HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-12, Page 3a. • nrpretation Zoning y aw Confuses Council An application from Reg. Mc- Gee & Sons for a building per- mit for a 12 by 20 feet sales office on Newgate street brought .ibout a discussion in town council and led to a conclusion that somesections of the zoning bylaw already need clarification. - Before discussion ;proceeded very far, it was learned that the building was already in place. Thebylaw appears to differ- entiate between new and used car premises. "'Who is going to be the judge when there are different interpretations?" Mayor Fisher wondered. "J understood there was to be an adjustment committee," said, Councillor Huckins, 'abut right now it makes us look stupid. We have known ' of houses being built before 'a 'permit was ob- FIRST ANNUAL Policemen's Dail Sponsored by Goderieh Police Association — AT - HARBOURLITE INN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 9 to 1, Johnny Downs' Orchestra — $3 a couple. Tickets available at Goderich Police Office, West St, Dress Optional '- Door Prizes. -4546 Wedding • LAPAINE--CURRY Miss Mary Elizabeth Curry, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Frank, Curry, Goderich, was ,married in St. Peter's Church, Goderich, were lYliss. Jayne Ford and .Miss � Patricia Henderson of Toront and 'Miss Elizabeth 'Campbell of Large Legion Church Parade Detroit. The attendants were it gowned alike in cocktaillength °•brocaded satin dresse$ pea At North St. Unite:Sunday, The annual church parade of Branch 109 of c the Canadian ql cock and green, made with fit- ted 'bodicee scoop neckline and three-quarter sleeves. The to Mr. -Bruno Francis Lapaine, . back was styled with a stand-up son of , 'Mr. and Mrs. Fe!lbc Lapaine, Goderich, on Saturday, November 7. Rev. Father ,Moy- nahan officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory silk cloud taffeta with white Swiss, embroidered ,lace, self -fabric bows and a dome- shaped skirt ending in a court train. Her double -tier imported silk illusion veil was held in place by a band of white Swiss embroidered lace and she car- ried a hand bouquet of white, roses. Hotel, home of the Bride, where Maid of honor was Miss Fran- the guests were received by the 1 bride's mother assisted ay the groom's mother. For travelling, the, bride wore a corn flower blue wool suit, trimmed with black beaver and black accessories. Following their return from their wedding trip, the young couple will re- side at Byron. Previous to the—wedding, tine bride was entertained by •Mrs. D., Challenger and 'Mrs. A. Nicol and the bride and groom were honored by Air Vice Marshal and Mrs. J, A. Sully. The Canadian Red Cross wishes to thank All Blood Donors. and' all who assisted in any way at the recent clinic. St. George's Parish Hall proved to be exceptionally suitable and the Society is very .grateful for the use of it. Thank You,. Everyone. -45 lapel falling to a V with a haw and streamers. They wore tiny hats forming; leaves with a cir- cular veil helot in place by a small bow and carried cascades of orange roses and shasta dais- ies. Bert Alexander was best man and the ushers were George Harris and Bill Hilton, of Tor- onto, Bob Gregory, of London, and Edward Curry," brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a re- ception was: held at the Bedford ces Curry and junior (brides- maid, Miss Joan Curry, sisters of the bride. The bridesmaids tained." 1Vlayor says the buil not issue pe, up to counci Co"uncillgr' W. J. Taylor sug- gested that the planning aboard be asked to amend the bylaw to make the section clear. In the end, on motion of Councillor Huckins, the matter was left over 'until we get clarification The radar defence lines in the that we understand , from the Canadian northland were con solicitor, and that we invite Mr. strutted in the face of. tremend- MoGee to attend the next meet- ing. Councillors took home copies of the draft traffic bylaw, to "dream over," as Councillor Taylor said. A special meeting, was called for Wednesday even -I ing. fisher: "The solicitor ,ding inspector, can - its; it is entirely Legion was held at North Street United Church Sunday morning. Headed J)y the s Legion Pipe Band, the veterans. were aecoln- panied by the Women's Auxil- iary uxiliary to the Legion,. the Maitland Air Cadets and the Girl Guides and Brownies. Parade , Marshall was Ralph Kingswell. President of Branch 100 of the Legion is W. A. Skinner.. 