The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-05, Page 11SIFTO SALT dODERICH MINE •;- Cerifentation' Group Has World -Wide T Malaya. The Cementation Group, comeru - prising 70`.13hitish and overseas companies, undertakes c i v 11, mining and specialist engineer - d .4' ing work all over the -world. The parent Company — The Cementation ,Company Limited —has its head office at 20 Albert Embankment, London, which also serves as the croup's head- quarters. In addition, the parent Comp- any has seven overseas branches India, 'Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Ceylon, Cyprus, and Nigeria. The various overseas subsidiary companies are located in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Aus- tralia. The Group employs a perman- ent staff of more than 5,000— including a high proportion of qualified engineers and admin- istrators—in addition to tempor- ary • staff and lalbour, that may be required at any time for any particular dOntract, either in the United Kingdom or overseas. Since its inception over 40 years ago—in j9:19, when the parent Company vvaviortned— the. Group has grown steadily and hs become at the same time wholly international in character. During the past ten years alone, more than 7,000 civil, mining and specialist en- gineetina contracts have been undertaken in 25 countries. World-wide Major Contracts The Group today is executing a considerable 'number of im- portant 'contracts in various parts of the world. itedngdom. these "THE THUNDER 'TRAIL" In the UnKi Other Group Activities hi addition to its work in the fields of civil, mining and spec- ialist engineering, the Group undertakes geophysical surveys in all parts of the world—for Governments, major oil comp- anies, , and other important clients. In the United Kingdom, fur- ther. subsidiary companies pro- duce a variety of materials and finished products for the engin- eering industry—ineluding con- crete additives, industrial abra- sives, anti -vibration mountings for heavy machinery, and light- weight concrete aggrpgate. The main engineering works of the Group are situated at Doncaster. TherF„oa total staff_ of 550 iswnproye=primarily in connection with the mainten- ance and development of engin- eering equipment employed on various contracts. 'The Group also has its own test and research laboratories in London, Doncaster, and other selected centres both at' home nd overseas. At 20 Albert Embankment (the Group's headquarters) a total of 400. staff is employed in the nine -story 'building, The various departments and sec- tions of the parent 'Company represented include civil engin- eering, design, cementation, pil- ing, soil mechanics? and soil! stabilisation. In addition, a number of subsidiary companies are represented. -,fletak ttkir" "'MatZte ........ Picturedabove is the wooden framework for the shaft collar — one of the many construction phases in which we took part. • JQFIN:JEffERY 'SON • 1 ELGIN AVE, E. JA 4-8171 We Specialize In , DETAILED IIIIIXWORIC 442 • I • "DOWN, DOWN, DOWN,- SH -E GOES" The -Goderich Signal -Star, Thuivd.ay:Nciv. 5th, 1959 . 11, At a depth of abtut 1,100 feet in February, 1959, the rock salt mine appeared as above as work'men blasted their way to make ' openings in which to work. •• above the cab; that the motor at the mercy* of every police registered ordinary ..revolutions' °nicer who says 1 don't like the p fn. minute ancl Math' -avera'c' thi't v('1"e1(' make?" contracts include the construc-1 • ;noise. . Inc nugistrate: "ou.r. argu- : mi... wade: „A driver is goiii:c ment boils clow n'-tn'this, that . . vehicle needs,'is to ho\ c IFfestiniog pumped storage pro-, . • s • to be penalized for soinet b i'ir.; all anY imit:6 ds much noise as it pleasei,,,, fecause that' is wii,,t the' 11lieliTor ' hydro -etc etrtc•-,- -prolett-t's-' - : • The inagi.strate: ":\lanufactur- in Central Wales. The total, Harvey kartin, on' OCtOber 16, thing • to cause noise: .,, • bon of a darnri tunnels and other ijnreasonabl e Noise Results In. I\,vorks in, conneeion with the ject,; "North; Wales; and similar Fine Re work in connection ._,Ayith the' Grain Truck On West ru,041:icr, correct or not, and ; which is a defect in ` i-fta c t tire." nianuLc,..U.rei!..' ,,,-ers are.not making anYalleMpt. ,ake the section to mc ii th,,,t. put .Qh... 1 don't value of these two; contracts,!,drove a White diesel truck down, As fax as 1 am _concerned , to eliminate defects., and 1 often do no., It is there for the protection of which are being executed for; West street making "such a',said the magistrate, if the con- conclude that owners ),; 1. eofire who do not need t (1 the Central Electricity Generatise you could hardly .heiir stbale..says this .w,.is an unneces• , ing Board, is £6 million. '0u11 (11 talk inside the police' sary noise, and hi followed the I want to muffle noise too MUC"'' listen to objectiOnable noizze by because they think'it will cut, trucks and cars, wh in India, in addition to its; °nice," Sergt.: Harold Calvertl vhicle a nd considered it WaS WI.' :down horsepower ; or should be SOITIC Illeth of erc‘ theft! IS .woi as civil, , n. g , testified. He pursued the trac-1111:',T.isary noise, that is it." Donald Martin, general man- control, If I am wrong the mat• . , . .., . .ber of the 8"ritish 13-companY ; tor -trailer to the harbor, where Mr. •Ik'ade: "Then there is no; ,,,.;, ,,,,, f theElmira'I' • s' id• . . . "if my driver is 'penalized I will terthmay be brought up in ;.1 ISCDN consortium for the ii.0,0 it was bound for a caro of grain use putting in a defence?" hr.., er court. I see no reason ' just have to rule Goderich off, million Durgapur steelworks for Martin Feed Mills, Elmira. The magistrate: "You are not the map," , why a• truck should be allowed projebt in West • Bengal; the' - Charged Section' 17 (2) of the going to put me in that position. , ' to 'make anv more noise on the Grow) is currently undertaking IIIighway Traffic Act, Mr. Martin If ,nobody can be charged with The magistrate: "Manufactur-, -a., . • ni,,nwa,k, than a g,00'd -car." ers will have to put their brdins, construction of a reinforced: appeared Thursday before Magii- out a constable saying a driver concrete jetty and other struc-I trate Dudley.Holmes, along with did such and such, the section Ito , , : tures for the new Trainbay ato-a lawyer who challenged the would bwork and do something about eceme inopeFative, If al ; iv min ,reactor station near Born-' whole proceeding. His . client constable or other witness sait. ys driven on highways, haven't If trucks are going to be 1 he famous thelLaurie was written by Villiani song A n n i c was convicted and assessed a the noise was unnecessary, it i,ii,,1 rest,•of the people a right to be , Douglas to celebrate the peauty minimum fine of $5, whereupon for you to show me it wasn't,, not disturbed? I think so." of his sweetheart, who v,.'as the counsel, D. E. Wade, of Elmira, Mi -Wade: "The driver has'no Mr. Wade: "This • is the only i daughter of 'Sir Robert,Laurie , indicated he would appeal. control over construction or place where this has occurred." : a 17th Century Scot. They never' The magistrate held that the operation of the Vehicle. You The magistrate:. "Every day I ' married and she lived to a ripe section is designed to protect ,would penalize 8 wage-earner see' records of truckers charged, old age happily married to sbnic- '1: an.d we are not, the only com-lbody else. The music -Was the pu•blic's ears. It prohibits for something he did not do. "unreasonable" noise, and for- am asking the constable, 'What munity that goes after them. II written Until more than a con- -bids' an nperatar from ca-usin-g did th,e driver doi'_and you are...whr,i 0 _Londe, -yesterda y, and! tury later. It Was tom -posed -by! a motor vehicle to make un- disallowing it. ' May that go on there were several trucker casesLady Scott, who probably did necssary noise by cutting out the 'record?" , the muffler before -me, the records showinC the music for "Loch ,Lomond" "1 was under thior otherwise.'It The magistrate: "Of course; s latter clause that the reporter is taking down Martin Was accused, and counsel everything." argued that there was no evid-i Martin testified that the top ence of the driver doing any- of • the tailpipe was four feet bay. „, Qther overseas contracts now being executed by the Cement- ation Group include the- con- stfuction of an 1.850,000 bridge it Khorramshahr in Iran; 'drill- ing' and grouting work on the Dokan Dam, _Iraq, and Kariba Dam, Southern Rhodesia;Sliift: t sicking for the,Mufulira Copper Mines, Northern BhodeSia; site investigation, drilling and other specialist engineering work for the new Cameron Highlands hYdro-eleetric project in'' North - various infractions, in various as well. places," I.VIr. .Wade: "Dees this man! Some people never hit the have to quit his job and find mark because they never pull some other?. Is he going to be'the trigger. We . were pleased to • - have been the Electticar Sub-Confractors for The Cementation Cciniany-. (Canada) Limited in prcAriding, ALL POWER AND LIGHTING IN THE HAFT SINKING ;PROJECT at SIFTO SALT GO ERICH MINE William MacDonald Electric Co.; Ltd. 133 Britannia Rd, Goderich , Expanding Western Ontario's Industry For the new salt mine at Coderich, near Lake Huron, a 'concrete -lined shaft . . . 16 feet finished diameter and some 1,900 feet deep . .. sunk" •V through water bearing formations by skilled engineers of The Cementation , Company (Canada) Limited . . . completed three months-ahead'of schedule. • The Cementation organization, which ,undertakes mining work in any part of Canada, is proud to have been associated with this new venture of Sifto Salt Limited. Vt) *AS*, a .• THE CEMENTATION COMPANY (CANADA) LIMITED 0 , .4.. , , • , . A MEMBER Of THE CEMENTATION GROVP-OP COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL MINING, 'CIVIL AND SPECIALIST ENGINEERS BRANCHES , IN MONTREALfoCALGARY ' AND VANCOUV ER • 1, I • w.