The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-26, Page 1212 The Gnderieli-, Signal -,$tar,
ie• estimated that current
plans for expansion, of the na-
Oval gas industry in,-Canada—
including new distrilbutiOn lines,
pipe -making plants and feeder
and supply industries—will cost
$2 ItAllion,
inureway, Novemeer btn, .1kJo9
Sine 1954there has been an
annual average of 132,000 new
dwelling units constructed in
Canada, and the completion of
new homes now is frising more
rapidly than the formation of
new funnies.
To Demolish Old South
No temperamental storm window can defeat .this .family
minister of labour': Leaving the difficult jobs to the pro-
fessionals, he looks after smaller repair jobs in his home,
himself. He's a determined -fellow who aims at keeping
his -family expenditures v11 within his income' at all
times. • -
The Minister of Labour at Ottawa requires millions
of dollars to meet departmental eXpenditures, each year•
. . . and his.department is.only 'or T:',` Of 'm'ans-: •,,
..7-1Vf6ney for ail departments of gove.rnment t omes
through the Minister of Finance who gets if largely in
taxes from Canadians such ;Is you. When more money,
is spent than is collect:4'd in taxes, government must
borrow from you . or else (-recite new mone.y. The
creation of new money is one factor that leads to inflation
. . which means your dollar .bus less and less.
The government has .been nending more than you
have been paying in'taxes. trow the gap .betvfeen
income•and expenditures, tie: Leshave been imposed.
. •
The next step should be to reduce expqnciittas, or •
at least hold the line. Undertaking new commitments-,
addine• new welfare or other services - will only 'Make
it that much more difficult to pay ourWay Tell your
M.P. at Ottawa that since you are trying to save, you
„expect government to do the sri4;ie.
Von also help when ,O1.1 save more by means of life
insurance, savings deposits, and the purchase ofgoyern-
ment bonds. Yoyr savings help to Create ft- SOUND
dollar; and this, in turn, helps to create job security for
you And ,niore.j,Os for other Canadians.
A PUBLIC SFP.‘air frt
St. Hospital Building
The Kinsmen's Club, has be,en
Liven an optibn bfor a year, 'at
,35,500, on the lot at Britannia
^oad and South street where it
s proposed to build rental ac-
xmeriodation for senior citizens.
Xt the same time, the town
,enincil decided to call, tenders,
or demolition of the old house
thereon, the former hospital.
Deputy Reeve lfrank Walkom,
reporting on a ,conference with
members of the club, said cost
)f the two-storey building would
be about $90,000, of which the
club Wouldrhave to putt up 10%.
`From what they said; they dq
not have the $9,000," Mr. Wal -
km reported, `.`and we could from surface 'water on Elgin
not give it- to them, even if we avenue. The town solicitor had
had it. All in all, it looks as, written him that the corporation
though they cannot make a move disclaimed 'liability. Mr: Shear -
it present, and they would like down said the insurance ad -
bas been issued.
Councillor Taylor commented
upon the frequency with which
buildings and sigi§ are erected
in anticipation of .permits.
."'If we are to handle- the peo-
ple's affairs," he said, "We
should say before these things
go up whether they can or not,
and not afterwards have our
hands -forced."
'Maitland Cemetery Board con-
firmed officially its objection to
the sale of any part of the pro-
perty wanted 'by Huron Con-
crete Supply. • .
Watson Sheardown appeared
tee-reo,pen, the matter of damage
Letter ToEditor
-C4odertreh. Ont.,
Nov. 21, 1959.
Editor, Signal -Star. • •
Dear Sir;
, The greatest and most valu- Canada
, DEC. 6th TV SHOW
• On Sunday evening, Decem-
ber 6,.fivepp stars wilt appear
on "Give My .Regards to Broad-
way" to appear on TV over OBC.
The half hour musical variety
show will be sponsored by W.
A. Sheaffer • Pen- Company of
able asset we have, in Huron
Coenty is our young people.
•The death sente e against
Joseph Takacs, 54, tic) resi-
dent of Kingsbridge tand G • e -
rich, has been commuted to. life
imprisOnment -the Federal
Cabinet. The 'Hungarian Mimi-
\was convicted'in an On -
What is best for their future liquor outlets under the L.C.A. 4?-,
welfare should be our first con- To 'cover their real motive they
sideration in „deciding which,
way we will vote in November'
It is being stated that the
Canada Temperance Act is re-
sponsible for increased teen-age
drinkin,g, juvenile delinquency
and bootlegging, The Acts do
not bear out these statements.
