HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-10-15, Page 3SURE THING it's. going to get CO LD HURON CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Says Pro-CTArou Not. Yet Organize . (By W. E. Elliott) news headings about teen-age As restilt of the petition. -pre- drinking,- pierehase by minors, sented some time ago to the raids on drinking parties and Secretary of State, for repeal so on -all under the LiquOr Con; of the Canada Temperance Act trol Act. The Chatham 1•11ws in Huron, the federal authorities said editorially that Kent county have called a vote for Novem- 'has more bootleggers in.e.ereek her 30. The territory comprises than Huron in a month,' and the Dominion riding of Huroe. that Huron Should not vote out less Hibbert, plus. Wieghade the. Canada Temperance Act Howick and Turpberry. 'under the . delusion that the The chairman of Huron C.T.A. L.C.A. will automatically rid the committee, Frank R. Rowson, of county 6f bootlegging, excessive Wingham, issued in Goderich drinking .and drinking by min - the following statement: ors.' "Insofar as our cernmittee is 'Certain provisions of the cOneerned, information as to the Liquor Control Act complement Vote came from the newspapers. the C.T.A. and .would assist en - It finds supporters of the Act forcement if applied They were without completed organization in fact applicable •at one time, and little time to set one up." but under, 'a former Ontario "There has been some con- Government this valuable aid fusion as to the issue, and some was withdrewn, Effort has been misinformation, so that it is de- made and will be continued to sirable to restate briefly certain have the 'present Premier -of fact. The Canada Temperance Ontario consent to remove this Actis riot prohibition; it per: disability. But even as matters mits the bringipg of liquor into stand,„ the committee feels the county by common carrier strongly that Hurn is best off or by an individual for personal with the Te,meierante Act, rather or family use. It does forbid than the so-called Liquor Con sale or exposure' for sale of any trol Act, with its'provision for intoxicating liquor within the eight different types of sale. county. It discourages drinking by making access to liquor lets convenient, This is important in relation to formation of the habit by 'young "Advocates of Clrf.A. repeal have reiterated that the Act, passed many years ago at Ot- tawa, is 'outmoded.' The implic- ation is that the Liquor Control Act of Ontario is not outmoded, arid somehow desirable.. News- papers N11 over Ontario contain " Canada 'Temperance At Peel, a county somewhat similar , to Huron, and formerly under the CTA., now under the Liquor Contrdi Act has outlets in BraMpton, Bolton, Streetsville and three townships, one of the latter with nine! Some af -these resulted from votes, but a num- ber a beer outlets were bestow- ed without a vote, "Huron has a good record in pronouncements upon restric- tive legislation._ It gave 2,608 majority for the Canada Tem- perance Act in 1914, about 12,000 for the Ontario -Temperance Act (a prohibitory law) on two oc- casions, and When the beer and wine amendments of 1934 were put through' the Legislature. both 'fluron members voted against them; thus representing correctly their constituents." Preliminary steps were taken at a, recent meeting at Wesley- where Mr. Bowra was employed by the Goderich Salt Block for over 30 years. They are both enjoying 'goad, health and are still quite interested in their garden and have a great love for flowers. , • ,t , , _ ••••,, 57"ih WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowra, sr., Wellington street,. celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary by enjoying a family dinner at Lakeview