HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-19, Page 44 Tlfe GoderiCh Signal -Star Thursday, November 19th1 1959 1. Articles For Sale , WROUGHT IDOrt bird cage stand, plastic cover and seed catcher; also baby 'carriage in good con- dition. Phone $371 after & pan, 1 TOR_34,Q bot buy in used ap- .5e0 Wire Appliances, CU the are. Your Frigidaire ' 46 II GIRL'S Winter coat, size 14)c; ltehler. araneh agent for CNB threepiece ch iIds snow suit, stoney orders. ' -12tflsize 6x, both good condition, Phoii4 9513 after 5. -46' ., — - — NEW -and used refrigerators, ranges, washing machines, dry- ers, home air conditioning Best Prices, low terms, good trade allowances. See Lumbys, 39 St. David street, Gederich. -19t1 WE specialize and carry a com- plete stock for all Sparton TV's, sincl-all tubes and most parts for other makes of TV. B. R. Mun- day, TV, Radio and Sound Ser- vice.' 'Phone JA 4-7961. 127 Wid- der St. -27tf HYGIENIC supplies Ti nbla e r goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price liL $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. :4' SEE CAMPBELL'S •; I.D.A. Drug Store For: Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics Laura Secord Candies Household Drugs-- 1 Veterinary Supplies Graduate Druggist in charge Phone JA 4-7532 Free Delivery -8tf 24 sam les Eix samples, 25c; COOK stove, water front, good condition; seven inch pipes;Ivird pieces of new, lady's luggage, pale. green. 68 'Hamilton St. 46x REGISTERED Germen Shep- herd pups, born September 20, limited seipply, Huron View Kennels, Don Campbell, Bay- field, phone 58 r 41. -46 NEW shop-soiled mattress, 4/6 only; all prices to be cleared at $39. Lodge Furniture. -46 1 NORGE refrigerator, in good condition. Trilight lamp, end 'tables. 56 St. Patrick St'., phone t4-6 7473 SCOURS?MASTITIS? Many • diseases can Ise controlled safely and • econonikally with veterin; ary health products from RIECIs PHARMACY, Square near. Col- borne- St. Phone JA 4-7241, Goderich. -28tf QUANTITY of cooking apples. McIntosh and Spys. Please .bring your own container. Harry Mit- chell, phone JA 4-7619.. -39ti YOU can purchase a new N.H.A. home for 5000 down and $50,00 per month for next spring. "For. RECONDITIONED Electrolux cleaners, paiced from $29.50 to $49.50. Ele,ctrolux Sales and Service, phone JA 4-8252. 46-47 TWO 5 -piece chrome kitchen sets tabl9 313 x 59 priced for quick sale at Lodge Furniture. 46 2. Cars, Trucks -For Sale 1956 Packard Clipper, custom, electric windows, aerial and seat, power steering and brakes, rear speaker, radio, white walls; sil- ver color: Phone Jak 4-8403. af- ter 6 p.m. 45-6i PRIVA'PE-1957, Dodge, Custom Royal, 4 -door sedan, perfect con- diUon,- custom radio, back seat speaker, white walls, back-up lights, 19,000 miles, two snow tires less than 1000 miles. Phone JA 4-7748 after 6 p.m. 46tf further information contact your.' Colonial- Homes Ltd. agent, L arrv Genus, 184 Huron St., 3 Real Estate For Sale OST • RENT • SELL • 1:=31.)Y • HIRE .TRADL 111) IT I OUND • SERVICE • ENPIPL.OINA ENT PERSONAL; HAROLD W. SHORE • , REAL ESTATE BROKER General Insurance Phone JA 4-7272 38 Hamilton St. Your agent in the Goderich District for Kernohan Homes Six -Room Storey and One-half This renovated home, has up- tb-date 'kitchen, large living room, three bedrooms and four - piece bathroom. Situated 'only two blocks from the Square, it has been drastically reduced for unmediate sale. • Nine -Room Brick -Two Storeys i Situated close to the Square, this two-storey solid brick home would make an excellent duplex !or rooming house. In a good state of repairs with a new heat - ting system, this property is of- fered at a very moderate price land down' payments Inquire to- day. S 68 Acres Good Buildings Only six miles from town, just :off a 'main highway, this farm . has a seven -room stucco house, 'medium size bank barn, garage and colony house. An excellent property for the person who wants to farm and ‘aork in town a 5 well. j' Also many other good, farms listed, ranging irom 65 acres to 250 acres and priced from $6,000 •$25,000S Phone for an ap- pointment to 'inspect these pro- perties today. „ 'Farm and Rural Salesmen; 1:1arvey Lassaline, R.R. 2, Goderich C. E. Laithwaite, R. 1, Goderich Roy Lamont, Zurich Frank MacKenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley George Ashton„ .Fordwich LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED. . Clinton, Ont. HU 2-9600. .. . _. . • . -40tf ,WARREN L. STEVENSON 1 ' APPLE butter, sweet cider, eat- Real Estate, Beninese BrokersA1EXAND'ER AND--ettA-PNVAN- ing and'cooking apples, all var- . J, , , -REALTORS -; Six -room frame One and a -half ' storey house, new 3 -piece bath- Bank of Commerce Building.,_ room, two choice extra lots. Phone JA 4-9662 Substantial down payment • re- . a quired. KEN' CROFT Real Estate pnd Business Broker 83 Victoria St, Goderich, Ont. Phone JA 4-7253 $31000 -On Picton St., building lots and buildings included'. ' $4,000 -,Cement block buildings lots 4nd all equipped,' air, compressor, welder, cutting' terch, numerous other equip- ment. $4,500 - Near Carlow, .small , home with one acre of land. '55,500 At Nile, house, good; size barn, 2 acres of land, all; modern conveniences. $6,700 -Small bungalow on Nell son, extra lot and small barn. Easy terms arranged. $8,500- On .Horton St., brick home, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment. Terfris can be arranged. $10,000 -In a choice location on, Elgin, Ave., 4 -bedroom, large living room, excellent large, lot with trees. This .is an: excellent; e; era Business Opportunity $18,000 -Trucking business PCV, class (F) licence in the vicin- ity of Goderich, old establish- ed firm -three trucks, all A-1 condition. Wonderful returns on 'investment. I also have some good invest- ment properties and business opportunities. Farms 100 Acres south of Goclerich with Q0 rods of undeveloped lake frontage, good sandy beach. J,Orie of the best farms . in Huron County. Easy terms arranged. 134 Acres south of Goderich with 40 rods of undeveloped I lake frontage. Modern home with all conveniences,. largej barn. Easy terms arranged.I Orland Johnston - Salesman Phone Goderich JA 4-9492 ieties. Bell,View Fruit Farms,' R. 2, Goderich, phone JA 4-8011, .11 42-43 TWO Ford tractors; McCormick' W4; JM, -M. combine with -power, take -off; new Holland forage harvester; Massey -Ferguson ma- chinery and parts; New Idea assaspra 'Puri hows. eorcie o eric 43tfj WHEN you care enough to send j the very best you'll choose from our fine selection of Coutt's Wraith, on rea Christmas cards. At Dunlon's Drug Store, assorted boxes 59c to $2.50. • -43 BEAUTIFUL .garden muma, ar- rangements,s: baskets.. L R. Holmartameronsstrect.Phoce JA 4-8852. 45tf • USED McClary •steer fur -pace, coal or Wood, ; two years old; Highboy oil furnace, 'three years old. Phone JA 4-9509 for fur- ' ther 'information. 4546x LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED •. TWO APATRTMENT HOUSES 1 NErrLNG A 12% RETURN . FOR SALE Owing to the recent, Jsuddern Goderich, Ontario death' of my father, two apart- ment houses, one a 4 -unit, and; Two-bedroom house. • living HOMES the other a 7 -unit, within two; room, kitchen, 3 -piece tiled 53,500 dawn buys exceptional blocks of downtown 'London, all' on one floor. Ideal well-built 3 -bedroom new mod- must be sold. Perfect invest -1 1eern home, automatic he.4„..,4418.111„.4ar,,,_a.,,_rear.€4,4a41,m„ Classified Ad Rates REGULAR CLASSIFIEDS - 50c per issue for 20 words or Pew -Wage words and figures .02 cents each per insertion). Payable in ad- vance or no later then Wednesday noon of week following publication of Advt. If billed after afore- mentioned time, pc extra -for bookkeeping expenses. 25c .extra for office • box number. , • - COMMERCIAL CLA$S1F1ED , RATES (for business firms, trades- men, etc.) 75c per issue -I5 words -or less (extra words and figdreS -.03 each). Classified display $1.40 per 'inch. NOTICE RE SIGNAL -STAR , BOX NUMBERS • When an advertisement car - 'ries a box number, inform- ation concerning ,the identity of the advertiser cannot be divulged to anyone. Wednesday .noon is deadline for receipt of classified ads. Display advertising rates on request. Deadline for dis- play is 5 .pm. Monday of week of publication. for wid ra-r77775177business man. Terms can be arranged, no agents involved. Contact: Jack J. Pearson .personally • Phone 182 - Zurich -46 new); sprin•g tooth drag harrows; Letz "grain grind- er; Massey -Harris grain grinder; 2,000 lb. scales; fanning mill; 2 -wheel trailer; farm wagon and hay rick; quantity 3 inch plank and lumber; forks, shovels, chains, bag truck, tools, sap pan, spites, ;buckets, iron ketbles, gas barrels, quantity of grain; 11 - run disc drill; one disc; circular band saw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, eluding Phileo 21" television; Sunshine 4 -burner electric stove; cabinet radio; Filter Queen vac- uum cleaner; arma chair; occas- ional chairs; chest of drawers; number c•f bedroom suites; din- ing room table; chairs; side- board; organ and stool; •setee; 2 oil heaters (like new); glass cup- boaml; Quebec heater; Wing - ham clipper 'range; White sew- ing machine; dry sink; 'oval table; -....wall brackets; inirrors; clocks; pictures; cherry drop, leaf table; racking