HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-12, Page 5• fl DAYS LEFT 9* -0 To Save $ On • FREEZERS 41) DRYERS • WASHERS • RANGES - ENDS SAT., NOV. 14 Buy For Christmas Now And SAVE! '-vommineW •• The. Goderich Signal,Star, Thursday, Nov. Iabh, 199 • Open Friday and Saturday Evening 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH [Anderson. The minutes were will bring,in the 1960 slate of Mrs.' Clifford Crozier was in tread by Mrs. Roy Easom. Mrs. • • A cliMe","Thpening with the aim financial statement. Thank -you ing..if The committees in charge , ' DUNGANNON and object. Mrs. Cecil Blake played the piano for -the hymns. officers at "the December meet - Auburn New.. s tHarold Webster gave a _full notes were read from Rev. and ' ' of the Christmas Tarty on De- D.UNGANNON, Nov. 10.—Mrs. I and at the close of theeevening There were twelve members pre-,,' AUBURN, Nov. 10 .—Travel celebrated their 4fith Wedding eember 7 will be•Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Harold Snell and Peter, of Norman Shackleton, Belgrave,' a delicious lunch was served sent, one Visitor and two chil-1 9 by Mr. JohnAgulian.' A anniversary at their home. London Mr Mr, • and Mrs. Earl Mrs. James HeMbly and ,Mrs, visited for a few days with her and also an additional treat was dren. Mrs. Raymond Finnigan picture travelogue will 'be given Mr. and Mrs., Thomas John- Wightman, of Lucknow, Mr. Frank ' Raithby. Mrs. William cousin,,Mrs. M. Shackleton.. a lovely three-tier wedding cake read the Scripture lesson. The Sunday evening in the Auburn ston,, Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips and Donald Duynin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Robison will arrange for the P Erskine resbyterian with pink and . silver trimmings . program in ' the . missionary Baptist church by Mr. John Miss Laura visited on Sunday Ernest Durnin and Mr. and Speaker for this oceasion. Plans The Agulian, student minister. Be with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Hum- Mrs. Guy .Cunningham, Mrs. were made to have Santa, cutter congregation will this Saturday Lovely' gifts were received and monthly was followed. Prayers J. evening have their annual fowl among them was .a • Lazy -Boy were given by Mrs. Arthur El - took the 'pictures last summer phrey, of' St. Helens, who cele- James Jackson took charge of and reindeer illuminated r the dinner in the church-lPollowing chair and a chest of silver. liott, Mrs.M. Shackleton, Mrs. E.1 in Europe and the Holy Land. grated their 67th ,weddirig anni- 1 ',the 'program. Scripture was Christmas season. Mr. iWi ' . Rivett, Mrs. C. Crozier, Mrs.1 Mr. Williarn•MayheW and Mr. versary on Monday at their 1 c meal in the auditorium, the On Mondaynight the Women's read by Mrs. 0, Anderson, Mrs. T. Robison, Mr. Ed Davies, Mr.. and Mrs. Les, Mayhew, of Tor- home. Both are enjoying good I . George IMillian and Mrs. Bert W. Bradnock .and Mr..C, Cox are Reid Brothers (Jack and Doug- Association 'of the United Crozier reported the fall sec- . , onto, visited last Sattirdpy with health and were able to attend Craig, followed by prayer by to place them �n the , park. las) sons of Mr, and Mrs, Will church. sponsored a sale of tional meeting. The roll call was answered by ten home calls.; Mr:'and Mrs. William Straughan. church service at, St.,. ,Helen's I Mrs. Jackson. Mrs, William T. The Horticultural Society would Reid,' will show on the screen goods and Mr. Wellington Hen - :Mrs; M. Reed read ,a letter from', !Robison gave a paper on Chris- like to see everyone decorate Tictures of their holiday trip to • derson, Lucknow, auctioned the Rev. V. T. Mooney in apprecia-, .M.r. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- United church. Mr. Huniphrey well, Michael and Janice, of St. is in his 90th year and Mrs.. ,the West this past summer. artieles, starting with aprons, tion for 'bales sent to Toronto! tiara Citizenship.,, A readiAg on, for the coming season and give Catharines, spent the week -end Humphrey who was, before .her Hong Ion ee was given by Mrs.! the village a h .I'a-Y look in l' Visitors „with Mr, and • Mrs. followed with other fancy work, 1. Mrs. Craig. ;Gordan Congram over the week- of cushion taps, baking, jamS;!headquarters, , with. her parents, ''..Mr. and Mrs. marriage, Keziah Phillips, is in Charles Straughan and a talk December. A luM was served 1 on Temperance was- taken by bY ' end were Mr. and Mrs. George pickles, fruit., and •vegetables,. A frem Mii. E. Riven, who had' A card of thanks was read.i Gordon R. Taylor, and his par- her. 91st year. They have ' ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Rathwell, three' children, Miss Lila, at Mrs. George Millian.. A duet1 Mission Band. The PrimarylMcGlynn and daughter , -*--Mary short prograrn was given at the at Port Elgin. • home, Mrs. George (Eva) Walk- was sung ,by Mrs, Ernest Dura I and Junior group of the Light Ellen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack beginning of the evening and been sent a'l card of sympathy ws. Mr. and Mrs. Mms ac Allison, er, of Wingham, and Willifim, in and Mrs, C. Ada, of Gode-' Bearer's Mission Band of Knox Templeten, Detroit, ‘ , I i'th o imunit ' singing last month hen her iter in the ,. , with her father, David Hamilton. W.M.S.—The W.M.S. of Knoxlit;iych.mt[sf.he offering was received, United church held their No- • led by Mrs. Esther Rivett and ''cst passed„ away. Mrs. Reed,. Robison, and Mrs. E.1 vember meeting •and John Ar- A.-%:, ulbert recently were Mrs, ,Mrs, Otto Popp at the piano. Ailsa Craig, visited on Sunday of St. Helens. 4 1 Visitors with Mr and 'Mrs, W. read the first chapter in the' Congratulations to Mr. and United. church met at the home 11 Durnin. The sumn-liffY-61— the r, fhlir gave the call to worship.1Charles Sheil and her mother, Mrs. Clifford Crozier gave ., a ne•w study book, "Africa disturb Mrs Edgar Lawson Who quietly, of the president, Mrs. Oliver study book was given by Mrs.' Judith Arthur read the Scrip- Mrs, Chas. Congram, Lucknow. ,reading. A vocal duet by Pa- ea," will be held at the home of Mrs. The December meeting, ..,:.,, . Fred Toll, who also introducedl tore and Rose Marie Haggitt the 1960 stud , ook. A reportj led in prayer, To introduce thel,iin,.the neighborhood also that They called on other relatives tricia Eedy and Sharon Park, accompanied hy Mrs, .burnin tRoinv eatnt.d N Matthew •, ' 'Phillips. Mr. ''Wm. Buckingham, ES Pi taheekrl e IrNsifs13.* trel, of the ' alterti ri session of the new study book on Africa a "al' ' 0,100 Mt sectional Ince ing held recently film was shown. Mrs. Maurice at Dungannon was given b Mrs Kenneth McDoug'all. The -discussion period, , Allan Speig- y Bean led in the question and his farm south of the village to Sproule Brothers, 'and has Mr. George Hodges has sold' rC, Anderson, ,piano solo; Mrs. winter moriths.