HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-29, Page 2rr, 2 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, Octol,tr 2Dth, 1959 ilt 6abrytril tignal-ttar 4- . The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0— air Established 1948 in iif-1.12th year of publication • Published_ by CV 11.10 Signal -Star Publishing Limited DOWN MEMORY'S LANE 45 Years Ago-1914Iroquois, was tte new account • • ant of the :Bank of Montreal at subscription rates $3.00 a y'ear. To U.S.A.,$4.00 (In advance) • 4, Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. , Member of ,C.W.N.A., 0.W.N.A. and A.B.C. Circulatiott—over 3,300. GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor , and Publisher. THE BLOOD'DONOR, CLINIC Under the column heading -"Our Town Daddies" The Sig- nal reported goings-on at Town Council. Councillor Wigle drew attention ,to the fact that cyclists were ridin& on the sidewalks, therebi endangering pedest- rians. MayeitReid said he would instruct the police to lring all offenders before the magistrate. H. F. Morris reported a sec- ond crop of raspberriet.in his • garden! in Colborne Township. Meanwhile this October, J. W. alkeld was gathering straw- berries from his garden in Goderich Township. "Prospects are bright for some of the young fellows around town to swell the police court receipts," commented The Signal. "Several cases of in- toxication have, been mentioned to us. One gentleman remarked that give' to it.the freight trains entering Although known, as a . Seottish settle-, of more serious surgical and ..medical ment, Godeh has quite a•-- illnesses which require blood transfusions. 4Ienee, the proportionately greater need In fact, when a blood clinic Was held here • of blood for these hospitals. For exam.ple, Goderich were travelling bar last Spring, 'Canadian Red Cross officials many eases from' Coderieh which require rooms."' With the war irrEur,ope con -i proaches ' 1 of the new bridge and the •ap- said.it wits the largest clinic ever held at • transfusionswas estimated at " will be found in London hos- , tinuing, the first Canadian forces ' $100,000. tiny toNvn in Canada in 'rut years. No'w, pitals. Yes, it is true that „city hospitalsoanded at Plymouth, England. A proposal to expand the size donors are being asked to give more blood requite about twenty times as much•bloodikvg.espy was arrested on one of of .Goderich .Public Utilities . - at.a.,elinie here on November -3rd. • .. gy0111, the,. donors 'as do the smaller, Jocal'thetroop ships during,the voyCommission from three mem- bers to five was studied by Town , Isaac Salkeld, of. Goderich ,Council. It is--1...vvorthy.,,,ouse and' Goder,ich and hospitals. But this blood is used for per -1 district residents are anxious to- support sons front the rural seelions just as intichl Township, contribute&the _whole "The 'Inheritance," a play the t oderich. 15 Years Ago -1944'. Two RAF men from Port Al- bert Air Navigation School were killed when their Anson bomber crashed Sunday morning on a farm near St. Helms. ' Assessor Sturdy reported that Goderich's population was 4,625 "—a decrease of 103 from the previous year's figure. A life meMbership in the WO - men's Hospital Auxiliary was presented to Miss Etta Saults in recognition of her long ser- vice in hospital_work in Gode. rieh. • Net proceeds of the Penny Fair held by Abmeek Chapter, LODE, amounted to $518.89. 10 Years Ago --1949 A three-year 'construction pro- ject was completed when the new bridge over the Bayfield River was opened to traffic. Cost' , Ladies Attiree On Meals On 'Time Thirty members of the Gode- rich Women's Institute were guests of the Clinton branch on Thursday last. The meeting was held in the)kins. Two solos •by Mrs. M. Sut DePartment of A g r i c u 1 t u r,e cliffe were much enjoyed. 