HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-15, Page 5— • -- • — „ • • •ST. GEORGES CHURCH Oct. 18, St. Luke's 'Day. „ 8.30 a.m. 146.4 Communion. ' 10 am. Sunday Sch00.1. 11 Lin: Holy Communion and Sermon. Junior Congregation and. Nursery, 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETI4 E. TAYLOR, M.A., DA)., Rector: MR. J. F. STEPHEN$, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED -CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church '1410 am.' SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m, "The Sacrament of Failure," 'Junior Congregation and Nursery. REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister. MR. GEO. INGHAM, A.R.C.T., Mus: Bac: Musk Director. Knox Presbyterian Church REV, R. G. MacMILLAN, • MISS. B. J. WOODRUFF, Minister. Deaconess. MR. HERMAN DE JONG, Director of Praise. 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. s„, ,• 11 a.m. "Baptism—its meaning and significance." (The Sacrament of infant baptism). (Nursery and Junior • Congregation.) 7 "The Church Scattered." A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT KNOX Victoria Street United Church 10 a.m. Bible School. Adult Class . - 11 a.m. The Minister: Rev. S. A. Moote. Organist,: ,Mr Frank Bissett. 1.30 p.m. BENMILLER CHURCH and '4 FORESTERS' SERVICE with Male Choir, UNION 41,1.112-Cii after 2 p.m. Sunday School. ..,_.FRE METHDOIST CHIJRCft ELCOMES`YOU. SUNDAY, OCTOEFER 18 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday .School. 11 a.m. "The' Wind Of -Heaven." 7 p.m. ,"The Galilean ,With All Power." . - Wednesday, 8 Pm.—Prayer and Bible Study. REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor. • • .• Classified Ads 16. Public Notice NOTICE s TAKE NOTICE that the Muni- cipal 'Council of the Corporation of the Town. of Goderich intends to pass_ a Ry•law stopping up and- closing Ash i...Lane and the North half of Locust Street, Mc- Lean's SurveY, Plan 17, _Gode- rich, and •that the said Corpor- ation intends to convey the same to the Director, The Veteran's ,Land Act. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the muniCWal council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich will hear, in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent,, any person who ..clainis that his,lands will be prejudici- ally affected by the said by-law, and who applies to be heard, on Friday, October,23, 1959, at 7.30 P.M., in the Town Hall, West street, noderieh. DELIVERED AT GODERICH this 18th day of September, 1959. • .; S. II:1 BLAKE, Clerk. ' Certified a true and correct copy of the OriginarBy-Law.-1 „- S. H. Blake. separate school: • AND WHERE4S for the purpose of the said Board it is requisite that Ash Lane and the north half of Locust Street be closed and the said Goderich Separate School Board have made applic- ation to the CorporatrOn of the Town of Goderich that the same be closed and be 'conveyed 10 the abutting owner. NOW THEREFORE TBE MUNI- CIPAL COUNC.H.POF THE COR- PORATION.OPTHE TOWN OF GODERICA ENACTS AS FOL- LOWS: , 1. THAT Ash Lane, according to Registered Plan Number 17 Or the Town, of Goderich be stopped, up and closed and that'the fee in the same -be conveyed to the Director, The Veteran's Land Act. 2. THAT the north half of Lo- cust Street according to Reg- istered Plan Number 17 for the said Town of Goderich be stopped up and closed and the fee in the same be conveyed to the Director, The Veteran's Land Act. 3. THAT notice of the proposed By-law shall be published once a week for four -s1icessive weeks in the Si newspaper pu Town of God such publica on the 24th 1959, :an shall contain notice of a time and place at which the coun- cil shall hear ,any person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land may be prejudi. BY-LAW NUMBER 27 OF 1959' cially affected by the said by - OF' THE TOWN OF GODERICIII -law., 4. THAT before the said by-law 'comes into force and takes