HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1959-07-02, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1959 THE GODER!CHSIG(, . =ST. R Promotions �nndanced t Goderich Collegiate: The corridors of Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute were a mass of swirling, excited students on Friday afternoon as they came to see promotion results posted up. Principal. A. R. Scott has an- nounced promotions for grades nine, ten, eleven and twelve and. the graduates of the special com- mercial coarse. The names appear in alphabetic - order. Where a subject ap- 1 rs in brackets after any name, special permisjsion must be obtain- ed before th 4 subject is continued in a higher grade: Marks of those failing have already been mailed to students. Winners of scholarships are as follows: Veterans' Memorial, grade nine, 1st, Margje Koopmans, 2nd, Bonnie Allen; Peter Adamson Memorial, grade ten, Wayne . Fea, gan; McKim Memorial, grade 11, Carol Hindmarsh; -Peter Adamson Memorial, grade 12, Diane Lerman.* Detailed results are: .. Grade Nine fo ,Grade Ten Dwight Aldham, Barbara Alex- ander, . Bonnie Allen, Eleanor Al- ton, Martin Buechler (Math), Shar- ron Baechler, Lenord Bakelaar, Robert Ball, Delmer. l3d'dard, Nor- man Bell, Tom Berry (English), Mary Helen- Blake, Melvin Blundell (English), Nancy Boyce, James Bones William Bradley', Ruth Brindley, . Sharon Burgess (Math), Evelyn Cantwell (Ag. Science), Sherrill Carr, Ross Carter (Eng- lish, . French), Betty Clements, Bill Clements, Mary Lou Collinson, Sandra Jean ,Collyer, Lynne Com- rie, Shirley Cook (Math),- James -Caacknell, Lynda a Craw ford , Dick- son Cummings,. Donald Currell (Math, Frehch), Joan Davis, -David Dawson;. (Karen Dawson, Klaas de Groot,' Annette Dickson, I;vonne Drennan, 'Dennis D:u a 1 w o r t h, ,George ' Durnin; ,Barlbara Djarst, Barbara Ellis, John Everett, Sand"rr,,� Fenner, Stanley Fenner, Douglas' Fisher, Lynda Foster; .S irley Fowl- er (Soc. •Studies, Ag. Sc.), Joseph Fritzley, Ethel.Fuller, Terry Grif- fiths, Norma Hamilton, Ivan Harris, Edward Harrison (Ag. Science, Shop), Michael - Helesic (Math, French), Donna Henry (Math, French), Susan Hindmarsh, Cheryl, Anne Holtzman, Ronald Honiuth; Everett Horton, Roberta Huckins, Martin Hurst, Philip Jeffrey, San - 0 AT THE PARK t GODERICH PHONE 1150 Now Playing—July 2-3-4.- LANA TURNER, In Fannie .Hurst's„ ° "Imitation of Life." In Cinemascope and De Luxe -Qolor with John Gavin. Mon -Tues. &Wed: --July d Clifton Webb, Dorothy McGuire an$l. Charles Coburn You will love this hilarious tale of the Pennypaeker family in " their 1890 small town of Harrisburg, Pa. `T -he Remarkable lir. Pennypacker' Thurs-Fri. & Sat.—July 9-10.11. Alan Ladd, .Katy Jurado, Ernest Borgnine and Claire Kelly A minero.... g), a ,. re eased Trom".apt-Arizon�.rYhain _gang,wrtias{er--- mindsnew and colorful crime. 46 le EADLAN►ERS" 'Scope and Color„ Coming= "GREEN MANSIONS"—Audrey Hepburn and Tony Perkins. And later on, watch for—"South Pacific." dra Jewell, Beverley Johnston, Audrey Jongejan, Barry Kinahan, Margje Koopmans, George 'Laith- waite, Peggy ILinklater, Gail Lock- hart, • Norman Lockhart,. "Rannie MacDonald (Math), John My i they, .Shirley McCullough, George McDonald, Bernice McDougall, Patricia Mcllwain, Alex Mackenzie, Donald Mallough, Edward Martin Diane Morris, Kathy Naftel, Davit Neyil'lg, Mary Lou O'Dwgert Nancy Peers; Helen—Peterson, Carol tt- man, James Pfriihmer, Gar"nett Picot, Garth Picot, Jennifer' Prest, Barry, Prouse, Norman Redford (Soc. Studies, Math), , Allen n Reid, Bud Robinson,John Rs, Wayne Rumig, Heidi Schniidt, Geraldine Sherratt, Neta Sherwood, Vernon Skeoch (Ag. Science, Math), June Slater, Rudy Snyder, Barry Sower - by, . Bryan 'Spiegelberg, Darlene Stoddart, Dolores