HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-2-5, Page 6I)R,e IL. GRAHAM
1.98 King Street • West, •
Toronto, Ont.,
TREATS CHRONIC • DISEASES --and gives Special
atter:::' m to SKIN DISEASES, es Pimples, Ulcers, eta.
PRIVATE DISEASES --and Diseases of a Private
Rehire, as Impotency, Sterility, • Vasleocele, • Nervous De-
bility. ete.. hi* result of youthful lolly and ezoess,) Gleet
and Stricture of long standing. . •
rl.rA,SrS OF WO:1IE\—Painful, Profuse or San
russet. Nene teatime Ltioeration, Leueorrbcna, and, al
Office Roues—stem to s p.m, Displacements of the Womb,
suedaes,2 p.m. toap.in.
- 9n Ola Letter.
Darkened and '?tamed is the paper-•
Stained as b; many a tear ;
Faded ar,d dint is the writing
Tr'•':c in:alone-pest year.
Yet oh " how viv idand vital
• Holt bright with love's purest ray
- Is ever- page. of the tetter
'We res a with moist eyes to -day:
As the muerte/cued fruit of the vintage
Lives lathe a i:n
Su tle ti;ul of .ievent%id writer it
,;eveueach eloquent
His robe anti kindly emotione
ate seiathnents tender and true
Are h. -e. likereneembered niusie
thrilled:1s when life wee ew.
ROW sweet are the fond recollect:one
-fee-- faded teatime ixa a eel •
Se the (edger :t„ fragrance
'free . t Eta to a withering r++se.
Yet eve.a. wee a tender steres
Alta: !ens ,-„alaraer gotte. by..
ct t. t,".tamed but to perish
A u l Lisp's that dareeed but to din
Dear tcu nil oe:
You r new likea voice of greeting
Free ,;lme tier sunlit Shore.
Over lr ,I;rye; of sorrow --
Over a ea of gleam
Tlli+ s o t e says" Love Is imutoetal
And lire- beyond, the tomb.
.1 The First Snow.
9 I'm walking to•tlay with memory.
Through the woodliuids wierdand•stif ;
With ghostly shadows around me.
haunting, and strange. and chili.
1 Ominous c oud.s are ga+h'ring
O'er a ghastly, threatening eity ;
And the voice of the wind is grieving
In the treetops bare and high.
And the enamel.; are stilled and sleeping.
And undermF onward treed
The fallen leave,: are:mettle a
And teem the silent dead
Come sealing; ilhentom foutete;is,
many a ruined bower
Antendermy'tie marmite:nes
• Frain many a pate. dead :ewer,
And a subtleeoltg of sniuma e
Of beautiful ee ►a tl.1l.
Of twee a t1 vele...° eeetli a.. rtl ho ea;.
sweet dee-one anti the leer-. we hcd,
And a4 Elwell a the Aug i a, whisper,
Or the Illi',.. r s sure t eilleht •
Or lei a ax eo;/ in the -free -rata b tram
Of the peaceful dreaa: ei night i
And a love thatwa! tit•Inever die.
A radiant. f e1ele e let
That u engine yeatr ce.ini•tt Taco.
An endfe+ss, golden tieen.
e.ncl I rent at will with nlemoey.
ler IA t• resume awl r'pplu;g rias ;
And my heart ie tilled with eceiacy,
;ti 1 eliutb ite.shining tttlIss i
Bur list to the dirgeof the wind
Through the ever deepening giuom;
And 6••e t 'tie falling. e::.: -death V:hlte snow,
Aeraktnin;; my soul toe soot,
'Tis whitening the lonely moarla.nds,
Ana dim forest giallo and tan;
The dreary frit]:, and eilentvales
Where the a u -nn r ,ate 1. oh been,
1 And see! how it twirl,* .-M manes,
Searching ilere'geacrywhera;
And it el -i+t h all ut an ley embrace.
-9ndt!.e ht:ri sines Ow an de-p.a:r•
For tis an we Iry awl desolate.
And my seta:glee army heave with pain;
Audit may he that never for the
Will the mu't'ter timee me again.
J. It. 1 Mem-gees.
all Bowel Troubles, use
Used tett internallyand extensile.
Dares grelehlv.affacliegalmosticstant
relief fromthe severest Fain.
dye per battle.
