HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-29, Page 5.. •,uaty 'preys' ,aker* i454, •t ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH NOV. ist -- ALL SAINTS' DAY 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 am.' Sunday School. 11 am. Holy Communion and Sermon. Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.R., Rector: MR. J, F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. • THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA - North StreefUnited Church 10 am. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "OUR CHRISTIAN WiTNESS." Church Parade of The Order of the Eastern Star, Bluewater Chapter, No. 284. Junior Congregation and Nursery, REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A.,i'njster. MR. GEO. • INGHAM, A.R.C.T., Mus: Bac: Music Director. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH "Where you are a stranger only once" 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. All ages. - 11 a.m. "Believers' Baptism." 7 p.m. "Future Bliss,...Eveta Today." REV. EGON VON KEITZ,,„B.A., Minister. MR. CHAS. MERRILL, Organist. FREE. METHODIST CHURCH Cor, Victoria and Park St. REVIVAL CRUSADE Starting This Sunday—Nov. 1-8 • ,i LADIES COMMERCIAL - BOW.UNG LEAGUE '"Flyers and IS -tiffs- are tied for top spot ixj the standing with 32 points each. Rest of standing is: Red- Wings, 30; After You, 25; Go Getters, 17; Dandies, 11. Fran Morris had top single score with 239 and Betty Fisher high triple score witht BLUE -BLOODS° ,Goderich will have one third of a page in the forth'comin'g edition t f the SOcial Register of Canada, according to, the Mon- treal publisher§ of it. They had a quarter page in the first edi- tion. However, this time there will be three 'Hewer names. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ,R. G. MacMIJ..LAlti, MISS B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister. Deaconess. MR. HERMAN DE JQNG, Director of Praise. 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MOANING iiVORSH.IP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) 7 p.;n. EVENiNG WORSHIP. A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT KNOX Sundays 11 a.m; and 7 p.m. Mon. Thru Sat. 7.45 p.m., Monday, Nov. 2--FAMILY,NIGHT. '4.151- M A• Wednesday and Friday, 4.15-5.15 p.m. Children's Rallies. Saturday. Nov 7 at47.45 p.m. ';,SPECIAL YOUTH RALLY. REV. G. W. STEVENS Evangelist From Burlington, Ont. REV. JAMES POYNTER,.- Song -leader, Soloist, and Piano Accordionist, From Cardinal, Ont. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL TO SHARE IN RICH INSPIRATION. Pastor: REV. E. A. COOPER, JA 4-9306. S. S. Supt. MR ELINYN ,JONES, JA 4.8416. Victoria Street United Chtirch "WORSHIP IS MAN AT HIS BEST" 10 a.m. Church School. Adult Class. it a.m. LAYMEN'S SUNDAY. 'Speaker: MR. WILFRED CASLICK, Wingham. 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church after Sunday Scholl.. 3. p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. The Minister:1Rev. S. A. Moots, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett. .11 THE SALVATION ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street lst LIEUT. and MRS. H..CROSSLAND 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m. DIRECTORY and SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 pm. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Tuesday, 8p.m. Mid* Week Meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Home League. You are never a stranger 'at the Army. Goderich Graduate Nurses' Association Modern and QIci-Tirne Dante AT HARBOURLITE' INN Friday, : October 30 Dancing 9-1 Admission $1.00 person • MUSIC BY MELODY MASTERS. Richey, Fay & . Armstrongs Ltd. announce Stocker and Feeder ,Auction at the ONTARIO STOCK YARDS .4. Starting MONDAY, NOV. 2nd, 1959, AT ONE O'CLOCK and every Monday thereafter. ' This sale features Western and local Stocker and Feeder