The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-15, Page 6.• •
-Goderich Signaltr, ,Thursday,•Oetobei• 15th, 1959
Wilf Reinhart Says:
"See the
on or off!"
TV for 1960
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ON — it thrills you with the perfect presentation
of your Javorite programs.
OFF — it adds ,the grace and beauty of fine furni-
ture to your home,
• • ,
ELECTRIC Hamilton Street
Auburn News
' AUBURN, Oct: 13—Mr. and Plans were 'corticleted' far the
Mrs. Ben Hamiltan, ,I,obri Ham- bus trip to Kitchener on Octo-
ilton and Mrs. Ray Vignle visit- ber 15th wben the club Will be
ed with friends at Parkhill. 'guests (ri Ithe Chairriser of Com -
Mr. and .Ars. Clayton Robert- nieree and also attend Bazaar on
son and Karen Robertson, of TV. A lunch. was served by
Copper Cliff, and Deuglas Rob-. Mesdames William "Hunking, their meetings. • The meeting
ertson, of ,;surora, spent Thanks- 'Ted Hunking, Joe Hunking and was closed with the benediction
giving with relatives here. James Jackson. , . and a itinch was served by the
George Timm, Miss Erna Mr. ansi Mrs. Norman Towns- -hostesses, Mrs. Howard. Feagarb
Bethke, of 'Gorrie, Peter Bsown, end, of Allston, _spent a few Mrs. Jim -Feagan, Mrs. H. Baer,
of Windsor, Mrs. Harold Allen, days lag._ week visiting -Miss. Mrs. Evelyn Hardy and Mrs.
Mrs. Ken Stowe, of Goderich, Margaret R. Jackson. Chas. Brindley.
and,. -Miss Anne Marshall, of Miss Eleanor Lawson and Mr.
t,ondon, visited with Mr. and Stanley McIntyre, of Dundas,
Mrs. Maitland Allen. spent the week -end with Mr. and
Benmdler :United Church's ,
And WMS Plan Fall 'Activities-
BEN'MILLEtR, Oct. 12. The vitation was received from the
iYoung Adult group of Victoria
October meeting of the Ben -
Street Church to jo n them in
miller W.A. and W.M.S. was
held in the church on October
7th. . Mrs. E. T. Pfrimver, pre-
sident, presided fur thaVALS.
meeting. After devotions, a
short introdustion to the study
book on Africa was given by
Mrs. Pfrimmer„ All ladies of
the churchaserAsssges,ths.atlend
the Thankoff&ing meeting to be
held in the church on Friday
evening, -October 16th, as a spec-
ial speaker is to be present and
other auxiliaries have been in-
viteds-ThesLiterature Secretary,
Mrs. Ben Striffighan, askedmens-
bers to get in touch with her
in regard to subscriptions to the
Missionary Monthly and World
The second Dart of the meet-
ing was turned over to Mrs..1V4i1-
ford Durst, president of the'
W.A. The opening meditation
was read by Mrs. Frank Mc-
Michael, folloWed by the roll
call with each answer. indicat-
ing something for which. the,
member was thankful. The sec- Jafnes McMillan and Sontinued
retaty read the minutes of the to liVe in that district until
last' Meeting which was held the they retired to Goderich 11
night of the W.A. banquet in Years ago. She was a menrber
the Nile Church in September. of Part Albert United Church
The ladies were grateful to the and the W.M.S and the W.A.
Nile ladies for such a splendid of that church.
Surviving besides her husband
and her mother, are two daugh-
tens, 'Mrs. • Lloyd (Dorothy
Jantzi, of Welland, and. Donna,
of Southampton. One grand-
child, Anna May Jantzi; of Wel-
ducted at Lodge funeral home Mrs. X. Ifblinkman, Allan John -
on Friday. afteraoon v.vhen Rev.
Geo. P. Watt, a former pastor,
offi.ciated. Burial was in Dun-
gannon cemetery.. The, pall:bear,
ers were Messrs. Joseph, Roy,,
William and Charles Petrie, Rod-
erick and Penald McKenzie.
Funeral services for Walter
Leo Johnston were held on
October 5 at Westlake funeral
home, Zurich. Mr. Johnston
died on October 2 at, Clinton
Public Hospital folloWing an ill-
ness of three :nonths, part' of
which was spent in Victoria
Hospital London and later at
Mr and Mrs. Ray Perdue and Mrs. Gordon powell, Wayne and Clinton hospital.
family, of Londan, visited with Robert.
