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The Exeter Times, 1891-2-5, Page 8
INSURANCE -1-g7 RN Et ST teLLIOT, A.(.114 TVCR TSF WESTERN ASSURANCE COM PANY of Toronto; also for the kli \i5. Flltu ;NHUP.4NCR COMPANY, at Loncdoa; England., the RUYAL t'=A;\AJ?Iati, of Mon- treal, and the ONTARIO Mtl r13AL Zt1FE AbSL :A QCI., CO'Y of Waterloo established iss.nran•esinforce,$15',121'.4e;:, l:or,:ones e.very year after stet year. -THE MART, EXE'TEB, �c pi,, ��,� CW °°off -o 744.74 ." 4=,i 1 ox is «. ?' 540 erfi re, 0 i 1 its feel its sesee,. to make 444 its name valued u itis G one• pleasure To SPEND tithe and au weehere }i nt. ; c • 0 rese cam, l .. 0 bse 0tee i ALI Atitva.c i i \'t' Stook t'f New W jnte , Tweeds Worsteds t1 ed °Prous- ings.I'to:iW beto4 311ow-ri by t'r GRI W4. , BA IT tUP EXETER. Brevities, The municipal eouncil stilt meet on Friday evg next. .,Cry the 2 ply black stocking yarn, best. quality. at the Woollen Mills. The eleetions may interfere with the spring plowing, but we must have them. Fon agood pair o hand made Shoes for ;3:;0, call at J. Trebles, H. L. Billings is at present engaged with a dentist at Ridgetown. " The Exeter Milling elo. shipped two more carloads of flour to Britain last week. Get your stocking yarn at the Woollen Mills. 2 anti $ ply use per lb, If you want a good sett of Harness, 'beep. call at J. Tre&e's. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in the Methodist churches on Sunday evg. last. New store houses are to be built at the rear of the Piekarai Hoek. by'tbeproprie• tor, Mfr 31clbay. Skating on the river at present is geed and daily large numbers participate tae the ttubrious enjoyment. Inion prayer meeting of the too Meth churches and Presbyterian church Kilt be heel in James st church this Thursday erg. The men wbn will complain that a twenty-rninnte sermon is too Roug, will tit half a day watching a couple ;of chess le melting two Hooves, lhuIsts,ii;latsa for tits lrliwdinl being remodeled for Mr l;tl `lpaehmen errtved on Tuesday, aril will lte .put into position at (twee. During the past couple weehs eleesre Verity se 'ons have shipper} several ear leads of their celebratee=l plows to the ;forth -west. There are many of our rarreepoudente from whom we de not hear; ti -e wonla ask aeli try to lee more reuniar with nmunieatione. The+ residence of the lute James Oke was resold on Satur,ley las", and was puro•l:as- eal by Mr Win. Bissett for $410. It is situates}' on Huron st. The new ocean for the Main st Meth. church will he shipped from the mann- fatctCry, Aleutreat, in a few days, when au aunotaneementof the egeuieg will he made. The eantrart for the erc.etfon of ”► John Tte lee's new }sail ling. which is to Ise et. - et by hiss Home bona awaireie+l to ttesara Deer Howard and John ;:bans. The lest editisaas of. the Presbyterian Year Iltetk c tt tains a pattaareanti n Eketell of the life of Bev Dr Lang, e f Pensee. as realeretor t+7 the Preehyterien Oeuvre! '< cnrttineerti of the Safes of Eng land of t linton visited their brethren is Exeter atri Monday evg , After retinue Ituteaees the Exeter brethren otrtertaitied the vis- its;s to a supper at the (trend ere:lal hotel. A pleasant tin:e was sprint. Mr Thos. Hissed is about to enter an aetion against the Western l stir hoard, London, to recover demises for the injitryr ;met tinsel by his statl!tan. through nesetet c'f the. Malagcrx ht leabingob-tr:tt.tions on the week, at the fair last fell. yutnl ey, Mane: tat, will be (sheet Yeti as the tier:tee:tial of eletho'iism in Upper ami Lower Canaeia, and therefore reference t'at it le likely to be made in every eletnauist pulpit of Canaala. One hw aleetl years of the whork of therhnrelt is certainly fruit fat theme. John Wesley died about ten cee.lte k in the tuorni:.g, March 2, 17111. EM,;TEIt L untm Yerae--The untler- signed wishes to inform the public in general that he kelps constantly in stock all lauds of building material, dressed or undressed, pine and hemlock lumber, shingles a specialty. 