HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-19, Page 6et The . ua Gaderich Signal -Star, Thursday, November 19th, 1859 �.eaiiie.n� : She aiau •t;a�C Uhe financial statement. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting Auburn News AUBURN, -Nov. 16, -Mr. and London, on November 15th in Mrs. William Wells and Douglas, her $3rd year. Mrs. King was pF1'inton, and Mr. Charles the former Ann Robinson andwas born at Kingsbridge, daug'h- .Tiwit'chell, of Prescott, were ter Of the late Charles Robinson guests last Tuesday with Mr. and and Mary Ann lyurning. She Mrs. Robert J.' Phillips. resided in the St. Augustine dis- Mrs. Fred Watt, of Clinton, trict all4i r life. Following the visited recently with .Mrs. Maud, death of her husband 11 years Fremlin. ' ' ! ago, she resided at the rest Mrs. Leonard Plain, of White !home in Lucknow for some time. Rock, B.C., is visiting with her ,She is a 'mem'ber of the St. mother, Mrs. William Tabb, and Augustine R.C. Church. Surviv- her brother, Mr. Torrance Tatbb.'ing are two sons, Charles, of Mr. Stewart' King and Mr. t Uefroit, Morgan, ofIe ndof, two, Walter Kraemer, of Toronto,' daughters, Mrs. Eva Fiehan and spent last .v Thursday with Mr. Mrs. Ann Healy, both,of Detroit; and Mrs. Russel King. also seven grandchildren. Re - Mrs. Duncan MacKay return- quiem High Mass will be held at ed from London last Saturday i St, Augustine R.C.' Church on where she had been a patient Wednesday at 10 a-rm.' The body in Victoria Hospital for over a is resting at the J. Keith Arthur ' f+rr.eral ,home. Mrs. William Gross. -This dis- trict was shocked to ,learn that Mrs. „William Gross had passed away suddenly at the age of 58 years in Clinton hospital. She osis the daughter of the late with Mrs. Herbert Govier and Trus. Oarl Govier in charge. The • study book will be taken by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. The hone helpers are requested to bring in their mite boxes at the 'text meeting. Mrs. John Houston gave an introduction to the 19110 study book, "Me Way In Africa." The offering was received by Mrs. Roy Daer. Mrs. Ed. Davies presided for the Ladies" Aid meeting and the minutes 'were read by Mrs. Roy Daer. Shp also gave the financ- ial statement. A lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Raithby; assisted by Mrs. Stanley Johnston and Mrs. Stanley Polich. Mrs.. Eleanor.Throop. - Mrs. Eleanor Tliroop died, in Clinton hospital on Sunday morning at the age of 70. She was the former Eleanor !Mains and had lived in Chicago for many years. Following the death of her hus- band she returned to this com- munity in 1951. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Harvey Wells (Jean), of 1.ondesboro. Funeral services will be held at Londes born United Church on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. with burial in Blyth Union cemetery. month. Mr. Albert Campbell has sold his home iri the village to s Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Rutkowski and fainly who have taken posses- sion. They had resided in Gode- rich before coania»g here. We Welcome them to our commun. I Charles Regale and Caroline ity. • lEggert and was born in McKil- • Little Miss Diane McDougall lop Township. On June 28, 1923, has returned to her home after ..she was' married by, Rev. G. L. staying with Mr. and Mrs, Keith Gross, to Mr. William Gross, of Machan, Randy and Trudy. Hitllett Township. Following Several from this community ,:ic:r niarrrage'they took up resi- attended the memorial service ,levee on the Auburn -Blyth road at Blyth on November 11th. ,Mr. and had lived in this corns unity. Elliott' Lapp was gueste soloist. Ever , since. She was a member ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk- of Knox United Church, the Wo- conneli,-Mr. and Mrs, Bert Daer, man's Association and the Au - and Mrs. Sarre Daer attended the i burn Women's Irl,stitute, Besides funeral of the late Mr. John'hcr s)rrowing husband;' she is •Kelly at London last Thursday. i,urviyed by five sons, ,.