chairs; couch- es; step ladder; barrels; electrid washing machine; crocks; grind- er; spinning wheel; quilts; blankets; feather ticks and pil- lows; kitchen. chairs; , trunks; dishes; other articles leo-riven- erous• toO mention. PROPERTY At the same place, 3 p.m., the 100 acre farm will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid. ;11%:. storey ;stone house, modern bath, sun 'porn, large bank barn covered Iwith steel siding, steel drive shed, double garage, hen house, hydro, clay loam land? ,approx. sa acres workable, ;10 in hard- wood bush, remainder in pas- ture,. excellent water supply, inunediee , Property, 10% down, balance in 30 days. • Chattels, cash. Esthte of the late' Arthur IMcClinchey. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Geo. -Powell, Clerk. Solicitors for • Estate, Hays & Prest, Goderich. s, 45-6 APARTMENT, four rooms and' bath, heated, hot water, self- contained. 46... Nelson street, phone 7109. J ---,sa45tf F ISHED three-bedroom ho0Se. Available at once. Apply at 14 Elgin Ave. 46x - • ,• NEW -three-bedroom bungalow, 4 -piece bath, oil furnace. Apply 155 Park ,S1., phone 9410 after Saturday. phone 7739. '46x TI,VO-BEDROOM unfurnished a artment heavy wired, ereptrie hot water tank. Appry 68 Ham- ilton St. 46x1 C. Briefs on or before the 21st, day of December, 1959, full particulars of their Claims. After the said dale the Executor will distribute TEe assets of the said deceased, having' regard only to the claims' of which he shall then have notice. Dated the 19th day of Novem- ber, 1959. WILLIA'M*D. FERGUSON, ;Executor, by DAWSON, DAWSON, TAYLOR & •LUNNEY; 102 Victoria' St„ North, Sarnia, Ontario, His Solicitors. , , 46-48 ALL persons having' claitns against, -the estate of Fletcher Everett Fisher, late o1 the Town- ship of Colborne, in the County of Huron,' Farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of Novem- ber, 1959, are. required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 10th day of December, 1959, as after that date the assets of the twill be distributed. ted at the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, this 14th day of November, 1959. HAYS and PREST, Barristers & Solicitors, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 46-48 16. Public Notice Order Shell furnace oil nil stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. P h. o n e JA 4-7281. -390 Overholt Coal Co., handle Al- berta lump, Pocahontas stoker coal, steam coal, buckwheat, the famous Hudson sterling anthra- cite, Texaco furnace and stove oil. All at reasonable prices. Phone JA 4-7421. 44-47x There's a large stock of lamp shades to suit your every need at Shore Appliances. Come in and look over the interesting variety. Switch to Champion Fuel Oil, Cleaner; more heat per "garlor Automatic delivery. Life insur- ed' budget. Phone JA 4-7162 for prompt and , courteous service. D. J. Allan, Goderich area dis- tributor. -30t1 REMEMBER - for building and repairs, call Ideal Construc- tion Co.; Godarich. Phone JA 4-8221. 49t1 THE Goderich' branch of the Canadian Cancer. Society wishes to announce the new location of its service rooms which was formerisnsin the town- hall, 18 now loCated on the third floor of the old GCI building •(Picton street entrance). Anyone wish: ing, dressings or information about the work of the Canadian. Cancer Society mhy chll there Saturday afternoons between 3 and 4 p.m, or contact Mns. -Josephine Chisholm, phone IA . D. In Memoriam Ohnistmas Fair by 'baptist Church Mission Circle on. Satur- day; November 21 at MacKay Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. Candy, baking and miscellaneous tables. Tea served. -4446 Come! Buy Christmas ,gifts, cakes, puddings. Where? Christ- mas Fair, Knox -United Church, Auburn. When? Frida)i., Novem- ber 20, 7.30 p.m.. 45-6 On Wednesday, &Comber 2, at 2 p.m., you are invited to at- tend the annual bazaar and sale of home baking and tea at Vic- toria Street United church. 45 The annual Christmas Fair, sponsored by St. Peter's OWL,40 will be held at MacKay Hall, aturday,' December '5, from 2 to 5 p.m. Aprons, dolls, knitting, home baking and miscellaneous tables. Tea served from 3 to 5 p.m. 45tf Annual graduation exercises • will be held at the: Home iand School meeting in the Public School on Tuesday, November 24, at 8 pen. Guest speaker will be Rev. John Patrick, of Bay- field. -46 Goderieh Jaycettes New Year's Eve dance, at 'Memorial •Arena,. 