HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-11-05, Page 3#000411104.7 Little Damage Done In District On Hallowe'en Hallowe'en passed off com- The usual soaping of windows paratively quiet in Goderich and was, of course, conimon. district. In the countryside, little dam - With the annual community age was done, the O.P.P. report. Hallowe'en party for the young- At Dungannon, air was let out sters at the Arena off this year, of the tires of some cars. A there were more children on window was broken at Blyth. the stteets for "Trick or Treat." Slight damage was done to a More called at the houses but school at St. Helens. An at - the damage done was small. . tempt was made to cut down a Air was let out of tires, of a tree at,, St, Augustine.. Damage fleet of Bell Telephone trucks was done to mail 'boxes in West a few hours before the 2 a.m. Wawanosh. Broken windows Sunday dial cut -over in, the were reported at Hayfield. Sev- seeming hope of putting a crimp mil mail boxes were removed intheir operations. HoWever, at Porter's Hill. this handicap 'was quickly over- • -come as was also the cutting of some Bell telephone wires on East street. Town Police accosted any large group of boys on the streets who appeared to have prankish plans in .mind. Their names and addresses were taken down in the event they did get into trouble. This precaution- ary measure seemed to have its effect. FIRE CALLS The Goderach Fire Depart- ment was called to the home of Secord Allin, 16 Albert, street, N., Tuesday afternoon. The fire is believed to have started in a shed adjoining the house. Con- siderable damage was done to the interior of the house. A call about 4 a.m. Sunday proved to be a false alarm. AT • .ADW PHONE THE JA 4-7811 Now Playing"The Wild and the Innocent"—In Color .with Audie Murphy and Sandra Dee. Mon., Tues. and Wed. Nov. 9, 10 11` George Bernard Shaw's "The DOCTOR'S DILEMMA" In Eastman -Color A brilliant screen version of °the famed Shavian 'drama— in which a doctor is forced to choose which of two patients he will save. Leslie Caron, Dirk Bogarde and Robert Morley. Thurs., Fri. and Sat.' Nov. 12, 13, 14 Debbie Reynolds, Tony Randall •and Paul Douglas If you crave an el/ening of undiluted FUN you'll never have a better excuse to come out to a movie!! "The MATING GAME" • — Scope and Color Coming—May Britt as "The Blue Angel"—Adult Enter- tainment. 111111111•1111116. GODER!Ch COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSdCIATION Preients. . CARMEN and DON JOSE — VOCALISTS — ASSISTED BY THE Marlind String Trio ON NOV. 10 8.30 p.m., at t PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM • YOU CAN BE tURE OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE At TOTS AND TEENS OF GODERICH • SPECIAL Ftiday and Sclurday ONLY SKIRTS nortasiBLE -47 "lad--EVEEDS Sizes 3 to 14x Teen 2 PRICE • In "Big- Sing" The Harbouraires will be taking part in a "Big Sing" at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Saturday evening, Novggishe,sr 7th. It will be sponsored by The .Queensmen, of Torontin aridsome eight outstanding anale chorus groups will be participatipg. The entire group will number about 400 singers. The Harbouraires will be doing one solo group number as will 'each of the seven other groups. Mr. George Buchanan, conductor' of the Harbouraires, will con-. duct one of the mass group numbers, RECREATION HEAD QUITS Ted Williams has submitted his resignation as town recrga- tion director and arena manager, effective December lst. The Goderich Recreation •and Arena. Committee has accepted the re- signation and is pow advertising for a replacement. Ted came to Goderich from Toronto'in November, 1951. 11e said he found the combined duties of arena manager and re- creation director too pressing. He will rethain in Gederich, however, and will be the local agent for an insurance company. He will continue to coach the Goderich Junior Hockey Club. • NURSERY SCHOOL HAS VISITORS A coffee party was held at MacKay Hall last , Thursday morning by the Goderich. Co- operative Nursery S c h o o 1, r• Goderich Telephone Staff 1937, from left" to right are: F. Jones, E. Whitty, Mrs. E. Mc- \Tittle, J. McDonald, M Nolting, N. Clark, M. McKinnon, J. M. McIntosh, W. J. Hodge. SOUTH END SEPARATE SCHOOL TENTATIVE APPROVAL GIVEN TO BUILD, NEW SCHOOL HERE Tentative approval has been late School will, of course, re - given by the Ontario Depart -(main in operation for the north rnent of Education to the Gode-1°'' of the town. rich Separate School Board' for the'construction of a new school hereFolloWing the expected final approval,tenders will be called and work will get under way early in the Spring, Mr, J. EBaechler,- chairman of the While the 9nothers of the, pupils served coffee and muffins to board, has announced In the plan of the. architects, school carried on their regular thQ-* Watt -and Tillman, of London, their guests, the- pupils of the' proposed school has four morning activities. The pupils