effect notice of the passing of ,thre- said by-law shall be posted in six of the most ptihlie pla'ees in the immediate neighborhood of Ash Vane and Locust Street for a period of one month. M -Star, a 'shed in the ieh,'the first of ions to be made gy of September, that said notice A By-law -to authorize the stopping Up of Ash 'Lane and the North half of Locust Street. in 'McLean's Siirvey, he Plan 17,' GOderich, and con- veying tsame .to The Direc- tor, The Veteran's, Land Act, WHEREAS pursuant ' to the iaowers contained in the Munici- pala first and second time Act, 'R.S.O. 1950, Clfapter;RIAD' 243, Section 469, the Council of; this 18th day of ASeptember, every municipality may pass by -;1•959. las,vs for stopping up or selling ..(Sgcl.) Ernie C. Fisher, Mayor. , all or 'partof any -highway with, S. 11. Blakt,, Clerk. in the liinits of the Corporation.. , • ..4Nn • WT-TgR F.AS .........._40T.E.Rs_L4;sT.„.— Sunicy, registered in the Reg -F TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE istry 'Office for the Registry NOTICE is hereby given that Division of the County of Huron have complied with section 9! as Plan 17 .for the Town of of- the Voters List Act and that; Goderich, Ash Lane and Locust nal,c. posted up at my office. at Street were dedicated as public RR 4, Goderich, on the 14th, - darof Octoberri959the ii'st -AND--.WILF.REAS the • saki.- Ash att'person. entitled to vote-trr' the said municipality at municipal elections and that,such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all v,ot- ers-to take immediate proqed- ing,s• to have any errors or omis- sions corrected according to ilaw, the last day for'appeal,be- pose of erecting thereon a ing October 28, 1959. -38-41 ANSTAY.—Mr. and Mrs, Charles Anstay, Yvonne _ and Mary, wish to thank their relatives, friends and neighbors. for their many acts oVkindness, messages of sympathy and floral tributes in their recent sad bereavement., S pe c i a 1 thanks to Rev. A. E. L'ustace, the pallbearers the Ladies' Legion Auxiliary, those who loaned cars, and the Stiles funeral home 41 BONE.—My sincere thanks to those who sent me flower, cards and gifts, or visited me while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff. Mrs. H. Bone. 41x wish jo thank all my frierrds, neiglrbors and rela- tives for their many acts of kindness, gifts, flowers and cards While I was a patient • • and Mr. Douglas Miles for -act- ing as coaches and ' judges; Mr. George Wraith, for loao of .tractor and plow; also the many parents and friends who assisted in one way or an- other, 41x F. Engagements Mr. • and Mrs. Frank J. Curry wish to announce the engage- .ment of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr Bruno Francis Lapaine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lapame. An early November wedding is planned. -41 G.. Coiiiing Events Fowl supper, Benmiller Unit- ed Church, Wednesday, October 21, 5.30 and 7.00' p.m.; Thurs- day, October 22, 6.00 and 7.30 in the hOspital; special thanks P•m•; $1,50 per plate. Order - to Dr. J. W. Wallace and, his tickets early, limited number Goderich I3ridge Club will re - assistants and .the nurses who available. Contact Norma ‘1,. sume Monday night games at were so kind to me. Razlitt, Carlow 2905, after 5 Mrs. Nicol's apartment, West • Mrs. Thomas`=East,,P•Ol• -39-40 street, at 8 p.m. New members .,„ welcome. 41 A- utumn tea and mammoth McMILLA1( At:: Jas. McMillan bake,sale in St. George's Parish "------N Hall by Margaret .Seager Club, , and family wish to thankl '' those who were so kind and on Wednesday, October 2,8„, 'at. " 40421 iNSI-IFIELD ••,•••,'O• • ,y,"11•••7 , • ' --;;;•;,,; ; ; • ; • •-0' • AU welcome to Laymen's The Goderich Signalaar, Thursday, *October ,45th, 1S• Meeting (ible Study, prayer, hymns) at MacKay. Hall -(north Church neit Sunday because .of BUT Cox, vice-president, took door) every Wednesday at 2.30 Pan. 404, •In. • The W.C.T.U. will meet d.n Tuesday, October 20, at 3 p.m. at the home Of Mrs. Jos. Crans- ton, Bayfield Road. 