Restaurant on Sunday last. About 29 relatives attend, ed, including .the three sons, Fred, George and Frei*, all of Goderich, and their gamines. and two grandsons, Beverly,, of Brantford, and William and Mrs. Bowra and baby, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bowra were mar, ried in England on October 7, 1902, and came to Canada in 1911 when they Settled in Gode- rich on William street. They have lived here ever ,since Willis Church, Clinton, to set up an organization supPorthig retention of the C.T.A. in Huron'. It will eampeign nder the name of Huron C.T.A. Committee. NEED ANY FIRST AID? The Gederich division of St. John Ambulance Brigade receiv- ed its charter on August 20 and, although not yet fully equipped, "The public will be told that .s prepared and ready to per - numerous liquor outlets would form first aid duty when and where requested. The Goderich division is com- posed of 27 men and women trained in first aid and ready to give their services without charge, where injury or sudden sickness may. occur, such as, hockey games, baseball games, rapes, parades and disasters. This service is provided free of charge but must be requested by the sponsoring organization. Should your ..organization re- quire. these services write or call - John Wilson, divisional superintendent, or John.,Cory, divisional officer, either of whom will make the necessary arrange- ments. The St. John Ambulance Bri- gade is financed by means of an annual budget submitted tfl. efeeemt appeeeeweneeeseeeee. 1450 .giverr-tptheaterceararRe-t--- theC.W.L. Donations were' not 'necessariiy be established here immediately on repeal of the CT.A. The fact is that liquor stores and brewers' ware- houses courd be authorized at once in some municipalities without a vote -and does any; one seriously suggest that they would not? The trade i8,..im- pati ,e to gain thiS territory, now, largely protected the nt by FiLt UP -NOW= with - RMA F11.11. APPROVED ETHYLENE GLYCOL FULL-STRENGTH PERMANENT ANTI -FREEZE PLUS INHIBITORS AND THE EXTRA COOLING SYSTEM. PERMA-FILL is made exclusively.for Canadian Tire by the largest manufacturer of Ethylene glycol Ilcable-Trouble Protection Complete "deep-freeze" protection, plus freedom from rut and power -robbing scale and corrosion. PERMA-FILL gives more bene- ts than you'd expect from any anti -freeze,, thanks to the "built-in" Cooling System Con- ditioner - it lubricates the water pump, is kind to" hose, and ciosl:ets, can't harm the tar finish. PERMA-FILL never needs testing - stays permanently up.to full strength, all winter lona. lowest Cost SAFE Protection "POLAR" Brand )2.A, 9 Gal: 1 OUART - 69 1 915% Ethylene Glycol Equal antifreeze protection to the best known Ibrands selling at much higher prices. Permanent type Ethylene Glycol keeps your, car winter safe and guards the cooling system against Irust aril coriosion. Save safely1 NOD GALLON QUART .78 GODERICH ONT. DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT PAUL. OAPS'S AND HIS ORCHESTRA. ' FRIDAY, OCT. 1d - Monarch Matinee Broadcast `. 3 to 4 p.m, ,over CK. FRIDAY NIGHT SOLD OUT - EVERY WEDNESDAY 7-- -Lions - -- FRIDAY, OCT. 23 - Next Teen -20 Record Dae. Catering to Banquets - Dinner and, Supper Dances: Wedding Receptions. A Specialty. RESERVATIONS PHONE 675 or 419. .4111111111.1.111111111101.1.11.111111. 11- AT THE . PARK PHONE 1150 Now Playing -George Montgomery and Taina EIg, In "WATUSI."