class rooms in a total area of and staff were very pleased to have among their guests Miss Gibson, from the Day Nurseries Branch, Department' of Public Health and Welfare Mrs. F. N. Saris was winner of the door prize, while Mr2Reg. Bridle held the winning ticket on a draw. The school has jtist completed its first yedi; of oper- ation and staff,. Pnd parents are very pleased yvlith the accom- plishment to date. Commissions are not paid on arguments won, but onsales made. 6,042 square feet. There is also ir Cadet provision for an additional two class rooms, when required at some 'future date, with a 'total ' area of 1,795 square feet. The new school will be locat- (By Cpl. P. Carroll) ed on "Bennett street adjacent to Left, right; left, right and allStuart: Donald Sims. Mr. andi Mrs. J. S. McNain, Amberley, No. 21 HighWay. The school Will that: rot! We've been praetisingi natives of Ashfield, are parents accommodate Separate School pupils in the • south end "Of the upon drill and marching this 1 of thgefbimidre.. anMrs Ngirrosr! I mChisartihees town and also take care of ,the last week. The reason—we'ressoimn s, futgre needs in that area which hi.4ing a church parade. I3e sure Toronto The bride chose a floor -length is expected to experience the to .be out and watch us parade gown of white Velvet which ex - most pronounced expansion in to a Ideal church this coming tended to ' a train. The fitted the future of any.particular por- Sunday for our annual, Remem- bodice was • styled with Fong tion of the town., lfr brance Day' senvice. pointed sleeves and the neck - The 'present St. Peter's Separ- We are very proud to an- nounce that two of our better cadets have_receivcd their "Fly - News tofull force. 'Once again (ancka usual) the N.C.Q.'s lost the 1: ketball game! Don't wish to emii ss the losers so I won't menti the drastic score. An Air Cadet dance was held in the old collegiate last Satur- day -night .with a fair crowd attending. If you, the readers of this column, have only criticisms or questions as to Air Cadets in any respect, would ,you please let me know by writing: ' Air Cadets, e;',. Box 124, Goderich, I'll answer them in my future coltimns. Thanks for reading... Do so again! . Weadmg Neif Members' For Lions Club • Mr, Stewart Sutherland has been appointed by the Goderich isions Club as its representative on the' Goderich Arena and Re- creation Committee. He re- places. Mr. Clyde Everett, who tendered big resignation 41from that post recently.. This resigna- tion was received with regret by the Lions Club executive Mon- day evening. The Lions Club voted $50 to the Goderich Co-operative-Nurs-- . ery Scool and arlso-plan to don- ate mllk daily to the School for Retarded Children at Goderich. The $50 received from the Town of Goderich to aid financially in staging the annual community lialloWe'en party iS to be re- turned to the Town since the party was called off this year. Three new membets were ac- cepte-d into the Lions Club. They are Chatles Gibbons, Dan Murphy and Richard Procter. • • The Goderich Signal -tar, "WHO DUNNIT?" Something different was added to the collection plate at a Goderich chtutb Sunday morning. Whether it was pitt. on the plate purposely or was an oversight by a member of the congregation deep in thought albout coming home late- the nigbt before, it is not known. However, the added contribution was a set of keys. GRADUATE NURSES PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS The Goderich G ra d u a t e. Nurses Association held their November meeting M o :Id a y night in the Hospital Cafeteria. The president, Mrs. Sohn String- er, presided. Plans were made to supply a family • with Christmas , dinner and clothing. Thfs is to be "in Marge of Mrs. Bert Baechler, welfare convener: All donations are to be brought to the Decem- ber meeting. It was also plan- ned to make Christmas favors ley, sister of the bride, was maid for the hospital trays. of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs, Murray McNain, Mitchell, and Miss Beverly -MacKenzie, Kincardine. Dr. Robert McMillin, Weston, was groomsman and guests were shered.by Robert 1VieNain, bro- er of the bride, and Walker L ch, Toronto. The couple wili reside in ToronWiThe bride is a ,gradu- ate of St. Michael's Hospital School of Nursing, Toronto, 4nd the groom graduated from the University of Toronto Medical School. BARBER HOSPITALIZED INJURED IN A FALL Mr. Clarence Johnston, bar - her, Kingston street, suffered an, injury •tf) his back in a fall at his home , rdcently and is in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. He will be unable to -1 (return to his,shop for --a few, Weeks. ' SIMS—McNAIN Rev. J. C. Hutton officiated at, a wedding in Pine River United Church when Laurine Isabel Mc- Nain became the bride of Dr. MEMBER I N MacEWAN ", INSURANCE AGENCY ••• • YOUR AGENT 4•P SERVICE 44 North St. Phone JA 4=9531 ing Wings" and their private pilot's licences.' The boys, Sgt. P. Bennett and W0.2 K. Pinni- igan, attended a banqueLin their honor at the London Flying Club, London. Along with these budding pilots were cadets at the supper from Other squad- rons, who recieved similar; awards. Of course, our marks'? in tire tests written for the awararAvere ranked up at the! loP! ! (By the way, the "Flying' OF PERSONAL'. Wings" won't take them south! for the winter., they're only badges!) As much as I hate to admit it,1 we boobed. Of course weathen men are entitled to that priv-1 ilege. We made a HalloweenH AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT liWklidAg/llt pODERI%–H , ONT.' FRIDAY NIGHT TEEN -20 Record Dance with Johnny Brent. • ror SATURDiY NIGHT DANCING to Evan Rhodes and his orchestra. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Lions Bingo. Catering to Banquets, Weddings, etc. Reservations Phone JA 4-9371. or 3A 4-9264. line was embroidered with pearls and 'sequins. Her silk •-illus-ion fingertip veil was held by a crown of pearls and she carried a cascade of red roses. Miss Helen 'McNain, Amber weather forecast: colder wea- ther, cloud with snow and sleet. Ice on puddles, slippery ' side- walks with snow on the ground.1 As you remember we were corn -1 pletely wrong; except for the! cloud! PhotogfVfOhy, our new colIne, was introduced this previous' TueSclay, The instructor is a pro! who once enjoyed serving in the' Air Force as a photographer.' He is Mr. Nephew, new owner of the former MicLar,,en's Studio. An excellent photographer, too! He outlined our course and an- swered and explained questions. The course will begin incoming weeks with practical work such as developing and printing films., I'm positive it will, prove inter -1 e.stYino&quthS are still wanted to, join the Air Cadet organization, in Goderich. You better hurry'! because we are rapidly filling up1 Phone JA 4-8642 for information and service on magazine subscriptions from Mary B. Howell All special offers handled. Reduced Christmas prices now available. Get your order in for WE CAN FI rr Your car well look like new again . Whatever the damage, our auto body experts will straighten it out down to -the last dent. DAVIDSON Texaco Service Huron Rd. (No. 8 H'way'.) Goderich JA 4-7231 YOU CAN'T BEAT- TH V IL E OF n ow the Christmas gifts which keep coming all year •long. -43tf •mimi - limmouguiliassionsow LAST DANCE Of The Season • AT BLUEWATER DANCE LAND Friday, Nov. 6 44 s , I Thursday, Nov. &th, 1959.$ gr.., Tony Wi,steri of kfte SecietY, &bowed .tWO inf01.71140,: : films on cancer. The draW, *fp won by Mrs. Don MacKay...! • tiunch was served by.•100, vm, Uam Iltunby and 'her a.s$10404 Denpmine FLOWER SHOP Phone JA 8132 DAY or NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. • FILM DEVELOPING 20tf ° r• SUPPORT THE Legion Poppy Campaign This space donated by comrade E. J. Stiles Phone JA 4-8142, Goderich. Ambulance Service. Funeral Director. NEW KIND OF LATEX PAINT! its cILTONE SATIN the Latex Paint that STVS :- COLOR FRESH McArthur 81/Reilly Ltd. 36. West St., Goderich Prtrmitim'PAINT,c 1‘ AT REGULAR PR,cLs ''P 1 ..",,, •,, ,,,.94,,,,,, --•,f.ii... ,:. . JA 4-8532 ht glouters_lickis In Flanders Fields the poppies blqw Between the crossessrow on row, that mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly • • • Scarce heard amici the guns below `1`14"4d4'‘i 1 o e ate t he Ch•t days ago We lived, felt dawn, iaw sunset glo*, ..•t,ved,ana we loved, artdnow we lie In Flanders Fields, take up Our quarrel with the foe: , To you Trom failing hands, we throw The torch; be yours to hold If ye break faith with us who doe • We shall'not sleep, 11;tough poppies trow • lit FlandtrS'F14,145, Whether you want a chain saw for occasional wood cutting choresor every use, Homelite has(a model just right for the purpose. Lightweight, rugged and dependable, Homelife chain saws conSistently deliver quality performance at low cost. With full power in , any cutting position, easy starts in any type of weather and the Husk -cut handle for ground -level cutting, you can't beat the value of a Homelite Chain Saw. Try one test one today! SUPER ZIP Extra power for the toughest cutting job...Weighs only 18 lbs.... - Eel's trues up to 4 ft. in diameter,. Harvest, woodlots fo't extra money ... itst trim and prune trees...clear land. Cut firewood1. fence posts, building lumber faster, easier and cheaper. *.2411;411Wrilliaka. saingicandasseladai„„„_,„,„ ER «•4441,o4,,,, MACHINERY COMPANY (OtJT.) LTD. 37 Densley Ave., Toronto; Ont. - GET A FREE DEMONSTRATION FROM tt ea uisttitogtors, R, R. Goderich Ontario .L. The Canadian Legion Branch 109 invites yoLi to foin them in the - Remembrance Day Ceremony wo.ritirw". it 'arm 4•44.4,....44,44,4,..,.4,..14.0.4,4*11144Wattfotha4.0.1,4144.+Attort.,444*44404%.,..tdon.htniko,rttivt4,,,,,4,111 at 'the CENOTAPH on WEDNESDAY, -NOV 11 --44, • All Legion members and, veterans will form up at the Ltilbn Half at'10.30 Dress — -beret and medals, Legion Church Parade at North Strei fOrs '