He was a son of Mr, and Mrs.
ston, Mr. Gordon Mason, Mr. and
Mrs. .Kenneth McRae, all of
London; Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Rrunskill, of Mossley, and Mrs,
Either Johnston. of Galt; Mr.
and Mrs. Wallet Scott, of Sea -
forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Wild and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Priestap,,of Clinton.
The Florence Pletsch issin
Circle of the Baptist Church be-
gan, their fall season last Thurs-
1VIrs, Stanley Johnston. "4 Miss Mary Sanderson is a On Wednesday night,' October IWilliam H. Johnston, of Bay -
Mr. and Mrs. „Wes Bradnock, patient in War Memorial Child-
ith, Mrs. Janes McMillan died' field, and was born October 23,
Mrs, Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Clif- ren's Hospital, London. We -wish suddenly at her home on Cam- 1915. With the exception, of five
,ford Brown and Carole visited her a speedy.reeovery from her bria road, Goderich. Deceased years Spent in the army, four
in Detroit over the week -end. sickness, , had been in fier usual good of which he was overseas, he
Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross' and health and was retiring for the had lived his entire life in'Stan-
ton, of Granton; , Miss .Elma family) of Oakville, called on night when she suddenly suc- ley Township where he was a
Clark, of L.ondon, visited with friends in ,the village last Sat- cumbed. She was a. daug•hter ,of trucker and a farmer. He was a
Tabb. Mr., an' d Mrs Harry Arthur, and the:late John Petrie and Clinton branch No. 140. In 1946
Mr. arid Mrs Alfred Weston, Judy, Mark and Greg spent the was horn at Spry, near Lion's he was married to Alice Beav-
of - Torpnto; Murray Rollinson, week -end ;with Mr. and 41VIfs. Head, 62 years ago. She moved ers, of Zurich. who.. now sur -
of Goderich; Mr and Mrs. Wil- Ronald Pentland at North Bay.,: with her parents to ,Ashfield vives as well as two daughters,
liani Medd, of Goderich visited Anglican build Meets. -r-- The Township when she was quite Grace and Cheryl, and a son,
with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollin- Guild Of St. Mark's Anglican stating In 1915 she married Danny, all at home; other Astir -
son. Church met at the home of the vivors are his parents and two
Wiliam Stoltz. of, Preston; Ed- president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, brothers, Ford, of Bayfierd, and
ward Stoltz, of New Dundee; Mr. for their October meeting. Mrs. Elmer, of Galt, and a sister, Mrs.
and Mrs. Roy • Stoltz, of Galt, Haggitt opened the meeting. Angus (Audrey) -McRae, of Lon -
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Prayers were taken by Mrs. Clif- don.
Stoltz and Mrs. Chopin. ford Brown. Scripture was read Rev. W. P. Fischer, of Zurich
Mr..„and Mrs. George Gray and by Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Lutheran Church arid Rev. E. J.
family, of Toronto, visited with A Solo was sung by Mrs. Taylor, dinner and also to Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison, of Bayfteld Angli-
MPS. Alfred Nesbit. . accompanied by , Mrs. Robert J. Kalbfleisch from Stratford who can Church, offkiated at the
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Craig, Phillips. The topic was taken told about their tour in Europe funeral services and the pail -
Mrs. George Wilkin and familY, by Mrs. Ed. Davies who gave an while attending a world dental bearers were Messrs. Bert .and
visited with Mr and Mrs. W. S. inspiring Thanksgiving message. cOnvertion in Rome. Melvin Greer, Jos. Wild, Grant
Craig, at -Clinton. Mrs George Schneider gave a A donation of '$35.00 was Turner, Victor Hargreaves and
Mr's. Lewis Ruddy has accept- 'reading. The minutes were read given to United hurch Pro- land, also survives. There are Melvin Graham. The flower-
ed a .position at the home of Dr: , by Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Gordon grams. Members were informed also four brothers, William and bearers were Allan Johnston,
Crawford, Wingham. Taylor gave the financial state- of the completion Of water in- Charles, of Ashfield Township, Kenneth McRae Wm. Wird, Clif-
-Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Keith Arthur ,ment. Plaras INT:e cbmpleted for stallation in the church and Roy, of Port Albert, and Joseph, ford Green. tirtdsay Smith,
and son, Philip Arthur, with 'file churca organ which has were invited to 'see the new cup- of Vienna, and. two sisters, Mrs. George Herd, Leslie.Armstrong,
friends at Toronto, been rePaired; also for the' an- board and sink unit in the kit;
Lorne Toll, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Inual congregational .supper chen. Discussion followed re7.
