HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-29, Page 13• • .RAY BOLGER SIGNED ,FOR SHEAFFER SHOW Dancing - comedian Ray Bolger ip the latest addition to the roster of stars who will appear in "Give My Regards to Broad- way" to be telecast Sunday. evening, December 6, on the OBC network under 'sponsorship Of Sheaffer Pen Co. of Canada, Ltd— The lanky performer will star with Jimmy Durante, lovely songstress Jane Pawn, and • one-hour musical variety show, one segment of which will be devoted 40 the hit tunes of George M. Cohan. A Sheaffer spokesman said that the pen firm is still negoti- ating for additional top -name performers to round out the cast and assure viewers "an •all- star bill in the strictest sense of the term.4 New Brunswick - horn Edgar Randolph Parker legally adopt- ed the name Painless so he could practise dentistry under ifrhful Eddie Hodges in the the name of Painless Parker. DIAL . . JA 4-7305 FOR CURRY'S TAXI. FROM NOVEMBER 1st ON. RADIO DESPATCHED — Never too far from where you are for quick service by one of our comfortable cabs. -43 ••• ••• • 4 Purchase pf the Goderich Municipal Telephoneward •Grigg, John Watson, W. W. Haysom, System in 1954 by Bell Telephone Company is Manager and J. A. Cowley, pictured. Left to. right: R. E. Thompson, Ed - First Phones in T�wn Were Novel Experience Back for another Season! CBC RADIO'S Provocative and lively,discussion of agricultural problems Starting Monday, November .nd,.8:30 p.m. with. this special broadcast— T E S LL FAR ER A SPECIAL CASE A90 -minute broadcastfrom the Annual Meeting— of the brita rid Federation of Agritulture. CBC RADIO —NEW S1GHTS—NEW SOUNDS Women wore high -button' Post eard dejctig forest shoes and bustles, men sportediseenes and carrying the wistftil handlebar moustaches and theIsentiment "For Thee 1 Pine For horseless carriage was in vogue when telephone service was in- trOduced in Goderich back in 1884. " The Bell Telephone Company of CamIcla was only four yea-rs old and.the telephone itself had been in existence only 40 -years when a telephone line WAs built between Goderich and Stratford. The first telephone to serve this conamunity' was a Blake telephone set inFtalled on the wall 'between "Ragged Dick and the Street,Urchins". and "Little Lord Fauntleroy". in the 1,allN1i- lit duskiness of Jame,s Imrie's Book and Stationery Store. Mr. Imrie became the first Bell Tele- phohe,ComPany Agent in.Gode- rich. • Located on the Square that is the hub of Gederich's wagon wheel -shaped downtown area, Imrie's welcomed all passers-by. On rainy days many a lady bustled, in to protect her back drapery and browse among the Musty best sellers of the day. FOLKS LIKE OUR PRODUCT -WE PROUDLY 5AV- BECAUcE IT HEATS YOUR ROME TR PROPER WAY so 00- EDVVAR 0 sP.orr si I 1' I IL rA NT I( T LJCK DEAL,L. , 13 FULL-LENGTH MOVIES EACH WEEK . . . ON CKNX TELEVISION Winner of the "LIBERTY AWARD" for Local Programming. Fri. Oct. 30— "ISLAND OF c DESIRE" Tab Hunter Linda Darnell (Romance Mon. Nov. 2— "HEIDI" Elsbeth - Sigmund (Drama) Tues. Nov. 3— 'LOST BOUNDARIES' Mel Ferrer. B. Pearson (Adventure) Wed. Nov. 4— "TEC MYSTERY" John Justin Marg Leghton (Mystery) Thurs. Nov.' 5 "BORDER - TOWN"' Paul "Muni Bette Davis (Western) Fri. Nov. 6— "50 YOUNG SO BAD" Paul Henreid (Drama) SEE these, Features on . • • "Ml ' adys Matinee"' MONDAY thru FRIDAY 12.45 - 2.30 P.M. M�VI.ES ARE BETTER -‘g ON 41=11010P4111NE TELEVISION CHANNEL 8 •1 ,SEE THESE FEATURES ON "STA-RLIGHT. THEATRE" EVERY NIGHT — 11;25 P.M. Fri. Oct. 30— "THE LONG DARK HALL" Rex Harrison Lill Palmer (Drama) Sat. Oct. 31— "WREgTLING FROM TORONTO" All Star Cast (Sport) Sun. Nov. 1— "MRS. MIKE" Evelyn Keyes Dick Powell (Adventure) Mon. Nov. 2— "DONAVAN'S. BRAIN" Lew Ayres, Gene Evans .71,0i0.116178.04071e. Tues. Nov. 3— "SAN ANTONIO" Errol -Flynn, Alexis Smith Wed. Nov. 4— "THE FIGHTEtt? Richard Conte Vanessa Brown Thurs. Nov. 5— "DAWN PATROL" Errol Flynn David Niven 1.01.:racligainaVOlktrAlirefail *A.WiY"r) " Fri. Nov. 6— "ONENBIG AFFAIR" Ev. Keyes Dennis O'Keefe (Drama) Sat. Nov. •7— "WRESTLING FROM TORONTO" All Star Cast. (Sport) Sun. Nov. 8— "INTO THE BLUE" Michael Wilding J. Hulbert , (Drama)• \Natal 70W14 AND .COUNTRY" MON.' thru FRI. . 