HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-08-06, Page 4wicolvixt THE GODERICH _IGNAL S — a TUIJRSDA i , A G V 1x1.4 Gbh, 1959 SPORTS PICTURE ers Show.. Gras$ WiA�.+Yu. �� w.w.. 4Mi".YwF � . nW{�K ��'n: a�1.ZNlri?,• wo irnpressivcWTns- The Wheatley -Leamington All - Stars were soundly trthu ced by the Goderich Dodgers here on Sat: urday evening, in an exhibition gar e between the two clubs. Al- th1.h both are ladies fastball teams, they are in different classi- fications. The Dodgers are con- sidering an attempt to capture the provincial chainepionship, and, ac- cording to coach 'Guy Emerson, this was a 'test of their strength. • The Goderich Juvenile boys' team defeated Hensall 10-4 on Fri- day evening to complete their fourth win of the season. The Goderich pitcher, Walter Bell, al- lowed 10 hits and 4 runs, while Hensall's 'moundsman, Shaddick, let 12 hits and 10 runs go by him. The Goderich team is spon- sored ,by the local Kinsmen Club. The Goderich Dodgers slugged their way to victory in the first game, of the round-robin finals be- tween Goderich, Harriston and Hanover, 00 Tuesday evening at Agricultural Park. ' The Dodgers took the lead early. in the game, when Marg. Emerson and Kay Sharpe each chalked up ;i point in the first inning. In the• s•eTn' d inning 1Lirri.;ton held Lack i prospective Goderich rush by a neat 'double -play.' 'Goderich retired Harriston quick- ly in .the third, and set off on. inutho•r of their scoring rampages. Bev Wrighti was allowed to;; reach home by a Harriston error in try- ing to tag her throe -base hit, and Sharpe, Boyce and Emerson, each quickly. added to the scoreboard to 'end e inning th G to 0 for the In the fourth inning, -Binkley took over the pitching duty for Harriston, but Goderich managed one more run, that of Alexander. Harriston forestalled a shut -out by 'scoring in the fifth, when Dowler made it home off a Goderich error. Fuller went in for Warner in the Goderich outfield in that inning,. and gained back that 1,ost point her first time at bat, when she tacked up the first homerun of the even- ing - Harriston gained her second rum in the sixth, and Goderich retali- ated.- with Lorna. Boyce making home plate. The Dodgers.' made the score 12-2 in the next inning when Wright, Sharpe and Harrison each made home, on three Harris - ton errors. Harriston gained its last run of the- game in the eighth, when Binkley smashed a three -base hit, then sneaked home on a Goderich error. Goderich came back that same inning to ,rack up two more points, those of Fuller and Greb. Goderich polished off three Harris - ton batters in the ninth to end the game with the bases loaded. , 0000000000000014/060411***6* Farm Fresh 'Eggs. You'll find all grades, of FARM 'FRESH EGGS for COOKING„ or EATING ' and EXTRA DOLLARS in your pocket at - Reid's.. Produce 73 Hamilton St. Goderich-- ! , -31;2x Dodgers. e Gdosp0otto y woo. O®410000®0• • 2nd MATcH e WALLY SIEBER vs. MIKE VALINTINO • ADDED ATTRACTION" o HOWARD MARTIN vs. JOE CHRISTIE •- ADMISSION • Ringside $1.00 General 75c Children 50c Holiday guests with Miss Lillias MacVicar, Hincks street, were Mr. � x -oakrot. Y�� .�a•oF a}< 3iJ"an;:� a,,a,?./S� 'fl C�..b°.'o-F,.�a !��°.�:. When Bob (Gus) Chisholm of Goderich Motors Ltd, hit the top group in the nation-wide June sales contest of the Ford Motor Company, his wife, "Jean,.had special. reasgn - to ...be. .happy_ She received a sparkling new Westinghouse Custom Imperial Laundromat and Clothes Dryer, compliments of Ford of Canada. While Bob looks on, the 'laundromat is demonstrated to Mrs...Chisholm by Wilf ,Reinhart, left, the author- ized Westinghouse dealer for the Goderich .