000,000 e X and X X X, pine and seism Shing'es now in stock A call solicited Anti satisfaction guaranteed. ,IAs, Mmes. A debate took plaea at Eden on Wed- nesday evg last, the subject being : "Re- solved that Intemperance is a greater evil than war." After considerable discussion in white) some strong arguments for and against were advaneed, decision was ren dered in favor of the affirmative. The same subject was debated upon last eve at Sodom, bat as yet we have not learned the result, So far this bas been the finest winter within the recollection of the oldest in- habitant. With just enough snow to cover the ground: well, sleighing for a goodly part of the season has been good, and during the lapse between spells of sleighing the wheeling was excellent and the swamps were frozen, thus permitting easy access to all parts. This information is given for the benefit of the many readers of the Times at a distance. Pupils are reminded that in future there will be but one entrance examination in the year, which will be held is July. Pupils therefore, who are desirous of en- tering the Collegiate Institute to pursue a more advanced course and those especially to whom time is an important considera- tion, should see to it that that they are prepared for the mid summer examination as failure will prevent their entering for a whole year. The use of twine by farmers in binding sheaves of grain is becoming a source of danger to the lives of cattle. Last week two valuable cows belonging to Mr Wm. Mulock, M.P. of Newmarket, died without known cause. On examination, the stomachs of the dead animals were found to be congested with undigested binding twine, and this discovery probably explains the loss of many other animals. Farmers should not allow the twine taken from sheaves at threshing to go to waist among the straw. To introduce the Rev Joseph Parker,. D. D., to readers of sermonic literature is about as superfluous as to Introduce Sir John A. Macdonald to the politicians of this country. The fame of the great Lon- don preacher is world-wide and his ad- mirers a countless host. To accompany him in thought through one of his sermons, is to breathe a purer atmosphere and to look out upon broader and more enchant- ing landscapes. His sermon on "Content- ment," which appears in this issue of TRE TIMES is exceedingly timely, and fairly bristles with new and striking thought. A good joke was innocently played on. several persons who visited the Trivitt Memorial church on Tuesday. In com- pany with a metriber of the church the strangers were first shown to the tower where the chimes are hung, and while being taken through the body of the church, the chimer left, and thinking the visitors had gone, looked the doors. The visitors were there for some time until a passer-by, bearing their implorations for liberty caused their being let free. Several of them were leaving on the next train and had it not been that the train was late they would have been detained in Exeter over night. During the great :30 -days clearing sale new going on at the Rif, Bankrupt Store, you eau save from 25 to 40 per Cent. ou every pureb€tye.. AA good time to buy a web f Factory cotton ; a full x tli a at print's that are cor— ,,. t for the buyer. 'lou melte a serious neitstalte if you don't +leo the value a ul lteady-made Clothing. Tour choice et any quit in the Big Stare for $3,75. You have wen the same Holts !teed for $13 and $11 m the past If you want •ahealeer nada we have them fir yon good wearable Quit for $3 50 ; a pnrte wool enit that was Cc1 50 to Si now for i i5 And Overcoats at such 'startling reductions that ileo plc stand amazed and ask !loll' we do it. Never }hind is long as we give you the goods. A $6 Overcoat for 53. 75, men's size ; cheap ain't; it ? And a $10 coat for $650. These are some of the reductions. t'e -Come out to our Great &lee J. A. STEWART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter. Mfg Sulu gimeo. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 189L LOCAL HAPPENINGS. -- "Ilia First of the Season. The first carnival of the season was elven on the Exeter Ice Rink on Wednes• clay evening, Jan. 28th, and was a decided success. About fifty were in costume and everything passed off very successfully, and much credit is due the proprietors, Messrs Rendle & Davis Bros., for the way they conducted the affair. Below we give the prize winners and a few of the many masqueraders. For ladies' fancy dress were Ida Gould and Saddle Hawkshaw ; .girls' fancy costume. Annie Maud Christie and Maud Hicks; gents' comic costume, Fred Carr and Geo. Hoskin ; boys' comic =costume, Charlie llyndman and Fred Bis eett. Some of those in character costume were Ida Gould, 'Indian Princess'; Saddle Hawkshaw, 'Flower Lady'; Mattie Hawk• ehaw, 'Lady Maid'; Attie Sharon,, 'Star Light'; Susie Weekes, 'Moon Light'; Susie Tait, 'Snow Flake'; Fannie Davis, 'House Gfrl' Ida Carling, -Grandmother'; Mary Sanders, 'Gypsy Queen'; Amelia Oke, 'Sis- ter of Charity'; Maud Christie, 'Shepherd- ess'; Maud Hicks, 'Sunflower'; Mary Cushen, 'Highland Girl'; Gertie Hicks, "Highland Lassie'; 0. Myers, 'Flower cGiri'; Miss Coxsworth,'Bride'• Miss Norris "Night';Miss Hunter, Mary Queen Scots'; Xatie McDonald, " Princess"; Maggie Richardson, 'A Miller's $ride.' Gents tans boys, Fred Carr, 'Clown' ; George Hoskin, 'Colored Dade'; John Bawden, 'Captain Canadian Militia% W. Hawkshaw °Volunteer 33 Company'; H. K Ryndman, 'Volunteer 33 Bt'; Fred McDonell, 'Can• .adian Militia'; Charles McDonell, 'Lawn Tennis Dugal McDougall, 'Piper'; M. IVlee'herson, 'Hanson Athlete'; W Folland, •thiete'; John Johnson, 'Tobogganist'; W Robinson, 'Cowboy'; Frank Oke,'Dudess' G Snell, 'Dudee Bissett, .Dude'; H. 