12- noon • featuring Monte' Snider . • . Reg Bitton Delores Enderwiek . News, farm, weather • , •• CLIP OUT THIS AP FOR EASY REFERENCE kOhi -43. Thee 1 BalsamN, tempted young men off their velocipedes and parted .them fmna their pocket money; To these and other visitors the telephone and primitive switchboard became the centrc of interest and by January 01 1885, 25 of the up-and-coming business establishments and for- ward -thinking citizens had tele- phones and were listed in the little directory 'Estieu by. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. "Froin,8 a.m. until 8 p.m. the telephone "talked" between Cap- tain Cox at the British Exchange Hotel and the Huron Signal Printing Office where Dan and Tom McGillicuddy directed the printers devils while the. Misses McGillicuddy turned out another tear jerking installment of the continued story; between M. C. Cameron, Liberal candidate for; the riding of West •Huron an the Great North Western Tele- graph •Office, between F. Jor- dan's drug store and Dr. Alex Taylor. On Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m, on holidays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and from 2 to,4 p.m. the switchboard responded to the turn of .the telephone crank. In 1885 the line between Lon- don, St. Marys, Mitchell, Sea - forth, Clinton and Goderich and: the line from Stratford to Berl lin and Guelph via New Ham -1 burg and Baden was, completed, by December of -that year eight additional, Goderich residents' showed themselves willing to try the new 'st‘rvice, among them Charlie Nairn's Grocery; and the old Albion'Hotel on the Square. Inspection Time Charles Fleetfo.rd Sise, Vice - President and Managing Direc- tor of the Bell Company visited the telephone offices . in the Lake Huron arKi. Ceorgiab Bay district in the s5mmer of 1886, his covered wagonette and pair aroused turiosity,v everywhere he,Went and 'the query "Circus Posters' or Patent Medicine" met'him on all sides. • In Gode- rich the old seafarer put his horse in at Polley's Livery Stable, inspected the telephone office, strolled along beside the lake and before turning in for the night at the. old British Ex- change Hotel made this'en-637 in his vest podOt sized notebook: June 11, 1886—Started at 9,25 a.m. for God. rich Gode- rich . "British Exchangel.' . 'let Drummondof-•Bankl of Montreal, Starke of- Salt Works, Johnson the Reeve, and Hutch- inson (sic) of Ogilvies. Walk- ed' up to the lake and to bed. Ne'business here for line to Kincardine . 4700 inhabitants. Built around a central Circle or 1?ark4vith radiating streets. Main buginess Salt Works and Ogilvies Mills, some fishiipg and local trade. In,1887.,,,Goderich's telephone office became the Charge of part- ners Fraser, Porter and McKay who took ,over ,Mr. Imrie's book - and stationery business., The title agent was changed to local manager in 1888, and after 1896 George Porter Parried on alone under that By 1899 three operators were, required to tend the, switch - beard which now 1,,ave continu- ous service. Lonci distance'tele- phones which gave better trans - omission to distant points were available.'for use at the tele- phone office. •The Goderich-Bay- field line, was built that year and by the end of the year Goderich had 95 tolephone sub- scribers. • ,100th Phone. In 1900 the 100th telephone was:installed here, Despite this happy milr.!stone the telephone business was not without its troubles. In 1902 The Goderich Organ Comparv, source of the exchange's power supply, burn- ed down. Each year the tele - 'phone poles on Inc "flats" were carried away hy the floods and a way had to be found to carry the poles across the river, a dangerous and expensive under-. ;04441410.. ned the telephone operator S harness in 1902 and 'Miss Nona Craig betaine a Nilo" gird in 1904; at night the switchboard's operator was a knickerbocker - clad schrooliboy who struggled with his long division between calls. , The GoderielyKintail line was built in 1907r The year 1913 Was a busy one fob telephone construttion trews in Goderich, ... were placed underground and the 300th telephone was install- ed. Mr. A. H. MeLachlin was ent to the 'telephone office as acting local manager- to help ailing George Porter. In 1916 Mr. Ray- mond J. Ross Riimball was ap- pointed local manager. In 1920 Mr. Rumball • was transferred to London and was replaced by Mr: J. J, Griffin, later 1VIr. Rumball worked in Windsor and in Montreal where he became Bell's division plant superintendent and, later, gen- eral plant placement supervisor. He retired in April, 1951, after 45 years with the Bell and mov- ed to his "5111 home town, Clin- ton. Mr. Rum:bill died in 1952. • During the —darkest days of the Depression most of Gode- rieh's telephone subscribers kipt their telenhones and the revealing statistics speak well, for local morale when ceinpared with corresponding figures for! many another centre pn the con- tinent. 