17CO 11!cR 1LsNM't Lr."+:u:5:«7A:
Ino.eaaee Weight Strengthens Lungs
and dery es.
Price 50e. and $Lail per Bottle.
Winistere and Public. Speakers
Chloramine PastaileS
Fee 'Nearing and Strene;thealn>r the voice
Cate hoarseness and ,Soreness of Throat.
Price eye per battle,
J eeee +1e free on eppileatit;n to Dreseiets.
Is indispensable for the Bath, Toilot or
Nurs srj,for gleaning the Scalp or akin.
{t Price S13e.
Phyfioiane strongly recommend
Wyeth's Malt Extract,
To patients suffering Prom nervous exhaus-
tion; to improve the Appetite, to assist Di-
gastion, a valuable Tonic.
40 Cents per bottle.
The mast satisfactory BLOOD Pt7RIFIER its
ChanninB's Sf rsaparifi a,
It it a s randBEA.LTE RESTORER.
Will e.t.a the worst form of skin disease ; will
Gore lie uumatism ; will cure Salt Rheum.
Largo Bottles, $1.00.
Coupes, neglected Colds Bronchitis, Asthma
and sell diseases of the Lungs.
In t zea sized bottlos 25c, 50; and $1.00.
For Lumbago, Sciatica, " Crick,' Ti; " stitches,'
Rheumatic Pains and Chronic Rlaumatism.
Each plaster in an air.'Viht tin box. 25c,
Proprietors or General Agents
Proprietas y or Pharmaceutical Medicines,
• Toile: Articles and Perfumery.
(TRAan MARa Rac16TeREo.)
Sole Proprietor, H.
tiononeld•S Drug Store, Ext ST.,
TORONTO. The only Remedy which will per-
manentlycure Gonornccea,Meet, and all private
diseases, nomatterhowlon•+standing. Wassong '
and successfully need in ''ronoh and English
hospitals, Two bottles guaranteed to cure the
worst ease.
per bottle.
bottle has
nature on
bel. None
�gvho have
Cher remediescvi 't
bout avail will not be tlisap•
pointed in this. t
Aeontiou this paper.
Price, yi t
my sig -
the la
tried o-
9 Garde "URs
Rubs Eaeyy�
«,C ONE $SEL N. • rite fes, deeeriotive catalogue
oontalpiog testimonials froom8. rods or people who,
t 1 c, sawed Atm 4 to p .graft 'ifally now success.
telly used. Anne,can. be h where there ,s a
Vacfhoyt. A NEW INVENTION for itlirig aaWti, sent trod
with each macbtao; by f s use of tilsatoot everybody
oan file their own saw. .w and do Itbetterthan the
greatest expert eau %.shout 11.: Adapted to all
prOs.>-cut saws. Every one Vile owns a saw should
Gaye one. No duty to Day; we comic ecturolio Osaada. Ask
tour dealer or write HOLDING PAWING .32/1...1'
mem, 808 teptl 8. Oenal St., OGiengo, IAL f
The flaw Iiia Feaalli oil L.
Get a w ;;.;'e on. nay lad.
Pont nal, at .i tuners: pace:
Aon't emit rt, mv;t;n,t r,aii
Don't sit a a ah ib direst,;: face.
Iluatne.iren eel net t' I y ,nr ^a,;ue,
In the Wait cr in Me huell.
11a tit ata
Bustle. rte..:10. hits e. pu-Ii.
Push oat :d» t -demi idly by;
Elbow forward, , pu h and squeeze;
Yoe will get teem ifyen try
Swing your t e•suit .b,auryour!:noes.
llen't lave in a litt:0 e n •
Ilene go lath' ri,. 1. bungee, cold;
1'ifia were made for '-n is a p.m;
\a . e. urn unci tlu •111411 .,e+l,
I)ni t sena; of your -'a u: aw rooves
If t :c+.. ,i tveaYt go with you,
I.t t at n al, in its oltl grooves •
:ones, r cm; n t; try a s :--i'iing new.
Cit r "' .' e .I
',eel. my 'id
in pier tall.:
For the Wonderful Success
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the Most Popular and
Most Extensively Sold
Medicine in America.
gHood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
medicinal merit, labicil it positively
demonstrates when fairly tried.
It is most economical, being the
only medicine of which " roo
Doses One Dollar" can truly be said.