Cattle. Bob Richey will personally Supervise the selling. This is your opportunity to obtain top quality stockers and feeders or dispose of your surplus stock. Consign your. livestock or contact Richey, Fay & Armstrong Ltd LIVESTOCK COMMISSION AGENTS Ontario Stock Yards Toronto • lassified 16. Public Notice HELP' St. John Ambulance Divi- sion to rtes yoo. Tag. ps`,' NOTICE OF COURT OF REVIS- October 31; for, equipment. ION, TOWN OF GODERICH -43 Take notice that the Court of Revision of the Town of Gode- TOWN OF GODERICH rich will hold its first sitting in CLERK'S 'OFFICE the Municipal Offices, Waterloo BY-LAW NO. 30 OF ,-1959 Street, Goderich, for the pur- pose Of hearing appeals against the Assessment Roll of the Town, of Goderich for the year 1959 on Thursday, November 19th, 1959, at 7.15 o'clock in the evening, All parties interested are requested, to attend. S. H. Blake, Town Clerk. Ads A By -Law to Estq Iish an, Area Sub -Division Control in the Town of. Goderich WHEREAS pursuant to the Pro- visions of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 277, Section 24,, • a 'Council may by 'By-law designate axt«warea within the Municipality as an area of sub- division controL AND WHEREAS. it is deemed desirable under the provisions of the PlanningrAct 10 designate late Mrs. A. W. Young wish certain areas within the Town I WILL not be responsible for to thank Dr.' G F. Mills and. of Goderich as areas • of sub- any debts incurred in my nafne nurses and staff at the hos- pital as well as the. neighbors • and friends who sent floral , tributes .or message's -of 'sym- pathy or extended_ kindness in so many ways. -43 18.. Personal E. Cards of Thanko L� COL IfN N,--R'he' reIatives of tyle late *Torpid A. Collinson vlrlsh to thank the-neighbors and frie�,iels who were so- kind to them in their (bereavement; they would like to thank those who sent flowers and mess- ages of sympathy. 43* HA.RTNEY.—Mr. P. rHartney and 'children and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allison and family” would like to„,, extend their heartfelt thanks for the kindness ,shown them; especially Eby the mem- bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary, 'Canadian Legion, Branch 109, :those who offered cars, sent floral tributes or sent mess- ages of sympathy., -43 LIN1N4 TON. — The family of the late Mrs. Charlotte Lining - ton wish to thank: their rela- tives, neighibor•s and friends for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes received during their bereavement; special thanks to Rev. S. A. Moote and those who Ioaned"cars. -43 YOUNG. —. The family of the division control some of which by my wife, Mrs. June Duck - areas are not now sub -divided worth, after this date. and. also certain areas which Harold 'Duckwofth. are now within a registered plan ro• 43 45x of sub -division which, for the purpose of this By-law, shall be deemed not to be a registered plan of sub -division, NOW THEREFORE THE MUNI- CIiPAL COUNCIL OF TILE COR- PORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH ENACTS AS FUL- LOWS•: . 1, TIIAT for the purposes set out in the -preamble all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16.and the unsub- divided part of Lot 19 all in the 'C' Concession of the "Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Lot 2, form- e crly in the Second Concession rf the Township of Goclerich, and those parts of Lots 106, 107, 108 Maitland Concession, formerly in the, Township of Goderich, now in the Town of Goderich, shall, for the 'pun 23, 1959 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl i poses of this Bylaw he. c}esi�' Schilbe,� R.R. 1, Bayfield, a, rated, as~ ar s within the • slaughter, G. Coming Events Municipality of the Town •of , Goderich, as an area of sub ILLIS.—At Alexandra Hospit- .