The Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-07-02, Page 7AP' THURSDAY, . JUDY 2nd, 1959 , e THE GoDERIC ". '0J►T.I»ST „erimtuar Care fund-FQr--Kintail Cemetery Readies Total 4f $r4>820 BiNITAI1L, June 29,-4'h`e annual.• :sheeting of the ,ILitail° Cemetery Board was held at the home of Mira Colin MacGregor, 8intal, .. . Mr. Rola. odregor was electeef', to the office of trustee and tress" rarer, a positiony left vacant. through, the death of 'his father; Colin Mac Gregor, ry ho .'had been treaaur.;er. and a trustee for many yearn and particularly through ,°;:the ,eriod when. the=fund for perpetual.care was accumulated. The Board of Trustees is now made up of three .members, "'William MacDonald; chairinant &ni. Johnston and >3o'b Macre : r, treasurer. Donald Simpson is •'t . e board secretary. , The,. fund for per'petual care has reached a •- total of . $4,820.25. Through the board's solicitor, this amount has been deposited With a trust company in 'accordance with the''Ceineteries4ct.' A further. addition to the ceme- tery was,,,made lagt ser whep land With a 96 `foot frtilontage was purchased ,from Robert Simpson. It isof inte est) to note that the original dee, fir land was dated VACATION, NOTICE • DR. G. F. MILLS WILL BES ON V4OA.TION' FROM JUNE' 27 TO JULY ,1: 9. . •' TH'E E ,WILL { BE IN THE DISPENSARY . DA1L`Y FROM 1.30 TO C30• P.M. -25-8 • e Sought fight h .."�r Witt)Police :. l' `Sp sin, 19 hd to Paup irk , ly'� tried . a fight with a police constae, pleaded guilty to commonassault When he appeared in magistrate's court Thursday. He was fined $25 and costs, or two weeks iii jail, and was -also ordered to , pay a "cleaner's bill of 92.25 for rrspaus, to Constable R. '1873, with another addition being made„in 1905. A wire mesh fence and gate was completed over the' whole frontage last summer and adds greatiyto the appearance of the grounds. A woven' wire fence was eructed around the new property, thus completing ,fencing problems for a ,time. This work has increased, the indebted- ness of the Board and necessarily restricts other work for 'the time being. The Board established the price of lots to be sold in the future• and it is the, intention to hage a map of the' grounds prepared and blueprinted. yM VOLKSWAGE N SALES ` and SERVICE We invite you to see, and ride in the Amazing Volkswagen .. * Low Initial Cost * Low Operating Cost * Low Depreciation. Goderich Phone 625 ABERHART'S GARAGE &. Andrew's Sot, r 6 r p. Crawford's uniform. Croiktt, . tpru,ez,�_ G Glenn ,yes, 'eePlain t flat''poltce: were in rmiti- gating it -gating a disttuttance in the main business,area here. on June 2. A Litter box had hem kicked ,Peter and the contents scattered aeound. lin the'viciriity was Paul Spain, who appearedto be .somewhat the worse for strong drink, according to pope e 'lie visited the police office. and had considerable abuse to give to the police," said the crown at- torney, . More,. than once, Spain invited ' Constalble Crawford to fight. " While Spain didn't connect with • any blows, he did make the at- tempt, added Mr. Hayti. Before the matter of penalty was deeded, defense counsel James Donnelly advised Magistrate D. E. Holmes that his client had a chance to go ,to work in a bush the} next day:- The ay.-Themagistrate indicated that, if the youth was really sincere about taking this job, the court would consider making the penalty a fine instead of a straight jail term. "He expressed a very strong in- clination towards work this morn- ing, your worship," stated the de- fence counsel,` smiling; The magistrate then assessed the youth $25 andwcosts, or two weeks, and instructed him to pay the cleaner's bill. Harry W. Kerr, 18, was fined five dollars and costs for, making unnecessary noise by squealing his tires on the Square. He pleaded guilty. Rearing' that the youth had a record of 1,1 minor traffic violations in less than ,two years, 'the m'agis-" trate : said he would recommend to •the department that Kerr's driving license be suspended. ' The first Canadian coins were 5: and 15 -sol silver pieces 'issued by King Louis the 14th of France. That was quite a shaker last week, when a horde of COG people,' frenzy'of foot -stamping. vi'as as interesting as was refreshing. Bather like seeing Little Eva put- ting the boots to Simon Legree, Personally, I think it was the best thing that has ever happened to the CBC. The resulting furore should mean a thorough house- cleaning, long' overdue. Now, don't think I'm going to launch into an attack on the CDC.' There is already ope weekly ' col- , And a well-paid hobby I'll bet it I is, as his 'column is offered free, and you don't get free columns these days unless somebody is grincling an axe for somebody in There is no doubt that the CBC has gathered to its Freudian breast a n'umber of the brightest and most creative minds , in the country. Among them were those producers who led thevalkout the other day. One must admire their gumption; In any age, any situation, many