HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-05, Page 6ber 5th, 1959 Lions Club, of Lucknow, donat- he 0ocierith Signal -Star, Thursday, Novem' • 'eal. ' • Dungannon + eu 645 to, give the childeri an • interesting party. Debate Helsel -The president • Mrs. L. Hasty opened her home for the October meeting of the %IN:CANNON-, Nov, 3. -Mr. taken .up for any deal. u „Art/Ale nompson and sister,: Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Kerr, of Dngannon Women's Institute. awool. ell Sunday, visited their INewton, visited JIrs. Isaac Cran- EightePn members and eight , :.19ist,O, Mrs. Tilly Kitson, Kintail.• atop on Sunday. visitors were present. The roll y - • ' 4,1,4", D. K. McAteer and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blundell call was answered banaminga KCAteer, Willowdele, were re-' and Melvin, of Gederieh, visited favorite Wok nd its author. ' cent. visitors with Mr. and, Mrs..i her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Will During the business period, Walter, Stafford t Irvin. "Thank you" notes were read d t Mr, and Mrs. Russel Irvinaanplans made £�r he Fall nd; Congratulations tee Mr. and fhmily visited last Sunday with: Mrs, Gordon Schultz on the irrelltallY to be held at Brussels oh - his sister,. Mrs. Eldon Irwin, arid', rival of a little daughter, Debbie November 2nd. Themotto "If , Mr. Irvvin, Mandobin, n e a r, Elizabeth, on Friday, October yeti have knowledge let others light their candles from it," was Sarnia. 130, at Alexandra Marine and , The ;auction sale, clearing the! General Hospital, Goderich, a given by Mrs. E. Errington. A ; household effects of the late sister for Brenda and Bonnie. rebate, "Resolved that the little lyIrs.,Robt. Fitzgerald, was held The Women's Institute at Dun red school is doing a good job last Saturday afternoon, bring- gannon entertained the "young for rural children," featured the ing fair prices. Several were in- fry' Saturday night at the 'meeting. Mrs. H. MeWhinney tereeted in the property, but at PariSb Hall, with a Hallowe'en took the - affirmative and Mrs. the end of the sale, no bids were party for the children, The Ceeil Blake upheld the negative. • Get 'RAMAN this Winter -•Get IMET MHO next Summer 1 Reg. List $25.15 Engineered for Canadian roads temperatures and driving conditions . . --with 50 % heavier TYREX Viscose Cord than "New -Car" equipment . . . Ride Hiway -Byway every day in the year for safer travel whether the roads are glare or bare, snow - loaded or ankle-deep in mud. The power -grip of 'natural tree 'rubber tread gives ,greater G-0 and more positive S -T -O -P! Super-Lastic Hiway -Byway is 'rated top choice for bad weather driving, with the Natural Rubber Tread for all your driving, 12 months in the year. Originally developed as a super -traction snow -mud tire, the engineers built in longer mileage and removed that ,last trace of annoying whine you heard from other snow tires. Save safely! ROAD HAZARD INURED -PLUS • GUARANTEE // • fl • • •L SIZE 550-590/15 600/16 650/16 670/15 710/15 750/14 760/15 800.820/15 800/14 850/14 900/14 Regular List Price_ 21.55 -24.6 31.65 " 25.15 28,65 25.15 31.30 - - 33.55' 28,65 31.30 33.55 TIGER DUNLOP' W.I. CARLOW, Nov. 2: -The Tiger Dunlop W.T. held their Grand- mothers' meeting October 28th in Carlow Hall with about 20 _members of the Auburn branch as guests. Five ladies were present from Goderieh to discuss the project, "Sandwiches for all occasions" to be held at Carlow on March 31, 1960. Mrs. Ralph Jewell and Mrs. E. Pfrimmer, leaders for the course, "New Lampshades for Old," wept to start classes soon. It was 'decided to cater for the