'Bee, 'Henpecked Husband'; Freak Lutz, "'Grandmother'; J. Hyndman, 'Euchre; J. Douglas, 'La'uekre', A Snell,'SwampAngel' 13lssett, 'Too Soon'; John Snell, 'Coon ?Santer'; R. Snell, 'Farmer Boy'; W. aandford,'Blacksmith'; J. Atkinson, 'Tin 'faype Chromo'; E. 'Treble, '.Dude'; Charlie Hyndman,' 'Indian Chief'; Joseph Davis, °Chooley.' The two mile race was won ,y Iviurdock McPherson, of fiensall, 'with .ease, distancing his competitors. The town band was in attendance and enlivened' the proceedings. Conn Wart Attention! A meeting of the Liberal Conservatives of Exeter, will be held in the town hall on Monday evg, Feb'y 9th, at 7.30 sharp, for election .of officers, sereo ion of ielegaMsto attend general party convention, organiza- tion and other buamess. A big attendance regnlested, J. A Romans, Pres. M EAc1 82T, Secy. Beath of Mrs. W. ee.8aneers, There died in Stephen township Satur- day last, Alan, beloved ~vire of 'Jit .W H Sanders, in the 44th year of her age Deceased bad been ill about two weeks of Hood poisoning which developed into in- flarnmatton. Her maiden name was flit: hell, being a daughter of the late ee rn :Mitchell and sister of Mr John Mitchell, of Crediton and Mrs. Wm Dearing. of Stephen. Her detelt is a std loos for the family, leaving ©'even young chi been as well as a husband to sarrive her. The fener 1. which was very h rge':y attended took place on elowlay. her remains being interred iu the Exeter cemetery. emelt tie iii, scan L Corw t3 Meeting. The annual meeting of the South. Huron Loyal Orange Lodge was held in Exeter ou Tuesday There was a large attendance of members every subordinate lodge in the county hero;; represented. The foilowin otHeers were elected for the current year ; County }faster. Bre .l., M Todd ; Deputy Volute Algae er, T,i•m :.liners; Chap tin, 4; Hanley; Treasurer. tine LL teanl; Rec See, J Wells; Fineeeey, Peter Cantelon ; Di- rector eeren.onieS, eeno Se'ar;ett; Lecturer, 1ti Memel lit deeeLecturer, F vis; 2nd slept L1)ecturer, (leo #holey, jr. It was deckled to hold the next annual meet- ing in Exeter. The n;tttter of the 12th. July, celebratiop wee laid over until the scant annual meeting come favoring visiting I.AIt'letn, ethers Stratford. 1'oreonals. Mr R. 11. Archer, who for some time has been manager of the Maisons Bank, here, together with his family left on Saturday erg for New Yak, Mr Archer was an enterprising citizen and we wtah him every success its his new field. Mr iitlreiau, teller, has t.tken Mr Areher'a office under the dem i:tent or Mr Brewer, if Clinton, and on Monday moved into the residence in eeeneetia+n with the lank. Mr Hanlon is a capable person, and will till the position, we ars certain, to the sttisftetiota of the authorities,-- 31r R. H. Brampton, wife and family, left an Saturday evg for Lnektrow,where theg will reside tem a time, Mr B. was an energetic citizen, a jovial fellow, and their mousy friends were sorry to see Diem leave town. The lease of the store had expired, however, and satis- factory arrangementseoulel not be eflfect. eti with the owners. --Mr. McEtty, of Toronto, owner of the Pickard block, 11;13 in town on Saturday, lonestng after hie interest% Ir ie said that he will send ad a man to open a situ goods stork in the premises.—H. L. Billing% spent tits tt!ay in town, --Miss E. R. White, of Lemonvilie, is Outing at Mr J. White's, An exchange of pulpits will be made on Sunday mowing next with the James street Meth church and the Presbyterian church ministers,— Mrs. Collins, of Blenheim, is visiting friends in town.— Mr. A. M. Todd, of the Clinton News Record, gave Tim Tuts a fraternal call and Tuesday,—Mins, Lingham and Miss Bilton, of London, are the guests of Mrs E. J. Spackman.— Rev Mr Robertson, Supt, of Presbyterian missions In Manitoba,is the guest of Rev Martin.