'Roll Call— Giving Thanks. 41' SAVE YOUR PENNIES now. RIDOK PHARMACY Will be fea- turing the Rexall ONE CENT SALE Oct. 19, thru Oct. 24. -40 The Goderich and District Film Council of the Blue Water Film Federation will hold their next meeting Monday, October 19 at 8 p.m. in the Public Lib- rary. A short business meeting and preview of films. Mr. Ri-E. Taylor, of Hanover. District rep- resentative of 'the National Film Board, will- be present 41 - Lane and Locust ,Street have never been opened. AND 'WHEREAS the- Separate School Board of the Town of Goderich has, made application to The Direetor, The Veteran's Land Act to purchase ,.qertain lots in said 'Plan .17 for the pur- • Goderich Manufacturing Co: Limited is at your service cwith, a. full stock of .FARM BUILDING SUPPLIES . , LUMBER ROOFING FLOORING Planning a new IMPLEMENT SHED or other farm 'building? Come see us for suggestions that may save you time and, money. For Rapid Delivery of ALL Your Building Needs, See Anglesea St, 14111/k-NtfrAt RING CO. LIMITED - Phones: 61, 62 and 6 B. C.- Straughan, Clerk, Township of Colborne. 41- C. Briefs • Order Shell furiiace oil and. stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer' for all Shell; Oil Co., products. Phone .98. -39tf • IN A JAM? SEE SAM ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP 92 Britannia Rd. E. Welding. and soldering. Mot!orcycle and; bike repairs, We stock roller; chains. -89tf I' Planning 'to Decorate? Broad- loom, 1 -larding and Barrymore, !carpet. Expert wall to wall in. Istallation or rug sizes. Complete; 'window* service, curtains, win- dow shades, venetian blinds. New drapery samples now'show- ing. We measure, custom make* and install all drapes. Geo. W. Schaefer & Sons. - -12tf 'There's a large stock of lamp shades to suit your every need at Shore Appliances. Come in and iook over the interesting variety. - -10tf witch. to Champion Fuel•Oil. Cle4.ner, .more heat per gallon. Automatic delivery. Life insur- ed budget.' Phone 75 for prompt and 'Faurteolis service D. J, Allan, Goderich area distributor. -30tf REMEM1tER — for building and repairs, call Ideal Construc- tion Co., Goderich. Ph:One 1487. -49t1 3 P.m. Ripley anniversary serv1ces. charge' of the tePeting, Sunday 'school will be at' 2.30 Patrick led in prayer. The Scrip-,- ture and topic were read Mr. and Mrs Keith Warren, Mrs, Ray Cox. The rell eaU was with children, Patty, Nand. and answered with a "Thanksgiving POnald, of Oakville, visited with Verse." An invitation from the ' their aunt, Mrs. David Mac- Union ladies to attend their • Murchy; on Sunday. meeting this Wednesday ',after- noon •was accepted:—Ousinesr- „ articles were taken care of and • Mrs, Austin, Harris • tool of -the programi During the PciRTER'S HELL, Oct. 13. — afternoon 'a large quilt Was The October meeting of the quilted. Hostess served a lovely Grace Church W.A. was held at lunch. - the home of Mrs. Doug. Mac- There will be no services itt Dougall last Thursday afternoon Grace Church this Sunday on with a good attendance. In the account of the Taylor's Corner absence, -of tilt,. president., Arsanniversary. PORTER'S. HILL thoughtful to them in their, bereavement; they mould alsaI St. George's Evening GuildASIFFIELD, Oct. 13.—Among; ; 0 like to thank those who sent; annual fowl supper, Wednesday.; those home for Thanksgiving flowers, messages of symns-; October 21 at 5 and 6.30 p.m.; were: Mr. Roy , MacKenzie, of - thy or offered cars for .thr' AdmisSion $1.50; children 12 1 Toronto; Miss Margaret Mac - funeral. 41 and under 75c, For ticketdonald, of London; Misses Anna ---;- - .