HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-05, Page 5--J 411. T :,r*w,nrarm Mal • w • , Lowest Prices Ever On Automatic <h • 5f — BRANS NAMES ONLY — St GEORGE'S CHURCH November 8th -- 24 th Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 am. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. Remembrance Day Service. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E:" TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector: MR. J.F. STEPHENS,'M.A.,,Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10, am. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1,1 a.m. REMEMBRANCE DAY. Church Parade. of the Goderich Branch 109 Canadian Legion B,E.S.L. Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. GEO. INGHAM, A.R.C.T„ • Mus: Bac: Music Director.'"- . Victoria Street United Church "WORSHIP 1S .MAN AT HIS BEST", 10 a.m. Church School. Adult •Class. 11 a.m. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY. "How To Remember." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller. Church after Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. The Minister: Rev. S. A. Moote, B.A., B.D. Organist: 'Mr. Frank Bissett. THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street 1st LIEUT. and- MRS.' H. CROSSLAND e. 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m. , DIRECTORY and S0h1DAY SCHOOL. 7 pm. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Tuesday, 8p.m. Mid . Week Meeting.. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Home League. You are never 'a stranger at the Arm Knox Presbyterian Church REV. • R. G. MacMILLAN, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister. Deaconess. • MR. HERMAN DE JONG, Director of Praise. 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING' WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. A FR•t-E 1•DLY-~•W-ELCOME-AWAITS: YOU AT-iKNOX FREE METHODIST CHURCH Cor, a and Park St. REVIVALS CRUSADE Closing This Sunday Nov.=8 SUNDAY )1 A.M. and. 7:P,M,, , THIS WEEK THRU SATURDAY 7.45 P.M. FRIDAY, 4:15-5.15 P.M. — LAST CHILDREN'S RALLY. SATURDAY, NOV. 7 AT 7.45 PA..—SPECIAL YOUTH RALLY. Classified Ads A. Births Plan .ta attend the Arthur cle bazaar and tea at Knox ]VIcBR.IDE.—At Victoria Hospit-; esbyterian Church on Satur- al, London, on October 28, iday', November 7, commencing 1959, • to Mr. and Mrs. John at 3 near - p.m. Home-made baking, in their season's opening West ; WESTERN �RMcBride (Isobel Tigert), a hand knitting, aprons and near ern Junior "B" O,II.A. fixtureat' daughter, Nancy. Ruth. }; new clothes will be sold. London Tuesday ' e'Veninrg by I RISING. --At Alexandra Hospit-I 3 handing LomdUrr Diamonds a 7.2 tBr SCHEDULE • ala Coderich, on November 1, I The regular monthly meeting defeat. They ' nieet the• same 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert' of the Ahmeek Chapter, IODE, team back, in Guderich on. Fri WESTERN GROUP Rising, R.R.• 3, Goderich, a will be held at the home of Mrs, day night. November . son, Dwane Robert. . � W. G. MacEwan, Albert street„ The Sailors, after registering 3—Goderich at London," SCIIULT7.—.At Alexandra Hos-: Monday, November 9th, at the first goal in the opening' 'fitlsonbura at Woodstock. London.- pital, Goderich, on October 30, 3 p.m. The guest speaker will' period and gelling another one St. Marys at Sarnia. • 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon be Mrs. ,John Bosveld who will' in that frame, too, really click td—.Sarnia at Sl: Marys. Schultz, Dungannon, a dough -;have slides of her trip to Hol � ed in 'the second and third per-; London at Goderich; ' '- ter.land. -44' lnds; With their Combination! 7—Woodstock at Tillsonburg. going well they shoved in a pair 10• --St. Marys at Woodstock, °a°�`�� "' "1 Plan to attend the Reinem- in the second ,period and three! Tillsonburg iit London. - brance Da meeting of the Adult more in the final period. I Goderich at Sarnia. Club of Victoria Street United however, despite the onst-sid-!33—London at St. Marys. Church on Wednesday, . Novem- eci figures on the scoreboard, it; Woodstock at Goderich lss ars . . . ber 11, at 8.15rugged affair, g. takes this means to express p.m, in the was a rough and ru 17 --Lon dons ate Woodsttock. her appreciation for the kind -1 church. -44 with no less than 19 penalties called, including one major, a! 