Federation' Banquet late in November with the laake Shore group making plans. The, Benmiller group as a "committee will start plannieg the Spring Hobby Show. November, 12th was the date set to- packeeparcels at Mrs. Robert McCabe's;"Saltford. The following. Saturday, November 14th, the Institute and the Salt. ford Community Club will visit the County Home with gifts for the patients. • Mrs. Clairmont spoke briefly on 'the London Convention re- garding the buying of the Ade- laide Hoodless Home at' Stoney Creek by the Women's Insti- tutes. Mrs. Ray Moore introduced LAKE SHORE LADIES' GROUP WIN 'GRANDMOTHERS' PARADE' her guests; Miss, Margo Grange and Mr. Gary Allin, who delight- ed the audience with two music- al numbers. Mrs. George Ross convened the Grandmothers' program. Mrs. Everett Taylor played two selections on the mouthorgan, accompanied by Mrs. R. Phillips on the piano. Next was, the parade of Grandmothers in old time costume, judged by the Attburn ladies. - The Lake Shore ladies had the' largest number of best dressed members. Mrs. E. Mitchell got the prize for the oldest grandmother and Mrs. Haggitt, Auburn president, for the youngest grandmother. Mrs, Wm. Meyers conducted a thought-provoking contest .en- leyed by all. It was .an honor to have in attendance a life member, Mrs. Cowan, who is at present with her daughter,. Mrs. Adkin. 'Miss Beulah Long arranged a penny sale with the visitors taking home a good share of the prizes. The meeting closed with an old fashioned lunch of eingerbread, with whipped cream and applesauce, Mrs. Ray Moore, Mrs. C, Allin, Mrs. W. Hardy and Mrs. L. Young were hostesses-. As each of the debaters deliver- ing the winter. ed their arguments in such a Mr. Bill King, a ,new village acepable inameer it was with 'dire resident, has taken a position of Hicuity the judges, (Mrs. E. Zinn drivine'an Eedy bread truck. and Mrs. .1. C. Drennan, deCided; Mr. Ken Brown, college 'Stud- • in favor of the negative. Mrs. I.,,,;(ent, Ann Arbor, Mich., and 1‘,.ers gave a., very interesting' Wayne Brown, RCAF, Centralia, talk oe her trip through the were week -end visitors at their West as Ur- as Banff, touching parent's home, Mr, and Mrs. eon many historical places as Wilbur Brawn: well as personal contacts. A •Mr. and Mrs. 'Ivan Henderson report of the area convention and two little sons, of Toronte, held at London was given by last week were visitors with her Mrs, It Alton. After singing parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Victor 'The Queen and the Institute Errington and his parents, ,Mr. Grace, a delicious lunch was and Mrs. John „Bendel -sone -Ash - served ,by the hostesses in field. charge. A Cheistmas Gift. -The Y.P.U. of Dungannon United Church has embarked on a money -rais- ing campaign .fOr its treasury. Its members are selling new sub- scripii'ons to The Godeeleh nal -Star. A substantial portion • ef the money received for such pany-directed Canada : Savings Bonds payroll seethes campaign, new subscriptions is being turna edback by the Signal -Star to thi lt was announced by D. R, Dat Dungannon , Nearly 20 tels, of Ktichener, campaign new subscriptions have already been sold and it is:. expected that many more new ones will !be sold, 'particularly as the SHEAFFER EMPLOYEES • BUY SAVINGS BONDS , . • The W. A. SheafTer Pen Co. of Canada Ltd., hasMis year made a gain'of 243re in ies'Orrl- 41.MININMAIIP Discount Price with Class "A" Txade-in 16.95 • 15.95 16.95 17.95 19.95 18.95 - 22.95 25.95 20.95 22.95 25.95 Similar Savings on Tubeless • and Whitewalls. Add 50c for installation supervisor for the Blueweter region. Mr. panels paid tfibuteroehe