will risk their lives for thei'r ideals. a !MPORTANT-ANNOUNCEMENTFROM HOUSEHOLD FINANq • 7 • - -COMPARE HFC SERVICE WITH THAT OF OTHER LENDING INSTITUTIONS... SURPRISINGLY LOW - INTEREST RATES HFC's charges an loans over $1500 are equivalent' to less than 8% discount per year on 30 and 36 month repayment plans. .1, LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS C are the site of HFC 'payments on bigger loans with ,What you would be paying elsewhere. HFC's smaller monthly payglents• fit your budget better. BANKABLE SECU ITY ' NOT REQUIRED financial insti- tutions, HFC requires no bankable security. ' ▪ 110 ,,a 1 a. OFFICES OPEN LATER, • LONGER, OFTENER, HFC people work . by your clock to serve you better. ADDITIONAL CASH AVAILABLE At an HFC customer, you may arrange for extra cash at any time—even though you owe a balance. NO HIDDEN FEES, OR CHARGES At Household, there are no hidden'extras" on any loan repciid according to schedule, You know—in ad- vance—exactly what you will pay. LIFE INSURANCE ON YOUR LOAN Low group rate. No medi- cal examination. No age limit. , "FASTEST LOAN SERVICE , IN CANADA" Household Finance pricies itself' -on giving the fastest loan service available any- where. in the Dominion. INCOME INT-ERRUPTED4° If you can't make a pay- ment, you' get helpfulness and understanding. „Every day, HFC cheerfully re- arranges payments for folks who are temporarily Unable to pay on schedule, • SMALLER LOANS, TOO Whether you borrow $50 :.. $100 ... 4500 ... or more, you flet the same prompt, understanding service that's made HFC ,Canada's most recom- 'mend"ed instalment cash Moan company: BACKED flY• 81 YEARS 4 OF EXPERIENCE Unlike most lending institu- tions, HFC's only business is &nuking instalment cash Jeans. That's why ,HFC is best equipped to servo your immediate wants and needs. a Surprisingly low payments! Take up tch 36 months to repay HFC's bigger baps!! Available now! HFC's new bigger loans let you borrow up to $2500 cash and take Up to three whole years to 'repay. This new service is another example of how HFC people understand the.needs of • ne modern families. You'll find the same considerate under- standing when you first arrange a-l:oan .. , and when you need additional money or time -to repay. Understanding- Ahat's the .„ big difference you notice at HFC. No wonder more; people borrow at Household 1":. How much do you need? Every day HF'C makes. then - sands of loans to help pepple buy things they need, make' home improvements, consoli- date bills, payp taxes. ..dee pay- ment table for amount you need. You can choose from a wide variety of loan amounts and • repayment plans. For prompt service, phone or drop in at your local HFC office to- day. Finance each year than from any .,other company of its kind. It's Canada's largest and most recommended company specializ- ing in making, instalment cash loans. For fast, courteous service on a loan- - large or small—phone or visit HFC today. Yqu'll like the warm, friendly atmosphere , .. the smoothness and speed of HFC's ex-' perienced "staff ... the wide choice of sensi- ble repayment plans that fit your budget. You'll wonder why you never came to HFC before. AMOUNT " OF LOAN MONTHLY 36 MONTHS PAYMEN`I`'PLANS .030 MONTHS 20, MONTHS 12 MONTHS " $ 100 $:..--)- $ ...-1,- $ 6.11 '$ 9.45 500 ...- - ...->- 30.01 46.72 1,000 I ...-0- 41.45. "58.10 91.55 1600 ...4- 66.62- 93.19. 146.68 2000 72.30 - - 83.27 116.49 163.35 ,2200 79.53 91;60 128.14 201.69 ` 2500 90.38 104.9 145.61 229.19 Above payments Include principal and lbterest, and are based on•prompt repayment, but clp not Include the cost of Ute Insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Ai. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street ' GODERICH Telephone 1501 CANADA'S LARGEST AND MOST RECOMMENDED COMPANY SPECIALIZING -IN INSTALMENT CASH LOANS gaFew dlw II risk their he r lir,+ ihood . • u4 • 1:4 oarg wiabtrbtgCd hidit 4othiechileW drubhall Seesn may be found anywhere .in..the cor- poration; trans ,`they board el direc- tors down tfi the girls at the switch,-. board. A:i loge public -supported bodies are equally lly • n inflicted. , its When Mr, Davidson Dunton was the mother of this unwieldy, prec- oclous and sometimes embarrass- ing. family; everything ran, if not like clockwork, at least as smoothly es.a. Maw Kettle movie. Ho encour- aged the bright ones, covered up, for the backward ones, and mac - aged to keep meat on the table by presenting a sturdy front and ready tongue whenever his ' .eniployer- landlord. called for a' reckoning:.:.. * * * • His successors have not been as' able apparently, because the bright' •children are staging a tantrum, and the slow ones ' are drooling badly. The result is a delightful fracas,- the second in a row that has been staged in the middle of the .Queen's visit by those weirdies who populate our• home-grown broadcasting and television mon- ster. * *8, If the' claims • of the• resigning producers are tr0e-that there has been political