--- Aione 1329. ",- 41! and Charlotte;Mackenzie, of STEVENSON. — The family of 1 . . the late Rev. B. Stevenson; RToronto; Mr. Kenneth ;MacKen-; Reserve Friday, Nov„ember 13,zie, of' Toronto; Mr. - Douglas • gratefully aelchowledge ' the f5r the annual Commencement Farrish, of • the Imperial' Oil kindriess of friends, nurses 'Exercises at .Goderich District ; boats;," Mr. ' and Mrs: George . and staff at the' Alexandra , Collegiate Institute. Mr. -justice Leadbetter and Barbara, of Ton.; Hospital and especially Dr. Donnelly will b°onto• e the guest 1 ' ; Mr. and '.4,Irs, Philip Goucr„of ' . ; W. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. speaker,-40tf G. Emerson and family. They' . ' 1 Batavia, visitei recently . with would like to thank those who! Ruminagesale, by Legion' ;the • latter's 'sister, Mrs. Earl sent flowers including the Ladies' Auxiliary, MacKay Hall, Hes. ; floral tribute sent by the Free, Saturday, -October 11, at 1.30.: . , Mr. James M.:..eRae, of Tor- Methodist Church, 41x•For pick-up, phone 940. • - ... , 410'onto: :and Mr: John MacRae, of G.D.C.I.--The G.II,C. J, Plowing' Goderich , Gr: iduate Nurses' Lne.know„ viited friends here., „ Match Committee would like Association. will hold a modern ' on, Sunda3,.. • . . • to thank the follovinri,- for -alid" o!(1-1 ime dance, Ha rbourlite : ..,, crehse il he no , e hkiTcli ser- contribatting, to \ yards 'the site -Inn, Fridhy, ,Ociober :30. Dae- n '_...1 in.,'Ikslifiel Presbyterian cess of this yor's mat -ch: Mr. inii, from 9-1. ' MiNie by aiielody: Hugh MeCro,;ii.e. for loan of Masters, ' Admission $1,00 per, the field; Mr. 1,'illiam Per4.ie person. -40-42 D. In WieMoriam • DICKINSON.—In loving mem- ory of Kenneth and Elaine, who' passed away October, • 1958. Fond is the clic that was broken Dear are they who pre gone In memory we will always keep • them As 1on s the years roll on—. • The----FalnilY, e SCHULTZ.—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, - Mrs, Ruth Schultz, who enter- ed into rest o'n October 18th, 1958, • God made a wonderful mother, A mother who never grew old; Ire made hrr smile, of sunshine, He molded her heart of pure gold. H -e -made her as nearly an angel As anyone ever could he; • God made a wonderful mother And He gave that dear mother to us. —Lovingly romember'ed and sadly missed by husband James, I. and daughters Ruth, Maud,"Vera InLoNactUntc...1.valnomot...Ittott...,471141 THE SALVATiON ARMY 84 Lighthouse Street 1st LIEUT. and MRS. H. CROSSLAND 11 a.m. HOLINESS MEETING. 2.45 p.m, DIRECTORY and SUNDAY SCHOO• L. 7 pm. .EVANGELISTIC SERVICES. Tuesday, 8p.m. Mid Week Meeting. Wednesday, 3 p.m. ,Home League. You are never a stranger at the Army. -GGDERIC-7-1-FBAPT4S-T-C , "Where you are a stranger only once" 10 am. CHURCH SCHOOL. All -ages. 11 a.m. Mr. J. Rayeove, Woodstock. Formerly Jehovah's Witness. „ MR. CHAS. MERRILL, Organist. E. Cards of 'Thanks • BOWN.—I wish to thank pr. H. Taylor, Dr, J. Leitch, Dr: N., C. .lacksolt, the nurses and the staff of Alexandra 'Hos- pital for their' kindness to' me while 1- was patient there, Reg. 13own. 41x Installation of Officers 1959-60 Visit of D.D.G.M. Bro. Gerald McFalls, He'ion District No. 8 to Huron Lodge No. 62 1.0.0.F;;.Goderich: -41 October 19th, 1959 • MacKAY HALL — 8•12.M. Also — Presentation of 50 year Jewels. FRANK BOWRA, N.G. A111111111111.11M11101.1.1 VOLKSWAGEN , SALES AND 'SERVICE WE INVITE YOU TO SEE AND RIDE IN THE- AMAZING VOLKSWAGEN * Low Initial Cost • , * Low Operating Cost , * Low Depreciation * Nimble In Traffic. . * Volkswagen Means Economy. AliERHARIS GARAGE, -DSt. Andrew's St. .GOERICH . Phone 625 Make the bommuoN VITAMIN' ENRICHED FIVE ROSES ARROW STD. CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN 22:3V FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS • Assoded Colors .2 in pkg. POTATOES 'White Fluffy Cookers' - 50.1 b, bag $11. 3 9 ONTARIO -FANCY GRADE --'EXcetlent for Eating and Cooking 3-3b: Poly Bag 00.1115010tAW...1.14!..14.......1010.4.10410.1..N MONARCH MA RG AIINE VALUES ErYtZtivE IN vey &griffin is GlithAfTEEII, UNTIL CLOSING TIME SATUROAY, OCTOBER 1 71H 7 ".