-In Color-. Mon., Tues. and Wed. Oct. 19, 20, 21 LANA TURNER, Jeff Chandler and David Farrar In which a girl pilot and two war buddies organize an air transport service and produce an exciting ad: venture .story "THE LADY TAKES A FLYER' Cinernascope and Technicolor Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Oct. 22, 23, 24 -two Action Dramas Steve Cochran, Gale Robbins and Diane Brewster Present a thrilling tale in Cinemascope and Technicolor "QUANTRILL'S RAIDERS" Bill Williams, Dawn, Richard and Anthony Caruso Complete an aCtion-packed twin -feature ,program with 11 "LEGION OF DOOMED Comfng-"THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" In Color:- Adults -75c. Students -60c. - .0•44/•••=mmismuse. THERMOSTATS For faster engine warm-up nd quicker heat from your .cat heater, install .a High.temperature' Thermo- stat Originol,equipmentvrolity „gallows or High Pressure types. Most cars ARM.FREEZE TESTER- HEATER- ROSE- 4..„ duty OADIATORlICSE:- Accurately tests all types of anti.freete per foot 1/2" dlam n11 %" dlam 011 3:." Want .1P Extra service, cut to length or moulded. As low as It. GAS -FLOW- Mixes with .gas to prevent motor sputter and gas line freezing RAD. FLUSH- - Removes rust and scale safely from clogged radiators .57 .19 .35 RAD, SO -)ER- Seals leaks permanentlyprevents a,nttfreeze to , • .33 FAN' BELTS- PreventA engine over?heatIng; riew.car quality. Most cars .92 to 1,75 WATER PUMP EXCHANGELAave up to 40% on retnatitiftiettlVed units, As low' as 4.90 IGNITION SPRAY- Keeps your pqwer' dry; seals Out nipLiture 6 -oz. bomb .85 It TM- 1.• DONATIONS MADE BY OWL The October meeting of St. Peter's Catholic Women's Lea- gue was held at the,home orthe president, Mrs:e-Leo was received from Rev. Fr. Moynahan, whp The Ctoderich $ignal-fitar, Thursday, October '15th, 1059 1 • ; Grade 8 pupils again this year. Dr. Rem ave an informative Mrs. Chas. Gibbons. spiritual account of , he famons men ,of convener, then read about. the Paternal Medicine dating liack life a Mary from the Bible- "to 1816. Mrs, Dorothy gaster Plans were discussed and con, graciously thanked Dr. ROSS ChristmasveierhipFair dr infoper teheembaehrn.uaAl in the The October meeting Wa$ 4e14. Hospital Cafeteria with lunch was served by the social the president, Mr? Jebel String- er, presiding. ,Plans were Coln - committee. pleted" for an old time dance:eta Dinner Held By Graduate' Nurses The fall season for the Gbde- rich Graduate Nurses' Associ- ation opened with the annual dinnerrneeting in September eet the Club Grill. Dr. J. C. Rod', who was introduced by Mrs. James Bisset, was the guest speaker. be held. „Oetabeg„____Thgt__gon„. T efener is Mrs. Hugh Glen; Mrs.oStringer, on behalf of the Nurses' Association, con- gratulated Mrs. Dorothy Easter on her successful completion of _ t h e Hospital Administration 'Course. "The Ifespital of the Future" will be the address 'given by Mrs. Easter at the No.ember meeting. Lunch was served by the soc ial convener, Mrs. Wm, Lumbl, and her committee.' expressed his sincere apprecia- tion for the canvassing 'under- taken' by the League during the recent Dioces_an Campaign. Let- ters 'of thanks were also receiv- ed from Mr. Ben Chisholm, Mr. W: A. Coulthurst and Mrs. Frank Callaghan. Requiem Mas -,es are. to be of- fered in November for both the deceased. members of the Lea- gue and for the fallen service- men of theeparish. Mrs. Con, Baechler and Mrs. James Reynolds .will visit p'at- ients in the hospital this month' and Mrs Ben Johnston and Miss Margaret Evans volunteered for the month of November. It was decided to give a don- ation to the hespital to cover the cost of the tile 'floor recent - headquarters for approval. The 1Y laid in the room furnished THANK YOU and GOOD-BYE ° I would like to expeess my sincere thanks to my customers for their patronage and friends 1 met while in Goderich. -Mrs. Marianne Schmidt 1' CARACAS, VENEZUELA Aven. Prinzipal ,No. 1 Urb. Bolivar Chacao. • -41x --- to the division. This money' is seeVe Fund, .Mercy Shelter, the raised through a national fund raising