--- _._... T division control. •al, Goderich, ran' October 23, Reserve Friday, November 13 2, PLAT for the purposes set 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. George for, the annual Commencement out in the 'gamble all and Willis, Goderich,' a son, Rob- Exercises at Goderich District, singular Che'followinglots at, ert John: Collegiate Institute. Mr, Justice present within registered' YOUNG. -At Alexandra Hospit- Donnelly will he the guest plans of sub -division shall,. foral, Goderich, cn October 25, speaker. -40tf the purpose of this By-law, be 1859, to.r. and MI's. William Goderich Graduate Nurses'; deemed 'not to be within . a Young (nee Zit Baker), Gode- rich, a son, David Grrard. Association will hold a modern registered plan, of sub -division and old-time dance, Harbourlite and shall be designated, as an Inn, Friday, October 30. Danci• area within the Municipality Ing from 9=1. c by Melody 1 of the Town of Goderich, as B. Deaths ' Masters. Admission '$1.00 per,' an area. of sub -division con, person. 40-42 trol, • and being'. composed 5f YOUNG.—At Alexandra Hospit- - F,IRS'TLY: Lots 1 to 20 both . al, .Goderich, on October 25,, Taylor's -Corner W.A. bazaar, 'inclusive, in Rich's' Survey, •1959, David Gerrard, infant candy, produce, bake sale. Tea' Plan Number 11, Goderich,, son of Mr. and Mrs. William anti salad plate. Saturday, Oe - and all, streets and lanes in Young, Goderich: tuber 31, 2.30 o'clock MacKay said flan; SECONDLY:. Lots Hall, N' -42-43. 1. to 74, both inclusive, in Tilt':s Stirvey, ' Plan Numbei `�. Br1efS "" The •Goderich"Graduate 21, 'Goderich, and all the Nurses' Association will hold their mot-plymeeting in the streets and lanes in said sur Order Shell furnace oil and" "hospital c'fetria Monday Nov- _ • vey; THIRDLY: Lots 1400 to Stove oil from Edward• Fuels, ember 2, at 8.30 p,'rn. The topic •1439, both v inclusive, •in Mc- , speaker, ' Leans Survey, Plan tiumber, tank truck dealer far all Shell of 11rs. Easter guestp Oil Co. products. Phone 98. will he "Hospital of the future." 1.7. Goderich and all streets 39tf P '" and lanes in said, survey; -431 FOURTHLY: Lots 1 to 28, • IN ,A JAM? SEE SAM The Maple Leaf ('hapten, both inclusive, and that part ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP II.O,D,E,, will . meet Tuesday o£ Lot 2, Concession 1, known i evening, November 3, at 8.15. .as 'Salt 'Company Property,' 92 Britannia Rd. E. Welding; evening, at the home of,'11rs. S. C. and all streets and lanes in and soldering, Motorcycle and., ,)nderso St. 'Patrick's St. I3awden's Survey according to hike repairs. . We stock roller; -43 Registered Plan Number- 11, chain's. -39tf l ' for the Township of Goderich. Used chain saws to clear at Goclerich Women's L�stitute, 3, THAT no person shall conveywill meet in MacKay Hall, 1Nov- lands by way of Deed or trans - Service, prices. Thack Sales &I ember 5, 2,30 p.m,' Roll call,' fee on .any sale or enter into Service, 115 St. David`St.-43,1 "Favourite kitchen -gadget." Ad-! an agreement of sale sand "Pur- .Ove h}.li Coal Co., handle Al -gess, ."Spices, their origin and chase or enter into any. agree bcrtalurlhp, T'ocahantas stoker uses." ;431 ment that lias'''the effect of coal, steam Boal, buckwheat, the' granting the use of or right famous Hudson sterling anthra- in the land: directly or'by cite Texaco furnace and stave entitlement, for a period of oil. All ' at reasonable . priceess twenty-one years or more, in Phone JA 4=742.1:-....• . the areas above described in • Paragraphs 1 and 2,, unless (a) The land is more than 'ten" acres in -area; (b) Unless the land is the - whole part remaining to the person of one parcel described' in a'„,egistered .conveyance to 'him; (e) Unless the consent of the Goderich Area Planning Board or the Minister . is given. 