The best independent author-
ity in Huron !has stated that
there is definite3t less teen-age against revocation on November
drinking in Huron than in coun-1Q0.
ties under the Liquor ,,Contr011" Huron county ,has the lowest
Act..`"Vf."A. R. Scott, principal!
irate of alcoholisni of any !cpuntyl
of Goderich District Collegiate . in Ontarid yet surveyed—less'
for many years, backs up this than half theaverage for On -
statement. ,Duning his time as tario. If the C.T.A. is voted out,
principal, the school dances the L.C.A. will automatically
have been trouble-free, so Car as take over, and as surely as night
drinking among students is con-.
'ion on the land, and in that, "When you get the !buck pass- cerned. ' liquor,stores and other outlets
follows day, beverage rooms,
time try to form some plans, I ed all the time, there is 'pre- 'Repqrts of magistrates' courts will be established in Huron.
:Ind possibly engage an archi-'judice somewhere," 'he said. "I throughout Ontario reveal many.
Test as surely will there be an
!wanted to let you know not to prosecutions in which teen-age increase in the number of alco-
'Vey want to know what con- send a car around to my place drinking and drunken parties holies. It is an established fact'
COA,i1Oli council would make inll'or a vote, 1among juveniles are involved. that more liquor outlets 'always
lo cd taxation," Clerk Blak.e' In the nv.tter of the utilities"Recent reports in the ' daily result in more liquor consumed.
•;:lid. ' commis.sion's long-standing., bill ' papers of extreme rowdyism in Tt is reiisonable to suppose that
That would Lie up another : to t he town fur depreciatiowl..C,A, muniCipalities, with resi- free sale cif beer and liquor
cluncil,',' objected Councillor uver '20 years. • On motion of ' dents afraid to wilk 1 heir own :under the Liquor Control Act,.
Councillor Huckins, it \vas de -Hit -nets, emphasize the freedom would increase the number of
"1 dm.t. think _they Can do tided to pay the charges for the 'of Huron from any such reign, alcoholics in ' the county to the
June," s .id Mr. \Valkom. ' The collegiate hoard will get ' drinking. The only such eases , present ratio in 'Huron Is .750
average rate for Ontario. The
•mything lit -fore the lirSt of current. ycar only. 'of roWd,KiA14,,,!! from teen-age
On motion of Councillor 'Tay-. the proceeds , of ‘ the debenture in Huron . have 'been arriong per 100.000 .rOpulation . 7.Vlore
!or. the optixi was granted, and issue recently sold when reedy- ,juveniles from neighboring' r`e rtu.t..' a....wnuld be needed under
m metier of,..deputy reeve Wal, ed
express great concern about
teen-age drinking and drunken-
ness in 'public. One of the main
arguments used by their paid
agents who canvassed the county
was, "We wan bring in a law
which will pi -Meet our young
people from teen-a,ge drinking." 1
Many of those who signed the!
petition have 'seen through the!
'hoax and Jare , going to vote,
'et).1111Li" und" the L'(''A': who the LC.A; to bring Huron up to.
k! in the C!erk NVLSS instructed to Nil's. 1:NIoeney reported in de- brought their liquor along with par for alcoholics, Most of them
0 ill tendors on demolition of tail on the 1ed's inventory and them. At a recent trial, -Li i
' would ;come from among our
the house, ' e.,,,,li balance. , Iluron, involvingteen.'"ers voung• men. How many who
.Coul deeidedReg
- to notify °,, -The equipment should be put from a county under the L.C,A.j1,,'\vahl to have more prosperity
1',..c.,,, & Sons that a small in .a room and lbeked up," cid- the maestrate stated that from, through freer sale of liquor
buildine erected _ on the . firm's vised councillor Huck ins, "or , his observation ibootleV,ers are would like to contribute a son
new car sales lot . on Ne\vaate one ititrument after another as numerous in counties tinder to the new list of alcoholics?
. street must -iave fireproof' ma-, will be borrowed, TV uniforms, the L.C.A. as in Huron 'or Perth,
How much money would any
terial to comply with the fire shoulcr he cleaned and treated, Back in Premier Hepburn man
man need to compensate him
regulations, No building permit against moths." [time, beverage rooms were il-1
, for an alcoholic son? You may
legally established in Goderich. 'say you ' ,ave . a, ,
• h n't son, or that.
