The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-26, Page 940 (bra thcr, Jahnatun, and Mrs. Auburn News Mr. and,Mrs. Ivan .YoungbItit .,,Johnston.. . and Miss Inez Youngblut, of AUBURN, 'N,ov. 22.-41Vomm's sources of coal, oil and uranium ;urich, 'Were guests on Sunday Institute. -Plans were made for have been exhausted, and all with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arthur, the 'Christmas ;meeting of thelts water resources harnessed, J,'"u( Ronald, Wayne .a,nd Phil - Auburn W.I. wffen the thepabers, the agriculturist, together with UP( will bring guests. • Mrs. Thomas' the forestef, will still be improv- Mrs. Catherine Dobie, who Haggitt presided. • Mrs.Bert ing and inoreasing the products has been living with her daugk• Craig read the minutes and thelof the soil. The next Meeting ter; Mrs;.„,james Johnston, and • ,financial statement, A letter was will have a pot luck lunch with Mr. Johnston, at 1Bluevale, is read concerning a pottery de- 'Mrs. W. Bradnock, Mrs. Frank visiting With Miss IMargaret R. nionstration. The president urg-IRaithby and Mrs. Andrew Kirk. Jackson this week. ed all over the age of 21 ye'ars, connell ' in charge. An auction Mrs. Keith IMachan received a to- get their polio shots. Each followed vondtketed by aeirs, trip to the Royal Winter Fair member is asked to bring a don- George 'Millian and Mrs. Ed. for, her work as leader of the ?lion to the next meeting for Davies. A lunch 'was served by 441 'Clubs. She was un•able to the War Allereorial Children's MTS. Andrew Kirkconnell, sirs. go as her daughter, Trudy, Was Hospital, London, in the dorm ofeorge Ha,ggitt and. Mrs. J. C. sick. jellies, jams, dolls• and genies Stoltz. suitable for little'gifts. A show- Friendss-of •AMets-01,Slin WI:1km Mr. and (Mrs. Donald 'Haines, ;VIargie and Eddie, spent Sunday er will be held for the Child- are 'pleased to ,know that she with her •father,, Mr. William ren's Aicr•Society and anyone has returned from London hos- Rathbun, at Hillsburg. wishing to contribute clothing, pital where she undekvent surg- Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, •Mrs. gifts or money. will leave it -at ery. , , George 'Beadle, IMrs. Clifford the 'table at the door. The •256 Requiem High Mass was held Brown . and MTS. John Arthur gift exchange will be in 'charge at St. Augustine Roman 'Catholic were recent guests at Tavistock of Mrs. William Straughan and Church 'by Rev. Father Achta-' with IMrs. Annie Mogk and Mrs. (Mrs. Arnold Craig. Mrs. Thomas bawski forthe late Mrs. Hugh M. Wettlaufer. Lawlor reported about the lamp King. Burial was made at ' t. Christmas Fair. - Christmas shade course, ,which will start Augustine R.C. ,cemetery. Pall.,trees, reindeer and other decor - on November 26th at 2 p.m. The motto was , read by Mrs. Herbert ,Govier. An instrument- al was played by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mrs. Prank Raithby 'bearers were iMessrs, Joseph lations covered 'with silver, ,and King, 'Owen King, Gus Redmond, I the playing of Christmas carols, Raymond LecrilY, Wilfred 'Kina-Ifeatured the Christmas Fair of han, and Cyril Robinson. Knox United W.A. last Friday 'Mr. Thoinas• Anderson, of Tor- evening. Rev. R. M. Sweeney spoke on 'Careers by 'the Dozen onto, spent last week -end with , we 1 c o m e d the guests and in Agriculture." She stated that his 'brother, Oliver Anderson, friends. Mrs. Fred Toll and Mrs agriculture must keep up in, Mrs. Anderson, William and Oliver Anderson,Were the host - world progress and thousands Nancy. esses. The conveners 'were: Mrs. of scientists are at work con- ,Mr. and Mrs Nelson Hill and Ernest Durnin, Mrs. Kenneth tinually to produce plants and Miss Sadie. Carter visited in the McDougall, Miss Elma Mutch, animals which provide more and I village on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. James Jackson, Mr s. better food ,at lower cost. -She,Miss '('arter is aSSiStino 'Mrs. Hill George Milian, Mrs. Thomas closed her talk by quoting a', who has a fractured leg. Lawlor, Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs. Canadian scientist who has said iMr, and (Mrs. Roy Farrow, of Ted East, Mrs. Elliott Lapp, that when all the world's re- Mitchell, spent Sunday with her rMrs. Bert Craig, Miss Margaret • R. iga cksori. The decorating jw done by the president, 1141's• ,A,I.! I N,fiW STREET NAME thur Grange, assisted Maurice Bean and Mrs. George Wilkin. These various, ,conven- ers 'were assisted by all the members Of the W.A. During th4 el/ening, Miss ‘Cltare Taylor, f Blyth, showed pictures of her stay at Frobisher Bay and her work among the Eskimos. 