It is prepared by a Combination,
Proportion and Process Peculiar to
Itself, unknown to other preparations,
and by which all the medicinal value of
the various ingredients is secured.
A It effects remarkable cures where
al` other medicines have utterly failed
to do any good whatever.
It is a modern medicine, originated
by experienced pharmacists, and
still carefully prepared under their per-
sonal supervision.
aIt is clean, clear and beautiful in
appearance, ]Ilaasant to take, and
always of equal strength.
myIt has proven itself to be positively
the best remedy for scrofula and all
blood disorders, and the best tonic for
that tired feeling, loss of appetite and
general debility.
gy It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia,
V8 sick headache, biliousness, catarrh,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid-
neys and liver•
gsk It has a good name at home, there
being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made,
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
Its advertising is unique, original,
honest, and thoroughly backed up
by the medicine itself.
A -Point for You. -
If you want a blood purifier or
strengthening medicine, you should get
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla,
-and insist upon having it. Do not let
any argument or persuasion influence
you to buy what you do not want. Be
sure to get the ideal medicine, -
H od s
Sold by all druggists, $1; six for $5. Prepared only
by 0. T. 5500D & 00,, Apothecaries, Lowell, Stead.
100 Dotes Ono Dollar
A millers' trust is forming in the north of
England with a capital of over two millions
Cluny Macpherson of Cluny Macpherson
has again let ()luny Castle to Mr, Andrew
Carnegie for six months from the middle of
May, - ..
A printer put a per ny in the slot of a ma-
chine intended to prove a man's striking
power, and then punched the pad offered to
receive the blow. The spring .didn't work,
his wrist was broken, and the fury gave him
Herr Rudolf Loewenstein, the founder
of Rladeleradatsch, died week before last. He
was a great political wit, the author of
hundreds of humorous ballads and songs, and
a. celebrated after-dinner speaker.
After fifty -nice yearsoflabor, Barthelemy
Saint -Hilaire has finished his tr mslation of
Aristotle, a. work in thirty-five volumes. For
the last twenty years the translator has
also been very active in polities as secretary
to Thiers, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and
Every Italian in the service of the Pope
has been, dismissed, and the duties of the
domestics in the Papal apartments, both in
the antechamber and the interior, are
transferred to foreigners. An inquiry had
shown that (`rispi had severed secret agents
in the Vatican.
Germany has 9,274 breweries in operation,
against NAM in January, 1890. The total
b:•erprotluct of thewholecountrybstyearwas
preceding year. The consumption per capita
was106.3 quarts, against 9741 quartninthe
preceding year. The 1arc eee 'brewery in
Germany paid last year a tax of $50.000.
Prussian school officials haves administer -
4, this sharp reproof to the Jew -baiting
teachers in 'Wassel : " It has come to the
notice of the Government time many Gen-
tile school children ridieetle their Israelitish
comrades as well as at'ult lrraelites, and
that many teachers encourage directly or
Indirectly this sort of alt,. . Such behav-
for on the part of the teachers is most
thoroughly condemned and must cease:.
Teachers' must also punish children guilty of
the indecency in question."
Thomas Bibitest re in custody of the
Sta ekport police. He .was laeund ill adrunk-
en sleep half -way up a lamppost, abaut
which Ida legs were ':angle wrapped. Oa
heiugaw:akened hist explanation was that he
was trying to get. a light
In the waited weedily of Viennal'rofe.'mr
I3 °nealiikt publishes the rete It 4 -if the mush*.
nation of the skull and brain of Hugo Sehenk,
the elan who murdered six girls and was
hanged eight year, ago. The two parts of
the brain, in�te id of dieing eoneecs1 by a
bridge. are separated by tt deep fissure, a
feet whit•+ L. a isnlutely allrern.al lleeidd ti
this, ditfereiat parts of the !main are not de-
veloped in eta a rlt:al m• ;i'ure, sat tlr.at there
cannot have lett'' :.n eatti'lfhrianl of different
qualities. The skull is even more abnor-
A wot'ltman nursed 111arphy had to thrill-
ing experience on Sunday at C'anunell'u
Furnaces, aces, Workington, lie was inside a
env Ioedirtg when die p.•', eta ev1 'dist the
('age hadenaennence*: to '.,:.anti to the top r,
the furnace. ',tieing piaae.lett of mind he
leaped out at a height of fifty feat, and by
v n,lerful In+'h cat -g bt hold of a ]tar, tin
which be hung fe,r a long time before being
perceived and greened. \Vhvn las istanee
aerave'l his hands were leelcetl like a vice
round the bar, awl he was u"/ental-Iiut15.
