HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-08-06, Page 7'1.104104SPAY, AUGUSTSit) 1959 Juni ' like miIIC your family table ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS* • MARKIITING IIO*RAI=-• RE?IHFNTIN6 some gam ritoinK(U __i ° SAMS I exT s MICR 4 .1PAINT HOUSE -PRESERVES' AS iT BEAUTIFIES YOUR HOME. 1 yr_ {: ::}..fir.;+:•, , '1 •r 44. is } rj Sherwin-Williams House Paint has superior dura.- I bility. It outlasts ordi- nary house paint, thus stretching the years,,, be- 1 tween paint jobs. colors, are tested 1 for ,every Canadian I r climate—give sparklit gay 1 beauty to your home for 1 years. For longer tasting I paint and easier painting 1 see your local Sherwin- I, Williams Paint Dealer. l� O RS-E-I--_-B-I QS _HARDWARE _. 122 THE SQUARE GODERICH PHONE 283 rr^vta�.r, nes •�+�r•^srr'+ti^^^c��.rp „ TEN- 7i' Next Year -” This is a ,suitable •momeht to sow some seed for perennials to flower next year. Unusual colors and types ,are hard to 'obtain as plants and at this time of year it is comparatively easy to raise seed- lings which will be strong enough to stand the winter'and 111001:11 iyt '1960. Hybrid delphiniums offer a vast range of color and variety. They come as . semi -double, double and single „The belladonna variety will give you a pink with "a white and pink eye. The pink is quite diS- tinct from that of other flowers. Wallflowers winter well, have -a wide rart'ge of colors and a delight- ful scent. This plant dislikes trans- planting and should,be sown where it is to" bloom. • It also needs an alkaline soil, so add a little garden lime to the spot to be sawn. Poly- anthus do best when treated as biennials. Sown now they can re- main in their flats in a cold frame during the winter. Prick out in the spring and plant out • next September. They like shade and a humus rich soil. Polyanthus do well massed in rock garden or bed. The lmost ever imagin- able color. 'Iceland Poppy is an- other really lovely flower. It comes in scarlet, lemon, . orange, white and pink shades. z Height one to one and a=half feet, it is much tidier than "the oriental poppy. Columbine thrives in semi -shaded positions in .a slightly alkaline soil with moisture. Buy long spurred hybrid seed and see whether you can rival the' delicate -white' shown by Mrs. Warren at our last show. Golden -Alyssum and arabic make - a ,fine massed show, whether in a border or in a rook garden. Forget one not,. sown now, will reward you next spring. This may be scatter- ed where it is to bloom. As a final suggestion try some dwarf peren- nial'phlox which is becoming very popular for borders. Height 11/2, feet. • The prime requisite is. good seed. You are going to expend quite a lot of time and labor. growing from seed••-and...you_c.annot--afford any- thing but the best seed'. afford .,to sow' seed is extensively •described in "Be your own gardening ,expert, a booklet which everyone should have. You may choose to sow in a seed bed, in flats or pots, but be particular about the soil mixture. It is quite easy to make a mix which sets like eoncrete and which retards the Making in of roots. What is known as Inri'es Number One consists of two parts loam, one part coarse sand;' one part damp spagh- SWP: «1Pf r.. ... {vl:03`wW •MffrS:•si:•S:2e .v:•»r: iso•'+;::ir'a.•. ta.'•rtA1q 5 SHERWIN- WILLIAMS COM ER '! EARTH 1411') OI KEM 6L0 r.. o PA1NTS 1 T.ULT.LT Are Buying... WHEAT OATS BARLEY MIXEW GRAIN and FLAX AT compEnerritz PRICES! • • T We 1 11 1 FOR k By G: MacLeod Ross , num peat, all by .balk and well mixed. 'To each 'bushel or 1% cubic feet pf miicture add 1',4 ounce of superphosphatei`�and % ounce of garden lime. Loam is an expires. Sion ,Which is' seldom defined. 