. -----7 !Those personsewho were. chiefly, vou know , your son will never
Fir ' Ait . main strong in this regard." ' 'responsible in bringing in those' be an alcoholic, which might he
en Bruce Johnston, president of beverage rooms are now at the true but what abOut your the Brotherhood Brotherhood branch, was in head of the campaign to do away., -- • is - • .1
oor s son'? This a responsibi
Rose Front Slums Rev.detD. r. Taylor ,N.vith the.C.TxA. and again ,bring .,y
lit no voter can eScape.
in beverage rooms, and also
° • • • W. HUME 'CLUTTON,
ional ser-
vice. : Bruce Clifford, vice -prem.-
"Among the finest men in Can- dent, introduced Rev. IMr. Eu,s-
ada today" are some who came taco, and J. F. Stephens thanked'
from 'the most discouraging en- him at the close for a very en-
vironment, but through home joyable and informative talk.
mission work got theirchance
in life, Rev. A. E. Eustace told
a 'dinner meeting of,men-tri ..:v
,ijuron YPS 4 it41,
George's Parish Hall on Wed: I I
nesday everting, November llth. •
To members of the Anglican •
Brotherhood and about a
ilar number from North Street
United Church, Rev. Mr. Eustace
gave some personal recollections
of missions in VVinnipeg. They
ineluded many humorous ha-
The Huron Presbytery Young
People's Societies held an even-
ing service at Wesley -Willis Un-
ited Church in Clinton. The ca.ll
penings as well as rewarding to worship vr)hs given .by ,
experiences in giv,ing direction, Coultes. The responsive reading
to boys handicapped by the most
appalling living conditions.
"The mission Money of the
churches is well used," he said.
"Even if only a few lives are
was by Muriel Gowdy.
A quartet consisting -of Ted
Dunn, George Turner, Stanley
Johns, and,Lloyd.Holland, sang.
Scripture was read by Bill Bry-
changed, it is worth while. How son. Murray Hoover led in
important it is, to supply thel prayer. ,
funds necessary fot the mission Rev. Henry A. Funge, of Lon -
work being done in all churchis; desboro, delivered the message,
across the land. I have given followed by the benediction by
you instances from the United Rev. J. A. McKim. fireside!
Churoh, but I know each ded meeting was enjoyeci.after
nomination has its own spihere,!service. Bob Southcott, of Ex-!
and stories such as I have relat-i eter, led a discussion on thei
ed could be multiplied no end.' Canada Temperance Act later. !I
The manufacturing industry
accounts for 55 'per cent of the
It does us good to hear of some
of elitiese 'boys who have. made
thei'r mark, and in some cases
attained national fame. We total net value of Canadian pro -
should see that our 'churches re- duction.
• Town of Goclerich
Non -Callable Debentures
DECEMBER 1, 1965
DECEMBER 1, 1966
DECEMBER 1, 1967
Yield — 6.35% to Maturity
Enquiries concerning these debentures mav be directed to
the manager, Bank of Montreal at JAckson 4-7391.
Bankers Bond Corporation
Ulric) retrial last September of
the imurder of his eight-year-old
Scheduled to be hung on Tues-
day, he will now serve a life
term in Kingston Penitentiary.
He was first 'convicted last
arch of the slaying on Ostober
16, 1958, of Joseph Jr., who c
to Canada from Hungary in ,1954
with Takaes and the wOmanxith
whom he was living. The boy's
body was found at Fairground,
29 miles southeast of St. Thomas,
where his father had been work-
ing at the harvesting of beets.
The commutation was the With
made 'by the 'cabinet since the
progressive Conservative gov-
ernment' itook office in June,
1957: There have been seven
executions in that time.
'!!.0 ',.!:•!!!:.,!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tf!!.!,e*It•A ' . „ ...
nginein the rear?
hy, of course!
American and European automobile
manufacturer t have now adopted the
sound principle of the rear -mounted
engine. Something once considered
unorthodox is now recognized as plait*
engineering common sense. .
You see, Volkswagen's rear engine
(gives direct drive to the wheels, saving
weight and power. It is the most efficient
and economical design. And -the rear
engine gives your rear wheels better
traction. In mud, sand, ice, snow, where,
other cars skid, you go.