• The meeting Hugh .McWhinney, Remembrance g4ivo humorous, readitigs. Mrs. eloAed with the Mizpah benedic-, offered their ,homes for . the, GODERICH , ONT. evening session was reported by elberg, and. Douglas Archam- bought a homerprincl moveld their i Day reading; Eleanor Reed, viol -,tion. Miss Margaret R, Jackson angi bault received the offering. The last week. , . in •and Norris Sampson,. guitar, The Dungannon United Sun - Mrs, Cl.u.irles Straughan, Mrs.' superintendent, ,Miss Margaret Rev. E. C. Taylor, Godericri, gavetwo numbers. The corn- ' day school teachers met for the Jackson thanked the hostess and i R. Jackson, i-elosed with prayer, supplyin- g in the Dungannon mitlee in charge of the sath, quarterly meeting at the home all who had helped in any way Mr. and Mrs. Beverly krench,United church pulpit last Sun- assistinm, the alictioneer, were of Mrs. Rich. Park on Thursday , with the meeting., and so.n, Jimmy; of Detroit,. day morning gave an address , T. Mis. V,ill Petrie, Mrs.' Chester night of last week, , A business Plan Far Santa., -Plans were visite.d on the week -end with in accordance'with Remem-LFinnigan, Mrs: E. Rivett and;•itern,was the order for Sunday made to get Sa'nta. and his rein- deer back to 'Manchester Gard- en rhe first week in December at the executive meeting held at the home of ale president, SATURDAY NIG-HT DANCING to Evan Rhodes and his orchestra,. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT — Lions Bingo. FRIDAY, NOV.' 20=.Goderich Policemen's Ball. . SATURDAY, NOV; 21—Teen-20 Record Dance with Dave Wilson of CFPL. . FRIDAY, NOV. 27—Special Old Time Dance. Ernie King and the kingsmen. Catering to Banquets,' Weddings, etc. Reservations Phone, JA 4-9371 or. JA 4-9264. lier mother Mrs. George , Beadle, prance Day. Three infants were Were Mrs Howarjl Johnston and cided to hold a Christmas .con- IMrs. T. C. Andersen, Cashiers school supplies and it was de - and' • either -Telatives. baptized: Wayne Nelson, son of 1 . Ivan Rivett. The sale cert in the church on DCc. 22, Tidy Teens Meet.—The third Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pearsonmi.,., 1J ne Marion,daughter Of Mr amounted to a little over $77. At the close of discussion, Mrs. meeting 'of the Auburn Tidy lanad 4 Ribey;) Gerald. 'Mr. arid Mrs, W, Arthur Cul- Park served refreshments, Teens 4-H Club was held at the Mrs. Gerg,e m Mrs. Bert Craig. The minutes home of Mrs. •Ed Davies. Mnr.) Wayne, son df , r. and Mrs. bert and son, Bill, recently vis- Mr, Wilbur Brown, Mrs, Robt. . ited Mr. and Mrs, Earl Sher- Stother§ and ,Mrs. Frank Link were read by the secretary, Miss garet Haines, president, openedMrs. Logtenberg. ! Mrs. Gordon Schultz and little wood and family, Carlow. later. spent , last week -end in Elma 'Mcitch.. The treasurer, the meeting. The minutes wereLinfant 'daughter arrived homeMr.and Mrs. Cecil Blake. -Bar- Toronto. read by Eileen Sehneider, So--- inernb.e.i'S were 'absent dil-e-niteolast weel from Goderich hos. bare and Billy, spent the week - I end with Mr. arid Mr -s. H. Eug- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Proctor the min -lips. Mrs. Keith Machan Mr. arid are doing fine. led in a discussion on arrange- Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllis- one Hanson, East Tawas, Mich. of Detroit, have - been recent ment of rods and shelves in the ter atul.