-Harold Many were present last Sun-' and Carmen; Auburn, and Clay - PORT ALBERT PORT AL1 EERT, Nov. 16 The sympathy of the coin isxt eended to Mrs. Lottie Craw- i • ford and family on the sudden death of Harvey Crawford which ��Q/®eir occurred in Toronto last Thurs- ® • day. • Congratulations . to' Mr. and • Mrs. 13ili Tigert on the birth of community BAKERY WEEK: �t(l J`� lid ��� — . - `.. • zr- • 11 l,►. I Ill � � ��1;` �. k. I Come See.E You'Ii Who doesn't love aJ. pple pie -t especially the way Jane Parker makes it. Flaky, juicy, piled high with apple slices. Stock up your freezer at this low price. _ day evening in the Aubu tr'Bap-;ton, Ronald and,Gorden, and one a son in Goderich ,hospital on tist Church when John,,Agulian daughter, all at home; also,hree Thursday, November 12. . showed pictures of his trip this gra-ndchildre.n and three. s tors, I We are sorry to report that Summer to his homeland ir0.,eb- 'AIrs. Wes. (Elmina),Fisher, Mit- Mrs. Jane Martin is suffering annon, Mr. Raithby thanked Mr, ichent, Mrs. , William' (Annie) from a broken arm as a result Agulian. 1 Hoe e, of Seaforth;. Mrs, Alex , of a fall from astepladder. Mrs. Hugh: King. --Mrs. Hugh: Stokaph, 2•itchell, ands .Mss. Walter Tibut'' has return King died in St. Mary's Hospital, 'four brothers, Clarence, George, 1 ed home after spending a ween t Harry ,T,,;.1 Edward, all Of >1c- I with Mr. and Mrs., John Mc- 1(ilio.p. The largely attended funeral was held on Saturday afternoon, November 14, . at the J, Keith Arthur funeral home, •E.c-or.ducted by Rev. R. M. Swee- n y. 'assisted by Rev. GSL. Gross, E 'Bride Bride and N-ancy,, in London. The Federation of Agriculture held , their annual banq.ue+t in the basement of Christ Angli= can Church,: Port • Albert, • on Wednesday evening with .140 in of \ Ingham. .Mrs. Betty Wilkin attendance Mr. Arnold Alton, sand a solo accompanied by her president; was M.C., introducing mother, Mrs. , William .3, :Craig. Burial took place at Union ceme- tery, Blyth. The pallbearers were Messrs. John Daer, Bert Daer. Edward East, Sydney Mc- • Clinchey Major Youngblut and the speakers for t3ie evening. Mr. George Gear, Agriculture Representative for Bruce, was guest speaker. His subject was `Tarining Today and the Out- look for the Future." ,Other Wilfred Plunkett. Flowerbear- speakers 'were Mr. Winston -..., ; .- -,. Asepl y , r.asahemon, esident of Huron ,Muegge, Ralph Mulholland, Ger- County Fe era ion; , r. -r aid Stosk2ph, Aaron Doerr, Hemingway,'fieldm'an for Huron Lewis Hoege and Donald County, and Mr. Douglas Miles, Muegge. 1 H u, r on County Agriculture Hoge -Jones. -' Chalmers Un- Representative; • The Ladies' i,ed Church, Winnipeg, was the Guild catered for the banquet. 1 ::cure. of Mr. ;i„,d,�puble-ring ceremony i rAnn, daughter of KINGSBRIDU andd Mrs, . S. A. Jones, of Winnipeg, became the bride of; ll Murdoch II se son of KLNC'SBRID,GE, Nov. lam b , at A&P! Al �NIvERSAR Y SuPECL4LS: R'cgular & Quarters MARGARINE MONARCH Orange Pekoe o SALADA TEA BAGS Aylmer Sweet WAFER PICKLES All Purpose • Soft Rite OIiCLEANER'- TOILET TISSUE 3'uccess Floor Wax CRYSTAL KLEEN Mr • and 'Mrs Homer Hoge, of ! and Mrs. Kelly and children, df"j- -'"Lido Biscuits Saskatoon The best man wasil{itchener, were week -end guests brother-in-law of the groom. AI Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle and I� Mr Douglas Hales of Saskatoon. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckert. reception was held at the Pem-;family,. of Detroit, spent the Van Kirk "('3 lassorted Flavours) Bina' Lodge after which the 1 geek -end with Mrs. Ed. Foley to --t e --t h t- r tater bre-- the-li.r l arta family. _ 7'/roz bars �-�--3'l-r...,.