53rd Anniversary The 53rd anniversary of Bell service in Goderich was marked in June, 1937t by the conversion ctuALIT. • SERVICE • RELIABILITY Jf the Goderich exchange from magneto to,common battery. In, Enjoy the perfect comfort found in the warmest homes in town. Buy 'blue coal', and get, more heat, and better heat... the best heating value your money can buy. Phone us today. • ••• Goderich. Buildings arose like The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, Qt. 2490, 1959 magic at the Port .Albert-4Alr- of the Square which were over - port site and the Ear Company commenced work 'on two pew trunk,lines,, from, Goderich to Londo, to hanale the increase in long distance - calls. New underground • cable lines were laid to Sky Harbour and .to Port Albert. The 1,000th telephone was in- rowded. In 1954 the. God‘94c11...1Yluni- cipal Telephone. System was pur- chased by the Bell Company. At the time of purchase, 135 of the Goderich System's Stibserib- ers were being sery,ed through the Bell Goderieh exchange and 235 through the Bell Clin•ton and hOtnesaes ofl. eVerY.811.014." of the wagon wheel. .After Nov* ember 1. new dial 1.40440 will .proppgate the voleo of Goderich and' forge the link in the elaain Of communicatiOn from telephone to telephone,' from nation to nation. It is not a touch of frost that stalled -here in 1943. exchange under a "service, sta- causes trees to turn color in In Mid -January, 1952, the Bell 'tion agreement." thekFall. As winter approaches Company's office in Goderich During the past 75 years the the trees stop replenishing the moved to the new one -storey telephone has moved out -1f -the chloryphyl that keeps leaves building on .West ,street two or lamplight into the limelight in green, and the reds and yellows three blocks away from the old Goderich. Froin Imrie's Book always present 'n the leaves headquarters on the north side Store on the hut into honies 'then predominath. IS YEAR GET THE BEST! rnwUOC 1 :he ,presence of Company offic- ials, members of the town coun- cil and Board of Trade, John S. Platt, a subscriber of .the Bell from 1886, pulled the plug from the new switchboard toinaugur- :Ite the systOn. The ' No. 12' EDWARD COAL CO board was the first of its kind! , to be installed in Ontario. I PHONE JA 4-7281 GODERICH , . . .. .• In .1940, 60th birthday of The, 0 BPIl Telephone 'Company, war Was being brou,ht'very close to MORiE ttiMIFCilre iFfiii"YOUR 'DOLLARwith "%hie coo NOW 3 LINES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DIAL Ng •.) •• • • FOR S1MPSON-SEARS 0 DER FFICE Your call is automatically switched to either one of ,our other two lines if the first line is busy. .41 S1MPSON-SEARS LTD. 98 SOUTH SIDE OF THE SQUARE D9n't, let money slip OFough. your, fingers... ANA bay the new A SAVINGS/bONDS For those who have, trouble hold- ing on to money, this is a convenient and practical way to save. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are a safe invest- ment many advantages. If the need should arise, they can be cashed at any time, at any bank, for full face value plus earned interest. They're like dealars with coupons attached. This year they are better than- ever. ...CANADA.SAVAIMAONarthifabA14.0M4*~"NUMARAJAVAKILLIAMARgAZoWelj° than ever before — 4.98 per cent per year if held cash or on instalments. All are registered as o to maturity. They come in denominations of $50,' principal, Interest is'paid by coupons payable t� $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000. Up to $20,000 bearer, or by cheque in the larger denomindtions if of the nein, series m4' be held in the home of any you wish. Order yours toddy through the Payroll one person (adult or minor) or, of the estate of a Savings Plan, or through any bank, Investment deceased person. dealer, stock broker, trust c'ir loan company. , 4 BETTER THAN EVER!