HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-19, Page 5o PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S BIUL, Nvpv. 17. - The W.A. of Grace Church met at the home of Mrs. John Mc. Cowan for their November meet- - ing. The pregident,`"Mrs. Tom. Sowerby, Ptoolt charge of the meeting. Prayer was by Mrs. Bauer. The Scripture and topic, were read , by , Mrs. Sowerby. I Roll call was ,gnsijvq 'ei ed witti a Remembrance , Day verse. 4r- I titles of business were discuss -1 ed and it was decided that each lady bring a 25c gift of a toy to the December meeting to go to the Salvation Army. There was an order for a ern?' quilt ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH • REV. MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. Nov. 22nd -Sunday Next Before Advent. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 am. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning prayer and Sermon. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. KENNETH ' E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector: • THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 am.w SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Guest Speaker; Rey. John Linton, B.Th:, M.A., D.D.. General Secretary of the Cana- dian Tempe ante Federation. "ISSUES ASTAKE ON NOVEMBER 30." Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. GEO. INGHAM; A.R.C.T., Mut: Bac: Music Director. Victoria Street United Church "Fellowship Awaits You." • 10 a.m. Graded School and Adult Class. 11 a.m. "PROVE ALL THINGS." Mr. McConnell, of Toronto. 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church after Sunday' School. 3 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. The Minister: Rev. S. A. Nloote, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett. 84 Ljghthouse Street CAPT. and MRS. H, CROSSLAND 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m. DIRECTORY ,and SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 pm. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. , Tuesday, 8 p.m. Mid Week Meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Home League. Thursday,. p.m. Men's Club. Friday, 8 p.tiro. Youth Group. You are never a stranger at the Army. and it was decided tq get this done for December. The De- eemdber meeting will be at Mrs. IdsLx ga's, end it . will be t election of officers for the co ing year, The hostess served a lunch, •`°., Tuesday evenings through the winter, Rev. Mr. Patrick is hold- . ing fiilbie study classes at the ti parsonatge. We hope there will be a good attendance at -these. EREA'TIVE HQTOGRAPHY ,. pY obi.; J. Nephew .12 HOLMESVILLE- JIOLMESVILLE, Nov. 15. - Tl a sympathy of the commun- ity goes to the family of the late Mr. E. J. Trewartha, who passed away in St. Joseph's. hospital, London, on Saturday. "Uncle ti Ed." as Mr.. Trewartha was known to his neighlbors,•wil4 be sadly missed by all. Mrs. Lloyd Bond, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, is im- proving in health every, day, fol- lowing a serious operation.. . Mr. and 'MTs. Wan. Norman and family were in New Ham- burg on Sunday, visiting with Mr -s. F. Norman, at the home of Mr. aed Mrs. H. Hinz. ' Mr. and' Mrs. H. M. Bezeau and (Mr. and Mrs. L. C.