'The Board room. Ater a short busi- topic for the afternoon, given ness session eendueted„rby the, hY Mrs. Nelson, of Clinton, was president, Mrs. M. Batkin, the on Warne Economics and was iprograin which followed was presented in a pleasing way via supplied by the Goderich ladies. •poster. Mrs. Trick, also of Clin- A duet by Mrs. B. Mills 'and ton read a paper on Health, fea, Mrs. G. Watson, accompanied luring emotional fatigue. by. Mrs. F. Hawkins was follow- The roll call "QualitieS of a ed by a piano. solo by Mrs. Haw- good housewife," was answered ' . . it,,' Ilowever, there are some who are at a loss to understand why so much of the blood , they give gots to city hospitals ratherthan to smaller 'town hospitals. The' explanation is quite •simple. In the "largo city hospitals there is a concentration as it is for pity 'folk. of his season's apple crop to the written by a native of.St. Augus- . 1 t be • Goderichbran•ch of the- Red tine, Harry J. Boy e, was o The slogan' of Hie forthcoming blood, C'ross Society. The society 'plan -1 produced at -the Royal Ontario un - With that thought in mindcloclerieli andl clinic „is ``Your, blood may save a life." i ned to raise 'funds by selling the Museum Theatre, Toronto, un apples for one dollar per barrel, der the auspices of the New , '. 'or '75 cents with your own I Play Society. Rumors of fishy...! coffee prices live up to their past 'word next Tuesday.; 25 Years%Ago-1934 '' had a telling effect on Goderich j A beet grown by Abner Mor- stores on Saturday. As groc- I ris. of Nile, weighed 13 pounds„ eries were purchased for the two ounces. It was really a com-rweek-erld, housewives bought as ibination of 34 separate beifi ets all'ny as three or four pounds crown together, but it had only of coffee to store away. • On district r•residents are being eonntedoi3hrrel. THE COMMUNITY HALLOW E'EN PARTY •You can Count on Quality •Merchandise, to give L4,sting Satisfactioa. 'both humorously and practically. • ione root ustem. Monday, coffee was a' scarce 1 -le the 'first limo. in iborit a dozen, ducted by members of the 11tie Water The new town wer at the article in local shops. ,Town Connc.d and .was firt. hod i„ the old ,Oet-ober 24, and to celebrate. the , %, 1 , • West Street Will:. Later on, the (io)erich event the fire department tried party for the yoinigstr•:, this. 4 1ctoli•cr. , , Plans \\ cr.. nuitlii as 11 11 tor it out last Lions Club took ' over the chore with, ofl the pressure would be ofTected. out the,r apparatus to t ee h&w tu i 11 1 i 1 0 w-t+441,_....W a;, t liar 111)' Go, 1 ritd1 Meni- oire. financial hssistanee from the Town. 4. Fire Chief Beacom was quite orial Arena \you'd not be iivailable for That set-up haP. continvie'd for some Yearststa.1,vith th•e resultg of the, , 511011 a party on S.,:i 1 111''iliy evollith.E. Cljaip„r- ,now. .. , "You need not have any fu: es being made in. the artificial ie( making ' lt will be interesting to see what . differ ture fears as to the status of Maehine at the arena makes that place. tin- poop it makes not 10 have such a towiT the nurses' training school in availald'e this year, the cliiirouto, of tlik,% l'qirty• TM'S F.;ititrda- niht. Will there 1 -14'1. cerned," stated Hon. Dr. J. A. Goderich as far as I am con- .M.0111rial \i 1)1 ;Intl Rr'eition Cominittee mor.e tr(oible from the voling,n,rs or will Faulkner, minister - of public 1 wars there will be tlo 1,)1 g*, • town ILilliCwolon with fimincial assktanee from thelpower house "Came in -on ..... -1:414,,,......4.144414,,44.4.4_ Tb4„1...._4A44.14•41-4,11,-.42-4-1-144-0----144H--- a -4.144i.... .s.s..s.A...41ist about the rie as, health ..in the 'Ontario Govern -1 ,School'Board. is not in favor of haViw, the 'usual . To tills eonneetiont is inte-restingof ,Goderich,Lions Chi-5—an s a to a utheriag ,...