'Tillsonburg at Sarnia. tress extended her in her re-Htsiron • County Temperance clotr;hle minor and a brace of 20-1�'boclstoek at St. Marys. cent bereavement; she is ex-' Federation annual convention, misconducts. Eleven of the mis-: - Tillsonburg at Godorich. tremely grateful to those who Ontario Street United "auditor- demeanors were levied against, i)1—•Coderich at Tillsonburg. loaned cars, sent spiritual of-; ium, Clinton, November 10, 7.45 the Sailors " d w X 24 ---Sarnia at London, ierings, floral- tributes and: p.m. Rev. Keith MacMillan, of messages of sympathy, -44 1 Burlington, •guest. speaker. during our=' GIANT CLEARANCE 411 SALE ENDS NOV. 14 •r• a ▪ Open Friday Yi T#e Qodeiich = Signai-S ar, 'I'huriday, and .Saturday Evening, 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH Sailors Win Opener Defeating Londoh7-,2 Goderich Sailors showed class ^c E. Cards of Thanks L 4CEY M • 1,1 "i Lacey •DURNIN,--Many thanks to all! my friends ' for the cards, treats, visits, flowers and gifts,' in Goderich while 'wic a patient: �admint®n Club in Goderic7h and Victoria Hos pital, London. , bon Durnin. 44x D'Arcy• Oliver was the .m° sti..(locicrich at Woodstock, -44 potent scoring threat for Godc ;7—Lo ��i}latat 7' 11sJllblllr;. rich, triggering three goals and Woodstock at Sarnia. turning in an,all-round top per-' St. Marys at Goderich, formanee. Roger Forgues con-, December ' tributes} a pair with the others going to Bob Judge and Dave Luciuk. London's marksmen IS Organize,c1„were K-ena,.;MacMaster and Dave Crossan. T'-' .'MdMT'CHAEL. --The. family of, The Sailors were forced to 8—St, Marys at•'Londdn, ply minus the services of Paul Sarnia at Woodstock. wishes to offer their sincere ,.sident of Goderich Badminton Henderson for part of the. sec 11—Sarnia at St. Marys. 'thanks for all the kindness! and period and all of t'he third London at Goderich. shown our mother during her'Club, which was formed at a frame. Henderson was checked 12—Woodstock at Tillsonburg. long stay in Goderich hospital,' meeting at •Goderich District into the boards by London's Ken 15—Goderich at Sarnia. Collegiate Institute • Monday 1—Woodstock at London. 4—Tillsonburg atl'St. Marys. Sarnia at Goderich, 5—St. Marys at Tillsonburg. London at Sarnia. Mrs. Garfield McMichael W. J. Taylor was elected pre - also for all the lovely cards and flowers. Special thanks to Rose and Jim, nurses, nurses' aides, Dr. Mills, Rev. Mr. Mac- Millan and Rev. Mr. Moote, not only for the wonderful care,given our mother, but for all—the consideration ,shown evening. D. McKindsey is vice-presi- dent, and Evelyn Smyth is secre- tary -treasurer of the new club. About 15.persons attended the first meeting, and others are 'ex- pected to 'join. Club members the family during their very will play badminton at GDC( frequent visits. Thanks again. every Monday night, starting at 44X 7.15 p.m. F. Engagements COUNTY CROP REPORT Snowand wet weather are Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson curtailing most farm operations announce the engagement of although farms work is fairly their daughter, Margaret Jean, well advanced for this time of to Mr. Errol John, Stewart, of year. Most dairy cattle are in Scarborough, Ont., son of Mr. the barns at night; wet weather and Mrs. Malcolm Stewart, of has hal very little effect on beef Kirkfield, Ont. The marriage cattle. At .the recent Shorthorn will take place in Birchclffsale, bulls averaged $596 and United Church, Scarboroug Ont., late in November. -44 MacMasterand was carried from Tillsonburg at London. the ice. He suffered a head in St. Marys at Woodstock. jury and was taken to hospital, but later released. Several (bouts of . fisticuffs threatened to break out, but the only serious clash was be- tween the Sailor's Dick Bedard and the Diamond's Ron Warden midway in the third period. Both received roughing penal- ties • It took Goderich exactly six minutes and 40 seconds in ,the, p.m.). first period to open the scoring! 