54 Per couple. Lunch. Grant Ferrier's orchestra. Advance sale for'merobers. , -16 The monthly meeting of the Goderich Hoisicultural Society wW be held in MacKay Hall, on Friday, November 20, at 8 p.m. Hear all about Christmas decor- ating the home by F. Gregory. E'Veryone_is welcome. -46 Meeting regarding resumption of Huron County Music Festival will be held Friday, November 27, 8 o'clock, • Goderrch Public School. Musics teachers, organ- ists, supervisors, interested per- sons, are urged to attend. GLAZTER.-In loving memory of Russell Glazie0 who pasgsd away two years ago, Novem- They say time h is all sorrow And helps one forget, ber 17, 195:7/ But time so f has only proved How much we love him yet. God gave us strength to fight it And courage to bear the blow But what it.means to lose him No one will ever know. -Lovingly remembered by, wife and family. • j 46x' ,WARRENERs-In loving 'mem- ory of a dear son, brother and uncle, Harold 'Warrener, whej 'passed away November 21, , 1958. -Asleeli- in; God's wonderful gar- den, 'Free frail, all sorrow and pain; -And when our life's journey is QVer, We know we shall meet him again. -Lovingly remembered by his mother, father, sister Mamie and Gordon, Donna and family. . -46 .DR. J. C, ROSS of West St., will WARRENER.--In loving mem- .= speach,on behalf of the,Canada ory of a dear friend, Harold Temperance Act over CKNX Warrener, who passed away tonight (Thursday) from 11.25 one year ago November 21. p.m. to 11,30 p.m. 46x Thisreingiroentt,h comes with deep It :brings back a day I will never appeal to the various Goderich forget and • district organizations for You fell asleep without goodbye' tftsestravvvrs,,str,reptentstrtiror But J.n_y_memory. of you will ' used for the most part when. ly missed by Anna., -#-EnevvePrrreime.embered and sad -j ' 461e' gift cupboard. The articles are - ;members of the Women's Ser- vice Committee make their calls on patients and in making up baskets for • .rChristmas and E. Cards .of Thanks Easter. For further information - please contact Mrs. Josephine ANDERSON. -'Mr. and Mrs, Reg. JCAlsi4-sh85012m2., Nelson St., phone Anderson wish to thank those 4647 Who sent flowers or messages of sympathy to them; they TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE • would like to thank Dr. V. L. NOTICE OF 'NOMINATION McGeough, the staff at London Nominations for Reeve, four .hospital, Mr. Ed. Shies and Councillors, and.; two School the friends and relatives who Trustees will be held on Friday, were so very kind to them November 27, 1959, at the hour during their bereavement for, of 1.00 p.m., in the Township their darling little Rhonda. Hall, Carlow, Ont. Election, if necessary, will be held on Monday, December 7, 1959, polling booths to be open from 9.00 aim. to' 6 p.m. B. C. Straughan, Clerk, 'Township of Colborne. -46 ....“.114. Services Available 7. Teachers Wanted . . , IvIsrr or phone Reid's new Up- 1k1stering4 Ah2op; .148 East St. 9 . . , an !estimate. We have the coverings and the kn,ow-how. Pick up and deliver -9tf m.........r.v.......ede.,..........,.. QUALIFIED PrOtestant leacher required at once for Lochalsh School, U.S.S. No. 4, Ashfield township school area. Secretary -Treasurer, 45-8 R. 7, Lucknow. : tuninum storms tsroug out including porch GOO basement.I location. — s,„ • • Brand 'new five -room cottage. Solid brick two-storey; ssitsbed- full basement, possession atl room, corner location, new once. furnace and new roof.Excep- - tionally clean. Price 512,500. 29 Acres on Huron Rd., inside :town limits, ' modernized house, TWO apt.'solid, brick, oil heated, -ai • a . FOUR bedroom house near j schools, oil heating, newly dee- ' iiydro, bath and furnace, steel good income, near Square. orated, convenient, or will rent. -barn, -smaller buildings. CouldI Anply 132 Britannia rdad or be subdivided profitably. T 1 _ wo eleesidences in ton,; phone 7248. 45=6 1 $2,s500ctr , — i• Four-bedroom home with two, , Information and/or inspection'LARGE watime house, oil fur - 1 large extra lots, good buy for by arrangement, with this nace, excellent condition, low 'handyman. sa office only. - payments.. Phone JA 4-8794 af- , , ter 6 p.m. 45-6x Four-be-droom brick house, BEACH PROPERTY . - . four -piece bath. heavy duty wir- 80 Rod beach front, with 70 !.ng, new,egase.4141,arg.:, -,. :-. • • ;,,:: ,..- acres of-good.,larid,- produe - . • .. • , —, exceptional crop 'this year. 4. Real -Estai '' Wanted Opposite public school, four- Road to beach, few miles from . room cottage with 3 -piece bath, Goderich. No buildings. LISTDIGS WANTED -' Farms, Summer Cottages and Town Pro: QUANTITY of very good hand- picked apples, McIntosh and Snow; "C" grade, $1. bushel .while they last. Bring:your con- tainers. Lassalines' Orchard, 4th Concession, Goderich Town- ship. 45-6 NEN'E•PIECEevalnut dining room suite, good Condition; also din- ner set of twelve settings. No . calls before Monday evening. 