'Can human nature be chang- ed?" asked -Rev, A. E. Eustace, as he sought an answer to the search for world=wide peace. He quoted from Isaiah: "and they shall (beat their . swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up•sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." "Isn't that a delightful fan- tasy!" commented Rev. Mr. Eustace in the light of what has taken 'place in the world since the words of Isaiah -were written. "What a beautiful myth that is!" he continued, But there are people who be- lieve that the aforementioned. time will come to pass, he stat- ed,'and added that the League of Nations held to that belief. "FIs there anything which can ous difficulties and problems. One major problem was the electrical interference caused to the electronic equipment by the aurora borealis. Working to- gether, the RCAF and USAF scientists finally solved this and other formidable problems, AT THE PARK PHONE JA 4-7811 work a change in us so that we might become the men we really want to be? . Cap natiens ever become as ,peaceful and loving as they want to be?" he asked: Until an answer is found to that question we can not hive the peace and fellowship in tlus world necessary for lasting peace; he stated. One viewpoint is that it is impossible with men having the fear and suspicions they .have in their hearts•, today, he said. Turning to the other viewpoint, he said, "Christianity says that a man can be (hanged, and world peace and fellowship need net be,, a myth. _ Christianity stands,„ or falls, I believe, on Cirod's power to change the nar, ture of a mart. We have seen and we see today evidence that God has done and is doing that today. "Christianity has been ..tried in the world—up to a point— and then conveniently side-step- ped, If tit were really . tried universally it would bring about the desired changes neces- sary in order to give us the kind of world for which we long," he concluded. The flowers in the church were placed in memory of the late ,D, D. Mooney by his fam- ily. TOWN TAX ARREARS $2,000 LESS NOW THAN A YEAR AGO Tax arrears are about $2,000 less than at this time last year, Mr. Jessop reported to town council. ,Cdllections of- current taxes to the end of October were 86%, Huron Concrete Supply, Ltd., wishes to buy a piece of land Now Playing—Thurs., Fri. and Sat'.—Nov. 12; 13 14 --"The Mating Game" --With Debbie Reynolds. Mon., Tues. and Wed.—Nov. 16, 17, 18 --Adult Entertain- ment. - "The BLUE ANGEL" -- Cinemascope and Color — • The new and controversial Picture of the Month: The screen's most adult look of the mlany ways of love tells of a middle-aged school teacher and his yen ' for a -blonde strumpet. Introducing MAY .BRITT with Curt Jurgens and Theo- . dore ,Bikel. Thurs., • Fri. and Sat.—Nov. 19, 20, 21—Twin Comedy �.K Program— Two of Britain's most hilarious fun-shows:— "The.; SQUARE PEG" Starring Norman Wisdom and Honor Blackman Plus William Hartnell and Bob Manhouse, In "CARRY ON SERGEANT" E`��s g67411: UKE OUR "PRODUCT" T BEATS THE REST! D WEATHER 15 NO PROBLEM R IT'S "THE BEST 11" TI J4/ Y. west of Maitland Cemetery,' ' "The cemetery board has turned it down," Councillor Huckins reported. "They are afraid of the water system being upset." The board will ibe asked for an opinion. "It only involves about $100," said 'Mayor Fisher, "but if it is going to help an industry and perhaps employ more men wel should 'be interested from that point." When the -matter of a Chris.t- mas,oparty ,Came up, Reeve Don- nelly remarked: ''We had better have one, after this Hallowe'en." "We have better accommoda- tion this year, in the present fireball," Clerk Blake pointed out, On motion o'f deputy reeve Walkom and Mrs. Mooney, the chairman of the ,special com- mittee (Councillor Harold Mont- gomery) was instructed' to "ar- range for Santa -Claus." Education moans developing the mind; not stuffing the memory. A .Long Way Some student...at .the Uni- versity of Michigan little realized thata small bal- loon which le'released at a football garde would end " 'up on a Cbiborne township farm inCanada. Having apparently been deflated by striking sonnething, the bal- loon landed on the farm of Russell 'Kernighan, R.R.