'ate, sirably it is obtained fromgrass turves stacked grass down until -rotted when they are shaken through a !half- inch sieve. Your flat•or pot is filled in three layers. First, a drainage 'layer of pebbles or crocks.' Second, a % inch layer of moist peat moss. Third, the flat or pot is .filled up with the Innes mixture and pressed down. , The fiat (should then be. immersed in water to a point, just bellow its top and held there until . water can '11.e seen seeping -up through the soil: Seed -is 'then sown and covered. The -depth of the. cover' varies from 1/i16 inch' to % inch, depending on the size of the seed. . The smaller the seed the less cover is needed. Keep the 'flat shaded and moist. Always water by the immersion method described. Germination time varies greatly. When you can -see the second leaves seedlings can be pricked out into seed fl, ts, filled and prepared as above, o inches apart and kept shad.•,. hen six leaves are -visible, seedlings may be - p ra-rfted-in-- flowering positions. Tryyour han now and the best of luck. ' ' ' Now Now.. is the time to feed iris. plants with supErphosphates and a little garden lime. This should -he carefully worked into the soil around the roots. Iris will grow -in a slightly' acid soil 'but they prefer alkalinity. Shrubs and ornamentals also benefit from a feed of bone meal worked intothe soil ,• about• their roots. , Flower Show " Class. lists for the "August 22nd shoW have been mailed. to all mem- bers. Anyone who has been in- advertently omitted, please • obtain a copy from 3 ICobourg street. BulbCatalogue Members areP again reminded that they • will receive CCruick- shank's Bulb -list direct. early this W` •,.Moerhea. at R.R. 2, reach Mr. -month. Order should C•lintor. by August 15. ' • ,-McGredy's -Roses • Mr. Cockburn Hays,, one of .our past presidents, recently toured 'VIeGre•dy's 1Derriaghy rose ga r en. He reports a most wonderfuis- play of 20,000. plants and he was particularly taken With the way -the shrub roses were grown, one at each leg of 'a tripod. The roses were then trained around the tri 'pod, in spirals to form a cone of massed blooms. McGredy report •fliiri'bundas out sellinrhybrT'-rid teas last year and gives their top selling ten as: Perfecta (H.T.) Korona, Salute, Faust, 'Masquerade (all F'1.), Mrs. Sam McGredy 1(H.T.), • Queen Elizabeth (FI.), Lilac Time (H.T,), Orangeade (FL.); IMcGredy's. Yellow (H.T.). Of the next ten, eight were floribundas. McGredy has sent the society '50 catalogues and anyone wishing to import rose trees from 'Northern Ireland can obtain a copy by • calling at .3 Cobourg street, Several Members 'have had satis- faction from these roses in' past years. They cost on .etre average $1.20 'landed in •Goderrch and are grafted oh very good stock. Per- mits to import are obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. ' Permits must accompany orders and one dozen plants con- stitutes 'a minimum order. A little push will perform more miracles than any amount of pull. • e }r ,PETRltE- ,—, RAiTHBY The :Rev. O. W. Sherman, of -Petrie, Goderich, and Mrs. Wrxi:• Petrie,' Dunigannen, aid .the bbricl:.e, eiect'e aunt,Mrs, Mrs, Stan'le'y . O1;�4 Ston, of Auurn, oared, tea. •M><ss Raithby. was, guest of honor at a miscellane '.0 slicker ,by the:. r la- ceremony ' at"o Oka Church on Saturday, July 25, When Alfretta 'Marie Rairthlay _he game the • bride of Kenneth.Le Rey Petrie, of 'Kinaeirdine.. lyIr. and M'S. Farl Raithby, of Goderich, are the parents of the bride and the grown is' a son of Mr: and Mrs: William Petrie, of Dunganinon. The church was decorated with baskets of yellow and white gladioli. Mr. William Chase, of Goderich, as soloist, sang "Psalm 23" and "0 Perfect Love." Presiding at the organ was ` Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, of Auburn. The bride's, gown of white chan- tilly, lace over ivory taffeta was styled on princess lines with . por-' trait neckline and lily paint sieves. 'Her imported silk illusion finger- tip veil 'with rose' appli ue, was held by a tiara 'set with rhine- stones. 