„ youngster's use t he auditorium at the to note the decision Of the Town COiincil many other citizens. W. II: school since it -makes so much mess. That at I,istowel, who have staged such a Com-' Robertson, who introduced the leaves no other suitable spot. Si the munity TTalloNye'en party there for some ,local citizen's were disturbed be - speaker, mentioned the fact that party is oft ----for this yeA•r. at least'. yoars. This year they aye railing it off, cause - of a propos,a1 that . the • The bi,,r• Ifallowe ',11 party " fin' , Ho. T1,10 Xeason given is that'"Tt no lOng.er local' hospital be removed from y01111E:stet's Was 'start od (out a dozen years serve4.11is purpose for Whi(.11 it was oriu;in- 44,7 — • 1. , ' schools in tho province. Dr. , the list of nurses' lraining ago with the' ide,11 of keepIng the boys and ill y in emieu-dEt o kvi,p yonngsters off tho, Faulkner gave assurance that • girls off the ,Streets at night., .11' was con- streets on TIanowe'en." the Goderich institution would not he touched, • H. A. Young, who came from' OLINTORT SEA -L- • OF SATISFACTION Vribk L.1.0 '•* DRESSING GOWNS, 4 -14x BOYS' CASHMERE COTTON DRESSINN.GOININS; 6-8 AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE $2.00 each. TS and TEEN OF GODERICH • '''' • • : • • -43 . • All agreed a " good hbusewife should be cheerful disposi- tion in spite - perplexing pro- blems which arise unexpectedlY; be econemical in buying, and an important item—lave meals Pp time. - Mrs. Clairmont, of Gode- rich, expressed thappreciation of the visiting ladies for the i.nvitation. A social half hour and lunch concluded the outing. SORRY, KIDS! The Goderich Lions Club, which, with the financial aid of the Town of Goderich, has annually staged a party for you on Hallowe'en will be unable to do so this year. This is due to the absence of a suitable, place in which to stage the party. The Goderich Arena, where it hag 'been held for some years now, is undergoing repairs -- to its artificial ice making machine and th'e Arena and Recreation Committee gras that because of this the Arena will :not be available Saturday evening. HERB. STOTT, Chairman of Boys and Girls Committee of the Goderich Lions Club. • '•••••••• From •• • • ... .... 1.• ty? • 1)55 • • • • • • • • . . the most advanced • trucks ever offered - -to the buying public! 77;r4k,e; Choose ,from: Clown, Black Cat,, Hobo', Red Riding Hood, Pirate, and many others. Small Medium Large (Fits 4-64 years).. (Fits 4-12' years) (Fits 12-14 years) SIG SWINGS on IR 19(.- 09:- MEAT For the first time . torsion springs on truck' independent front suspensions. .Fot the first time . sturdy, stable coil springs. on truck rear. suspensions. Forthe first time . • variable-rate leaf springs on heavy duty models. -They're all revolutionary firsts for 196Q on the trucks from Opera- tion "High Gear”. . . GMC. And to back up the increased capa- ities, the extra versatility 'of GMC's new suspensions . 1 . more rugged strength than everbeforehaibeen engineered into GMCframes. The restilt? The -most PiOiiesr- sive, most willing, most able trucks on the road. And your GMC dealer ha 's 'ein now. Get the facts . . . get the trucks . . . and get the job done. better, faster, more economically. RUCKS ON bISPLAY AT YOUR GMC DEALER NOWi (tNERAL MOTORS VALUE From 14 -ton to,60-ton...GMC leads the siv-ayl NEW.:• holesome molasses kisses at the lowest prices in years or mix your ign fcTrnoirriani367felrrriblitli"- „ candies from a terrific ,assortment of over 16 \orieties. MOLASSES ASSORTED KISSES'ENGLISH ONLY LULL POUND ' CANDIES • WOOLWORTH'SUMIPPOOMN0, 0,03