99 Bruce St. JA,4-7818. 46 venetian blinds, storm windows, ail stove, tank and approx. 125 BUILDING LOTS 1gallons of oil. Group of 4 on residential street, serviced. Group of 4 on high- , Eleven-reom, 2 -storey, red way 21-$1,500.00. Group of brick, upper flat rented. on good street, serviced. ' • Several single lots, ; Grocery business with corn- , fortable SiX-1`0011. ' house, full 'basement, new gas furnace. See . John Armstrong at Dunlop for ' HINSON -weatherlorake, com- plete with win-dshield and side - windows, one year old, like 41,e. for Farmal Super "C". or 200 tractor. Wilfred Pentland, Dun- gannon, phone 64 r 14, • -46 LADY'S winter coat, charcoal - gray; -size 14. •Phone JA 4-7887., • 46x LLOYD baby carriage, in good, condition, $15. Phone 9318. 46 HARD maple tops; also good quality baled hay. Ivan Bean, pihone Auburn 19 - 5. • 46x ' NEW shipment of ladies' and „metes Xie„,Esese shoes, trousers, this. Three-bedraom stucco house near ICC. school. Reasonably' priced, • Two 50 -acre farms, good land, fine home on each;.also a 'num- ber of larger farms... s.„. • Phone - John Arm -strong, Representative, 20 r 8 Dungannon after 8 pim. 44 FARMS Farms in Ashfield, $5,000 to MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE - AND REAL. ESTArE OFFICE A modern, 'long, white frame' shirts, coats, rubbeeboots, gal-, -anch-style dwelling on a large oshes, etc. Reasonable, Mrs. tWilsorf St. lot. Many up-to-date Gordon Brindley, R. 6, Goderich. creatures, 3 bedrooms. Substan- , -461tial mortgage arranged. Im- son. FLOOR furnace complete tvith em diatepossessi .controls. Phone 7463. -.16 A goad building lot, 52' x 104', serviced', in a, central loca- tion. An excellent bu- ilding lot at the north-east corner of Warren RHEUMATIC Pain? If you suf- : and Cayley Sts. fer from backaches, dumbago, sciatica, try RUMAQAPS today to help bring you prorneit relief. Druggists everywhere. -46 Insurance Agent razors from $12.50 up. Phone 3-2 Dungannon. 4648x I • Farms in H,ay, $8,000 to $20.000. RENT Three-bedroem warm house on Palmerston St. Elmer Et: Crariston,sess.Salesman Phone Goderich JA 4 -88&1' - ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN MALCOUV1 MATHERS 46 West St. Phone JA 4-9442 GERMAN Shepherd male, 23, nionths old, silver gray. Applyi Mrs: Ronald Petteplate, P.O. fiox 264, Teeswater -or phone 9'7 r 21 46-47x' Real Estate Broker e HARDWICK, SNEDDEN & McNEILL Real Estate Brokers, Stratford JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker Close to Square, two-bedroom, one floor small nouse. Owner anxious to sell Make, us an offer. REGISTERED Getman Shepherd 043acie4et4ottage in Blyth, cheap puppies. Phone 7966. 48 for quick sale. ; Several farm properties. FILTER Queen Sales -and ''Ser- LISTINGS WANTED -Farms, ysice. Repairs to all makes of ;own property and lots, vacuum cleaners. Phone Gode- 'Salesman -J. Ira Rapson, 152 rich JA. 4-8523. , 46-51xtf South St. Phone JA 4-8559, CIVSTERFIELD and chair; bed,' 'Ind mattress; two Con-• ""i0"41e"9V+4, '''"'"'ll4tititiffirtilAtiffetiwirtittree00 blue 9 x 9. All good condition.'" Realtor - London 103`TrafaVgar St. • 46x MODERN two•thedroom house, - - • --- - 'centrally *mated.' Ftill price 12' -Axminster rugs, only $6,00. * one 9' x 12' Broadloom twist, -10 AMES ef good farm lied, kited for quick sale. Lodge brick littuse, small barn, r rtiture. I46',w 11, on emintv road, one mile MIA way2i W .1, Hughes, tI1AC010,st dtintp- 1PiTOW41,,A4-8526, 'Croderich. lcd Ciatterliat tvai qti d000, t new. Also:RA:NM style,. thseelliedrcrom torn door.,4Patittard site, and house, modern, gas 'heated, gar- dOW SaSheit. Phone Vi48727# age. Write Write MX 74; SignaI.S 46x Corner of main street in thriv- ing town, pool room business, seven tables. Only pool roo in ,tcrim, new veiringe'new gas furnace. Price $19,000. • All' merchandise included. nerty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Comilerce g, 'Goderich. .Phone JA 4-9662. -18 • 8. Help Wanted Boys' or girls to start new Star Weekly paper route in Goderich. 'Meet in front of show, 4 30 p.m., Friday. 46x ', - MALE or female, earn extra cash in the next two weeks. A, large newspaper requires can- vassers in Goderich for after- noon'. or earening'work. Guaran- teed 'salary plus commission. '•Mr. MeFetrid,ge", !Searle JA4-7348. 4fix 1 5. To Rent TYPEWRI'rERS - Portable and. standards. • Skeoeh Office Sup- plies, phone JA 4-8652, Goderich. -36tf MAKE your housework easier by renting a floor polisher and araeuum cleaner from Shore-Ap pliances, on the Square. _sltf On the .highway, 200 acres of choice clay loam soil, good 4 - bedroom 'brick home, modern converftences, two barns, on of them 80x70 feet, with four X'PARTMENT, four rooms and bath, Anolv Ivan Luzon Phone JA 4-7171. 