-dis- trict. As for his outstanding sales record, Bob, modestly claims it was easy bccausd ,of the tre- mendous public acceptance of the ' 1959 Fords,. - •the'rrans=earTacia-eontest;-one-poi.n-t-kuas..aw.arcl ._... ed for every , new car sold during the • Month. Bob ' collected 21 points, and . this was ' entirely aside from the many used cars and, other 'e- hicles which he sold during June for Goclerich Motors Ltd., Ford-Edsel-Monarch dealer. ' GODERICH and Mrs. Alex G. MacVicar ,and two children, of Islington, and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Elson ''and son, `John, of Oakville. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mills and son, Robert, of Woodstock, visited for a few days with Mr. and ,Mrs. Emery Baechler and family., Mrs. Frank Barclay, of. Man- chester, England, is holidaying with her father, Mr. Irving Hunter and' Mrs. Hunter, Market street, and. also with her sister, Miss Graee Hunter, at Hunter'sBeach. - RD'S Annual Summer Clearance Continue. OUR • STOCKS MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS, OF PRICE MEN'S SUMMER SPORT SHIRTS Alf sizes and colors of regular stock. REG. TQ, 4.95' — NOW 2.55, 1or5OO BOYS' SUMME'R SPORT SHIRTS ..SIZES 3 to 6X SPECIAL 1.00' SIZES 8 to 16 — SPECIAL 1.59'. LADIES Sportswear Slims ®- Shorts Jamaicas - Skorts. Pedal Pushers Tee Shirts ® Halters ALL SPORTSWEAR IS BEIN'G SACRI- FICED. IT WILL PAY -YOU TO STOCK UP AT THESE SPECIAL LOW PRICES. BETTER QUALITY DRESSES NO RESERVE — OUT THEY GO. Terylenes,Cottons, Bembergs, etc. 1/3. OFF . LADIES' Bathing Suits FINAL 1 %3 OFF CLEARANCE . / . Miss ,.B.etty ;Etue and Mrs. Betty i Mr. Harry Witmer spent the. Westbrook have returned from a week -end in Toronto with his sister, two ' weeks' visit in 'California. Mrs. Ward Ambersley, Mr. Amber= They visited with the tatter's niece, "ley and son. Miss June Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, of Goderich, at Santa Monica,' California. They travelled iby plane both ways. Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur J. Curry have returned from a motor trip through. the Western provinces 'to Vancouver and Victoria, returning via Seattle and the states. They at- tended the Calgary Stampede en route. Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Johnston, of Guelph, who have been holiday- ing at their cottage at Port Albert for the past three weeks were call- ed home suddenly. owing to the ill- ness of Virs. Johnston's father, v1r. .Adam' Darling. He passed away Friday night and the -funeral was held in Guelph on Monday, August 3. William Laughlin, of , Niagara Falls,, N.Y., is a• house guest of Miss Jcilia Beevers, Elgin avenue. Ran Williamson has- gone to London' where he is employed in the Supertest gasoline and petrol- eum otltee, accounting department on Pall Mali street. Mr. Dean Darnell, of London, is. a guest ry,ith Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Johnston, Stanley street. Mr. `Charles Sinclair,' of.::littroit, with his son and family visited Goderich on their cabin cruise, Rose Ann, last Thursday and F r - day. Mr. Sinclair, who is a cousin of Danny Wiggins and was born in the oid Wiggins house •on West' street, has been living in Detroit for marry years now. Miss E. Hume has returned form 'a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Deakin and Miss Marion Hender- son, of Fort William, to the Mari- times and Eastern States: ' Mrs. C. H. Humber, accompanied , by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Donald- son, Mr. Donaldson . and son, all of Hamilton, were recent guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Johnston; 'Humber Stanley street. Mrs. re- mained for a further visit. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McMillan have returned from plorida where' they spent their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Catchpole, of Toronto, were week -end visitors with' Mrs. W. T. Pellow, South street. d Mr. and Mrs.` Roy Roberton, of Detroit,,, were guests last week with his sister, Mrs. J. B. Mills, • and Mr. Mills, Palmerston Street, Gode- rich. This weeks' they are visiting Mr. Roberton'' brother, and sister - „in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rol rt - on, of Seaforth, at a cottage at Beach, Coderri '_-,. —Mt* atd. Mrs. How.•>xd:Pmlrl' gY3- family, Dale, Carol and Jim, of Toronto, spent the holiday week- end with, Mrs. Pollock's mother, Mrs. James Thomson. Mrs. ,Don Cole and Linda, of • Vict.ori, , B.C., is visiting relatives in Win 1ta'm, Dungannon and Lon- don, `and attended a/Popp family reunion with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee and boys at Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Orval 1,,,obb, 'John and Walter, -of 'Chatham, have re- turned home after spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lobb and,, Mrs. James Thomson. ;Mr, and Mrs. Huxley Paterson, of Birmingham, Mich,, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robarts, at their cottage, "Cherry' Gate." - , Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. McManus, Cambria road, were: Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Newn and son, Robert, of Essex; Mr. a'%d Mrs. Howard Heath, of ' ,. ,Toron o; Mr. and Mrs: Grant Jef- fers and daughters, of Orangeville. MEN'S — BOYS' -BATHING SUITS a,EaaA«<e '/a' OFF. 77c PR -ICES START, AS LOW .AS RgG. TO, 3,55 1.99 Casual Slippers - r FINAL CLEARANCE 1/2 Price Many of our better ranges of sumer dresses now groupedinto one special clearing group. , MEN'S — BQYS'- • ' SLACK PANTS WASHABLE in Chino and corded . cotton. 'Still a good supply — beige, black, charcoal. BOYS' — NOW 3.59 MOO- NOW! ._-4.5 7 VALUES UP TO 14.95. SIZES 9 TO SO — TAKE YOUR CHOICE:, BOLERO JACKETS REG. 3.95 2.99 Summer Skirts Prices' Slashed To Less Than Cost on all . skirts, circular and straight cut. Plain and patterns, Some Chinos. REG. TO 8.95"— NOW 2 .9.9 AND UP P, actical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects -Qualified Teachers — Modern Equipment — New Typewrifeurs Examination's set,-rnhrked, ,and Diplomas i=:sued by THE BUSINESS EDUCA±ORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. For several years every seat has been filled. Register now • Telephone Goderich 428 - Principal's ,Res. 1272 -30tf" REALWOOD PANELING S ADVERTISED nOw on display at GODERICH MANUFACTUR!NG Co. limited If you saw this model room illustrated in LIFE magazine recently, we're certain that —you admired the walls li'pneled with lovely Weldwood Oak --in the "Colonial" V -Plank style. "Colonial" V -Plank presents a rugged, pegged, random -plank appearance. It .:tosnessfin<- atlasvwoeck—toe ,,socIras.therry _,.-...+c.roTrlrrNrems•.::1brrF.., „_..Nl.•.,.a walnut, Korina, Samara, mahogany, Avail. able in big 4' x 8' panels, 'completely factory -finished and waxed—ready to in- stall over any wall. You can cover. a 12' by 8' wall area in your home -with Oak "Colonial" V -Prank for moderate cost. Come in and see our' compete line of W,eldwoocl. becorative Paneling Goderich Manufacturing Co. Limited phones: 61, 62 and 63 "YOUR jlEADOUARTERS FOR ALL .BUILDERS' SUPPLIES" /A:.•1 •.�iJMWtlY . ra.i[...�v W '.rivt6�tY: