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.-8 The- erieh Signal -Star, Thursday, Oct.22rd. 195Q
Auburn News
AUBURiN, Oct,;20.—,Congratu- Miss 'Marg,..iret R. Jackson Visit-
ed last Wednesday with Mrs.
lations tO Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor!
Herbert Mogridge in London
Who celebrated nor 87.th hirtini hospital and found her improv -
day. She is tile daughter of the ling.
late Mr. ancRV1rs. George Rut -j The }Wren Pree'veery You
ledge and was bOrn 'in WestiPeople's Union Alumni of the
Wawanosh. She„attended school United Church pf Canada held
at Ebenezer. Mrs, Taylor was th'eir -annual 'meeting in Knox
married to Mr. Jeremiah Taylor United Church last Saturday
who passed away several yeats!evening, Tlee session coMenethe-
ago, She is a member of the,ed with a banquet in the Sunday
also the Ladies' Guild, and en -ling was enjoyed, led by Mr.
joys needlework' and reading.; Benson Sutter, oi Clinton, with
She has one son, Gordon ,R. Mrs. Elaine McDowell, of Ash -
Taylor, and one daughter, Mrs. field, accompanying, Greetings
Lleyd Raithby, of- London; three , were brought from the' London
grandchildren. and forr great-;Conferenge Alumni by Miss
'grandehildren. ;Ethel Allison, of St. „Thomas.
Guests last Sunday' with Mr.i),(ir. Clare Vincent, of 'Loedes7
arid Mrs. Wes Bradno:k were' boro, president of the Huron
,. Mr. and Mrs. Shearer. Wilson Alumni, was in charge of the
. and Miss DerothrEdgar, of Lon-; busine,ss period and program.
don, Mr. and Mrs. I-16gh Ben.' Mrs. Arnold Alton. the secre-
nett, John, Jill -and -Jim, of Pert' tary, read the' minutes. Mr,
Albert, and Miss Margaret It Douglas May, of Exeter, gave
Jackson. 41111the financial 3t.tement. The
Mrs. Donald Haines is visiting guest speaker, Mr. Allan Nee -
with her father. William Rath- lans, 'of Bluevaie, gave. an ire
bun, at Hillsburg, this week. spiting message un Dedication.
• We. are pleased to report that A hymn -sing followed, led by
Miss Mary Sanderson was able Mr. Benson Sutter, with Mi`ss
Meally united in :marriage Mrs.
to return to her hoine after Margo Grange at the °organ,
several days in Wm...Memorial Mrs. McDowell at th.e piano and Annie Nesbitt and Mr. John Mc-
Nichol, of, Blyth. They were at -
Children's Hospital, &Melon. IRev. R. M. Sweeney with the
• tended by Mr. add Mrs. Donald
the • home. of Miss, Carolyn Clark
with the president, Mr. Bob
Daer, in charge. Prayers were
taken by Miss Shirley Brown,
followed by the Scripture read
by Lawrence Nesbitt. The min-
utes were read by the. secretary,
Miss Shirley Brown. Plans were
made for the fall season and the
young people will be in charge
of the church service on October
25th, Youth Sunday. Rev. Rob-
ert wally 'gave an informative
address on some of the Books
of the Old Testament. A social
time was enjoyed and lunch was
served by Carolyr Clark, assist-
ed by Shirley Brown.
Presbyterian Y.P.S.—The first
meeting of the Knox Presby-
terian Young People was held
in the Sabbath school room of
the church; Rev. D: J. Lane
presided and took charge, of the
election of officers for the com-
ing year. . The • officers are: Pre-
sident, Edgar Ceatherland; vice-
president, Rosa, Youngblut; sec-
retary, Helen Youngblut; treas-
urer, Gordon. Daer; social con-
vener, Kathleen Andrews; de-
votional convener, Marilyn Daer.
Programs, for the coming year
were discussed and business was
dealt with 'for the fall season.
McNichol—Nesbitt,— A quiet
wedding took place in Trinity
Anglican Church, Blyth, on Oc-
tober 17 when Rev. Robert
Messrs. Ralp,h Munro, Robert; violin. The meeting closed with
Phillips, Keith Arthur and Wesl an insPiring devotional period, Crostaphine. Dinner was served
Bradnock made a business trip . in charge of Mrs. Terry Liardj et the home of the bride to ehe I
to Toronto "recently, ' se 'Mee Margaret Holland), of Thed..immediate reletives. by Mrs. R.;
DelegateS to the London Area .fordt, and a much AppreciatedJ. Phillips cind Mrs. Ed. Davies,.
coevention of the ‘Vumen's• In- violin solo was played by .Reve.friends bf the ,bride. On their 1
stitute last week were Mrs. . Mr.' Sweeney. Members ,vereereturn from ',their honeymoon;
Tihomas Heggitt and, Mrs, Wes•peesent from Toronto, Thedfordn they will reside un the grOom's"
Bra•dnock. " St. Thomas and other poiots in fame in Morris Township. - I
Congratulations to Mrs. J. 'C.' Huron .Counon e The fall project of the.4-H'
-Stoltz wlio recently obseeved her • Mrs. Vida ,Straw.—Mrs. Vida; Homeneaking Clut will. be
85th 'birthday., She celebrated. Straw, of Jace.son, Michieann launched soon. Any girl 12-26,
the o.ccasion at her home very died on Sunday, October 178the years of age wishing tu take this.
qeietly and_received many cards Mrs. Strifw was the' elder daugh- project should get in touch with.'