41tf 1.1c1NT HOUSE" --7.W a,r m cbmiortable rooms with home Privileges. Apply 155 Quebec St, Dial 8433. -44 ONE furnished and- one un- fairnisheel apartment, available November 1. R. H. Cornish. phOne JA 4-9421. -41 OFFICE, heated, bright, goed location in business section. A. T. Curry, Quebec St., phone SA4-8'34. 42tf MODERN self-cmitained un- furnished. one -bedroom, heated floors, fully equipped for broil-, ,„endry apartment, newly decorated.fa cil ities provided. ers. New pressure system, gar-' 1"" age, drive-in shedAll this for only $18,5g0, $4000 will handle. T,ARGE heated downstairs apart - I P. t see hone JA 4-9645. -44tf merit, newly decorated. partly 52 Acres choice clay loam f ern sh ed Eansinintmen t, land in Colborne Township, four phone JA 44566. . 456x bedroom house with modern • • conveniences, hardwood floors, APARTMENT, tn room, part - furnace; barn 50 x 50, garage ly furni.s"hed, 3synece bath, pri- and drive-in shed. All this for state entrance, available iinmedi- only $7,500. Many extras in atelv; also five roam house, eluded. Down payment $3,500, semi-detnched, unfurnished, av- ._ ailable December' 1. :Mary B. Store with four bedroom 'Howell, 10 Sts Vincent street, apartment above, .excellent loca- tion, double garage. Only $7,500. Brick duplex, choice Ideation. Each apartment contains living room, two bedrooine, kitchen snd bathroom. Full price only $8,500.' -- • \seetteitteseleftesef1ereeseletteseareeeea .• • . We have a large listing of farms in Huron County. 9. Agents Wanted a • WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- er in townships Stanley, Gode- rich, Colborne and Ashfield. Ex- perience, not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into cad pro- fitable business where Rawleigh products have been soid for years. Big profits. Products fur- nished on credit. Write. Raw- leigh's, Dept. K-216463, 4005 Richelieu,, Montreal. -46 --- REPArRS to furniture and re- finishing.' Phone JA 4-9649. 132 Trafalgar St., Goderich. -40tf SID Bullen's Cabinet Shop, chests, desks, etc. c.ustoin made; also kitchen cupboards and furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St., phone JA 4-9681. -19tf CARPENTIW, building, 'remod- elling, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, 'bathroom fix- tures, plumbing of all kinds, ateel and asphalt roofing. Frank McMichael, phone Carlow 1108. ; 23-30x 10. 'Wanted (General) For buying and qe!lio" (-Intact JOHN BOSVELD Rleal Estate Broker .40 Wellesley St, Goclerieh 'Phone JA 44762 Salesmen: Joseph 'McConnell, Seaforth Anoela Sosveld, Goderich C. B,rume, Clinton. -10tf ter 5 p.m. .TIA 4-8VO. 45tf eultiVater On rubber, (likAa fled to send te e un ersigne cemetery, Toronto. phone. 8842. 45tf OLD -horses waded at 31/2c lb., and dead cattle at raletes---If dead, phone at one. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect JA 4-7092 or 7022. -ltf FOR piano tuning; new and used musical inpuments; accessories and .repairs, at . lowest prices. Write .or call Ross Mann, Wing - ham, phone 735J4. -44tf GODERICTI Branch of the Can- adian Cancer Society wishes to • -46 j Bothered 'about ‚Christmas ;gifts'? Why not some home- made gifts that are different? ;You'll find a surprising array Of. JpePular items at North Street United .Church Women's Associ- ation bazaar on Saturday, Nov- ' ember 28. 'Monster bake table and Christmas candies, too! We 'invite you and your friend's far -a-•-cup--csf-tess--floolssopen.._2Ma.--. 46-47 Experienced, Licensed AUCTIONEER ALLAN MacINTYRE Liicknow Phone 10-r-24 Ripley, Collect (Can be contacted each Wednes- day at Lucknow Sale) -9tf SEWAGE DISPOSAL 'Septic tanks, cess pools, eta., pumped and cleaned with modern equip- ment. All mirk guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, Brus- sels, phone 42-r 6, Brussels. 34-46x SHARPENING -Saws: hand and eeleetries -cutlery, skates; part- time farm work. Call evenings. C. H. Hamar, Huron Rd., oppo- site Undercoating shop. -42tf ENTION FARMERS! Cash paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses. All dead stock picked up free of 'charge. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851 1.11, Seaforth, Associated 'with Darl- ing and Co. of Canada Ltd. „ . 37-51x BOARDERS, in private home with all facilities, in good loca- tion. 1,15 Britannia road, phone' JA 4-8730. 45tf MIDDLE-AGED man would look , after furnace or do odd jobs, as 'partial payment of board. Phone 7766. 