2—oodstock at St. Marys. despite having Belasky in the Goderich at Tillsonburg. penalty box. Oliver picked up a 5 --St. Marys at London. perfect pass from Judge and " Sarnia at Woodstock. .outguessed Gary Jdhdson in the8—Sarniaat Goderich. London nets. Tillsonburg at St', Marys. MacMaster got that one back 9 St. Marys at Tillsonburg. within four minutes when he Woodstock at Sarnia. - poked the puck past Goderich 12—Goderich at Woodstock. heifers $216. Goalie Jerome Jeffrey from a Sarnia at London. seramlate- in front of the goals 15—Tillsonburg at Goderich. 16—London at Sarnia. Goderich at • St. Marys. 19—Tillsonburg at Woodstock: • Goderich at London. St. Marys at Sarnia. 22—Sarnia at St. Marys. ' 'London at Goderich. 23—Woodstock at Tillsonburg. 26 St. Mary§ at Woodstock. Tillsonburg at London. Goderich at Sarnia. 29 London at St•. Marys. Woodstock at Goderich,- - 30—Sarnia at Tillsonburg. February 2—London at Woodstock. Tillsonburg at Sarnia. 5 Woodstock at 'St. Marys. Tillsonburg at Goderich. 18 --Loddon at St. Marys. Woodstock' at Goderich. 19—Sarnia at Tillsonburg. 22—Goderich at London. Tillsonburg at Woodstock. St. Marys at Sarnia. 26- -St. Marys at Goderich. London at Tillsonburg. 29—Woodstock at London. Tillsonburg at Sarnia. January 1—London at Woodstock (2.30 Late in the period Luciuk beat IF YOU' ARE PLANNING Johnson with a long, .low shot G. Coming Events .TO BUILD OR .REBUILD and the Sailors went ahead to YOUR HOUSE, Contact stay. Reserve •Friday, November 13 Forguesand .fudge were the for the annual Commencement J A QQV goal-getter^s Cor Goderich in the second session. In the final fr.ime, Crossan put a smidgeon of life 'back into the London rooters, but not for long. For- gues fired one off a� skate and then Oliver. wound -;it up with two quick. 'tallies 'within 24 seconds. •. GODERICH—Goal: J. Jeffrey; Exercises at Goderich District. Collegiate Institute. Mr. Justice Donnelly will he the guest speaker. -40tf --Christmas- Fair by Bap Church Mission Circle on Satur- day, November 21 at MacKay Hall from 3 to 5 p.m. [candy, baking and miscellaneous table's. Tea served. -44-46 BURGSMA CONTRACTOR -Ot atity Workman kip; Free Estimates, R.R. 1, Port Albert. Phone Dungannon 23r1. ,defense: Bedard, Fritzley, Bel- ' 44.6x asky, Tessier; forwards: Luciuk, Armstrong, Henderson',- Oli-rer, Rossi, Forgues,' D..leffrey, Con- nelly, Judge, Dalton. LONDON --Goad: Johnson; de- fenes: MacMaster, Bergen, Gales, D. Crossan; forwards: Shofdice, W. Crossan, Mackey, McKen2ie, Cook, Warden, Black, Treearten, Peifer, Abe. ' Officials ---Ken McFadden and Hi Beatty. GODERICH. BAPTIST CHURCH "Where you are a stranger only once" 10 a.m CHURCH SCHOOL. All ages. 11 a.m. "Christ's Lordship." 7 p.m. "Beastly, Human or Godly." REV. EGON VON KEITZ, B.A.; Minifer. MR. CHAS: MERRILL,Organist. O.H.A. JUNIOR- -„B„ LONDON VSs. GODE! ICH FRIDAY, NOV. 6 REV. G. W. STEVENS • REV. JAMES,, POYNTER, :.w.ce.wow: wi w r�z Dame.,x a �,Song.leader,,. SolAiat; vangel st-and Piano Accordionist, From Borl'ington, Ont.' From Cardinal, Ont. A. CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL TO SHARE IN RiCH INSPIRATION, Paster: S. 5. Supt. REV. E. A. COOPER, a , . , MR: ELWYN JONES, JA 4-9306. . JA 4-8416. at 8.30 p.m. �r,1:•a+ain�.��ar�s'.t�►�aaPrAa�,ra*+i+ao+�+�..r•►»I•xm.+•,,.,.�,«mI+I�,+n•►�,�*�I,,.rwv 6--Goderich at Tillsonburg. 9—Sarnia at London. Goderich at Woodstock. 12—Goderich at St. Marys. 13—•London a,t Tillsonburg. • Woodstock at Sarnia...4° St. Marys at GodiiTh11. 16—Woodstock at London. 19-»--Tillsonburg at St. Marys. Sarnia at Goderich. 20—St. Marys at Tillsonburg. London at Sarnia. Rl:••'2a --Stns m frys at London. ioreatl Bros. Sarnia at Woodstock. Should the plebiscite for Sun Studs® Opehederied, the Saturday games sche• dap sports in Tillsonburg he car- , duled to be played in Tillson- A large number of Goderich will be moved to Sunday - and district people visited Kil-; afternoons at 2 p.m. breath Brothers 'Portrait Studio'pleased with h'e `response to and Camera Center when it, the grand opening. The staff opened at 42 West street on' was *opt "on the' run" as Store Friday afternoon. !traffic continued heavy through - The amening of the new store, Dirt the afternoon and evening. meant. the end of a very short re-,a--w•rr . tirement' fir• inti§se11 Rohhins,I Next time you're talking who is manager. He took over "from the shoulder"—try a bit his dirties just the clay after he, higher up. retired from from the Sarnia Fires —_ Department, with which he had if success turns your head, served 31 years. ! you're facing the wrong direr Ile herd the rank of captain' haat - and was the officer in charge of .