. and messages of cengriAtulations. ter of the Ude .Mr. and Mrs.i the 'leader, Mrs. Keith Maehan
She is enjoyine good health and Robert Slalker, and attended,,,or the assistant, Mrs. Ed. Davies.!
enjoys visitors and friends to ;,chool ;At U.S:S ,No. 5 Hullette'rhe first. Meetine will be'at the!
drop .in to see ,,her and Mr, She lived in Stratford after her home of Mrs. _Davies, Friday 1
Stoltz. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. first marriage 'to Mr, Geonge,evening al. 7.30 p.m•
Eldon Stoltz and son, .Douelae, Fineh who' passed -awaY manye Miss K. :11, Govier. of Toronto, ,
- of Guelph, and Mine Mareuerite years ago, She ' later married' was -the euestelast week of !Miss'
- Chopin, of \Vele-ham. eisited M =turd Straw, who also died' Margaret' R. Jar kson, . I
with them.. e ...nine years ago., She was 76 Mr. and Mrs. 'Arnold Craig
Windsor after eacetionine •with ;my two sons: james Finch,- of; sister, Miss Jean "!Eamilton, at'
, Mr. arid Mrs, Maitland Alien. Detroit; and George Finch, of' oshawa• ' .
. -Mrs. Stanley Johnston is visit- Jackson; .flve grandchildren and! The members of the Walker-
-----e-ereeeeneeeee.ieeteneeee i-1 - meeneeeeseenee_fereaa. lee; -, , ' • -• - burn Club with_ 'Mrs. Andrew
'Mrs. LlOyd .Iole.s,on and family three ,sisters, Mrs, e Maitland ir CO-FITE'', Alf,§-..:-E-cr.---
nd Mr, and Mrs ,Rae Perdue (Belle) Allen, ' Mrs. William je, Mrs... Herbert Gevier, Mrs.. Tho- •
and 'lamely, (Jean) Craig, both Of Auburnemas Haggitt, Mrs. Roy Deer an&
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fox and and Mrs. William (Ethel) Coatee . llseee,Minnie Wagner enjoyed
daughter, Ruth, ef Cayega. Mr. -Of-Flinn Miele The funeral will, the "nee trip to Kitchener where
and Mrs. Gee. Ives end son. Don- be held" on Wednesday at the' they Were take!, el tours .byj
ald Ives. of Go lerieh-Township, Gtenee funeral home with burial, the Chamber of Commeree,eandl e
and Miss Jean ByieL c)f Brussel, in Forest Lawn cemetery, FlinteaPpeared on the Bazaar TV Show II
were. guiees recenlly of Mrs.-ellehigail. (where. some of them were inter-' '
Kenneth Staples ind Limily and BirthdAs4 Celebrated, — Mrs, vicwe ,
'Miss Irene Fox ' (Jordon Powell entertained in! Miss Maryanne Blake return -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott hener of her sistir, Rose ...Marie' ed to her home at Brussels after
were London v,sitors over the I fe gent's 13th birthday. Bingo !visiting with her grandparent's,
week -end, e a Aid games were enjoyed and a , Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirkcon-
Mr, Arthur "range. (if Falcon- large? birthday cake centred the! nell. and family.
bridee, rent ned' to ins position ;able fort the birthday supper.; Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Youngblut
after, a ho icla e eh his wife. The „little guests were Jannett and familY7'of Wbodstack, spent
Mrs. ("rang. uehters. ' D 0 b i e, Margaret. Sanderson,' the holiday with, her sister, Miss
Friends of Mrs. Nelson Hill, Linda Andrews, Barbara Sander.. Minnie Wagner. and other mem-
of!Goderich, will' be pleased to sere Barbara MacKay, Carve bers of her fainily. .
learn thet . she Is reeevering Brown, Randy and Trudy Ma-. Mr. and Mrs. eVilliam Kruse
from an injured heel in Gode- elan and Wayne and, Robert. and daughter, Elilabetin of Kite,
rich hoOpital. . Powell, ,. ..- ' • chener. were • recent visitors
An unieFuel fire tonk piece on Mr. and MN. Ernest. Pattern with his aunt, Mrs. Edgar Law -
the top of a hydro nolo 10 front sow( of Goderich. visited last sem and Mr. Lawson.