—Mrs W. S. Dever, of St Johns ;diel}., wilo bas spent a couple ofmontlis in Exeter the guest of her father, 11Tr John Hawkshaw, returns home to day. Miss Hattie May Hawkshaw will accom- pany her, and remain fir a couple of months. Blankets 1 Blankets! Cheap, at the Woollen Mills. For n good pair of hand made Shoes for $3 50, call at J. Treble's. Horse buyers have been numerous in town lately and have purchased a large number of all kinds of horses at good p rices. Dr C. A. Ingram has bought the county right and guarantees Dental Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Yemen's Patent Valve. What about our monthly horse and cattle fairs ? The season for holding such is at hand. and a move should be made at once to revive this enterprise. Mr L. Hardy, of Exeter, the well-known and reliable bridge builder, has been awarded the contract for building Eadie's bridge, by the Turnberry council, at $820. For two days—Tuesday and Wednesday —the most severe storm of the season visited this section, and' the thermometer went down far below zero, while the snow furnished material for a genuine blizzard The recent thaw and rains, followed by the hard frost of Sunday night, has con- verted the ditches into a veritable skating rink, and the school boys have enjoyed themselves. Mr A. J Rollins, of Exeter, has perches. ed an auctioneer's license for the counties of Huron and Middlesex. Mr Rollins is a practical auctioneer, having conducted sales in this section some years ago, with much acceptance. The young people of the Presbyterian church visited the manse on Wednesday evening and presented Mrs (Rev) Martin, among other things, with a valuable parlor hanging lamp, with china shade and bowl and crystal pendants. At a meeting of the quarterly board of the Main-st Meth church, held Monday night. it was resolved though not by any means unanimously that a call he extended to Rev E. B. Lancely, of Colborne at church, London. We have received the initial number of the Ridgetown Liberal, a paper publisiied in the interests of the Reform party. The publisher is one J. T Mitchell,but whether he is the notorious John Thomas, we can not say however he is of the same name, The Liberal is nicely gotten up, well edited and will fill a lougg-felt want in the journ- alistic field in Ridgetown. The Foresters' concert at Farquhar on Friday eyening Last was a grand success. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather• the attendance was large and fully taxed the capacity of the hall, while the program presented was one of the best ever given to an audience outside the larger towns. Among the participants were the Exeter Glee Club and Orchestra. A contingent of the Exeter h O F Lodge attended. GREAT REDOCTIONS IN PRICES sil:'1tP;t1':l1 11:it1;:t 11,11,1t°1l..if :tLlit?ill :ll:;teit1 ert1 I t s l 1 11 _I Ii _, 1. 4 11 IAlllpt p , ( o be SlaughiereAL Yo have just finished taking stock and flan that we have about $7,999,00 worth too much o hand. , n 1 d. In order to }educe this amount wb will clear all winter goods at and below cost for thirty (30) days. Note carefully the following reductions Ladies' Ulsters, regular price $12.50 for 9 00, Ladies' Ulsters, regular price $12.75 for $9.25, Ladies' Ulsters, regular puce $.40.00 for $ 12:25. Ladies' Dolmans, regular price $18..00 for $13.00.. Ladies' Dolmans, regular price $101.00 for $10.00. Zen's Overcoats, regular price $13 for $10.75. Men's Overcoats, regular price $5.50 for $4.000. 'he above reducltions are only a few samples of what we are doing, and all other winter goods will be sold in same way. We taake a specialty of ZAZICOXSE4. and t e finest class of Jewelery. The rapidly rising value of did- monds make them a most desirable investment. With every diamond sold we give a guarantee to re -pus. chase same at any time --est, five per cent. off price }paid. «'e carry the hapset stock west of :Montreal, as our diamond business extends to all parts of the United States and Oanadu. Goods sent on approbation by express or mail to responsible parties. A. iTORI"HY & CO., Cor. Richmond and })unties Ste., London, Ont. (Fst_tltlished 1854). $2,50 will buy a first the s pair of all weal Blankets at the Woollen Milia. If yon want a good sett of Hassles, cheap, :call at J. Tret.ta s, The afllible manager of the Hay Fire Ins Co, is making a distribution of calendars.. Boy Wsalrnu-~Vitt fair etlueatiou to learn printing. leepiy at once to Talc. Times. elr S. }'arsons, south of Exeter, had a wood bee on Thursday .last, whin+.h wound up with an ol3-fashioned shape -down in the evening. Will eositively