46x ROOM and board required by elderly woman after December 2. Write Box 73, Sighal-Star. 46x, - GIRL'S white figure- skates, size, STAN BLOWES TRAVEL SER- VICE, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. Phone 170. Agents for all airlines and •steamship comp anies, ti&et office. All cruise, tour and hotel reserva- tions. diTm a n and Dutch spoken. .• CRACKNELL-POST KINGSVILI E. -The Rev. An- drew Morgan officiated at a we'd - ding ceremony in the Pente- Costal ,parsonage, Kingsville, when Marilyn O. Post, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Post, iss041-1-esabooamo-the-bit'cleasof-,-.-- Wayne Arthur Cracknell, Kitch- ener, The groom is the son of ,the Rev. and Mrs. Harold Crack- nell, ;Goderich. The,. bride ware a two-piece blue dress with a sequined white feather hat and black and white accessories. Her corsage was of jpink carnations. She was attended by Mrs. Gerald Morgan and s'Charles Cracknell attended his *other as best man. The couple will make their home in Kitchener. WATERLOO CATPLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION 'Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer awned and controlled. Cali us between: • 7:30 and 10:00 ant 'week days and 600 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings at HU2-3441, Clinton, or, for long distance; Zenith 9-5650, Clinton: 46tf 3 or 4 and boy's skates, size 2 17. Business Notice JOIN HOBBY A MONTH CLUt MAKE -YOUR OWN - OBRISTMAS GIFTS For further information, Write KENTCRAFTS` 64 Sunnyside Ave. • Chatham Ontario 46x 18. Personal' WHY FEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help thousands of men, women past • 40 feel younger. Only 69c. At all druggists. -46 19. Lost And Found Lady's white gold wrist„watch lost on Square. Finder return to Mrs. H. L. Barnes, 261 Cobourg St., phone 9484. Reward. 46x A. Births DOHERTY.-At Alexandra Hos- pital,--Goderich, on November 14, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. John 'Doherty, Goderich, a son, Timothy John. M ON. -At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on November 14, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mason, R.R 5, God6rich, a ::vredKaAug'yh.t_crA. t Alexandrg Hospit- YOUNG. --Mr. and Mrs. Peter 46 ALL claims1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Roderick family, relatives ,and friends 15: Npoetrsiocnes Tthoa vCinrgeditors for the dinner, the gifts, cards; or 3 wanted, Two pair white al, Goderich, on November 11, Young wish to thank their tube skates, size 1 and 2 for sale. Phone Carlow 247. • amgcaminisntatnh,e leastteatoefofthBeerTtohwa nMaoyfIsfiMzeirKrpayoN, .G._..4oAcletriAdliio, xaansdorria..., Hos- and flowers, presented to them! Goderich, in the County bf pital, Gaderich, on November on the occasion of their 451h' Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 6th day of October, 1959, are required to file" the same with full particu- lars with tpe undersigned by the 26th day -of November, 1959, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the -Town of Gode- h in the County of Huron, fettrettrgrarmeoterris5 464. FENNIGAN.e-Nr. and -Mrs. Rich- ard Finnigan and family wish to express their sincere thanks to all those' who so thought- fully remembered them with gift's and cards on their 59th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to those who remem- bered Mr. Finniga.n while he has been sick. 46, FISHER. -To our many friends and neighbors, both men and women, vvha have assisted us during Elmer's illness go our sincere thanks. Elmer and Phyllis Fisher. 46x FULLER -The family of the late Reginald Fuller wish to express .5aineete_ePpe_eciation for the kindness shown dur- ing his long illness. They thank the Goderich brancih of the Canadian Cancer Society and the nurses and 9taff at Alexandea Hospital; special thanks ,to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Rev, S. A. Moote and Rev. Chas, Cox and -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stiles. They also express gratitude to relatives, friends andsneighbors, Unidh and Vic - tone United churches for the, lovely floral tributes man guests at a recdalbtf at Tiger Y Dunlap Inn and was asSisted by the groom's mothel;. The farmer wore a dress of bile crepe with matching accessories and a cor- sage of white carnet ons Mrs. Horton were a ti•gured blue silk gown with blue accessories and corsage of white carnations. Guests 'present from a dist- , ance were from Courtland, Port Huron, London. Camn Borden, and Marshall. Sask. On a wed- ding trip to Niagara, New Yet* State, the bmttle wore a dress of rose wool with leopard trim, winter white and brawn acces- sories and grey fur jacliet. She wore a corsage of- white car - RCAF,. neraTorioliTY. is stationed with the oune couple will reside at Surnmerside, VET, where the HORTONL--ELLWOO'D 8tandlards. of -white mums and lighted tapers decorated North Street United Church for the wedding on Saturday afternoon last of Mary Joyce Ellwood,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-Wil-- liam Ellwood, of GOderich, and David Ernest Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horton, of Courtland, Ontario. Rev. A. E. Eustare officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a cocktail= length dress of White peau-de- soie and, chantilly lace, sabrina neckline and the Empire -waist- line terminated with a bow and streamers at the back. Her finger-tip veil of chantilly lace was held in place by a headdress of mother-of-pearl sequins, and she carried a ;cascade bouquet of white mums and pink roses. The bride's cousin, Miss Nancy Ellwood, also of Gcselerich, was bridesniard "Circktail-length dress of pink' lace, featuring a scoop neckline, short sleeves and white gloves, and Matching veil headdress. Her bouquet was of White and blue mums. Mr. ,Duncan. Mol•Tiven,. of RCAF Staticiri, Camp Borden, was groamsnian. 'Mrs. Ellwood received the acts of kindness and expres- sionsJof sympathy during their recent bereavement. -46 WESTON. - I would like to thank my friends and neigh- bors for cards and flowers re- ceived while a patient in hos- pital. Also Dr. Jackson and nurses on first floor ferr their kindness, which was much ap- preciated. Thanks. E. R. Weston, Goderich. 46 13. Auction Sales_ ESTATE Auction Sale. TIMM bedrnorn house. gas fur- Auction sale of farm, farm nace, available December 1. Miss machinery and household ef- Alma Chisholm, phone 8520. fects at Lot 15, Con. 11, Stanley 45Twp, on Goshen Line, five'miles north of Zurich, on SATURDAY, NOVEIVIBER 21, at 1 p.m. IINEWINtabtokteekelstetteee80 STOIREY ard one -ball wartime hotiqe, available December 1. Snuare. Has been renteds row tractor on steel, model D diin1ex. AVailable sann. Five room unfurnished lumen- Case'tractor with 2 furrow plow, hydraulic; 32 ft. extension lad - ow fnt four months beginning December 1. Nnnly mroid-der, Spramotor 40 gal. with Clin- W. Shore, Real E,tnte 13rolier, ton motor; Massey•Iiirris bean , seiner with !puller; tractor phone .11A 4-7272, Goderich, 4 disc; electric ibrooder;- quantp HAYS and PREST, Barristers & Solieitors, Goderich, Ontario: Solicitors for the Estate, -44-46 ALL fpe sons having claims 10, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. wedding anniversary.- ---46x Charles Shelton, God,erich, a T'7!GERT.-At Alexandra Hospit- al, ININCONINk ngagements 4.1111111.1.11 Tigert, R R, 3sGoderich, a son, Mr. Frank MarshallssGuelph, and nature of cosmic rays. One of the mysteries sr;a‘nre al, Goddich, on November 12 ;"' • 1959, to Mr, and Mrs, Willianri-17- annolitnees the engagement of These electrified particles shoW- still has. to solve is the origin I i and B. Deaths, his sister, Anne Thithene, Loner through the atmosnhere in a don, to Thomas Hugh Savage,: eontinital rain and they Pelle- efitikoshwanift,w+pitmrtmertrio_ aarokoht0444,804ymemisse..to.4940e4tAtevsepoltirtikrothultmnabadmoa64,..-4-A,ws.m Suddenly on Thursday, Nov.' Place quietly early in December. knoweessactly where .they come ember 12, 1959, at Toronto,' - 46x, from ad hnev they are formed. 1, Wiliiam Harvey Crawford' aseemaimaneemmeattionmamousemmismosneitse. I rp*.ir (formerlyr of G. E. Webber & Son), beloved husband of Mar -1G. Corning Events 1 tom, Bay air terminal, ie the ! r• ' , wilds of Lal,rador, is s nsam• jorie Chisholm,of 648 North--; - . - ; - _ cliffe Blvd., Toronto, dear, The Girls' and Junior Auxil- • - 'moth h,Ae whiPh has no railway T17,ATE1)--aTp a -rim- en ts-iTn fern: Cockshutt Mrake,' Ai'Idea late of the Town of Goder 'Ord, self conl-lhied (ne three manure spreader on rubber (Iike the County of Huron, R . . , , . 4" tile., 6 ft mower; sulky rake; again,st Bron Edgar Stephenson, father of Pat and Madeline. ries of St, George'S Church i:thi'reid llpeeistinIg812at EBgroliwntnon,BroAse h:t.-13):;gli. lirPahitildrigholmheeirbakanin nttu aslaieteian,1 loi'fnkthe with.ye a cri. viIltiziastitnbne and digs tiCaeri cessible by 'Water for only part , irne-mq and l'^fti ero fi"^.rn"mc new); 3 section Diamond hal' ClergYman, who died on the 5th Dufferm St, Service 9 a.m. the Parish Hall on SaturdaY, exercises, an dfor search and ters for Ininy Atlantie•defence 6tid bath. Phone ;TA 4-9472; pf•• rows; 'piing tooth tractor : day of OctOber, 1959, are.,noti- Saturday, Interment Prospect 1 November 21, from o -to 5 p.m. rescue operations over the North 45"6 Atlantic. No.t,