HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-05, Page 9k
i12th Year—NO. 44
v .
.74,17.,r7r70, ,
irie Test Drilling. Started I,
First intimation in 'the press In the sprinof 19'56 itwas
any w h e r e of developments joyously announced that vast
which ultimately led to the of- rack :salt beds had been struck
ficial opening of the multi -mil- and the quality of the salt was
ion dollar .Sifto Salt Goderich exceptionally high.
Mine here yeAerday appeared Then; in mid-July of 1956 the
in .The • Goderich Signal -Star Dominion Tar and Chemical
early in the ,summer of 1955. Co,rnpany formally announced
At that time, a news story that they would be establishing
told of mysterious drillings tak- a $6,000,000 rock salt mine at
in place at the mouth of the Gaiderich harbor.
Maitland River by diamond, dill- In February, 1957, it was an-
lers frem Northern Ontario and flounced that a long term lease
Quebec. Soon afterwards, it was had been negotiated with the
revealed that the drillers were Federal Goverrument for the salt
seeking rock Salt* beds believed rights to a substantial acreage
to be some 1,70 feet under the under Goderich harbor by a sub-
surface of the earth. Drilling sidiary of the Dominion Tar and
commenced irimid-August of
Shaft after shaft was sunk to the start of a rock salt mine at .
accurately determine the extent Goderich which would be only
of the expected rock salt. beds the third rock salt mine in .all
and to determine the quality of of Canada. The other two were
the salt. Second shaft stinkwas previously established at Wind -
at the mouth of the Maitland sor, Ontario, and Malagash, N.S.
River also on the property°- f
Work is presently under way
the late Tom Sandy. Others fol- for the establishment of another,
lowed in this order: near CPR rock salt -mine at Pugwash, N.S.
roundhouse; op north pier near A mile post in the rock salt
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Beer is the cornerstone of his
empire. He started during the
Shaft „Sinking At Go eriC .
' making them prodtable.
haky Canadian breweries and
depression 'by "''' consolidating
. • • During World War 11 he serv-
Salt Mine Was Engineering
. Feat,nngttoci.Bcetifoenreboards
ed as a Canadian representative
thevVainr 'enadti
he quit the post and got first
The substantial dollar invtst- Work began in August, 1957. overcame the water problem—
in line for new brewery equip
ment by Sifto Salt Limited in BY the end of that year, all pre- involving quantities„ Winder pres. ment to be delivered as soon
the new Goderich salt mine in- parations for the sinking of the sure, ok up to 10,000 gallons per as peace arrived. Thus he got
shaft, including the establish.- nainute—at a depth of 650 feet. a head start in the post-war
eluded the fa-cing of a particular
kfinancial hazard — namely, the been completed. Early
ment of the shaft collaittr,..mahad,,From there on progress was eas- beer boom.
east of sinking the shaft, which the sinking began of a 16 -font ler, and certainly faster, up to ' He's in the restaurant, food -
340 feet of completed shaft per prbcesSing, soft-drink, pulp, oil,
diameter (concrete -lined shaft to month being achieved.
posed a major engineering pro -
an eventual depth of 1900 feet, insurance, real estate and sugar
The Goderich shaft was finally businesses, to name a few.
blem on accaunt of the condi- By aPplying its special water completed LIVS.August, 1959 — ,' Eveh his No. 1 hobby, race
tion of the ground. sealing process and normal three months ahead of schedule horses, is making him big
It was known from explore- shaft -sinking procedures,- Ce- —the residual water being only money. It is said that one out
entation.(Canada) successfully five gallons per minute:
tory drilling of thp area 'thatof every seven Canadian races
water would be encountered in is won by a Taylor horse. He
the gravels overlying the rock, • • has won plenty of U.S. races,
owing to the proximity of Lake .. ,
Huron. It was also known that 'but never the Kentucky Derby.
Canada's wealthiest • Man Here He still has hopes, •
A "I just own the largest- piece
the rock,for at feast a further
water under' pressure and in Yesterday, Shuns Publicity ,, . . he explains his control of his
of the largest piece," is the Way
500 -feet down—.would contain
substantial quantities, a condi- , .
tion not,normally encountered -
in, . : • . The way of life he buys with
Canadian mining. -'- "The wealthiest man in Canada, a ly the most powerful. and cer- his millions is mink -lined, but
The problem confronting Sifto E. P. Taylor, was present for the tainly the most typically Can- , frantic. Most of the time he's
Salt Limited was that a dry official opening of Sifto Salt adian of the fast-growing club idashing around the continent on
shaft was required in the short- , Goderich Mine here on Wed- of Canadian multi -millionaires. business. , He hates personal
est possible Utile. After negoti-Inesday. He is chairman of the He -was born in OttaWa, the son publicity because each story
ation, he Company awarded the ;board of, ,Dominion Tar and of an army lieutenant colonel swamps him with requests for
' shaft -sinking nontracf,to The !Chemical Company Limited, of who was. also a moderately -sue- favors.
cessful business man. His. main home and office is
•.Taylor is huge and„ square, on a 600 -acre estate just out -
erect, bald and pinicl'faa,d, and side Toronlo. Iiis garage looks
has astonishing energy and en- like a Cadillac Warehouse; His
thusiasm for 'his work. He's a stables, adjoining his , private
genius with a balance sheet,. has race track, are paneled with
a fantastic memory for figures, walnut. -,
names and isolated facts and an
uncanny ability to..collect assist-
ants with similar talents.
The slightest weakness of an
assistant irritates him. Ile once
fired an employee, allegedly, be-
cause the man wanted to dis-
cuss a transfer to another town
Cementation Company (Canada) which the mine is a subsidiary
Limited, a Member of The Cem- operation. But the Goderich op-
entation Group of CcInipanies-- oration is Only one of many in -
international mining, civil and terests all around the world of
specialist engineers, ,;with a . re- the 56 -year-old financier,
putation extending over 401 Mr. Taylor has been unable. to
years in dealing with problems secure one thing which his
of this kind. : frienda claim he craves moSt—
Because it •was known from to 'have one or his horses win
the outset that large yields Of. the Kentucky Derby. •
water would be encountered,1 Of course, few persons really'
CementatiOn (Canada) made pre -I
'know what he's worth. Financial
para -tions, to employ its spetial, • .
experts claim there.with great -
cess whereby 'eement and chem-
ical 'grout are injected into tin_ , er assets than Taylor.
stable ground'by means Of high-! But almost everyone agrees
pressure pumps. i that he's the most colorful, prob.-
There's a modern theatre in
his basenient, used mostly by
the help.
He and his Canadian wife do
not entertain lavishly. "They.
have two grown daughters.. and
a son. The frequent guests at
the estate are.the biggest names
Chemical Company.
Thus, the way was paved for
radar station; on lakefront be-
low Sunset Hotel;'- two' on .the
south breakwater and one on
the north breakwater; one on
mine at Goderich was reach,NL
on July 17, 1957. On this date,!
Mr. W. N. Hall, :president of
Dominion Tar' 'and' Chemical:
the North Shore Road; .one near Company, turned the sod at,
the, site of the old International Goderich harbor to launch the,.
Salt Mine.
r •
construction of the new mine.'
Soon afterwards workmenstart-
ed on the .project in. earnestH
aires arehiscronies:
Although Taylor last spring
At a dinner meeting at Goderich , Here is the belt tonveyor at Sifto Salt
at that time it was announced ,
was appointed a member of the
that Mr. Gordon Muir, up to that Mine' which, carries crushed rock salt
Canadian' Council, h new groupi
itime plant • manager of ..Sifto .from the mine • shaft to the storage :. bins.
created to raise the level of
Salt Company, Sarnia, would be
_ — ___
,' 'It will carr the the salt which will be loaded
Canadian-- culture, he hasn'ti the manager of the new Code-
shown much previous . interest, 'ch mine. And also that J, C. Spence,• of 'Montreal. vice -pre- Work was started on the stor- opening of the mine might take
in:cultural matters.. '.
Recently a friend was surPris-1 -"•
IrMlilling. would 1 . tf 'resident
engineer.in 'c charge of construe-, told the Goderich Lions Club J,une. 1958. h ,)e. the .
. silent of Do,rninion Rock Salt, ale 4th
• buildings at the mine in place on schedule.
ed to learn that Taylor planned tion of.the mine. at a meeting here that the an- By nnci-Oetober7 1958. drillers:',' aw the fulfillment of all thep
,Pouring of 'cement- for the nual payroll at the mine ,wmi:cl h;iri reached a depth of about dreams when .the nfTicil ape&
main shaft of the mine was amfint to 'approximately a *54. feet, By December they ing of the Mine ttak-race an
commenced at the start ef Nov- quarter of a million dollars and14i.vm,„4,0 a cleplia.inf 960 a new era in industrial pr-ogrea• '
ember, 1957, that from 75. to 100 num would feet. Alt winter lonifThey rush- was laimehed for the' town of
In January, 1958, Mr.' W. ri. be• employed at it. ecfdrilling in order that the Goderich
. :
. ,. . , ,•4 • -
•on a . boat
first boatload from
here Friday -41m
the new rock salt
to attend a symphony. concert.
"It's not the Music," Taylor hast-
ily' explained. "There's 'an im-
with his .wife before accepting,in American and European fin portant man I've got to talk
it. ance. The top Texas mullion- to who will be there."
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Ibe Famed French Explorer,— First white man to visit the
Mouth of the Menesetung River (Now Maitland River) —
• odd be' 'agreeably surprised! and proud to think that he
discoVired the spot where the multi-million dollar Sifto Salt
Goderich Mine has now been officially opened! ,
• Goderich is proud of this boost
to its economic welfare.
• Every
• od wish for the Mine's
May We G
orward Together!
.4. • •
COUNCILLORS — HAROin mota6ivi3flry.