cure telt headache sad prevent its return. Cartti's Little Liver Pills, This is not talk but truth, One pill a dose. See ndvertisemeut. Small pill, small dna, -small price, Iu \i'ineham Inat week there were several ordinary boreal sold for $250 each. Of late there have been some splendid sales recorded, Ladies who suffer Pram foul breath, the result of catarrh or colli in. the head can obtaiu speedy relief by the use of Nasal Balm. It never fails. Try it. A. sharp farmer took a load of oats into Gorrie a few days ago aLd disposed of them. The buyer thought there was eomething wrong, and upon examination found that the baga contained four pounds of sand to thebushei. .Tho farmer was only too glad to make amends when notified of the dis- covery. Six months rn Goderioh would about make things even in this wise. No elanow or notnr--1o sane person doubts that what we say of 13 B B is true. The evidence of its power and popularity is too overwhelming to confute, besides it is all home testimony making it certain that 13 B B will cure dyspepsia, biliousness, sink headache, scrofula and all blood diseases. RAMBO'S YELLOW OIL—Thio great in- ternal and external remeds always allays all pain. It is a specific for croup, and prompt- ly cures coughs, Bolds, sore throat, sprains, brursee, barns, rheumatism, cute, wounde, eta. Good for man or beast. Stands all tests,. Sold everywhere. Price 25 tents. Bagyard's Yellow Oil. Bt1.NEEoa' nArrgUEr.—A very pleasant bankers' banquet may produce very unpleas- ant symptos s of dyspepsia, whieb disease is often caused by overloading the stomach with rich food, etc. For years Burdock Blood Bitters has held firet place at home and abroad as a permanent and reliable cure for dyspepsia or indigestion in any form. The proprietors guarantee it to cure dyspepsia or return purchase money. Journalistic Enterprise. The Dominion Illustrated, in its enlarged and improved form, should be a weekly visitor in all Canadian homes, The enterprising pub- lishers, who seek to greatly increase the cirou- lation of their journal, and also to induce their subscribers to cultivate the habit of careful reading. have hit upon a scheme that will bo of mutual benefit. They will, during the next six months, distribute over $3,000 in prizes for answers to questions, the material for which will befound in current numbers of the journal itself. The first prize is $750 in gold. Thera are 100 prizes in alt On receipt of 12 cents in stamps, the publishers (The Sabiston Litho. & Pub. C., Mentreal) will send a sample copy and all particulars. The reputation of "The Do- minion Illustrated" is al ample guarantee hat faith will be kept with subscribers, OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed the warning The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving gee., torun the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never faile. Itch ' t cured in 30 minutes by 'W,00lford s Sanitary Lotion. Sold by`C. Luiz, Children Cry forYitchea''s Castoria VCA11,10'-x. Ale* A CUTTING- TIME : Though our winter's trade has been exceptionally good, and we are not to be tund among the mourners, yet we have a few goods we want to sell, and the sooner they are sold the better we shall feel. We mast begin to plan for our G CAMPAIGN" and want room and money to carry out the plans we formulate. To secure tilese two essentials we shall CUT THE HEADS OFF the prices on our eutire winter stock of FURS, OVERCOATS CAPS GLOVES, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, OVEI1SHOBS, FELT BOUTS, ETO. They must make way for our spring purchases, and now is the titne to tiny these cold winter goods. CARLING BROS. REM OVILL --ON OR ABOUT-- NI:IHCIIIST. Dont Forget This E. J. SPAOKMAN will remove to SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, (one door north of Farmer Bros.' Grocery,) where he will open A NET & COMPLETE STOCli OF « . DRY -GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, ETC. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, ETC. St s �V ■ sriPCIUKIVIAr Fanson's Block, Exeter. to �. Ge 0 TO Goldsmith 't' Hall! �n''OR YOt7RM+• WATCHES,— CLOCKS,— JEWELRY, -- SILVERWARE,— —AND SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED VALUE. eth`"PersonaJattentlon given to repairing of watches,olooks andj ewelry: C. REIC HENBACH OpposstePost "Office PARKHILL CENTRAL• Barber Sho FAN SON' S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Hair elating in the latest Style of the art. Every attention paidto cutting Ladies' nndOhildrens Haar.