Toll, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Mc-lwhich will be held in November.
Dougall, Bernice and Allan Mc- i After a successful auction, a garding the fowl supper, An in -
Dougall, with M. and'Yffs. Stew -;lunch was served by Mrs. 1 -lag
, art Toll, of iteckrriari" Cornersai.gitt, asii,sted by Mrs. Clifford
' Mr. and Mrs. William Rollin- I Brown. .
son, of Toronto. Mr. ana Mrs. Truth' and Freedom' was the
Robert Prouse, of .Gederich,With;,theme for the Autumn Thank.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor. . , offering , meeting held in the
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rutledge,' Sunday *school rooin of Knox
of Detroit, with .,./Mr. and Mrs. United Church. Guests were
Fred Wagner. ,-/ present from Ole Lothiesboro
Gerald Uoble of London, 1 walS, Knox Presbyterian W:VIS,
with__Mr. jait.(1..3(1,r's, , W. G. Dobie.ISt. Mark's An lican Guild, and
Mrs. Ray La Vignie, of Wind- the Baptist re . The call to
sor, with Mr. Pild Mrs, Ben.'wOrship was given hy Mrs. liar -
Hamilton. . a
Mrs. William Tani) and Torrance urday. Mrs., John Petrie, of Goderich, member of Canadian Legion,
day evening With a pot -luck buf-
fet supper at the home of Mrs.'
S. Winter. After the Meal, each
member answered the roll call
with a Bible verse on the
Thanksgiving theme.
The president, Mrs. A. Hutch-
inspn, conducted a short busi-
ness .meeting following 'dinner.
The worship service was con-
ducted by the vice-president,
1VIrs. O. Chrysler.,
Case 'Black, of Kitchener, an.d
Mrs. Richard McIntyre, of Nile.
The funeral services were con -
101d •Webster WI.° presided L for
Friends here were sorry to,the meeting. Mrs.- Ernest Dur -
learn of the death of George ;nin welcomed everyone' to the
,Mains, of Blyth a former Hul-I meeting. Mrs. Guy Cunningham
lett resident. . -. ,I gave the devotional message fol -
Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed. Davies, Mr. I lowed by prayer by 'Mrs. -,Wil-
ancl Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and:liam Straughan. . Duets were
James Lawlor, with friends at;sung by,Mrs; George Wilkin and
BehriOirt' on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Worsell, Of Goderich,
Walkerburn Club Meets. ---The,ThankofTering' was reedy -
The Walkerburn Clubheld their ed by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall
October meeting at the home o f land Miss Viola Thompson. Mrs!
Mrs Arie Duizer. The president,'Sweeney introduced the speaker,
Mrs': George Semeider, presid-,Rev. 'Mr. Funge, ot Londesboro.
ed.. Prayer was by. Mrs. Leonard He spoke on the refugee prob-
Archambault and the minutes ,lem in the world today. Mrs.
were read by Mrs. Ted flunking. ',Fred Toll thanked the speaker.
The lucky draw was won by Mrs..1A lunch was served, Over 60
'Lloyd McClinchev. The programlladies were present. ,
ifor the October meeting .will be , Fall Thankoffering.—The an -
in charge of Mrs. Jot Hunking:nual Fall Thankoffering of the
and Mrs. Guy Cunningham. The i wMS was held in the Sabbath
lunch committee will be Mrs. , school room of the church with
1E1liot,t Lapp, Mrs. James Mc -!the first vice-president, Mrs. Wii-
;Dougali, Mrs. Lloyd MeClincheYlfred Sanderson in charge Rev.
I and Mrs. Garth'MeClinchey. The D. J. Lane led in prayer and the
program of coritnsts-and quizzesIscripture was read by Mrs. John
was, conducted oy, Mrs. L. Arch- ' Graham. The meditation was
ambault and Mrs. Percy Vincent. rgiven by Miss Minnie Wagner,
i . . • Mrs. Alvin Leatherland..and Mrs.
--. 4,1<eith Machan, followed by pray -
You're sitting pretty when you're the proud oWner of
a Bern i na Automatic—the, Sewing Marvel of he
Twentieth Century. „So COmpletely, atitotnatie there's .'
little left -for you to do—just touch and SCW. Bernina
er by Mrs. Frank Raithby. A
musical selection was sung by
eight Godeiich ladies, Mrs.
Madeline Edward, Mrs. Avice
Bisset, Mrs. Elizabeth gill, Mrs.
Gertrude Keitting, Mrs. Mary
Henderson, Mrs. Pauline Low-
ery, Mrs. Helen Baxter, Mrs.
Grace Cranston with Mrs. Mar-
ian Mills, pianist. Mrs. Johni
Houston introduced the guest
speaker, Rev. Douglas Black, of
Atwood Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Black was student minister
here about six years ago. Rev.
does zig-zagging, 3 -needle embroidery; blind stitching
'Mr. Black expressed his appreci-
, ation on being back and gave
and. darning. Sews anything from delicate sheers to la very inspiring.anessage, Mrs.
leather without 'annoying adjustmehts.
Bernina models, with lifetitrie guarantee bond, start at
$109,00—pmients as low aZ 52.00 per tr eek, Ask, for a
free borne demonstration NOW at-yourilOcal
The :Vete BERNIN.1
for 1960'
makes button holes
and .setes on buttons
and Wm. Talbot, jr. Those from
a distance attending theiRneral
were 3,1r.,.,anglIja..X. L. Black,
sign field in Angola, which will
be the Circle's study for the'
coming year.
1.Name Canada's oldest ineorp-
orated city.
2. Of the Gseat Lakes, which bas
the largest area in Canada?
3. What is Canada's population
per square mile of area?
4. In indirect taxes will Ottawa
collect this year $400 million.
.$90(1 'million. or. $2 billion?
5. At pid-July, 1959, the number
„ of ,Canadians with jobs was
6,206,000. Was this number
greater or less than one year
ANSWERS: 5, Nearly 200,00
greater;the July, 1959, tot
was a record high. 3. At t
1956 census, 4.53 persOns Per
square mile. 1. St. John, New
Brunswick, incorporated 1785.
4. About $2 billion. 2. Lake
OnlY two of Canada's ten pro -
Mrs. A. Hutchinson. gave an vinces do not border on .salt
interesting outline of the mis- water.
Merry Christmas!
Too Early, You Say?
But riot ,for Photograph
Yes . .nyouowisrthe time to come in and arrange a sitting
Christmas "Gift Portraits"
This will enable us to give your. portraits the "extra"
it takes to do a superior job.
196 it. David St., Goderich. Telephone 401
Ed. Davies thanked' him for his
informative address and Mrs..
Roy Daer presented him with a
gift from the ladies. Mrs. W.
Bradnock gave a reading on
"Thanksgiving." The offering
was received by Mrs. Leather -
land and Mrs. Daer and the
offertory prayer given. by Mrs.
• ;
Miss Mary Helen Yeo spent the
week -end in Dundalk, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murray.
Mr. Jack Norman, University
Of Toronto, spent the week-erra
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wm, Norman.
Miss Frances McCullough,
student nurse at Toronto West-
ern Hospital, spent Thanksgiv-
ing Week -end with her parents,
Mr. ancl, Mrs. Frank McCullough.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo and
family attended thokanniversary
serviceS at Victoria Street Unit-
ed ---1 God erir h,
clay, when when the guest speaker wa§
the Rev, Hugh C. Wilson of
Thames Road United Church.
M. James Corran` who has
been a . patient in the Clinton
Public' Hospital, was moved, last
week, to Westminster Hospital,
Placing a long distance ' call
to Daiwa this week, a Goderich
resident said he wished to speak
to the. `."Chief Electoral Officer,"
Affer some delay, the .operator
said she Was unable ,to locate
such a person. Then, she was
assured that almost anyone at
tawa would know of the "Chief
Mectoral Officlr," Her dirndl'-
, ties were realized later when
,she had been trying all the
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