„„d-aughter, Mary Lou, The United church • W.M.S. guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Elm•er clothes closets and planned with sriera -the week -end with Mr. monthly meeting_ was held on yVettlaufer. and Mr, and Mrs. the . girls the types of garment a-nd Mrs. Kenneth McAllister,. Thursday.afternoon of last week. Garnet Mathies -on. . • ' Sudbury. . Twenty-fifth Wedding Anni- versary4—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smythe, 6th Con. of West Wa- wanosh,, celebrated their silver wedding at their home on Tues- day, November 3, with a social evening when about 25 relatives' and friends were present. The couple *as married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Lawlor, Auburn, on Nov. 3, 1934. The bride was formerly Hazel Lawlor and the ._ groom a son of the late '.1,1r. and Mr's. George Smythe, 6th Con. West Wawanosh, Their family are: Mrs. Herb -(Marie) Wilkins, - lyirs."Criirk (Dontia) Zinn, Evylin, George, Kathleen, Betty, Shar- on, Najkcy and Gordon, jr., and eight grandchildren. Other friends and relatives for the evening were Mrs. 'Bessie Stew- art, Miss Betty Durnin, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Maize, Mr: Lorne 'Alton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Medd, Mr. and Mrs; Calvin McIntyre, and Bob, Mr. and !Mrs. Gordon Anderson. A 'few bthers Were unnte to be -pt esen-• ---.--Saine-, were absent thru illness. Court whist was a card game enjoyed Miss Margaret R. Jackson, gave the financial statement. A nom- inatingcommittee of Mrs. Wil- liam T. Robison, Mrs, William Straughan, and CNIrs, Ed Davies 41 WHICH ARE YOU ? JOHN orPETE ?? ••• §aid John to Pete, as they met on the street:,"You have never met our local jeweller, so come with me, I am just going over to see him now to buy a watch for ayresent." (Sohn has had his watoh..repaired by the local jeweller, who is also ' a watchmaker). PETE snapped back: "LOCAL JEWELLER! -Don't be a SUCKER! His prices are all,RETAIL t You wanna save some dough? Some REAL DOUGH?RIGHT? Boy! Are you in for a shock! I'll showyou how much • yo can save when you buy your watch from a WHOLESALE Catalogue! Come on with me; I'll show you my catalogue." {Of course, Pete did not knOW that John had' list read a very enlight- ening article in a recent issue of Reader's Digest: nor did he know that 'John had also read some pamphlets from Better Business Bureau, all dis- cussing the subject of WHOLESALE BUYING-). Pete brought out his WHOLESALE Catalogue and turning the pages to the watchea, he said: "NOW, you can SEE for yourself why THIS is the --BEST---PAGE--to -buy—watches, „Everybody knows that Jewellers mark everything DOUBLE and the prices in this catalogue SURE PROVE' IT, John!" (Pete was the gullible type — he nt,ver checked around to ascertain the fectille just took it for granted that the figures were true). covers and hangers they could make. The members, under the direction of the assistant leader, Mrs. Ed Daviesircut out.,a...gpx- ment cover andhowed the pro- per method of cutting bias bind- ing and how to sew it on, The girls sewed en their book cov- ers. Mrs:,Thward Tait, assisted by Carole- Brown, served a de- licious lunch. FILM WORK -SHOP FEATURES AFRICA Al film work -shop for all the -churches studying Afria"'this year was held at the Public Library on November 9. Mr. It, E. Taylor of the Blue Water Ellin Federation, representing the National Film Board, chair- ed the meeting. • Xliree films were shown which demonstrated how visual -+aids could be helpful in planning, programs. During the discus- sion .eriod comments were pro- vided by Mrs. . e ows,• wllTT recently returned from. Africa, and Rev, S. A., Moote. Directing John's attention to a picture of a Ladies' Watch,,Pete exf;itedly exclaimed: 'DIG. THIS number: 17 jewels — Rolled gold.piate-Wee-w—ith stainless steel back - unbreakable main -spring - Incabloc - Expansion Band. Now look at THIS—$65,00 is the RETAIT., PRICE for this watch and that is what you would have to pay for a watch' like it, at your LOCAL JEWELLERS. The figures on