4. At least two certified copies of this 'By-law shall be "lodged in the Office of the Minister of Planning and development where they shall lbe.available for public inspection during office hours, ,and a copy of the said By-law shall 'be registered in the (Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Coun= • ty of Huron where it •s•hal] be Remember December, 2, ' for made available to the public Victoria Street United Church as productions_. ladies' bazaar, bake sale and tea, 5. No area designated as an area 43 of sub -division control shall. planning to Decorate? Broad , be” altered or •diss.olvcd with loom, Harding and Barrymore' out the consent of the Min carpet. Expert wall to ,wall in Min- ister, stallation or rug sizes. Complete 6. Every person who contravenes window service, curtains, win - any of the provision'; of this dow shades, venetian blinds," By law shall he guilty of an New drapery samples now show offence and, on summary con- ing. We measure, custom make and install all drapes. Geo'• W. Schaefer & Sons. 12tf Ladies' f1�flnelitte gowns and! pyjamas in a large range of styles, colors .anal patterns at popular prices. House coats, -die •i*g,__..gawns, and—dusters... i n .... different materials, attractive styles and priers at F. E. lib-, bort & Son - -42-431 19. Lost . And Found BROWN and tan wallet lost, initials J.A.H. ,Valuable. Re- ward: Contact Jim Howie, Gode- rich Motel. 43x A. Births, BUSH.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on October 22, 1959, to P/0 and Mrs. Donald Bush, Goderich, a -daughter, Pamela Dawn. MURPHY --- At Union Public F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mac - Adam, ,R.R. 2, Bayfield, wish to announce the 'engagement of their daughter, Pearl 'Harriet, to Mr. Lloyd Hugh Fuller, son of Mr, and Mrs, Austin 'Fuller, Goderich. The marriage •will take place November 28 in Knox 'Mr. and Mrs. William Ellwood -wood Hall, on Saturday, October 31, , dr.y, November 7, commencing Church chapel. . 43x announce the engagement' of i at •1,30 p.m, -431 at 3 p.m.. Home-made baking, their dauaghter, My y cear Jo , to hand knitting, aprons d near - Hospital, on Oc ober 23, 1959, Mr. Davidly-• sold. E. Horton, eldest son' The regular meeting of . St,'ac:w clothes will be 3 44 to Mr. and'Mrs. Joseph of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horton, George's Church WanTan's Guild,' ve„� Murphy, Clinton, a son. i o rtland, , A quiet Novem- Wednesday, November 4, 3 p.m.,' SCHILBE,--At Alexandreto os- bex e g is planned. 43x in Guild' room; 3; pital,' Goderich,.,on October' 1 JOINS SALES STAFF Girl Guides and Brownies an -1 Bill Wilson, former proprie- nuai tea and bake- sale, Knox tor of the Tots and 'Teens shop, Church auditorium, Saturday,' has joined the sales staff of,, October, 31, 2 to 5 p.m. 43x Goderich .: Motors Ltd., Ford- • Edsel-Monarch-Falcon dealer. The t'b S' al -Star hw da3r, Opt. 201#, X .. ... ,.. .. �...... ., .� LAST C • to buy t95$-50 WalIpapers'. at. GradyReducedPricesJ • SALE: ENDS 'NOV'EMBER 7 Many patterns front which to choose. ROOM. LOTS of 1.958-54 Wallpapers Priced To Clear DURING THIS SALE. Over 50 patterns to choose' from. Some pre -pasted. HEIVDERSON"S BOOK STORE Plan to attend the Arthur St. George's Church, ward" Circle ,liazaar and tea at Knox group; rummage sale, in Parish ! Presbyterian Church on Satur- Du nouveauade , Westinghou 1i \M NOUYELL[ REALISATION EN FAIT • LAUNDRQMAT A 2, CYCLES lemmdremat est mei marque dipes6, de Wadi/hose • Programme automatique regi d'avance pour tissue "lavez-et-portez", soles et autres tisSus fins. • • Programme s4parc refile d'avance pour les tisses ordinaires et tres sales. PLJS '• Epargne-Savon-et-Eau-epargne jusqu'A 8 gallons d'eau et la moitie du detergent par brass! • Troia temperatures de lavage ---y compris le • lavage pratique Peau froide! • Ejecteur Automalique de Charpie- se.nettoie tout scull. Ni pieges ni fijtre's a nettoyer! • Porte Prise-Linge-pese votre linge, enesure la +' quantite d'eau qui convient la brasses de linge. • 1'anneaux de porte en couleurs choisissez-et-cliangez-dao& toutes les couleurs et en tons bois pour s'harmoniser votre cuisine. ,.p•• PRIX SPECIAL DE PRESENTATION SEULEMENT facilites de palementl " • `6 D't`,OUIPEMENT DE eUANDERIE Fh �.