HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-22, Page 9•
Mr. Andrew Martin, pieked a
large dishful or ripe straw-
berries today in his garden at
emu mommtie
Samuel de Champlain found-
ed Quebec city in 1804 and died
there on Christmas Dast, 1635;
he was buried within the city's
walls but the exact location of
his grave remains a mystery.
to the fully Modern
Goderich ottling Works
' James A. Bisset, Proprietor
55 Kingston St, Phone 489
Authorized Bottlers W -
4` Cqca-Cola ° * Bisset's Flavored Drinks
Remodelling Program
ompieted At Motel
Keeping pace with„the latest
trends, the -115-unit .Goderich
Motel on Bayfield road ('High-
way 31) has just completed an
extensive remodelling program.
Established fop several years,
this motel has been operated
sincer 441, 1956, by Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ieraels. Under their
ownership, steady improvements
have been made.
With the recent installation
of a new stone ,front and full,
aluminum awnMgs, the 'Gode-
rich Metel is now a showplace
surrounded by, beautiful lawns,
attractive flower beds andshade
trees. It is rated one of the
most modern motels -ill this
Among Top 10
Just this week, word was re-
ceived that the Goderich Moteli
has been rated among the top)
10 in the "Best Landscaped"
Motel In Ontario" competition
far 1959. This competition is
conducted by the Tonrist Guide
Book of Ontario. '
In a letter to, Mr: and Mrs.
Israels, Hugh W. Simpson, edi-
tor of the Tourist Guide Book,
comments: "The improvement
in your exterior appearance due
to the use of flowers, etc., was
most outstanding'
As a result, Goderich -Motel
will receive special recognition
at the Ontario Tourist Courts
Association banquet which is to
be held, in Windscr next month.
There is television in each of
this -moles comfortably heated
units, and breakfastis served to
guests The spacious grounds
with 'picnic tables, lavvii Chairs
and a children's playground,
have proven especially attrac-
tive to tourists,
'Convenient Tor Travellers
And comnierelal travellers
find that the motel is conven-
iently located, as it is only one
mile south of Court House
Square and is within the toWii
When Harry and Lena Israels
Came here from Chatham in
1956, the motel had 10 units.
'Ater, they added five mare
units, bringing the total number
to 15.
.Courtesy and cleanliness are
two of the most important
sentials in successful motel op-
eration, the proprietsars 'believe.
Their aim is to provide"iheir
guekts with the .utinost in corn -
fort—and all rooms in the Gude-
rich 'Motel haste .comfortable
S peed y Sales ,
beds; easy chairnd fullbath-
room facilities.
The motel's hot water heat-
ing system is operated- by a
gas-fired boiler. All of the hot
water used by the motel is also
heated, by gas.
Having had lolig experience
with gassfired heating at Chat-
ham before coining to Goderiell,
the Israels were among the first
cuetomers when the natural gas
pipeI4ne was 'ektelidgd t� this
town, last year. „
New Stone Front •
A new exterior covering of
pre -cast stones provided the
crowning touch to the remodel-
ling program lust completed.
The attractive .alurninum awn-
ings have also been the subject
of much favorable comment.
Mr. and Mrs. Israels have
lengthy bueiness experience and
devote their full time to oper-
ation of the motel. They have
a sbn, Fred, who is in grade' 13
dt Goderich District Collegiate
Institute. Fred has been a
stand -out .Derformer on local
"I sold three used oil space
heaters as a result -Crir a little .
advertisement I had in the
classified's co/limns of The
Signal -Star last week," said
Jerry 'Whaley, •Bayfiel.d road,-
,Gode.rich. "And 1 couldehave
sold three more if I bad had
them," he added, saying he
received as mans). as a dozen,
phone calls within one hour
alone. If youeadvertige what
people are -loqking for, Signal-
. Star classified ads can - get
Every week, there is proof of
this. Learn for yourself. Use
Signal -Star ,classified ads.
minor hockey teams. The Israels
also have a daughter, Lori, who
attends kindergarten.
"We have confidence in the
future of Goderich," says Mr.
Israels, ."There have'been de-
finite signs of the town grow,
ing e especially in the last two
years, and we believe this pro-
gress will continue."
The Goderieh Signa -Star, Thursday, Oct.22ndi 1949
Mgt :RCIPS:Wiid
Driving Near :GDI
,Drirvers who pick girls at
the collegiate, round corners on
two wheels and "go roaring up
South street" got a warning
,from Magistra . Holmes Thurs-
day. *
He impos 'fine of $20 and
costs or 10 days on Robert Rob-
inson, 18, who lost a couple of
girl passengers, the court, was
told, in turning onto Bennett
street September 10. The door
flew open.