Taman, Barbara Taylor, Colby Terpstra, John Treble (English), ' Dorothy Walf, tpp Walker, John Walter; Barbara Wit- son, Gerald White, Shirley Wilkin- son (Math), Judith Witmer, Peggy Young, Terry Young, Terry Zoeth- out. " Grade Ten to Grade. Eleven Joan Alexander (Ag. Science, Math), Betty Allen, Garry Allin, Barbara Allison, Pauline Anderson (Latin), Kathlene Andrews, June Baechler, Marinus, Bakker, Donna Beechey, William Bettger, Marie Black, Lynda Blakp, James -Bridle, (Latin), Mary Brindley, William Brindley (Soc. Studies, French), Sheila Brown, Shif"ley Brown (Latin), , Doreen •Bu`chanan, Paul Carroll, Joyce Chamhers, Gunnar Christensen, Carolyn Clark, Doug- ias:.Cla'rk,- Linda Cunningham, Alice Dalton, Donna Dockstader, Rena Dragstra, Mary . Lou. Drennan Math), Ruth Durnin, John Ervine, Donald Feagan,Wayne Feagan, Donna Gardner (Math), Mary God- dard, David Gower, Ronald Hallam (Math), .Carolyn Harnack, Pauline _);cnderson,- Donna HO 11-z m a n, Eunice Hoy, Joan Huckins, 'Beaky Johnston, John Kinkead, Brian Lewis, Judy Linklater (Home Ec.), Bruce MacDonald, Connie MacDon- _ald,..,-:Donald.. Mc,Cor_I?I],•_Sllirley, McCowan, Peter IMclver (Math), Sandra McLean (Latin), Jamesc-Mc- Whinney, Shirley . Ma1loligh, Joyce Matthews, Audrey Mitchell, Joyce Mugford, Judy ' (Murphy, Diana Neville, Donna Opfer, Carol Pent- land (Ag. Sc.), Ellen Pickell, April Pridmore, Robert Proctor, Carol Real, Blair Redmond, 1Vlargaret Anne Rees, Andrew Riehl, Barry Pces Third Reaaing the nieWbers of the,, .GOderich Lions Club who took 4 "part in theinternlationai Liohs Club convention parade at Windsor receritiyi. was the Goderich ,Legion Pipe Band. Now the Goderich Lions Club has ibeerr informJ ",ed -by Ouellette, Windsor, parade chairman, that the Goderich band placed third in the Pipe Band Competition. ` For this, a cheque for 25 has been for:. warded to the. Lions Club. -low f40 be (*ilk -BANK-OF MONTREAL 7 anti' Finance-, Ian, ,4,.. a ... rw acfcr,.x:s: ax. Brings all your personal credit needs), under one roof with a low-cost B of M life -insured loan ----- •" ""..fW�fiGf• rt Now all your personal credit needs can be fitted into one single comprehensive plan - the Bank of Montreal Family , Finance .Plan. Purchases for the 'home and . family... expensesfor school, college and vacation ... unexpected emergency bills ...all these can be taken care of on' a single -monthly -payment basis. - Here are four good reasons why - whether married or single - your crcdi.t=financi-ing should be on the low- cost terms of the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan: . 1 a- - w, 0 You can borrow up : to $3,500, de- pending an your 'income, to buy the Wings you want for your home and family, of to meet emergencies. 0 All loans aro automatieclly life - insured. Shosuld you die before your than is repaid, your debt to the Ban),: Will be cancelled. Monthly, repayments ran be ex- tended up to two years - or or even three, if recd bo. This means that the Plan can be tailored to suit any salary. -- , If you have -a steady income and can make monthly loan -repayments with- out hardship; there's money available to ydif at the B of M to serve almost -any useful purpose. Whether you arc a B of M customer or not, talk to the people at yotti' pcighbour- hood branch ... a warm welcome awaits you. Ask for a copy 7, VoanCO of our folder. ., C,,9 t'lanned repayments help you run yc•.r iUcorne - instead of letting 'it run you. BANK OF MONTREAL e44f dad' 9c 6444 Goderich Branch: BEN CORLESS, Manager s WORKINGS WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK t:SP LIFO SINCE 1917 Rbegele, Beverley• Scruton, Patricia Simps on, Lloyd d Skeo ch (Latin), , .Kathlene Smyth, Grant Sowerby, Lois Stanbury; .James Stephens, William Stiles, William