slightly over $3,000. Or
payroll for the same period.
covering maintenance on roadie
and public works, slightly over
$15,000. So you can see utak"-
taining our 44 miles of streets
requires consideraible .amotant..
Elgin avenue between Kingeleir
street and Wellington'we pa-ve
put on that., We.have that build. in expectation of, establishing
ing now. The fire hall is about•truck route 'to the harbor, be -
one -third larger than the hall cause we are getting more and
we had figured on building,',and more trucks going down there-
with exception of a few people sometimes last summer over
I i viik-itrotrild • the -new- hcritrproPloo a —1157-rinr—eigyfro.
ple wi,1), say we have , a much ing them down one route
better location ;than formerly. will save maintenance, on
We have fixed up quarters, for some other streets. In the. REV
the town officialg, a Police office works building we have a build-
-ooperate we will have to go
has been fixed up very well, and ing to be proud oft it will dist
head on our own, and I ,attivti-
wr. have a beauty parlor and the department for many yearn
rate that we do go, ahead on.,IPA',Linent from which we re- It will be an honorlo serve you
our own. If we go to the Water$115 a month rent. ,CeivP as deputy reeve." •
Resources Commission, never "Sir. MacNaughton on Wed- "With Jim ' Bisset running aut
will we have control of ,our ne•!=day assured me we 'would deputy reeve," said Counciliaar
water system." be get t in g another proposal
Past office. from the Water Resources Com-
In _regard to' the
ion, and he got this frorn ??.1 town hall deal, Mr, Iluckins em- Inis'
plicisized that thp oltrown hall the l'remier, whom he had seen
on Tuesday, atid said it would
cook! not have been §atisfactor-
Atotal of six received acclamations this year. Aberhart and Harold Shore, who have com
They are: Mayor E. C. Fisher for a thied term; pleted a ' two year term at Public School
Reeve -elect F. Walkom, who is the 1059 Trustees, and H. Wilson McCreath, a new
Deputy -Reeve; .-Delputylieeve-el • James
Taylor, I feel I can do a more
able job.Pas councillor, though.
when I see"13 names there, spay -
be 1 shouldn't. As a member '
-of the industrial commis/On 'I
ily ..rep„,.ed and a new ane oe..much more , satisfactory tn feel we had a suecessftil year.
'he t •
He leet, e presetit• tow -1r
i. Slap • •
u, ant as soon -as we can get of additional land for the role
and muniCTpal builditii. -trrand for
tthe tea •-- they would be starting a 400-bcd,Salt to- sink two more brew '
o n. ----- - _ 41c was assured on-TnesdaY machinery plant
Deputy Reese Walkom, on the.(hopital) '
unit early in Ihe wells. Expansion is as
a m e subject ,',4111";,' ''' •
said: "1 thilik Spiina. and 1 -think we can ex- new industriee., • .. ''.4:?;;;v-;‘,:,:-
. not ii''' when, the newasist office is built Pect a letter from Dr. Berry "Iris away' My policy
1 l
it will he a more respectat
le giving his OK on the joint watersay anything behind .4
back; said C. '1111.-
,. . ,kng‘ -place than the old town .hat supply." '
'could ever have been. We have CounciHor James A. Bisset. "bi
, a 'building which, with some,public works. thaIrman,,explahv encet II
oodoi not
acroas amo.r:...,
renovations, will he a - Credit tojed t , ad