excellent co-operation of both, compere,. management and em- Christmes season advances. ;Heeding 'the campaign drive for Ployees in campaign, and sing - ,the Dungannon organization is ' Mr. J'im•Blake. A canvasser may ; be calling on you soon, It will be "an opportunity for you to. led out Mr. Eric Smith, of the company, who acted as -cam- paign director, "Practically all em loyees : give a year's subscription to the signedup for Canada Sayings Signal -Star to a district resident 'Bonds under the payroll deduc- an appreciated Christmas tion .plan," Mr. Dattels-poirited ; gift. out. Mrs„ Richard Park, sr., is do - 'Ing nicely towards recovery at MUSICAL ARTISTS her home following an accidentl Carmen and Don Jose,. bril- .. of slipping off a step at. ber. liant vocalists, and the Marlinn i home and breaking her lefteseeng Trio are"wel* featured hand and spraining her back. performers at the next present. IlAfter being hospitalized at' ation of the 'Goderieh Cemmun- 1Wingham 'hospital, she ieeturned ,ity Concert Association. It will. to her borne last•week.. !take place at the Public SehoOl rs. am Mt's. J. Hieton was a pat - Auditorium on Wednesday, Nov- ient for a week dt Goderich hos-4•ernher 11', at 8.30 p.m, pital, and was quite a lot im- proved and , returned to thel If you keep your ear to the he of her daughter, Mrs. Dave i ground you can pica lot of spend -'dirt. McDiarmid, where"she is 1 FREE Bargain m !Winter- Driving Safety! WESTINGHOUSE DOG-O-MATIC SNOW TRAVEL This winter, ridCanadian worry -free at the lowest pos- sible cost - Tire's Wholesale Dis- count traction treads of rugged Polymer driving. "Snow -Travel" with its deep -biting, self - Westinghouse Dryer count savings remove the price barrier to safe , COld Rubber and durable Courtaulds Tenasco „. . Cord body will pull you through deep snow, slush and sticky mud. Be safety -set all Winter f\ long with a set of Snow Travel on your rear COOKS 6 HOT DOGS IN 90 SECONDS. ' : . • . with the purchase,of a • , I 1. wheels Priced away below the market. F M ROAD IN HAZARD 670 15 . 4 5 1 'With Class "A" • Trade-in • - . e + Obituary •+ AINDROW ARTI1HIUWt FOB.SrltB, Funeral services for the late Andrew Arthur 'Forster were conducted an Wednesday morn- ing at Christ Church, Port Al- bert, at ID o'clock with Rev. H. • Jennings officiating, Bitrial was made in'Markdale cemetery. •The body had rested at ` the Stiles funeral home until Wed- nesday morning. Mr. Forster was a native ef Sheffield, England, where ' his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James•Nelsoe Forster, lived. In 1913 he married Agnes Annie England, of Sheffield, and caMe to Canada in 1921, settling at Markdale. Later bhey conducted a. bake Atop in ,Gederich knowni as The Maple Leaf Bekery and about nine years ago the' mov- ed to Port Albert where they have since resided. While 'Mr.1 Forster had not enjoyed good health of recent years, his death came quite suddenly at Port! Albert on Sunday at the age' of 71 years. He was a member of Christ Church, Port Albert. Surviving are his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Francis (Agnes) Glossop, of London, and Mrs. Harold (Olive) Durst, of Wroxeter. There are two grand- children. FLETCHER' EV433,ErIT FISHER • A resident of Colborne Town- ship his entire life, Fletcher -- Everett Fisher died at Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday last following a long illness. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ames.Fisher, of Colborne Towle - ship', and after his marriage to Mabel S. Snyder in 1915, he con- tinued to live there Where he operated a farm. Mr. Fisher was a member and an elder of Ben - miller United Church. Surviving besides his wife are two • daughters, Mrs. Harold (Luella) Yeo, of Goderich Town- ship, and Mrs. Edward (Lois) Rowe, of Colborne Township, and three sons, Grant, of Col- borne Townehip, and Kenneth and Carl, of Goderich. There are eight grandchildren. Three sieters, Mrs: Ada Long, Mrs. Lucy Stothers and Mrs. Pearl Gallagher and a brother, Horace Fisher, all reside. in Goderich. Funeral services were eon - ducted by Rev. S.• A. Moote at Stiles funeral home on Wednes- day afternoon with interment in Colborne cemetery. To become a chempion, fight one more round. J• Bullfights are not the • only popular • sporting events in Spain. Soccer has many follow- ers, golf and tennis are played a lot and pelota -a combination of handball and tennis -is Well established. Bad.taste is just „ bad educa- tion. JUST ARRIVED BUDGIES and CANARIES WE HAVE HARTZ MOUNTAIN GUARANTEED SINGING OANARIES AND A GOOD SELECTION OF MALE BUDGIES ALSO A COIVIPLETE LINE OF PET SUPPLIES RYAN: •& SON. PHONE JA 4-8662 Art; -44 SAVE ON OTHER SIZES . . With lass "A"Trade-in 600/16 710/15 750/14 11345 12.95 NOTE: Add 500 to above prices liRANCE SUPER-LASTIC EXCLUSIVE - Super.Instic P‘ssenger Tires are Road Hazard Insured against blow -guts, ccidents, ,glass Cuts, stone cuts or other normal hazards vviiith make a' tire unfit for further service. Customer pays only ,for ser- vice rendered. `Againt defects in work - 5 -year Guaranteeer,... manship and materials- 800/14 13.95 for Installation. -1" . ,,,,,,,,,,,, • p.:v • • • • " • 4kIrre.r%W.‘' W4.• • ,y-•• 4%. Bakery Feature ! Baked In A&P's Own Pakery By Master Bakers Jane Parker 8 Reg. 49c -SAVE 4o • LEMON PIE each45c • White Swan TOILET TISSUE Shamrock LARD -Economy WAX. PAPER Evaporated CARNATION MILK Country Kiss KERNEL CORN Kellogg's CORNFLAKES " Reg. pkg 53o -SAVE 7o ' pkgs of 4 rolls 99c Reg. 2 -lbs 27c -SAVE 23o 1-1bpkgs 99c Reg. roll 29c -SAVE 17a 4100ft. rolls 994 Reg 3 tins 46c -SAVE 8c 7 16 -oz tins(9 9C Case of 24 tins $2.97 8 14 -oz tins 99c R. pkg. 35c -SAVE 6o 3 l oi pkgs99c Healtho Reg. 2 tins 29o -SAVE 17c DOG FOOD 26-oitins 99c Case of 24 tins $2.97 -SAVE 51e Facial Tissue Reg. 2-pkgs 39c -SAVE 18c • KLEENEX 6 pkgs of 200 99c Y & S • Reg. pkg 29c -SAVE 17c - LICORICE ALLSORTS - 4 12 -oz pkgs 99c Cooks in 7 Minutes KRAFT DINNER rrunswick (in OiI) • SARDINES Reg. 2, pkgs 31c -SAVE 10c 7 71/2 -oz pkgs 99c R*3 tins 29c -SAVE 17c 12t4ins 99c Super -Right Meat Specials • SAANKLESS SHOUL ER Ib SIRLOI Sweet Pjeked, Vad Pac COTTAGE ROLLS Pir;XUSAGE MEAT c a LEAN MEATY BUTT lb STEAK • WELL TRIMMED lb Headless and Dressed LAKE ERIE SMFLTS - SOLE FILLETS lb 4 5 c 1b33c. 11P feefetre pewAlt nee uotf, IuuM4k Wftl. M0,04 Crrsp,aJuicy, Fancy Grade, Cold Storage ttock, A&P Label APPLE$ JINTOSH 3 -lb cello bag 29c New Crop, No. Grade, Florida ORANGES DON'T GO THROUGH ANOTHER liViNTER WITHOUT YOUR DRYER '* • WILF -REINHART ON Witir-MON ST PUONE trigg SIZE 252 OriOnal Bunches, Arizona CARROTS our Fiower ai0 Plant Department for' a variety of Tropical Plants and Potted Mums, attractively priced. - 9c "lb 25c I pkg 39c • Anniversary Features Heinz (in Tomato Sauce) SPAGHETTI UMW* Chickcen NOODLE SOUP Vitaminized 5 ROSES FLOUR 100 Off Deal - BREEZE Beehive Golden Reg.'2 tins 33c -SAVE 70 4 15-o. tins 5 9c -"hog. 2 pkgs 25c -SAVE 2c 2 21/4-02 pkgs 2 3c Reg.pkg 61c -SAVE 40 7-16 pkg 57c Reg. plp 79o -SAVE AN EXTRA 40 giant pkg 75c Reg. tin 31c-tiinAVE 2c 2ib29c :141;:" -kgs VE 15c CORN SYRUP t' ""Ait 0 ClitAT ATLANTIC it "Acme TeA CompANT LTD, uper Ma,rkets 440 mtANS DEPENDAI4ILi1Y *Mt Ad Gutulinte4 4Threuah SM 0 `Nov. lth, 1959. • •