Straughan, Wayne' Treitz, Brian Turner, Jack Van der Meer, Johanna Van Oenen, Willemina Van Oenen, Gar t h Walden, Paul Walmarl$, Edward Walzak, Mary . Warner, 'Richard Watson, Rosemary Wilcox, Lawr- ence Wilson, Anthony Winter. .Grade Eleven to Grade Twelve Catherine Anderson, Steven Argyle (History, Geometry), Paul Baechler (English, Geometry), Mary Blackstone, Patricia Boutilier, Bar- bara Brindley, . Kaaren Brindley, Gwen Brown, Jane Carter (Geom- etry), Robert Chamney (Ag. Sc., Geometry), Jack dements, Stanley Connelly, Sandra Cooper, Mollie Anne Donaldson, Joseph Drennan, Patricia Drennan (Geometry), Betty Durnin (Geometry), Nancy Ellwood, Knox.. Honors Its Retrmg organist The Chancel Choir of KnQx Pres- byterian., Church 'held a supper" on, Thursday, June 25th, to bid a form- al farewell to Mr. W. H. Bishop, A.R.C.M., who is retiring as organist of Knox Church at the end of June, after Y0% years service. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop plan to remain in Goderich following his retirement. presiding at the organ on Sunday, June 28th, Mr. Bishop completed 62 years of ser- vice as a church .organist without a Sunday off for siekneps. Ile has had an interesting and eventful life and has been associated with many famous people. At the age of nine he had the honor of performing be- fore the Si n •o Sin and since, then many other such, - privileges have been his. Attending the dinner in honor of, 'Mr. and Mrs, ,,Bishop were, the Itev. and (Mrs. R. G. MacMillan, members of the Ohancel Choir, and representatives of the Kirk Ses- sion, the Board of Management and the Men's •Ciu'b. Mr. L. R. Hyde led. the gathering in a sing- song of old favorites. Gifts were presented by Mr. G. Lodge on be- half of the Chancel Choir; Mr. L. R. Hyde, chairman of the Session Music Committee, and Mr. John, .Schaefer, chairman of the" "Beard of Management, on behalf of the congregation, and Mr. Wm. Asher on behalf • of the Men's Club. On Sunday morning, prior to the Barbara Eustace, Betty Farrish, 9.30 service,. the Junior Choir pre" Eileen Fellows (_Geornetry),, Sandra sented Mr. Bishop' with--a--pen---and Finnigan, Christopher F r a n t s i pencil .set as a token of appreci- (Geom., ' Latin), Percy Garrick ation for his work with them, Sylvia Giltbeet, Margo Grange, Robert Hallam, John Hamilton, Elizabeth Harley (Algebra), Carol. ° Hindmarsh, Nancy Hughes, Marilyn Local CYO ,Host James, Jane Lassaline (Geometry), Jerry Linfield,' 'G'ail Lockhart; TQo'..5tj'atf ord iter ., James Lodge, • Rose Marie Lutz, Janet MacKay (History, Geometry); Judy MacKay (Geom.), Phyllis Mc- Cowan, Diana McLean (,Ag, Sc., Geom.), Susan McLean, Gerald 'Mc- Michael, Donald McWhinney, James Magie,, Patricia.: Martin, Karin Mueller, Heather.-•..-Ann•r-Muir,- Pat 'Murphy, Judy Naftel, Marlene O'Reilly (Geometry), Jo Parsons, Irene Pfrimmer, Ernest Pinder, Sylvia via ow el1, Joanne Rapsonso n Ag . .c ;-,,, ...,,G-orinne-:Redmond,. Glen Ribey, Lawrence .Ribey (Eng., History), Nancy Schutz, Patricia Stoddart, Chrystal Straughan, Mar- ion Sutherland, Dianne Taylor (Geom., Home Ec.), John Terpstra, Diane Vanderburgh, Michael' Vroo- man, Charles Wain, Sheila Wal- mark,Robert Watson, Douglas Wilson (XII French),, Mary Wilson, Carolyn Wood, John Wright (Geom,, French), Donald .Young History)_ _ c Grade Twelve to Gr�ad'e-Thirteen' Ronald Allin (French), Audrey Allison, William Anderson, Lawr- ence Black, James Blake, Sandra Bradley, Wayne Drown, Marion Currell, . Frances Curry, Maurice Dalton, Eleanor Durst, Douglas Feagan, Mary Hay, Fred Israels, Diane Lierman, Margaret McDon- ald, Briane McLan (Latin), Donna McNee, Anne Mackenzie, Karen .Mallough, . Judy Mathers, John Morris, Jeannine Munnoch, Sharon Peachey, Eleanor Picot, Lbrna Pratt (Ag. Science), Patricia Pre - vett, Karl Schmidt, Olive Shields, David Spring, Mae Stewart, Richard Stewart, Gary Stoddart .