•-- No. •- No. 2 stration, Bluewater. Ile was feted h"y the men of the, department and other friends at a retirement ,party Thursday night in Sarnia. • ome c • • CENTURY 55A WITH "TRIGGER -ACTION" • Take 10 shots in 10 seconds •. Bright -tine • Frame Viewfinder • M -X Synchronization at all shutter speeds • fj3.5 lens • shutter speeds $5.90 to 1/300 sec. with case • CENTURY 35 f/3.5 WITH COMB. VIEW: -RANGEFINDER • One -stroke rapid film advance and shutter cocking • MFX synchronization at all shutter speeds •• f/3,5 Tens • shutter speeds to $ 5 7.00 1/500 sec. ' with case CENTURY 35 f/2.e WITH BRIGHT -LINE FRAME VIEWFINDER • One -stroke rapid film advance and shutter cocking • Combination Viewfinder -Range- $67.00 finder • MFX synchronization at all shutter wth case speeds • Swing -out hinged back - , For Limited Time Only e• FREE Flash Attachment with your purchase of either the Century 35- f/3.5 or f/2,3 model. This offer does not apply to the Century 35A,model. It U. sTODAY F `I.1! H A 10101%01 0 T 1 ENDE BOOK STORE GODERICH OPTOMETRY I YOU are invited to join PACT10E SOLD', The optometry practice .of 'Fred T. Armstrong was •sold on' Monday to Mr. R. W. Bell, of Kitchener. Mr, Bell graduated from t'he College • of Optometry in 1938. He first practised at Guelph and while there attended post grad - Date seminars in °the majoring in industrial eye ,care.; For a time he retired from priva te practice to act as con 'rltan�t' in the fiefs of industrial • eye, care. Just prior to coming fo' Goderich, Mr• Bell was optom-' etrist at one of the larger prac- tices in Kitchener\ Ile is a past member of the executive coutieil' .. of the Optometrical Association of Ontario and a former director of education for the Optometric Extension Program of the Grad- iate Clinic Foundation. Mr, Armstrong graduated .it Tor,urto in about' i01'0 t'' i, a • native of !)uaclalk. Or green, (irst practised at Owen Sound. Next, lie practice! ;,1 1.ucl:nuw • for ;shout 20 years. coming from there to Goderich tri' the fall 9.38. Mr. Armstrong will en•jnhis favorite sports of c•ttrling and a, towel bowling in his retirement years which he plans to spcnit it7 Gtr dcrrch. A popular citizen, tlr. Arnisirnwt k a mei her of ne Mr. Ro}hies has workod pant, "ha }3o14rd of St( 0 irk of North time fors and Kilbreath Bros, for sev _Du Kn®w ((reit 1'nitc d '('hunch and Past oral years and handles many of Grand Soperintcndent of the their camera repairs. Ife is a I Royal Arch Masons for this dis- -•••-,:r_a photographer ...:.i_ ,._. lriet May you 0aye many happy ', �' w rk col red wotfl-d a reciate receivin• y of reliremcnt,.I'red. •is trite rs slid movies. Goderich Badminton � Club Badminton will be played every' Monday night at 7.15 at - Goderich District Collegiate Institute. — FREE INSTRUCTION — Racquets will be supplied for first few nights. FEES — $5 per year. W. J. TAYLOR„. President, SI FTC- SALT GODERICH MINE wase a real privilege to have such friendly ass©aiation dur;ng construction of the mine M�a.Mn✓rPMNMk«mwwMM.+.wN m�.,.n+w,,.rn.w,4ww.+.r„iw4+.x�•' Mxr�.w . C.��rr„i�..Mv.xwuarr.m.,..w...weriwr..uawn.wnanrnm�r m., ttwnrr Goderich Memorial Arena This 9s flit third store hcine? from sort as a Christmas operat•ed by the Kilbreath bro-1 Un'i1 the end of his life that thers----Clayton, Fred and Wil•' gift a year's _ subscriptions son, Their other stores are in ' great astronomer and tireless ob-`. ADULTS 50c I , to THE SIGNAL -STAR, A.;server, Sir William Ileriachel, had, Sarnia aYtd } etrolia• i ; a dcvnted assistarnt in his sitctr,' a 1 TO celebrate the grant} open- , I ;'aroline. Ile w eked for more STUDENTS AND CHILDAEN 25c ' in of the Goderich shore, freef'lovely gift card goes for -I g than 15 hours without ,Mopping;, X44 (balloons were handed alit. to Ward in your name. • I and she fed him with a spoon' the kiddies. The Kilbreath bro- while he looked through IYi>, thers and`1VXr,.tci,bitis were, very , I t Z 0 �, � , a e.SCOp ti r. . .. , by doing.,,the • through THE .EMENTAall • a016At' (Canada) Limited TRACK4SA E . 115 :St. Da.vtd St. - • a