�d.,..:�1r•�: Blaise . Martin . _ ����_.. ��' .�__ _ _53,._, _. hc� will reside at the with relatives in Toronto � return t visited known in this district having Mr.' and Mrs. H. Bovin•.'and r .. visked on several occasions with children,' of Flint, Mich., spent - his aunt, :Mrs. Charles Strau past week end with Thros. Wall'011CCE SPE'CL4LS! ..ghan, and other relatives. lace. St. •Mark's Anglican Guild.- Other week -end visitors here', The Guild of St.:'Mark s Anglican were Mrs. Jack Kinney=;-of--,Ae:_ -.i,_ti Church met for its. November troit, Danny Dalton, of Kitchen Ontario Reg. 2 -lbs 53o -SAVE iso 41Ibpkgs9 5 Reg.•pkg 770 -SAVE 20 pkg of 60 75, Reg. jar 25o -SAVE 20 16 -oz jar 23c • Reg. btl 85o -SAVE 10o 32=oz bottle Reg. pkg 27c -SAVE 20 • pkg of Irolls 2 5 e Beg. tin 75o -SAVE 60 20 -oz tin 69, Reg. pkg 29a -SAVE 40 pkg 2-5 t Reg. bar 29c -SAVE 5o Exfrt,; BakSpeciul,f. , , Jane Parker cry ®' 1►l101�i1 . BAR CAKJE.Rep. 350 --SAVE 60 each�2 �t Rey. pkg 390—SAVE 6 Jane Parker BREAKFAST ROLLS Rey. a 4 _ . , loaf23k RAISIN BREAD o -^SAVE 70 Rano Parker 216ozIoaves39 GLAZD D0NUTS Rey. pkg 45SAVE 6o Jane Parker .r ., pkg of 12 3 9c GLAZEDReq., pkg 33o -.SAVE 40 Jane Parker DONUTS 29( - pkg-cif 8 2 9t �e CHipCOOKIESReg. pkg 35c --SAVE 60 � pkg Jane parker Cinnamon Palmer House. The .groom is last week. ° • meeting at the home of Mrs. Silent-runningStanley Polich with a largeat- tendance. The president, Mrs. rThomas Haggibt, took charge of B.F. Goodrich the meeting. Scripture was read by ,Mrs. Pouei Polich. The-rnem- trance subject was given by '7" milkers i Jfr'. ''olrh: A reading was . given by Mrs. John McNichol. take you ,Tiie minutes were„read by Mrs. l Ed. Davies. The ,financial state- ment was given by Mrs. Gordon Taylor. The Iadies decided not an where to hm ave the congregational sup- ceremony was performed by .�-.,.. per this year. -An auction was .Rev. Father H. Van Vynckt. Mr. held with Mrs. Davies and Rev. i Hein Henderiks was organist Meally in charge. A lunch was with bridal music chosen by tbe er, Douglas Frayne, of North, Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry and Wayne; of Goderich, Arnold Marsman, of London. ' Middegaal-Van Osch. -Mar- riage vows were .occhianged at St. Joseph's Church, Kings- bridge, on October 17, by .Jo- hanna Van Osoh', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch, of Ashfield, and Antonius Midde- gaal, son of Mr. Ind Mrs. Bert Middegaal, RR 1, Blyth. The you want ,first - snow tires with TRACTOR PUSH-PULL! • TRAILMAKERS plough through snow, through mud, hgul you safely over ice! This year, treat your family -s=and your -nerves —to Winter Smfteage. Make the' cbad.ge to TRAILMAKER 1 d/ mileage/ • IS YOURS IN WINTER TOO nwerfardo TRAIL MAKERS 1 .E 'o atir arve Ioz n does - At," , -. �. 1 STREET ' OITIES SERVIME E iri'a I ihfl.r'Ioo St served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Frank' Raith'by. , Knox Young People • Meet. - The Y.P.S. of Knox.Presbyterian ,Church meeting was in the form of a remembrance service. The president, Edgar Leatherl'and, pi+lsided. The ,minutes were read by Helen Youngblut. The offering was received by Stewart Youngblut. A business period followed and Rev. D. J. Lane gave an address on Sir Winston Churchill. -”- The C.G:I,T.'s president, Bar- bara Sanderson, was in charge of their meeting in, Knox Pres- byterian Church. The purpose choir. Mrs• .MorrisSchuurmans, of London, was-mattron of horror for her sister Miss Joanne Mid- degaal, "of Blyth, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid._ Janet Sch,uurme'ns$ niece of -the, bride was Hower girl. Hank ''.Midde- gaal, brother of the groom, and Joe Van Osch, brother of 'the bride, attended