(French), William Sturdy, Margaret Terpstra,. Jerry Weaver, ' Paul Wilson, Joan Young. Graduated from 'Special Commer- cial - Sandra Cowley, IVttartha de Groot, William Fritzley, Helen Fuller, Wil- liam Gardner, Barkley Spiegelberg, Mary Lou 'Stirling, Roy Straughan, Nadine Venn, Ronald -Williamson. The newly. -formed' Go deri,ch branch of the Catholic Youth Or- ganization• was host,,!, on Sunday afternoon to members of the Strat- ford 'branch. Some 80 teen-agers from the two branches proceeded 'from Goderich, •--to Kingsbridge, where they went swimming, ate, a .box supper and danced until dark. Then all proceeded back to the,, !beach for a wiener • roast, not e o 0 daunted .._ _the least; by the ..threats. 0 4!� eOA O®00000 O aT' rain: One of the most popular features of the evening was the hay -ride, to and from the beach, provided by the Kingsbridge mem- ,bers of the Goderich branch of CYO. Goderich • members had visited in,Stratford-soon after they firat organized in April. • ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Great Changes In Spiritual Climate Today, St George's Speaker Says` "There have .been iso greater chail''aI'nywhere than . in *- spiritual climate -of modern so- ciety," Canon J. Barton Thomas said in a sermon at St. George's Church ,Sunday. "Tide spirit of the 20th century," he asserted, "is that of vision after 'vision- fading, remedy after remedy failing, total, war, total cons•criptioh -- all the king'ss hdres and king's t s men rush- ing to the rescue and frantically, picking up the pieces all in vain," "All the changes and conveni- ences and innumeral gadgets," he' said, "seem to •have made our lives easier and our characters weaker. Life, has becomeless and less rural and so less and less natural. It is not more blueprints we need; we have had enough, from Ver- sailles to Geneva. What is wanted is a visign such as Saul discovered, on the road to Damascus ---a vision that will get solnewhere because it starts somewhere, begins with re- ligions eonvicti'oli and goes on and heard` the call from Macedonia. -. "To .get ' right with God is the first -great commandment. To ex- pect such a change in human na- ture might be a tremendous act of faith, but to expect any change in human society without it is sheer lunacy. There is no use tampering with the (tarts,: large,.... small, of our secular society, as our 'leaders are still doing. As one wise man put it, no readjustment of bad, eggs will ever make a good omelette. It is not more govern- ment edicts and orders in council and legislation and planning we *need- it- is •'internal regenera tiOrs And a fresh shining vision of God, - ,"Hear the cry of Moses, long ago: ,Stand still and see the salv- ation of Four. God.' Hear the grac- ious invitation of the Master: 1 'Come unto me all ye -that labor and are heavy laden and 1 will rPfresit b`u.' .. ' ex:c. L s.tYand,'.' said• Martin Luther; `I can do no other.' We need a fresh vision and new, resolution, a renaissance of• the spirit of (man. They tell us, the atom is ttie-greatest' 5 -fa- world; it is, save one, the human soul.' As we look toward the fu; ture, proud of the past, we must raise our sights. It all depends on what we are aiming at." Dr. Thomas,. rectoof f Bis ho p Cronyn Memorial Church, Lonom and former e •of John's rector St Cathedral, Winnipeg, came to Huron diocese'' • a year and a -half ago. He ' said` to St. George's: "This is the most beautiful church I have yet seen in Western On- tario or the Diocese of -Huron. ;It can compare with any, I am sure, across the country. In the West a '75th anniversary is not often reached, and a htmdredth annivers- ary is very rare, but here you have 125 years or more. You have a rich heritage here, and may well thank God, as you do in this ser- vice today."