'A family heirloom; a white peacock fan' which had been car- ried by the bride's 'mother' and grandmother at their weddings, was carried by the bride. Bridal attendants were Mrs. Don- ald A. Ca'lnpbell, of Goderieh, cousin of the bride, as matron of honor, and little Dawn Marie Raith- by, niece of the bride, as flower girl and Johnny Stanbury, of Dun- gannon, nephew of the groom, as ,ringbearer. Mrs. Campbell chose a gown of: yellow organdy over accented_,.by,a satin -cum and tailored bow. ,She w matching satin headdress and carried a fan arrangement' of whi e feathered .,carnations. In similar attire, the -little flow- er girl scattered rose petals from her tiny basket down the church aisle. Wearing grey flannels and navy blue blazer,. the ring beard Carried a lalue and- white satin pillow. Groomsman was Murray John- ston, of Port.Albert. Messrs Wil- lt'am Raithby, of, Ottawa, and Allan ,Petrie, of Dungannon, ushered, A. reception was held in the church parlors, where the bride's mother received the •90 guests in an azure sheer dress with white accessories and a white gardenia corsage. , For travelling to Quebec,. Mrs. Petrie chose a pure silk flowered two-piece dress with`• white acces- "sortes and a corsage of white i -os -es,._. They will reside in Kincardine, Guests were present from Tor- onto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Detroit, Wallaceburg, ' Lc ndon, Kitchener, Stratford and the surrounding area. , • Prior- to her, marriage, Mrs. Raithby entertained at a trousseau ather home on St. Patrick's teao e P street. The groom ' elect's •grand - • .Contract Us On Price Before You - Sell. PHONE 776 PNOTCH FEE -DS LIMITED "The Most Value For thearmer's Dollar" h • • 1T1T1T1TJ. REAFURTH T1 be -31 EEWAR0 FUt'LS $(,c0. nireiwpwranimmouittproni • home of Mrs Stanley .Whiteman, Mill . Road, Goderich and also by groups of Calvary Baptist ' Chureh; Toronto, and by the 'Balmy Reach School, Toronto, where, site ,had been kindergarten ,directress.. , ' SMEQPARDTON S4EPI A& PT0'N, July 28.-. --Mr, and Mrs. Jack Smith and'.£amity, of London, spent a few days last week with Jack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred' Smith, • Douglas Allemang, of Haamilton, returned tib his home after spend- ing a month with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins and Larry. Mrs. Jack Pitiblado, Ronald and Judith, of St. Catharines, and Mrs. J. A. Watton and David, of Toronto visited recently• with the ladies' mother and brother, Mrs. A, Foster, I11e*er0114®eee4110110®•00e111s®11 ry Ralph • and; farn$y. Rey, > Scorer, r . 4e rgr and' bave:. etur* eo ;Melt boort ;; ,in At, T' ioOA4s #0,1;lieu corer, was guesV, per etor4 at' MO Iicanhurcfi;•aPoi"tt Ahbert*jq rf ly s pent the month at they a id home Of Mrs, A. Foster. - • Mr. and. Mars. Ia> Uaggitt ax4ct, sons, of Lethbridge, Alberta, vsit- ed recently ' with the former's father, Mr, Cleo. Haggitt. Mr. and Mrs. Orme (Beverley Haggitt),, of 1iingston, also visited with her grandfather. • We are sorry to report Mr. George Haggitt is ' confined to bed under the doctor's care. We wish him a speedy repevery. Mr. and 1K2rs. Bob Rising who were, , recently married, are now' living in Goderich. Some of the farmers of the dis- trict' have started cutting• their oats, , • Temptation may be strong, but it seldom overtakes the man. who runs from it. .r .:..� I � stows ontzaToR. A gentleman can wear old 'clothes '•inexpensive,. clothes — but never clothes that aren't immac- ulate. Let us keep. your whole wardrobe in shape by calling at your' home regularly otic day each week. GODERICH . DRY CLEANERS O WEST ST. C /22 LS C.R. LCW ti RY , PROP. mother 'and mother, Mrs. J. W. • - OMMMM•i•MOMMOM•••••Nm••M ALEXANDER & .CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND `REAL ESTATE - Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich. Phone 26$. A. J. Alexander, C. A F. Chapman. lies. 18. yatz pie .t.