the groom. The ushers were John :Middegaal and John Van Osch. A dinner and reception followed at the home of the brides parents. The bridle's mother received the guests. .She was assisted by the groom's mother. After a motor trip through the southern states, was repeated by all. The Scrip- Mr. and ''Mrs. Middetgaal will ture lesson was given by the reside at RR 1, Blyth. leader Mrs. Wes. Bradnock. The minutes were read by Margaret �1 Haines. The financial statement, Al� 1l FI 1 L given by Carole Brown, revealed that $21 had been collected on Hallowe'en day and $5 had been donated by Knox United Church junior congregation and $2 from the Ida White C.O.C., making a e'neque for $.28 for U.N.I,C F., The offering was received by Rose Marie Riggin and offer- tory prayer was by Jannett Dobie, A prayer was given by Judith Arthur, Rev. D. J. Lane fir, kc briefly. Knox Presbyterian W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox P'r .Tbyter- 'Pian Church was held at the home Ass he call, to worship was g�'�` president, Mrs. Donald Haines. In observance of Remembrance ASIMELD, Nov. ,16. - Mrs. Donald Blue, who has been - teaching in Lochalsh public school since summer holidays, has been obliged to resign due to a heart attack„„.We hope she -will soon -recover and tratiiiii T1 her former 'position. '.:Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'MacGregor have gone 'to reside in Kincar- dine. They have sold their farm on the lakefront. The Wo'fne'n's , Institute held an enjoyable evening in 'the . community building. Mrs. DavidMadMurchy left cat t' r` i +ter i in C a pry+I winter months. Mrs. Collinso^ who has been I)ay, the president read In in Detroit since the death < f her antler's Field" and•a minute of husband, visited with the°'C,olrin- p'l ewas observed, It w"a fol- snns one dsy laM wer,-. on 'l^rI low, r,b, rayer by Miss Minnie "hack to T,ron'o. WaCCn4*. The deVrotiiona.l period Rev, .T R. MacDonald, of De -1 rd :; eon by Mrs. Rey l), er. t^cit, called nn some of h'< 31d` Tic ScrlpCtrlrtr was read by Mrs. friends when he pa'`tie'r, '‘d in yd .navies. Closing prayer was '.he Remem'branc'e D..yservice by Mrs..Daer. A solo was sung at Kincardine. • ' '•'v Mi`s. Wes 'l3tladnock. A, leettg; punean Comero . is. In fronta missionary in Fantrnosa. '7 -" r, hospital wat read taken ittei #where lie was rs t�fdlf `yip wits:',. 'Tits ii tin- aLt Citi. �'"e', 'are til g }wart a M Grown, Fancy Grade, Cold Storage Stock MCINTOSH PIES } 3 -Ib - cello bag c •n New Crop, Fancy Grade, California Navel GANGES 5 -Ib cello . bag • Visit our bower Department for a Complete line of • flowering and green plaints: Specil Other: 20( OFF DEAL VP . - - SPECIALS._ LE s 3 to 31/2 -Ib average TENDERLOIN END CENTRE CUTS or CHOPS 1665 3 to 31/2 -Ib avirage Ib Short Cut Prime Rib Roast All Good, Smoked' Rindless, Speed Side Bacon 1669 t -Ib pkg 57C SPECIkL OFFER! ` COMPLETE UP TO THE MINU'1•E J ENCYCLOPEDIA of Pictured Knowledge IN 14 SUPERB VOLUMES BACK COPIES STILL AVAILABLE VOLUME 10 NOW ON SALE . only c BUY 'A. VO1"U11AE 'A WEEK UNTIL YOUR SET 1S COMPLETE. 5 -Hole Paper Punch . STATE FILLER TABLET Javex - DRY. BLEACH For Fine Fabrics JAVgX OXYGEN BLEACH 11 -oz pkg 39c Colour •Dr uicic PARLAY MARGARINE • 2 1 -Ib pkgs 59c Dr. Jackson's pkg ROMAN MEAL P 9 Birdse a Fancy,ity ' 4) i4 9 E. D. Smith's CHERRY PIE FILLER 20 -oz tin 37c Good Luck 1-� pkg P 9 33c Facial and Deodorant. WOODBURY'S SOAP - 3 cakes 35c T!)R O110A1 ATLANTIC • PACITIl, TO COMPANY db. - "KING ' SIZE TIN Reg. 49c --SAVE 14o each 35c 16 -oz pkg 43c Sea Seal& Halibut Fiilets 1-Ibpkg 59c_- Imported . . Trout Rainbow' 12 oZpkg 49c • N FROZEN.,IOOD FEATURE AQP FANCY QUALITY STRAWBERRIES a1315zPk9s3 5'c GREG. PRICE 33c ---.SAVE• 14c p,[° AN., 04PiNGAD i,Y SPEC/ALibby's Fancy NAP? L! TOMATO JUICE 4.44 1