^ Bezeau, of Kitchener, ,and Mr. Donald Bezeau, of Toronto, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Mr -and. Mrs, Jack Yeo spent Sunday in Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bissett. Miss Marilyn Yeo and Mr. Donald Yeo, who had spent the week -end at the Bissett home, returned home .with their parents. Congratulations to Miss Mary Helen Yeo, student -at Stratford; Teachers' College, who has been Professional Photographer Graduate Ryerson Institute or:4 Tchnol.ogy School of Photographic Arts MacLAREN'S STUDIO 196 ST. DAVID ST. TEL.'JA 4.79/4 GODERIC$1 • -66tf N®i0000000®008000li0•i0( •tl4wuwMPwPPwnnO ` r The Gederich Signal -Star Thursday, Nov_ 19th. .1959 ' 1 HIGH FIDELITY__ P1 the SHERWOOD mootimeoo®®feemee0000®os Prizes were awarded Saturday in the draw held by Kilbreath Brothers Portrait Studio and Camera Center, 42 West street. Mayor E. C. Fisher is seen holding the ticket drum while Bonnie McGee -passes a winning ticket to Russ Robbins, store manager. Bonnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len McGee; is in skating costume, having just Dome from the arena, First prize, a movie ^camera. went Jo Isabel' Morris, 88 St. David street. Second prize, a 35 mm. slide camera, was won by Mrs. ,William Beck, 149 Victoria street. Third prize, a Star - flash camera, went to M. R. Jenkins, of Goderich. SS Photo by R. H. Scholarship.awarded Canada Packer's ftO RS 10, WOO DSTOC The W.M.S. of Holmesvil'le United Church met in the base -,TI LLSO N U RG ...HERE FRIDAY ment of the church for their i November meeting. 'Mrs, Les,: Jervis was in charge of the pro - gram. Mrs. Les: Jervis read the Scripture and Mrs. 0. BlAke led, in -prayer.. A temperanc -read- ing was given by Mrs. S. Far- quhar. Mrs. Reg. 'Miller read a pdem that had been written by Mrs. A, L. Rodes, .of Clinton. The president, Mrs. Carman Teb- --',butt, conducted the business per- iod" Mrs. J. A. McKim, was the alter--•forr the meeting, and gave a very, interesting 'talk on the five years she spent in New- foundland. Mrs. Les. Jervis gave the thanks of the group to Mrs. McKim for her talk. W A duet was sung by Mrs. Reg. Miller and Mrs. E. Grigg, with Mrs. W. Yeo at the piano. • The W.A. meeting followed with the president, Mrs. Reg. Miller, in the chair, Following the theme song and creed, Mrs. Reg'. Miller read the Scripture, and Mrs:tewart Farquhar gave the comments on it. The treas- urer's report was given by Mrs. Frank McCullough. It was de- cid'ed. to send a donation to the Deaconess Order. Mrs. Edward Grigg gave a report on the ar- rangements for the Federation banquet. Mrs. Reg. Miller gave a short report of the renent.see- ��' and annual meeting of the W:A. Prebbytery at Auburn. A liom- inating committee, of Mrs. Harry Cudmore, Mrs. Frank McCul- lough. and Mrs. Ninian Heard, was appointed to• ibring in a slate of officers for both the W,MS..and W.A. for 1960. The roll call for the December meet- ing will be answered with gifts for the Children's Aid. .The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. 'lleg. Miller.. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Wm, 'Bender and Mrs. John"' Grigg. Mr and Mrs. WaFiade Avery have returned their - hem after spending ten weeks on vacation in England, GODER1CH BAPTIST CHURCH "Where you are a stranger only once" 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. All ages. a.m. "THE PRIESMOOD OF BELIEVERS." REV. EGON VON KEITZ, B.A., Minister., MR. CHAS. MERRILL, Organist. FkEE METHODIST CHURCH - WELCOMES Ycku. SUN:DAY, NOVEMBER 22 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School. 11 a.m. Men ancl*Missions Service. Monday, 6.30 p.m. -Christian. Youth Crusaders and Cadets. Wednesday, 8 pm. -Prayer and Bible Study. HE'S PLAYING SANTA CLAUS WITH 65 New and Used Cars and Trucks • HE'S ALSO OFFERING FREE GAS HOME IF YOU CAN"T'DEAL! All -Our Cars Can Be Purchased On Low Cost General Motors Plan, With One -Third Down. - Balance Can Be Arranged In Terms Up To 36 /Months. NO CREDIT RESTRICTIONS HERE -NO DOWN PAYMENT -IF YOUR CREDIT JUSTIFIES! 7-1959 MODELS - Demonstrators - Executive Cars ALL tHESE,.CARS CAR,RY THE GENERAL 'MOTORS NEW CAR WARRANTY. 