� i ""^^""t1w.,:M�••�^ M....a r f 1�YA. � 6, .., .v by •. rine r; },. ,� " ✓✓''r �yW,- !'�'+'�^t,,w..�,,.i,,,,w.,,,,.,.,r, .. ., r;:,.•,:.:�!'^^,^w"".�.,,.r.«y,M,r!% ,. v,.y,. A,r„ SECHEUSE ELECTRIQUE ASSORTLE SEULEMENT • 'Quatre temp. raturea de tree hage laver -et -porter., eimplement i1 1 air, chaleur ordinaire et fait& chaleur. Ya S'installe n'i'mporte osi- se brinche sur p'importe quells prise de courant ordinaire. • Courant d'airdirect--20% plus.rapide, 20% plus frais. pout PLUS os SQA E...axl.Lu Westinghouse ACTION DE .�JAME.A,VITESSES _ MULTIPLES assure en lavage 25% plus. propre . , • et plies dour , , , de tout votre Iinga! L'agitateur A vites- ses multiples change constamment de vitesse pour soparer le tinge. et laver chaque'^article uniformdment. :� // 4 EJECTEUR AUTOMATIQUE 'DE CHARPIE -ramasse toute la charpie et la salete. Ni pieges ni filires 5 nettoyer There's a large stock of lamp- shades to suit your EiTery "need et Shctre Appliances. ' Come in and'' "ibok over the interesting variety.' -10tf Switch to Champion Fuel Oil, Cleaner, More heat per gallon. Automatic delivery. Life insur- ed budget. Phone 75 for prompt and 'courteous service. D. J. Allan, Goderich area distributor. -30tf REMEMBER — for building and repairs, call Ideal Construc- tion Co., Goderich. Phone 4487.1 -49tf Chain for chain saws, from $11 up. Thack Sales & Service, 115 St. David St. 1-43 We16IaAHY LangajpWESTINGHOUSE Is Still ,Tops'�� WILF REINHART ELECTRIC viction, shall he liable to a nenalty of not more than $500 00 exclusive of costs, such penalty and costs to be recovered on , the provisions of The Summary Convictions Art. READ---a—first scco11L� ..> I?7i( ,this 2nd day of October=, A D. 1959. (Sod.) Ernie C: Fisher, Mayor. (S,c(1,) 5. TI. Blake, Clerk. Further inform')tinn nn the Ttv-1n * may he obtained from 'he Town Snliriter. Mr, .1. K. TTnnter, or at 'he Town Clerk's ')ruse, 7 Waterloo Street. -43 ,TOW'CCiirrP OF AS.T*IF1T,D DER FNTi fl1 FQ13. S T •Fr^ nn len frnnr wi"1'1'ii' tt> '. -" the rtnrlercinnrrl'"until fi p.m., Mnndav, Novrer'',or 2, 1959. for the nerr`hagr of ap^irreiimately, :1~5 300.00 ifive year del entnres, of 'the Township of Ashfield, bearing i•ntereat"5it 51%, per cent. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk, 43- Kin'tail, Ontario. !e1 NO I D. In 1Ienl9riam '. MOORE.--Tn loving memory of l •a clear wife -and mother, Isa• belle S. Moore, •who e away one year ago, October'I ' 30 1958, ---.Lovingly remembered and ac 1' ,,,,meased ;y,_.,husliancl, Win., oore, sr., Mir `T"a'rr Ir..`' "-' '"x'4';1 - WITIR.--•Tn loving memory of my dear husband, Peter Watt Weir, who passed away Nov ember 2, 11955. --Ever fondly remembered and sadly missed by his wife, Nellie, 43x We H'aveEm! New 1960 Volvos Good Used Cars FIRESTONE a TUBE AND TUBELESS NOW TIRES - for the price of - PLUS YOUR RE-TREADABLE TIRES & W MOTORS' (MacPhee and Watson) FIRESTONE TEXACO PRODUCTS " PHONE JA 4-7212 !Bedroom Suites 1 ONLY — 4 -PIECE BEDROOM SUITE including night table — ribbon spring •arid ,-,,$erta mattress ,— light finish. s199.00 ONLY 1 ONLY — MOCHA FINtH _ BEIRaOQM SUITE With bookfase bed. A saving of $49 is yours. s193oo SALE PRICE 1 ONLY CLEAR -OUT Sale Price 3 -pc. -WALNUT BEDROOM SUITEsl95oo with bar bed. Reg. $220. Save $25 1 ONLY — LIGHT WALNUT BEDROOM :$UITE beautiful waterfall design •- Targe mirror. RE,G. $317 SAVE $64. CLEARING $253.00 BEDROOM SUITE with large dresser. bookcase bed. Regular $251. ' SAVE $52 ' o® CLEARING $199 SERTA MATTRESSES for all the above at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. LOW Special! BUNK BEDS, 39", only $67,4& ' OUR NEW DIAL NUMBER, EFFECTIVE NOV.-11 IS JA '47521 ele