An inenaest SV'S hell at Delver onrl'tieidaj•
afternoon on the body of John t all:whet•, a
gentler in the !loyal Artillery, who on De-
cember 22 slipped and fell over one of the
butts ale approaching the: teeetle, anti was
picked up insensible, The deceased linger-
ed until January 3. Death was attribute,]
to a fr:tctave of the skull, hut the medical
oilier deprecated the conduct of the guard
in plating them'an iu a. cold cell on such an
int:neely cold night for eleven hours befoue
taking hint to the hetepital.
A Hindoo named 13bagwar Jassiwara was
remanded at Liverpool on Monday charged
with the murder of Captain fetter Lyall on
board the ship Buckingham on the high seas,
while on a voyage from Dundee to New
York. Prisoner was cook, and Captain
Lyall struck him for some dereliction of duty.
The captain was afterwards found dead in
his cabin with terrible wounds inflicted by a
sheath knife. The captains wife was on
board, and the murder tone • •nee on the
anniversary of their wedding.
The Manchester Stipendiary on Tuesday
committed a young man named Samuel
M'Cormick to jail for six months for assault-
ing two police -constables and two school
board officers. The constables had taken the
man into custody, when the prisoner, armed
with a poker, suddenly attacked them. He
behaved like a lunatic, and before he
could be disarmed by the school board
officers, who had gone to the assistance of
the police, be had rendered both constables
insensible by beating them about the head.
He inflicted serious injuries on one of the
school officers.
A collisionoccurred late on Tuesdaynight
on the Great Western Railway near Kidder-
minster. The driver of a goods train mis-
took the signals, and ran over some junction
points, with the result that a passenger
train to Kidderminster crashed into it jest
below the engine. One passenger coach was
smashedand the engine da.naged, the line
also beiugblocited for hours. The passengers
and men in charge of the train escaped with
nothing worse than a severe shaking.
The Rev. John Elliot, rector of Randwick,
Gloucestershire, who is believed to have
been the oldest clergyman in the country,
died on Sunday in his hundredth year. He
was born in 1791, and in 1819 was appointed
to the incumbency of Randwick, which he
held to the day of his death. He delivered
an address at the church last September.
His hearing was somewhat defective
Alice Parker, fashionably dressed, was
committed to jail for six months by the
Birmingham Stipendiary on Monday for
stabbing her sister Leah, aged 17. The
prisonerwas enraged by prosecutrix wearing
her hat, and on Sunday morning, whilst
Leah was in bed, attempted to cut her
throat, the bedclothes being saturated with
blood. - Leah's screams brought her mother
to her assistance, and prisoner was disarmed.
Tho body of a man, respectably dressed,
was found in the Marne on Friday, near the
Cbampigny Bridge, in the environs of Paris.
The -corpse was bound round with rope, and
bore a remarkable wound. In the very
centre of the forehead were two deep cuts
in the shape of a cross. It is surmised that
the victim, after being thus marked, was
thrown pinioned into the river.
Four schoolboys, the eldest twelve years
of age, who had been sliding on apond in the
Gnoll Woods, Neath, on Friday afternoon,
lost their way in the dense fog in which they
were enveloped, and. wandered about the
woods until too exhausted to take another
step. Search parties were organized, in the
town, but returned after having made fruit-
ruitless explorations. - At ten o'clock fresh
parties started, and about midnight their
diligence was rewarded by fitidtng the miss-
ing lads huddled together asleep under the
partial shelter of a hedge. The little fel-
lows were exlaaarted and benumbed with
Important information has reached us
from South Africa by private bend, which
indicates that before long we may expect
some very serious intelligence, 1L is stated
that the Matabels are preparing for a gland
attack on the line of fortified posts establish -
ea by the Mashonaland expedition, a ucl that
Mr. Clark, who has acted as Prime Minister
or adviser to the Matabele .lief, having re-
ceived a friendly intimation that he had
better make himself scarce, hes arrived at
the Cape. The AIatabele, it is said, cut
place 20,001) fighting men in the field, and
as the available forces of the South African
Company are in a bad condition, owing to
exposure and defective food and medical
treatment, their chance of holding their.
ground in case of aspirited attaok ie doubted.