." The service was in charge of the rector, Rev.' Kenneth E. Taylor, lo.D., who extended, to Canon Thomas a warm welcome from the HOTIL IOWNTOWN AT NINO no YORK STS. Specializing in service to salesmen Ind executives. Fre. 5 channel T.V., air conditioned. sound Insw NNW rooms. Quiet.'Iuxuty. Rotes Frons $7.00. 3.3 7 Spackle* Sample rooms IVIRTTHIIO 141W1 loft th•loc.tlse X. HELD, MANAGER. For Reservations Wire 'Collect 0 MEMBER Ns4, -. i, MacEwan "Insurance Agency , .. G YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL, o4 SERV CE !. yrs' ,ti' ' ``P 44 NORTH ST. PHONE 230 ASS0 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT mumemilmmow SUNSET DRIVE-INTHEATRE 11/4 Miles East of Goderich' on No. 8 Highway THURSDAY, FRIDAY "LOVE ME TENDER" CARTOON Elvis' Presley, Debra Paget • (C I N EMASCOPE ) JULY 2-3 .....iMv COMEDY SATURDAY ONLY "SASKATCHEWAN" Allan Ladd, Shelly Winters (Color) — 2ND BIG FEATURE -- "BACK TO GOD'S COUNTRY" Rock Hudson, Marcia Henderson , (Color) -- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JULY 4 "PEYTON PLACE" Lana Turner, Arthur Kennedy (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) PLUS ADDED SHORTS — Due to the length of this feature there will ,be one show each night "t starting at 9.45. The feature4vill .,start at 10.50. JULY 617-8 B0)(- OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK: CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE PLAY GROUND REFRESHMENTS • Promise hip .you'll send his clothes to us regularly. Impeccable grooming is a big asset to his career—business and social. See `that his suits and coats get the BEST of care with our modern, thorough methods! 4' GODERICrH DRY CLEANERS O } WESTST. 04.6122 C.R.LC'WERY, PROP. 0000eosoevoeeeseeommoee 1 congregation, . vittrdoftg and, WAWA Anniversary ' off erio s • weZ!e to ii .devoted td the a "" , e $44 pravement of the cure alorxc, BREA141N Godexiekt inv txgating , a break-in at Maitland Gelf G1i*i oh Thursday night. Chief Fired. Minshall said, that rh a bur gRilaryu4 been discovered ea y Friday irig and the only things discovered: -weer 'e ae3fiages' of cigar es. - .magatifi. 1w.i Denornme FLOWER SHOP Phone • • • Agent for 24 -hr. • FILM DEVELOPING' ' -20tf 198 DAY or.. NIGHT biDxcu KNOIAL? Your money adds up fast in the credit union! If You Ih 5 Years In 10 Years Save You'll Have ., ` You'll Have $ 1 per week $ 282 $ 624 $ 3 per week $ ' 845 $1,873 $ 5 per week $1,408 $3,1.22 $10 per week $2,816 a .,.,6,243 This 'includes annual ,dividends on your savings figured at 4%, the cur- 4ent rate- µY ur -sari gs.-a're mat .hed dollar for dollar in case of your death. 4:2ti' ,o-4'/ / f/ ``/`��•~/ C.'P N Goderid, Comniumty CiediLUniOn (In Bedford Hotel Building) 27 SOUTH STREET PHONE 184 GODERICH, BRANCH 109 CANADIAN ' LEGION. DECORATION- DAY SERVICE Veterans Memoral Park, •r Maitland' Cemetery SUNDAY, JULY 5th, 1.959 At 2.30 p.m. The Public are cordially invited to attend. Legion Members and Veterans meet at Leg -ion Hall at 1:45 p.m. In event of rain will be postponed until Sunday, July 12th, 1959. Space donated by Comrade Ed. Stiles. , -27 A COOL COMFORTABLE PLACE TO SHOP- -- .-.,,,..,.,.,,. ;h9iwtra , . --, THE. NEW •DRAPERY SENSATION: WASHABLEby .hand or machine NO SHRINKING OR STRETCHING SUNLIGHT RESISTANT ,-.• :'.':+d�''d'•i5.'.1'+4.t ..... .,3s.,,;., ' .-a... .,.._-,._.,,,. , WILL DRY QUICKLY .x f LINING NOT REQUIRED , 2, .- y , WILL $ DRAPE BEAUTIFULLY 46 INCHES WIDE�*. , . WE MEASURE, MAKE AND , INSTALL YOUR DRAPES, ,WINDOW RODS, .BAMBOO CURTAINS and VENETIAN BLINDS, ' F. E. HIBBERT • • SON Phone 86 . s - Goderich'..;, . y_ , R •, ' E , ,