"What did you pick up the
girls for?" demanded the magis-
trate. "Too much of that stuff
in this part of the world. I will
not take up your license this
time, but cattle ,before me for
Any infraction of the Highway
Traffic Act on' which you plead
guilty „or are convicted and I
will recommend that your lie -
Goderic •
ease 6 Picked up. J may
ther-iin other than a police— "e"1•`•
getting to be an old .crab, but -
on the other hand 1 have 0404' ••
too much 0! this driVing.
seems to be almost a menage °
"The gay wasels, gq WL
car," suggested Sergeant 4:1. Cale'
'deterrent' said the magistrate.
vert. •
• "The sight of a police car is a
"I am not asking for convictions
against them, but to . deter
them." . •
'Charles Rivett, 22,of Nile,
fell asleep while driving north
on Highway 21 in Stanley Town-
ship, about 5.45 a.m. He and a
passenger were Slightly injure&
and the car was damaged. Rivett
Pleaded guilty to careless' driv-
ing and was requested to con-
tribute $25jand costs.
Thomas D. Culbert, 25, Gode-
rich, pleaded guilty tO driving
while intoxicated, on Highway
21 north ofs Goderich, and re-
ceived the penalties provided by
"Seven days -in jail," said
Magistrate Holmes.„ "The car
will be impounded. Costs to be
paid by him, or another seven
d s in jail. Diiiter's license te
b 'suspended six months.",
Charles 'RearBrooks
auto worker, was involved in
rear -end collision with -another •
southbound car oe Highway 21,
north of Kintai', September 20.
The other vehicle was moving
slowly,- about to onake right-
hand turn. Brooks said he had
been watching northbound cars.
"He had better watch his•
driving a little more," said the
magistrate. '"Twenty dollars and
costs, or 30 days."
He gave a similar warning to
J. V. Whetstone, who pleaded
guilty to careless drivIng. He
struck' the rear left corner of a
leer stopped at the Brucefield
interst:tion, October 4, The fine
was $15's
In connection vth the'driver's
explanation„ thr, magistrate. re-
inadad: "Rulther soles are
pr.etty slippery; they will have
to do sOttlething about that."
N:' C. Petrie, Toronto, de-
eenc1in4 a hill north of Dunlop
September 3, collided with Rob-,
---e-rt—Mrsrall'Ur car, whine—Mr'
Lena and Harry Israel's, Proprietors
Mile:South of Court House on Highway 21 (Bayfield Road
been- making a left turn. Dam -
to the vehicles was „
ated at $500. Mr. -Petrie told
the court he had applied his
brakes, but could not stop in
time, and was unable. to- miss
the other car on account of five
or six coming the other way. He
was given the benefit of the
, doubt, and • a careless driving
charge dismissed.
John H. Torrance drove a
truck through a field of standing
learn on the farm of Jan Koene,,
I near Bayfield.. and in. Magistrate
Holmes' court pleaded guilty to
la charge of wilful damage. ,
"Why did you do it?" he was
."I don't know,"
"Go to •Mr. Keene." the magis-'
rate, instructed; "get a memo
;that you have WI -led- up, and
I come hack next week,"
For Your.
Comfort !
. .
t:et t teeit ;11.":".t";•;:e14.e;:et ea•r•st'iei;::••e
• ,$15 Units
TV in Each Room
Hamburg Man
Heads WOAA
Norman Hill, of New Ham-
burg. was elected president of,
the WOAX., where the 16th
annual meeting ef the organiz-
ation was held at Wingham .on
Wednesday evening of last
• week.
Other officers _ elected were:
Past president, John Bell; first
vice-pres.ctent, J011 Inglis, At.
iwooci; second vice-president,'''
!George Croft, Hanover; third
vice-president, - Glen Johnston,
Gorrie. Executive—John Patter-
son, Seaforth; Douglas Thorn-
dike., Clinton; Jerry Rapier, Car -
;gill. and Donald McLay, Ripley.
i The WO,A.A. again voted to
-affiliate with the OMHA and
OHA. •
Deadline for hockey entries
was set for October, 28, group
meeting for intermediate and
juniors November 4 at Wing -
here and the minor group meet,
ing November 13 at Wingham.
A good 'year, was reported by
treasurer A. J. Lockrid,ge, Wing -
ham Receipts amounted to
$7,389.R9 with., a balance on
hand of $2,618.59. The meeting
was, well attended by represent-
atives from all -Western Ontario
• Single or Double Units
• Comfortably Heated
• Breakfast Served to Guests
• Spacious Grounds
Picnic Tables
Three easy ways,
to pay premiums
with the
• .4
III Children's Playground
your Acadia Agent today!
ALEiAlNibt itt.tHAPM01'.
• Tila canaffian Bank
28 The Square .