Moreover, it is said that numbers of the
men are retiring from the force.
A serious accident occurred at 'rens, on
Monday ou board an Italian man-of-war.
While a division of the squadron in harbour
was t 'n steamto r i
1s eta u stat n
the stoke -hole of thsteel crasser Vesuiro
was suddenly floodedwith boiling water and
steam owing t>* the bursting of the feed
point of the bolter. Two engineers and a ,e,
stokers were seriously scalded.
A shocking death from exposure is re-
ported from Workington. A. man named
Matthew Steel, employed as a watchman
at the Lowther Ironworks, wentto his work
=Monday night, Shortly afterwards he
was seen to fall to the ground. being over.
come by exposure to the cold, which was
especially severe on Mondayni;ht. Assist
ante was at once rendered, but he died illi -
The Red Star Line steamer Rialto, of
Antwerp, arrived at Dover on Sunday even-
ing, with passengers and cargo, in tow of a
tug, her machinery having broken down..
The vessel was picked up at sea, the owners
paying £6000 for salvage.
A mated' for £100 has been made between
Lord Shrewsbury and Lord Lonsdale to
drive one horse five miles, drive two horses
five utiles, drive four horses five miles, and
drive tern horses itt harness five utiles. The
match is to take place on March 1 next, the
road to be deeided esu by Mr. ArthurCoven-
disturdlances have occurred he-
twoen tori i O - d
i n unt Est men at New
Ross over the unloading of the American
steamer Cu'aloon, anal the Magistrates on
Tuesday eon R 1lnm1tC1' of the strikera to
bprison aorviaalent a=sa,ults, The steamer is
eing discharged under prlliee protection.
Five girl's were immersed in the river
Kennet, near Reading, on Saturday, by the
breaking of the fee, and one, Nellie Hopkins
aged 15, was drowned.
The 'death is announced of Evan Morgan,
the oldest toner in South Wales. He was
selecte 1 by :south Wales' miners to present
Mr, Ixladstone with an address on their be.
half during his visit to Swansea.
Four railway ,.moons with a luggage car
have arnivetl in Rome from Nuremberg,
specially c•n/.tracted for the also of the
Italian Z(oy.il Family. It is cot idered the
m°Ist luxurious and beautiful Royal train
that has over been swain Europe
Surgical Rifle Experiments.
With a view to ascertaining the probable
character of the wounds which will beinfliet-
ed by the new small bore rifles' which have
Leen adopted in European armies, some in-
teresting experiments have recently been
made by Londonsurgeonsa. The deadhuman
bodies were arranged so as to represent a
company, with intervals, in fighting forma-
tion, and the bullets were finally receivedin
bags of sawdust, where at the short range,
they were fount.] unaltered in shape. When
firing at a ranged about 200 yards, the bul-
lets were found to pass completely through
from four to five ranks ; at 400 yards, from
three to four ranks, and at ranges between
800 and 1200 yards, from two to three ranks
of a company in fightiug formation, even in
cases whore the bullets had encountered
large bones. In but rare cases was it bullet
found to have lodged, and the general results
prove conclusively that the now weapons
cause greater penetration and leas laceration
thau did those formerly in use ; so that in
fact, the diminution in bore rendered neces-
sary on tactical grounds, and especially the
introduction of the " covered" bullet is
considered a direct step in the cause of
Superstitions in. Rhyme.
Cut your nails on Monday, cut them for
news ;
Cut them on Tuesday, it pair of new shoes ;
Cut them on Weduesday, cut them for
health ;
Cut them on Thursday, cut them for wealth;
Cut them on Friday, cut then] for woe ;
Cut them on Saturday, a journey you'Il go ;
Cut them on Sunday, you'll cut them for
For all the next week you'll be ruled by the
Marry Monday for wealth,
Marry Tnesday for health,
Marry Wednesdr y, the best day of all ;
Marry Thursday for crosses,
Marry Friday for losses,
Marry Saturday, 110 luck at all.