campaign each SpringDiocesan Scholarship Fund, the . Provincial ursary and Our a Lady's Missi naries. et, It was al moved to give GeneralProency prizes .0 Plowing Champ Is S. C7elly The G.D.C.I. ual -4School 'Ploughing Match waslheld Octo- ber 8th in a field kindly leaned by Mr: Hugh McCrostie, of R.R. 5, Goderich. Proceedings stlirted with a demonstration conducted by Mr. William Perrie, President of the Huron County Ploughing,A.ssoci- anon, showing the" proper me- thod of setting up. a crOwn. The contestants then started proiighing their plots, receiving coaching and advice throughoutl the day from both Mr. }Jerrie 1, and Mr. Douglas Miles, Hurone County -Agriculture Represent- ative. ' - The match 'Was organized by a' committee of students under the direction of Mr. D. S. McKee, teacher of agrictilteure, Prize winners were as follows:, Senior class -1st, Stan Connelly, helper, Harry Brindley; 2nd, Pat Murphy, helper, Rudy Sny- der; 3rd, Charles Wain, helper Clarence Govier, Junior class - 1st, David Orr; .2nd, Barry Mil - Han, helper, William Govier. Stan Connelly and Gerald Walter were delegated to re-» present the school at the Huron ALEXANDER .& CHAPMAN County Ploughing Match to be held' on Saturday. , The Canadian Bank of (N.B.-The above tied for first' Commerce Building place in the count ee match with the Seaforth HS team,) 126 The Square Goderich • 44 On -the -spot 'claims s.eitlement with tho PLAN For more information, call your Acadia Agent today! MEMBER, N s MacEWAN INSURAKE AGENCY YOUR .AGENT OF PERSONAL SERVIcE 0 q. 0 Ot. A $ 6° 44: NORTH ST, PHONE 230 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT • ...YO.UR IIVIONEY ADDS UP FAST 11114 THE CREDIT UNION! how much yO can have gut7r ly IF YOU SAVE $ 1 $ 3. $ 5 $10 THIS per week per week per week per week INCLUD if you save SMALL amdut-os N 5 YEARS YOU'LL HAVE • IN 10 YEARS YOU'LL HAVE $ 282 624. $ 845 $1,873 $1,408 $3,122 $2,816 $6,243 ES ANNUAL INTEREST ON YOUR 'SAVINGS OF 4% THE CURRENT RATE (Figured on minimum monthly balance). With few excptions, your savings. are matched dollar for dollar and in cae of your death or permanent "disability, your loan is -Paid in Fulr.-with insurance provided. by your credit union at no extra charge Goderichi Community • Credit Union 27 SOUTH ST. (In Bedford Hotel Bldg.) PHONE 41184. •• MEMO FROM NECK PHARMACY: R E X 1 c S L L • NEW! AMERICAN BEAUTY COSMETICS BY CARA NOME, • Delightful new rose fragFance • AMERICAN BEAUTY TOILET SOAP 3 cakes in gift box. Reg. 31.75 2 far $1.74 five 41 I, ALL NEXT WEEK AMERICAN ' BEAUTY DUSTING POWDER 4J oz, reg, $2,50 2 for 52.51. AMERICAN BEAUTY MIST ' SACHET 5 oz. reg. $1.75 2 for $1.76 AMERICAN BEAUTY MIST IL. COLOGNE 3 oz., rr 33.75 2 for $3.76 INTERNATIONAL REDIT UN1 WEEK Tremendous Savings on such everyday needs as VITAMINS -- DENTAL CARE AIDS ' - MEDICINE CHEST NEEDS - TOILETRIES - CHRISTMAS , GREETING CARD'S - GIFT WRAPS aild DECORATIONS- FAMILY REMEDIES .=-4 STATIONERY. - Twice As For A REXALL POLYMULSION Orange•flayoreit Ii1oid Obtaining 7 vitamins for infants and young children, 8 oz., regular $3,49, 2 for $3.50 koifpnabpaktpilag,5444.4s.44%544 32 oz., re-gular $a2.1, 2 for $9.26 1 eriny r„. 0 re OCT.10-24 on HUNDREDS of PRODUCTS. RIECK PHARMACY PHONE 939 THE SQUARE NEAR,COLBORNE ST, 4misrirommemokb. arslatisrommommorisimiiimisimsolommilosui. 012 in memory of the birth and purpose of credit unions. um in enlightening our friends and neigh bors about credit union ideals and services RIM and be one of the many millions of people being served by credit unions everywhere NM in celebratirig Credit Union Week JON US! t4is • , _mem prs ip ,, unng c. Ober. r fit GoIerich Community St. Peter's Gocierich Credit Union Credit Union ..„ ee• 4 .05,1i114141,. , •