1959 ,Pontiac Strato Chief, Four -Door Station Wagon, with dustom radio. Positively like new. 1959 Pontiat Strato Two -Door, equip- ped with custom radio, whitewalls, and wheel discs. 1959 Pontiac Strato Chief„ Four -Door, 6 cyl- inder, automatic drive, custom radio, only 7,000 executive driven' miles. 1959, Buick Le Sabre, Fourtloor, automatic *drive, radio, power, steering, -,only 7;000 miles. 195? Buick Le Sabre- 2 -Door Hardtop, auto. matie, drive, easy -eye glass, custom trim, only 2,000 miles, 1959 Pontiac Laurentian Four -Door Station Wagon, radio, windshiekl washers, pow- er steering, whitewalls, only 4,500 miles. -11 P1CK-UP TRUCKS From $200.00 to $1,200.00 One of the top teams in the 0.1I.A. circuit, Tillsontiirg will tangle with Goderich Sailors here on Friday evening. Then, the following night, Godurich goes right hack to Tillsenburg, to nieet that team again. handed She Woocistoel: Warr a 1Q-5 setback at the Goderich Arena. Although the • Sailors, ended the first period with a 1-1 score their favor, the final , picture looked a bit shaky at In the latter half of the see- ond period, the Sailors emerged from the daydream that the, Woodstock team would be . a pusbover and started to place' shots inside' the Woodstock netj in a .methodical Manner, TheN second period saw Goderich get, five goals to three for WoopE 9tock to end the .period d0-4 firr Goderich, Each team added one, goal in- the final frame to end the garne 10,.5 for Goderich. The game saw good team spirit, on both sides with no rough stuff outside or normal skirmishes. Coach Ted Williams deserves credit for the fine team spirit he is instilling into the, Sailors: The gameness 6f Bel -I asky was indicated ,when he' came onto the ice Wearing a Pace mask to protect seyetal, lac- erations tO his mouth received at London when he tried to bite DONNYBROOK The. November meeting of the W.M.S. and Ladies: Md Was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson with a good attendance, Mrs.' Wesley Jefferson had charge of 'the Thompson read the Scripture. Twominutes silence was observ- ed for Remembrance Day after which Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson led, in prayer. Mrs. James Leddy read the peem, "In Flanders' 'Fields." Business was attended to and Mrs, Stuart Chamney read the minutes of the•last meeting. on the sedtio'eal meeting which had been held in Dungannon. reading, "Sunset." Mrs. Charles Jeffersen read part of the first chapter in the new study book. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson gave a reading on Christian Steward- ship. The offering was received by Jeanette Johnston. 'Mrs. Wes- ley Jefferson closed the meeting With prayer. The Ladies' Aid meeting was in charge of iMrs. Tom Arm- strong. Mrs. Arnistrong closed the meeting with the mizpah benediction. A bazaar was held at the close of the meetings which provided the W.M.S. with a nice sum of money. .Lunch was.served by the hostess, assist- ed by Mrs. Morley Johnston and MN. Charles Jefferson, Mrs, ladies to her home for lhe De- eemher meeting, Mr. and iMrs. Norman Mc- Clinchey and Kathie, of Auburn, were Thur. -day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. We'sley Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert RulledTe, of Goderich, visited on Sunday wit -h Mrs. John Thofmpson and Mr. and Mrs. We4ey Jefferson and Del;ra were Sun-dAy visitor, with the latter's grandmother, Mrs, Iola Josling, and Mr, and Alrs Norman Wright, of LondeF- don, and Mks 1,011iSe Jeffer\on, heR, over the week=bnd. Do you want some automotive -unit you don't convertible, or $10,000 limousine? If we haven't see listed here, whether car, truck, -tractor, got it