Born on Monday,
Fair of face ;
Born on Tuesday,
Full of God's grace ;
Born on Wednesday,
Merryand glad;
Born on Thursday,
Sour and sad ;
Born on Friday,
Godly given ;
Born on it Saturday,
Work for a living ;
Born on a Sunday,
Never shall want ;
So there's the week
And the end on't. -
Sneeze on a 1londay, you sneeze for danger
Sneeze on a Tuesday, you'll kiss a stranger
Sneeze- on a Wednesday, you - sneeze for a
letter ;
Sneeze on a Thursday, for something better;
Sneeze on a Friday, you sneeze for sorrow.;
Sneeze on a Saturday, your sweetheart to-
morrow ;
Sneeze on a Sunday, your safety seek—
The devil will have you the whole of the
week: -
Three more small fires are reperted from
The German forces in East Africa are
having some severe fighting with the nee
The average wife iia+as to ask her Husband
fon money, and in most cases he hates to
have her.
.1 al ell Reim I 811.10141 leaSIMIIII,Stsr,_1811.11.lerig
ilVeittfsix• ,Rte r.6 Mk" <..,
for infants and Chiidren,
"oaotoris:isaowelladaptedtoctuldrentbat Caetorlt►cures Colie, Constipation, ,
II-wo:n:needitassuperiortoanyprescription ftur Stomach. D ainceoa, Eructation.
known to me.'" IL A. glasses, Sills worms, gives sleep, anti PiamMq! dl'
s13 So. Ozfolti St, Broo �g esti en,
N -Y glasses,_ legation* medication.
em'Ceeeeva Coxrulr, 77 Murray' Street,N. Y.
'armers and Thresher
NC . all Bros,' Laraine e O
MoOALL 13130 e
tllunt:luctured only at Tawas .tiottoWAX S lievastrstlsft:br.
7t3, ]\'3f W 0.N. ()MD rI'FtFTi.T. nci.,) 21..
0 Q
CV ce0
-5. `int.
f 11'
ir 4441.,
4 't t31
t)522,t tQ�
Ncg � .�
ws>oP aNte).
SS' %,# 00 civ
w cry rAl
4w Ph
',A � °f gay° °�,tF'vcft��t�t'etre w ova
tSo t� °t 0,4$ 9 W; NO' •1•
liar Purchasers should look to the Zabel on the Boxe$,and Pots,
Hat. aderese Pi not 533, Oxford Street, London, they aro op't'ions;
The Dinner at 130 per Head,
Observing that a question' has arisen as to
what the young men could have had to eat
and drink at the dinner which, as reported
last week, cost the host X30 a head, the Lan-
don goesip of the Sheffield Indzpend.nt gives
a copy of the menu, which is a curiosity in
itself. It will be observed that, with the ex-
ception of terrapin, a much-prizodAinerican
delicacy never seen in this country, there is
nothing unusual iu the array of meats, while
the champagne is not mentioned as belonging
to a vintage year :—Canapes a la Russe,
Blue Points, Creme Caroline, Sherry Serene,
Poisson du Rora la Conti, Croustades Con-
combres de Grives a la Bohemienne, Pom-
mery Sec, hInium's, extra dry ; Sello de
Mouton, Pommes Suabicns, Haricoats Vette,
Malechrino and cigarettes, Sorbet Derby,
Terrapin a 1a Philadelphia, Recesses en Vol-
liere Souffle, Chateau Mouton, Salado de
Saison, Pate de Foie Gras ; Fromage ; Rose
Belle Vue, Peilerinot, Cafe Turo ; liqueurs,
Too Many Learned People.
France is suffering almost as much as Ger.
many from the overcrowding of the learned
professions. Fifteen thousand schoolmis-
tresses, 7,000 primary schoolmasters, and
500highschool instructors arelookingin vain
for employment. There are 27,000 French
physicians, that is about 6,000 or 7,000
more than there are in Germany, with her
10,000,000 more inhabitants. Paris has 800
apothecaries. Two thousand lawyers inPar-
is, who have passed all preliminary examin-
ations for a full practice, cannot make liv-
ings in their profession. Civil and mining
engineers are so numerous that hundreds of
them are seeking eagerly petty positions in
mines and factories.