this side are the WHOLESALE COST plus tax. Let's see..now — $29,60 plus $2,96 makes $32.52 — the total WHOLE- SALE COST. Now take $32.52 from $65,00 and, what you got? You save - $32.48 —Boy!' Do "those jewellers make a mint." , , (Now if Pete had not been so gullible, he would have checked the! • authenticity of these-fig:ures and this is what he would have -found at the LOCAL JEWELLERS: 'A Lhdies' Wrist watch with these same qualifica- tions RETAILS regularly for $32,95, NOT $65.00. Checking his savings then, he would have found there was only a difference of 43c between the WHOLESALE COST yid the LOCAL JEWELLERS regular RETAIL PRICE). ANO o n slw. abopt guaraavtaes, rete_pointed Qat 4.`,FULLY. GUAR- ANTEED" written in big bold print. That was enough proof for Pete, but not for John, he also read the ftne print at the bottom of the page.. As he prepared to make his departure, John said: "Thanks, Pete, for showing me your WHOLESALE CATALOGUE with those RETAIL AND WHOLESALE price 'differences. That was quite an experience, 111 be seeing -you. Have to hurry — I'm going to see our LOCAL JEWELLER now to buy a watch for a present." Pete could not say a thing -7- he was too STUNNEIY to' talk. JOHN — THAT STUPID GUY --going over to the LOCAL JEWELLERS and pay- ing those RETAIL PRICES that were listed in the WHOLESALE' CATA- LOGDE,when Pete had shown him how much he could save! Boy! Some- body was sure mixed up and confused! AP. NOW HOW ABOUT YOU? ARE YOU CONFUSED TOO? TO PETE AND ALL HIS FOLLOWERS: We-intrite you to -stop in and 0.vAtteek"141511,AtswWe".konmtituaANAMtarella.P.P.ANUTRAPAL.M.14,0&1401 cribed in the wholesale catalogue. TO JOHN'Alsta ALL HIS FOLLOWERS: We know we will be seeing you — THANK YOU for your confidence in us! Sincerely, N. T. Ormandy 4 NEW KIND OF LATEX PAINT! • R. W. BELL Optopetrisi- , 'announce, that he has' succeeded F. T. ARMSTRONG Optometrist in his practice of Optometry. Mr. Arms.trbng, while retiring from aotive prac- tice, will be available in a consulting capacity. , THE SQUARE GODERIC411. wishesJ, to SEE Our New McCulloch D-44 "140"and "150" CHAIN SAWS "m $149.9,5 uP • A , Easy Terms available on all saws. We have some good USED CHAIN SAWS priced to clear! NEW sCHAIN 11.00 and up 4 Thack Sales & Service 115 ST. DAVID ST GODE'RICH TH SEAL OF SATISFACTION Nfik LA./ EE TOP „„\\\s,„ , ..„ Z•411100., s".• 116.1 111111111111L.rVit I Ja Ina . u. 4 IT 3ar' • WESTERN TRAIL BLAZER Unbreakable 'real -action' ItliirSe, Wild West style with Cowboys and Indians. Full circle, 8 -section 10'' gauge track. -Each in- individual,pox. SALE sk,„\\ \\,„ •\. „ \\\ VSN \ , , 5' , \ \ , .\\ ,,\ ‘` MACHINE GUN A pull-back Gun with realistic noise , action. 181/2" long. Each in individual box. A grit that will please any boy! SALE ikt,.. eiwi- \ 00".kiK---------s -0,„_. ....„„, ,d -v--„ : A.A. ,•&"4's i. •,'t 'Veil, • 1k Ih., ../1,,,;" telr -rf hiCrdf • i•-:. 1111N-ip 1, ,,J-7/,:„Yi-2-#11,.e.„--'4,1;-,-/-•• 444p4, 62-;,YZ 'N - ' s CILTONE SATIN the tatcy Paint that STAYS COLOR F Malt! LOAD gt OVERHEAD NAP TRUCK Realistic Truck with dump adtion, Made of unbreakable polyethylene, will not scratch furniture". -16". long. 'LITTLE NURSE' and 'LITTLE DOCTOR' KIT BAGS SALE .Also Sewing and Beauty Kit. StUrdy pliable plastic bags complete with actessories, An ideal.Gift. SALE , ${' McArthur & Reilly) Ltd. 36 West St., Goderich vs* PRWM I UiVI PA I NTS AT FIRCIUL.ArlPJC JA -4s-8532 I NTS 54" wide x 84" long in modern floral prints on white bacT0c. groun• d. Long-weartng, easy to wipe clean. f•A BUY NOW ON WOOLWORTH'S LAY -AWAY PLAN