- 4, Goderieh. On the red ,bal- loon .were printed the words, "University of Mich- igan Homecoming." By air from Ann Arbor, Michigan, home of the U. of M., to Colborne Township, the dis- tance is about 150 miles. P E RS O NA_L,S The Qoderich Signal -Stas, Tlu r dart'} Noy- 12*, 1950 PLANBALL • Formed last ,Spring, the Code - rich Police Association plans to hold its first ball at 1•iar+bourlite bin on Friday, November 20. Proceeds from this dance will be .door prizes, President o the fir+. Police Associ ,t on its . B. ford. The ce-preside Calvert and the seereta, .tt� urer is 11. Creeden, . To becomte° `ycont+ ed;" O* need a poor .memory and no imagination, ' aftwolwrirsir , . go to further the work, of the organization and' it i, PlannedflAn n m111i11'p to make the dance an annual event.t will I be an opportun- ity not only to enjoy oneself at the dance but also to show in- terest in the welfare .of „the' police organization. By so doing, the town police are given necessary encouragement by the public in establishing good re- lations with town 'citizens. The present Goderich Town Police have shown, themselves to be a fine group of 'Policemen who have the respect and confidence of its; citizens. Plan now to attend this dance. Tickets are $3 a couple and are available at the Town Police Office on West Street. ' Music will be by Johnny Downs'"orchestra.. Dress will be 'optional and there will (Mr. and Mrs. • Alex .MacVioar and children, Sheila and Ian, of Toronto, were,j eek -end guests with Miss Lillias MacVicar, Hincks street. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Ribley left for their home at Taber, Alta., after visiting Mr. Thos. Sillib. They "were returning home from a- trip to the Con- tinent. Mrs. Eldon Johnston returned 'to her home in Goderich from Port Arthur after spending the summer with her husband who is employed with the Carter Construction there. SPECIAL LOW CNR FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR FL. E SHOP ,IA 4. 8132,; DAY Or NIGH',,, Agent for 24 -hr. .. FILM DEVELOPING 20tf MEMBER .V MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL %P' SERVICE A $ S O 44 North St. Phone JA 4-9531 AN ' INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT TORONTO, NOV. 13-21 For individuals—One way fare and one half for the round trip For two or more — C.N.R',s ,,new Group Economy fares, For larger groups — tow party fares , - Pull in/orntation /rom any agent Nov' by CNR the cost is so low — why drive! The Time is .Now SOON IT WILL BE TOO LATE FOR THAT GIFT PORTRAIT BY YOUR PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER Robt. J.'.Nephew (MacLaren's Studio) 196 ST, DA• VID ST, TEL, JA 4-7924 GODERIOH TPA IN •Coming—"The Man Who Understood Women"= -Henry Fonda, Leslie Caron—Adult Entertainment. P1 -t. JA 4=7281 si i 1 :1.1.1 :' . 1 ►: l t t l li L)!•: n', L. K 4 y - xMwayuJ. Announcing THE WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ,HANDBILL AND NEWSPAPER AD FOR THE LOWEST FOOD PRICES IN TOWN'. AT • d � ' HURON AUTOMOTIVE AND SUPPLY 263 HURON ROAD, GODERICH, SALES AND SERVICE a., �.:. gallon -Mere- ' than ---48"- • PERFORMANCE — 0-76 m.p.h. in seconds. Standard gear shift., Dependable, w'hilper- , quiet rear engine. STYLE — 7 eye-catching colours to choose from. Smart Paris design. • ONT. so easy to park. Quick, responsive stbering; the turning circle is a mere 28 feet, . • convenienct. eana,dian-tested two -speed three - kit • SAFETY Safety engineeted. Low centre of gravity, independent wheel suspension: SEE IT,'TEST-ORIVE IT TODAY. HERE'S WHAT LEADING CAR EXPERTS SAY: • "Newest car in Canada is, hottest selling import" ---L TORONTO STAR • "Lively acceleration is matched 'by exceptical road -holding" — TORONTO TELEGRAM • "Wa41 suited for the average''. / (.art'adian" –~ -. • ROAD i TRACK • "Strong, solid and well -knit,""`— SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED • "A prart ical ,buy" — MOTOR TREND MEN MAGAZINE • "France's hof• new under carr" ILEAL MAGAZINE i