HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-09-24, Page 311 . ee 1 • THURSDAY,. SEPT. 24th, 1959 q THE GODERIOI S GNAIATAR A. PAG1E• RIGHT -NOW; before ,- the 'freezing weather starts, is the tinie to, modernize your home, "re -'roof, add a garage or extra room. PR STOP ti —melting in thesummer DUVERY.. of " ALL .' YoUi - Building Need -freezingrin the winter. SULAT Save up to 25% on fuel I l)ifouwit 'eGODERICH.°'' MANt�FACTURIN� Co. Limited °2a;;d 6. e 'PORTER'S HILL PO1Vi'I ti'S , MILL, Sept. • 21. — Special 'Rally Day services were held at Grace Church last Sunday. During the Sunday School service Mrs. Elgin Cox told a story to the children entitled' "The Red Jeep." - There will be no Sunday School next Sunday on account of°the an- niversary ' services. Morning .ser- vice at 11 o'clock with Rev. Patrick, speaker, 'and, evening service at 7.30 with Rev. Mr. Sweeney, Au-, burn, as guest speaker. Special music is being prepared. We hope as many as possible will join usw,in these services. AT THE GODERICH . d NOW PLAYING --- ,"The ,"The BIG CIRCUS" IN CINEMASCOPE AND TECHNICOLOR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 28 - 29 -30 ' 1 , "NOWHERE TO GO" w From Ealing Studios in Britain eome.s a Michael Balcon Pro- duction in.trodueing a new .staring team in:41n'adventurous uderworld story. -•• Starring GEORGE NADER and MAGGIE 'SMITH., 441.11410. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCT. 1-2.9-. "BLUE DENIM" ADULT -ENTERTAINMENT — Tenderly -Frankly -,-In Good Taste—It teaches a teenage lesson ..in lost innocence and the rude .awakening. , with Carol Lynley, Brandon De Wilde and Marsha Hunt. A Different Program will- be shown at the Saturday Matinee." Coming—"SAY'}ONE FOR ME"—Bing, Debbie and Bob Wagner. FREE- RADIO WITH ,EACH 1960 MARCONI TELEVISION SOLD DURING SALE This radio is yours absolutely FREE, with each new Marconi put"chased from, CHAPLEMSAN 38 EAST ST, GODERICH PHONE 154 38x Mrs. R. Orr Heads ' Re=union Group The sixth annual picnic of the descendants of Jane Dunlop and David Orr was held at Harbor Park on September 6th with 31 present. _ There. were- four new -babies this' year: Raymond Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Gerald Orr, of Goderich Township; Brian Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Orr; David Bradley,'son of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Orr; David Laurie, son of Mr: and, Mrs. Laurie Blaser, • all of Toronto. Sports were held under . the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Orr. Winners of races follows: Five and under, Meriam, Tommy Willis under, Kenneth Meriam, 16 and under, Glenda Carr, were • as Gerald , 10 and, Keith Orr; David Dr 1 1 d' M ' 1 Orr Glenda Carr; married ladies, Dox - Men,• Jack Meriam, Don Willis; three-legged race, David Orr , and Sherrill Carr; kick -the -slipper, Jack Meriam; life-saver relay, Dan Wil- lis' team. At dinner, ''Elva Carr had the lucky plate and Iteta Orr guessed the number of jelly bans in, the" jar. Elva Carr read the first edi- tien Yof the Orr,Record1 which was very interesting. The election of officers for the following year are: president, Mrs: Richmond Orr; secretary -treasurer, Marilyn Orr; sports, committee, Doreen and Dan Willis and Evelyn and Gerald Orr, Editors of the newspaper are Elva Carr and Beverley Orr. r; singe a lest an yn , eel 'Orr, Barbara 'Meriam; married Mr. C. E. Empey, who underAent a major operation recently, has >ne, covered successfully and is con- valescing at Victoria Hospital, London.. BEST WISHES TO ' s.t McARTHUR & REILLY LTD. ,ON ,THE OPENING OF THEIR GODERICHSTORE MIRACHRBM MIRALITEB y H I - LUSTRE MO'OLDI.NGS 66,1„, Cethi 4threleeariM from DAYMOND COMPANY' LIMITED Suppliers of -ri ►°iittDtNG5 ""'x'MtR*PL*S"l'�1bE YARDLEY' PLASTIC PIPE — DURAFLEX THRESHOLDS SUNSET DfflVE-IN THEATRE ... - 12/4 Miles East of Goderich on No, 8 Highway THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SEPT. 24 -.25 - 26 "THE BIG CIRCUS" Victor Mature, Rhonda Fleming and Red Buttons CARTOON"- COMEDY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 28 -•29 -.30 "THE BIG OPERATOR" Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van Doren CARTOON COMEDY PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS. CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE Merry Christmas .Too Early, You Say.? PERHAPS IT IS FOR MOST THINGS But not for Photographs Yes 'e now is the time to come in and arrange a sitting for your Christmas '''Gi'ft Porte "?xtr its" This will enable us to give your portraits the a" it takes to do a superior job. MacLAREN'S ' STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT J. NEPHEW 196 St. David Stay Goderich Telephone 401 Horticulturists Told About lilies r 0 MEMBER 0, • tNs u.9 MacEwan Insurance Agency YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL 0 . SERVICE r AsSp4 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE• AGENT 1 OBITUARY One of the attractions of garden- ing as a bobby is the infinite var- iety of flowers available to choose from. "Most of the research work of lily culture has been done by North- Americans,'-' Sandy Best, of Greenock. Farms, Georgetown, told Goderich Meeting at their monthly meeting on Friday even- ing. .Speaking of the ,history of these flowers, he said that "The beautiful new ;i-lybrid Lilies have been developed in the relatively short time since the last war." The extensive knowledge, skill and experience of the speaker was clearly shown' in his lecture, il- lustrated by slides with the beauti- ful natural colors of the various types of .lilies. Mr. Best 'spoke with enthusiasm, of the contribu- tion 'inade to -horticulture by Miss Isabelle Preston, former ;research botanist at the O.A.C., 'and at the Dominion Experiiental Farm at. Ottawa. Almost-ever'yone has a lily, lilac, 'flowering crab tree or other plant, developed by Miss Preston. Other noted lily hybrid- izers mentioned were,, Jan de Graaff, of Oregon,' Percy Byam, of Toronto, Dr. C. F. -Patterson, of Saskatchewan, soy Wallace, of Australia, and Dr. A. R. Brown, known as the Prairie Gardener. At the conclusion of this out- 'stand'ing program, .,Mr. L. Taylor _ xpxessed...the._ap.precia.tion..Of the_ members to the speaker. Brigadier, Ross conducted the draw for d.por prizes won by Mrs. Hardy, A. R. Scott, and J: P. Warren. Refresh- ments were then served .and a social hour enjoyed MR. FRANK M. MachONALI . Mrs. Wilfred D'enomme, Victoria street, Goderich has been bereaved by the death of her father, Frank M. MacDonald,_ Z.R. 4, Clinton. He died in Clinton Public Hospital, Monday, at the age of 75. He was a farmer in Hullett Township and had been,sick about a month. He was born near Porter's Hill Gode- rich Township, ,A son of the late MK and Mrs. Jamei Mac'DfonaId and is survived by his wife, the former Edna Hudie. Other survivors . are two sons, Gordon' at home, ' Fred of Clinton, and one daughter, Mrs. Wilfred (Edna) Denomtne, of Goderich. There are also three.. brothers, Glen, of Detroit, and James and Colin of Porter's Hill and a sister, Mrs. Alda Gray, also of ,. porter's Hill. A brother,' William, and a sister, Florence, predeceased him. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme and "children attended the' funeral on _Wednesday, afternoon at t h e, Beattiee\ funeral home,, Clinton. The btirial was in Clinton ceme- tery. Rev. D. J. Lane of the Pres- byterian Church of which Mr. Mac- Donald was a member, officiated. HOLMESVILLE HOLMESViILLE, Sept. 21. - Mr. and Mrs.. Harold • Holtzhaur and children, of Niagara Falls, Ontario,' spent the week,elyd with Mr, and Mrs. Edward` Grigg. Messrs. Ted McCullough and Bruce Lobb spent Sunday in Tor on Mrs. Bert Trewartha is "a "patent' in the Clinton Public Hospital. "Mrs. Frank Norman; who has been with her daughter, Mrs. H. Hinz, in New Hamburg, for some time, is now a patient in the K. -W. Hospital, Kitchener, where she had a serious operation,'ttie •e•nd of last week. Mr. Jack Norman, who has been at Minden, Ont., for the • past month, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Norman, prior to registering 'for his third year at the University of Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Potter has' regis- tered for his second year of the degree course 'at the O.A.C. in Guelph. The W.M.S. meeting of the Holmesville United Church, met in the basement of the church on Tuesday, September 15th. " Mrs. Elmer Potter's group was in charge of, the program and Mrs. Morgan Jones was in the chair. The call to -worship was given by Mrs. M. Jones and Mrs. Stewart Farquhar read°the Scripture lesson. A read- ing was given by Mrs. 