�w Roomy' - C�11 0 �1 Anywfie•ar: -- �77 Montresi St, Gediilch F. T Armstr nig OPTOME,'i RIST„ Phone 1100 f°r apMlRtn1R>, i $QUARE GODERICH R'RA NK; REID... urs IIEwB I:ife, annuities,, busln.ss Insurance. Mutual Life of CMiada Phone 346 Church St. fi .A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33 Hamilton St. House 343W Goderich Rei. 860 Roy_ George Turton INSURANCE •• Co-operators ' ,Insurance Association Auto—Accident and Sickness. Liability—Wind—Fire, etc. Prompt, Efficient Claims Service by' Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 351 Huron Rd. Phone 1184. • ij. NOTICE RE CATTLE BILL -HARRIS of, Ripley' is, now in a position •to BUY or SHIP FAT yCATTLE: He will have Toronto BUYERS up EVERY THURSDAY beginning AUGUST. 6, 1959. Anyone wishing to SELL or SIItP FAT CATTLE, call RIPLEY 141-3 '(collect). Please call by Wednesday evening of each week. You are under no obligation to sell. -30-31 WARNING NEW (AR BUYERS Do you want an undercoating positively guaran- teed to make your car body last much longer than normal? If so, let's tell you about red anti -corrosive anti- " -cyanide rust proof. It's' fabulous. WE FULLY GUARANTEE '0UR CAR POLISHING AND SPRAY. „WAXING GODERICH CAR- UNDERCOATING Huron Road E. P. Overholt, Prop. • Phone 664 -17TF, 1 . • Olt Viust),. bea,eJ( 1`t A., MY -FAMILY TO THE LAKE 'SHOULD GO, THEY ALL 'NEED, A VA.CAT I Q N' SO O0. —.�.. . • 4r; TRANS ,CANADA CREDIT kV #41P WAKE UP P0N'T DREAM, IT'S CLEAR TO ME YOU NEED SOME CASH FROM To'.C. I XR"RANGED MY' LOAN 50 PLEASANTLY NO FUSS, R.ED-TAPE WITH T,C.C, . TRANS CANADA CREDIT "r✓ORPQRATION LIMIT,ED 148' THE SQUARE,PHONE 797 Need cash forattr ooerdionit Buying a boat, tent, or • holiday needs of any kind?, Then see Trans Canada Credit " for one-stop financing. Loans frotn "- $150 to $2,600, or even more, can'ber' drranged. Up to•ot.30 months t4 repay. Call today. THE MORAL'S PLAIN FOR ALL TO SEE, WH E N YOU NEED CASH SEE T.C,C, ", J1 /Yee(' Zet °ee * E., v,4 ti• ,14 ti • NOM • :n. soorroui .jr tam AND -YORK ITS. Spedoililnp in servic. to salesmen and executives. h•. 5 Chani t V., • ak conditioned• sound inm. -kited rooms. Quiet kraury.' Rot.t • Viol. 57.00. 3.37 Speciosa Semple r•..n • MRYTHING KIWI M1 I s k.•uN.r K. -HELD,'MANAGER.. 'For Reservations Wire Collect PUBLIC ,ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478 Phone ,101 GODERICH -- ONTA t-. • 1 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES • Commercial, 'Industrial • and Residential Janitor Work FREE . ESTIMATES ,• Reasonable Rates PHONE 1068 ' GODERICH CHIROPRACTIC �... HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: __Mon-,, Thurs.-9 a.m.'top _.. Tues., Fri. -9 aim; o S'^p.m, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. and Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitali-11n Therapy - Office—Corner of South St,- and - Britannia Road. Phone 341. TPryde & Son Goderich Representative MR. FRANK McILWAIN •CARLOW '27 Eventide and Rock of Ages registered memorials. 18tf High 'Style Cottons and Wash and Wear Garments Need Professional Care. COTTONS SIZED AT NO ''EXTRA CHARGE DURING JULY AND AUGUST. Bluewater CIeqners 38 WEST STREET PHONE 85 PETE McCAULEY, PROP. 29-2 • L9YyQ _ 1. JUS; . G s,iT MY, NEW VOLVO IT! 'DRiVlE ATI and YOU'LL BUY IT! T001 Canadian motorists have accepted the sensational S,sedish.built Volvo as the answer , to their needs for practical, economical transportation. Compare Volvo with any car in its price range, and you'll see why we say "One"Try—and You'll Buy." NEW! Interior colors and fabrics ., NEW! Wider rear seat NEW! One piece windshield, • slimmer pillars NEW! Four speed transmission &skabouf the Volvo Overseers Delivery Plan " NEW! Bigger rear wfndowa NEW! Smarter, padded instrument panel NEW! $rights-r,,sater turn indicators anti tail lights. M;»&W MOT 0 Victoria St. 0d`'�rfeh, .w. ...wavu.r,r.r .wn•.AJ •YYnr Jw..i.uw.,...-y�yM1.•.m1v Jwv.dN'M•..'--4.--vaNfSWlntlideal•4SAG:.4.�'N.\X7.Ik29&f)wedkiatikraantoflEh