'This was in charge of Mrs, William L. Craig. Approxihutely $300 was realized from the 'fair. Auburn Tidy Teens anet with Margaret ,Haines in 'charge. Min- utes were read by (Eileen Schnei- der. Mrs. Keith Machan.discuss- ed plans for Achievement Day and had record books (Brought up to date. The assistant leader, Mrs. Ed. Davies, demonstrated the ,making of a laundry bag,. 'Congratulations are extended to Mr. Ed. DaVies who won the Class E. Championship Trophy in horseshoe 'pitching last Sat- urday 'at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. rCourtland Kerr won _sixth_ place in Class B at the same Mr. and Mrs. Mel Osmond and ,faarnly, of Toronto, spent Sun- Iday with her mother, IMrs. Wil- liam T. Robison, and Mr. Robi- son. Mr. Grant Chitham'spent last week -end with his family at Chatham. Mr. Thomas Ha'ggitt'and son, George, were recent visitors with the - •former's brother, Joseph Haggitt, Mrs. Haggitt and family; at Leamington. Several from this district 'at- tended the wedding rception for Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Daer held at,Goderich on Friday evening. IS "SUNSET DRIVE" . Goderich has a new *red name. It's "Sunset Drive," Council at last meeting put through the necessary bylaw, naming the lots thereon and the points from where to where. Apart from the legal terminology, "Sunset Drive" extends froni 'the south end 'of Eldon street westerly to Wilson., Mr. Sandy 1aWior has return- ed after a few days spent at Wingham with his daughter, Mrs. (McIntyre, and Mr. McIn- tyre. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gardiner and daughter, Julia, moved into their new home last week -end. Farm UnionMeeting.-A suc- cessful ine-ifing of Local 116 of the Qn•tarlo Farmer's' Union aivaa held in S.S. No. 16, East Wawa- nd2a (Nestbit's School). Minutes of the 'previous meeting were read and adopted, followed by a lively discussion on Farm Union Week. Plans were made for membership 'week. It was de- cided to hold a social evening on Tuesday, November 24th. ',During the evening, member- ship teams will 'be, appointed to assist those farmers who are interested in a fair share of the National' Income, and to in- terest them in becoming mem- bers of the Farm Union. The appointed auditors will bring in their report at the . December 8th meeting. This meeting was in charge of the local president, Mr. Ray Hanna, Voting on the petition to the Gaernor General requesting the revoctttion of the Order in Couneil which brought into -force' Part II of the Caneda Temperance Act in the County of Huron. TO:END • .T.A. PLACE YOU R "X" HERE DU,,G, ,, , , ,, ), . • DUNGANNON, Nov. 24.--4Mr., Mr. and IlVirs. Sam Swan, of and Mfrs. Victor- Egrington . on Belmore, visited last week at Sunday.v.isited (Mr.and, Mrs. Jas. tile 'homes of relatives, Mr. and Gauley,. Wingham: Mrs.. Jack Errington, Mr. and Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Arnold Mrs. Robt. Bere and Mr. and Wee Lorraine Aneca) on Friday 'ft C t night, were tendered a dance reception at the Agricultural with many attending. At lunch time the young couple were read • an address of best wishes by Mr. Lorne Durnin with the presentation made 'by Mr. Bill Hunter. Visitors for the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. :Cecil Blake and family, and Mr. Harold Blakei were their sisters', Mrs. D. S. Fines, Toronto, Mrs. B. F. Com- fort dud huSband, of St. Cath- arines, the latter couple also at the ranch home in Ashfield. °Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Con - gram, spent the 'week -end with friends in London. „ Mr. Ken Park arrived home last week after being employed with road construction around North 'Bay. ,Mrs. Harold ErringtOn, Diane, Ann, Nancy and Donna, were, at,Paimerstokoil Saturday. Her mother, IMrs. John McGee, her home. • The 'Dungannon Senior Wo -I men's Institute meets this-Thurs- • • Mr. and IMrs. Roy Stanley and little daughter, Laurie, of St. Thomas, spent the 'week -end with relatives. Mrs. Stanley and Laurie are , remaining for the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Black. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phemister, Jill and Mark, of Toronto, spent the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Staf- ford. Other recent visitors.were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brewn, of Willowdale. Mr. John Spivak is.recovering from a fall off a ladder while atl work. • Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodges were: Mr. Geo Hodges, Lucknow, and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Fogle and • The Goderich Signal -Star Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1950 0 • . „ . .. Speeches were made by Mr. Mrs. +Graham &Wee; ,lady diroc,. Murray Gaunt, IM.r. Carl Hem- tor, Mrs: Bill 'Wiggins; VOtiitry , mingvvay and Mr. bon Grieves,PrOducer'A, s.elex,t:.413, , 411;0 ." ' • with- encouraging talks and ad, Taylor; eibmelieoPtmater,rh'sogr:90trft ducer's secretary, WM Good, Other directors are George Ha1- !nn1 Nelson Culbert, Rat. ister, Man, Miller, FfIrtt 'Laidlaw, Mrs. Andrew Gan* and-iyirs. Chas. MdPonalil- The evening eritIed-with the Queen. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt accom- panying at the piano. " - . Mr. Mason , McAllister, taken : ill last 'week, was admitted to . Wingham hospital for X-ray and , ;Observation. His Iriends are hoping for an improved condi- MeNee read the annual report qofueat atsimilar, president, was ,chairman. An in:: theLn:geieotninliaann,dLbtrackh: tion soon. SPECIAL'. , • [now, last year. Mr. Bill Caesar, strumental duet, Norris Samp- PRE-CHRISTMAS .son, guitar, and Eleanor Reed, . 'Violin, were heard. Mr.,. Wm. , • vice for successful ,farming. Mr. read Ilemaingway atressed a !warning to beware of (the tbig package bargainr in the stens ,which 'are only bait for the buy- ers. He told of,his own experi- ence, while shopping, Mr. Mur- ' ray Gaunt explained the posi- tion young farmers are in today as they start ' for themselves, naming 'capital required and acreage to manage. Mr.Don Grieves ,also • gave a brief in- fermative address. Mrs. Graham children, Lynn and Barbara, of Elmira. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown, -Jeanie and Judy, were the children's randparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. -Brown, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. El- don 'Celbert, Carol arid Bonnie, nearby. It vvas Jeanie's second day night at the home of Mrs.' birthday. Esther Rivett. Mr. Robert Srigh,airi, Donna , with • 31, 'flu" and is, noW- a patient and Goderich hospital. the week -end at the .,,home .of Jim Blake and •assistant, David Dawson, on Saturday evening SALE Buckin,gham, with humorous , readings and Mr. George Hallam BULKY WOOL caused much laughter. Mr. Al -4 bert Taylor expressec12.appreei- for Sweaters and Rug Making. ation on behalf of the. mex,obers 15 Shades to choose from. Sale. for, the splendid -meal and Mrs: -Price Raymond Finnigan for the W.A. " $1 responded. The officers were re- elected and are as follows: past I From now until Christmas. president, Bill Wiggins; presi- Phone JAckson 4 -8787 -or call' dent, Bill Caesar; vice-presidentd at 118 St.. David Street after Cyril Blake; secretary -treasurer, 5 p.m, and week -ends. 47x Mr. John Rivett has been ill their uncle, Brown Smythe. Mrs, ..James Keane, Ashfield, conducted a ,meeting for the' .25 per lb.. and son, Roy Keane, Stratford, Sigma .c's boys at tri church visited on Sunday with the form-, "'Mrs. Richard Park, sr., is do. 1 er's mother, Mrs. Pat Moran. ! ing well towards recovery. A!, -,Word came Friday toMr. few weeks ago she fell and suf.-1 Arthur Thompson and sisters, • fered a broken hand and sprain - Miss 'Mabel Thompson and Mrs. ed .back. After a week at Wing - Tilly Kitson, of the sudden jimjw, •hospital,, she returned death of their brother, Charles 7. hone.but remained in !bed tali Thompson, London. lately. She is now able to be AGAINST THE REVOCATION - Huron Citizens Lega Control Committee - JOHN E."HUCKINS, .Chairman. „HEAR John E. Huckins Chairman HURON CITIZENS LEQAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Fri., 11.25 p.m. CKNX - TV up and -around the house and the (.1st has ,beLn removed from her hand. - Unit -ed Church W.A. on -Tuesday-riight. of last week cat- ered to a• turkey banquet at the church for the West Wawanosh Fe cit.ration of Agriculture. Over • j 100 sat down for dinner. Seated j ' at the head table and introduc- ed ' by Bill Wiggins, the past president, .were: Rev. Wallace IVIacClean, and Mrs. 'Macelean; Mr. Murray Gaunt, 'Mr. Don 'Grieves, Mr. Bill Caesar, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Boyle, Mr. and, Mrs. Graham iMeNee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wiggins, Mr. and 'Mrs. Win- ston Shapton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henimingway,, Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller, 'Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. An-, drew Gaunt,•Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MoDonald,-Mr. and Mrs...„ThomaS Webster and Mr. Will .G'ood. • saving seemed impossible THEN 1 JOINED THE . Lots of people have said that. The credit union makes saving so much.,easier because it's so convenient - and because any amount you save is welcome, no matter how large or. how small. Another thing-irtneans more to save as a member -owner • in your own credit union. While investing your money in your own future, you provide the credit that helps other members. You help others by helping yourself. Goderich Community Credit Union 27 South St. (In Bedford Hotel Bldg,) Phone JA 4-7931 • • • KROBHLER '2 -PC. 100% NYLON •FREIZE , - Chesterfield Suite SKLAR 2 -PC. ALL 'FOAM RUBBER' 'CHESTERFIELD .SUITE covered in hard-wearing acetate freize. • REG.. $.339.00, -SPECIAL $259.00 'BRASS AND CHROME PLATED ,, ‘„.., '• Draw will be made in our store on mATTREss December '24. Get your entry blank ..l.b. - , now! ,NOTHING TO BUY! ' , Sealy - Marshall - Restonic MATTRESSES REG. $59,50 - CHRISTMAS SPECIA4 3 8 8 8 MATCHING BOX SPRING $38.88 OTHER SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES FROM $21.50 , 'SWIVEL ROCKERS u Red, Green, Brown or Turquoise. ONLY $49.50 DESKS 'BEDROOM, SUITE in Sonora Sand. Complete with Sealy Box Spring And -Mattress. . KROEHLER ROCKERS in• top quality freize covers. FROM $45.00 CLOTHES HAMPERS REG. $12.50 - SPECIAL $5.00 OTHERS FROM • FOR - • . Smart, modern arborite tops and walnut finibed. FROM $29.95 TO $79.50 3 -PC. BARONET BEDROOM SUITE PLAY PENS - HIGH CHAIRS - BUMPER' PADS CHILDREN'S ROCKING CHAIRS - BABY SWINGS CAR SEATS - JUMPERS, ETC. 2, Table Lamps - 1 Tri -Lite Lamp. REG. $77.85 - SPECIAL $39.95 in Grey Roxatone with Teething Rail, 'Spring.filled 'Mattress and Bumper Pad. , Only* $39.95 TV LAMPS 'FROM $)1.98 UP Telephone Gossip Benches FROM $13.95 .WITH STAND- . Prispd From $13.5Q TO $24.50 CARD TABLES FROM $2.56. TO $11.95 ARBORITE TOP Step Tables, Coffee Tables FROM $11,95 EACH SET OF 3 TABLES, ONLY- $32.50 5 -PC. BRIDGE SETS from $29.95 to $49.50 including p LLOYD - .-GENDRON --vStiNSHINE. SPPINGTIME SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICES! CHROME SETS niZminfrufs, .‘s 8 -pc. romr:-.;•----ymtovemiTh., lying Room r' s 2 -pc. Davenport Suite - 2 Step Tables - 1 Coffee Table with Arborite' Top - 2 Table 'Lamps - 1 Tri -Lite Lamp)Reg. $329. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $229.00 Large selection. !......„„__RgicED FROM $7 95 • uvr449,49.5mOmumtrms,vossiwummounrentwmocrararoarmomorivrtemarsomewsmum.../wwwrsvorspipmamsorruosvinomPsi•sov PRICED FROM Ranging From Ideal for Christmas entertaining. FROM $13.50 All Styles. RA NGING FROM $5.95 'm $21.95 _DOLL HIGH CHAIRS -- CitILDREN'S ROCKERS KINDERGARTEN SETS - FOLDING TABLE SETS BUN% BEDS' I Complete with 2 ribbon springs and 2 spring - filled mattresses. PRICED FROM $69.95 PRICED FROM