of the home ot Mr. end Mrs. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clif- Knox C.G.I.T. —.The girle. of
Geer2,e Lae, lor la:••1 Wednesday. ford Brown and family.' ' •ti.a?. C.G.I.T. met at the home of
- 'Hydro men .wore quickly sum- Mr. and Mrs. Donald' Oldrieve, their leader, Mrs. Wes. Brad-
, moiled , and exlineuished the Jenete-and George, of Torontoe nock':' with 'a full attendence of
blez". Repairs were Tiede to speet last week -end with her all members, •Barbara Sander -
the line. These nas a brief !wows., Mr and Mrs. Charles son. the president.- gave the call
.power cut-off. , Asquith. - to. worshipe Scripture was read
Mr. Ben Hamiltoe visited last Mrs. Martin. of Port Albert:by Rosemerie, Haggitt. Linda
Saturday • in Toronto w i 1 h IS a gueet this week of her Andrews led in prayer._ Min -
friends, ,;i,ler, Mre, William Stewart utes were read by Margaret
• Miss Marie Andrews has eC,. Mr, Duncan MacKay' spent; Haines. Carole. Brown gave the !
cepted a position ,a1 Victoria last Sunday with Mr, and MrSe financial .etatement, The, „girls
.. 'Hospital, London and cothmenct. John Weir and family, of Lon -t decided to send for the UNICEF
--ed as certified eur,e's assistant den. , boxes for,, Hallowe'en to help
on Monday. A.Y.P.A.—The A Y.P.A. of St !the unfortunate girls' in other
Mrs. -Charles Straughan and Mark's Anelican Church met at'', countries, and will ask the pub-
.. e. ------ , lie for donatior.s Co this worth-
, while project. The •offering was
received by Barbare MacKay
and was dedicated by Jannette
Dobie. The Study. book was in-
troduced by Mrs. Bradnock. The!
roll call was answered by sug-I
ClOsing prayer was taken by,
Merilyn Deer. Games and con- i
tests were in charge of Linda!
Kinsmen Club Plans To -Build
Senior Citizens Apartment Bldg
•The Kinsmen Club's senior I Frank Walkom, the committee
cltizens housing committee willl was invited to meet council.
meet with the town council at
the latter's next regular meet-
ing, to discuss the Club's project
for building on the site of the
old hospital ort South street. A
meeting was suggested by John
E. Scott, committee chairman, in
a letter to the elerk.
"It is our club's full inten-
tion," he' wrote, "to go ahead
with this housing scheme. Last
‚spring, at one of the council
meetings, Mr. Worsell (presid-
ent) and myself discussed the
purchase of the land and asked
if council could s:ee its way clear
to make the Kisnmen a grant
toward the venture. This still
holds true.
"We had' hoped to allow the
tenants of the building on the
proposed site to remain as long
as possible and have the Club
credite-d with the rents on the
cost of the land We understand
that all tenants are expected to
be out of the building by the
end of Oetober.
"It is also our understanding
that the Town of Goderich is
intending to demolish the pre.
sent building." .
'On motion of deputy 'reeve
and Mrs. •Frank McCa rt h y,
daughter, Mary, of London, and
Miss Irene McCarthy, •of Detroit,
visited with the Frayne
during the past week.
Sympathy is extended to the
family -id the late Jas Doherty,
who died during' the pak week
iri Goderich hospital. Inter-
ment was in. St. JosePh's ceme-
tery, here.
IVIts. Catherine O'Connor left.
on Sunday to spend the winter
months with her brother, John
McKinnon, and sister, Miss Anne
McKinnon, in Winghatn.
Congratulations.' te - Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Tigert on the birth of
a daughter in Alexandra Hos-
pital, Goderich,- on October 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin
gave 'gone to spend the winter
months with their family in
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Middegaal (nee Yo Van
took place at St, Joseph's
Meadow Brook
extena4 congratu-
lations -to our goOd
neighbor, the
Church here on Safurday, 9cto-
Mrs. Jack K.hiney, ;of Detroit,
is spending a few days at her
home 'hero this week.
Other 'week -end VisitorS to
this. community were Mr. and
Mrs. A. Moran and children„ of
Berry and son, ot Goderich;*Dr.
and Mrs. Wurtiel and family,
Van Osch, of Cornwall.
'Miss Corinne Redmond, of St.
Augustine, is visiting with her
lunt, Mrs. Louis Hogan and
PORTALBERT, Oct. 18. --The
sympathy of the community is
extended to the family of 'Mr.
James Doherty who passed away
at Goderich hospital on Tues-
day, October 13. •
Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Elwyn Petrie
ale visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Coekfield, in Buffalo.