'Kenneth Harris, and Mrs. Ninian Heard led in prayer. Mrs. Harry Cudmore read a temperance article and Mrs. Barrie Walter read an 'article on Christian `Stewardship. The presi- dent, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, con- ducted the business. Mrs. Harry Cudmore gave a reading. Mri. Elmer Potter gave a talk on the. life and works of Theodore Panel], missionary to India. The meeting closed with Mrs. Morgan Jones giv- ing the benediction. The W,A. meeting followed, with the president, Mrs. Reg.. Miller, in , the chair.. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Reg. Miller and I' Mrs. Stewart Farquhar gave the comments on it: The treasurer's report .was. given by Mrs. Frank McCullough. Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. John Grigg were appoint- ed to decorate the church for an- niversary services on October, 4th. It was decided to cater tb the Fed- eration , of Agriculture banduet in. ,November. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Reg. Miller. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Ninian Heard, Mrs. John Huller and Mrs. Brogden Mae'Math. . Anniversary services• will be held in Holmesville United Church on Sunday0 October 4th, -at 11 a,m. and 7.30 p.m. Bev. M. G. Newton, of Smithville, a-• former, minister, is to be the guest speaker. Special music is being . arranged by the choir, under the leadership of Mrs,' Lloyd Bond. • ' 44 NORTH ST. PHONE "230 DUTCH BULBS.. JUST ARRIVED FROM HOLLAND • TOP SIZE AND QUALITY TULIPS 4-IYACINTHS NARCISSUS CROCUS RYAN 6g. SO Phone 145 DVV�7 L A1`ID'Itit/1rte.AEr YY-I'ti{:"_-DC'4W i'OC""��xa AFTER OCTOBER 1.. -30 7eiai F911 A "COLD -COLO I:0U5E rr IS ALWAYS '8 , BUT OUR GOOD OIL "-NE'ATS �1K4:`f�►I� rel -. - EDWARI Ft/EL t I ,, SHELLi *� sP� •llu• ry. fEsuwaffimminuginsommallan A5 LOW AS Per Pair INSTALLED with • re-cappable trade-ins Fire Chief or Sky Chief hat with each gasoline purchase! Kick Off This Fall with a Texaco Winter Safety' Cheek -Up DAVIDSON Texaco Service HURON .ROAD (No. 8 Highway) PHONE ;320 VOLKSWAGEN SALES and ' SERVICE WE INVITE YOU TO SEE AND RIDE IN THE AMAZING VOLKSWAGEN ... * Low Initial -Cost * Low Operating Cost * Low Depreciation. * Nimble In Traffic, * ' Volkswagen Means Economy, r GODEABERHART S GARAGESt. Andrew's St. 1 TO INSTAL KINSMEN AND KI-NETTE OFFICERS New officers of the Kipsmen and Xinette. clubs, of Goderich, will be duly installed at a ceremony to be held at Harbourlite Tnp, Monday evening. District Governor Paul Mills, of Hanover, will officiate. Last year's bererrtbny was unique alsimmenvert4niimiwi4e,c4i3rx1h4pM. ,• and Mrs. John Scott, were i.net.alled as heads of the Kinsmen and Kin- ettes,-^t'espectively. SPECIAL oto•I ( 4 0 C OFFER! To introduce Satura -Cream with Vitamin A, Dorothy Gray presents free, a 2 weeks supply (normal use) of new Satura Cream w:th Vitamin A. Value $1.25 with— a 8 oz. SALON COLD CREAM or 8 oz. DRY SKIN-. CLEANSER 1, Regular.$5.25 value, SPECIAL PRICE both for $9--.50 C Automatic — Electric REX,RAY VAPORIZER 1 gallon. " Steam Humidifier for coughs, croup, • etc. Reg. 9.9'5 — Special 7,2 5 Super Plenamins for adults, teenagers and -children. VITAMIN -MINERAL TABLETS ' 36 days supply 2.89 72 days supply 4.98 144 days supply 7.98 288 days supply 13.98 NEW Liquid' Junior for children up to 12 years. 8 ounces .• 3.98 16 ounces 6.518 • SUPER COLD Tablets faster retief of sinus congestion, colds. 9�8c, 1.79, 3.49 For EARLY Mailing Christmas Cards in latest designs,- boxed. 59c, 89e, 1.00, 1.50, 1.75 BY APPOINTMENT .NORMAN . ,HARTNELL PERFUME • EAU -DE -TOILETTE TALCUM POWDER COMPLEXION SOAP BATH DUSTING POWDER (4TH SALT CUBES 'IN LOVE' FRAGRANCE Moir's POT of GOLD Chocolates fres n .441.044,04414,44.1154'W47 4.@h 4441,1F44 AA144,47 k aw 94.44, - .a 44.4x, 41,:4 PHONE 939( th' SPECIAL QFFfR!N,,. 'l c, introduce Satura Cret,m with Vitamin A, Dorothy t;ray presents free. a 2 weeks supply (normal uses) of „new Sal urn ('ream with Vitamin A. Value: $1.25 ,1Yvit.h— ;8 oz. ORANGE FLOWER • SKIN LOTION • Or 8 oz. TEXTURE LOTION Regular $3.50 valUe SPECIAL. ,PRICE both for 75 RMAC wraaw.��a,:w�i sFact+ii+xt��k.+�x,w>7�;�:M�ins�ra4ierutbw;M+pow'Sheata%rs+ca*.ti+,,+ww�,�y;aw:;�'na.r+�:rra:. SQUAREnear COLBORNE ST. 4