we'll have it coming in! ..,11M.WHERE),..YOU-CAN SEE A...SELECTION_ PEARS RS Li ITE PONTIAC - mum - VAUXHALL BEDFORD VANS *- G.M.C. TRUCKS ZURICH "HURON CCSUNTY'S LARGEST DEALER" EXETER aminommisimmommmilimmaimniarnimaiiimompoommommmia a blayer's Stick in two pieces. Unfortunatej.y, the_ mask .was ripped off in a body check which sent him to hospital with a skate wound. Several of the Sailors have combat wounds they are ARENA SCHEDULE THURSDAY; NOV. 19 - Public Skaiing • 8-10 0.m. Tillsonburg vs. Goderich SATURDAY, N6V. 21 - Pee, Wee Hockey Squirt Hockey Figure : Skating 2-5 p.m. SUNDAY, NOV..22- . Children's Skating 3-4.30 p.m. (12 years and under) Adult° Skating 8.30-10 p.m. (Adults and Teenagers) Learn te Skate 1.36:3 p.m. Midget and Juvenile Hockey Practice 7 p.m. NOV. 25- 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY, !gnoring in their desire to keep culling • evneesii 00000111000.00 @Go '0.H.A. JUNIOR B.11 CKEY T 1 LLSONB-U-R-G- vs., GODERICH FRIDAY, NOV. 20 Goderich Memorial Arena ADULTS 50c STUDENTS' AND CHILDREN ,25c SUPPORT THE SAILORS Awnwilmmustanimmmir USED CARS 1 14, RE -PRICED, FOR QUICK -SALE 51 MERCURY SEDAN, automatic $15.00 A MONTH 52 CHRYSLER WINDSOR SEDAN, new motor, new tires, automatic,,custom radio $25.00 A. MONTH 53 FORD CUSTOM COACH, new motor, automatic, tinted glass, two-rtone paint, fender mirrors, an excep- tion $39.00 A MONTH 53 OLDS SEDAN. autOmatic, power steering, tinted gl'ass, wheel disc, two-tone paint $31.00 A MONTH 49 METEOR COACH, two-tone paint, ideal second car $9.00 A MONTH 53 MERCURY COACH, new paint $35.00 A MONTH 53 MERCURY SEDAN, autoknatic, radio, windshield wash- ers, wheel discs, new paint $35.00 A MONTH 53 FORD COACH. rebuff Motor, nice and clean $28.00 A MONTH 57 FORD SEDAN, 6 dylinder, radio $53.00 A MONTH 51 PLYMOUTH COACH, good second car $15.00 A MONTH 57 PORD SEDAN, Fairlane 8, new tires, radio, two-tone. paint, window washers ,,.$57.00 A MONTH ALL CARS ARE FULLY WINTERIZED AND EQUIPPED WITH SNOW TIRES - READY TO GO. Iii -Fidelity picture, sound and styling has .been flawlessly combined in this beautiful console 21" Television model. The Sherwood introduces the new 21 tube Electromatic Mk 11 hand assem- bled transformer powered chassis with a full range sound circuit and Hi-Fideli- tyn-'speaker system in a slender solid c. wood contemporary cabinet by Deilcraft for just' $369.9s .See this outstanding VALUE fp 1. at HUTCHINSON RADIO & TV 308 Huron Road Goderich JA 4-7831. isommesomemmosmask GUARDIAN ANGEL in every Columbia "TR U -FIT"' diamond ring' • The worry -free watch for you With the Mido Datometer, the • ne,ov self-winding calendar watch. you have the, right time and the. right date always on handl $125.00 The Guardian, Angel contracts 10 pcermit easy passage over knuckle... then satzdjusts to finger contour, holding ring 1. safe, comfortable, perfectly positionid alwayS1 ONLY 'Columbia "Tru -fit," America's finest diamond . ring, has Guardian Angel, beauty and protection can't twist, turn or slip! See our collection from $89.50 to $1,000.00.. Convenient Credit terms availab(e. An automatic electric water heater • gives you plenty of hot water for'all your household needs . . . and quick recovery for just a few cents a day. Monthly Payments establishediafter minimum down Ten yeir ocl John Garrick, sln Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gar- rick, suffered a fractured arm in ,a, mishap Wednesday afternoon. I He Was on Public School Police Patrol on Britannia road when ' he sllpped and fell On the ice. Goderich otors Ltd. • WWI e. arm,* Ford-Edsel-Moiarch--Falcdn, Ford British PHONE JA 4-7308 LEARN ABOUT THIS SERVICE FROM.4,, :GODERICH PUBLIC. UTIPTIES COMM]