What is more, the Volkswagen engine
is air-eaoled, a itiecided advantage
when you think about it. No water to
a.. -
boil over in summer, or, to freeze in
winter. No an' ti -freeze _needed. No'
radiator problems.
The engine is -ingeniously cast of plum --
num and magnesium alloysand is very
light and powerful; undoubtedly the
toughest 198 lbs. going.
It is beautifully machined for minimum
friction; you will probably'never need
.0;1. betWeen changes. And. so efficient
that top and cruising speeds are the
same. Your Volkswagen will run at 70
m.p.h.' all day without strain. You get
an honest 39 miles to the gallon (regular
• gas—regular driving).
Distributors and dealers from coast to coast
PHONE 4A 4-8261
Loans from $150. to $2,500. or more.
Selection of loaxi plans. •
Prompt, dignified Service.,e
48 'The Stjuare.. Phone XA 4-8349.
Churches Condemn
Liquor 7Tyranny"
"We haye reached the point where intoxicants have begun to tyran-
nize much of modern social life. Social drinking habits have thus been
approved in the minds of maturing yduth . . . it is nothing less than a na-
tional calamity. " ---Most Rev. W. F. Barfoot, former Primate of All Canada.
"We call upon our ministers to express uncompromising opposition to
the liquor traffic in public and in private and to urge our people to practise
total abstinence. " ----Convention 'of Ontario and Quebec, 1959. ".?
"Continued and uncompromising hostility to the liquor 'trade,"
—Official policy as published in the Observer.
" "—"Everything-wanrs-tts-the-eensumptikt-ef--alcoholie-dzinlis-excessima—,-,
. . . And yet we go on as if it were nothing. Our people are becoming
alcoholized. Our youth is being con-upted.,"—lViost Rev, Georges Caband,
Archbishop of Sherbrooke,
"tlberty is not license and drunkenness is sin . . In view of the un-
precedented' consumption of alcoholic beverages and the alarming increase
in the number of diseased alcoholics,,and the rapid development of the most
deplorable family and social, conditions, must not Christian love comp.01,„,
every believer to bring his liberty and responsibility to the feet of Jesus
Christ?'—Board of EvangeliSin and Social Action,
IHoodlums "Run Wild" Huron Has Fewest
Under The LC.A. L.C.A.Liquor By -Products
A number of Ontario towns suffered recently from
organized and liquor -inspired, rovidyism.--At Newmarket
last month,. citizens in a petition to the reeve reported
that youths „were swearin mas hing bottles and, annoy-
ing women. R43Sidents testified at a --police commission
hearing that hoodlums were running wild in -the -town.
One resident said -that on themain street, in the evenings,
"you don't walk, you run, or drive."
A gang which, according to provincial police, holds
wild drinking bouts in Thedford and Forest, descended
on Arkona at Hallowe'en, started four fire t in the street,
hurled eggs at residents and stones at policemen. Citizens
refuSed td give evidende, fearing what was described as
"a small but vicious gang of hard-drinldng hoodlunii."
Outbreaks of this kind have been reported' in the
newspapers from other centres, all utder" the Liquor
Control Act.
- In Huron, under the 'Canada Tempere,nce Act, 'we
just do not have this sort of thing.
On Nov. 30 Vote against the revocation of' the C.T.A.
Beverage rooms would soonbring it up to, the
Ontario average,
Broken homes are chief factor in delinquency.
Liquor wrecks homes.
Huron's percentage 'of the age group 0-19 is
*477, compared With 0.91 *for Perth, 1.51 in Oxford,
1,56 in Peel and 2.43 in. IVIaniton.lin.
Welfare workers say 75 to 80 per cent. ofin,
fr7,m—homeS airectecn;y
s liquor.
1 For The Revocafion
Against The ' Revocation X
4 •
''I.'..""'.'"'W'Nml*hi,kavhwaiaas'O'*th0~,''''''4"44A4,,A,sVhifb,mam*Vata~a.bnaaWoear,iX~pk*~a?w4Aii~kialava/Wrlk'aWra?ANNrtitiv.-aiwtltVt2,•M .0nWial,"4,,a1WAYKar,1,,°,4, ,004ai,z,,ft'~W.Oti,k0aN „„, Irak432,,a44.4,ftamiiiIM#00q1a4a4Witnt.avabe.vti
The Only -Way To -Be Sure Of eepihg everagd ooms Out Of.
Huron :County Is To Hold The Canada Temperance Act.