pressure brought to .bear on certain 'sensitive portions of the monster's anatomy—let us have the facts and have them' smartly. If they are not true, and the producers are merely being temperamental, their resignations should be accepted and .the whole ,joint closed down for the summer. * * * ' A couple of months without the CBC would be good for everybody. Pt would be better than medicine fo the TV addicts. Some of them might even kick the habit. It would reveal the poverty of the private stations, if they had no CBC programmes to . flavor the slop they serve. It would give the culture vultures of the CBC a chance ,to coal clown and realize that, outside the palisades, they are no longer unappreciated 'gen- ius, but merely people out of a job,'.'wit;'h the bt11s-pilltrg * * * That's\ probably the best solu- .tion: a CBC -less summer. By the end of Augusty'even the pgliticians might be missing the good old. -.Jarvis S ebelw• .alt enforced holiday would save a few millions in taxes. Families would get to know each 'other again. There ,would be an .upswing in the nation- al health as people stopped watch- ing these cruddy late movies and, got some sleep. Even the teen- agers might be so sickened of rock-and-roll and cowboy "music" they'd be ready for something. in- telligent. * * a4 - But let me make one thing clear. If the OBC board of directors- de-cides to accept my suggestion, and shut up shop for the summer, I want them to get their noses to the wheel and be ready to swing back into full operation in Sep- tember. * * * ,. The CBC can, and does, make a bollix of a lot of things, but this would be a sorry country if the corporation folded, and our nation. al entertainment' and educational' programmes emanated from those purveyors *of pap, the private stations. * * * Over the years, the° OBC has given us a lot of claptrap. But it has also provided us with a lot of stimulating, intelligent program- mes, and some first-rate entertain- ment. A` good proportion of . its stuff is superior, to British or U.S, radio and television. And all, this on a comparatively miserly budget. * * * So come back, boys and girls. All is forgiven:- You- give us a pain in the ;Wm at times, but we .couldn't get along without you. We won't let those .„politicians 'push you around. After all, they work for us, too. BOYS' APPRECIATION In a surprise presentation at Victoria Public School on Friday morning, Constable floss Crawford and Councillor William Taylor were given sport, shirts by the school patrol boys for their leader- ship throughout the year in organ - and instructing the school boy patrol. , A ' Signal -Star ad brings quick results. Po I. deo ron 1s According, to the latest' figures from the office of County ,Assessor • A. Alexander, . the population of Huron County is steadily intreas- ing. The present pop .. "on (not includingthe air stations is 47,201, an• increase 'Of 1,411. over last year's .y}Tr .Airs i8 PAGESEMI i total' of 47,020.The largest factoor thin rise is the to yf.o 33 t hu kat . aU 6,01&1, as 'compared to tai year'il total of 0,785. G., The 't . obipsi . owever rie'T :f r a decrease. �T;;� . ��` for example, de. eased by ,200 P.el'sfs and most other 'townships).showed a similar fall.. Wingiiam Ole only town ' to suffer A . decrpease, from 2,790 to 2,6777,whileto? such as Clinton rose sl'ig'htly over year. Evinrude Outboard Motors Aluminum, Plywood, "Steel Boats — .SALES AND .RENTALS - - SPORTING GOODS AND LIVE BART — • BOAT AND MOTOR ANPAIRS AND' AMBUSHING: --- BOATS FIBRB+GLASSED — HACK'S MARINE AT THE HARBOUR PHONE 11581 -21-31 USINESS CHANE ANNOUNCEMEN Having taken' over the ownership of CLUB GRILL, KINGSTON' STREET, �'. �_ _ •- .. __.. __. fine_ .. effective Jul 5th, I solicit a continuance of the patronage enjoyed by my predecessor, J. C. Banter. , In the catering -business for • 25 years, I feel ,I can --give-the-patrons Chtb Grill the same find and service they have enjoyed in the past. Club Grill will be open seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. It will be a pleasure to serve you. Tom , Bidner. -26-27 Real Estate- For Sale DANCE HALL AND SNACK BAR "21 CLUB" . on Highway 21, two miles south of Goderich. Would make suitable sales barn or service station. Will consider taking house or fat m in exchange. Low down payment and easy terms. Also farms, businesses, small holdings with smallacreage, hotels, restaurants, grocery stores; garages and service stations. ry FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS CONTACT Menno' Ho fele', PHONE 67, HARRISTON Warren 1: Stevenson REAL ESTATE , Phone 325 Mount Forest -26-27-28 BUY- 41;ib !bIueJc��I p.. AT LOW SUMMER PRICES! EASY BUDGET PLAN. Now,is the money.$avifg 'time to fill your bin with famous, slow -burning, long-lasting 'blue coal'. Small, down payment protects you.,Use our conveni6nt budget plan. Ordertoday and Save. at your service c THE EDWARD COAL ;CO... 202 ANGLESEA ST, GODERICH PHONE 98. PRICES DOWN—SAVINGS UP ON 'blu coal -4„ u"