HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-19, Page 12The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, November '19th, 1959 tope Kenwood blanket with sheets and pillow cases to match. \ BRIDE4LECT FETED ' baniper. AT 'SEVRA- L SHOWERS The lady members of the staff of the Dominion Road 'Machin- ' Mils .Tores- 'Ellwood, bride- qe/ct, daughter &f 11/Ir. and Mrs. William Ellwood was feted at numerous showers prior to her aiarriage on November 14. Among them was one at, which ery Company, where Miss Ell- wood had been' employed the past three yeara;.entertained her with a cocktail party at the home of Mrs. Mary. MaeLaren. It was followed by a turkey din - Mrs. Lewis Ellwood and Mrs.iner at Lakeview Restaurant Herb Davidson were hostesses to when the bride -elect was pre - a number of the guest -of -honor's; sented with a steam iron. The girl friends and schbol chtires,imale members of the staff and They presented her with many, heads of the different depart - gifts and also a beautiful towelmentg presented her with a tWo- --LEGION LADIES The Ladies Legion. Auxiliary met Noyerdber 10th with 26 members present. Two new members were initiated. A„don- ation cif ten dollars was given to Muscular, Dystrophy. The card party tournament of the Legion ladies is to begin Novem- ber 25th with th,e first party at the Legion flail- in Goderich. The111 e eting closed `vvIth lunch being segrved. THOUSAND FREE GIFTS AT. MODERN SUPERMARKET 0, A FOODLINER OPENIN SOUTHSTR. ET TODAY cooler. A K.incardine native,' ,' Shewfelt, is. in charge of foupdaticrn, built the walls, roof, The doors of Remington's IGA ment includes a large, walk-in, Constru •an Co., of GodeKich, Foodliner—one of the most mod - the meat department. He as etc with Mrs. Fred Morgan, ESse laid out the building, put in The :Fstlrienet,t, Mr. .arid IVIrs. Harry Hanson ern supermarkets in Western "Deb Mich., spent the week -en . . Ontario—were officially opened The 20 -year bonded roof was to crowds of eager shoppers at. hhad several years of experience installed by HerringtOn Roofing, in large foodliner stores. Mr. 10 o'clock this morning. and Mrs. Shewfelt have taken up ofStracreasingthrvooyiu mBeofBecausewofthe which in - residence here already. The produce department spec- his firm. has been doing in this ializes in fresh fruits and vege-. are, Mr. Herrington plans to tables, with IGA having a com- move his. headquarters from piete program designed to en- Strathroy to Goderich,, next' sure freshness and quality. Pro- sPrillg. duce will be delivered fresh daily to the, Goderich gore from the IGA prodUce division supply 'nouse in London. The attractive, 45 -foot -long produce section is in charge of Glen Sturgeon, who has just ?ompleted an IGA ,training co u r s e . . A full line of frozen foods ,vill be delivered to the Gode- .,al icilis,,f,00dliner weekly in / "zero - The 14 feet of ice cream in 3IiIII1lll1iI1I1llllPr 16. FROM GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. .LIMITED WERE USED EXTENSIVELY IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW I.G.A. FOODLINER ON SOUTH STREET, Our Best Wishes TO JIM REMINGTQN‘ AND .HIS PARTNERS ON THE GRAND OPENING OF THIS FINE NEW SUPER MAR- KET. Goderich Manufacturing o. Limited JA 4-8382-3- 1 The smart, neW store -100' Itheated at 80 South street, just south of Elgin av,enue„ As soon as possible, the adjacent:house (formerly owned by R.V. Menzies) will be rernov- ed to provide a large parking lot for customers' cars. To celebrate the grand open- ing, nearly 1,000 free gifts will be distributed to shoppers visit- ing the store, says Manager Jim Remington. Remington's IGA Foodliner is indeptthdently owned and oper- ated, but is affiliated with, the - independent Grocers' Alliance. -This is an organization of inde- pendent merchants who have banded together for purposes. of ;ills:, buying," explains Jim. "It to the ultra -modern GODERICH 11.G.A: FOOlaINER WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO INSTALL — Tyler Store Fixtures and REFRIGERATION. r in this smart, new super market. Maich Refrigeration Appliances Ltd. Commercial Refrigeration Air Conditioning, 69 Colborne, --Brantford, Ont. Phone PL. 3-396,5 — We Invite Youi. Inquiries — 1 Hold Wedding Anniversary with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fall Is Fatal - For In f'ant G Township until about three weeks ago when they moved to Goderich to reside. Her mother- Reginald Anderson in Colborine Following a fall at her 'home was the former Rozella Brindley, about ten days previous, litttl daughtet of Mrs. Clifford &lad. and Rhonda Dianne Anderson died,ley, of Colborne TOwnship, Saturday morning at Victoria' the -father is a son of Mr. and Hospitil, London, where she was Mrs. Gordon Anderson, of the !rushed on Friaay last when she Nile district. She is also sur- 1 went into a coma. Coroner Dr. vived by a 'brother, Reginald. J. B. C. Robinson of London, The funeral was held at Stiles said the child had a brain hem -,funeral home on Monday after. aorrhage and a fractured skull. Inoon at 3.30 p.m., when Rev. A. x The, child was. borri in Alex- E. Eustace conducted the seri) T andra ' Hospital, Goderich, on vices. Interment was in Col- February ., , .1959, and lived borne cemetery. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young, Huron road, formerly of Gode- rich Township, . were pleasantly surprised on,Saturday evening, November 7, when, they were 1 guests of honor at a surriptuatisi turkey dinner at the Clinton public," . and Silverwood's high quality -their 45th wedding anniversary! ; enables us to offer the very low- twu caSeHotel .s features IGA's own . e.,t chain store prices. to the Royal Guest .brand, 'plus Bisset's The occasion was in honor of Fourth In Group , . brands of ice cream. .. and"their family of ,two daugh-1 'The Goderieli IGA Foodliner A full line. of dairy products, ters and a son planned a family is the fourth in 0 group of is carried in the•modern 16 -foot, dinner and social evening when I stores owned and operated by four -deck dairy departinent. a number of relatives and the Remington brothers -- Jim, "The bakery department fea- , friends gathered to honor them. Davld and Ilayold—and LawFie tures daily service, 'and., fresh-'. ,Mrs, Peter Young was the ; Shde, who is a brot.herin-law, ness guaranteed," adds Jim. . former Elma Betties, of Porter's , . . While Ji!tn, manages the neW There is a special hardware Hilland Mrand MrsYoung Goderich store, Dave is manager and housewares department in operated a farm in Goderich: of- a clothing store at Kincar- the new foodliner, plusa record Township until their retirement - to Goderich several years ago.. dine, Harold is in charge of'the bar. y c' W.ii-.411:tm ICA store and Lawrie With ChriTheir fami,lconsists of a son stmas just around ( Slilde is manager of the Clinton 1 the corner, the new store stockJames, and two daughters, Mrs. 's. IGA store, nuts, candies and a .full line of , Graham (0)ive) Johnston andl All are veterans of World War exotic figs and dates for Christ- Mrs. Harold (Bessie) . Black. 11. .Wen they, returned There are also seven grandchild Civvy mas giving.. Street. theystarted their busi-Steady Progess ren and one great-grandchild.' !loss ,career with one store in, After starting -their business: ' r . . Besides many flowers,' cards' of ......____ the Village of. Ripley. -This was I career at Ripley, the .three Rem- congratulations and gifts was. a 1 ..ownwommisamilimmomm. yrnme•now, floor lamp, the gift of their im-I a general', store in which bo.th in,(,ton brothers and Lawrie . •groceries and clothing werezold. Slade expanded, to Kincardinemediate family. .. - The streamlined front of the and have been making steady • . , foodliner is accented by the progress ever since. From Kin-', .. liirge,,new IGA signs. The signs cardine, they branched out toi are Of a new design, and this is Chesley, Wingh.arn, Clinton and.\ T h y the first installation of the new- now to GOderich, type signs in Western Ontario. Just before constructir e e easways on of the (Incidentally, IGA's• volume of new foodliner started here, Jim tp-p' \ busines was the second largest left Chesley to take up resid- o ay remiums last year among all th,e grOcry ence in Goderich. He, and his ,.. ----.....L. -- --,-, . tyr.f.fan4zationsin Canada.).... . _wife,..Beth,' and their two. child- -With the' Inside, the bright, new , look ren now liVe. ori Warren -street. is maintained by the tasteful Susan, 10, is a student at Gode- use of new decorator colors and rich Public School, Steven, who modern lighting. Floor space is 5, started to kindergarterythisj, amounts to 5,300 . sq. ft., and fall. there is close to 2.000 feet of An RCAF veteran,, Jim went I shelving in the. foodIiner. overseas with No. 427' 'City of 1 Meat Department. • . , Hamilton" Squadron, and later "We are specializing in top saw active service with the Path - quality meats," says Jim. There finder Squadron. is- a refrigerated,. self-servic.e, Jim is a past president of the meat counter 28 feet long, where., Kinsmen 'Club. in Chesley, and' customers can make heir choice', he has been active in .the United from .a wide variety of fresh' Church. interested in sports, he meats, \ is an ardent curler. The complete meat ' depart- The general contractor, Ideal —..._—_„.._.„.... Where appearance and durability count, the choke- is SUPERIOR blocks! We are proud to have been chosen to supply the a SUPERIOR , , ,,,;.1.w,..,1-4-7------ CONCRETE - -1410005 BLOCKS for the ultra:mod.ern I.G.- A.- Foo-dliper. Superior tonciete. roducts (Londo4 Ltd. - P. 0. Box 195 — LAMBETH — Phone Oliver 2-3266 Our Best Wishes to the new Foodliner 4i1 ..%,W*,ft.:00,i,20,W,WWWWWW,MiVOWXWWWW • by ALLISTEV GREEN 242 Bennett St. W. Dial IA 4-9979 'aoderich ALL-NEW 4.10.11%301111 PLAN For more information, call your Acadia Agertit today! `" ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN The Canadian Bank of Commerce Building 26 The Square ,Goderich]_, GODERICII FOODLINER Plunribing Heating—Wiring and Excavating by FRANK KLING Ltd. lVIain Street SEAFORTH Phone 19 42011011131211111111NOMMINIMOMINIIIIIIIII Another Important Project Completed by Herrington Roofing STRATHROY salutes:* new IDEAL CONSTRUCT' • N Company Goderich Congratulations to the ultra -modern Goderich LG0A. Foodliner THE LATEST GODERICH PROJECT IN WHICH WE HAVE BKEN PRIVILEGED TO PLAY A PART. THE 20 YEAR BONDED ROOF WAS INSTALLED BY OUR FIRM. Othet local projects recently completed by our firth ic1d4 the. ,„„,,riat,,,424,t192,212,Ln:f Goderich Public Works Garage and the new roof on the fire 16,11' and municipal o -ces a es nrrittr""41 loo street. To GODERICH Foodliner 000.1•0•••••••••••••06001011(300•00•004110 • • I STRUCTURAL • STEEL • -"" • RINGTON ROOFING Company Fog ESTli.A.TES without obligation, calt ' Pholic 88343 • 41, M. BR ODERIC F • 411111M111101SMI, 11111111=MOrniab 4.1 IN R Nouliorion2:011iiimmos We are proud to have been chosen as .&Sont Ltd., 1254 Union N. Kitchener Phone „OrilAWOOD 5-5645 on this fine new super market. We also wish to thank all the sub -contractors for their splendid co-operation. RUCTION CO, 4-8221