The Ladies' Guild of Christ
Anglican Church held their
monthly meelinx.at the home
of Mrs. Elmer Graham On Wed.:
nesday, October 14. After a
Short business meeting the
afteaboon was spent quilt:nig.
The hostess served a delightful
Taylor s Corner
—A nuMber of the members of
the Forresters of this vicinity,
attendad the churell parade at
the Bennailler United Church
on Sunday after»oon.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Sturdy, -whe
have been visiting at the homes
of Howard and'Reg Sturdy, left
on Monday for Toronto where
they will visit briefly with Mrs.
SturdY',s niece. Then they will
fly from Mallon Airpor( bp Seat-
tle, Wadhington
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clarke,
Varna, visited on 'Sunday with
iMr' Austin Sturdy. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy
and .fanhily, And Mr. Austin
Sturdy visited on Friday even-
ing with ',Mrs. Doug. Robinson
and 'family, of Zurich. Mrs. 'Rob-
inson and family left" Saturday
for Saskatoon to join Mr. Robin-
son who has been transferred,
there by his insurance company.
The anniversary services held
on Sunday were very well at -
,tended at both services. At the
Morning service the Porter's
HiXLchoir led the ' service of
sonT and Rev. Mr. Patrick de-
livered an inspiring sermon. The
evening service was led in song
by their
y�li ld choir. A 0t
Ba a co. so
by Mr. Ted Dunn, and a trio
by the Misses Westlake, Clarke
and- Mr. Dunn, were very much#
enjoyed. ' Rev. Mr. R. Sween ,
of Auburn, give the evening ser-
mon. He also rendered ,a very
lovely violin solo. '
Congratulations to
numBiNG . Phone
and 13,est- w4hes for continuing pro4 s o
We are pleased( to hlave Played a part i3y si4pplying
LUMBER and MILL WORK for the remodelling* program
Dine -in the friendly atmosphere of the 1VIeadow
.Brook Restaurant' Bayfield Moad, 8outh of
Car Hop Service phone 2039
Elgin Avenue East
Phone 782,
to the beautifully remodelled
It is our pleasure to see that the Goderich
Motel's linens are kept sparkling White and fresh.
Riduced services on some routes. •
Obtain your copy from your local agent or driver. '
Kitchener Ontario 42
For Retarded Children
— AT —
'St-. George's Parish Hall
Carrie Jones died last week in!
age and was horn in L011(1011.1
She lived in thie village manyj
years ago when her late hus-,
!minister of the Methodist
;Church in 1906-1910, coming
'here from the Belgrave church.,
They. also livd in Chatham,'
Blenheim, Trenton and Lindsay. i
She had resided in tbuton for;
the past 20 years. One da-ughter,1
Mrs "L. S. (Madeline) Chapple,1
Kingsville, survives, Burial took'
ptace in Maple Leaf cemetery,
pron Supply Limited
GE 2-6305
Special speaker, wbo will also present local
association with its charter, will be:
Tickets, $1.75 each
I)ONNYBROOK, :rct. ,19. ---The
October meeting of the Donny-
hro'ok W:M.S.' and 1✓'adies' A d
was. held Tuesday afternoon at,
the home of Rev. and Mrs. R.
41wceney, of Auburn, with a
good attendance. Mrs. Hilliard,
.1efietson had charge of the
W.M S. meeting and ,peened iL
with the theme "Truth and I
Freedom." Mrs. Wm. Hardy
re d the Script:ire. Mrs, Robert
Chamney gave a reading on
('hristi,an Stewardship, A pleas
ant. part of the program wase
when Mrs: Robert Chamney
who has recently moved • to'
Auburn) was presented with a',
Life Membership Ce -Mica -1.e by
Mrs, Charles Jefferson fr en the
Donnybrook WAS, ladies. AI-
thcu ;h taken cnrnpletely by sur
earai,s A1li.e.e 1R fK rilel IC.R
fitting "reply. Mrs. Stuart Cham-
ney gave a reading, "The Older.
Woman." Mrs. James Leddy
tent( ch' gee of .the study book.
.re 1 educts' Aid m gains* which
followed, Was in charge of. Mrr
F.rneet Snowden. Mrs. Snowde
led in prayer, Lunch was,served
by the hostess, assisted h Mrs.
Harold Woods and Mrs: Ernest
Snowden. Mrs. Jante4 , Leddy
thanked. Mrs. Sweeney on be-
llaifyYc.1htlittgey l,adteg XQt" the, use•
are-proud_that.Miad-rStone WaS SeleCted
to give the crowning touch to this fully modern
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Israels
Applied Stone -by -Stone
Over Any SUrface
N 6 Foundatidn kequire4,
It is our. pleasure to supply the Quality Printing
(business cards, forms, etc.) used by QODERICH
The Signal -Star