HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-22, Page 5FOR A GREENER THUMB By G. MacLeod Ross Canada Deserta? ' monotony of our roads with The subject of trees has been trees. much to the. fore of late, wihich The matter of highway plant - is another way of saying that ing has not gone entirely by the press, whose very existence default. You have only to drive depends on them,has given the from Goderich to London or matterof their peservation edi- from Goderieh to Aanberley to torial treatment. Most recently, see the miserable hostages Princess Alice of Athlone drew,which have been planted and attention to the devastation of then abandoned. Most of them forests where roads have been are, thin and spindly, others constructed. It seems that when have bowed to the winds and. she recalled the Canadian vistas have broken off, either because of 1946 she was shocked by whit their stakes have disintegrated she found in 1959. Nearer home or the fastenings have decayed. there has been a great deal of By and large their condition is road.tvidening and improvement a monument to apathy and neg- in the counties of Huron, Bruce lett. It is no exaggeration to and Middlesex and for that mat- say that the only planting which teff farther afield as- well. Road has been conscientiously main- widening .inevitably means loss tained consists of the trees of trees and the destruction of which have been forcibly denud- the far sightedness of our fore- ed of their branches in exchange bearers when they' broke the for cross bars to support the, ftlamertts of communication and power, Tn ' the absence - of official in formatian 1, to the contrary it seems fair to infer that between .the Department of Lands and Forests on the one 'hand and' the Department of Highways on the other, a great gulf : is fixed when .it comes to aboriculture. The former can point with pride to , severa'l' parks, tree nurseries; and trial plots. But the latter Department seems not to sense any responsibility to replace where it has legitimately had to destroy. That public opinion ex- ists on the subject is • not in doubt. It is merely that being poorly organised 'and paying good money for the responsible stewardship of the aforemen- tioned departments, it is slow to anger. As long ago as Julyj6 th at the Huron, District H5rticultural meeting the Gedea"ich society tabled a resolution calling on the Department of Highways to include, in all..highway projects, the responsibility, not just to replant, brit to continue main- tenance throughout the adoles- cence of the sailings. This re- solution will eventually be laid before the Provincial Conven- tiu'n of the O.H A. in March 1960 and there is little reason to doubt" that it will be unanimous- ly endorsed. But the O.H.A. is the child of still a third depart- ment, that of- Agriculture, so that confusion may 'become worse ,confounded. However, never underestimate the power of a woman. Mrs. Archie Wilkin took our resolutionand has got it unaninfously endorsed by the London Area Convention of the Women's Institute. The W.I. is therefore in a position to fire the sighting rounds at the -De- partment of Highways at once., It would seem that the preserv- ation of trees has historically re- solved itself into a crusade. The first great proponent was John Evelyn in the 17th century. By his writings on reforestation he beautified, the Isles called Bri- tish. Just this year, .bis succes- sor, Richard St, Barbe Baker, the founder of the Society of the Men of the Trees retired. The story of his -fights is well told in- his book: Dance' of the Trees. In the course ,of his life he carried the battle for tree pre- servation to the N.W.T. of Can- to Kenya, to Palestine, the coastal reciWoods of California weresaved by' his ,exertions, to TOWN OF GODERICH RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW No. 19 OF 1958 Property owners and' residents are hereby, ad- visedy'that By -Law Numfber 19 of 1958—(A By -Law to regulate and' restrict the ..use and Iodation ,of buildings and premises, the use of land, the height and bulk of buildings and the occupancy of lots in the Town of Goderieh and for these purposes to - divide the, Town into zones) -has ' been granted temporary approval by the Ontario Municipal Board, and is now in effect. • S. H. BLAKE, 42-43 HALLOWE'EN SETTING AT • ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The October meetilSg of St. Geoatge's Church Woman's Aux- iliary was .held. in the Guild. room with the president, Mrs. H. Tichborne, presiding. Litany rs prayers were led by M. D: J. Allan and Mrs. A. F.- Sturdy read the Scripture. The treasurer, Mrs. Slay, re- quested that all envelopes be paid up for • the year at the November meeting Reports were given bye •Mrs: D. Wilson for the Girls' Auxiliary; Mrs. Jenkins, for Little helpers; Mrs. R. Needham for social ser- vice and'Mrs. Sturdy for cancer. There were, 39 calls made on shut-ins and the hospital. Mrs. 1M " Hunt and Mrs, $. Munday oiiered - to. visit the sick for the coming month. " Miss B. Lauder gave the last chapter of the study book. Arrangements were made for attending the semi-annual at Woodstock and the Fall Deanery at Bayfield. - After the benediction, tea was served by the ...convener,' Mrs: Munday, assisted by Mrs. K. E. Taylor and Miss Lauder. As this is Hallowe'en month,. appropri- ate decorations were attractive- ly arranged DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Oct. 20.- lytrs. at 11 a in. and 7.30 'p.m. Raw. Richard Park, sr., IS a . tiatient in Wingham General' Hospital receiving treatmen+ as a result of a fall from a step just out- side their house. The X-ray re- yealed a broken left wrist and a ,sprained back. We hope she will be able to return home this week., Mr. and 1trs. Bert Badman, Comber, visited., the latter's sister Mrs. Mary Rivett,' and are spending ^ this week with- her sister, Mrs. Roy Black, Lucknow, who is recuperating from an illness. We regret the illness of Mr. Kitchener Finnigan at Goderich hospital. It's not many weeks since' he and his wite and fam- ily moved` to Goderich from here. Erskine Presbyterian Church observed anniversary services last Sunday morning and even- ing. Although the weather was disagreeable, the attendance was good. Rev. Wm. Henderson, Walkerton,- a native of Lucknow, was guest speaker. He is mar- ried to the former Peggy Mc- Donald, daughter of Rev. Chas. McDonald, a former clergyman for many years at Erskine. Rev. Mr. Henderson, in the morning, gave a clear vivid address. Miss Norma Murray accompanied at the organ for the hymns. Guest soloist was Barry McQuillin. At the evening service Misses Mary from his fire and understand Lou McAllister and Betty Black the economic and aesthetic as- pects of trees, you will find it facinatingly related in this book. It would be i'ividious to 'close .this exhortation to battle for our highways vithout mention of our own Champion of the Trees, Dr. Sherwood Fox. Those of you who have found peace of spirit 'and recreation in such areas as. Pinery Park and' Inver- huron Park and who will -find it later in areas still to be taken over, would do well to realize that it was •his acumen, percep- tion, taste and love of nature which did so much to influence the appropriat : authorities to set aside these sanctuaries of the trees for you for all time. Since the birth of Israel as a 'nation, it has attracted nearly a. million immigrants. They have come from 80 different coun- tries, -3b6ut "lisrr frorti •. Orient, half from the ,West.' New Zealand and- his final ef- fort was a project for the re- forestation of the Sahara Desert. If you wish to catch a spark S. A. Pickering, of Mount Forest, is the guest speaker. 'Visiting talent will assist with the music. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Eugene Han- son, of East Tawas, Mich.; are visiting her niece, Mrs. Cecil Blare, and .other relatives Sn the district. Miss Clara Sproul, Stratford, Visited her sisters, Misses Nettle and `Rebina Spy ui. sang duets. . Mrs. Abner Morris .who had been' quite poorly, has recover- ed quite nicel"! and is busy again with h'r braided rug making_ Mrs.. Ivan Rivett was hostess at her home last Friday evening with Mrs. Raymond Finnigan, president of. the Woman's As- sociation, presiding.' Mrs. C. Crozier read the. Scripture. Mrs. Chester Finnigan gave the les- son thought. Mrs. Esther Riv to conducted a .:gelling match. Plans. were mads: for the annual W.M.S. Huron Presbyterial West sectional meetir, r, Friday; Octo- ber 23rd- in the, United Church. It was decided to hold an auc- tion sale the first week in' Nov- ember. The Fall Bally will be held. at Auburn, October 29th. The visiting committee for Nov- ember and December are Mrs. pp--anti-Mrs. Lorne Ivers. Plans were discussed re the church kitchen and'. improve ments are under way. The hos- tesses for lunch were Mrs. Esther Rivett, Mrs. Ross Eedy. Mrs. A. Culbert and 'Mrs, C. Crozier. :vIr. Murray Johnston, employ ed at North Bay, was a week• end visitor With. his parents,t Mr. and 'MPS. Howard Johnston, Murray reported there was three inches of snow and the weather not too nice up there..' Mrs. J. J. Ryan is 'closing her t. home for the .winter rno'nt}ls and' will be witli her daughter. Mrs ' Gordon Kidd, Mr'." Kithi and -family, Islington. '_Mrs. Fled Baechler has red turned Mime af-er a visit t't•ith'i relatives in Dublin. Erskine Prestviterian W.M.S. Thankoffering meeting was held Fridt,y afternoon, Mrs, Rohl McAllister led• and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, was secretary, A don ation• of $5 was made to the 31ind Fund. Mrs Will Reed tla'ycd , the oran tor hymns t'Irs. «'allt.ce 'Wilson •read rticle, Miss Woodruff, dcaeo-' tens of Knox Presbyterian 'unch, Goderieh, was guest SEAMLESS NYLONS First quality plain or mesh. Worth 1.25;pair, BIM SALE , PaICE OBITUARY JOSEIPH H. HARRISON Three Goderich residents, Mrs, George Proctor, Mrs, Ern- est Townsend and Mrs. Lorne Thurlow, were bereaved recent- ly by the death of their brother, Joseph I. Harrison, of Exeter, formerly of Goderieh Township. Deceased was 85 years ()lege and is survived by two 'daugh- ters, Mrs. Joseph (Emily) Oke, of Science Hill. Other sisters surviving age Mrs. Mary Jane Smith, of Ga'nd Bend, Mrs. Wil- liam Scotchmer of Egmondville, and Mrs. Jack Williamson, of Vancouver. The ,funeral service was con- ducted at the Dinney funeral home, Exeter, on Tuesday after- noon with interment in Bayfield cemetery. Mrs. ' Pro&tor learned of the death of her brother-in-law, 'Ilr. Jack Williaamson, at Vancouver, last week. ' MSS OI.'rARA MAY • STOTHRS Following a long illness, a res'iden't of Goderieh for a num- ber of years, Miss Clara May Stothers, died at the Earnshaw Nursing Home, North street, on Sunday last. Deceased was born at Dungannon 72 years ago but to Goderich when' quite young with her parents, the late Mr, Stephen Stothers and Sarah Davidson. "She attended Central Public School and was a member of Knox Presbyterian. Church. Rev. R. G. MacMillan officiated at the funeral service on Tuesdaiy afternoon at Lodge" funeral home with burial in Maitland cemetery. Miss Stothers is survived by a sister, Mrs. Walter Hawthorne and six nephews and two nieces. tier brother, William Stothers, predeceased her several years ago. The six nephews, ' Messrs. Keith Stothers, Charles, Donald, Joh; Robert and Franklin Haw- thorne, were. pallbearers. MRS. F. TOWNSEND Mrs. Fletcher" Townsend, Rat- tenbury street. Clinton, died suddenly in her 73rd year at her home Sunday. Her husband found 'her dead on his return 0 T'he Goderieh Signal -Star, Thursday, Oct. 222nd, 1 i (Vera) Lawrence, .Ilamilton, and Mrs, Jennie Wine._=,dun. The funeral . as held OW. Ball and' Mutch, funeral` kora Clinton; on Tuesday at '2. . . (S.T.), with Rev. '.Grant , officiating. Burial was in 'Mit- .ton cemetery. from church. She was born in Goderieh Township, the former Hattie Trick daughter of th,e late Mr. and Mra. , Levi Trick, Seventeen years ago, after znany year:; of farming tn' T,uckersmith Township, she and her husband moved to Clinton, where s'he was a member of Ontario Street, United Church and its various women's organizations. Surviving besides her hus- band are two sisters, Mrs. Fred Newfoundland, 10th and larest of Canada's ' provirtdes, repre- seats a market f*r mainland estimated at $250,00Q,004 a year. Christmas Shopping? THIS YEAR G,tIVE. SOMETHING LAST1;N .DESIRED PERSONAL A Gift • P . by Robt. J. Nephew 1196 ST. DAVID ,ST. TELEPHONE GODERICH 401 1 NO HIDDEN COSTS AT A&P 'Fill Those .Empty Light Sockets Now and Save! General Electric 25W, 40W, 60W t Reg:.•.bulb 23c — SAVE 7c �`�► • LJGHT BULBS 2bulbs39C s o�`iG` ap BLEND t e t /fA't7f g.,,,'1,10,0,0 ret,. • SPECIAL } • �' � � ®� ►rsur features. Y sP� Heinz Fancy. Quality Reg. 2 tins 310—SAVE 9c / A'FLA.!. JO1ULCE. „-.,420OZtflS53( , • Clark's TOMATO SOUP Monarch.'Regular ' Rubberized heavy ,quilted car coats. Sizes: S -M -L. Ass. colours. Premier Wonder Foam Flake \`‘`•:t: Filled Quilted Pillow. LADIES' JERSEY BRIEFS . Many styles to choose from. Worth up to 69c pair. SALE PRICE 3 Prs 1 .421? TERRY roWELS, Canadian Made sturdy Rath • Towels, Stilpos and solid colours. Sire 20 k 40. 2 for 990 Reg. 4 tins 43c—SAVE 9c 1010—has99c Reg. 2 -lbs 53c -SAVE 11c ARGARINE 41-Ibpkgs95C 1rb t . A Penn Reg. quart 69c -SAVE 4c 1,RE60LAR� 71c I SAVE LIQUID FLOOR WAX =u•,t.65c Ashton Choke Quality Halves APRICOTS•3, Reg., tin 39c—SAVE 17c 28 -oz tins 1 00 • Case of 24 tins $8.00 — SAVE $1.36 A&P Fancy Quality, Whole Reg. 2 tins 35c—SAVE 5c KERNEL CORN 6 14 -oz tins 1 1 1 b.1 'Bakery Feqture: �akecr In A&P's. Own Bakery By Master Bakers • Case,of 24 tins $4.00 — SAVE 20c - Libby's Reg. 2 tins 37c—SAVE 4c SAUERKRAUT 2 28 °z tins 33c A&P Choice Quality, Red • Reg. tin 21c --:SAVE 5c peaker and in her address gave , , n up to 'date report of thel PITTED CHERRIES 5 100 - Each )eaconess Training Sehool, Tor -1 .Case of 24 tins $4.80 — SAVE 24c15 -oz ties da mission, ft-eIds, Mrs. Wallace Vilson and Mrs. Robt. McAllis- Jr sang a duet. Miss Iva Carr ead an article: Mrs. Albert 'aylor and Mrs. L Henry gather-, d the colle-ction. Mrs. Arthur' "Lewart, on behalf of those' pre- ent, thanked Miss ,W.00drAff for ter address. The anxiliarY, has ocial time with tea and refresh - lents was enjoyed. in the "base - tent. Mrs. M., Reed thanked he Erskine Ildies and Miss ' Friends regret the serious ill- ess of Mrs. Robt. J. Durnin at f Irwin, stibtirb of Pittsburg, 'a., arrived Sunday evening to, ._, • , , .. , . ROAST - . ie at her beside. Accompanying po R !ME • RIB EXTRA SHORT CUT JANE PARKER Blueberry Pie Reg 65c SAVE 10c Scipersaight Meat Features ORK L IN SALE! itiBEND - 3 to 31/2,Ib average TENDERLOINEND 3 to 31/2 -lb average 'lora Durnin, Markdale. Miss ;race Crawford, Goderic h, ister of Mrs. Durnin, spent the veek-end at the R. J. Durnin idme returning Sunday after - A large crowd attended a lance reception Ftlday night, n" the Agricultural Hall, held' to lonor the newlyweds, Mr. and 4rs. David Duriisford (formerly ,Iarbara Ann Wilson). Miss Lois Nilson read an address of best vishes to the young couple and Jonald Murray presented them is boarding at the Henry home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Park (nee Petrie) returned home \s, last 'week -end and are gerting settled in their new home ,on the west sside of the village, , Many villagers ,attended Nile anniversary services Sunday, both morning and evening,. Th -e roturn of Rev. Geo, Wall, Qat• sincere messages at both ser- vices and enjoyed orteeting old Mr: and- Mrs, Clifford Webb Jhackleton on Sunday. meeting of Huron Presbyteraiai- s scheduled to meet in the D'un- -.,fannon United Church on .Fri. day .aftertifyon, October 23, at a.m., Miss 'Christina Baxter. of Anci,ola, will speak on "Face the Future." The Dungannon United Church obssrve anniversary services on Sunday, October 2,d, Choice quality Sliced LAMB LIVER Sea Seald HALIBUT FILPTS Sea Seald 16 23c 1 -lb pkg 59C 163,3c 643c 1b69c ib 69c All Good, Smoked Rindless Sea Seald HADDOCK FILLETS .1 -lb Pkg 374 Imported Danish PRODUCE SPECIALS! RAINBOW TROUT latch Frozen Food Features: California Valencia, Never Better, Fancy Grade, A&P Label ORANGES A&P PEAS •312 -oz pkgs 47c York Brand Reg. 2 for 39c—SAVE 10c CCAN2 12 -oz pkgs 29e , On ihp Square Goderich 5 -lb cello bag • OUTSTANDIAS VALUE! A&P INSTANT COFFEE Ontari,o Grown, Finest for Eating, Fancy Grade NOW- APPLES - 19c ba 2 -oz jar 35, 6 -oz jar; 8 5C AY4ILABLE ONLY AT A&P I GA At AttAftlICA PACItIC TEA COMP NT LTD, 'ALL .pructs IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER Kth,