��pp�� In stamps fsimp as a
9C C. guaranteeofgoodfaith]
to us, and we will send yyou by express, C.U.D.,
this elegant watch whioh you can examine, and
if you do not find
it all andevenmore
than laim fo
it DO we NOToTAKE ITr,
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory, pay, the
Express Agent OUR
tF 8wa5.35tchandSu
. take
he ch a
chance to secure a
reliable timepiece
at such a ridicu..
lously low price is
seldom, if ever be.
forea gen, offerued. ine, COLti Th;g
of 2 plates of s
0050 over compost•
tien metal. It has
solid: bow, cap and
crown, hunting
case,beautifully en-
graved and is dust-
proof. The works
are Waltham style,
richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is
regulated and we warrant it an accurate tinie-.
keeper. It is suitable for either a lady or
gwatchentleman..Address CA guEOaran, twee.
WYATT is sent with& Ceaoho.
Watchmakers, Poterboroug , Ont., '
SENDSEH®US Sd ®®andaslipofpaperthe
tl o eine of your dnger, and
we will send you postpaid this elegant
These rings are now'
worn by $ladies and
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing $25.00. We
guarantee a perfect fit
and satisfaction.
Geo. W. Wyatt & Co.
Peterborough, Ont.
Ezeter: uAto�i er Shop
R.DA V IS) -
Butcher & General thin
—7N /Lit Eriins i"•---
netomeresupplied TUESDAYS, TSURS
Ai:S Ann SATURDAYS at the' :aside"o.,
ri,o'z P.omcdy Tor Catarrh is the
rest, Easiest to DseancCheap-sat.
Sold by druggists or Scut by mall, 50c.
E. T. Ha. e1ttne, Warren, I'a., IL S.A.
r,.. 50000.00 a year Is being made by3ohn TZ
Goodwdn,froy,N.Y.,at work fur us. stead,
you may not slake oa much, but we ea
rte, teach youquic1 ly bow Mum from 85 o
�' S10 a day at the start, and snore as you
s; �i::_i;+ on. Both sexes, all ages. In any port of
'.ncrted, you can commence at home, gl,;,q�t
ug all your thnr,or spare n,milents only ttl
tiro work. All Is new. (treat 1,ey tit 111 fr,N
every wodter. wo start you, Nntl,hhs},
everything. EASILY, SPEEDILY loam.
PARTICULARS FR1111. Address ut oua
STINSON k CO., 1'OIt1L.INn, 1(516E,,
'sures Burns, Cuts, Piles in their worst forna
swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Prot
Bites, Chapped Rands and all Bx;;n Diseases.
nnubge eeti oa R.inunstism, Neuraig'a f
';y aid ales Wo. holesale by P. ery P. Dolly ti
oan be earned at our NEW 11ne crow, ,.
Irl honorably, p drob lhoeo
either l snlltt) ,ung r, ,r l and In the
o00 ,,• 1 tie . w,,revor a.yltvola n -
ono can do the work. Eeey to lcrt.ult.,,�
we Burnish everything. we start you. To risk. inc can devote.
your spare moments, or all your time to h work.' This is an
eugreiy nowlead;nod brings wonderful success to everyupwo,dr:
Beginners ;WO earning from 820 to 850,pe@weola and upwards.,
and mora after a little experience. Wo can furnlult you the eel
pinyment and teach you TREE. No space to explain bore. E1111,
tnformatlon-raE6... T eCIJ ; 4& UO., el;c�b01.1. eutwEw
ERRORS OF YOUTH. Nervous i?e
busty, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently oured by
Does not interfere i. dieta
o e ewtorusua eget on
and fully restores lost vigor and insuresyertQgt
manhood. Pride. ss1 per -bon.
Sole Frop.-ietor, H. SCHOFIELTI, Schee+
tleId's Drug Store, E1ni4t STREET, TORONTO.
Mention this paper.
Snug little fortunes have been 'Medea!,
work foeus, by Anna Pogo,Austin,
'foxes, and. Jno. Boa,, Teledo, Ohio,
Seo cut.' Others oro doings. wall. Why
not you? Some earn over 5500.00 e'
month. You can do the work and live
at bonne, wherever you oro, Eve,, be-,
gginner. aro easily earning from 85 to.
*10 a day. All agar Wo .bow yyou bow '
and !tart you. Cato work In store time
or ail. the timer Big money or work
ere. Fniture unknown among them..
NE1V and lvondoefu,i, particulars frdo.
U.Iialiett 8c (Io.,Eux a8O Porta ai%n(,llidlug .'